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Is this type of plane used by safe to fly . Welcome to the lead. Congress is back, and with it much drama. The government could very well shuffle down at the end of the month. All the attention today in washington has nothing to do with whats going on inch side the capitol. As did senator cruz, whos been coalsy iing up. Dana, after trumped, you cornered him, what did how have to say . And that he knows how to draw a crowd. We led by very, very stupid people. They make us look like fools. He was invited be an unlineally source, ted cruz. Imto thank my friend donald trump for joining us today. Instead of attacking trump, especially when he can help draw a crowd for a cause like this one. This is catastrophic. It is the single greatest National Security threat. Though they great that the iran deal is bad, they disgreat on what to do about it. Should be pretardy to stand up on january 20th, 2017 and rip to shreds this cat trophic deal. Trump would not do that. Ripping up is always tough. Dont forget we lost our allies in the deal. Theyre all selling missiles, using the money that we gave to iran. I will do something that will be very strong, and believe me, iran will come back, and they will be much different. If the horse is out of the barn, what aring going to do about it . You just watch. It will be a whole different because he doesnt want to tell graph it to the iranians, but he did make this trump as promised to the crowd. We will have so much winning, you may bet board with winning. Believe me. Now, jake, the other person who trump has been reluckettened to criticize has been ben carson. We talked about the fact that carson disagrees with trumps idea well, trump responded today, telling our only murray about we need smarts, we need strengths, and he, means carson, if he doesnt like it, he doesnt understand it. Jake . Dana bash in froost as you heard, mr. Trump says stupid people have been paving irans way to a nuclear bomb. Clinton laid the Diplomatic Foundation for this deal. Today in a speech clinton vowed to make sure that iran does not cheat its way to a Nuclear Weapon. Lets bring in brianna keilar. Maybe its a welcome break. She seemed to welcome the chance to talk about the campaign certainly doesnt think its just going to go away, but they do hope that clintons apology will better help her bring her message to voters. That was a mistake, im sorry about that and im trying to be as a mega kulpa she razz resisted for months. The server will remain private. In june, as more i can only tell you this has been a theme that has been used against me and my hut for many, many years. What, like with a cloth or something . Clinton edged closer to an apology, but didnt quite get there. I am sorry this has been confusing to people and has raise a lot of questions. Then tuesday, one day after telling the Associated Press she had no reason to apologize, she finally, finally did repeatedly admitting mistakes. I do think you could have and should have done a better job answering questions earlier. I didnt clinton is trying to move past her focus of the emails. Or we turn down a more dangerous path, leading to a far less certain and riskier future. She warned against trusting iran. My approach will be distrust and verify. Even as she addressed a serious topic today, she had some lighter moments, laughing off a coughing fit. Suffering under massive already assault. Yes, republican histamines are everywhere. Clinton aiding reportedly hope she westbound less defensive, more spontaneous and funny, but her emails will remain an issue. They are going to be continually released. Second tear of state of just appointed jacobs has donated to Clintons Campaign its a fact that the state department was not aware of, thoughs spokesman for the secretary of state says it doesnt have anything to do with her ability to perform this jobs. Transparencies at the state department has given money and was not aware of it until records came out yesterday. Thats interesting. Editor of bill crystal, thanks for being here katrina, clinton on this interview said what she did was allowed by the state department and im sorry for all confuse thats ensued. I think she came forward, and lets remember this i think for the most part it is an overheated media controversy thats sucking the oxygen out of issues that this country needs to hear more about that said, i think it was though others have on a private email account for reasons of accountability, for reasons of transparency. The idea, however, theres some crime or some National Security threat is laughable to me. I think if the iran deal does not go through, which it looks like it will, it is far more dangerous to our nauert security, and hillarys position on libya, and our intervention, which keir wee is more seriously the email snafu, so i think we need to get our bearings and focus on the issues and understand this is a very interesting primary these are the issues of our time. I agree, it is interesting, and who thought we would be sitting here after labor day and saying theyre both very is interesting. Hillary clinton is 42 , and joe biden has not even announced. Houses really does it happen . How does Hillary Clinton really not win the nomination . If his popularity basically signals that he prefers joe biden to hibbard hibbard i think that would happen. With all these obama people working for hillary. Fine, but joe biden has been a loud vice president. I do great its an interesting primary. However, what bill crystal is tailing reeks an. What weve seen with Bernie Sanders is the media gatekeepers shouldnt be the ones who tell us its viable. We dont need a downsized politi politics. Its the top over the fen, which is also fascinating. Plath thew dowd predicted, and he was an early very skeptical, predicting that donald trump will be the nominee. You chuckled. Why . I dont think it would be the case, but i have underestimated trump, as others have. I just dont try the rep primarily electoral will i think ben carson of the outsiders, will actually overtake trump. Maybe its national polls. Of the three outsiders, i think the one who has the best chance to be the nominee inside, they were lobbying for a deal that would lift up diplomacy, as. Cant we this is the leadership that the country is produces, ben carson, difficult dent, quiet, great doctor, but he wants to use drones to find undocumented immigrants in caves on the border. Im not defending anything. Im just saying good for the Weekly Standard for pulling out the limits of trump, but i think youre going to moderate that and i have as much trouble as distrust but verify. I think this is a Seismic Shift in this country. Diplomacy. Diplomacy first, and i think if we can engage the world in that way, we will be respected. We will, absolutely. Its possible that the democratible candidateless mower hawkish. Great to see bloth of you, as always. Read their magazine. Both super. One republican candidate not on the steps, governor Chris Christie, he says he didnt need to be there, because the rallies are just for show, and the governor will joint me, next. Big day . Ah, the usual. Moved some new cars. Hauled a bunch of steel. Kept the supermarket shelves stocked. Made sure everyone got their latest gadgets. Whats up for the next shift . Ah, nothing much. Just keeping the lights on. laugh nice. Doing the big things that move an economy. See you tomorrow, mac. See you tomorrow, sam. 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One person not in attendance at the capitol rally, governor Chris Christie. I asked him about that rally. His nonattendance, and more. Governor christie, thanks so much for being here. Thank you for having me. Good to have you in the studio. Theres a rally going on right now yesterday ted cruz and Mike Huckabee were in kentucky rallies in support of ken davis. You see senator ted cruz at that rally where im told a huckabee staffer is prevented cruz from getting on the stage and in the views of the cruz campaign, crashing the huckabee event. What do you make of these splashy events . Why arent you a part of them . We need to oppose this iranian deal, because its bad for american National Security and disastrous for israel. So people want to do rallies, that is fine, to express themselves. Weve been expressing ourself on the campaign trail every day and thats what we will continue to do. Ear vehemently opposed the president s plan. Take a listen to what colin powell had to say. Lets start with iran. Stj a good deal . I think it is. Ive studied very carefully the outline of the deal and carefully looked at the opposition to the deal. My judgment, after balk those two sets of information is that its a pretty good deal. Who also endorsed barack obama twice. Thats true. Well, its a very relevant point. Hes twice endorsed barack obama, and i assume supports his foreign policy, and i assume has had a change of heart. Thats fine, i have not had a change of heart. We have the revolutionary guard to be the ones to expect military sites . The president lies to the american people. He says anytime anywhere inspections, yet we have to wait 24 days to inspect. As you know in new jersey, even the stupidist criminals in new jersey, if i came with a search warrant, but gave them 24 days and came back, would know to get the evidence out of there. 9 iranians are not stupid. Thinchts about new accusations, but not established sites. It doesnt matter. The president didnt make that qualification when he spoke to the nation. He said this is about verification. He and the secretary of state and the former secretary of state clinton have all lied to the american people. Looked like in that camera and lied. Talking about the anywhere anytime . Absolutely. He says thats what the whole situation is underpinned by. This isnt about truth, this is about verification. Former set tear of state yesterday you suggested that kim davis, who hayes refused to issue marriage licenses, you suggested she be moved to another job . Government. Im not sure how that would work technically since she was elected. I mean moved off the job of issuing marriage licenses. Do you agree with huckabee, that telling her to do this is judicial tyranny . Listen, i dont use the same words that Mike Huckabee does. We have to stand up for peoples constitutional rights, and the free exercise of religion is a First Amendment right, but also if youre a government worker task tasked with a job, you have a responsibility. I think the right way to compromise is take her out of the business of issuing marriage licenses, let others do that so the marriage licenses arent delayed, and this way she does not have to violate her closely held religion house beliefs. Its a commonsen smart way to do it and we can move away from the controversy donald trump says he wants to deport all immigrants here illegally. Ben carson says thats not fae abe. It sounds really cool. Lets round them up and people who say that has no idea what that entails. Forget about it. And plus where are you going to send them . So, you know, its a double whammy. Do you agree with carson . Sure. Listen, im someone unlike anybody else in this race who has done law enforcement. Ive been the u. S. Attorney in seven years in the bush administration. There arent enough Police Officers, local, county state and agents at the federal level to round up all those people and forcibly deport them. It sounds good, but its not going to happen. What we need to do is stop adding to the problem, secure our border and deal with the 11 Million People here. I dont care how many times you say it or how loudly you say it, we simply dont have the resources to do it, about you what people are angry about, is the government let it get to that point to begin with. Thats why they dont like congress, and why they want a strong of the, i did it as u. S. Attorney, ive done it as go governor. What people are most from you traited about is the lack of law and order. Whether its the murder of Police Officers on the street, the disregard, with sang weigh cities, smoking pot in colorado and washington . No one thinking the law applies to them anymore. As president , i will make sure law and order is restored. When we come back, a strange turn in the campaign, and the rivalry between jeb bush and donald trump. Jeb bush channeling donald trump on Stephen Colberts show. Ill ask him about that when we come back. Woman when a student understands a concept for the first time. Man when the students get it. Man their eyes get big, the lightbulb pops on. Woman i got it, i think i got it they light up. Its like magic. Woman this is not just a job. Woman the rewards i get are. Priceless. Man we help kids grow, and thats part of the rush of teaching. Narrator the california teachers association. Educators who know quality Public Schools make a better california for all of us. Welcome back to the lead. Im jake tapper. My conversation with republican candidate governor Chris Christie continues. Governor, i dont need to tell you there is a fierce nasty race going on just between donald trump and jeb bush. Its gotten very, very heated as of late. Take a look at governor bush making trumpianlike statements on stephen colbert. I will build a wall between the United States and iran, and make mexico pay for it. Thank you. Trucks are strong. I will turn the natural mall into a luxury golf course, and china will respect that. It went on from there in a clip that apparently was edited out, but Jeb Bush Stephen colbert dressed up with a coot ton candy wig. We havent gotten to see that delicious satire. These are two of the frontrunners, what do you make of this . I think what these two gentlemen have forgotten is this isnt about them. Its about the american people. When you see the middle class suffering the way it has, when you see the frustration they feel that Congress Hand reformed the tax code, dealt with immigration, dealt with obama care, and these guys are just throwing schoolyard insults, we dont care if they like each other. We dont care if they respect each other. We should be talking about the problems of the american people. Thats not what they are doing. Yesterday continental ceo resigned in connection with a probe of were your appointees, apparently hes accused of using that power to rack many tabs, and get a reroute of an airline. I know you know nothing about the sample ton and the United Continental ceo, but you appointed him. This isnt the first time one of your appointees has come until legal fire. Should people question your judgment when it comes to your appointees . Ive been in public life for 13 years. My entire life has been about making sure the law is enforced, making sure people hold a certainly ethical and legal standards in their conduct in office. Ive stood by that standard my entire career, and if they dont hold to that standard, thej theyre fired. That is the way it works. The fact is we have 60 thousands people working for you, there will be occasions when someone doesnt hold up that standard. I dont know if this is one of those instances or not, but when ive instances, ive acted strongly, decisively and continued to keep myself where i need to be, which is making sure that the standards i hold myself to are always the highest standard. Tax policy has emerged as a big issue, and both donald trump and jeb bush are supporting increasing taxes on hedge fund managers, taxed at about 15 right now, making it higher, marco rubio says if you have to raise taxes, the Democratic Party is right over there. Where do you land . Im not in favor of raising taxes on anyone. In new jersey ive vetoed more tax increases than any governor in american history. I vetoed over 400 bills that the legislature sent me that would increase spending, every veto has been sustained. The fact is you either have to hold the line or you dont. Once you let the food in the door, theyre coming for were wallet next. Higher taxes on somebody else is going to lead to higher taxes, so i disagree with mr. Trump and mr. Bush on this, and i have a record to show that i not only will cut spending, but as americans for tax reforms, more veto and tax increasing than any other governor. Far from me to advocate for but isnt the new jersey economy a in a mess . I dont think making government bigger is better. In the eight years they created cyror net private sector jobs, because they were raising taxes and increasing spending. In the fix years ive been governor we created nearly 200,000 new privatesector jobs. Thats hardly a mess. What we are doing in new jersey is taking a state like ours on life support, drowned by regulation and higher tax, and spending by a will be real democratic governor. What we are doing now is releasing it. It is breathing and doing well. Wight nearly 200,000 jobs in six years, when in eight years they had zero. Thats an economy that is coming back, and thats exactly whats happening in new jersey. We wont put higher taxes on the backs of the people. Governor christie, i will see you in a week on the stage at the reagan debate. Are you ready . Ill be looking for you, man. Thank you so much. You can catch that next Republican Debate right here on cnn, coming up one week from today. September 16th at the reagan library. Im looking for your questions for the candidates. Tweet them to me, usin using cnndebate, or facebook is good for that, too. Be sure to tune in tomorrow for all your politicians new. Donald trump will add a new day at 7 00 a. M. Eastern. Jeb bush will join me right here on the lead. Our world lead, refugees making a perilous journey for several days, including a pregnant woman who gave birth and carried her newborn on this walk for 11 days after giving birth. Also her daughter, that attorney is next. When you have a migraine, youll reach for anything to make the pain go away. Truth is, most pain relievers dont work like excedrin migraine. It relieves my pain starting in 30 minutes. 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Angies list helped me find a highly rated Service Provider to do the work at a fair price. Everyone can shop, but members get more with reviews, live customer support, and better pricing. Come see what the new angies list can do for you. Our word lead, the refugee crisis continues to unfold as secretary of state john kerry said the u. S. Will commit to accepting more syrian refugees. Meanwhile, thousands are still trying to make their way through europe, lope to find a better life for themselves, in many cases for their children, at least one of whom was born on this trek. Lets go to arwa damon, who was on the ground in hungary. Reporter this is the wall that hungary is in the process of building, its attempt to try to control or stop the flow across its border. People taking a bit of the break in the shade, because just getting this far takes them anywhere from two to five weeks. They are mostly refugees of the wars in syria, iraq and afghanistan. Their journey begin in turkey with a dinghy takes them to the greek islands. From it there they move on to the mainland, and eventually to the greecemacedonia border. They walk across, and they board trains that take them there mass donna, where again they walk, taking various forms of transferred that drop them at certain tracks. They follow these tracks into hungary and they reach this point, this the entry to the european union. At the end of these tracks for many the most difficult and what they say the unhumane portion. The holding areas, conditions are less than ideal and growing even more frustrated, many of them have been pushing think police lines. A group this morning managing to get down the road, then surrounded by the police. They negotiated for a bus to come and take them to austria. Among them was a woman who arrived will many about to give birth in greece. They got off the dinghy. She wasnt able to move and her baby girl was born. She then carried her newborn baby this entire way, just 11 days old. People are doing this because they firmly believe this is the only way that they can secure a future for themselves and for their children. Arwa damon, thanks so much. As arwa just mentioned, many of these refugees first make their journey by cramming into rubber rafts, attempting a perilous journey. Theres so much traffic across the sea, that the fluorescent orange glow, thor are all life jackets abandoned once they made it to the shores of europe. Tulanefully those are people who did make it to the shores. Lets go to evan watson, who is somewhere in the wear between turkey and greece right now. Reporter were broadcasting to you from a boat in the aegean sea, a body of water that many have used. They leave from the turkish coast, which you can see over here. They cross this body of water to greek aisles like lesbos thats can see in the distance. How do they get there . Theyre paying smugglers the growing rate of 13 pujz to pile into barely seaworthy inflatable rafts. Weve gotten footage of this from within the last week and a half of a boat setting out in brought daylight from the turkish coast. More than 30 refugees on board. You see a turkish smuggler abandoning the boat as it set out the migrants struggling, the boats have to turn circles as they figure out how to steer the raft in the direction of greece. The europeans feeling overwhelm overwhelmed. They better get ready. In the last few weeks were talking to refugeeses arriving still by the day determined to cross this channel. When you tell them, people are dying, drowning trying to make this journey, they say we dont care, our goal is to get to europe. They see europe as a key to physical safety and security, and to economic safety and security. Jake . Ivan watson, thank you. If youd like to help, visit cnn. Com impact for unless on how to make a difference in the syrian refugee crisis. Coming up in the national lead, panic on the plane when an engine catches fire. Now another rush to figure out what went wrong on this very popular passenger plane. Were back, terrifies scene. Thats a passenger plane on a runway in wlaugs on fire. Flames igniting and plumes of thick black smoke billowing, as passengers slid down inflatable chutes to the tarmac. Now a special team from the ntsb is arriving in nevada to look into exactly how that engine caught fire. The crew meanwhile, is being heralded today for getting everyone off that plane alive. Rene, this was a boeing 777. I dont need to tell you thats a workhorse plane at commercial airports. Thats why everyone is scrambling. Absolutely. That is not something you see every day. Tonight we have learned the fire indication light came on and the engines on this airplane are equipp equipped with fire suppressant, but it didnt extinguish the fire. The question now, did the equipment fail or did a fuel line rupture cause that fire to spread . Flames ripped through British Airways flight 2276 shortly before takeoff at the las vegas airport, and thick black smoke enduffel the airport with nearly 200 people on board. We heard a big thud, and i saw flames on the gen the pilots were roaring down the runway. Heavy, Fire Services are on the way. We are evacuating. The captain said emergency, evacuate. Emergency slides deployed in seconds. Everyone on board was evacuated from the amp. This shows some even stopped to grab their luggage before making the escape. You are wasting your time with bags, its only a delay of three seconds, but all people do that, were talking about a serious most hurt as they exited the plane, chris henke, the capital el it is controls is being hailed as a hero for his quick action. For that much smoke i saw, thats highly suggestive we had fuel lines involved. Something that happened that run further a fuel like. The boeing 777 has an exemplary safety record. The crash landing ofationiana at san francisco, was the first fatal crash after 18 years in service. With more than 1300777s currently in operation, in recent years there were only five cases where a 777 has been damaged beyond repair. This is whats left of 2276. Federal investigators must now figure out what caused this catastrophic failure. Investigators will look at the planes recorders, its a tedious task going second by second to see how the engines were performing. They will also look at the burn patterns to determine where this fire started. One thing about the pilot here, hes been with British Airways 42 years. This was almost his last night. He was just about to retire. Again, people calling him a hero. Everyone got off safely and alive. The guy you just showed us . The pilot . Yeah. Interesting outfit. Ear siri can do new stuff now, but can apple convince you to fro buy these devices . Whats going on, next in the money lead. What did irans Supreme Leader get in the nuclear deal . To start with, 100 billion. They keep their Nuclear Facilities and ballistic missiles. There wont be surprise anytimeanywhere inspections. And after ten years, restrictions are lifted and iran could build a Nuclear Weapon in two months. Congress should reject a bad deal. We need a better deal. Technology empowers us it pushes us to go further. Special olympics has almost five million athletes in 170 countries. The microsoft cloud allows us to immediately be able to access information, wherever we are. Information for an athletes medical care, or information to track their personal best. With microsoft cloud, we save millions of man hours, and thats time that we can invest in our athletes and changing the world. Rubut then i got ap domain and built my website all at godaddy. Now i look so professional, i just got my first customer who isnt related to me. Get a domain, website and email starting at 1 month all at godaddy. Welcome back to the lead. Our money lead today, it is the best day of the year for legions of apple in other words. Apple just wrapped up its fall product unveiling, revealing all those new gadgets you didnt know you needed. If you made it this far without dropping your iphone in the parking lot, you only have a couple more weeks to go, laury siegle, this apple pencil introduced today seems like an oldschooled reboot of the stylus. Is there anything new about it . The irony is steve jobs famously said he hated the stylus and went on a rampage against the stylus, but let me get to some of the announcement. The newest one, the ipad if this is not like any i had pad before. Tim cooled said this is the biggest news since the ipad. A new apple tv, getting into your living room and revamping the apple tv which hasnt been revamped in three years, and upgrades to iphone 6k and iphone 6s plus, faster processing, a better camera, 3d touch which recognizes gestures like pressing and holding, and an interesting photo feature that almost makes your photos like lie they come alive. And also updates to the apple watch. They teamed up with different companies, one if you want to get fancy, that is coming along the lines soon. And what can we get most excited about . You know, i think the most exciting part of this is the apple tv. They hadnt revamped it, everybody is trying to get in the living room through the connected home thing. There are some interesting updates. Apple tv now enabling you to talk to your television through siri. You can interact with your voice, ask what show you should watch, or search, thats really interesting. Thats in october. The iphones, you can preorder september 12th, the new phones will hit the stores september 25th. The apple tv is interesting, because it gives the ability to now play games in your living rooms with multiple people, opening it to developers to built on this o. S. And what number iphone is this . I have the most recent one. They were looking to iphone 6 6s and splus. Maybe next year well look for the iphone 7. Every other year. Dont miss my interview with president president ial candidate jeb bush tomorrow right here on the lead at 4 00 p. M. Thats it for the lead. Im jake tapper. I turn you over to one wolf blitzer. Hes in the situation room. Thanks for watching s. \s the art of the deal. Never, ever, ever in my life have i seen any transaction so incompetently negotiated. Donald trump and ted cruz lead a rally against the iran deal, but can republicans still do anything to stop it . Putin power mark. Russia admits its sending troops and weapons into syria. Will they prop up a brutal regime . Could they be drawn into a confrontation with the u. S. . Unleashed as kim jongun shows out of his missiles and rockets. There are trimming signs. So how great is the threat

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