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From lebanon. They called it the reagan revolution. But for me it always seemed more like a rediscovery of our values. Once you begin a Great Movement, theres no telling where it will end. Thank you. Were faced with an unprecedented situation in this country today. Jimmy carters demonstrated inability to govern our nation. But i have faith in the greatness of the people of this country. This country has everything that it always had before, except the leadership in washington that this country requires. Reagan put a lot of energy and effort into 1980. The economy had been through a recession, and in addition to that, the United States had been embarrassed by the iran hostage crisis. The country wanted to turn the corner and Ronald Reagan held the promise of all of that. America is turning to a new political direction for at least the next four years. To the right. Republican Ronald Reagan rode an electoral vote landslide to the white house and republicans swept to control of the senate for the first time in a quarter century. Reagan conveyed a sense of optimism and hope. The secret to his success was that he made people feel good. Even though reagan had been a fairly successful governor of the largest state in the union, he was still doubted for his odd background for a politician as having been a hollywood actor. And he was very controversial. He took a lot of outrageous positions. In this present crisis, government is not the solution to our problem. Government is the problem. For 50 years, americans had been looking to government to solve their problems. When reagan gave his speech, thats marked a 180degree turnaround in the american political conversation in the trend of american politics. Can we solve the problems confronting us . Well, the answer is an unequivocally emphatic yes. And after all, why shouldnt we believe that . We are americans. God bless you, and thank you. We have a report. Im just told that the Associated Press reports that the hostages are leaving tehran. They say that the hostages are leaving the airport. For 444 days, 52 americans were held halfway around the world. A sign of carters weakness and reagan comes in and, poof, theyre released. Theyre free. Theyre free, mr. President. Theyre free, mr. President. Weve had press reports that theyre free. Weve had press reports. What do you have to say about that . What do you have to say . Only one thing to say. Thank god. You could not have had a more stunning beginning to a presidency. The whole last year of the Carter Administration is defined by the hostages and in the first hours of reagans administration theyre free. Thats the case with the image absolutely defines the reality. I just wont call them hostages. They were prisoners of war. If the hostages had not been released, reagan would have been forced to focus on the hostage crisis. With the hostages back, he was free to focus on the economy. Inflation and unemployment are threatening the american way of life as never before. And without a change of policy, these intolerable conditions will get even worse. Inflation flared again last month, almost doubling the rate of the month before. In 1967, inflation was 2. 9 . Last year it was 12. 4 . People were afraid. People had begun to think that america was in a kind of relative decline. We had high unemployment and high inflation. Which at the time was thought to be impossible under the existing economic orthodoxy. It required something new to change that problem. If we can lower the rate of increase in government spending, up there ahead is daylight. Today we have found 72 of the savings that we would have to achieve in order to meet that 53 billion reduction target. Reaganomics was if you give what they call the investing class the money, then it would trickle down to the bottom of the pile and cutting taxes would increase revenues. The president spent the day deal with brush fires on the right and left of his new plan for the economy. The cuts he wants to make in the budget and in income taxes brought out into the open some disagreements among his supporters and his opponents. Reagan says cut back. We say fight back. The administration has gambled our future on a dubious plan that does not deal with the relentless spiral of rising prices, wages and Interest Rates. Ive read an awful lot about how were going to really hurt the poor and things of that nature and this administration with our cuts. That is absolutely not what were going to do. Reagan came in with a very savvy staff that understood the challenges they faced to try to change things in a radical way. But they did come up against an entrenched washington culture and a democratic establishment that just wasnt going to roll over for Ronald Reagan and let him get his way. If we do nothing else in thus administration were going to convince this city the power, money and the responsibility in this country begins and ends with the people, not with some cinderblock building in washington, d. C. Thank you very much. Mr. President [ gunshots ] get down we interrupt. Theres been a late development. Shots reported fired outside the hotel where president reagan spoke a short time ago. Details are very sketchy at this moment. We dont know precisely what happened. We dont know the sequence. First of all, the president is safe. Im on the air trying to get more information. Here, we have a report that the president s adviser for political for political affairs. Lynn has told reporters at the hospital that the president was not wounded he was. He was wounded. He was the president was hit. He is in stable condition. All this information. We have one more bit of information. The bullet that struck the president has not yet been removed, and he is not undergoing surgery at this time. He was, however, struck in the left chest. The last word we had is that he was conscious and that his condition was described as stable. My god. Four unlimited lines fory bucks each. With netflix included. Watch however you want. On your phone, tablet, or tv. Lets rock this joint oh very nice. Now im turning into my dad. I text in full sentences. I refer to every child as chief. This hat was free. What am i supposed to do, not wear it . Next thing you know, im telling strangers defense wins championships. Well, it does. Right . Why is the door open . Are we trying to air condition the whole neighborhood . At least i bundled home and auto on an internet website, progressive. Com. Progressive cant save you from becoming your parents, but we can save you money when you bundle home and auto. I mean, why would i replace this . Its not broken. I mean, why would i replace this . A trip back to the dthe doctors office, mean just for a shot. But why go back there, when you can stay home, with Neulasta Onpro . Strong chemo can put you at risk of serious infection, which could lead to hospitalizations. In a key study, neulasta reduced the risk of infection from 17 to 1 , a 94 decrease. Applied the day of chemo, Neulasta Onpro is designed to deliver neulasta the next day, so you can stay home. Neulasta is for certain Cancer Patients receiving strong chemotherapy. Do not take neulasta if youre allergic to neulasta or Neupogen Filgrastim . Ruptured spleen, sometimes fatal as well as serious lung problems, allergic reactions, kidney injuries, and capillary leak syndrome have occurred. Report abdominal or shoulder tip pain, trouble breathing or allergic reactions to your doctor right away. In patients with sickle cell disorders, serious, sometimes fatal crises can occur. The most common side effect is bone and muscle ache. So why go back there . If youd rather be home, ask your doctor about Neulasta Onpro. We were told that a decision is now being made on whether to operate on the president to remove the bullet from his left side. When the word came, it sounded as if the president might not make it through the night. Might die on the surgeons table. Ides emphasize the president s condition is stable and that we were informed by jim baker that he did walk into the hospital. I was at the white house. The information coming in was incomplete. They werent fully up to date on what was happening with the president s condition. And then when they found out how serious it was, they wanted to reassure everybody. Coming indirectly from one of the surgeons is that the bullet as we have reported once before did miss the president s heart. Missed by an inch. He told mrs. Reagan, honey, i forgot to duck. What . I forgot to duck. And then when he got into the operating room, he looked at the doctors and he said, please tell me youre republicans. Reagan relied on this group of advisers. Jim baker as his chief of staff, a really skilled, shrewd political insider, ed meese, a counselor to the president , and Michael Deaver in charge of the media operations. They ran the white house. The assassination attempt and aftermath elevated Ronald Reagans popularity to a new high. The latest nbc news Associated Press poll shows his job rating jumped ten points. Reagan understood that he was getting this sort of sympathy reaction. Everybody was rooting for him all of a sudden because they didnt want him to die. They didnt want to lose a president. So without missing a step, he goes right into what the message is. Weve got to get this tax and spending bill passed and weve got to do it now. Mr. Speaker, the president of the United States. It was just like the movies. Reagan was a true american hero. The president looking very jovial, very healthy. I was seated in the well of the house there when he was addressing congress. It was magic. Everybody was so grateful that his life had been spared. It was a stirring moment. If he wants them to stop, theyre not going to stop for a while. They handed president reagan and the republicans a major victory. For the second time in his drive to cut the federal budget, president reagan got what he wanted by a house controlled by the opposition party. Reagan comes off with a victory in congress and the recovery from the assassination attempt looking very strong, very bold. Like a very determined leader. Good evening. The strike began as scheduled at 7 00 local time this morning. Its impact immediate. Many flights delayed. Many more cancelled. The air Traffic Controllers worked terrible hours. They were underpaid. They wanted a big raise. They didnt get what they wanted. They said were going to go out on strike. They were the only union in the country that endorsed Ronald Reagan. But, by law, they were forbidden to strike. They were in violation of the law. If they do not report for work in 48 hours, they have forfeited their jobs and will be terminated. End of statement. What . He actually did that . And its kind of like hitting the mule on the head with a 2x4. This afternoon, president reagan started firing the strikers and the government claimed it was ready to rebuild the whole system without them. This sent a powerful message to different parts of the electorate. Many unions were terrified. It also sent a bigger message about the type of leader hed be. He was not scared to do what was controversial. If ever a president ial policy reflected a president s own character, it is reaganomics. Its so personal is barely qualifies as an economic theory. But the trouble is reaganomics is not working. Its been the single overwhelming failure of the reagan administration. More than 12 million americans out of work. The highest rate of unemployment since the Great Depression of the 1930s. The tax cut did not give the economy the supply side kick that had been promised. Business got steadily worse. Factories closed. Layoffs, bankruptcies. The federal deficit skyrocketed. Inflation had been brought under control and quickly a remarkable accomplishment but at a terrible cost. Reagan was trying hard to kill inflation as fast as he could. That was working. The problem was Interest Rates were going up to 18 . Its like chemotherapy for the economy. It kills a lot of other things along the way. The government can live with high unemployment to curb inflation. That seems to be a very high price for us to have to pay. Supposed to be the land of opportunity. Its not anymore. Its the land for the rich and the poor can go to hell. I think were going to have some hard times for the next few months while we had predicted as you know a stagnant economy none of us had predicted the stepping over into recession. When David Stockton came in and said the deficit is not going down. Its simply getting larger, reagan apparently was shocked. Perhaps he had been too beguiled by his own supply side rhetoric. Reaganomics, as its call, was not generating enough revenue. The theory that if you detax the rich, everybody will be better off because theyll invest that money. Turned out not to be true. These are not especially happy days for budget director david stockman. The december issue of the Atlantic Monthly has a long article about stockman in which hes quoted as saying things he no doubtedly wished he had not said. I got an early copy. The president gave a News Conference that day. I kept waving my hand. He didnt call on me. So i chased him out. Your budget director more or less says with the Economic Program is wrong. It creates inflationary he had no idea what i was talking about, clearly. So i broke the story that night that the budget director blew the whistle on this plan. What he still contends were off the record conversations, stockman expressed disillusion. Stockman refers to naive supply siders. The whole reagan plan is premised on faith. None of us understands whats going on with all these numbers. It was very, very damaging. A lot of people wanted him fired, but i thought we had to keep him because he knew more about the budget than anybody. So i prevailed upon the president to not fire him. We have faith in our program and were sticking with it. The paid political complainers, let me say as politely as i can, put up or shut up. President reagan standing in the nbc ap poll has gone from a high of 65 approval after he was shot to a low of 43 last fall. Thats a bit lower than any previous president at that stage of his stay in the white house. We lost big in the 1982 midterms. And everybody was blaming the bad economy on our tax cuts and spending reduction. I remember thinking, okay, the bubbles burst. And when a president sinks like that, and i had just seen it with jimmy carter, you just dont come back. And i did believe that. Hes not going to come back. Known for its perfect storm of tiny bubbles, it has long been called the champagne of beers. If youve got the time welcome to the high life. Weve got the beer miller beer christmas marching band music drumsticks click and when you switch to esurance, in the modern world, it pays to switch things up. You can save time, worry, hassle, and yup, money. In fact, drivers who switched from geico to esurance saved hundreds. Thats auto and Home Insurance for the modern world. Esurance. An allstate company. Click or call. Or a little internet machine . It makes you wonder shouldnt we get our phones and internet from the same company . Thats why Xfinity Mobile comes with your internet. 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A battalion of American Marines came out to separate the israelis from the palestinians and oversee the withdrawal of the plo from lebanon, but it got sucked in to the lebanese civil war. The civil war is between christians and muslims, and to the muslims it looked like we were supporting the christians. A big debate broke out afterwards. Should we have ever put our marines in that kind of vulnerable position when they didnt have a clear politician. They were just kind of sitting there. The United States in the middle east was faced with an array of small forces, little cells, underground, not knowing who they were, where they were and even what they wanted. There are no words to properly express our outrage, and i think the outrage of all americans. Do you have any idea who did it . Are we going to take reprisals, sir . Reagan call the killing of the marines the saddest day of my presidency. The saddest day of my life. I think it was the low point of the reagan presidency. A question that must be asked is why 241 men were killed by terrorists, yet this country wasnt outraged. There were no demonstrations, no marches. Little outcry. The reason . Within 48 hours of the bombing, the United States invaded grenada. About 1,900 u. S. Army rangers and marines this morning assaulted the small island which measures only 12 miles by 21 miles. Grenadas population is about 110,000, roughly the size of cedar rapids, iowa. Theres a coup, allegedly a communist coup, and reagan seizes on this to stage an invasion. The United States received an urgent formal request to assist in a joint effort to restore order and democracy on the island of grenada. An american fruit carrier was passing by on its way to lebanon. So all they did was turn that combat ready ship into grenada. Marines took control of grenadas airports and began broadcasting a soothing message. Your cooperation will ensure that peace and democracy are restored in the near future. At least a psychological, maybe moral level, reagan was doing something in grenada that he wanted to do in lebanon but couldnt. He could do it in grenada and show the United States would take action to defend its interests. Reagan was lucky. He had the good fortune to have an easy military victory just eliminating our memory of what happened in beirut and replacing it with this scene of the military rush ashore in the caribbean. Our world has changed. Today our National Security can be threaten inside far away places. Its up to all of us to be aware of the strategic places of some places and identify them. The events in lebanon and grenade, although oceans apart it provides direct support through a network of surrogates and terrorists. What he really cared about was this cancer on the world. So if there was a marxist regime anywhere and somebody was trying to take it down, hed be for them. Perhaps by coincidence, the u. S. Greatly expanded its military presence in Central America. A big battleship joined two aircraft carriers in the waters off nicaragua while denying all the while anything special was happening. In nicaragua where there was a leftist regime in place, the United States was supporting the nicaraguan contras to overturn the sandinista government. They were an evil bunch. He was going to overthrow them and the heroes were the contras that were going to do it like our fathers at lexington and concord. We are complying with the law. Were complying with that fully. The boland amendment passed unanimously in the house and says the United States cannot provide funds for the purpose of overthrowing the government of nicaragua. When congress tried to cut funding off, reagan believed it was his obligation, a moral obligation and obligation to American Security to make sure the contras continued to get funding. The last of the u. S. Marines left beirut today for the relative safety of the six fleet warships offshore ending a 17month Peace Keeping mission which brought lebanon no closer to resolving its strife. Lebanese factions realized their impact was very short lived. So these groups in lebanon began nabbing americans. In beirut, the United States was again the target of lebanons shadowy men. They kidnapped william buckley. Hes the embassys contact man for the rival christian and muslim factions. He is the third american to be kidnapped in beirut in six weeks. And it kept happening. It was not all at one go. They were taken many months apart but kept adding up and adding up. It consumed the reagan presidency. Every day, almost every day hed ask his National Security teams, intelligence briefers, any news on the hostages. Is anything happening . Is there something we can do . Theres a chink in reagans armor. He was softhearted and felt a sense of obligation that he had to do something to get them out. 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I think were getting close make a uturn. Uturn . Recalculating. Man, we are never gonna breed. Just give it a second. You will arrive in 92 days. Nah, nuhuh. Nope, nope, nope. You know who im gonna follow . My instincts. As long as gps can still get you lost, you can count on geico saving folks money. Im breeding, man. Fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance. Government economists have taken another look at how fast the economy grew during the First Quarter of this year, and today they said it was surging ahead even faster than they first thought. The jobless rate was down to 7. 8 . That means 700,000 people found jobs during the month. When we took office the American Economy was in the tank. So did it take a while to get out of that . You bet it did. We were correcting what had gone wrong before. The economy starts to bounce back in 1983. Gas prices are falling. The stock market is rising. You start seeing inflation go down. Employment go up. By 1984, they have an economic revival to pitch. Its morning again in america. And under the leadership of president reagan, our country is prouder and stronger and better. It was a brilliant ad, and it worked. There was no chance a democrat was going to beat that. A u. S. Political summit meeting takes place in louisville, kentucky, not to resolve differences but to exploit them. Ronald reagan meets Walter Mondale. Just about everybody is calling it a major opportunity for mondale. He doesnt need just to win by a nose. He needs to win to stay with it by four or five lengths. He needs to do well because he starts from so far back. The question of Ronald Reagans age had always been in the back of minds of a lot of people. He was by this time the oldest american president , and he was well into his 70s. I as i say, i feel that we have a problem here to resolve. Reagan in the first debate against Walter Mondale looks confused. Speaks too long. Gets lost. Its not just that Walter Mondale won that debate. Its that people fear, is Ronald Reagan lost . And for the first time they Start Talking about the age issue. It showed without cue cards and teleprompters the great communicator doesnt always communicate all that well. We had six dress rehearsals last time. Plus loading him with computer statistics. The man was absolutely smothered by extraneous material. And this time were going to let Ronald Reagan be Ronald Reagan. The mantra let reagan be reagan is take advantage of what weve got. The strongest thing, our best political asset is Ronald Reagan being himself, communicating with the American People. When he was showing his personality, his ideas and rhetoric, he generally succeeded. Going into tonight, a new poll indicates the race continues to narrow. The audience out there will be looking at Ronald Reagan in a new way. I think in louisville, the myths or the mystique of the great communicator was dented, perhaps irreparably. President kennedy had to go days on end with very little sleep during the cuban missile crisis. Is there any doubt youd be able to function in such circumstances . Not at all. And also, i will not make age an issue of this campaign. I am not going to exploit for political purposes my opponents youth and inexperience. It brought down the house and it was his house by then. There were several times during his first term when i thought this man is not going to be reelected president. I guess what i underestimated was how much the public really loved and liked this man. It now appears president reagan has won and has won big. His aides say theyre seeing a victory of historic proportions. Theres the national totals. So many people act as if this election means the end of something. To each one of you i say, tonight is the end of nothing. Its the beginning of everything. It came as a surprise this morning when president reagan announced that two of the leading figures of his administration are going to change jobs. By the time the four years was over i was pretty worn out. Regan said, why dont you and i change jobs. We took it to the president. He thought it was a great idea and we switched jobs. It folded into one man. It turned out to be an unsuccessful experiment. Don regan was not cut out for that job. He liked the sound of chief but not of staff. I am not the president. I am not taking charge of anything. Ronald reagan is in charge of this country, and like a good caddie, i tee up the ball for him to take a good smack at. Reagan needed good advisers. He doesnt have the same quality of people surrounding him. It has huge political effects. From nbc news, this is today. Good morning. Former hostage David Jacobsen is a step closer to u. S. Soil at this hour. Jacobsen was freed sunday after 17 months of captivity in lebanon. Because were still negotiating for the other hostages, were not going to say anything more about what process we went through to get mr. Jacobsen out. The policy is that we dont negotiate with hostagetakers. We dont make deals. We dont pay ransom. Reagan hammered on his staff to find a way to get those hostages out. Today the story from middle east sources is that iran has helped the United States free a hostage from lebanon. In a bizarre tale worthy of a thriller, irans News Agency Reports robert mcfarlane, president reagans former National Security adviser, recently made a secret visit to tehran. Iran says mcfarlane came seeking help in freeing hostages led by proiranian groups in lebanon. I didnt believe the administration could be thats clumsy. It seemed so unlike all it stood for, all it claimed, all it promised. Why not dispel the speculation by telling us exactly what happened, sir . In the name of god, would you please just be responsible and back off. Thank you. How are we to know what is responsible and what is not . Hey, man. Oh nice man cave nacho . [ train whistle blows ] what . stop it mmhmm. Weve been saving a lot of money ever since we switched to progressive. This bar is legit. And now we get an even bigger discount from bundling home and auto. I can get used to this. It might take a minute. Swing and a miss slam dunk touchdown together sports touch wn if youve got the time welcome to the high life. Weve got the beer miller beer but when we brought our daughter home, that was it. Now i have nicoderm cq. The nicoderm cq patch with unique extended release Technology Helps prevent your urge to smoke all day. Its the best thing that ever happened to me. Every great why needs a great how. In spite of the wildly speculative and false stories of our arms for hostages and alleged ransom payments, we did not, repeat, did not trade weapons or anything else for hostages. Mr. President , the record shows that every time an american hostage was released, there had been a major shipment of arms just before that. Are we all to believe that was just a coincidence . Chris, the only thing i know about major shipments of arms, as ive said, everything thats we sold them could be put in one cargo plane and there would be plenty of room left over. There was no deception intended by us. For the first time, reagan seemed to be at sea, not knowing exactly how to deal with this particular problem. It was a debilitating experience, and the president showed it. It became clear even in the government that things were going on at the nsc that not everybody knew about, and so the president asked his attorney general ed meese to investigate. Now im going to ask attorney general meese to brief you. Do you still maintain that you didnt make a mistake . Did you make a mistake in sending arms to tehran . No, and im not taking any more questions. In the course of the arms transfers, which involved the United States providing the arms to israel, and israel in effect selling the arms to representatives of iran, certain monies, which were received in the transaction between representatives of israel and representatives of iran were taken and made available to the forces in Central America which are opposing the sandinista government there. There was an audible gasp in the room. Cynical, jaded reporters who have seen and heard everything gasped out loud. There it was, smoking gun proof of the connection between these two programs and the fact that part of this administration was using the money from the sales of arms to iran to fund the contras. The shadowy figure weve been hearing about at the center of todays extraordinary revelations is oliver north. His facts, his public testimony is what the country is now waiting for. Oliver north who worked in the west wing had this idea, well, since were selling weapons to iran and theres certain profits that are coming from these weapons, and since were not supposed to be selling these weapons so we cant announce the profits, these are basically off the books, lets take those profits and lets use them to support the contras. We can kill two birds with one stone. The problem was both of those schemes violated american policy and violated the law. So when they were exposed, it all came crashing down, and Ronald Reagan was left trying to explain why his administration had actually violated his own policies. Vice admiral poindexter has asked to be revealed of his duty for National Security affairs. Lieutenant colonel oliver north has been relieved on the National Security council staff. At the time i thought, this is another watergate. Felt that way. When the iran contra story broke it seemed to play into various strains of the narrative about reagan. Heres this hollywood actor who really doesnt know whats being done in his name. Or that he was clearly lying to the American People about this. One of the more poignant things is the president s letter from february 20th of this year. He says i have no personal notes or records to help my recollection on this matter. Try as i might, i cannot recall anything whatsoever about whether i approved and the simple truth is, i dont remember, period. Very early in the iran contra story, a rift off a famous line, whats did the president know and when did he forget it . It was very serious. His political opponents and the American People saw something they didnt approve of. And we could see his numbers were dropping. And the whole presidency was at risk. Tomorrow morning the iran contra congressional hearings move into their most dramatic stage. Lieutenant colonel oliver north will testify in public for the first time. Colonel north, please rise. Oliver norths appearance before that joint committee is one of the historic moments in 80s television because there was a guy, almost more than reagan, who understood what the images were. One question the American People would like to know the answer to is what did the president know . Throughout the conduct of my entire tenure, i assumed the president was aware of what i was doing and had, through my superiors, approved it. Ollie north said everything he did was in the service of what he understood Ronald Reagan wanted, and everything he did was really just done out of love of country and it was very tough for those politicians in suits to knock that testimony down. I did do it. I was given a mission, and i tried to carry it out. But part of that mission was to shield the others who were giving you the orders. That is the part of any subordinate. President reagan still wasnt talking about Lieutenant Colonel oliver norths testimony. But he did suggest he could hardly wait to do so. Im not going to comment until the hearings are over. The white house states flatly the president did not know about the diversion. Officials here are still bracing for the testimony next week of john poindexter. A man who unlike north met with the president every day. Sometimes with no one else in the room. Did you at any time tell the president that proceeds from the iranian arms sale were being used to support the contras . I dont i did not. The important point here is that on this whole issue, the buck stops here with me. If there had been evidence that reagan knew about the dwirs diversion of money from iran to the contras in nicaragua, there would have been called for his resignation. But he walked away not unscathed because his reputation took a hit but he did get another chance to rescue his presidency from that low point. drumsticks click a trip back to the dthe doctors office, mean just for a shot. But why go back there, when you can stay home with Neulasta Onpro . Strong chemo can put you at risk of serious infection. Neulasta helps reduce infection risk by boosting your white blood cell count, which strengthens your immune system. In a key study, neulasta reduced the risk of infection from 17 to 1 , a 94 decrease. Applied the day of chemo, Neulasta Onpro is designed to deliver neulasta the next day. Neulasta is for certain Cancer Patients receiving strong chemotherapy. Do not take neulasta if youre allergic to neulasta or Neupogen Filgrastim . Ruptured spleen, sometimes fatal as well as serious lung problems, allergic reactions, kidney injuries, and capillary leak syndrome have occurred. Report abdominal or shoulder tip pain, trouble breathing or allergic reactions to your doctor right away. In patients with sickle cell disorders, serious, sometimes fatal crises can occur. The most common side effect is bone and muscle ache. So why go back there . If youd rather be home, ask your doctor about Neulasta Onpro. My fellow americans, tonight i want to talk about some of the lessons weve learned. I was stubborn in my pursuit of a policy that went astray, yet the buck does not stop with admiral poindexter. As he stated in his testimony. It stops with me. I am the one who is ultimately accountable to the American People. One thing thats different, even if what reagan did was a horrible plunder, it wasnt for political gain. This wasnt a dirty trick against the opposition party. This wasnt another watergate. A lot of people didnt want to go through that again. They wanted to give the president the benefit of the doubt. Ronald reagan was thought of as the teflon president because reporters couldnt touch him. He could make mistakes, but the voters didnt care. They cared about reagans grand vision of a better country. The president appeared relaxed and happy as he visited friendly nebraska country today. His spokesman reported that right after his speech last night the white house received 1145 positive phone calls. Its time to get down to the real business at hand, to move forward with america. Reagan didnt recover quickly, but he did recover so he could go on and govern. He brought in a new team, howard baker as his chief of staff, colin powell. And that third team was the third chapter. Ladies and gentlemen, the president of the United States. George bush played a major role in everything that we have accomplished in these eight years. America needs george bush and barbara bush as first lady. George bush will be the 41st president of the United States. The election of bush with the American People was we want more reagan, we want more of what we had. Bush was the closest thing to a third term for Ronald Reagan. Ronald wilson reagan, the 40th president of the United States, in two days he leaves office as our oldest president and as one of the most popular ever. Ronald reagan was the chief architect of the 1980s. You dont always identify a president with the years, but in this case, reagan should be identified with the 80s. That you call it a reagan revolution, ill accept that. But for me it always seemed like the great rediscovery, the rediscovery of our values and our common sense. As long as we remember our First Principles and believe in ourselves, if future will always be ours. Once you begin a Great Movement theres no telling where it will end. The very firmness of his rhetoric enabled him to be a pragmatist. So with that faith in Ronald Reagan as hes our conservative warrior. The fact at that he raised taxes the fact that he appointed two prochoice Supreme Court justices. The fact that he signed and abdicated a bill for amnesty for 3 million illegal immigrants, they for gave all that because for so long Ronald Reagan had been their champion. President reagan stood that you get judged on what you get accomplished, and he understood politics. The art of the possible. That together with the fact that he was a beautiful human being, those were the secrets to his success. The last day he just sort of lingered. And then finally they said, mr. President , its time. And the photographer came in, stage was set. He turned away from the desk, went to the door and through. The actor leaving the stage. Its that reagan magic that he had. And it was real. It was magic but it was real. On the big issues, the revival of the american spirit, the reignition of the American Economy, Ronald Reagan succeeded beyond anyones expectations. As for his critics, many still frustrated, even angry but they do concede that Ronald Reagan leaves washington an enormously popular figure and in this day and age, that alone is an historic achievement. On the next 80s. There is one sign the soviets can make that would be unmistakab unmistakable. The only morality they recognize is what will further their cause. They reserve under themselves the right to commit any crime, to lie, to cheat. The russians are gearing up for war. The senate today approved a record 136. 5 billion defense budget. The largest antinuclear protest in u. S. History. President reagan is now much more eager to meet with the new leader of the soviet union. Do you have an agreement, mr. President . Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall

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