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Contagion. If the uk can go into recession, what about the euro zone or the United States . Many people want to know, was this a oneoff or could this continue . Many traders that i talked to think its just a oneday event but others say what you say, jake. This is a divorce. Divorces arent quick and they are not pretty and the prediction is that youre going to see a trend to the downside while you see stocks really repriced for the new landscape. Jake . And alison, those americans who are watching this, what should they do if they are worried about their investments or their retirement accounts . Well, first of all, you may not want to look at your 401 k today. Youre not going to be happy what you see. Dont get emotional about it and if you have a plan and youre diversified, many Investment Advisers say stick with it. Fidelity said that those who cashed out of the stock market during the financial crisis wound up on missing one of the biggest bold markets that weve seen in many years and that brings me to what many other traders told me today, who see this as a big buying opportunity, that if youve got if youre diversified, too far away and you are far away from retirement, actually, and you have a strong stomach, many see this as a great buying opportunity. Jake . And there you see the dow plunging more than 600 points today after the news of the uk leaving the eu. Rana is a cnn Global Economic analyst and assistant managing editor at time. A swift reaction by the markets to this news. Do you think this is a longterm drop or is it just temporary . I think were going to see this volatility in the weeks and months ahead. You know, its possible, since the fed came in and said were here, were backing the u. S. Markets, that you could see a rebound next week. But make no mistake, this is a breakup that is going to play out over a couple of years and, also, there may be other dominos to fall in europe. Youve got the spanish taking a political vote on monday and there is definitely timing with the populism that weve seen here in the u. S. Election cycle as well. All of this makes us nervous. Thats the reason the markets have been so bad at predicting what is going to happen in politics. They dont understand populism. Markets were pricing a 25 chance of exit and they were very surprised. What does that tell you, that the markets had only priced in, baked in a little bit the idea that the uk might vote this way . I think it reflects a trust gap. I think theres a huge trust gap between the elites running the companies and math populations not just in the uk and simply does not trust the political establishment, the financial establishment. I think thats what youre seeing in these results. And the elites are completely out of touch with the people voting. Alison, let me bring you back in. Immediately, as you note, there are some possible advantages. This could be great news for home buyers, for car buyers because of lower Interest Rates, right . Yes. Actually, Mortgage Rates are at the lowest level that weve seen in three years. So whats been happening, as you see investors pour out of stocks, they are putting their money into other assets. A lot of investments today went into u. S. Bonds. And what that did was drive the yield lower and the Mortgage Rates that we all sign our papers to, they usually follow those Interest Rates. So youll not only see the Mortgage Rates at some of the lowest levels right now but you could see them go even lower as soon as next week. One other thing working in the favor of Interest Rates going lower, the fed. All talk about the fed raising Interest Rates anytime soon, that talk is off the table at this point. So the thinking is that the Federal Reserve is going to go ahead and keep rates lower for longer, making it easier and cheaper to continue borrowing money. Especially when you see volatility going on in the global arena. Jake . Alison kosik with me here. Rana foroohar, thanks to you. The uks decision to leave the European Union will have deep implications around the world beyond the Financial Markets. As a result of the vote, british Prime Minister David Cameron says he will resign this fall. What are the implications for the u. S. . After all, many of the same political instincts and opinions that caused brits to head to the brexit are fueling politics here in the u. S. Concerns about uncontrolled immigration, globalism and trade deals that might sell out the middle class, concerns about the elite ruling party that is out of touch with the very people that they are supposed to be governing. Lets go to clarissa ward. How much were World Leaders caught off guard by this vote . Reporter jake, this is what is so incredible. The polls were close intellectually. People understand that World Leaders understood there was a real chance. But there was an underlying assumption that somehow the establishment would prevail and when you walked around the streets of london today and talked to people, the words you heard over and over again, stunning, shocking, historic, momentous. This country and indeed everyone in the world woke up to the very profound revelation that britain is a deeply divided country and now everybody is asking themselves the same question, jake, which is what comes next . It is the biggest shock in the history of modern british politics and possibly one of the greatest political miscalculations ever made. Early on friday morning, britain voted to leave the eu. The total number of votes cast in favor of remain was 16,141,241. The total number of votes cast in favor of leave was 17,410,742. This means that the uk has voted to leave the European Union. [cheers and applause ] reporter hours later, the Prime Minister announced he would resign. I think the country requires fresh leadership to take it in this direction. Reporter the people who masterminded the leave campaign were quick to praise the Prime Minister but are convinced that their approach is the correct one. There is certainly no need, in the 21st century, to be part of a federal system of government based in brussels that is imitated nowhere else on earth. It was a noble idea for its time. It is no longer right for this country. Reporter londoners did not appear to welcome johnsons role in the campaign yet there is much speculation that he will stand for Prime Minister. While some celebrated the way the counts unfolded, the results provoked widespread concern about the state of the economy and general confusion about what the future holds. President obama, an early supporter of remaining in the eu, said in the statement that the people have spoken. While the uks relationship with the eu will change, one thing that will not change is the special relationship that exists between our two nations. The eu will remain one of our indispensable partners. Reporter people in ireland and scotland wanted in. Everyone else wanted out. Immigration was the primary issue on the campaign. Let june 23rd go down in history as our Independence Day reporter how these differences are reconciled and what role britain will now have on the world stage are issues that will likely take years to resolve. Now, in terms of what comes next, Prime Minister David Cameron says he will not implement the article himself that will begin britain from extricating itself from the eu. That will be performed by the fall and could take months and from there its at least another two years. So this is going to take some time, jake, for the eu and britain to hash out but, of course, the concern for europe is that the contagion will spread and pandoras box has been open and other countries will look to leave the eu. Jake . Clarissa, thank you. Did british leaders completely miss the warning signs and what does that mean for us here in the United States . Well discuss with our panel, next. When a moment turns romantic why pause to take a pill . Or stop to find a bathroom . Cialis for daily use is approved to treat both erectile dysfunction and the urinary symptoms of bph, like needing to go frequently, day or night. Tell your doctor about all your medical conditions and medicines, and ask if your heart is healthy enough for sex. Do not take cialis if you take nitrates for chest pain, or adempas for pulmonary hypertension, as it may cause an unsafe drop in blood pressure. Do not drink alcohol in excess. 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Chief National Correspondent Christiana Amanpour and in the studio, lord malik brown, former uk minister. Thanks for joining me. Christiane, ill start with you. A sense of shock from around the world. Put this in perspective. For americans, what was the driving factor . Immigration . I think it was immigration. Basically, they were told that all of your problems are because of the European Union, the bureaucrats who bombarded the public with saying thats the problem to all that is going wrong in your country and, by the way, the foreigners are the problems as well. The next day, the morning after, were being told that they are going to wake up to find that this wasnt a referendum on immigration policy and that may or may not change very much. It was a referendum on the economy. Britain will still be important, just not as important. Britains voice will still be heard but just not as loudly. Our role will be diminished. They said, listen, we want to be mature and make sure this divorce happens easily and qu k quick. We want it to be quick because we dont want it to spread. The young people are saying, what on earth went on . The overwhelming amount voted to stay in, the younger people. The older people, 60 plus, voted to get on and they have, on average, 16 years to live with this decision. Theres a lot of division and shock, certainly among the remainers. Its causing a worry, as youve seen in the markets. Nile, you support the leave movement. Britain lost more than 100 billion in wealth today. Did you expect this kind of reaction from the markets . Yeah, i think this reaction was expected because the markets responding to what they see as uncertainty. I think the markets will rise again and i think a brexit is good for britain for the European Union and for the United States as well. This is all about sovereignty and selfdetermination for the british people and i believe that Great Britain, unfree from the shackles of the European Union, will be a resurgent on the world stage and its in the interest of, for example, the germans and the french to negotiate a good agreement with the united kingdom. There are a lot of common interests at stake. The interest of the United States to sign a uk free trade deal. But this is all about british people retaking control here. Control of their borders, the right to negotiate free trade agreements, their right to decide 100 their own laws, their own legislation. Its all about the rights of british courts to have supremacy. The british people have had enough and voted in massive numbers yesterday to leave the eu and thats a good thing. Lord malik brown here in the studio with me, youre on the other side of this. Do you think that your fellow members of the british elite, the ruling party, those who in the government took the threat of this seriously enough . I think they took it seriously but i think they misunderstood it. This really was a classic campaign where the emotional arguments were palpable and ran deep and the remainors fell back on a rather dry and economic argument which underestimated certain parts of the population. The praj dee is, the victims of leaving, those suffering from the smaller economy, the pensioners, the workers, the groups who actually supported it and the cosmopolitan London Community and others who actually voted to remain by contrast probably will find a better way through this and those who voted to leave yesterday. A little football or soccer. Christiane, what happens next . Well, you see, this is the big question, jake. This is why people on the other side are pretty nervous. We know sort of that the next Prime Minister is going to have to invoke what they call article 50 which starts the divorce. That could take about two years. And after that, its difficult divorce and then, according to the brexiters, they are going to be saved by this glorious set of renegotiation, they say, with all of the other countries in the europe European Union and those that have deals with it. Thats according to the experts, according to those we are talking to in europe with a lot more difficulty than they expected. Plus, what were probably going to see is scotland spin off and then Northern Ireland says it wants a vote in joining the republic of ireland. Youve got a lot of moving parts still to come. One more domino. Chri appreciate all of you being here. This is causing volatility around the world but thats not the only destabilization from the uk and eu divorce. Why are terrorists celebrating the brexit today . Literally. And then, with the winds blowing across the hill at Donald Trumps resort in scotland, he says the break will be good for his business. Stay with us. Dontlive in tokyo. When you airbnb, you have your own home. So, live there. Even if its just for a night. You can fly across welcome town in minutes16, or across the globe in under an hour. Whole communities are living on mars and solar satellites provide earth with unlimited clean power. In less than a century, boeing took the world from seaplanes to space planes, across the universe and beyond. And if you thought that was amazing, you just wait. Premium like clockwork. Month after month. Year after year. Then one night, you hydroplane into a ditch. Yeah. Surprise. Your Insurance Company tells you to pay up again. Why pay for insurance if you have to pay even more for using it . If you have Liberty Mutual deductible fund™, you could pay no deductible at all. Sign up to immediately lower your deductible by 100. 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Who care what is they want . Lets bring in White House Correspondent michelle kosinski. Foreign leaders generally refrain from weighing in on other countrys elections. President obama chose to take a side here and his side lost. Reporter the white house said any other country with a big economic stake in this would feel the same way. This is a disappointment. Its more volatility and uncertainty for u. S. Markets and people are feeling less great about it than they did a few months ago. But the president didnt want to come out and say, this is a blow, a disappointment. Hes somewhat reassuring, at least. He spoke to David Cameron and angela merkel. He wanted to remind people that there are some elements of the status quo to be relied upon. Listen. I do think that yesterdays vote speaks to the ongoing changes and challenges raised by globalization. Reporter he talked there about theorces involved. That this is part of that globalization. The strong ties with both the uk and eu firmly remain. It was interesting to hear Vice President biden today kind of broaden that out about the sentiments that went into this brexit. He said this is related to challenges in the world that lead people toward fear and frustration and called that Fertile Ground for reactionary politicians and demagogues pedalling xenophobia and isolationism. He talked about building walls, another thinly veiled response to donald trump. So relating to what were seeing in europe to some of the ground swell that were seeing in the u. S. Jake . Michelle kosinski, thanks so much. The vote is raising questions about the potential impact on critical Security Cooperation and the war on terror. Britain, of course, is a major force in the antiisis coalition. Its considered one of the nations one of the u. S. closest and most strategic allies. Lets go to Cnns Barbara Starr live at the pentagon. Youre now learning that jihadists, islamic extremists, are praising the brexit. Why . Well, they are, jake. I think its probably not a surprise. Its sort of the typical isis video propaganda movement. From washington to london, there are fundamental questions now. Everybody says the relationships will be fine. Popular Online Jihadi forums are applauding the uk vote and will see more chaos. The security implications are still uncertain. The pentagon clearly had not wanted it to happen. Days before the vote, defense secretary ash carter stood at nato headquarters and called for the uk to stay put. We know the Strategic Value that unity and cohesion adds to our alliance. We feel the relationship will certainly continue. Reporter the opposition is not felt by all. Were seeing a potential for a reorganization within nato and a potential weakening of the security environment in europe. Reporter despite exiting the European Union, the uk remains a member of nato. Though its financial contribution to the military alliance could be at risk if its economy falters. Today, as we face more instability and more uncertainty, nato is more important than ever as a platform for cooperation. Reporter European Union and nato members are going to meet to discuss closer cooperation in issues like cyber and terrorism. On isis and fighting terror threats, britain and the u. S. Still will share the most highly classified intelligence. That agreement is not going to be impacted by this in any way, shape or form. Reporter but the cia director points out with 28 countries now in the eu, there are already significant problems. Within each of those countries, they have sometimes several intelligent security services. They do not have the interconnectivity, either from a mission and legal perspective or from an i. T. Perspective. So what about the war on isis . There have been critical gains on the battlefield in iraq and syria. But isis has still demonstrated the ability to inspire jihadists to go to europe and launch attacks there and that is going to be something for the new government in london to deal with. Jake . Barbara, thanks so much. From his golf course in london, donald trump congratulated britain for leaving the eu. That story is next. Real is touching a ray. Amazing is moving like one. Real is making new friends. Amazing is getting this close. Real is an animal rescue. Amazing is over twentyseven thousand of them. There is only one place where real and amazing live. Seaworld. Real. Amazing but im not gonna let em catch me, no no, not gonna let em catch the midnight rider, yeaaahh. But im not gonna let em catch me nooo not gonna let em catch the midnight riiiiiiiideer tempurpedic mattresses is that they contour to your body. I just have to lay back in my tempurpedic and it just kind of forms to my body. Thats what i love about it. 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At least thats how donald trump sees britains socalled brexit from the European Union, even drawing parallels to his own race. People want to take their country back. They want to have independence, in a sense. They want to be able to have a country again. So i think youre going to have this happen more and more. I really believe that and i think its happening in the United States. Reporter at the grand reopening of his golf course in scotland, trump hailed the vote in the uk as vindication of what he appears to be the scourge of borders. He looks at the markets as a potential Business Opportunity for britain and himself. More people are coming to turnberry, apparently. Reporter David Cameron announced hes stepping down. The two leaders tangled over trumps proposal to ban muslims from the u. S. He was wrong on this. He didnt get the mood of his country right. Reporter trump misread brex brexit. The world doesnt listen to them. Reporter mr. Trump slammed barack obama and Hillary Clinton. Obviously for the 219th time, they were wrong. Reporter clinton responded to brexit in a statement saying, this time of uncertainty underscores the time for calm, steady, experienced leadership in the white house. Hes not concerned with the American People or their retirement accounts or their security. Hes concerned with himself and thats it. Reporter trump says its his skills as a businessman that this country needs. Do we have a problem . The country is not a golf course. No, its not. Youd be amazed how similar it is. Its called a place that has to be fixed and theres nobody that knows how to fix things like me. Reporter as for the trump properties, the real estate tycoon says he would continue holding campaign events. Number one, i have the best properties. Reporter and said hell give up control over them if he wins the white house. If i win, i would even though i dont have to do that, i would probably put everything in trust, my children will run it along with my executives. Reporter now, over the weekend, trump will visit another golf course in the town of aberdeen. Even though some republicans wish he would just come home and campaign, trump defended this trip saying hes now doing it for his children. As for this trip overseas, as his children now handle much of the Family Business and we saw that today, jake. Jim acosta in scotland for us, thank you so much. What might u. S. Politicians drawing from the seismic change in the uk . Olivia knots and dana bash are joining me. I believe its happening in the United States. Do you think thats right . I think unless youve been asleep, you know the blend of antielite and antiglobalization and antitrade, if youve missed that, youre reminded. Dana, here was trumps response. We are now in unprecedented territory. Golfers will stop and go get something to eat. The shock wave is truly global, political and financial. Are you traveling with any of your Foreign Policy advisers . Well, ive been in touch with them, but theres nothing to talk about. The press conference was vintage trump. You see the clinton reaction there. What do you think . Yeah. Look, Hillary Clintons campaign would be committing political malpractice. I went back and looked, donald trump began his statement by talking seven sentences and then he talked for 12 minutes or so about his golf course, about the sprinklers there, about his family, understandably about his mother being from scotland. And it took that long for him to get to questions, which led to some of the remarks that you heard in jims piece. But it was a little bit stunning, even though understandably the whole purpose of his trip was to cut the ribbon and to formally open this. When you have that kind of political gift, literally, literally under his feet on the ground where he is standing and he doesnt try to lean into it right away, kind of surprising. Although, to be fair, olivier, Hillary Clinton responded to the news by putting out a paper statement saying brexit underscores the need for us to pull together to solve our challenges as a country, not tear each other down. I have to say, i mean, one is a paper statement and one is a Major Press Conference in scotland. You can disagree about the message but one of those two is out there talking to voters. Yeah. Absolutely. She did sort of put her finger on one issue thats very important, one of the more obvious impacts in the november election, whether this has any negative effects and who will be blamed for those. Her campaign put out a paper statement and then did a press conference. Donald trump actually got out and faced reporters. Those are obviously two different reproaches. Dana, this is a potent feeling, whatever you call it, a movement, the ground swell in the uk and in the United States. People thinking that immigration is out of control, globalization is hurting them, the elites are out of touch, dont care about them. We saw what happened. He and what might be the impact here . Look, donald trump on this is right. Thats the point i was trying to make before. This is a political victory lap he should be taking because he did have his finger and does have his finger on the pulse of this Real Movement that is going on globally to look inward, to be very afraid of globalization, of immigration and trade agreements. And, you know, hes getting that and hes obviously been tapping in to that in a way that even the leaders in Great Britain and obviously the eu and the current president and the person who wants to take his place on the democratic side, Hillary Clinton, didnt get. I also found it interesting, jake, that she tried to kind of, again, frame it as a guy whos not necessarily doesnt have the temperament to be president versus her saying shes someone who has calm, steady, experienced leadership to take through. So shes obviously using this uncertainty to, once again, impress upon voters that she is somebody with experience and has that solid nature about her. Impress upon voters in a paper statement that you read. Olivier, let me read a statement from you blaming president obama for helping bring about the brexit. I was actually very surprised that president obama would have come over here and been so bold to tell the people over here what to do and i think that a lot of people dont like him and a lot of people voted i think if he had not said it, your result might have been different. As quickly as you can, olivier, did obama influence this vote one way or the other . Theres no evidence that he did but the antielite and very nationalistic impulses, its very possible. The uk split is unprecedented. Exactly how and when will the eu separate begin . Thats next. I work round the clock. I want my blood sugar to stay in control. So i asked about tresiba®. Tresiba® ready tresiba® is a oncedaily, longacting insulin that lasts even longer than 24 hours. I want to trim my a1c. Tresiba® ready tresiba® provides powerful a1c reduction. Releases slow and steady. Works like your bodys insulin. When my schedule changes. I want something that delivers. Tresiba® ready i can take tresiba® any time of day. So if i miss or delay a dose, i take it when i remember, as long as theres at least 8 hours between doses. Once in use, it lasts 8 weeks without refrigeration. Twice as long as lantus®, which lasts 4 weeks. Tresiba® is used to control high blood sugar in adults with diabetes. 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The size and scope and messiness of this divorce between the uk and the European Union, hammering out all of the details could take years and, guess what, where are the children who could feel the impact . Heres cnn erin mclaughlin. Reporter so, its official. The uk will be the first to leave the 28court block and the separation and the separation could be messy and difficult, probably taking at least two years, maybe more. The treaty outlines the process for a country to leave. Its only five sections long but those lines hold the key to the uks future and how they are interpreted by both sides will make a world of difference. Once invoked, fishing and agriculture subsidies to Financial Markets to immigration, each member state will have their say on every single subject. Its going to be a complex negotiation. The uk has just two years to negotiate its exit. After that, it could be unceremoniously kicked out of the eu unless all remaining Member States agree to extend that deadline. And this brexit has triggered fresh fears of further fractures in europe. Scotland has already hinted that it may call its own independence vote. No one knows exactly what is going to happen. The uk will be sailing solo into unchartered waters. Erin mclaughlin, cnn, brussels. Erin, thanks so much. His music made a comeback when it appeared in the George Clooney movie oh brother where art thou, the life of a bluegrass legend coming up next. When you airbnb, you have your own home. So, live there. Even if its just for a night. My lineage was the vecchios and zuccolis. Through ancestry, through dna i found out that i was only 16 italian. He was 34 eastern european. So i went onto ancestry, soon learned that one of our ancestors we thought was italian was eastern european. This is my ancestor who i didnt know about. He looks a little bit like me, yes. Ancestry has many paths to discovering your story. Get started for free at ancestry. Com welcome back to the lead. Hillary clinton is pushing back about reports about transparency during her state department tenure. The Associated Press report found 75 instances when the then secretary of state had meetings with political allies or corporate interests, that they were not recorded or the state department calendar. A Campaign Spokesperson responded to questions about the sk discrepancies that were made at the time saying this reflects a more detailed version in one version compared to another, all maintained by their staff and both, of course, are public. This comes as donald trump is raising questions about foreign donations to the clinton global initiative. Drew griffin filed this investigative report on that. Reporter there is no question the Clinton Foundation received tens of millions of dollars on foreign governments. That includes saudi arabia, which gave 14. 5 million. The foundation says none of that came while Hillary Clinton was secretary of state. You also have kuwait, donating between 5 and 108 million, qatar, donating between 1 and 5 million over the years, even the embassy of algeria donated 500,000. Is there a Common Thread . All of course are middle Eastern Countries with poor human rights records and poor records when it comes to womens rights. Monsanto, a u. S. Global food giant and while she was secretary of state, secretary clinton made general statements supporting biotech foods as the company was asking for government help to open up new markets. For her critics, its enough to cry foul. Maybe the motivation lies among the 1,000 foreign donations hillary failed to disclose while at the state department. Reporter theres no evidence that is accurate. What we have learned is that the foundation said it did fail to disclose a Funding Source while mrs. Clinton was at the state department. That donation, the 500,000 from the government of algeria, the foundation called the lack of disclosure an error and said there was no connection between the donations and the policies of the clintons state department. Earlier this year, Hillary Clinton told jake tapper the foundation is an open book. We have disclosed everything. You can see what we do, weve put out reports, we can find you millions of people who feel that their lives have been improved because of the work. Reporter the Clinton Foundation did sign an agreement before hillary was signed in as secretary of state. That agreement banned bill clinton from personally solae solace sitting donations. Drew griffin, cnn, atlanta. In our pop culture lead, were remembering music legend ralph stanley. He was in the popular movie oh, brother, where art thou. He earned an emmy for this soundtrack. He began his musical career in the 1950s singing alongside his brother carter, like in this song angel band. Thats it for the lead. I turn you over to wolf blitzer in the situation room. Happening now, market meltdown. The dow industrials lose 611 points and they are not alone. Stock exchanges around the world are posting heavy losses all because of a shocking, unexpected election result. The british are pulling out of the European Union. The pound is collapsing and the british Prime Minister is leaving. Were following all of the political crisis. Off course. At his golf resort in scotland, donald tru

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