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U. S. Faces regarding terrorism right now is that isis is making a deliberate effort to promote selfradicalization here in the u. S. And two, therefore embracing approaches that of donald trump, in the president s view, stigmatize and alienate muslims broadly, that thats the worst thing we, as a nation, can do. If we fall into the trap of painting all muslims with a broad brush and imply that we are at war with an entire religion, then we are doing the terrorists work for them. Now, in addition to the president s concerns about religious liberties, sources tell cnn that the president has privately expressed in more stark terms the concern that trumps rhetoric and policy proposals might drive a young Muslim American down the wrong path. Much of this section of the speech the president wrote last night and this morning with aids, yesterday afternoon he decided to deliver the speech after donald trump made his National Security speech in new hampshire. Sources saying that the president was bothered that many in the political world just seemed to accept that this is the new norm, casually accepting the bye smir muching of the entire muslim community. Well explore all angles of this speech. Lets begin with dana bash whos with me here in washington. An extraordinary speech from the president. Absolutely. Jake, you and i spent the last six months together during primary and caucus nights this election season marking big moments in the 2016 campaign. This was one of those moments, no question about it. Its the day that the president of the United States tried to come out and change the trump narrative. Im told also like you are, jake, that mr. Obama was absorbing all that donald trump said yesterday afternoon about muslims and that he expressed to his aides that he wanted to come out and say something. The result today was months and maybe even years of pentup frustration watching and listening to donald trump. We are now seeing how dangerous this mindset and this thinking can be. Reporter a rhetorical explosion, rare for any president , especially one who prides himself on keeping calm. The presumptive nominee of the president of the United States wants to bar all muslims here to america, language that singles out immigrants, and suggests entire religious communities are complicit in violence. Where does this stop . Reporter tearing into donald trump with visible anger and disgust. Thats not the america we want. That doesnt reflect our democratic ideals. It wont make us more safe, it will make us less safe. Reporter the power of his words amplified by the stage craft, a commanderinchief coming out of a counterterrorism briefing standing with his top military officer, a fourstar general. Weve gone through moments in our history before when we acted out of fear, and we came to regret it. We dont have religious tests here. Our founders, our constitution, our bill of rights, are clear about that. And if we ever abandon those values, we would not only make it a lot easier to radicalize people here and around the world, but we would have betrayed the very things we are trying to protect. Reporter and what really got him going, the g. O. P. Refrain that hes weak on terrorism because he refuses to use the term radical islam. Theres not been a moment in my seven and a half years as president where we have not been able to pursue a strategy because we didnt use the label, radical islam. Not once has an advisor of mine said, man, if we really use that phrase, were going to turn this whole thing around. Not once. So someone seriously thinks that we dont know who were fighting . Reporter all that as the candidate obama endorsed delivered a more measured version of the same message. He is fixated on the words radical islam. Now, i must say i find this strange. Is donald trump suggesting that there are magic words that, once uttered, will stop terrorists from coming after us . Reporter Hillary Clinton continues to use trumps response to the orlando massacre to define him as too volatile for the white house. Yesterday morning, just one day after the massacre, he went on tv and suggested that president obama is on the side of the terrorists. Now, just think about that for a second. Even in a time of divided politics this is way beyond anything that should be said by someone running for president of the United States. Now both Hillary Clinton and president obama were quite deliberate in not just going after trump but putting the onus on the republican rank and file and leadership to decide whether they support trump rhetoric and prescriptions, knowing full well that most dont. Jake, politically speaking only here, it is a good thing for democrats trying to unite to continue to push open the divide with the republican party. A lot of republicans on capitol hill now refusing to answer any questions. They wont go there. About their own party nominee. Thanks so much. It didnt take long for mr. Trump to fire back of course. He called president obamas priorities into question. Sarah murray is live in gree greensbo greensboro, north carolina. Sarah, mr. Trump has come under criticism for his proposed temporary ban on muslims entering the country and his comments on president obama but it seems like hes not backing down at all. Reporter it hasnt just been the muslim ban but also donald trump sort of suggesting in recent days that maybe president obama sympathizes with islamic extremists and he put out a Statement Today in response to president obama in which trump says president obama claims to know our enemy and yet he continues to prioritize our enemy over our allies. And for that matter, the american people. When i am president , it will always be america first. Now, trump hasnt exactly clarified what he means when hes saying that president obama is putting our enemy ahead of our allies, but obviously that is a very jarring statement to hear from the g. O. P. Nominee. Its also not the same tactic that were seeing from the Republican National committee. They put out their own Statement Today. It makes no mention of donald trump, and it really focuses not just on terrorism but also on the gun controls that president obama and Hillary Clinton have both been pushing and in the rnc statement they say the terrorists win when they convince politicians they should take away our rights and that is exactly what president obama and Hillary Clinton are proposing. Jake, i think its stark to see the contrast between the two sides of the aisle today. Youre really seeing democrats create this echo chamber of pushing back against what donald trump has said. Were not seeing the same on the republican side. Were not seeing republicans flock to Donald Trumps defense and defend his muslim ban. In fact, weve heard from a number of Republican Leaders on the hill today blasting that suggestion. Back to you. Sarah murray, thank you so much. Lets bring in mike rogers, former republican chairman of the House Intelligence Committee and host of the cnn series declassified which debuts sunday night. So many unprecedented things to discuss but lets start with the notion of president obama standing in the east room blasting the republican presum tif president ial nominee basically suggesting that hes a threat to the nation. Do you have an issue with him doing that to begin with . I think he walks into the same territory that donald trump does when he makes these broad, sweeping claims about a complete ban on muslims and i think hes kind of necked that down to temporarily banning muslims from chris where they are in trouble, syria, other places. But having the president of the United States engage in this debate i think is not helpful by the way. Not helpful to whom . To the country. This is clearly designed to divide us. This was the moment, i thought, could be a real moment for the president. We have the most tragic terrorist attack on the country since 9 11 and we had a series of them, chattanooga, san bernardino, orlando, ft. Hood. This was a chance for the president to try to bring us together. I think hes so focused on the president ial campaign he lets himself go. I dont think it was the right tactic for the president. He should have come out and talked about how we take away the permission slip that isis has given young men, whether theyre immigrants or american citizens, to do the things that they have done, including orlando and san bernardino. We have to remove that permission slip in a way that means going after them where they recruit, where they train, where they govern in Eastern Syria and western iraq. We dont do that, all of this conversation is going to lead to more events. I think the president s point, just based on talking to some of his aides, was that he thinks that Donald Trumps rhetoric is actually pushing people into the arms of isis to become jihadists, to become selfradicalized, terrorists, home grown, so thats why he did it. You dont think thats a concern . Listen, i think these folks have a lot of other drivers on their sheet. Donald trump is not one of them. The president also talked about the internet being this vital tool for radicalization. It is a process. That is a tool for them. And so some notion that Donald Trumps comments are leading young men in america to do this is as bad as saying that president obama wanted the shooting to happen. I think both demean the office of the president. Thats what im concerned about here. You have americans who are kind of stepping back and saying somethings wrong. Were not dealing with this in the right way. This is the second event. The fact that we have home grown folks who are selfradicalizing in a way. Somebody said, listen, theyre making up for all the other faults in their life. As a former investigator i can tell you thats true in just about most instances. But remember theyre looking for some permission, somewhere to do this. He apparently got radicalized not only online. He had some International Travel so the fbi is going to try to piece that together. The orlando shooter . Yes, the orlando shooter. So they took all the things going on in his life and it wasnt donald trump, it wasnt even president obama. It was the notion that there is a group called isis that has these radical islamic ideology that is promoting this kind of activity. Remember, in the last six months theyve burned yezidi women alive in cages because they wouldnt be sex slaves. They have thrown gays off the roofs in buildings and took christians on the beach and beheaded them. Thats the permission slip we need to take off the table. I wish the president would have come out and been commanderinchief, not campaigner in chief today. I want to play some sound of president obama talking about his reluctance to use the term, radical islam. Take a listen. What exactly would using this label accomplish . What exactly would it change . Would it make isil less committed to trying to kill americans . Would it bring in more allies . Is there a military strategy that is served by this . I dont have a problem calling it radical islamic terrorism but then again im not the leader of the free world. Is there an issue you have with him not using the term or with george w. Bush before him not using the term . I think the problem and what republicans see is not necessarily the words. I think thats the focal point. Thats what they talk about to describe what is lack of policy in syria and western iraq. Its not the terms that so much bother me. Its the fact that he really has not through this incrementalism press release policy in syria and the middle east tried to dismantle it. Hes called for disruption, for the defeat of isis, but we dont see concrete plans and i think thats where this divide in the National Security committee by the way, its republicans and democrats as well where there is not a coherent policy that our allies in the region, the sunni, arab partners understand clearly the shia relationships we have dont understand and thats where we get this confusion. I think people focus on the fact that he wont say radical islam but the real problem is the philosophy behind his not wanting to use the term has resulted in some bad policy decisions in the middle east. Former congressman mike rogers, thanks for joining us. Turning now to the investigation in the orlando terror attack and the terrorists current wife, new questions about what she may have known about the attack and when she knew it. 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In new york state, we believe tomorrow starts today. All across the state, the economy is growing, with creative new business incentives, the lowest taxes in decades, and new infrastructure for a new generation attracting the talent and companies of tomorrow. Like in rochester, with worldclass botox. And in buffalo, where medicine meets the future. Let us help grow your companys tomorrow today at business. Ny. Gov development in the orlando terror organization. Federal officials are telling us theyre investigating what the terrorists widow may have known about her husbands plans to shoot up that club and killing 49 people and looking into the shocking news that the terrorist frequented the gay nightclub and used a gay dating app. Pamela brown is looking into the killers timeline. What are you learning . Reporter there are a lot of investigative leads right now that the fbi is focused on including these places where the fbi believes the gunman was casing in the weeks leading up to the shooting during gay celebrations here in orlando. And also the fbi is focused on the wife of this gunman and how much she knew about her husbands plans before the mass shooting. Tonight, authorities believe the exwife visited with the gunman and trying to determine if she knew he was planning an attack. Did you know your husband was going to do this . Reporter sources tell cnn she has been providing helpful insight. For the first time were seeing inside the apartment. Clothes and toys can be seen on the ground. Investigators have seized items in searches of this home and those of the shooters relatives, including a smartphone, camera and related media. The killer took in extremist information and propaganda over the internet. He appears to have been an angry, disturbed, unstable young man who became radicalized. Reporter as authorities piece together clues painting a picture of the shooters life, cnn is learning more about his movements in the hours leading up to the attack. Investigators say they used cell phone tower data to determine that he spent several hours the day before the shooting at Disney Springs, a shopping and Entertainment Center in the orlando area, before the attack at the pulse nightclub early sunday morning. Law enforcement sources tell cnn he also visited Disney Springs and the pulse nightclub at the beginning of june. Investigators believe the visits were intended to conduct surveillance of the locations. What are you hearing in terms of the gunman hanging out prior to the shooting inside that club . I was hearing that from some of the patrons that were there, that he had actually been in there hanging out. Im like, wow, really . Reporter a performer at pulse nightclub tells cnn mateen visited a couple visits a month over three years. Cnn learned the fbi is looking into claims mateen was on gay dating apps such as grinder. But its unclear what his intentions were on those apps. One official i spoke with today said that certainly changes the perspective, the fact that this gunman may have been on these gay dating apps and may have frequented the club dozens of times so it seems as though there are a blend of motivations here, jake, but officials have not reached any conclusions yet. They still believe he acted alone. The question is did any of his family or friends have an idea of what he was up to and not tell authorities. That would be a crime. Thank you so much. With investigators now questioning the terrorists wife were learning more about her. The big question of course as pamela laid out, did she know anything about what her husband was about to do. Lets bring in cnn investigative correspondent drew griffin. Do we know one way or another if the terrorist shared plans with his wife before he went on his mad rampage . Definitively we do not. She has been cooperating almost from the very beginning with investigators. What investigators will only tell us is she has talked with them. We have seen very little of her. In fact, last night we only caught a glimpse of her returning to the condominium that she shared, along with a Police Officer. This condominium she shared with her husband, it looked like she was getting some personal items and then left, but she has made no appearance. Weve been trying to get answers from her family but at this time were only following what we know from investigators that they are pursuing those angles of whether or not the husband shared his plans with the wife. Of course there would also be questions of not only knowing about it but if she helped him in any way in this mass shooting. Reporter and legally that would be, you know, another step forward in another more dramatic turn for this woman. Nora solomons fatherinlaw of course lives right behind me. We asked him this question just about two hours ago when he came out on the street. This is what the fatherinlaw said about his daughterinlaws involvement or lack of involvement. Can we just ask one question related to the news thats broken. It is that nora solomon is cooperating and that she has told police, the fbi, that she personally went on a trip to orlando and brought your son to that club. I dont know anything. I wait until they talk to her. Did you hear she could be charged with a crime . I dont know. I cant say anything. Do you think that your daughterinlaw helped your son commit this crime . I dont think so. Reporter thats the second wife of the shooter. The couple were married in 2011 in an islamic ceremony near san francisco. We know from that marriage certificate that her parents are palestinian immigrants. She herself born and raised in california. But the family and even the friends that weve been contacting have been very tight lipped about how this couple got together, how they wed, what kind of courtship they had. Its been kind of mysterious to us as to how this guy here in florida could marry that woman out in california and really nobody know too much about them. Jake . Very mysterious. Drew, thank you so much. The director of the fbi just finished Briefing Members of the house on this terrorist attack, a member of the House Intelligence Committee was there and will tell us what he learned. More questions about what the terrorist was after one man came forward and says the gunman tried to pick him up on a gay dating app. If you have moderate to Severe Plaque Psoriasis isnt it time to let the real you shine through . Introducing otezla, apremilast. Otezla is not an injection, or a cream. Its a pill that treats plaque psoriasis differently. Some people who took otezla saw 75 clearer skin after 4 months. And otezlas prescribing information has no requirement for routine lab monitoring. Dont take otezla if you are allergic to any of its ingredients. Otezla may increase the risk of depression. Tell your doctor if you have a history of depression or suicidal thoughts, or if these feelings develop. Some people taking otezla reported weight loss. Your doctor should monitor your weight and may stop treatment. Side effects may include diarrhea, nausea, upper respiratory tract infection, and headache. Tell your doctor about all the medicines you take, and if youre pregnant or planning to be. Ask your dermatologist about otezla today. Otezla. Show more of you. Were here with Bud Light Party super delegate michael pena to talk about diversity. America is a nation of immigrants. Were a schmorgasbord of cultures. A korean taco of togetherness. An everything bagel of unity, each one of us a different seed. That was beautiful, amy. I thought it was also nice, yeah. Yeah. Were a poutine of harmony. A gumbo of coexistance. Were a never ending, bottomless, all inclusive, super. Buffet of. I cant do any more metaphors. Ya know, alright. Cheers cheers. Im full. Igoing to clean betteran electthan a manual. Was he said sure. But dont get just any one. Get one inspired by dentists, with a round brush head. Go pro with oralb. Oralbs rounded brush head cups your teeth to break up plaque and rotates to sweep it away. And oralb delivers a clinically proven superior clean versus sonicare diamondclean. My mouth feels super clean oralb. Know youre getting a superior clean. Im never going back to a manual brush. Welcome back to the looed. American investigators are digging through the orlando terrorists background trying to determine what may have motivated sundays heinous attack and whether he may have had any help. Joining me is democratic congressman Eric Swalwell of california. He service on the House Intelligence Committee. You were just briefed on the investigation by intelligence officials. What can you tell us . Were getting new information, jake, right now. The fbi is doing a very good job right now looking at who was this individual. The key question is was he selfradicalized, an unstable individual who carried out this attack or something larger directed by isis. The second question is what was missed . What did people around him not pass forward to Law Enforcement that could have prevented this. And then lawmakers are asking ourselves how could we prevent this in the future. I think a key issue is how could someone on a terror watch list, even in the past who came off, how do we not have a law in place that alerts the fbi that you were looking at this person before and now by the way he has bought an assault weapon. Lets try to break down some of the things you just said. The first one, the latest information we have is that there is not evidence, at least nothing uncovered yet, indicating that this was directed by a terrorist group, that the individual in question appears to have been selfradicalized. Is there anything new on that front . Hope thats the case and right now the fbi is going through everything about this individuals background to make sure that is true, but until thats the case, i think we remain on alert here and know that isis can not only direct but with their success abroad inspire. Sources are telling cnn that theres an active investigation right now into what the terrorists wife might have known about the plot, whether she knew something and failed to notify officials. Have you heard anything about that . Have you heard anything about a possible imminent arrest . Jake, ill just say looking at san bernardino, we know that oftentimes these family members Work Together and i imagine that that will be a part and is a part of their investigation but nothing further yet on that. In the last few hours this case has taken on a real twist and odd development. Reports that the terrorist had possibly been a patron at the pulse nightclub several times and even used gay dating apps. Fbi investigators have recovered his cell phone. Have you been briefed on any of that, including what is in his cell phone and what that might mean . Jake, this is a terrible loss during lgbt pride month for the community, and the question right now that is being examined is, was this a casing, was this individual going there to check out the nightclub based on the open reports weve seen from people who have seen him there, or was this because he himself was gay. That is an important question in this, but we know that a hateful person with an assault weapon, a weapon of war, carried out this horrific crime. Youve talked a lot in this interview about the semiautomatic rifle and the glock that the terrorist had. Your republican colleagues do not support, at least most of them, any effort to make it so if youre on the terror watch list or the nofly list that you cant legally buy a gun. Are you going to be able to convince any of them as to your way of thinking . I hope so and i hope my republican colleague on the house intel committee, peter king whos the sponsor of the house version of that bill helps. Right now if you are too dangerous to fly on a plane, you should be too dangerous to buy a gun. I also think under this bill the attorney general has brought authorities and i think one that should be looked at is whether you come off a watch list and then later on go and buy a firearm, do we want the fbi to know about it. And i think the answer is yes. Thats fine that you trust attorney general lynch with that power, but would you trust Donald Trumps attorney general with that power . No. And thats why i think congress can actually clean that up and make sure that anyone who comes off a watch list, if they go on to buy a firearm, we at least know about it and maybe can go back to that investigation. Thanks so much. Thanks, jake. Two very different pictures being painted about the orlando terrorist. One, a person who could not stand the sight of two men kissing. The other, a man who visited gay night clubs and reached out to men on gay dating apps. So who was the terrorist . That story next. avo how much protein does your dog food have . 18 . 20 . Nutrientdense purina one true instinct with real turkey and venison has 30 protein. Support your active dogs whole body health with purina one. 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Lets bring in cnns brian todd. How would this news, if it turns out to be true, how would it affect the investigation. Reporter a Law Enforcement official tells us it would certainly change their perspective on this investigation. We do have new information this afternoon on the killers activities in the gay community, but there are also new questions about his motive for engaging with the community. The picture thats emerging appears to show a conflicted killer, several gay men, including club goers, say omar mateen was a frequent visitor of gay night clubs and used gay dating apps. Kevin west knew him from the gay dating app jacked. He was saying, what clubs are popping. The last contact was like three months ago. Reporter west recognized mateen when he saw him on saturday night. I was right in front of pulse standing outside of the car. I said hey. He turned and looked and said hey and he was like a regular person. But he had on one of those droopy hats that hang off the back of your head. I remembered him because the picture he showed me online was of him wearing one of those hat things. Chris callen who worked as a performer said he had seen mateen over a dozen times over a threeyear period. I had introduced myself once before. When we first saw him there, me and a Security Guard that used to work at pulse, we said hello and everything and he was very friendly and all that. But yes, he had frequently been to that bar. It had been going on three years. Do you think he was there to meet people, to meet guys . Do you know why he was there . Yeah. When we met him and i mean, we introduced ourselves and said hello and that was really all i got to do with him because i was performing, but he seemed like and even my partner said that he seemed like a very nice, comfortable, he loved where he was at, he was drinking with another guy. Reporter its a stark contrast to the angry, homophobic young man described by former coworkers and family members. In the beginning he was normal reporter mateens exwife acknowledges he may have been gay but may have hidden it out of shame. It surely might be because now everything thats coming out and i feel like the tragedy that happened, you know, particularly in that nightclub, you know, targeting that group of people, there has to be some sort of a reason psychologically. Reporter in the immediate hours after the attack mateens father said he believed his sons motivation for the killing was seeing two men kiss recently in miami. Its not clear whether he was interested in men or whether he was pretending to be in order to surveil possible targets. We are going through the kill area ers life, especially his che electronics. Reporter whether he was driven by loyalty to a terror group or his own inner demons. As far as the apps that omar mateen used, the gentleman who we interviewed for the piece, kevin west, said that he knew mateen through the app called jacked but jacked has said they cannot substantiate that and say they have not been contacted by Law Enforcement. But there are also indications that mateen might have used the app called grinder and they say they are cooperating with Law Enforcement. The killers visits to the disney complex are also part of the investigation into his activities in the gay community, right . Reporter thats right. Law enforcement officials with knowledge of the investigation, jake, are telling us that they believe that mateen visited Disney Springs as well as pulse, but he visited Disney Springs during the week of june 1st to june 6th. Thats when the gay days celebration 2016 was taking place at disney in the disney complexes. They say that he visited those areas and investigators believe that those visits were intend today surveil those locations. His visits to the disney complex are playing into this equation of whether he was gay or pretending to be to surveil these areas. Thank you so much. More news breaking today. The Democratic National committees email was hacked, including their file on trump. Experts say russia is behind it. Stay with us. Real is touching a ray. Amazing is moving like one. Real is making new friends. Amazing is getting this close. Real is an animal rescue. Amazing is over twentyseven thousand of them. There is only one place where real and amazing live. Seaworld. Real. Amazing they give awards for spelling but everyone knows cheese. S. Cracker barrel has won awards for their delicious cheddar and they put that cheddar in a new macaroni cheese. Can you spell delicious . Delicious. D. E. L. See me. See me. Dont stare at me. See me. See me. See me to know that psoriasis is just something that i have. Im not contagious. See me to know that. I wont stop until i find what works. 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This just into cnn, Russian Hackers managed to infiltrate the Commuter Network at the Democratic National committee and what information did they apparently zero in on . Well, the Opposition Research file on one mr. Donald j. Trump. Correspondent renee marsh joins me now. Do we have any idea why they were looking into that file . We do know first off that this was a very sophisticated hack. The Cyber Security firm said the perpetrators are affiliated with the russian government and the goal was to gather intelligence. They were looking for information on political campaigns and strategies, opposition and research on donald trump and Foreign Policy plans. Now, the researchers were roaming around the network for about a year but were removed this weekend. The dnc chairwoman, Debbie Wasserman schultz saying in a statement, quote, when we discovered the intrusion, we treated this like the serious incident it is and reached out to crowd strike immediately. Our team moved as quickly as possible to quick out the intruders and secure our network. And of course crowd strike is the team of Cyber Security experts called in to fix this breach. They tell cnn that two separate groups gained access. They dont believe that the hackers were working together, but they were known perpetrators who have previously targeted the white house, the state department, and the joint chief of staff. Correct me if im wrong, but this is not the first time there have been suggestions that the russians were digging into, snooping around american politics. We should point out that u. S. Officials havent officially come out and said that this is directly linked to the russian government, but youre right. In 2008 we saw both computers at the headquarters of barack obama as well as john mccain, they had been hacked by foreign entities. They were seeking Foreign Policy information. I mean, it just goes to show that u. S. Politics very much high interest for adversaries, other foreign entities. The more information they can learn, they can use that to their advantage. Of course donald trump hasnt been in politics for a long time so you saw they went directly after his Opposition Research file. They want to learn as much as they can about him, possibly if he becomes president , use that to their advantage. Renee marsh, thanks so much. Democratic president ial candidates Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders are expected to meet later today right here in our Nations Capital tonight as the primary season officially comes to a close. Will sanders concede the nomination or will he take the fight all the way to the convention in philadelphia . Joining me now cnn senior washington correspondent jeff zeleny. What are sources telling you . The sources on senator sanders side says he comes in peace and friendship but he does not plan to suspend his campaign or make an endorsement tonight. He still wants to get some of those concessions out. What hes after is changing the Democratic Party. He had a press conference with reporters in the last hour and we asked him what his plans were and he said he wants to remake the Democratic Party and make it more open, more accessible to younger voters, all kinds of voters, change super delegates. He also wants to remove the leadership of the Democratic National committee. He did not name them specifically but we know who hes talking about, the chairwoman of the party. The Clinton Campaign is not likely to give into these things but they will allow him to have somewhat of a say on the Party Platform fight. They believe thats pretty harmless. He can make that more progressive. The Clinton Campaign just wants this to go away and they want to make him promise that he will help defeat donald trump. They can use him, she can use him in terms of energizing those younger voters, those White Working Class voters that she struggled with. Right now theyre very, very worried about getting those supporters on board. They need independence. They need young people and White Working Class voters. Is the Clinton Campaign confident they can get them . Eventually they believe that Bernie Sanders will come on board. Theres one thing sort of hanging over everything here. Bernie sanders has been in the congress for a long time. He could be a party chairman. He has leverage but the Party Establishment has leverage too. The Clinton Campaign thinks eventually hell come around but he wants to take this fight to the convention. I asked him today if he could see himself putting her name in the nomination as she did 8 years ago. He would not answer my question on that, so this is still sort of unfolding and its raw but at some point he needs to accept the reality and well see if he does that tonight. Jeff zeleny, thanks so much. Trapped in a bathroom and playing dead, hoping the killer doesnt shoot him. Im thinking im next, im dead. So i dont know how but by the glory of god, he shoots towards my head but it hits my hand. Survivors of the orlando troerist attack share what it was like inside the nightclub. Stay with us. Whats it like to be in good hands . Man, its like pure power at your finger tips. Like the power to earn allstate reward points, every time i drive. Want my number . And cash back for driving safe. And the power to automatically find your car. I see you car and i got the power to know whos coming and when if i break down. You must be gerry. Hey. In means getting more from your Car Insurance with the allpowerful drivewise app. Its good to be in, good hands. Shoshow me more like this. E. Show me previously watched. Whats recommended for me. X1 makes it easy to find what you love. Call or go online and switch to x1. Only with xfinity. Welcome back. We now know the identities of all of the 49 victims whose lives were cut so short when the orlando terrorists targeted the gay nightclub pulse. Their ages range from 18 to 50. Those who were lucky enough to make it out safely may be haunted forever by the sights and sounds they had to witness. Dr. Sanjay gupta has the hair rowing stories of survival. We started running youre lfistening to a witnes describe the scene. I was shot three times in my leg so i had fallen down. I tried to get back up but, um, everyone started running everywhere. I got trampled over and i shattered and broke the bones in my left leg. Unable to move, he just lays there waiting. All i could hear was the shotgun, one after another and people screaming, people yelling for help. In a cold, calculating move, the gunman seemed to zero back in on the victims. I hear him come back and hes shooting everyone thats already dead on the floor, making sure theyre dead. He closes in. I can hear the shotguns closer and i look over and he shoots the girl next to me. And im just there laying down. Im thinking im next, im dead. So i dont know how but by the glory of god, he shoots towards my head but it hits my hand. And then he shoots me again and it hits this side of my hip. I had no reaction. I was just prepared to just stay there laying down so he wont know that im alive. Hes finally rescued by a Police Officer who drags him to safety and becomes just one of 22 survivors who are now recovering at orlandos Regional Medical center. Today the doctors attending to those patients describe how they were overwhelmed in the immediate aftermath of the massacre. This is not a drill, this is not a joke. We have 20plus gunshot wounds coming in. 44 victims all needing Different Levels of care. Doctors had to make quick decisions on who was to be seen first. Tonight as the hospital tries to return to normal, doctors and staff are trying to come to grips with what happened. I was walking out of the hospital and walking out i saw team members walking into work crying. And i just i just couldnt express how its hard to describe how you feel, but i know how they feel. Jake, i can tell you that they do a lot of drills, a lot of scenarios to try and practice for this sort of thing. Certainly after hearing those stories, you can understand why those drills can never replicate what happened here in real life. Jake, back to you. Our thanks to sanjay gupta. If you want to help the victims of the orlando terrorist attack, go to cnn. Com impact. Thats it for the lead. Im jake tapper. I turn you over to wolf blitzer. He is right next door in the situation room. Thank you for watching. Happening now, breaking news, the killers motive, a dramatic twist in the investigation into the orlando terror attack, including new evidence indicating the gunman himself might have been gay. Were also learning he cased the nightclub and a nearby disney complex. Plus, new details from survivors, what was the gunman saying as he carried out his rampage. The killers wife in hiding and said to be cooperating with the fbi. Investigators are trying to determine if she knew about the attack and whether a case could be made against her for not coming forward. Did she

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