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Can obama stop putin from pushing his way into the middle east and nudging out u. S. Influence . Pop culture lead, first night called everything from smooth and solid to crude and clumsy. We will look at trevor noahs debut as host of the daly show and whether america will learn to love him. Good afternoon, everybody, welcome to the lead. Aim jake tapper. Politics lead, less tan, better at keeping his tear ducts from overflowing but is congressman kevin mccarthy, republican from california, really different enough from suddening retiring Speaker John Boehner to get dissatisfied conservatives in the house on board . What will make mccarthy any different than his predecessor . 4 will he be able to keep 218 frongs in a wheelbarrow to get something passed. The behind the scenes battle to become the next speaker has the halls of congress buzzing. Leader mccarthy sat down with the first interview since tossing his hat in the ring for speaker what happen are you hearing hearing in halls from republicans . Do they want a conservative to challenge mccarthy . Reporter standing outside the republican Conference Meeting where theyre going to have their first extended discussion about the way forward for their party after that sudden resignation of john boehner. Right now theres only one republican who has stepped up to challenge kevin mccarthy. Thats Daniel Webster from florida, a conservative republican, but he really does not have wide support. Not even among the conservative wing, of the party he just got 12 votes when he ran against john boehner himself in january. And republicans, particularly the House Freedom cauclk caucus holds 30, 35 votes on the house floor, could be influential if they stick together decided not to endorse anyone at the moment. Were seeing mccarthy and people vying for other leadership posts to begin that courtship and sell a lot of the conservatives, other members of the house, republican conference, on how they envision republicans could advance their agenda. Today, the beginning of that process. What do rank and file republicans want the new Leadership Team to do . Depends which pockets of rank and file republicans were talking about. If were talking about those conservative groups, House Freedom caucus they want a big say in leadership table, they want the opportunity to be involved in a lot of the strategy decisions and Decision Making processes. Kevin mccarthy has not yet met with the group but plans to, probably later there is week im told. There are more moderate segments of the republican conference. One member leading member, charlie dent of pennsylvania, told a few of us outside earlier meeting today that what he expects next Leadership Team to do is avoid these crises type situations of legislating these things weve been seeing time and time again since 2011, to vow to avoid those type of things, of support bills to keep the government open, raise the debt ceil, for instance, Big Questions that mccarthy has to deal with as he continues to meet with the groups. This afternoon, i spoke with kevin mccarthy, for his first interview on cnn since announcing his bid to replace Speaker Boehner when he leaves Congress Next month. Congressman tom massey of kentucky, one of those leading the charge to vacate Speaker Boehner, he says moving the leadership, quote, up one notch says the party is, quote, tone deaf. Youve been Speaker Boehners number two for years. What will be different under Speaker Mccarthy . Its a generational shift. One thing, how i deal with it is, bottom up. I dont view myself as a team manager but a team campaign. Im part of the team but everybody else is well. When you get beyond the beltway and listen to whats going on, this is time where were closer to who we represent. They feel this is their government, theyre in charge, and that were here to serve them. Tangibly what would that mean . Would that mean, putting a spending bill on the president s desk that defunds planned parenthood though the president s going to veto it . Why wouldnt we challenge it in to get it to the president s desk would you start with a select committee to win the argument, then win the vote . Theres so many things to do. Its more bottomup, have the committees do more of the work, have everybody engaged in the process, have more of the regular order. I think thats a healthier way for the house to work. But everybody has a say, everybody has a voice because everyone that cops to the house, 750,000 people theyre representing and you want those voices heard. Youd be working with mitch mcconnell. He called the planned parenthood idea an exercise in futility. Before you get through the obstruction, that is president obama, you have to get through the obstruction that is mitch mcconnell. First you have to lay out a plan. Im willing to fight but i want to fight to win. Its not just a policy, its also a media. People have to join that. So thats why within a select committee, think of this, when you look at poll numbers of Hillary Clinton, theyve dropped. Right. Unfavorables are high because people say they dont trust her. They dont trust her because of what they found out about the server and Everything Else. Would you ever have found that out had you not uncovered information from the Benghazi Select Committee . If we want to show what the planned parenthood has done, you see a few videos, theres real question. Have the select committee get all of the information, all the hearings so the public can see that. Win the argument to win the vote. Speaking of votes, do you have the votes . Will you be the next speaker . Have you locked up it up. I feel very good where im at. That sounds like yes you votes. I feel very good where im at. Youve committed to no government shutdowns. Similarly committed to no defaulting on the debt . How do you deal with House Republicans who want showdown, who want to shut down the government . What people want to have is a change of washington. Too many people in washington care about power institutions, not caring about changing the live of Everyday Americans some what you want to have is, you dont want to have a cliff. You want to make that argument ahead of time, make your case, put your ideas and bill forward. But the president vetoes it, you have another bill ready to go. Welfare reform got vetoed a couple of times and the president , after he signed it claimed it was a great bill and helped transform the country, put it on a better path. Its not a problem to send a bill to the white house a couple of times. In terms of your personal priorities, your district, california, is 35 latino, and you have as a lawmaker, a more moderate pentagon on Immigration Reform than many colleagues. How important is the latino vote to your party taking the white house next year . Latino vote, the asian vote, all of the votes are important. This United States a microcosm of america and we have to be able to expand. That does not mean that you shouldnt have your borders secure. What it means from a perspective, if you want to reach out to people, treat everybody as an american. You talk about how it changes the average americans lives every day, be it the economy, education, those are the things that you bring the Party Stronger in. But you have talked about a path to legal status for Illegal Immigrants im opposed to amnesty because we are a country of a rule of law. If you break society down where a new generation comes in, breaking the law, youll break society. So you have to start with the secure border. Our border is broken. 51 of everyone here illegally came here legally on a visa. We have to change the visa program. Theres a lot of things you can do with immigration to make it, and i believe america is a melting pot, but we want to make sure we do it right. Senator ted cruz had a lot of influence when it comes to conservative in your caucus. Speaker boehner, famously, called him a jackass. How would you describe senator cruz and the role he plays with House Republicans . Ill tell you this, i believe in reagans 11th commandment. I dont speak ill of anybody. I talk to ted cruz. Ted cruz is healthy for the party as every other republican is healthy for this party. And i want more people to be part of the republican party. Its interesting, today weave looking too much and dividing what type of republican you are. When reagan ran, we talked about the reagan democrats. So we want everybody to be a part. We want to be inclusive. Thats going to be a fundamental difference of a change. Look, a speaker sets a culture in the house and the culture youre going to have is bottom up and everybody gets a voice. How you make the case that you, who has been part of the Republican Leadership for years, and been the number two for a year and a half, how do you make the case you represent a change other than generational . We dont get elected as a ticket, its individual. If you come back here and watched where i came from, right, i came in 06, paul ryan and i and eric cantor created young gun, i recruited candidates different to what washington looked like to elect people and get a majority. Look at my background. Im not an attorney. Im not a poly side degree. I started my First Business when i was 19. Youre the first one to work, last one to leave, last one to be paid. You know what . I want somebody in washington looking out for me and thats the person i look out for. Conservative radio host mark leaven said the following about you, quote, Kevin Mcarthur is eric cantor with ten less iq points. Youre going to be hearing that from the media wing as long as you are seeking the seat or hold the seat. Is it just water off a ducks back . How do you deal with that . You know what . Give me time. It wont change in one day but my mission is to change culture of washington and thats part of the job. Give me a moment to show if i can govern and then you can come back and judge whether ive done well or not. Thank you so much. Really appreciate your time. Our world lead, despite having the same goal taking out isis, president obama and president putin cannot seem to agree on how to do it in the main Sticking Point that led to a tense confrontation behind closed doors, next. Nothing artificial. Just real roasted turkey. Carved thick. 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President obama does not like what putin is doing to help assad defeat isis in syria. But can president obama point to any success for his strategy . Reporter well, jake, the president is pointing to successes in military campaign against isis, insisting the group has been driven out of territory once held, but theres a lot lacking. I think the president almost acknowledged that, president obama is back at the white house today, after a tense 48 hours of clashing with president putin over syria, and isis. And if theres one takeaway from the president s trip to the u. N. , his plan for isis just got more complicated. Reporter with his strategy for defeating isis coming under fire from russia, president obama conceded at u. N. , his approach will take time. This is not an easy task. Reporter leading a summit of more than 100 countries on the battle against the terror group, the president defended his plan for beating isis that includes removal of syrian president bashar al assad, a move that puts the u. S. At odds with russias putten. Defeating isil requires, i believe a new leader. We are prepared to work with all countries, include russia and iran. Reporter its a heated debate that played out behind closed doors, as mr. Obama and putin locked horns for 90 minutes over assads future. The white house and kremlin released photos of the confrontation, each side showing its leader in command. Putin was unmoved. Translator trr i relate to my colleagues the american president s with Great Respect but they arent citizens with syria and should not be involved in choosing leadership of another country. It is syrias business. Reporter putin insisted russias buildup in syria wont lead to Ground Forces battling isis and white house officials said it would work with the coalition to avoid military accidents. Analysts see huge risks. The assad forces are in retreat, so the question becomes, if indeed a retreat becomes a rout potentially, is that when russia decides to enter the fray . Reporter putin is entering the scene just as the u. S. Is halting its program to train and equip Syrian Rebels to fight isis. And there are more problems, namely, a new congressional report finding u. S. And its partners are struggling to control the flow of foreign fighters joining up with the terror group. 25,000 since 2011, 7,000 in the last 9 months including an estimated 250 americans. Most importantly we lack a National Strategy to deal with this problem. Reporter critic of the u. S. Policy say the president s unwillingness to take on assad after he used chemical weapons tempted put tonight intervene. An effect has left a vacuum and president putin has filled it, lyft for the time being. Reporter white house officials arent as gloomy about the battle against isis, the president did pick up support of more countries to stop the flow of foreign fighters. The future of assad, aides said putin did agree some transition out of power for the syrian leader is necessary. At this point, jake, thats progress. All right. Jim acosta, thank you. She says the videos are doctored, republicans say a picture is worth a thousand words. The president of planned parenthood defending her organization and it got heated during a hearing on capitol hill. Thats next. Plus, donald trump says his tax plan will make the economy take off like a rocket. Some tax experts and his republican rivals weighing in. What do they have to say . Stay with us. O seve plaque psori. Isnt it time to let the. Real you shine. Through . Introducing otezla, apremilast. Otezla is not an injection, or a cream. 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The politics lead if you thought the race for speaker is getting tense, a clash on capitol hill over planned parenthood. The provider of Womens Health care and abortions. Lawmakers question whether taxpayers should get money. Ones that seem to show executives discussing selling fetal tissue and organs sometimes flippantly. Planned parenthood pushed back as president of the hearing calling recordings deceptive and highly doctored. She also said antiabortion activists behind videos should be investigated. Cnns tom foreman joins me. The hearing quite combative. It was Something Else they went at each other over and over and over again and it just never let up from beginning until the end. Reporter the president of planned parenthood, cecile richards, came to the capitol to make one clear claim about those undercover videos that show her group supposedly selling fetal tissue. Outrageous accusations levelled against planned parenthood based on heavily doctored videos are offensive and categorically untrue. Reporter she was met by a republican buzz saw. The troubling truth, pictures worth a thousand words. Reporter gop members ripped into her testimony, suggesting they are not satisfied with her explanation of what is on the videos and furthermore, they dont think shes being candid about how her group makes and uses all its money. If you want to be a private entity, be a private entity but you dont need federal dollars to do this. Youre making a ton of dough. Reporter democrats storm to the defense saying the antiabortion rights activists are the ones to be investigated. Do you really want to do this . Do you really . Do you want to line yourself with radical extremists who manipulate facts. Make no mistake, despite what we hear from the other side, republicans are doubling down on their war against women. Are you kidding me . We simply want to shift the money from an organization caught doing what they were caught doing and give it to the Community Health centers. Take the money from the guys doing the bad things and give it to the ones who arent. Reporter as the fight tore through the day republicans zeroed in on the idea that richards was defending her budget more than patients. You spent 21 million on lobbying, zero on mammograms, why is that . Reporter democrats asked, wasnt the hearing supposed to be about those videos . We have been mixing more than apples and oranges, it might be apples and potatoes. Reporter as you may have noticed, the answers from miss richards were beside the point, both sides were waging this war. They stopped talking about the videos altogether and it was all about this question of public funding going to these clinics and the republicans clearly are picking away at the financial structure of planned parenthood, saying, look if we can show this is an organization thats not using public funds well, it wont matter what theyre using them for, we can shut them down. That was the goal of some of the people here, where some of the democrats are weary of that saying, look, this is something that is legal, we question how these videos were made. Its quite a fight up there. For the moment, funding we should note, is safe, because theyre moving forward with other votes on the budget where that funding will not be touched for the moment. But it was very clear today this battle is really lively and has some strong underpinnings right now. This isnt just the noise weve naerd recent years. Some people are trying to do something now and thats exciting emotions very much on both sides. Coming up, donald trump saying his tax plan will save millions of americans on their tax bill. But can the nation afford it . The experts and the other candidates react. Awe believe active management can protect capital long term. Active management can tap global insights. Active management can take calculated risks. Active management can seek to outperform. Because active Investment Management isnt reactive. Its active. Thats the power of active management. You totalled your brand new car. Nobodys hurt,but there will still be pain. It comes when your Insurance Company says theyll only pay threequarters of what it takes to replace it. What are you supposed to do, drive threequarters of a car . Now if you had Liberty Mutual new car replacement, youd get your whole car back. I guess they dont want you driving around on three wheels. Smart. New car replacement is just one of the features that come standard with a base Liberty Mutual policy. 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Donald trump is saying that his plan is terrific, critics are wrong and dont know what theyre talking about. We still dont have all of the specifics which allows opponents to dismiss his tax proposal as fantasy. Reporter if theres anything donald trump knows how to do, its sell. And now, its all about selling his new tax plan. The economys going to just be absolutely like a rocket. Its going to go up. This is my prediction. This is what im good at. This is my wheelhouse. Reporter as much as trump is trying to build up his proposal, where nearly half of americans would pay no federal income tax, his rivals are urging voters to compare it to the alternatives. I caution people is to remember that anything that you propose as a president ial candidate you have to be able to deliver on. Weve had too many empty promises in the country over time. Under my plan reporter jeb bush, released his own tax reform plan several weeks ago, tweeted, finally saw donalds tax plan. Looks familiar. Im flarted but he should have stuck with growth and fiscal responsibility. Ben carson, now running neck and neck with trump in polls, says trumps plan to bring money back from overseas is nothing new. Theres over 2 trillion of american money sitting overseas. Ive been talking about this for several months. Some people think you just heard about it this week. Reporter experts trying to figure out what his version of simplifying the tax code would mean. One right leaning group, Tax Foundation applauded trumps effort at tax cuts but pushed back on trumps claim that his plan would not add to the deficit, concluding, instead it would increase the federal governments deficit by over 10 trillion. Even that is hard to know for sure, since some specifics of trumps plan are still unknown. Like exactly which tax loopholes he would get rid of. In fact, rand paul dismissed trumps proposal as more of the same. I think my tax plan is better. I get rid of 70,000 pages of the tax code. His would continue the special interest politics that go into the tax code. Ours would eliminate all of that, file your tax return on one single postcard. Trump continues to fire back at fellow candidates. His competitors, not just on policy, but personally he tweeted today, that rand paul is going to drop out of the president ial race, something senator paul told cnn today is not true. Jake you said, its silly season any time he opens his mouth. One other thing, tom brady, quarterback, said it would be great if trump won the white house but now im understanding thats not exactly what he says . Right. So, donald trump, anytime he gets a chance, talks about how close he is with tom brady and how wonderful a guy he is. Tom brady had one of Donald Trumps famous make America Great. Did make America Great hats in the locker room. He staid would be great for donald trump to be president. Now tom bradys talking that back saying i didnt mean to endorse him and said he, tom brady, doesnt Pay Attention to politics so he doesnt flow whats going on. Theres a joke to be made but i will leave it there. I put that on cue for you. Talk over everything 2016 with kevin madden and van jones. Thanks for being here. Mark leibovitz has a new profile of donald trump in the New York Times magazine. Talks about his vision for america, and the presidency. He said this, quote, jimmy carter used to get off of air force one carrying luggage. I used to say i dont want a president carrying his luggage. It was interesting about this, i when pope francis got on the plane and carrying his bag, i noticed it, because we 15 rarely see it. Obama doesnt do it bush didnt do it, et cetera. Do americans agree with trump . I think is the question. Do they want their president s to not have bags . Well, maybe not. Maybe so. Listen, i thought, first of all, the pope just set a completely different standard. He made all of us take a step back. His humility, ability to connect with people was extraordinary and part was his willingness to carry his own bag. The problem with donald trump is that everything becomes this big show. I dont know if americans want president s carrying bags or not, i know they dont want a show president. I remember trying to grab him one time, he said, no, ive got it, he didnt want staff doing it for him. I dont want to overanalyze any of this. I think relate ability comes in different ways and i think thats one of the things that candidates try to focus on, when they talk about issues, how are you labeled hour, do you understand the problems of people of the average american . Those things are, jimmy carter i think with trump, the contrast is, that in some way that it wasnt president ial for jimmy carter to do that. Right. That he looked weak and wimpy, right . Whereas trumps whole brand and whole persona is about being bold and brash. And rich. And rich. But that has a declining, i think, people voters have a declining appreciation for that over time. Thats interesting. Lets talk about jeb bushs campaign. Anonymous republican donor told politico there are real anxiety inside the jeb bush for campaign, its at a six or a seven on a scale of one to ten. Bush campaign pushes back, they say its nonsense. They picked up some of walkers fundraisers. Heres the interesting thing about donors, the reason that they become successful is that they are methodical and plan over the long haul. Yet when donating to candidate, theyre very emotional and want to see immediate returns. Right. And the challenge for the folks inside the Bush Campaign is trying to educate their donors about how what their long play is, over a longer period of time. Here we are, theyre getting nervous, and its only october. I mean its only september and october. This is a campaign thats built to start winning in february and march and april, during the high point of the primary contest. Thats the big challenge they have right now, which is saying dont get nervous now. This is a campaign thats built for when it matters. Built to succeed when it matters. The approach of the Rubio Campaign as well. He doesnt want to be peaking now, he says. He wants to be peeking in january and february when voters go to the polls. Thats true. For rubio, it makes sense. His theme song should be from the beegees stay alive. Everybodys second favorite choice. Bush is spinning. Everybody expected for him to be dominating the field. Right. Nobody thought in october of this year oh any year, that a ben carson would be taking him to the cleaners. I really think that there is a reason for these donors to be panicking. He may have picked up a couple of donors. He should try to pick up of a couple of numbers in the polls. Something Hillary Clinton told lena dunham in an interview keeping wall street from running amok. I like to have planned for what i do. I may not always be the, you know, the stem winder about these things because i think its important and ive been around washington long enough to know youve got to get people to agree if youre going to get something done. Now, trying to get bipartisan agreement is difficult. But often it essential. Seems to be talking about bernie sanders, yes, maybe he gives better speeches but i get it done because you need to be bipartisan. Bernie sanders isnt. Im reading into it. Look, i think she was taking a shot at ber bernie, elizabeth warren. Im from that part of the Democratic Party that wing, that is very passionate, that really does not like what wall streets able to get away with. I tell you why i respected what she said, though im on the other side of the party from her. She started to be herself. She said, listen, this is who i am. I have my way of doing things. They have their way of doing things. Im not going to be up here doing the nene pretend Something Like im not. She did do the nene. She did it better than i do. I cant criticize her. I shes going to be more respected in this party, she says, im a moderate, i am who i am, take me or leave me, than trying to pander. I feel real interesting, two messages were two messages that arent driving base voters inside the Democratic Party. One, compromise, the second part, ive been around washington a long time. Right. Like neither one of those messages work with the base right now. Authentic, true. Its true. Im going to tell you, i think her problem, Everybody Knows her policy and politics, this is about authenticity. Were in a personality primary. When shes herself in person, shes great and Everybody Knows it. Great. Thank you both. Great to have you here. And with Hillary Clintons poll numbers sagging, who better to talk to the comeback kid himself, bill clinton sits down with erin burnett tonight to give his take on his wifes campaign. Hes in favor of it, im guessing. Donald trump and Everything Else 2016. You will not want to miss it. Bill clinton on erin burnett out front 7 00 p. M. Money lead, angered many suggesting women cannot have it. Now what Hillary Clinton thought about her aadvidvise. A dad joke, one joke that jon stewart used. How did trevor noah stack up to the daily show predecessor . Rheumatoid arthritis like me. And youre talking to a rheumatologist about a biologic, this is humira. This is humira helping to relieve my pain and protect my joints from further damage. This is humira helping me reach for more. Doctors have been prescribing humira for more than 10 years. Humira works for many adults. It targets and helps to block a specific source of inflammation that contrubutes to ra symptoms. Humira can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. Serious, sometimes fatal infections and cancers, including lymphoma, have happened, as have blood, liver and nervous system problems, serious allergic reactions, and new or worsening heart failure. Before treatment, get tested for tb. Tell your doctor if youve been to areas where certain fungal infections are common, and if youve had tb, hepatitis b, are prone to infections, or have flulike symptoms or sores. Dont start humira if you have an infection. Talk to your doctor and visit humira. Com this is humira at work. Im a gas service rep for pg e in san jose. As a gas service rep we are basically the ambassador of the company. We make the most contact with the customers on a daily basis. I work handinhand with crews to make sure our gas pipes are safe. My wife and i are both from san jose. My kids and their friends live in this community. Every time i go to a customers house, their children could be friends with my children so its important to me. One of the most rewarding parts of this job is after you help a customer, seeing a smile on their face. Together, were building a better california. Welcome back. Were back with todays money lead now. Attempt to change attitudes about work. Can women really it all . Not everyone can be a super woman, marisa myer, yahoo c oath who took two weeks of Maternity Leave in 2012. Expecting twins in december. Shell take little time off. Her Company Offers new moms four months of leave. But the decisions like meyers, pressure other moms to put work over family . Thats one question explored in a new book out today called Unfinished Business by ann marie slaughter, worked under Hillary Clinton as director of policy and planning. Annemarie slaughter joins me now. Trying to get you on the show for a long time. Thank for being here. I want to get to the book in a second. First, you were an adviser to hi Hillary Clinton, long before isis became so powerful. Where do you think syria would be today if president obama had listened to Hillary Clintons advice, former boss, and armed syrian moderates . Do you think it would be a different situation . I wasnt in the government when she was doing that, but i was pushing from the outside. I dont know that we can be certain, you cant you can say absolutely wed be in a different place. I think there was a very good chance, when she was pushing to arm moderates, we could have built them up in a way that would have meant today we wouldnt be facing isil like we are now. You had to go in big and be behind it a full year ahead or more, too, almost two years ahead of where we are now. One of the subjects of your book, women in power, setting the tone, one of your messages to Hillary Clinton when you worked for her turned up in a batch of her emails, one thats relevant, urging her to take a day off before christmas. You wrote the pace is killing and you deserve it, but it will mean a lot of folks who would like to take time off with their family before christmas, moms like me, necessary to make christmas happen would feel freer to do so. You wanted her to set the example, one of the themes of the book. Did you get a response . Yes. She did. She left the 21st. And i did go home and make christmas. But i knew shed be responsive. I knew she cared about those issues which is exactly why i was writing her to say, look, this will matter. And she absolutely did. On the subject of the emails, did you know she was using a private email server . I had no idea. How is this book relevant, let me ask you, to the single parent working a triple shift at a diner who says, look i dont have time to talk about work, life, balance. I need to put food on the table. So this book, essentially says that woman, and there are far more women at bottom there are too many at the bottom, too few at the top we need to value that womans care giving as much as bread winning. One of the reasons shes so poor, she is simultaneously bringing home the bacon and she is responsible for caring for her family. And were giving her no support on the care side. So the book really says, you know, to finish the revolution for real equality between men and women, we have we certainly should be electing and appointing women but we need to focus on care and valuing care and changing roles and choices for men. Not just as a womans issue but absolutely. As a work issue, as a social issue. You say you would not have written this book three years ago. Thats zblit wh. What do you mean . Three years ago if i answered honestly, i would have said my fathers work as a lawyer was more important than my mothers work as a home maker. After three year of thinking through what real equality means ive concluded that we dont just have to value women to the extent theyre like men, we have to value traditional womens work and the work my mother did raising three productive, Successful Children and building a family that is the foundation for all of the work we do was just as important as the work my father did defending people and being a lawyer. Im not suggesting that all women be the caregivers and men be the bread winners, but im saying, actually we need to value both kinds of work when both genders do it. Unfinished business, women, men, work, family, annemarie slaughter. Dont be a stranger. Ill come back, i promise. Coming up a lot like jon stewarts daily show with a new host. After so many others turned the job down. Is trevor noah the right man for the job . Reviews are in, next. When youre not confident your companys data is secure, the possibility of a breach can quickly become the only thing you think about. 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Im jake tapper. Lighter fare now, pop culture lead. When jon stewart exit itted the daily show some were not sure anyone could take his place. Trevor noah, little known in this country, got a shot at the hot seat. First show premiered last night. Right to brian stelter. What did you think . I thought he was off to a smooth start. Headlines all over the place today. Clumsy and crude, shaky and charmy. Favorite, sentimental and hilarious. He showed, if anything, his debut was like, well, actually jon stewarts. Take a look. What changes can we expect changes . Yes. By god, this is the daily show why dont a draw a mustache on the mona lisa for gods sakes. Reporter when he first took over in 1999. Im sure youre curious, is my beloved daily show going change . It might, subtly. Reporter he slowly and surely created a newport trait of late night satire for millions of viewers. I could sit here and die. Reporter so for the shows first new host in 16 years im trevor noah, thank you for joining juice the strategy is measured metamorphosis. This is surreal for me. Reporter holding on to stewarts fans. Mets made the playoffs. Reporter trying to bring in his own. I dont know what that is but jon told me it wouz would work. Reporter he explained. People think its all or nothing. It can be changing, constantly evolving. Reporter aiming to leave the show was a turn down by many wouldbe hosts, including chris rock, amy poehler, amy schumer. A job rejected is being done by an immigrant. Reporter 31yearold native of South African faces pressure to perform not just from viewers but viacom comedy centrals parent company. Feels like the company has a new stepdad and hes black. Reporter viacom relied on the daily show to deliver 2 Million Viewers a night at its prenoah peak. Are you ready to [ bleep ] . Reporter an audience that grew up with stewart. I know i can never be your real father. I dont want to be. I just want to sleep with your mother. My god reporter noah will use the shows correspondents more often and add musical performances to the mix. Twitter, buzzfeed with tv. But he says hes not leaving anything off the table especially not, well, us. Here it is, your moment of zen. Are you going to miss him . I am know one thing i have respect my colleagues. Reporter when i asked him how much hed be critiquing cable news, his answer was perfect. How many things are you doing that you consider joke worthy . Well try to keep it to a minimum. On this premiere night, he had months prepare, the big test is tonight, tomorrow, the night after. Every single show where hell try to slowly make it into more of his own. But the ratings are in for last night. 3. 5 Million Viewers across all of viacom. Channels from mtv, b. E. T. , comedy central. A lot of people sampled the new guy. An honor to be part of his moment of zen. Hopefully we wont be too silly. Sports lead, being remembered for his warmth and heroism, yogiisms and of course a little bit for baseball, too. Family, friends, former teammates, all paid final respects to hall of famer and american treasure, yogi berra today. Berra died one week ago, 90. He won ten world series with the new york yankees and quoted by everything from cartoon characters to sitting president s. Also helped save the world, his 19yearold second class seaman, Lawrence Peter berra, on omaha beach. The allies went on to win the war proving, as yogi might say, it aint over till its over. Thats it for the lead. Im jake tapper turning it over to wolf blitzer in the situation room. Foreign fighters, disturbing bipartisan report finds u. S. Is failing to stop wouldbe jihadys from joining isis and other terror groups. More disturbing attacks fighters make when they return back to the United States. Ill speak with the House Homeland Security committee chairman. Ready to strike. Moscow deployed some of its most sophisticated weapons in syria and a top u. S. Official says russian air strikes there could come at any time. Who will the target be . And do they really pote a threat to u. S. And Coalition Forces . And 0

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