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University is doing enough. And the money lead youve probably been counting down to this day on your iphones i calendar. The apple watch. The first new apple category makes its debut and it could push the company to new money making heights. Good afternoon. Welcome to the lead. Im jake tapper. Were going to begin with breaking news in our national lead. Hundreds of people packing into the state house in madison, wisconsin standing should tore should shouting demanding justice for another unarmed black teen gunned down by police. Right now the protesters are moving back towards an apartment where Police Responded to 911 calls on friday night. Those calls were about a suspect who was dodging in and out of traffic, assaulting a friend allegedly, even trying to allegedly strangle someone. Thats when Authorities Say the 19yearold, Tony Robinson got into a scuffle with an officer inside an apartment to which he fled. Over police radio you hear a frantic voice saying shots fired. Robinson would die in a near by hospital that evening. Weve since learned that robinson kid not have a gun when she was shot conjuring memories. Robinsons killing sending waves of protesters into the streets. In an effort to move away from the us versus them narrative, perhaps in an attempt to quell the tensions the chief of Madison Police Department Mike cobolt took to his blog with an apology. I dont think i can say this enough. I am sorry. I hope that with time tonis family and friends can search their hearts to measure some kind of forgiveness. Rosa flores is in madison, wisconsin. You just spoke with a friend of the victim. What did he have to say . Reporter hes saying this is not an appropriate time to talk to the media. He did tell me however that he was not in the house when this happened but that his father was in the house. Now some of his friends, you can see behind me they just arrived. Theyve been gathering the. The police tape has just been removed from around the house. As the young men and the supporters of the Robinson Family ask for solidarity. Frustrated angry and asking for justice. Demonstrators continuing to hit the streets of madison, wisconsin demanding answers in the shooting death of unarmed 19yearold Tony Terrell Robinson at the hands of officer matt kenny who is now on paid leave. The scene of the shooting still guarded heavily by police. Also right here on this wall of the kitchen. Kathleen buffton lives a thin wall away from where the gun shots range out and said she heard the Deadly Exchange unfold from her kitchen after a scuffle caught her by surprise. It was a little now zi. Reporter then pounding on the door he says. Was that the police . Yeah. He forced the door open. Reporter what she didnt know according to police is that there were multiple calls into dispatch regarding robinson including an alleged battery incident. Look for a male black light skin tan jacket and jeans outside yelling at cars. Reporter police say officer matt kenny responded heard a commotion side and then forced his way in, then gun fire. Nothing went through. Reporter police say robinson attacked kenny provoking the officer to use deadly force. But buffton has her daughters. I doubts. Her thoughts echoed by the familiar hi. This is not the first time that the 45yearold officer used deadly force. Officer kenny was exonerated for an incident that took place eight years ago. The police chief said hes working to regain public trust. We need to start with an im sorry. Reporter but hundreds gathered throughout the weekend demanding more than apologies. Now a lot of people in this community wondering did this Police Officer have another tool other than a gun. I asked the police chief that question and he says indeed this officer did have a stun gun with him. But he said that he couldnt comment about the use of deadly force. Rosa chief cobalt seems to be making a real concerted effort to reach out to the community to apologize. Ive even seen on social media, people who support the Police Officer in question objecting to the chief apologizing. Is it resonating in the community at least . Reporter weve seen that as well in some of the more charged protests. Weve seen that some people come up and say, you know you cant charge at ever single Police Officer because of what officer kenny did. So there is some of that of course. But ive got to tell you, the police chief telling us yesterday evening, he says we do need to apologize to the community because its our community. Its a community in mourning. And he says, we have to own up to what has happened here. And at the end of the day this is a case in which an unarmed teen was killed by police. He says we own up to that. We have to apologize. And then he said, i still have to have any officers in this community so we can repair the damage. Thank you so much. Appreciate it. There is still so much unknown about the particular circumstances of this shooting. Whenever an officer involved incident occurs of course the case gets automatically referred to independent investigators. So for the Madison Community and for the family of Tony Robinson they might have an agonizing wait ahead of them for concrete facts. I guess the big question do people in Madison Trust this investigation to serve justice. I want to go to protesters on the ground right now in madison, wisconsin if we can. M. Adams cofounded the young gifts and black coalition. Tell me who you have with us because i dont know the name of the other gust we have. Im also with brandy grayson, another cofounder of the young gift to the black coalition. Welcome to both of you. Let me start with you. The police chief issued this apology today to the community and to any robinsons family. What is your reaction to that . I think yeah i think its feign that he apologized but thats not enough. I think the police need to make sure, the city needs to make sure and we as the Community Need to make sure that the officer is held accountable for the actions. An apology is not enough when a child is killed. Thats not enough. Weve seen the huge crowds of protesters hitting the streets. Im going to stick with you because im told your friend does not have an earpiece. What does justice look like fb the protesters . It looks like a number of things. Suddenly what the family understands to be justice is very important. And what the black community understands to be justice is very important. This is about Tony Robinson but its also about an historic legacy of killing around young black male. Justice is making sure that the police chief and the mayor takes full responsibility for what happened here and that includes paying out the family needs, paying for the funeral services, making making sure that people have access and that make the young people and the community taend for instance have full access to what we need as a community to begin healing. And it also means arresting that officer and charging him and convicting him with murder. Its murder. A 19yearold was slain by a Police Officer. Thats also a part of it. Well em look i dont want to get into a situation of blaming the victim. But there is due process in this country and the Police Officer, as i understand it please correct me if im wrong, he is saying that Tony Robinson was trying to grab his gun. Is that not what the police are saying . I think that the police are going to say a number of things to cover their tracks. I think that Tony Robinson was unarmed, i think he was a kid and i think that the officer shot him wrongfully. I think that the violence doesnt match here. If this were you and i and we were in a scuffle or not a scuffle. And we shot at somebody in the chest five times. When we were held accountable to the countrys laws and when we were held accountable in front of a community that a jury of our own peers would say that this is excessive. And the police are not different. This was excessive and unwarranted and a police slain an unarmed child. Theres nothing to back up what the officer is saying other than what the officer is making up at the time. Thank you so much. Appreciate it. Obviously a community in pain and we hope there is some peace found in the coming days and weeks. Another major story were following with shocking video of members of a fraternity singing a racist chant which includes the n word and references to black men hanging from trees. The fraternity has been shut down today but will the students on the shocking video be punished . Thats next. Theres nothing more romantic than a spontaneous moment. So why pause to take a pill . And why stop what youre doing to find a bathroom . With cialis for daily use, you dont have to plan around either. Its the only daily tablet approved to treat erectile dysfunction so you can be Ready Anytime the moment is right. Plus cialis treats the frustrating urinary symptoms of bph, like needing to go frequently, day or night. Tell your doctor about all your medical conditions and medicines, and ask if your heart is healthy enough for sex. Do not take cialis if you take nitrates for chest pain as it may cause an unsafe drop in blood pressure. Do not drink alcohol in excess. Side effects may include headache, upset stomach, delayed backache or muscle ache. To avoid longterm injury, get medical help right away for an erection lasting more than four hours. 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Supporting millions of new jobs. Billions in tax revenue. And a new century of American Energy security. The new Energy Superpower . Its red, white and blue. Log on to learn more. Welcome back to the lead. Im jake tapper. Our other leading nach story today. Just a short time ago the president of the university of oklahoma addressed the hurt and anger many members of his student body and quite frank hi many people across the nation are dealing with over a sickening video surfaced online showing members of the Sigma Alpha Epsilon fraternity singing a chant that includes the n word. The clip is short but shows enough to turn your stomach. Yes, that happened in 2015. Keep in mind as well that this video was shot on saturday. The same day that our nation was marking 50 years since the civil rights march in selma, alabama, an event that put on full display the extent of the oppression and cruelty. The massive crowd that gathered to mark the 50th anniversary, including president obama shows how far weve come. Though the bigotry displayed by these sae students shows us how it still exists. David boren did not hesitate to take actions against the fraternity. He gave members until midnight to move out of their on Campus Fraternity house. He pledged that as long as hes in charge sae will stay off of campus. As yet is decided the status of these students. Lets go to nick valencia in norman oklahoma. Have the students on the videotape been identified at all to be disciplined or expelled . Reporter well not officially and we dont know if the university has taken any steps to discipline those students as individuals. Sigma alpha epsilon is the largest fraternity in the United States. A fraternity with a checkered past. But that didnt keep students here in hoem from reacting angrily at the video. Today the bags are backed at this house. We dont have any room for racists at this university. Reporter uus president telling Sigma Alpha Epsilon members that they are unwelcome after this video released on sunday showing up speakable bigotry. Cell phones captured this racist chant silent protesters began to flood ous campus and today there is no sign of slowing down. Perhaps the most shocking African American students here say the only thing novel about this racism is that was finally caught on tape. Clearly this has been going on for years and think its okay was nobody has ever said anything nobody ever stepped in and said this isnt okay. Chelsea davis is the cofounder of black heard. Its the same Group Responsible for posting the video chant. Its really hurtful that students can think that this is okay. Theres no reason that it should have escalated that far. Somebody should have got up and said this isnt okay. As opposed to sitting there and clapping and singing along. Reporter the song clearly rehearsed and proudly belted out came as a blow to the fraternitys National Leadership as well. Its apalging and disgusting when somebody takes it upon themselves to do Something Like that. Reporter the chapter at the university will remain closed for four years. But for many of the students here thats not enough. I hope that the university mandates some type of sensitivity training something to let people know to understand that there are people different than you but that does not make them lesser than you. Reporter now many students i spoke to her said there needs to be more punishment leveled to sae. One student i spoke to said that she was surprised that sae was the fraternity that was caught because she says theres much worse on campus. Shes call for the entire greek system here at the university of oklahoma to be investigated. Thank you so much. Some African American students and faculty at the University Say they were disturbed by what they saw by not exactly surprised. What makes this rare as you heard nick say, it was this time caught on tape. Im joined by isaac hill the president of the university of oklahomas black student association. Also joining us the president of the ou blanchranch of the council. Christopher tell us about how this video came into the hands of school administrators. Where did it come from . So we dont know exactly who sent in the video. It was email anonymously to brandon odom who is the adviser for African American student life on campus. He was one of the first recipients of the email. But presumably from somebody who found this outrageous though i would think . I would say thats probably a safe assumption. It was definitely from someone on the bus as the actions was taking place. As president of the black student association, what was your initial reaction when you saw the video . Well mostly i was truly disappointed and disheartened to see in 2015 Something Like this going on on campus. But i was also encouraged by the person who had the guts and the courage to just jump up and say this is outrageous. I cant believe people are doing this. Record it and then they spread it. Christopher, give us an idea of what its look to be on campus. Is everybody rallying against this . Are the Fraternity Members in question underground . Are they any hiding . I dont believe any official statement has been made from the ou chapter of sae. But i think the overall spirit on campus is more unity versus any type of you know negative reaction that has been had. I think that were really trying to heal as a student body trying to Seek Solutions to this type of thing. Its not an isolated incident. We know that this type of things go on. Thats what were trying odo on campus and thats the spirit of the student body. Isaac, elaborate on what christopher said. Its not an isolated incident. This kind of thing happened at ou often . Its not frequent. But behind closed doors, we can never know unless somebody has the guts like the person who recorded this video knows what to do. But at this time i think its safe to say that its probably not isolated. The fraternity is being kicked off campus. Do you think thats enough punishment . I think that the university has taken the action that they feel like is necessary to root out this issue. I would like to see more proactive measures taking place on behalf of the administration. Obviously this is reaction to what occurred taking the disciplinary action. What i would like to see, and i think its going to happen to see the student leaders collaborating with the administration and trying to seek out Proactive Solutions to make sure that type of thing does not occur again. Most likely that will look like some educational material taking place in the future. Thank you both for being request uswith us. Coming up a jailhouse confession from an ohio teen accused of plotting a terrorist attack on the capitol. He says there are more like him out there and they are, quote, more organized than you think. Plus, a baby girl found trapped in a car seat. Her mother dead. How did she survive 14 hours. How is she doing now. Thats next. Your rheumatologist about a biologic. This is humira. This is humira helping to relieve my pain and protect my joints from further damage. This is humira giving me new perspective. Doctors have been prescribing humira for ten years. Humira works for many adults. It targets and helps to block a specific source of inflammation that contributes to ra symptoms. Humira can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. Serious, sometimes fatal infections and cancers including lymphoma have happened, as have blood, liver, and nervous system problems, serious allergic reactions, and new or worsening heart failure. Before treatment get tested for tb. 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The fbi arrested him when he tried to walk out of a gun store with two ar15s and 600 rounds of ammunition. His alleged wouldbe targets, president obama, members of congress. And now the ohio teen accused of plotting this mayhem terror he wanted to unleash on the Capitol Steps is on tape giving a jailhouse confession. Lets bring in pamela brown. Pamela a chilling tape want really. Chill truly stunning jailhouse confession of a man accused of wanting to attack the u. S. Capitol. And it gives a window into a lone wolf threat. Its an interview that the u. S. Government went to court to try to stop from airing until a judge allowed it to air this week. Inspired by isis Christopher Cornell boasts his thwarted attack on the president and the capitol build would have been devastating. Although it would have been a major attack against america and a phone interview from jail core nell admits he planned to first kill president obama and then make his way to the u. S. Capitol where he would set off pipe bombs and unleash a firestorm on people as they fled the build, shooting them with two semi automatic rifles and 600 rounds of Ammunition Police say he bought in this gun store. I would have took my gun, i would have put it to obamas head i would have pulled the trigger, then i would have unleashed more bullets on the senate and the house of represent members and then i would have attacked the Israeli Embassy and vary other buildings. The 19yearold ohio man landed on the fbis radar a couple of months ago after allegedly writing about jihad on social media states. With the Islamic State i have connections with many brothers over there, been corresponding for quite some time actually. When did you first come in contact with them. I wont say that specific. A man who cornell believed would be his partner in the attack was an fbi informant. He told the informant that he was working with isis and that u. S. Lawmakers are his enemies. We are indeed here in america, each and every state. Were here in ohio. Were in every state. Were more organized than you think. Fbi agents arrested cornell in january. The takedown captured in this image. I want to give him a big hug and bring him home. He aint out to hurt nobody. At first cornells parents staunchly defended their son. Hes not a monster. If i thought he was up to something, i would have beat his butt and i would have been the first one to turn him in. Now after hearing this interview with their son, they say theyre cutting him out of their lives. He now disowns his son. He had no idea that that was what he was all about. He believes us now and he disowns him. Cornell still behind bars facing charges including attempting to kill federal officials. Officials ive been speaking with say his case is an example of the lone wolf threat the current landscape of people from all different kinds of background being influenced by isis propaganda. In other National News today, the incredible story of a bib by who survived 14 hours strapped in an suv that crash into a freezing utah river. That baby is now in the hospital recovering. A man out fishing spotted the suv, called for help. Rescuers arrived and quickly flipped the car. They found the mother inside tragically dead. But the baby was alive, barely alive but alive. This crash scene is an hour south of salt lake city. Police say the mom was making a ninemile drive from her parents home in salem, utah to her house. Police found no skid marks at the scene. Another big mystery. Four Police Officers who went in the water all say they heard an adult voice clear as day calling for help. Kind of spooky. And our politics lead only a tight circle of people know details of u. S. Negotiations happening now to try to stop Irans Nuclear program. But theres a forceful attempt on capitol hill trying to derail any potential bill going behind president obamas back sending letters to directly to airan. Biologic. This is humira. This is humira helping to relieve my pain and protect my joints from further damage. This is humira giving me new perspective. Doctors have been prescribing humira for ten years. Humira works for many adults. It targets and helps to block a specific source of inflammation that contributes to ra symptoms. Humira can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. Serious, sometimes fatal infections and cancers including lymphoma have happened, as have blood, liver, and nervous system problems, serious allergic reactions, and new or worsening heart failure. Before treatment get tested for tb. Tell your doctor if youve been to areas where certain fungal infections are common, and if youve had tb hepatitis b, are prone to infections, or have flulike symptoms or sores. 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From figuring it out to getting it done were here to help. Welcome back to the lead. Im jake tapper. Time now for the politics lead. It was a move that was stunning certainly unusual. Democrats say its unprecedented with president obama and his Administration Working for years with allies such as the uk and france and others to negotiate a halt to Irans Nuclear program, a group of republican senators are now in an open rebellion. They sent a letter straight to the ayatollah to warn them that any deal they sign with president obama could come off the books the very second he exits the oval office. Late this afternoon president obama fired back arguing that the letter puts republicans squarely in the camp of the hard liners in teheran. I think its somewhat ieronic to see some members of congress wanting to make common cause with the hard liners in iran. Its an Unusual Coalition. I think what were going to focus on right now is actually seeing whether we can get a deal or not. Lets bring in the senator who organized this letter that 46 others have signed. Thanks for being here. Your response to president obama. He says youre in an Unusual Coalition with the hard liners of taran. Theyre not being hard liners in iran. Who have been killing americaing around the world for 35 years. Thats why iran cannot be allowed to get a Nuclear Weapon. If theyve been the worlds leading state sponsor of richl for 35 years, imagine what they will do with a nuclear umbrella. I guess i dont understand. President obama says hes trying to prevent iran from getting a Nuclear Weapon and hes pursuing the diplomatic path to do so. If you dont support the diplomatic path to do so how do you propose stopping iran from getting a Nuclear Weapon . I support a good deal that stops iran from getting a Nuclear Weapon today, tomorrow ten years from now and forever. The president has already said that a deal could have as little as a ten year sunset on it. His nap National Security adviser said iran could have uranium enrichment capabilities. Whatever else the terms of the future deal might be those terms make the deal unacceptable to the United States and to the world because they pave the world for iran to get a Nuclear Weapon. So you dont dispute those who say youre trying to sabotage this diplomatic effort. You agree with that in. Were simply saying that iran cannot have a Nuclear Weapon pep and irans leaders, whom according to many iran experts dont understand americas constitutional system need to know that a deal not approved by Congress Wont be accepted by congress now or in the future. Well the foreign minister of iran speaking fluent english and studied in the United States. But moving beyond that lets talk about the precedent. Harry reid said that your letter is a quote hard slap in the face if not only the u. S. But also the allies. Do you worry at all that you are doing something that many people say has not been done before. What happens if president , lets just make it up and said president tom cotton finds himself facing 47 democrat citizens trying to undo any peace negotiations you attempt in. The only thing unprecedented is an american president negotiating a nuclear deal with the worlds leading sponsor of state terrorism without submitting it to congress pg for approval. Thats why Congress Needs to approve the deal as the constitution calls for. I have to confess, senator. I am a little confused by some of the messages coming from senator republicans because more broadly, stepping back from this particular issue, republicans in the senate seem to be saying that president obama and whoever follows him should have open ended Unlimited Power to conduct war against terrorist groups such as isis or with the authorization for use of military force against terrorists anywhere in the world. But when it comes to imposing limits on the president s ability to negotiate agreements that can prevent war, you feel the exact opposite way. How do you reconcile that . We want the president to act to keep america safe. That means confronting the Islamic State with a Strong Military stra gi and confronting the islamic public of iran. Iran is the greatest threat we face because i ear using the most advanced weapons that science can provide. The Islamic State is using medieval tactics. And iran is the reason that the Islamic State rose to pow near the first place, they helped provide a safe haven in syria. Theyre two sides of the same coin the threat that radical islamic extremism poses to the United States. The breakout time would be two to three months for iran. They say this deal would push that to a year. Israel says its less than that maybe six months. Isnt that still better than two to three months which is the situation right now . Whats better is permanent solution that prevents from iran from ever developing Nuclear Weapons. Thats what i and so many of my other colleagues are trying to do to send the clear message that iran cannot be allowed to have Nuclear Weapons and that congress will not stand for it. Did you get i know you didnt succeed in getting but did you try to get any democrats to sign this let center. Yes we invited in democrats. We have four senators who are exploring a bid as well as rick perry last week who said she would not accept this kind of deal. I would encourage any republican or demeanor to join us on this letter. Its still an open letter. Anyone can join at any time. Senator tom cotton from arkansas thank you for your time. Coming up next, its been a week and still hardly a response from Hillary Clinton from her private emails from when she was secretary of state. But sources tell us she wants to address the controversy, but when . 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Instead of using a government account that could keep tabs of her messages, the former secretary of state seemed to have a secret or private system. The negative attention forces clinton to address the issue if she wants to move forward as a potential president ial candidate. Jeff how soon could we hear welcome. How soon could we hear clinton address this. Were told boss by in the next couple of days possibly in a press conference. She didnt want to overshadow a Clinton Foundation event. Thank you for joining us as we take on this great Unfinished Business of the 21st century. But before Hillary Clinton can get started on that unfinish Unfinished Business and launch a president ial campaign theres another piece of Unfinished Business still hanging over her head. Just when will she address the questions surrounding her state Department Emails . Based on 20 years of data zblsh in new york today clinton was talk but not about the controversy threatening to consume her for a second week. With daughter chelsea at her side she tried sticking to womens equality. There has never been a better time in history to be born female. But the rest of the political world is still asking whether she violated Administration Policy by using a personal email as secretary of state. As republicans demand answers, nervous democrats are urging clinton to break her silence what i would like is for her to come forward and say just what the situation is. The silence is going to hurt her. I agree with dianne feinstein. I think she needs to explain what she did. Shes called for the release of information. I think thats a good thing. Over the weekend president obama said he didnt know about her email habits. At the same time everybody else learned it through news reports. But the white house clarified his comments today saying that the president and secretary clinton did exchange email. The point he was making not that he didnt know president clintons email address, he did. But he was not aware of the details of how that email address and that server had been set up. The issue has now snow bald into a new punch line on saturday nightlife. This is not how Hillary Clinton goes down. I mean what did you think my email said. Hi its hillary. I really screwed up on benghazi today. Please. Now thats the last thing supporters of mrs. Clinton want for her to become a caricature before a president ial campaign begins. Thats why Top Democrats tell me shes preparing to talk about this perhaps in the next day or to perhaps in a press conference. Thank you so much. Appreciate it. Mr. Wolf blitzer is here with a preview of of the situation room. Its amazing whats going on right you, 47 reps who just had the sponsor, senator cotton of arkansas talking about it. Ben roads, hes going to be joining me in the situation room room. Hes angry over the letter. They think it is unprecedented. Well speak to tim kaine, the democrat senator from virginia as well. Hes pretty upset about it. Well get some reaction to your interview with senator cotton. No democrats signed on to that letter. The timing jeff is here with us at cnn. Thats pretty cool. Wolf well be watching in ten minutes the situation room. Its definitely cool but should you buy one . A brand new apple watch revealed. All of the can tails of what it does how much it costs, when you can get it. All that next. Or is that just me . Its lobsterfest. Red lobsters largest variety of lobster dishes all year. Double up with dueling lobster tails. Or make lobster lovers dream a delicious reality. But hurry this wont last long. I hate cleaning the gutters. Have you touched the stuff . Its evil. And ladders. Awwwwwww they have all those warnings on them. Might as well say, youre going to die, jeff. You hired someone to clean the gutters . Not just someone. Someone from angies list. But were not members. We dont have to be to use their new snapfix feature. 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Tech owners packed the room for todays by big announcement. The apple watch, the first tu new product under apple ceo tim cook. Apple and our Parent Company is timing up to introduce hbo now. Lets bring in Christina Warren the senior tech analyst. Great to see you. Apple unveiled three different collections of its new device the watch, watch sport and ap watch edition. Each collection ranges in price from 349 to 10,000. One configuration could go as high as 17,000. What would want to pay 17,000 for a watch . People who love their apple, love their fashion and have plenty of money to burn. So not me for sure. But there are definitely people in the luxury market out there who love luxury goods and this is who this device is for. The watch is going to let people check their email texas messages answer calls. But you also need an iphone 5 or newer model to use the apple watch. So does this force the entire Tech Industry to keep up . You know it kind of does. Apple has been pushing people to upgrade their devices every two years or so. You could use an older device. But woe would really like for you to use a newer one. This is a companion to your iphone iphone. This is not going to replace your e phone. Some of the features are going to require an iphone 5 or newer. Tim cook emphasized the Health Benefits of the watch and you agree this could be a great edition in the medical community. How . Well theyve got this new thing theyre going to be calling research kit. Its basically whats called an open api that will let people participate in different medical studies by if they choose to share some of their information with other people in the study so people can learn how peoples bodies are working from a variety of kircht places and all parts of the world. Whats really interest ising is its not doing a ton with health yet. But further down the road it could really capture more information and if the user is willing, share that information with doctors or with the Broader Health community. That must in some ways be alarming to people who already are concerned about Companies Like apple collecting so much personal information if these watches are capable of doing that. Do you think consumers are not as concerned . Well we think thats whats interesting about apples approach. By default theyre not sharing the information. And in fact apple was very clear during the presentation that they do not sell or give away consumers information at all. This is something that people can opt into if they think theyre going to get bugser benefits out of the box with it. But as you said people do have concerns. I think that apples approach is going to be show people why its great to share their data and what information they could get back from it and they would be encouraged to want to share more and want to learn more about themselves. Rather than going into it where its sharing everything and potentially people get freaked out. Thank you so much. Appreciate it. In our pop culture lead today, one of the master minds of the hit show the simpsons has died. Sam simon was a giving fill lap tro miss. He helped the simpsons debut in 1989 the longest running primetime series in american history. In his early years he worked on taxi, and cheers. When he left the show he donated much of his money to charity. He was diagnosed with terminal colon cancer in 2013. He remained upbeat and kept a sense of humor. Make sure to follow me on twitter. Cnn. Com the lead for video, for blogs, extras. Thats it for the lead today. Im jake tapper turning you over now to one mr. Wolf blitzer in the situation room. Wolf . Happening now terrorist policewoman policewoman, four people arrested in paris tied to the gunman in the kosher supermarket attack. One of those in custody, a female Police Officer. Shooting protests thousands marching through the streets and packing wii wooi states capitol voicing outrage of the Police Killing of an unarmed teenager. After witnessing his murder the gir friend of a top putin arrival stays out of site as a suspect is set to blow himself up. Dead battery, a report of the disappearance of the Malaysian Airline 370. Was the search doo

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