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Launch and despite kim jonguns presence, it does not have anyone laughing. Welcome to the lead. Im jake tapper. We begin with breaking news and high drama on capitol hill. Democratic lawmakers are staging a sitin on the floor of the u. S. House of representatives. They are led by congressman john lewis and protesting the unwillingness of republicans who control the house to even allow a vote on gun control legislation ten days after the deadliest mass shooting in modern u. S. History. If youre wondering why were using photographers and periscope to show you this instead of using cameras inside the house chamber, the ones you pay for, thats because shortly after democrats began this show of defiance, republicans gavelled into recess and as is protocol, the cameras were shut off. Lets go to manu raju on capitol hill. Reporter frustration has been building upon democrats. Democratic senator chris murphy demanded action and today it was the House Democrats turn. Furious democrats take to the house floor and refuse to leave, demanding a vote on gun control after the worst mass shooting in u. S. History. Were calling on the leadership of the house to bring commonsense gun control legislation to the house floor. Give us a vote reporter the business of the house grinding to a halt as dozens of Democrats Press for a bill they say will prevent terrorists from buying a gun. Suspected and known to be a terrorist, why, why can you get a gun, a machine gun . The house went into recess. With that camera in the chambers were powered off. Protests online. Reporter Democratic Senators marched on to the floor, too. Republicans called it an unhelpf unhelpful stunt. Its not epfhelpful to cast shame and blame. All day, well be there as long as it takes every day. Reporter chicago lawmaker bobby rush, whose own son was shot dead, recalling his wifes horror. I never will forget the primal screams of my sons mother, shot down in cold blood on the streets of chicago. Its time to end this course of primal screams in our nation and its time to end it right now reporter now jake, democrats are determined to stay with this sitin until they get a commitment for a vote and were told that House Speaker and minority are discussing a possible vote but theres no deal yet and republicans are committed to waiting this out. Jake . Manu, i dont want to be skeptical here. Im sure a lot of these expressions are heartfelt and democrats do want gun control. But i cant help but notice its an Election Year and there might be some politics at play. Reporter thats right. Republicans believe that democrats arent willing to cut a deal on an issue as well because they dont want to lose. This is a very potent political speech and theres a bill moving to the senate right now but actually a lot of republicans dont arent ready to support it because the nra is not ready to support it yet. Manu raju, thank you. First, on the campaign trail today, donald trump delivering the speech that many republicans have been waiting for, a pointbypoint critique of Hillary Clinton, donations to the clinton foundation. Jim acosta is joining me now live from new york. The speech happened to have another added benefit. It changed the subject away from Donald Trumps campaign troubles. It sure did. The theme of todays speech could be summed up as, quote, hillary is bad and to the delight and relief of the staff of the supporters, thats exactly what donald trump delivered. Hillary clinton and, as you know, most people know shes a worldclass liar. Reporter with his new team and teleprompters in place, donald trump stayed on script and unleashed his most focused and unrelenting attack to date on Hillary Clinton that had even skeptics cheering, not cringing. Hillary clinton may be the most corrupt person ever to seek the presidency of the United States. Reporter call it operation pivot as the presumptive gop nominee made his first real attempt at defining the general election for voters. Her Campaign Slogan is im with her. You know what my response is to that . Im with you, the american people. Reporter its no secret why trumps assault focused so much on clintons character. Just look at the numbers. A new orc cnn poll shows that most People Trust Trump more than clinton. Trump is trying to chip away at her Foreign Policy credentials. Her decisions spread death, construction and terrorism everywhere she touched. Reporter but in doing so, trump made statements that are simply not true, like his statement that he criticized the war. I was among the earliest to criticize the rush to war, and, yes, even before the war started. Reporter even though hes on tape supporting the iraq invasion in 2003. Are you for invading iraq . Yes, i guess so. I wish it would have been done correctly. Clinton wants to abolish the Second Amendment but Fact Checkers indicate thats not true. Trump accused clinton her message is old and tired. Reporter trump drilled down on that team, accusing the clintons of profiting off their ties to the rich and powerful. That will never, ever change, including if she ever became president , god help us. I thought trumps speech today were sure signs that the campaign is moving in the right direction. Hes on message. Michael caputo who quit said trump is positioning himself to win. I know people are skeptical about whether or not he can stay on message or moving in the right direction after his pivot. Trumps speech is receiving positive reviews inside the gop but one source said theres no way that he won with these statements. Trump will have to lose the teleprompters from time to time to give his crowds what they want. Jake . Jim acosta, thanks. Meanwhile, team clinton pushed back against trumps attack while clinton herself delivered a policy speech laying out her economic plan. Brianna keilar is covering raleigh, North Carolina. The plan for clintons speech was to focus on her vision of the economy but she certainly took some time to attack donald trump as well . Reporter she did. This peach here in raleigh was more about her policy proposals for the economy but she did attack donald trump. She called him reckless saying that hes attacking her and questioning her faith because he doesnt have answers to the economic problems facing the u. S. Donald hates it when anyone points out how his sales pitch is and i guess my speech yesterday must have gotten under his skin. Reporter Hillary Clinton firing back responding to Donald Trumps harsh words this morning. Hillary clintons message is old and tired. Reporter clinton is focusing on the economy in North Carolina where shes hoping that a state after winning it in 2008 will go her way in november. Maybe we shouldnt expect better from someone whose most famous words are, youre fired. Heres what i want you to know i do have a jobs program and as president , im going to make sure that you hear youre hired. Reporter her remarks after a oneday scathing speech on the battleground state in ohio. Hes written a lot of books about business. They all seem to end at chapter 11. Reporter she spent the morning on capitol hill. A lot of familiar faces here. Reporter meeting with House Democrats telling them that her campaign wont just be aboutvilabout about villifing donald trump. Elijah cummings says they are working to their positions. It seems like well be able to reach an agreement by sunday afternoon. Reporter and clintons running mate could help with that task as well. If she goes to a liberal, such as massachusetts senator elizabeth warren, shes become a persistent trump attacker. Every day, it books clearer that he is just a small, insecure money grubber who doesnt care about anyone or anything that doesnt have the trump names flashed all over it. Reporter warren is scheduled to join clinton object the trail in ohio next week where shes sure to continue hitting donald trump but some observers say warren would not help clinton expand to moderate and independent voters. A new orc poll shows only a third say clinton should pick warren as vp although 61 have a favorable opinion of her. The cnn Reality Check Team taking a look today at Hillary Clintons remarks on the economy. Some of it checked out, for instance, when she talked about the u. S. Being the only developed nation to have paid family on leave. She described the gap in wages and earnings between white americans and black americans. She said that needs to be fixed. But what she said was that it had made some improvement in the owe the 90s when her husband was in the white house. Thats actually not true, jake. While everyone overall on average did better economically in the 90s, that gap between white and black americans has been persistent for decades and it was in the 90s. Brianna keilar, thanks so much. Going back to our top story, will the democrats sit in on the house floor actually help new gun control legislation to come up for a vote to pass or will it hurt the efforts . Well discuss more, neck. We were born 100 years ago into a new american century. Born with a hunger to fly and a passion to build something better. And what an amazing time its been, decade after decade of innovation, inspiration and wonder. So, we say thank you america for a century of trust, for the privilege of flying higher and higher, together. At bp, we empower anyone to stop a job if something doesnt seem right, so everyone comes home safely. Because safety is never being satisfied. And always working to be better. And my brother ray and i started searching for answers. vo when its time to navigate inhome care, follow that bright star. Because brightstar care earns the same accreditation as the best hospitals. And brightstar care means an rn will customize a plan that evolves with moms changing needs. woman because dad made us promise wed keep mom at home. vo call 8444brightstar for your free home Care Planning guide. Dont tour tokyo. And please, dont do tokyo. Live in tokyo. Airbnb a place in shinagawa, or a loft in ebisu. Try toro. Try this. Be polite and slurp. Have yoshi tell you about the time he rode an ostrich. Act like youve done this before. Wherever you go. Dont go there. Live there. Even if its just for a night. Welcome back to the lead. House democrats are staging a sitin to try to force votes on gun control. Thats through periscope because the house cameras have been turned off since the session was gavelled to recess, given that the democrats were out of order. Our Political Panel is here to discuss that. We have with us former Communications Director from marco rubios Campaign Alex cohen, Campaign Manager from Hillary Clintons 2008 run, patti solisdoyle and alex broo brookover. Do you think this sitin will have some effect, alex . Some think if you are on the watch list, you shouldnt be able to buy a gun. Its a publicity stunt. The goal is to get publicity, we are talking about it on cnn. It worked. If the goal is to change the policy, that wont work. Its a waste of air time because its not going to change any laws. And mr. Trump says he agrees with the american people, if youre on the nofly list, you shouldnt be able to buy a firearm. The nra is and posed to all attempts of writing this into law. Has he talked to the nra about this . Is he in favor of what these lawmakers are doing right now . I think they are still together on this issue. Chris cox, the nras leading lobbyist says what americans want is an adult conversation about this and a way to stock these killings. Mr. Trump went farther than saying terrorists shouldnt have guns, which is the nra policy. He said people on the watch list shouldnt have guns. There are problems with that list, the Fourth Amendment rights that we have to protect as well. We have to think about how best to implement this policy. Patti, Donald Trumps message was rather focused and he read from the teleprompter point by point. Do you think this could do some damage from now until november . I know theres a low bar for the Trump Campaign right now, no money, no infrastructure, little staff. He seems to Say Something thats disqualifying every week, whether its racial comments or doubling down on muslims. I get that the bar is low but the idea that the Trump Campaign is highfiving each other because he read off the teleprompter for 40 minutes today and stayed on message for 40 minutes, i think its a too little too late. Ed, ill let you respond to that . Oint of the campaign is how you communicate to the American Voter about what they want and need. Mr. Trump has been able to do that in a very nontraditional way. While we can have a larger operation, were going to continue to run a nontraditional campaign on mr. Trumps behalf. Alex, if we have time, ill definitely ask you about rubio, although i should note well have him on the show tomorrow. I want to get your reaction to something that just happened, which is brent, the former National Security officer to president h. W. Bush, he endorsed Hillary Clinton saying that the presidency requires the judgment to make calls under pressure. I believe Hillary Clinton has the wisdom to lead our country at this critical time. Do you think there will be a lot more republicans like that in the establishment who actually cross the border and endorse hillary . There may be. Trump is going to lose by an embarrassing margin, according to trajectory and the reason he said he was going to run for reelection despite earlier saying he wasnt, theres so much at stake in this falls election. Regardless of who is president next year, we need someone to stand up to the president be it mr. Trump or mrs. Clinton. Do you think that there are going to be other republicans like those that come out and endorse Hillary Clinton . Yes. Look at the numbers. Hillary clinton is really screaming donald trump there. She gave a scathing critique which focused on Donald Trumps own words. Shes just quoting him directly. So i think that when republicans weigh the two choices and who is better equipped to be commander in chief and lead this nation around the world, they are going to pick Hillary Clinton. The framing really is that people view her more steady but they also think that shes untrustworthy and thats where mr. Trump focused his attention today. Which is the basic quality Everyone Wants in their elected officials, is honesty and trust. The other thing is, the washington establishment has had him wrong from day one, from the day he came down the steps in the trump tower, theyve tried to dismiss him and frankly some questioning his policy views which the American Public agrees on things like nato and other topics. I hate the washington elite except for you three. Thank you for being here. We appreciate it. This president ial race, unprecedented in modern times when it comes to how much voters hate the candidates. Plus, north korea ratcheting up and two missile launches go farther than ever before. Is a Nuclear Warhead next with the lobster and shrimp. You love in so many new dishes, youre gonna wanna try. Every last one. Like the new coastal lobster shrimp. 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Safelite repair, safelite replace. She glows colorful mystery and adventure shes a guide shes a route a story and a song she is this day she is this moment she is this place and she belongs to you only in minnesota. Welcome back to the lead, im jake tapper. The war of words is heating up between Hillary Clinton and donald trump. Not only during our show but during commercial breaks. Clinton and her allies are launching a tv ad blitz against trump, spending more than 117 million to reserve Television Ad time between now and election day in november. But what is donald trump doing . His super pac has only spent 700,000 so far. Thats virtually nothing in president ial politics. With some polls showing the presumptive nominees neckandneck, can these Television Ads make a difference . Lets bring in political commentator and former chief strategist for Barack Obamas president ial campaigns, david axelrod. You started your political career as something of an ad guru. I want to get your take on the ads hitting the airwaves. Heres a newly released one. Who are you consulting with consistently so youre ready on day one . Im speaking with myself. Im really good at war. I love war in a certain way. Including with nuclears. Yes. Including with nuclears. I want to be unpredikctable. I know more about isis than the generals do, believe me. Too dangerous, he says. I think that hes temperament, as it relates to Foreign Policy, is something that resonating with voters, maybe not with his base. Its really effective. Its made more effective, of course, that this is shock and awe. All of these ads are raining down and he has no resources to respond to them. So in these battleground states, they are getting a hefty dose. Trump supporters continue to ma hammer away at Hillary Clintons lack of trustworthiness, lack of honesty. Heres a pro trump ad. We turned over anything. I want you to listen to me. I did not. I did not. I did not send classified material. Not a single time. And i did not receive never. Any material that was marked or designated classified. I never told anybody to lie. Thats all i could say. Effective . I think its an effective ad. The race is going to be about trust versus temperament. Clearly, she has some vulnerabilities on that score. The question is, this is not new material that they are presenting relative to the clintons. Some of this is new material relative to trump who people are just getting to know. And the other issue is one of scale because, as has been written about quite a bit lately, the Clinton Campaign have far more resources than the trump forces do. So were giving equal weight to these ads here but voters are not seeing them in equal numbers. Who would you suggest that Hillary Clinton pick as her Vice President . Youve been through this process. You helped obama pick biden. My advice would not to be too adventurous. I think what shes selling now is reliability, experience, and and so i would pick someone who has those qualities. This says a lot about how you view governance. So i would look at a guy like senator tim kaine of virginia who has been a governor, a mayor, a catholic missionary and who is widely liked within the Democratic Party and has governed a swing state and is a very solid guy who is not going to cough up a football. But there are arguments for others that would bring something else. The secretary of h. U. D. Who is among those shes apparently considering, young mayor of san antonio, hispanic. Elizabeth warren would be very, very welcome among the sanders supporters within the party. Who would you recommend donald trump pick . The first is who is willing to serve . A lot of people have taken them out of it. He may have to put it up on craigslist if he continues the way he is. Newt gingrich has promised to do it. Hes bright and valuable and knowledgeable and plausible choice. Chris christie has seemed eager for that job. Obviously both of them would be worriers on the stump and, engo, the concern would be to expose someone to a national race, such as sarah palin was, who has never been through that before. You know better than anyone, the pressures that that entail. So a gingrich, and a christie are far more likely to stand up to those pressures than someone who has never faced them before. David axelrod, thank you so much. Good to be with you. In a race where the presumptive nominees are more strongly disliked than any nominee at this point than in the past ten president ial cycles, a thirdparty candidate may have an opportunity like never before. Gary johnson, libertarian candidate, ran for president in 2012 and got 1 of the vote that year but todays polls show him ranking much higher. Could he be a real option . This is americas libertarian moment. Reporter gary johnson says you might be a libertarian even if you dont know it yet. How can you reach out to the majority of americans and not know . At least the candidate hopes youll vote that way. In their campaign, johnson from new mexico and running mate bill weld from massachusetts are casting themselves as outsiders. And johnsons style is a bit more like that stoner professor you had in college than a traditional candidate. I think youre too freaky deaky to be our candidate. Reporter but there may be an opportunity. Libertarians are getting 9 support, more than any thirdparty candidate at this point in the campaign in recent open elections. No excuses, libertarians reporter the party was established in 1971, despite a relatively highprofile president ial run by congressman ron paul in 1988, libertarians have consistently struggled to be seen as anything but fringe. Why should anybody vote for you . How will it not be throwing away their vote. Throwing away your vote is voting for someone you dont believe in. But i think my package, bill welds package is really unique. Johnson is unique. Hes a try athlete who has climbed mt. Kilimanjaro. It would lead to less overall substance abuse. Reporter the labibertarians say they lean left on some rights, like abortion and civil rights. While promising to crack down on the National Debt and cut Corporate Income tax. Those who dislike clinton and trump, they are giving him a closer look. Ill get to know gary johnson better. Reporter the libertarians still need to earn 15 in National Polls to make it to the president ial debate stage this fall. Perhaps johnsons steepest climb yet. Tonight, your chance to really get to know gary johnson and bill weld, the libertarian ticket. Chris cue ocuomo will host it right here on cnn at 9 00 p. M. Eastern. There are new questions about the Orlando Attack and the timeline of the Police Response. One officer now telling his harrowing story. Stay with us. You can use whipped topping made. But real joyful moments. 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After Law Enforcement first arrived on the scene and engaged the terrorist, this as were also getting a more complicated picture of the orlando mass murderer and what may have specifically motivated him to kill 49 people in cold blood. Cnns ed leavandera is live in orlando. What is coming under scrutiny today . Reporter they are looking at the timing and movements of the officers inside the club. When omar mateen first shot his way into the pulse nightclub, he exchanged gunfire with a Security Guard but within six minutes, a small group of officers arrived and burst inside the club. Our officers were within the club within minutes and engaged the suspect in gunfire. And thats important because that engagement and initial entry caused him to retreat, stop shooting and barricade himself in the bathroom with hostages. Reporter one of those officers, brandon cornwell, tells the Washington Post that instead of charging into the bathroom where mateen murdered a number of victims, quote, they told us to retreat, that theyd take over because we were not really in tactical gear. We were just in our police uniforms. Cornwell, a police officer, did not, however, criticize the decision to wait for the s. W. A. T. Teams to move inside. Orlando Police Officials would not verify the officers account and said First Responders actions will be scrutinized in an after action report. Im extremely proud of the action of our officers and im very con iffident that they sav many lives. Reporter investigators looking into the background of omar mateen and the specifics that the shooter was gay. Are you interviewing those people . If individuals come forward with any information involving contact with him, they are individuals that we would be interested in interviewing. Im not going to be able to give you the specifics of who we are talking to right now because thats part of the ongoing investigation. Were trying to find out essentially all motivations he may have had. Reporter and the man who first alerted the fbi about mateen in 2014 says he did so because he heard mateen talking about watching videos of a muslim radical cleric. My reaction to him was what he thought about the videos and he told me they were powerful. Both of those raised a red flag for me and prompted me to speak with the fbi. Reporter jake, investigators have finished their work at the pulse nightclub. The roads have been reopened and over the last day or so weve seen a steady stream of people coming here. This is the closest that theyve been able to get here remembering remembrances and flowers. Jake . Ed lavandera, thanks so much. U. S. Officials are now worried about what is next with north korea. This just got interesting. Why pause to take a pill . 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Airbnb a loft in south pigalle, or a flat in the fourth. Read a book. Make your bed. Leave the kids with dad and go head to head with your host laura, shes good. Eat way too much. Wherever you go. Dont go there. Live there. Even if its just for a night. Welcome back to the lead. North korea test firing two Ballistic Missiles overnight, rattling the region and much of the world. These latest provocations mark the fifth and sixth attempts over the last two months and they are the most successful launches by kim jonguns regime this year. U. S. Officials fear north korea could mount a Nuclear Payload to the mobile midrange missile and that would mean u. S. Territories would be within striking distance. Lets go to Barbara Starr right at the pentagon for us. This represents significant improvement in north koreas weapons program, yes . This was the first in the regime. It flew 250 miles ought north koreas east coast into the satisfy sea of japan. It achieved an altitude and came back down into the atmosphere. What does all of that mean . That north korea, for the first time, has really successfully tested a mobile missile that could some day have a Nuclear Warhead on top of it. Why is it so significant . Because you put it on a mobile launcher, fire it and then move the launcher to some other location very quickly. In war time, it makes it extremely difficult for u. S. Spy satellites to potentially keep track of where these north korean launchers may be. Its the old shoot and scoot that weve heard about for so many years. So this is a Significant Development for it. If this missile eventually works, it would have the range eventually to reach guam, the Outer Islands of alaska. Bottom line, north korea has now demonstrated capabilities in an Intercontinental Ballistic Missile a nuclear head and now a mobile missile. Alarming news. Barbara starr, thanks so much. Lets turn to our health lead. One of the most prominent athletes in the world is dropping out of the 2016 rio olympics because of zika fears. Top golfer rory mcilroy said in a statement, ive come to realize that my health and my familys health comes before anything else. Even though the risk of the zika virus is a low, it is a risk that is there and im unwilling to take. Zika can cause in adult as severe neurological disorder that can lead to paralysis. Some are calling it the uk Donald Trumps movement. What could the candidate and his supporters tell us about the drive to get Great Britain out of the eu and what does that mean for the United States . One coat, yes one coat guaranteed marquee interior. Behrs most advanced paint. Come find our top rated paints, only at the home depot. Welcome back to the lead. Im jake tapper. In our money lead today, is the United Kingdom pulling a donald trump . Many britains, like many trump supporters, are angry and frustrated over unemployment, immigration problems and the general feeling that their politicians are not working for them. And many in the uk think that leaving the European Union could help fix those problems. In our latest installment of the series were calling americas debt and the economy, voters in britain are just hours away from having their say on the acrimonious socalled brexit vote, which stands for britain exit. You should know that tomorrows division could potentially have powerful effects, not only on the Global Economy but here at home. Lets bring in Business Correspondent alison kosik. What kind of implications can americans expect if britain leaves the eu . You think about this referendum happening thousands of miles from the u. S. But if the british people vote for britain to leave the eu, it could affect us here at home. Youll feel it everywhere from your mortgage to your 401 k . What happens in europe doesnt stay in europe. A uk vote could have significant economic repercussions. Reporter with the Global Economy, more interconnected than ever, a vote for brexit could deliver a shock to europe, one that could also be felt in the United States, most immediately, in the stock market. This is a tsunami. This is china melting down. This is going out of business. Reporter one analysis predicts the s p 500 would see a 5 slump and a 40 spike in volatility. It will hit the 401 k s because money rushes to safety assets and that is not cash equities. Reporter but a stock market decline isnt the only problem. If its no longer in the eu, the uk would need to negotiate new trade deals, which could take years. A major headache as the uk is americas seventh biggest trading partner. Our focus is in negotiating with a big block of the European Union to get a trade agreement done and the uk is going to be in the back of the queue. Reporter that could push britain into a recession and then that presents contagion. Would the u. S. And europe be next . Thats not the most likely case but we dont know what will happen and well have to watch for it very carefully. Reporter the probrexit say its the right move. I think its perfectly reasonable point to concede but its actually about the longterm interests of the uk. Reporter also watching, American Companies that do business overseas, like jachlt p morgan. They could cut jobs. I dont know if it means a thousand or 2,000, there could be as many as 4,000. Reporter if theres a brexit, it could make it cheaper to finance your house because Mortgage Rates could go even lower. The bad news, the 401 k could take a really big hit. Im talking a big hit at the opening bell on friday as investors try to get a handle on what the bigger meaning is of a possible brexit. Jake . Alison kosik, thanks so much. The sports lead now. He went from god to cleveland and this is the thanks lebron james will get for that. Fans found out that this iconic footballsized lebron james banner will be coming down for donald trump and the Republican Convention in about a month. Now, the owner of the space has said that it will be going back up after the republicans leave town. Of course, there are many, many republicans hoping that he will swoop into the convention and do what he did to andre to save game seven but those are pipe dreams by a writer on my staff who smokes to much marijuana. Be sure to follow me on facebook and on twitter. Thats it for the lead. Turning you over now to wolf blitzer in the situation room. Happening now, breaking news. Worldclass liar. Donald trump comes out swinging trying to move his campaign forward after weeks of turmoil. Trump accusing his opponent for bringing death and terrorism and destruction to everything she touches. A house divided. Democrats take drastic action staging a sitin on the house floor demanding action on gun control and vowing to stay until republicans allow a vote. And the

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