I cant. But i can say its a multimilliondollar commitment over multiple years. Do you believe that they are serious in addressing have you actually had direct conversation with Roger Goodell . I have, yes. I was able to have a conversation with him and other members of his team. What i am hearing what he said in his statement was that hes admitting he made a mistake and hes working to direct it and that theyre engaging many voices to make sure that they get it right and that this is a teachable moment for many people in america. What do you believe do you believe that they can get it right . Some people listening to this press conference said, you can say, were doing all this stuff, we hope to do all this stuff, we plan to do all this stuff. Theres very little they actually announced today besides working with your organization and one other organization. I think theyre realizing how much they didnt know about Domestic Violence and that its important to gather information and hear from a lot of different folks. We heard Roger Goodell say that in Law Enforcement, Domestic Violence experts, Sexual Assault experts, there are so many different people who have different views. Its important to bring those folks together to make sure you have a solid plan in place. Its what Many Employers need to be doing at this time. Katie, appreciate you being with us. Michael smerconish is joining u political commentator. What did you make of what you heard . I think he came to make no news. He scheduled a press conference for a friday afternoon so as to perhaps, thwart, kill the stories of, where is Roger Goodell . It was organized that he would be contrite, offer variety on issues without too many specifics. There are more questions remaining than were answered in the last hour. Its interesting, a number of the things he did say. He said hes not considered resigning. That probably surprised some people who feel he should at the very least have considered it. He said, we need experts to help with us due process, with policies. That would seem to be a particular refrain of his, we need help, we need help in understanding our policies, our process. Why is it so complicated for them to figure out their policies and process . Well, i found it significant that he wrapped this as a societal issue, that its not just an nfl problem. I have to say, if you look at some of the data usa today maintains a database about arrests of nfl players and scrapes with the law, theyve come away saying the arrest rate for those in the nfl is actually less than men of that age for society at large. And in particular on Domestic Violence. I dont think he wants to say what i just said because i dont think thats the way you do damage control. But i think hed like that message to be known. The nfls not dealing with anything that society at large isnt dealing with. Michael smerconish, thanks for being with us. Want to thank all of those who have been with us. Want to hand it over now to jake tapper. This is the lead. Nfl commissioner Roger Goodell wrapping a News Conference just moments ago. If you had to pick the most publicly reviled man in the nfl right now, you would have plenty of options among all those players accused of various forms of abuse. But goodell would be a prime candidate as well because he is the man who is supposed to be policing these giant, powerful, wealthy athletes. Hes the man whos accused of handing out slaps on the wrists for punches in the face. Nine days ago, goodell pleaded ignorance about how the video of ray rice punching his wife. Since then, hes been invisible. Even as we learn that Jonathan Dwyer is accused of headbutting his wife after she turned him down for sex. And Adrian Peterson of the Minnesota Vikings accused of beating his son with a tree branch or switch. Moments ago, goodell broke his silence of more than a week announcing the nfl will mandate education and training for players and staff about how to prevent abuse. Apparently the problem is some of them still dont know its wrong to hit women or children. Goodell promised to change League Policies although he did not get too specific. We will implement new conduct policies. They will have a set of clear and transparent rules for league and club personnel, owners and players. My goal is to complete this by the super bowl. By the super bowl and then goodell took questions. And the reporters in the room had notepads full of them after events of recent days. Have you considered resigning at any point throughout this . I have not. Im focused on doing my job. Why do you feel like you should be able to continue in this role . Because i acknowledged my mistake. August 28th i said we didnt get this right. How willing are you to give up some of that power and do you think that that would be the right thing for you to do . Well, rachel, as i said in my statement, everything is on the table. Lets get some reaction now to the nfl commissioners comments. Robert clemco is a writer for sports illustrated. Lets begin with rachel nichols. You just heard one of her questions and answers. You were inside the room when goodell made his remarks. Do you think what he said today will at the very least quell some of the intensity of the criticism . I think he had to get up here and address the questions. I think until you come and start to do that, the questions will only multiply. People have been looking for some sort of leadership from him on this issue. And at least he stood in front for quite a period of time, frankly. And took those punches. But as he said in the beginning of his speech, these are just words. He made the point to say that he has made these mistakes and it shouldnt be just us believing him now that he says hes going to fix things and do better. We have to see action. And i think that most people watching the nfl feel that way. They want to see the results. These words are nice. But they want to see some concrete action. Robert, you heard the commissioner say that the nfl is putting together some new conduct policy to deal with Domestic Violence cases. What does that mean for players currently being impacted like the lack of a clearcut policy, for instance, ray rice is appealing his seasonlong suspension, ray mcdonald accused of Domestic Violence but hes still playing. How will the formation of this new committee change their situations at all . Well, i think that the commissioner has already committed in the case of ray rice to not hear the appeal himself. He did say that the new conduct group could be in place by christmas im sorry, by the super bowl with the nfl. Its a safe bet it will take that long. I doubt that group would be the one hearing ray rices appeal. It was interesting to me to hear the commissioner decline to having outsiders other than nfl personnel on that council. It was very vague. Throughout the entire press conference, which has been a trademark of his press conferences throughout his reign as commissioner. Rachel, something you asked the commissioner, about the confusion over what steps the league did or did not take to get access to that elevator video of ray rice hitting his thenfiancee, nowwife. Lets take a listen. We dont have that sound. But in any case. Rachel, one of the questions was, were you surprised when you asked about why they didnt have access to the tape that tmz had access to, that they didnt have they hadnt already discussed this with the Security Team . Yeah, look, weve been looking for these answers pretty much since tmz posted that tape, right . How does a website have better security and investigation than the nfl offices who are one of the most powerful businesses in the entire country, who have teams of former fbi agents, former Police Officers working for them . And then cnn has also learned the Atlantic City police department, the Atlantic City Prosecutors Office dont have any electronic records of being asked for this video and for additional information. The nfl has said over and over again, hey, we tried to get the video from the police or the Prosecutors Office. Theyre telling us they dont have electronic records of that. Were going to dig deeper and see if there are any other conversations. But obviously theres a discrepancy here and its something that needs to be addressed. But its something, frankly that the former director of the fbi, robert mueller, is supposed to be looking into. There are some questions there as well. Its just sort of leading a lot of people to say, when can we trust this organization again . They want to. People love the nfl in this country. Robert, this was a smooth press conference. He obviously had been coached, had met with Crisis Management experts, met with Public Relations professionals, im extrapolating because he seemed to have answers for a lot of questions. What actual news came out, beyond him saying hes sorry, beyond him saying beyond the rhetoric, what actual facts do we know, what is going to change about the nfl . Well, he did commit to, as we mentioned, the formation of a personal conduct appeals body. Thats new. Outside of that, there really wasnt anything else. He consistently alluded to Robert Muellers investigation which rachel expertly relayed the Public Confidence doubts in Robert Muellers role there. Outside of that, he defected to mueller on a lot of different questions based on the handling of the ray rice case and pretty much any other aspect of this press conference was talking in circles in a lot of ways. Although smoothly so. The commissioner announced new initiatives being implemented in the wake of these controversies. A letter sent to team owners calls for all nfl personnel to undergo training on Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault prevention, along with some funding for Domestic Violence hotlines as well as significant resources for Domestic Violence awareness and support for victims. Joining me now is katie rayjones, the president and ceo of the national Domestic Violence hotline. Katie, did you hear anything in what the commissioner had to say beyond the funding for the hotline that made you think, they get it, they really finally understand the problem of Domestic Violence and they are really its not just Public Relations smoke in mirrors, they are on my side . After working this field for almost 18 years, what i heard was theyre going to take their time to be thoughtful and bring a lot of people to the table to make sure that they have a lot of voices represented. Working this field for so long, im aware of the complexities of Domestic Violence and how its not a blackandwhite issue and it is important to be very thoughtful and bring the right people to the table. Thats what i heard. I think theyre definitely aware of how complex it is and are trying to do the right thing. As an expert in this issue, do you think that an organization should set a policy that is anytime there is even just an accusation of Domestic Violence, that person should be suspended or do you think there actually needs to be some sort of legal process, some sort of conclusion, adjudication, the person is found guilty . Well, im definitely not an employee attorney. So i dont think i have the Legal Expertise to just your opinion. Your take on it. I think that its important for employers to be thoughtful of what theyre going to do and not be in a reactive state. So from us as a victims standpoint, its important that victims have protections in place in their workplace to ensure theyre not fired if they come forward and say, i need help, or that they have the rights to take time off work to get a court order or seek shelter. These are things we need as victims advocates to say, you have a right to these so you dont have to worry about your job or your employment if you make the case that there is Domestic Violence. I want to play sound from the press conference of Roger Goodell talking about the ray rice video and his initial reaction, the initial reaction of the nfl. Lets take a listen. Regardless of what mr. Rice said on june 16th, regardless of what was on that second videotape, on the initial summons, it clearly says that mr. Rice struck janay palmer with his hand, rendering her unconscious. Why wasnt it enough then to put this right . Well, it was. And we saw the original video and it was clear that a Domestic Violence violation had occurred. That was dleclear to us. And it was horrifying. And thats why we took the step we did. We did the twogame suspension and a fine of 500,000. It was not sufficient. So, katie rayjones of the national Domestic Violence hotline, let me ask you, miguel marquez, a reporter from cnn, made it very clear as others have pointed out, everyone who was paying attention to this case, including Roger Goodell, knew in february that according to Law Enforcement, ray rice hit his thenfiancee so hard he knocked her unconscious. He got a twogame suspension and a 500,000 fine. It was only later after tmz got that video that actually showed that horrific act, that the full suspension and the full weight and the full discussion of this happened. Does society need pictures in order for there to be action on these issues . Shouldnt the february summons, the february Law Enforcement act been enough . One would hope what we heard back in february and what we were seeing even of the video of someone being dragged out of the elevator without a sign of empathy or concern shown towards janay rice was quite compelling. So as someone in this field, i would hope that people didnt need a video. One in four women, one in seven men will suffer physical violence from an intimate partner. We know the prevalence is there. Its shocking we need an image to get a National Conversation started, most certainly. Whats been happening with the nfl on these highprofile domestic cases, had an impact on the number of people calling in to your hotline . And if so, as i believe it has, why do you think that is . Just last week after the video was released, we saw an 84 increase in our call volume, which is overwhelming to a hotline such as ours. Definitely when i talk about Domestic Violence and people show a lot of compassion about the issue. But when you have a face behind it, people have a different reaction when they see the imagery. So it is time for us to begin to talk about the prevalence. I was very encouraged last week with the social media efforts, the hashtags we were saying around why i stayed, why i left, being able to create a space for victims and survivors to talk about the complexity of Domestic Violence, the hopelessness they feel, the fear, the lack of selfworth. This is a time for us to understand how complex this issue is. So your organization is obviously going to be involved with the nfl in helping them move forward and implementing the changes. What kind of awareness, what kind of recommendations do you think youre going to be making . Youve talked about the need for thoughtful responses. And in addition to protecting the victims, what do you think is going to be a priority for your organization and other Domestic Violence advocacy groups . I think its really important for us to communicate that etch the commitment to the national Domestic Violence hotline has to be a first step. Theres lots of organizations across this country, we have historically been underresourced. When you support the hotline, you have to think about our job to communicate that to the nfl. Given the sheer volume of victims we speak with on a weekly, daily basis, ive always felt its the job of the national Domestic Violence hotline to take victims and inform the public of what theyre experiencing every day. Katie rayjones, thank you so much. And thank you for the work that you do. Joining me on the phone is nfl hall of famer and founder of gosmallbiz. Com, fran tasrkentot. Do you think the commissioner should resign . Thats not even the question. Im just outraged that hearing that press conference, hearing the interviews that ive been sitting here waiting to get on with you is pretty simple. Are we going to allow men to knock out women, abuse women, knock out children and were going to have to wait six months to get spin control and get some people in here and buy out some more people . I played for 18 years in this league. Ive seen coverups in this league just like we see in washington and on wall street. And it continues on. This is the same group of people that deny the effect of concussions on brain damage and did that up until 2009. And now paying an 800 million fine for doing that. A new study that they had to make authorized by the nfl listen to this. The report said 28 of the overall football population will be diagnosed with Cognitive Impairment during their lifetime. How about that . We dont really address that. We havent addressed the notion that a lot of the cause of this is performanceenhancing drugs. Weve had drugs in the nfl since i came up in 1961 and they were in the form of amphetamines. Then they went to steroids in the 70s and now theyre so powerful, that theyre putting 50, 60, 70 pounds on these guys. It makes them bigger, faster, stronger. And now were getting more injuries and who talks about that . Nobody. Cnn doesnt talk about it. Without getting into what cnns covered, it sounds like youre basically saying i dont want to put words in your mouth. Sounds like youre saying the nfl is a corrupt organization, am i mischaracterizing what youre saying . Ill give you al davis, the former owner of the oakland raiders. His saying was, win, baby, win. Roger goodell doesnt have the power in the nfl. 32 owners have him by the neck. If he doesnt do what they want him to do and theyre about winning, theyre all billionaires. And they all get excited and the adrenaline of winning. You see them on the sidelines. Their necks are popping out and theyre patting people on the back and theyre so excited about winning. And theyre looking the other way because in their locker room, we have people abusing kids and abusing women and theyre doing Illegal Drugs to make them bigger, faster. Look at their bodies. They see it and dont acknowledge it because its win, baby, win. This is the most whitewashed press conference ive ever seen. We have a National Epidemic of this type of violence. Its got a platform because of the popular tiff of the nfl. And now they just want their star players to play. Until the public, until the fans reach out and say, this is nonsense, this is awful, this is terrible and thats the only thing thats going to bring these teams back to sanity to say, okay, were going to make Adrian Peterson not play and some of these other players. And in San Francisco, theyre gil still playing a guy thats been accused of hitting his girlfriend or white, bloodied and beaten. And now theyre still letting him play. They should not let these people play. Youve been very outspoken about the decision when the Minnesota Vikings, your old team, decided to keep Adrian Peterson allowed him to play even after the child abuse allegations, you were very outspoken calling for other former nfl players to take a stand like you did. Obviously they reversed that decision. Petersons not going to be playing. But what do you think should be the standard . Someone is accused of a crime and therefore they dont play, where do you draw the line . I think when someone is going through the process of Domestic Violence and they have and weve got evidence of that has occurred, they should be suspended immediately. Let the process work out. They should not be allowed to play. Look whats happening at Florida State with jameis winston. Look at the coverup after a woman came out and said she had been sexually abused by him and it was a coverup from the administration of Florida State university, the Tallahassee Police department and so forth. And then look at his track record now. Now weve got him with the most lewd language that ive ever heard. And now theyre going to suspend him for half a game. Suspend him for half a game. I hear you. Where do we stop . It will not stop until you people in the press to us explayers, to the fans say, ive had enough of this. We are covering it right now. Fran, stay with us. I want to bring in a couple of other people. Cnn legal analyst, Jeffrey Toobin and Michael Smerconish and jean roboski. Theres been a lot of public outrage to this. Do you feel like the commissioner was hard enough on himself and his handling of these scandals to satisfy fans, michael . On a visceral level, like fran just spoke on the issue, the lawyer in me says we have to be more respecting of due process rights. You have to let the process run out. Its a dilemma the league faces. Jeffrey, the league still obviously has no plan in place to deal with players who have been accused but not convicted of crimes. As some of the questions at the press conference made it clear and as Fran Tarkenton just illustrated, its a mishmash. Others convicted, still playing. Where do you begin . The press conference was an elaborate exercise in kicking the can down the road. He said, we made a mistake and well have a policy in place maybe by the super bowl. It wasnt clear to me whether the policy will be in place by the super bowl or the committee will be in place by the super bowl. By the super bowl . Yeah. By the super bowl . Thats a fairly long way away. The season just started. It means like next season. Let me point out one thing. I think one of his strategies was sort of a soulkilling dullness in not responding except to say that there were mistakes made in the past. One question that was asked was about ray mcdonald. Ray mcdonald is a player on the San Francisco 49ers who has been arrested for Domestic Violence but not yet charged in the legal system. Hes still playing. Right. Hes the only one Adrian Peterson is not playing. Ray rice is not playing. But he is still playing with this charge against him. Given the nonchange, the nonpolicy announcement, he apparently can keep playing indefinitely. Right, the owner of the 49ers must be pretty happy about that fact. I guess so. But just to show even when you dont announce something, as he did not announce the new policy, it has a very clear implication for ray mcdonald who is welcomed to keep playing in the nfl. Michael smerconish, theres been a lot of criticism of how the nfl has handled the ray rice situation. Could there be criticism at the prosecutors, at Law Enforcement, how that situation was handled across the river in new jersey . Absolutely. In fact, i place a higher priority on figuring out what went wrong with the judicial system than i do with regard to the nfl. These are folks who are charged with the responsibility of bringing a legal, criminal action. They are our representatives. And i asked a howard baker question, what did they know of the tape and when did they know it . Thats not been answered to my satisfaction. Im told and i have studied the issue, that it was handled in a typical fashion of similar domestic cases and therefore it really seems to be an indictment of the whole process, at least the way in which its handled in atlantic county, new jersey. Jean, if i could go to you. Weve seen sponsor after sponsor come forward, speaking out against the nfl, mcdonalds, verizon, pepsico, anheuserbusch. Millions of dollars from them go to the league. Procter gamble said, quote, Domestic Violence is completely unacceptable and we have strongly urged the nfl to address this issue. Well determine future actions as needed. Goodell says he has no plans to resign. But if the sponsors do more than what theyve done so far, do you think there will be pressure on team owners and ultimately on goodell to leave . I do believe that the pressure will be mounting. Its all key to the sponsors, as you point out. Right now, the sponsors and advertisers are voicing their concern and distancing themselves from the nfl. But they are in the main keeping their contracts in place. If they start to back out of those contracts, the pressure is going to be enormous on mr. Goodell. Fran tarkenton, legendary Minnesota Vikings hall of famer, let me ask you, youre perhaps the most outspoken that weve spoken to today on cnn about the Domestic Violence problem in the nfl. What do you want fans to do . What do i want fans to do . Yeah. I think they should start writing letters, writing emails and stop going to games. Again, Roger Goodell getting fired is not going to solve the problem. The problem is going to be solved by 32 owners who control the National Football league. Ive only heard from a couple of them. The owner from the Baltimore Ravens who made that came out and finally cut the player from his team which he has the power to do. The owners of the Minnesota Vikings were going to play Adrian Peterson. They came back and said, we made a mistake. They said they were going to terminate him but pay him until due process. Thats the right thing to do. The only way to bring change about in anything is when we have a sense of desperation. We should have, as the american public, we should have a sense of desperation in dealing with this. The owners should have a sense of desperation in dealing with this. When players are accused of this, they should not be able to play until the process goes through. They can pay them. But to wait till the super bowl were going to get all these committees whz committ when has committeed solved any problems . They dont. Youre hearing one of the most september call and impassioned voices against the nfl and how theyve been reacting. But i have to say, i imagine that the owners will do the very least that they have to do. Right. But the owners are not impervious to pressure from the outside. If fans genuinely rebel and lets just say this has been in public for several weeks, there has not been a decline in ratings that is noticeable. Theres not been a decline in attendance at nfl games. And for all the brave talk from sponsors, the actual money is still going into the pockets of the nfl owners in the vast majority of cases. If i could just add one point. Anheuserbusch is getting all sanctimonious about the nfl. If we want to talk about Domestic Violence in this country and the influence of alcohol on Domestic Violence, it makes the nfl pale in comparison. So lets have a little less sanctimony from anheuserbusch. Fran tarkenton, talking about the influence of the sponsors on this, they seem to be talking a big game. But at the end of the day, the only action ive seen has been Radisson Hotels pulling their advertising from the Minnesota Vikings. Do you think that these sponsors need to be putting their money where their mouth is or taking it away, rather . They should. The nfl like the United States government, like wall street has gotten to be too big to fail. And they are popular. Theyre multibilliondollar enterprises, the one piece of content on Cable Television and on Network Television that can get it a big audience thursday night they could play saturday morning at 8 00 in the morning and theyd have a big audience. And sponsors want eyeballs. So its all about eyeballs. The nfl can give you eyeballs, can give you ratings like no other movies, content, sports of any kind. And thats their power. But these owners, these 32 owners again, Roger Goodell doesnt have the ultimate power. He doesnt pull the strings. They pull the strings. They ought to be in a meeting right now saying, were going to take action. Were going to clean up this league and clean drugs out of this league, pain and p. E. D. S and address this Domestic Violence they talk about getting it right. Thats getting it right. They ought to do it today and stop having these committees and well give more money to all the women evenings organizations, which is a nice thing to do. Thats just buying time till this thing goes away. Fran has an excellent point if you look at the listing of the top ten most watched tv shows in world history. Theyre almost all football games, if not all of them. The bottom line is especially in this media world today, if you want to get eyeballs, you advertise on a football game. Is there anything that you would recommend if you were working for any of these owners, anything you would tell any of these team owners to do to get ahead of this or is it just kind of, sit back and wait it out, youll be okay, people are still watching . I dont think they can sit back. What you saw today with the News Conference, it actually made things worse because there werent enough specifics. They really have to come forward with some real plan. And i agree that kicking it over to a committee and talking about having it by the super bowl is only going to raise the ire of the critics. Having said that, one of the advantages of the nfl is that its fans are very supportive and very rabid. Very few corporations, very few services and products in this country have that kind of support. I dont think people are going to stay away from watching the games on tv or in the stadiums. However, the kind of a program, the kind of pressure thats being brought to bear now may a few weeks down the road if the nfl doesnt really show itself to be more responsive and more concrete create enormous pressure on Roger Goodell and make his situation very tenuous. Gene, jeffrey, fran and michael, thank you all. Appreciate the conversation. Coming up on the lead, the nations top intelligence official admitting he and others made a critical mistake about isis. They underestimated the groups will to fight. How did u. S. Intelligence once again get it so wrong . You, my friend are a master of diversification. Who would have thought three cheese lasagna would go with chocolate cake and ceviche . The same guy who thought that small caps and bond funds would go with a merging markets. Its a masterpiece. Thanks. Clearly you are type e. You made it phil. Welcome home. Now whats our strategy with the fondue . Diversifying your portfolio . E trade gives you the tools and resources to get it right. Are you type e . Suddenly youre a mouth breather. A mouth breather how do you sleep like that . You dry up, your cold feels even worse. Well, put on a breathe right strip and shut your mouth. Cold medicines open your nose over time, but add a breathe right strip, and pow it instantly opens your nose up to 38 more so you can breathe and do the one thing you want to do. Sleep. Add breathe right to your cold medicine. Shut your mouth and sleep right. Breathe right. Add breathe right to your cold medicine. Sea captain theres a narratorstorm cominhe storm narrator that whipped through the turbine which poured. Surplus energy into the plant which generously lowered its price and tipped off the house which used all that energy to stay warm through the storm. Chipmunk theres a bad storm comin narrator the internet of everything is changing how energy works. Is your Network Ready . Welcome back to the lead. Turning now to the world lead. Did you see the trailerstyle propaganda video that isis released a few days ago . Looked like something out of michael bays worst nightmares. It was a trailer for a fulllength 55minute video today. Terrorists have stepped up their production values since the days of osama bin laden, seen on a microphone in a cave. And now, what the u. S. Got so wrong about isis initially . The Washington Post is quoting the National Director of intelligence as saying, we didnt predict the will to fight. Thats always a problem. We didnt deet it in vietnam. In this case, we underestimated isil and overestimated the fighting capability of the fighting capability of the iraqi army. I didnt see the collapse of the Iraqi Security force in the north coming. I want to turn to the director of the cia during part of the clinton administration, now the chairman of the foundation for defense of democracy. Thanks so much for being here. In january, president obama referred to isis or isil as a j. V. Team. And i guess weve seen examples in the past of u. S. Intelligence kind of catering their analyses according to what the president or the Vice President think. And im wondering, what do you think came first, the chicken or the egg . Did president obama not want to believe in this so the intelligence agencies reaffirmed that or was it the other way around . Its hard to say. This is a complicated subject because al qaedas prodigy, they dont just talk about violence, they do it, they conduct it and do it in horrible ways. The Islamic State is a little more complicated because their publications and the speeches of al baghdadi and leading people are focused principally on establishing a caliphate. They want to rule. They need an empire and they want to empire to grow and they want to take after next probably saudi arabia because they want the holy cities. They talk about Something Different usually than the terror that they sometimes practice. So its a complicated subject to analyze. I want to get your reaction on these sound bites. The first is from a former commander of u. S. Central command yesterday. And the second is from the National Security adviser, dr. Susan rice, today. The best military advice would never take some of our capability off the table and if theres better military advice to be had, i would be eager to see it. But i think right now up against this enemy, were going to have to take our own side in this and in that regard, it means we use all of our capabilities. To be clear, as weve said repeatedly, our strategy does not involve u. S. Troops on the ground in a combat role in either iraq or syria. Whats your take on this . This is obviously a big debate going on behind closed doors and out in the open. Im on jim madisons side on this one. I think were paying too much attention at the top levels of the u. S. Government to the narrative, as they say. The narrative is from the administrations point of view that terrorism was basically ended by killing bin laden and that the war on terror is over to the extent that we dont need to fight any more wars and we dont need any big deployments. Turning down ideas when you still dont know exactly whats going on is not a good idea. You may want to surprise an enemy, you may need to do things that you earlier said you wouldnt do. And i think its a big mistake to try to for members of the administration to try to rule things out. Former cia director, thank you it so much. Joining me now is britains ambassador to the u. S. , thanks for joining us. I want to play something that former president bill clinton said on the daily show about this idea of no boots on the ground. We cant win a land war in iraq. We proved that. But they can. Wnd we c and we can help them win it. Do you and Prime Minister cameron, those ruling the United Kingdom, congratulations, by the way, do you agree with that . Is this a war that western troops cannot win . I think the western role is something which weve got to work out in the light of the coalitionbuilding exercise which is going on at the moment and a strategy involving several different elements to degrade and ultimately destroy isis. Weve been very clear. Were not putting combat troops on the ground but is it because of Political Considerations or because you dont think theyll work . Whats going on is were clearly not going to get involved in another iraq war. The United States and the United Kingdom expended a lot of blood and treasure there. Were trying to deal with the isis threat. I think there probably will be boots on the grounds. But the views we are all taking is we need to be there in support of the Iraqi Armed Forces assuming their own responsibility for security of their country. And theres lots of things we can do to support them, air strikes and a bunch of other things, which stops short of us putting combat boots on the ground. There was a french jet mission earlier today. Yes. What militarily is the uk willing to do . The uk so far has done a lot, in addition to the humanitarian response. We have provided reconnaissan reconnaissance, a number of other things. Were involved in training, equipping in adviser roles. Doing more than that is a possibility. My Prime Minister said hes not ruling out any option in terms of the need to fight back against isis. So i think we need to wait and see patiently, intelligently with our partners, whats the coalition up to, what is the new more inclusive require of its partners, without being asked for anything more at the moment . We need to Work Together to ensure we have a strategy that really works. Isis released a video of another british hostage, john cantly, forced to deliver a propaganda message. What is the government of the uk doing to try to save this mans life . Were doing a lot. Weve already lost one of our hostages. We know that it appears that there are brits who are involved in these atrocities. Were putting a lot of resource into trying to find these people and give great priority to trying to secure their release. We cant talk about the detail of that. But were also working very hard trying to stop people from going to iraq and syria who have malevolent intent. Have you identified the guys in the video that speaks with a london accent . I cant reveal that. But were working on the case as a matter of high priority. Mr. Ambassador, thank you so much. Appreciate your being here. Coming up, it might be the political ad of the year. I grew up castrating hogs on an iowa farm. So when i get to washington, ill know how to cut pork. Can she win a longheld democratic seat in a swing state . Big day . Ah, the usual. Moved some new cars. Hauled a bunch of steel. Kept the supermarket shelves stocked. Made sure everyone got their latest gadgets. Whats up for the next shift . Ah, nothing much. Just keeping the lights on. laugh nice. Doing the big things that move an economy. See you tomorrow, mac. See you tomorrow, sam. Just another day at norfolk southern. And cialis for daily use helps you be Ready Anytime the moment is right. 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For better access to talent, cutting edge research, and state of the art facilities. And you pay no taxes for ten years. From biotech in brooklyn, to next gen energy in binghamton, to manufacturing in buffalo. Startupny has new businesses popping up across the state. See how startupny can help your business grow at startup. Ny. Gov welcome back to the lead. Our politics lead now, iowaens had better get used to the spotlight. Of course they already are. But from now until 2016, potential president ial candidates will be thick on the ground, just stopping by as Vice President biden and Hillary Clinton both did this week. The media attentions also ramping up because of the race for an open u. S. Senate seat. As we know, the control of senate hangs in the balance. Cnn polling shows a virtual tie between democrat bruce braley and jodi ernst. The midterm is just weeks away. This is one of cnns five races to watch. Our chief sponge l correspond t correspondecorresponden Congressional Correspondent dana bash looks at the race. Reporter jodi ernst takes running for senate quite literally. She doesnt run in this parade, she sprints. The Lieutenant Colonel in the Iowa National guard recruiting volunteers for her campaign. Being a veteran is what i believe in, the greatness of america. Reporter an iraq war vet, a little known iowa state senator that burst onto scene im jodi ernst. I grew up castrating hogs on an iowa farm so when i get to washington, ill know how to cut pork. Reporter shes a Tea Party Favorite now trying to moderate her image to snatch iowas vacant democratic seat left open by tom harkin. Would you be in the mold of tez cr ted cruz . No in the mold of jodi ernst. Reporter democratic bruce bailey argues hes the candidate who fits iowas problemsolving sensibilities. Iowans expect to have senators who are going to put aside partisan politics when the states interests are at stake. Reporter he invited us to this small town of brooklyn, iowa, where he grew up. The drugstore was also one of my customers. I baled hay, worked on farms, i was a truck driver, a conduction worker. Reporter the fourterm congressman is trying to beat back accusations hes lost touch back home. Potentially more damaging, he was caught on tape slamming iowas popular gop senator chuck grassley. A farmer from iowa who never went to law school r. Reporter dissing farmers, a big iowa nono. Did you put a foot in your mouth . All of us say things that we regret. And if you grow up in iowa, the important lessen to leaon to le when you make a mistake, you take responsibility of it. Reporter braley says ernst is out of touch. I promote a culture of life. I promote life. Thats the person i am. Reporter and on pocketbook issues she opposes a National Minimum wage. We really do need to have a minimum wage that is set based upon local economies. I think the state is best to do that. Reporter that means no federal minimum wage . Not one size fits all approach. I believe it has to be done by the state. I hope youll consider voting for me. Reporter like Many Democrats on the ballot this year, draely has to overcome an unpopular president , now at just 37 approval here. In iowa where Barack Obamas big 2008 caucus win knocked Hillary Clinton off her white house path and obama beat gop rivals in both 2008 and 2012. Still, while Democratic Candidates in red states keep their distance, not braley. If the president has time in his schedule to come to iowa in this campaign, i would welcome him. Reporter on this, they agree. I do. I think that would be wonderful. Reporter good for your campaign . I think so, yes. Come on, president obama. Reporter dana bash, cnn, spencer, iowa. Coming up next, get ready to up your selfie game. The iphone 6 hit shelves today and predictably apple fans went gaga for it. But is it worth shelling out up to 500 for one . 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So maybe we need to approach things differently, if we want to be ready for a longer retirement. Welcome back to the lead. The money lead now. It is the Biggest Company that maybe you never heard of and it just made history. Alibaba, the chinese mashup of adams and ebay hit the New York Stock Exchange Trading Floor just before noon today. Shares soared, nearly 30 above the ipo price, which was bigger than google and facebooks debut prices combined. The company is a relative unknown outside of silicon valley. Finally, long lines and the stench of technological superiority in the air, must be iphone release day. Todays release of the iphone 6 conjured up familiar images, long lines snaking around city blocks, rabid fans. One of the folks to get a first bite at apples new phone almost had his day ruined when he fumbled the newer model o television. Dont worry, the phone survived. Apples website went down and apple stores couldnt handle all the orders. But despite those difficulties, Industry Leaders expect apple to best its last phone debut and move well more than 9 million phones. Make sure to follow me on twitter. Also at the lead. Check out our show page for video, blogs, extras, and subscribe to our magazine on flipboard. Thats it for the lead. Im jake tapper. Have a great weekend. I turn you over now to wolf blitzer. He is right next door to me in the situation room. Happening now, isis advance, terrorist forces seized dozens of villages as the u. S. Prepares to strike the militants inside syria. Can the pentagon win this war without u. S. Troops on the ground . A break in the case. Police are getting ready to announce major new developments in the search for a missing Virginia College student. Were standing by for new information this hour. Damage control. The embattled nfl commissioner makes a dramatic announcement as the league reels from multiple abuse scandals. What changes is Roger Goodell getting ready to make . Im wolf blitzer. Youre in the situation room

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