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Sciutto in for jake tapper. Holiday week ends are supposed to be easy for president ial candidates. Smiling photo ops in front. Billowing american flags. Baby kissing and barbecuing. Hillary clinton and donald trump are facing controversies of their own making. Trump for what could generously be called an unforced error and clinton for a 3 1 2 hour closed door meeting with the fbi. As investigators still trying to determine if clinton broke the law when using a private email server during her tenure as secretary of state. Tara murray is here with me and sarah the Trump Campaign would be happier talking about the vp choices or maybe Hillary Clintons fbi interview. But of course they are talking about another controversial tweet. This should be an excellent media cycle. A moment to focus on Hillary Clintons emails, to focus on her sitting down with the fbi. Instead donald trump fired off yet another tweet thats gotten him into trouble an today, he is standing by it. Today donald trump is standing by this tweet that ignited a fire storm. Trump blasted out the graphic tweeting Hillary Clinton is the most corrupt candidate ever, over a sixpointed star and dollar bills. It appeared ten days earlier on a white supremacist message board. But the presumptive gop nominee is making no apology. Saying the media is trying their absolute best to depict the star in a tweet a star of david rather than a sheriffs star or plain star. But that doesnt explain why amid the brewing backlash the campaign deleted the tweet replacing it with this image trying to cover the star with a circle. Some are seizing on it as a sign of a troubling pattern. Now it is hard to call it anything other than pattern and a pattern that to us is perplexing, troubling, and we think wrong. And the clinton camp has it piling on. Saying the plablatant image wou be disturbing enough but the fact that it is pattern should give voters major cause for concern. Trumps allies quickly sprang to his defense. The same star sheriff departments use to represent law enforcement. But not the first time trump fired off tweets with the undertones, retweeting apparent neonazi supporters. And blasting out inaccurate and racially charged crime statistics. And criticism after failing to denounce White Nationalist david duke in this interview with jake tapper. Okay, im just talking about david duke and the ku klux klan here. Honestly, i didnt know david duke. I dont believe ive ever met him. Im pretty sure i didnt meet him and i just dont know anything about him. Trump is looking to change the conversation. Tweeting his pleasure at meeting indiana governor mike pence this weekend and meeting with joni ernst today. Now how this appeared on the message board ended up on Donald Trumps twitter feed, i reached out to a number of people in the communication shop and highest levels of the campaign for an explanation. Repeatedly so far ive not heard back. Brooke, thanks for taking the time this morning snpz good to be here, jim. Happy fourth. Happy fourth to you as well. You spoke with my colleague this morning and about it tweet you said that mr. Trump did not send the tweet about the star of david, it was a campaign staff. I want to show you other tweets m mr. Trumps feed that came just before and just after. This came at 7 55. The speakers slots at the Republican Convention are totally filled. With a long waiting list of those that want to speak. And this came several minutes after, tweeting the latest poll there. Did mr. Trump send that tweet just before talking about campaign slots . I dont know which ones he sends and doesnt send. The campaign sends these tweets out. We are responsible for these tweets. And we sent the one out about hillary being the most corrupt candidate ever, which we believe she is. Her interview with the fbi showed that. As you know, twitter is not just a thing but a primary form of communication for donald trump. Totally. In particular. Are the tweets vetted before they go out . Is the information in them, quotes in them et cetera vetted before they go out . There is a process we have to make sure that the tweets are reflective of what the Campaign Want to be said. So are you saying in this one, did the process not work . The reaction was not something totally expected. The star is a star which is used on sheriff badges around the country. Not every sixside star is a star of david. We corrected that quickly. It is not just the shape of the star. It is a star, it is over money. And it makes the allegation that she is the most corrupt candidate ever. And to be fair, and cnn did its own reporting on this, that particular image originated on a neonazi chat room and also tweeted out by a neonazi supporter. We looked for other sources of it. It wasnt just floating around on twitter in a you this different places. It was in those two places, which presumes if it was a Trump Campaign staffer who did it, that trump staffer would have had to seek it out. Go to a chat room or follow a neonazi twitter. There are many ways it is shared jn line. Not just publicly. There are other ways they get shared. Who knows how this came to our attention. And i dont know. What i do know is that there is nothing antisemitic about our campaign. Certainly nothing antisemitic about mr. Trump. We were more than cautious because not every sixsided star is a star of david. You took the correct action. It was deleted and another one put out. Presumed when someone deletes something, it resumes they acknowledge they made a mistake. Delete and replacing, we could argue about no, it is it is not semantics, it was deleted. And a new one put up. So lets talk about it because folks at home wouldnt be unreasonable to see pattern here. This is not the first time that a statement or tweet or sharing on social media has offended, has been received as offensive by a number of groups. And lets just run through a couple of them. For one, donald trump has retweeted in the past tweets by a user on twitter called White Genocide tm, or trade mark. I want to put his account up there. Can you guess what is behind the blurred f there, get the f out of my country. There are comments characterizing mexican immigrants as murderers. They feel his comments about the muslim ban are full of guilt. We have a presumption of innocence here in america. What do you say about the pattern here . Deliberate attempt to appeal to, we are not saying donald trump has these bigoted feelings, but voters with bigoted feelings. What we are trying to do and what mr. Trumps campaign is about is trying to protect america and make America Great again and put america first. That means he is going to ban immigration from countries that promote terrorism. We are going to do that. That means we are going to try to build a wall and protect our borders, were going to do that. So those his opponents are trying to fake focus afr the policies and put them on other topics. Not just democrats pointing this out. Members of the Republican Party who have criticized and Lindsey Graham criticizing muslim ban and others who deliberately arent going to the convention because they are uncomfortable with not just individual statements like this but the pattern. So it is not just coming from the democratic elite. Our opponents arent our opponents were running against washington. A washington that hasnt been able to get anything done and we want to try to make those changes. People feel threatened and try to put their own positions forward. Does donald trump believe this tweet was a mistake . I dont know. I think he believes the underlying thought behind the tweet that mrs. Clinton was corrupt candidate ever is certainly true. Let me ask about this. Because when you look at numbers, lets look purely at numbers here and donald trump is running a campaign, and there is, lets be fair, there is a history of what used to be called dog whistle politics. Subtle statements made almost to be code language to certain elements of the voting block. Things that, you know, subtle statements and in support of racism. You can say some of these can get rid of the dog whistle and good straight for the bull horn here. But what do you say to voters who suspect this is a deliberate attempt to appeal to those voters for political gain in the fall . That they are flat out wrong and should look at substance of what was tried to get done and do to make america safe again. Why then not a quicker if it is hog wash, why not a quick statement on this to say, you know what, that was a mistake. That is hog wash. Just as we saw it. If you look back and speaking about patterns because there has been a pattern in a slow disevow of these things, you remember david duke, my colleague jake tapper interviewed them on sunday. You saw the quote on the piece there, and it wasnt until thursday, four days later, that the candidate donald trump, unequivocally said i totally disavow. Unequivocally said. I dont know why it took so long but the fact of matter is, they had to denounce david duke and his followers and beliefs. Just a final question for you. Sure. Youve add long time in the Republican Party. We are talking about going back i got gray hair. We go back to the 70s. Have you ever worked with a candidate who pushed the limit with these comments before . Do you think it is a good idea . I think americans are frustrated right now. They clearly want someone who is willing to stand up and change, be one to change washington. I think that showed in the Sanders Campaign on the democratic side and how mr. Trump won the republican nomination. Lets talk about vice president. Meeting yesterday with governor pence and tweeted he had a good conversation with lihim. He is meeting with joni ernst. What is he talking about as he makes that choice. Number one, who would be a good president should something happen to him. And second, who could be his partner in making the changes in america and in washington today. Does he have a lean today . I dont know. I think he is going through the spro process. He is taking it seriously. He will make his decision between now and the convention when he is comfortable with that person being his running mate. Thank you for taking the time and ou questions, ed brookover. Ou questions, ed brookover. Uou questions, ed brookover. Rou questions, ed brookover. Questions, ed brookover. Gentlemen, how does a graphic from a graphic board work its way in a strategy. Think of your answer it that question. Hold that thought. Well be right back after this break with their answers. [burke] at farmers, weve seen almost everything, so we know how to cover almost anything. Even a romantic rodent. [rickie] a romantic what . [squeaking noises] im a sucker for proposals. And we covered it, april twentysixth, 2014. Talk to farmers. We know a thing or two because weve seen a thing or two. We are farmers. Bumpadum, bumbumbumbum kelloggs® frosted 8 layers of wheat. And one thats sweet. For the adult and kid in all of us. Kelloggs frosted miniwheats® feed your inner kidult thisproof of less joint pain and clearer skin. This is my body of proof that i can fight Psoriatic Arthritis with humira. Humira works by targeting and helping to block a specific source of inflammation that contributes to both joint and skin symptoms. Its proven to help relieve pain, stop further joint damage, and clear skin in many adults. Humira is the number 1 prescribed biologic for Psoriatic Arthritis. 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Danny if i can begin with you, you hear ed brookover talking about the tweet perceived as antisemitic, the star of david, him saying with, listen, this is just a sheriff star. We heard the campaign say before, oh, it is innocent. Do you buy it . I feel for him, my heart goes out to him, this is a difficult thing to defend. What they should have done, in my hummable opinion is say, look, we picked a graphic we shouldnt have picked. It send a bad message. We messed up. We will take it down and make sure in the future we keep a close look at what we are opening up in the media. Van, can you see the Trump Campaign taking a step like that . No. But thats the worst part about it. And a lot happens on twitter. But if you accidentally retweet something from some horrible hate group, first thing out of your mouth, im sorry. You cant stop yourself. Oops nothing like that. From the Trump Campaign. H is why people start thinking after now dozens of these things, is this a part of some strategy to wink and nod. Also how are you finding this stuff . There is a dark underworld there on twitter but youve got go look for it. Our reporting is that this is not floating out there on a thousand twitter accounts. It came specifically from a neonazi chat room and was tweeted by one neonazi twitter account. The problem is that it detractes from the message their campaign is trying to project which is that Hillary Clinton has serious issues. With trust and honesty. It detracts from that message and focuses back on something that the Trump Campaign doesnt want to focus on which is his attitude towards racial harmony. Here we are. 48 hours after Hillary Clinton did 3 1 2 hour interview with the fbi. I imagine the campaign, you know, would prefer to be talking about that than this sweep. I dont mind us talking about this. Understand. Its true. I think the Trump Campaign has missed a small, very small window of opportunity, to pivot. When they needed to pivot massively to get more towards a general campaign, they didnt take advantage of that opportunity to focus on issues that Hillary Clinton sincerely has. Let me ask you this. You reference this a bit it seems. We used to say dog whistle and things that subtle below the radar. A lot of these things are bull horn kind of comment. And is it reasonable to include its intentional . An i intentional attempt to meet with voters who have these view snis. I think it deserves serious conversation. Donald trump is a racist. Well, i dont think you have to get into his heart. What you have to look at is what is the strategy . If you dont want this kind of support, you come out and give a speech. Remember barack obama, president obama, senator at the time, he got in trouble because someone associated with him said some very offensive stuff. He came out after reverend wright said that, gave a full speech trying to clarify exactly where he was coming from. After several dozen times now you step on the same banana peel, if you dont want support from White Nationalists, you should come out and give a powerful speech. The silence is starting to speak louder than anything else. Here is the problem, we all know the reality is this isnt the first time american politics had Something Like this happen. Reality is the that the most powerful force is grievance. There are lots of folks and i tell you, i respect a lot of the Trump Supporters and get where they are coming from and understand their frustration and anger and fact that we have had the most weak and anemic recovery from a recession that we can remember. But the way it get about that is not to focus on the most base and coursest aspect of american politics and talk to peoples hopes and dreams and aspirations and not fear and anger and thats what the Trump Campaign is focused on. Reince priebus says, in these rants and statements et cetera, which come as part of a series, does the rnc stay this does not represent the Republican Party . It does not. You make that argument that they have to come out and say that . I think the leaders who have stood up and said clearly and boldly that this is not the Republican Party that we stand for and we have sent a long time trying to position the party in a way thats hopeful and optimistic for the vast majority of americans. We have a candidate run tock the conservative republican candidate for the presidency of the United States of america and for all the people. Unfortunately he is acting in a way thats not conservative. Definitely not republican. Antiamerican in many cases pitting people against people. Thats not the way the Republican Party wants it cast itself. Thought before the break . Scariest moment i had as democrat is the time when you guys got tim scott, nikki haley and marco rubio on the same stage together. That Republican Party could govern. This thing cannot. Stay here, we will come back after this break. Hillary clinton dealing with problem of her own. Presumptive democratic nominee spending 3 hours, as we said, questioned by the fbi about her email server. Can her campaign get past questions about her trust oo worthiness. Oo worthiness. Worthiness. All milk milk milk milk milk okay funs over. Aw. Aw. Thirsty . My friend said i had to earn my way to the cool table. Oh, sweet jamie. You got to stick up for yourself, like with the name your price tool. People tell us their budget, not the other way around. So i was at the cool table all along. Welcome back to the lead. While Many Americans were settling into a threeday weekend, Hillary Clinton was sitting down to a 3 1 2hour interview with the fbi. One of the last steps in the fbis investigation of clintons email use as secretary of state. Cnn correspondent joins me now. Sunland, cnns reporting that she was unlikely to be charged at least with what the fbi found but thats prior to this sitdown interview. Thats right. That still does hold as long as there isnt evidence of wrongdoing but timing for Hillary Clinton could not be more troublesome. Once again this is just reminding voters of email controversy and forcing Hillary Clinton to come facetoface with these issues of trust. Hillary clinton is trying to put the email controversy hanging over her campaign behind her. I am not going to comment on the process. I have no knowledge of any time line. This is entirely up to the department. The Presumptive Democratic nominee giving 3 1 2hour interview at fbi headquarters saturday about her use of a private email server while secretary of state. Which she continues to defend. I never received nor sent any material that was marked classified and there is a prs says for the review of material before it is released to the public. The interview signals the probe is probably coming to an end. Sources telling cnn that barring any evidence of wrongdoing from the interview there will likely be an announcement of no charges against clinton in the next two weeks. I will continue to be as forthcoming as i can and my answers that i first gave more than a year ago i stand by. But donald trump eager to keep the controversy alive, tweeting today, quote, crooked Hillary Clinton is guilty as hell but the system is totally rigged and corrupt. And laying into bill clintons impromptu meeting with attorney general Loretta Lynch who is overseeing the investigation into Hillary Clintons emails. Trump adding on twitter quote, what bill did was stupid. Clinton acknowledging that meeting was a mistake. Hindsight is 20 20. Both have said they wouldnt do it again even though it was interest all accounts, that i have heard and seen, an exchange of pleasantries. Two weeks before the Democratic Convention seems to beo narrowing down her search for a running mate. You being vetted for vp . Do you want to be . That has to be asked to secretary clinton. Asking questions and giving tightlyguarded answers. Have you been contacted . I understand. Youve heard my answer. Thats what you will get. I talked to secretary of clinton campaign. They include new jersey senator cory booker who just two weeks ago flatly denied he was being vetted. But is now dodging the same question. At this point, i answered this question, talked about this, im just referring questions about the best vice presidency to the woman that is going to have to make this decision. And coming up this weekends fbi interview, clinton will try to take back control of the narrative tomorrow. Back out on the campaign trail tomorrow in North Carolina where she will be appearing with president obama for the first time. Thanks very much. I want to bring back the panel of van jones and danny vargas. So van, also on the possible vp list for donald trump, saying that that meeting between bill clinton and attorney general lynch in his word raises questions about interference into the investigation. He is not the first it say she should recuse herself. Should she recuse herself from this . First of all, everyone who knows Loretta Lynch, she is as cl clean as a bar of soap. You see somebody, you good over, say hellhello. I think outside of the washington world it looks terrible. I think that what she said is good, that no matter what she will depend on the career prosecutors to give her the right answers. Danny you shake your head. There is a lot of words it to describe the meeting between the attorney general and president clinton, and thats boneheaded. Stupid of them to get together. Especially when they knew she would be meeting with the fbi this past weekend and spending a lot of time talking about her situation that was the wrong move to make and not just from an appearance standpoint. There are legitimate concerns about what discussions took place between clinton and attorney general. Boneheaded move. And to be fair, not just people in washington or outside of washington. It looked bad it lots of folks here as well. First of all, if bill clinton wanted to call somebody, i think he has a phone and she has a phone. You wouldnt have to arrange a big public picnic with everybody around for him to do it. I think he probably, what was he thinking . He probably wasnt thinking that much. There is a way that people around these circles of power, they go, hug, kiss, hows the family . But i tell you, you say it was boneheaded, im not going to argue with you. Let me ask you about bill clinton. There was concern before the campaign frankly about his danger and back in 2008, there was times when he stepped in it, no question. Is he more of a liability to Hillary Clinton . I think at this point, after this meeting with attorney general, he las it step back considerably and probably let president obama step in and be sort of a chief for Hillary Clinton. Bill clinton has a famous history of suffering from right. Van, talk about vp selections for secretary clinton. What does she need and who gives that to her . There is a big push on now inside official washington for governor caine. Why . Why does he fit the bill . He doesnt fit the bill for me but he fits the bill for a lot of people because first of all, he is smart as a whip. He brings a swing state. And also frankly he is a little guy. Been with the clintons for a while. I think that could be a big mistakes because i do think that the clintons may be overestimating enthusiasm from the progressive wing and younger voters. There are better choices. Cory booker is a bet are choice. Frankly even a tom perez is a better choice to energize that progressive base and younger people. Is there a vp selection for Hillary Clinton that with worry you or make it difficult to beat ticket . Any number of too far left wing or too far progressive. To the extent that secretary clinton has to nominate a democrat and to the extent that nominated democrat, i think there are some that are seen as saying capable and senator caine who might know and he is a good guy and a standup guy. I think the left would have a problem with him. He has become more partisan when he was chair of the dnc. So i think thats concern. But i think he is a safe choice for her to make at this point. I think that donald trump is going to have a really hard time finding a running mate that will choose to run with him though. All right. Did notty a danny and van, only couple weeks to go. We have had terror attacks around the world just days apart. What is being done here at home in the u. S. As millions of americans celebrate the nations birthday today . We ask a member of the House Intelligence Committee right after this. The sunll come out tomorrow. For people with Heart Failure, tomorrow is not a given. But entresto is a medicine that helps make more tomorrows possible. Tomorrow, tomorrow. I love ya, tomorrow in the largest Heart Failure study ever. Entresto helped more people stay alive and out of the hospital than a leading Heart Failure medicine. Women who are pregnant must not take entresto. It can cause harm or death to an unborn baby. Dont take entresto with an ace inhibitor or aliskiren. If youve had angioedema while taking an ace or arb medicine, dont take entresto. The most serious side effects are angioedema, low blood pressure. Kidney problems, or high potassium in your blood. Tomorrow, tomorrow i love ya, tomorrow. Ask your heart doctor about entresto. And help make tomorrow possible. Youre only a day away welcome back. Just in the past week alone nearly 300 people have been slaughtered in three separate enormous terror attacks. Including horrific bombing that ripped through a busy shopping district in baghdad claiming lives in just one attack of 215 people. Many of them women and children. Some of the bodies so severely burned, they are yet to be identified. And as the world is reeling from who other senseless mass killings from just a few days ago. One in turkey and another in bangladesh and bring in cnn pentagon correspondent barbara starr. A we try to make sense of those horrendous attacks, there are not one but two, actually three suicide bombings in saudi arabia in the last 24 hours. What are we learning about the latest attacks . Jim, suspected attacks in saudi arabia but not confirmed yet. It has been a very bloody final few days of the holy month of ramadan and as you said especially in iraq. The fires massive horrifying. At least 215 People Killed in a suicide bombing that ripped through a night time crowded baghdad shopping area. Isis claimed responsibility for the worst attack in iraq since 2003. Drumfooted shows the devastation. Two days later, the search for victims goes on. The government in baghdad for the entire country of iraq has failed the citizens of baghdad. Thats very troubling. Furious iraqis desperate for security. Surround Prime Minister when he visits the site. Then throw objects at his convoy. The Coalition Says this and other recent attacks suggest isis is lashing out because its losing ground in iraq and syria. As they attract crazies and sickos from across the globe, they are trying to show that, hey were still a viable threat, a viable force. Turkish authorities are still unraveling isislinked to the attack at istanbul airport. That killed 45. In bangladesh. The government is working to determine what links the attackers at the cafe in dhaka linked to isis where more than two dozen died. Israel believes a june 8th attack at a tel aviv market also inspired by isis. Isis what been able to take advantage of time. Theyve increased their message, increased their training, theyve been able to bring folks in to join isis and have been able to train them up and export them out. Even if ice sis squeezed for territory on the battlefield, military Officials Say they have been making the case. Isis and its ideology cannot be killed off with bombs and bullets. We can kill the people. We can kill the leaders. We can kill the person who is in charge of sending out the messages to the various sub groups of the isil crooks and criminals, and they will move somebody up in the ranks to take their place. The human toll still of course the most heart breaking of all. In baghdad at that site. Some parent turned up to look for hours for their teenage son who they said had gone there the night before to celebrate his birthday with some friend. Jim . Barbara starr, thanks so much. To discuss more about these horrific terror attacks, i want to bring in adam shif, ranking democrat on the house committee. Congressman, thank you for joining us on this holiday. Good to be with you, jim. Sorry its on such a terrible subject these days. No question. Almost exhausting to account. You and i talk about this all the time. Past 12 days there have been at least six major terror attacks, including the one in baghdad. Turkey, istanbul airport, bangladesh. Let me ask you this question, as we celebrate the holiday july fourth within does isis show greater capability to attack in a number of countries around the world, does that meanity capability is growing to carry out attacks here in the u. S. As well . I think we certainly have to be on guard for that jim. We are a much more difficult target to reach. And i think in the near term, the greatest risk to us remains homegrown radicals, those inspired by isis propaganda online. But over time i think we have to be very concerned with the ability of isis o to get foreign fighters into the United States. We are a big country. Still a porous country. Thats very much a risk of losing territory. And as they lose territory, they want to show that it is still in a very violent capable and doing that by sending a lot of foreign fighters back. I think we will see unfortunately a lot more of this. The real significant nance to me about the turkish attack, they are using fighters to go back home, some of the best battlefield fighters and it may mean they are shifting that priority as they see the the caliphate shrinking. Beyond showing relevance and still grab attention, could this show strategic shift by isis to being more after stateless terror group more than the self proclaimed caliphate in iraq. I think it is made necessary by facts on the ground. I think they would prefer to have a caliphate. The caliphate itself has been the draw for these foreign fighters coming to syria and iraq. It is what distinguished them from al qaeda. Al qaeda very much shrinking with isis. At least in public consciousness. Now that that caliphate is shrinking now, i think it is dawning on them that their holdings are likely to go away completely in iraq and syria, not immediately but over time. They are shifting to more after global terrorism model. More along the lines of al qaeda but not focused on the big splashy attacks. Rather focused on quantity rather than quality rather than necessarily increasing the killing numbers. And that makes it very hard to defend against. So how do you change strategy . As difficult as the campaign has been against isis in iraq and syria, at least it is a piece of ground with cons traced number of fighters. You could drop becomes on them. Send soldiers in. How do you respond when isis has proven its ability to attack in so many different markets . You have to continue to good after them militarily on the ground in places like sir wyria iraq and libya. Make sure to make their caliphate disappear. But then you have to work on better intelligence sharing across the globe so we are aware of who is leaving the battlefront. Who is reintegrated back into places like turkey, into the rest of europe as well as maybe trying to get through the United States. We have to beef up homeland security. Attack ideological and work more exhaustively with muslim jl eyes around the globe and to counter the whole narrative. But this is likely to be a generational problem. And it is not going to be an easy answer or simple or you know sort of onelevel answer. We have to fight this in a whole variety of different levels. Generational conflict. Congressman adam schiff, thank you for taking the time today. Thank you, jim. Five years in the making. Coming done to just second. Will the jupiter probe miss its mark . Pening now at red lobster. And if you love lobster and shrimp,. Check out all these new entrees. Like new coastal lobster and shrimp. With summer ale barbeque sauce,. And new lobster and shrimp overboard. Overboard . Nah,. Its just right. So hurry in. Kelloggs® frosted 8 layers of wheat. And one thats sweet. For the adult and kid in all of us. Kelloggs frosted miniwheats® feed your inner kidult americans are buying more and more of everything online. And so many businesses rely on the United States Postal Service to get it there. Because when you ship with us, your business becomes our business. Thats why we make more ecommerce deliveries to homes than anyone else in the country. The United States Postal Service. Priority you welcome back to the lead. Out of this world lead, literally. After nearly five years, nasas solar powered juno spacecraft is expected to arrive at planet jupiter later tonight. Coming the first ever spacecraft to pierce jupiters dense cloud cover and travel deep into its massive radiation belt considered maybe the most treacherous place in our not tire solar system. Lets get right to cnns paul at Nasas Jet Propulsion Laboratory in pasadena, california. Paul, what are they hoping to learn from going inside in effect the atmosphere of jupiter . Well, if you think about it, jim, they are hoping to go back in time. Look at origins of our solar system by studying jupiter which is probably much more like our sun than the earth. It is huge, gasses. But there is a lot to contend with. You mentioned that radiation as you look at mockup behind me. Junos spacecraft, a titanium vault meant to protect it from the radiation. They say that would be more powerful than 100 million dental xrays. A lot of anxiety here at jpl as they look forward to jupiter pulling juno into its orbit in a matter of hours now. Lets listen. It is hard to describe. Im torn with the incredible excitement and anticipation with, oh, my god, were going in. Its really happening. And its, i know its challenging. I know the business. You know, nasa and jpl are in the business of taking challenges. And this will be the closest any spacecraft has gotten to jupiter, jim. As i said, great sense of anticipation here. Theyve updated me. All is on schedule. Juno barreling toward jupiter. Fiveyear trip. And i understand that theres precious cargo on board. That, there is. The project leader, who said scientists have no humor. He went and contacted lego and there are three lego figurines on board, just like the little ones that everybodys kids have. They are made of space grade aluminum. Appropriately of jupiter, ju ju and galileo. You are looking at copies and replicas. They are the most rare legos in the galaxy, jim. We will see who plays with them up there. Live from pasadena, thafrg ythak you so much. When the father was trying to save his son, turns out he wasnt fighting just one alligator. See me. See me. Dont stare at me. See me. See me. See me to know that psoriasis is just something that i have. Im not contagious. See me to know that. I wont stop until i find what works. Discover cosentyx, a different kind of medicine for moderate to severe plaque psoriasis. Proven to help the majority of people find clear or almost clear skin. 8 out of 10 people saw 75 skin clearance at 3 months. While the majority saw 90 clearance. Do not use if you are allergic to cosentyx. Before starting, you should be tested for tuberculosis. An increased risk of infections and lowered ability to fight them may occur. Tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms. Such as fever, sweats, chills, muscle aches or cough. Or if you have received a vaccine or plan to. If you have inflammatory bowel disease, tell your doctor if symptoms develop or worsen. Serious allergic reactions may occur. See me. See me. See me. On my way. Find clear skin. And a clearer path forward. For a different kind of medicine, ask your dermatologist about cosentyx. Captain of the Fire Department said the childs father initially refused to leave the scene despite lacerations from the alligators teeth. He was eventually persuaded after he was told he could return after receiving medical treatment. Five alligators were killed in the search for that little boy. Lets go now to jake tapper with one womans vision to bring light to an issue thats often ignored. Our buried lead is a topics that affects Many Americans. Equal pay for women. Something that recent oscar winner Patricia Arquette spent almost her entire acceptance speech talking about. To every woman who gave birth. To every taxpayer and citizen of this nation, we have fought for everybody elses equal rights. It is our time to have Wage Equality once and for all. She received a standing ovation and cheers from several other big names. Including meryl streep. I heard that speech again the next day on the radio while riding in the car with my little girl. My daughter. She told me that arquettes words made her feel inspired and empowered. Fast forward to a few days ago and i ran into Patricia Arquette. She was talking to lawmakers lobbying for issues important to her including equal pay. I invited her on the show, and her she is. Patricia arquette. Thanks for being here. Thanks for having me. People think youre a multimillionaire movie star, tv access, what do you know about equal pay . First of all, i think im in a position where i can get in the room to have some of these meetings or i do i can bring my voice to shed light on situations that other people cant. This woman just said to me today, she said, thank you for using your voice because i can never get in the room. I can never get on tv to talk about this. But youre fighting for me, and i really appreciate it. So thats what it really is about. I was a single mom. I know what it is about to know if you can buy food and diapers and how that is. I heard Hillary Clinton recently Say Something along the lines that we will get rid of the pay in equity. Get rid of the wage gap. How . How do you get rid of it . Well i think we need fair pay laws. State by state. We just passed one in california. We need a more comprehensive look at bias. Its not just fair pay. The truth is, in america, if women had equal pay, half of the 66 million women and kids living in poverty would not be. Those are fulltime working women and they are still in poverty with our kids. Some people pushing back on the idea of pay equity say sometimes women drop out of the worth force to have a family and come back in and they dont have as much experience as men the same age. Do any of the laws address the concerns . In even the most conservative estimates, and theres 5 to 7 gender bias they cannot account for. It is a jepdgender bias. Running into addressing also issues of this backlog of rape kits, all over the country. Right. So here we have to look at bias again. It is not just one state that happened to have a closet full of untested dna rape kits. So these rape kits are taken when a woman is raped. Takes the genetic material, hopefully of her and her rapist. Puts it through the analyzing machine and hopefully you can find his dna in the system and arrest him, right . Well it wasnt just one state. Every state has these dna backlogs. Some for decades. Some still even know how many rape kits they have. This is happening because the majority of the victims are women. You see the gender bias in the judicial process. You see it in the funding process. Look, even in utah, if theres a male rape victim and female rape victim, the male victim has 46 more likelihood of his kit being tested. Had this been passed, women would have a higher jscrutiny o law that women need to have constitutionally and look at the areas of bias. You think the equal rights amendment would make states and localities and cities more on their guard about doing things that dont help women . It would give lawyers a judicial the teeth that they need to go into court and start to examine all these areas of bias and make shifts that really make it large difference for women. Because look, 2 of rapists are spend a day in jail. Thats a horrifying statistic, but its true. Were all shocked and heart broken about this stanford rape case, but it is not abnormal. That is the norm. And thats why we have it say no more and give women and their lawyers every ability they can to change this situation. Patricia arquette, thank you so much. Appreciate it. Thank you. Our thanks to the academy of arts and science for giving us permission to use Patricia Arquettes oscar speech. Again im in for jake tapper today. Brianna keilar picks it up from here. Please enjoy the holiday. Happy fourth to everyone. Happening now, im bre anna keeler. This is cnn newsroom. Donald trump posts then deletes a tweet with antisemitic imagery first found on a neonazi message board. Why is he blaming the media and will he apologize . Clinton question. Hillary clinton sits down with the fbi for more than three hours answering questions about the privaty mail set up she used as secretary of state. Does this mean the investigation is nearly over . Could clinton still face charges . And wave of terror. Suicide bombers get three cities in saudi arabia. One blast occurring just steps from the u. S. Consulate as iraq faces its deadliest terror attack in more than a decade. What is behind this should surge in violence

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