To muffle the drums of war. But theres no point in me asking for action on the part of congress before i know exactly what it is that is going to be required for us to get the job done. Isis, the job, what it takes to get it done with the top democrat on the house terms committee. Dutch ruppersberger and congressman Adam Kinzinger. Economic sanctions be damned, russia opens another front in the ukraine. Very important to recognize that a military solution to this problem is not going to be forthcoming. From kiev, senator Robert Menendez chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee on whether anything is forth coming. Plus the felony indictment of Texas Governor rick perry with a man who has been there, done that, former House Republican leader tom delay on perrys future and his take on washington from the outside in. And i approve this message. Labor day weekend, the end of summer reruns and beginning of fall campaign. Are you ready for some politics . This is state of the union. Good morning from washington. Im Candy Crowley. We begin with a new setback for isis thanks in part to military action by the u. S. Today Iraqi Security and volunteer forces broke the isis siege of amerli, a town north of baghdad. The u. S. Carried out air strikes saturday. As for the larger questions about isis, i am joined by the top democrat on the House Intelligence Committee representative Dutch Ruppersberger of maryland and republican Adam Kinzinger of illinois a member of the Foreign Affairs committee and as well a veteran from the war in iraq. So thank you both for being here. Sure. Just we heard from the chairman of the joint chiefs of staff last week saying if you want to get rid of syria if you want to get rid of isis it will take going into syria. We heard everybody with hair on fire analysis of what this group is capable of and of the imminent threat to the u. S. And britain and all of these places and then the president comes out and says, seems to want to put the brakes on the idea that we might go after isis in syria. What is the message here about what our current take is from this administration about isis . Well, first thing is that we have to protect americans. Thats the number one issue. We got into iraq because we had humanitarian issues we had to deal with and we have to stop isis. Its very dangerous group of people. We know they are barbaric but well funded, well organized and we have to make sure that we attempt to stop them. As it reflects syria, iraq is different than syria. Iraq we have relation theres. The government wishes us to come in. We have intelligence with the kurds and iraqi military. Syria its a different story. Another country. The Syrian Government has air power, so you just dont they dont like isis either. But the fact is thats not new so i think what people questioned was why isnt there the question is, you know, are we going to contain isis or crush isis. Thats what it comes down to. If you want to contain isis you engage them in iraq. I commend the president for making moves in iraq. That wasnt easy for him to do and it was the right thing to break the sieges, push back the momentum and air power works. When air power works in coordination with Iraqi Security forces, those are our boots on the ground or folks that are native to that area and have an interest. Even our own military when we find ourselves engaged in combat, the first thing our own military who are unchecked the best in the world they call for air power. Air power to crush the enemy. Congressman ruppersberger which is it. Do we want to contain isis or destroy isis . We want to do whatever we need to do to stop isis. Now, in order to do that that being . We need a plan. I know the president was criticized saying we dont have a plan. Were working whether its military, intelligence which happens to be the best defense against terrorism, getting together that plan right now. You just dont come in and bomb unless you know where you are, who you are going to get, you dont want Collateral Damage killing other people. When the time is right well do what we have to do. The other question is our coalition. Its france, the brits. Its the other countries that need to work with us including countries like saudi arabia and that region who also need to stop united arab emrates. I agree with everything dutch said. The key here is you have a group that delights in evil. This isnt new. This isnt something that really took us by surprise in the last month. I remember in january i called for strikes against isis when they moved into falluja. I was called a war monger. Now had we engaged isis in january we probably wouldnt be on your show talking about it today. I think it will take a very concerted effort. We had a year that the president has talked about trying to put together a strategy in syria. It was unfortunate he used the term we have no strategy in syria. Congressman, we also heard sort of joining the holy cow these people are awful and need to be stopped, the king of saudi arabia, who issued a warning islamic extrim extremists. Didnt talk about isis particularly but seem aimed at them, talking about them attacking the west he said quote im certain after a month they will reach europe and another month will reach america. So weve been led to believe by a lot of people this is an immediate threat to u. S. Interests at home and abroad. And now were thinking well, we got to get these people help get us on board, we got to do this and do that. The president is talking about years. How are you intelligent is it . Extremely urgent but you dont rush in because the media is talking about it. You dont rush in because other countries arent going to tell us what to do. When we do we will get it done. We will do what we have to do to protect us from isis. Youre disappointed that the president did not appear does not appear to have an approach . I happen to get information on a regular basis. I know the administration has briefed me, briefed our chairman, chairman rogers and we get information about where we are. Now, we have the best capabilities in the world from an intelligence point of view and strongest military. If we go in we just wont go in and drop some bombs. Well go in to stop them on a long term basis. We have to learn from iraq. In iraq military doesnt do it alone. We have to get other people. We need to get the sunnis more active. What happened in iraq and malikis government pushing the sunnis out cause ad lot of this problem. I agree. We got to go in cautious and understand where our targets are. We should have been doing this for a very long time. The problem is half the battle in this is Public Perception and not just Public Perception of the American Public but our enemy. What is our enemy thinking after the president s press conference the other day. Were they more worried about the United States of america or less worried . I dont think theres many people would argue the president gave a forceful press conference, Prime Minister tony cameron did and that was very forceful. I think if the president came out and said basically look well take our time to find out where the targets are but isis should understand they will not survive they would quake in the boots because they are no match for the u. S. Military. Let me move to the idea of allies and creating this coalition. First in the region, how helpful now and what can you tell us about information from jordan, from the saudis, from the uae, all of whom have a vested interest in seeing isis doesnt spread. They are living in the neighborhood. They are extremely concerned. Concern doesnt help. They are concerned. But we need their help also. We need intelligence from them. We need saudi arabia as an example to help fund a lot of the issues. Up dont get that now . Were getting it but we also need to stand up, especially the sunni population to stand up. Theres one issue i want to raise. Thats the issue that this isis is holding land. Usually if youre a terrorists you dont have to protect your land. You move in and attack. They are controlling land. So right now their focus is more on the region. Thats why we dont have intelligence at this point that attacking the United States is imminent. Thats why we didnt do in United States what was done in britain and britain has other issues and a certain population there that they are concerned about. Thats why they decided to move forward. Let me also ask you about our european allies. We heard what cameron had to say. We heard from france but they are more concerned about liberia. Germany saying, you know, yes were looking at it and we maybe would be helpful in some way in providing military equipment to iraq. It just isnt a hey, if you go into syria were with you. This is always a difficult sell to people who have more at stake it seems to me sometimes than the u. S. I think you know its a couple of issues. Number one and its always been this way for the last seven years and its good i rather america be in the leadership role. Europe responds when america takes a very strong position and strong leadership role. If the president and when the president comes out and says this is not justin interest of our homeland, just the borders our allies our interests in the embassies and he can motivate the europeans to come along they will. Europe has been notorious reluctant to engage. You see it in ukraine. It takes strong american leadership. The president if he gets serious about it can rally europe. Congressman ruppersberger, if some of this allied support and support in the region is forthcoming in some way shape or form does the u. S. Have to provide some sort of way by air with allies on the ground to go into syria. Were providing air already. In syria . What . Im talking about syria. Should the u. S. Go into syria. We need to protect ourselves from isis we will. Do we need to go into syria to do that . We dont have the information which hopefully well have in the next week or so what the plans are going to be. Lot of it is classified. You dont tell an enemy youre coming into the attack them. Thats the number one issue. You dont respond to the media. You respond to the end game. As far as other allies, the brits, australian, italians, french are in there with us. They were involved with the attack that just occurred yesterday in amerli. So these are coming together these coalitions and intelligence. We got to get the intelligence. I think youll see action within the next week or so. I just want to add to that sure you dont tell the media everything youre going to do. I would throw out there you dont take things off the table either. Idea of no troops on the ground, none of us want 100,000 american troops there but quit talking about mission creep. If you have cancer in your liver and its spreading to other parts of your body you dont just treat the other parts you treat the liver. Liver is syria. We have to go to the heart of this and do it in a big way. Syria is the most dangerous place in the world. The biggest threat are americans and bridgeports who have passports, ability to come in to our country without getting a visa. We had the suicide american bomber who was radicalized, came home to visit his parents, went back and killed himself. That could happen in the United States. Thats my biggest concern are these individuals who have gone to syria to fight, have been train and they can come back and a lot more difficult for fbi or Homeland Security to identify them. Is that substantially different than what happened in boston. What about isis lone wolf with a western passport i dont think a person coming back fighting with isis is a lone wolf. A lone wolf is somebody in moms basement and feeling isolated. Another issue they are using social media. They are recruiting people. Thats serious. They are sophisticated. They have recruited people through social media and other arenas. Thats of a concern. This is what intelligence is about. Its the best defense against what we need to do to protect our country from isis. Well do whatever we have to do whether democrat or republican well do what we have to do to protect our country. Our Biggest Issue is not the homeland. But we have to be concerned about protecting americans in other part of the world. Look what happened to foley. Thats the issue as of today. Congressman ruppersberger thank you for joining us. Congressman kinzinger thank you as well. As World Leaders ponder what to do about isis, others are focused on ukraine. We ask a u. S. Senator on the ground in kiev how much can the u. S. Mess with russia. I dont just make things for a living i take pride in them. So when my moderate to severe chronic plaque psoriasis was also on display, id had it. I finally had a serious talk with my dermatologist. This time, he prescribed humiraadalimumab. Humira helps to clear the surface of my skin by actually working inside my body. In clinical trials, most adults with moderate to Severe Plaque Psoriasis saw 75 skin clearance. And the majority of people were clear or almost clear in just 4 months. Humira can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. Serious, sometimes fatal events, such as infections, lymphoma, or other types of cancer have happened. 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Get a 1,000 reward card on new 2014 turbo models or lease a 2014 jetta se for 159 a month after a 1,000 bonus. Ends soon a defiant Vladimir Putin warns dont mess with russia. And people are being shot at in Eastern Ukraine. He also asks for substantive talks on what he calls the Political Organization of ukrainian society. Joining me from kiev is senator Robert Menendez. Flat out, are Russian Forces in ukraine directly engagine ining Ukrainian Forces . Yeah, this is a watershed moment, candy. Thousands of Russian Troops are here with tanks, missiles, heavy artillery. And are directly engaged in what is clearly an invasion. So it is a watershed moment. And im just to review the bidding for our audience. We started out with some travel bans on individuals, freezing assets on some of the elite in russia. Kind of moved to companies and some sanctions there. Then we went to sectors of the economy. We now have a russian economy that looks like its headed toward a recession. And a putin who is more popular than ever. Nothing has moved him. Whats the next step . Well, i think putin has sized up the west and figures that the most difficult sanctions against russia and the arms necessaries for the ukrainians to be able to defend themselves is not coming from the west. And we have to prove him wrong. That means we have to look at sectoral sanctions, sanctions within certain sectors, individuals and companies. We have to look at sectoral sanctions, whether in the financial services, defense or energy. I hope the nato summit will create an opportunity for this. We should provide the ukrainians with the type of defensive weapons that will impose a cost upon putin for further aggression. Let me ask you about this, as you well know, the president has not wanted to provide lethal weapons to ukraine. He said time after time this will not be solved in a military way. Now i think russia probably thinks it can be solved in a military way. What do you think of the president s rationale right now for withholding weaponry and by that i mean lethal weaponry to ukraine and can it stand . Well, i think that was his initial assessment. There are those in europe and elsewhere who says we dont want to provoke putin. Well putin doesnt need provocation. In this case weakness is a greater provocation for putin to strike. Putin understands two things and thats strength because of the economic consequences we can less via on russia and hopefully the European Union will move with us into more significant sectoral sanctions and also the costs to russians as they send their sons and daughters back in body bags to russia and russian mothers say what is happening here . And that will come if the ukrainians have the wherewithal they are more than willing to fight and theyve showed a tremendous resilience and showed a lot of restraint but its at a point where russia has come, invaded with thousands of troops, with missiles, with tanks. This is no longer the question of some rebel separatists, this is a direct invasion by russia. We must recognize it as that. When i read the headlines back at home that suggests rebels are advancing in different parts of Eastern Ukraine its not rebels its russian soldiers. So, you want the president to, the u. S. , and other countries aassume to provide lethal weaponry to ukraine. Do you have any reason to believe that the Obama Administration will do that . I think that may be very well on the table right now. Theres ability to consider that these are changed circumstances. Look, russia violated the International Order that we had invited it to since the cold war, a whole effort was to get russia and other countries to observe that you dont solve disputes by invading another country, taking over their territory, and annexing them. Russia has violated that. I want seems to me that this is a test from my perspective, putin has a war against europe being fought on ukrainian territory. Because everything that he despises about europe is what hes concerned about ukraine moving towards. And so at the end of the day this is also about our concerns globally. If there is not a heavy price for russia to pay for its invasion of ukraine, then what do we say to china in the south china sea. What do we say to iran as it seeks to pursue nuclear weapons. What do we say to north korea and the korean peninsula. These are consequences that flow even far beyond the conflict thats taking place here. And thats what we have to think about in terms of our National Interest security to preserve an International Order that ultimately observes the rule of law and doesnt ultimately violate it by invasions and territorial annexation. Senator, if im hearing you correctly you say the circumstances have changed. Russia is now at war in ukraine. And the u. S. Has to and the Obama Administration has to change its approach to arming the ukrainian army. I think the European Union, nato as well as the United States has to consider this is dramatically different and we have to give the ukrainians the fighting chance to defend themselves. Im not suggesting u. S. Troops here or nato troops here but the ukrainians have the where withal to fight for themselves. More president ial politics ahead. Including a back to the future moment for mitt romney and our panel weighs in as to whether a third run for the white house might be the charm. A growing republican chorus is singing mitt romneys tune for 2016. Can governor rick perry run for the white house if hes battling a felony indictment. We look through the crystal ball of someone who has been there before. My advice to governor perry is plan for the worst and hope for the best. Wait, are you running full adobe photoshop on a tablet . Yep. But its not just a tablet, its really a laptop. Its a surface pro 3, with a touchscreen. Well it cant be as fast as my mac. Sure, it can. And it is. 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Im joined by someone who has been there before, former House Republican leader tom delay. Quite familiar with both politics as well as the texas justice system. Congressman, thanks for joining me. Is it possible for governor rick perry to fight these charges and still keep the light, a positive light on a president ial campaign . Well, its going to be difficult, candy. Thats for sure. Especially in raising money. People that may want to give him money will wait until this is over to give him the money or they may go somewhere else, another candidate. It all depends over the next few weeks, the judge could throw this out as frivolous, which it is and the prosecutor not appeal it and then it would be over. But all of those decisions are going to be made in the next 30 to 60 days, and well just have to see. Mine went nine years. Still ongoing. I know that appeal overturned your conviction and now the prosecution is appealing the appeal, so it has been, i know, a lengthy process for you. Let me ask you the push back i know youve heard in texas and elsewhere is, wait a second. Special prosecutor has ties to republicans, he was appointed by a judge who also has ties to republicans. How is this political . Well its political because the investigation was initiate by rosemary lindbergh, this rogue d. A. That runs this office, Public Integrity unit in austin, texas. She initiated the investigation. They appointed a new judge, one judge recused herself and then they appointed another judge. The crux of whether its politics or not, look at the law. Im not a lawyer, but it happened to me too. They want the indictment. Then they find the law and twist it. They are using it in rick perrys case the point is those who are doing the prosecutor who brought the indictment is not a democrat and has ties to republicans. Im wondering why that thats not true. Go ahead. Candy, thats not true. He has ties to obama. He has ties to the democrats. And he has ties to republicans. Yes . Well, yeah, but that has nothing to do with this. What has to do with this is you take a law and twist it so you can get the indictment. That is prosecutorial misconduct whether youre a republican or democrat. This prosecutor was appointed to make this investigation. I dont know what went on behindthescenes but he took the law and twisted it and to make it fit. The governor, who is doing nothing more than vetoing appropriations. I mean that has partisan politics and criminalization of politics written all over it. Let me move you and use your vast knowledge of politics and your analystical brain. Rick perry is thinking of a run in 2016. Chris christie, rand paul. We see marco rubio. As you look at those names being bandied about who strikes you as someone who can survive the primary process and be the republican leader . Well, its way too early to tell that, candy. What i do see we got some great candidates. Not just those you named but several governors, scott walker from wisconsin. Bobby jindal from louisiana. They have great records. You still got Rick Santorum out there who is building a grassroots campaign. All of these candidates are really great candidates. The best part about it is they have a vision. They are focused on the constitution which excites me. Im calling for a resolution on the constitution and most of these candidates are to discussion on constitution and the difference between left and progressives and conservatives and then building a vision. All of these candidates are exciting people and what the democrats have to be worried about is bringing up a clinton all these years, after all these years, and having clinton run against former governors, senators. Weve got them all. And who knows who is going to emerge. Sure. Let me ask you, you got a lot of favorite sons running in texas or we believe will be running, among them governor perry, senator ted cruz. If it comes down to a primary and you have to pull a lever for ted cruz or rick perry, who will you pull it for . Me . Im not going there yet, candy. Not at all. I want to see these guys call for a revolution of the constitution and compare the world views that got us in the mess were in versus the world views protecting the rights given to us by the u. S. Constitution. How about your own future as you look at it. You may or may not be at the end of this judicial process and the charges against you, overturning the charges is now on appeal. If this next court says no, were going to let it stand these charges are overturned, what does tom delay do . Well, tom delay will do what ive been doing for the last ten years. I certainly have been working on my legal cloud. But ive been involved with a lot of different groups. Specifically involved in reaching out and calling for a spiritual revival because so many christians did not get involved in the last two elections, and we need to be bringing god back into the public square. Do you want to run for Public Office again . I dont know what the lord has for me. I dont know. I just take it one day at a time. Ill go with a maybe on that, congressman. Thank you so much for your time today. We will talk to you in the future. I appreciate it. Be well. Thank you, candy. Thank you. More president ial politics ahead. Including a back to the future moment for governor romney and the republicans. Our panel weighs in on whether a third time, as in a third run for the white house might be the charm. Ever since we launched snapshot, my life has been positively craycray. Whats snapshot, you ask . Only a revolutionary tool that can save you bigtime. Just plug it in, and the better you drive, the more cash youll stash. Switching to progressive can already save ye 500. 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Com checkyourspeed if we cant offer faster speeds or save you money well give you 150. Comcast business. Built for business. Hes 0 for 2 in president ial runs, but growing republican course is singing mitt romneys tune for 2016. Joining me around the table a former adviser to mitt romney. Penny lee, onetime adviser to senator harry reid. Thanks all. Let me start with the poll because you know how we feel about polls. This was a usa today poll about iowa. For 2016. Just to put you into the future. Romney 35 , next closest huckabee at 9 . I want to play you something that mitt romney who has said hes not running, many times. So heres mitt romney on the hugh hewitt show this weekend. I have had the chance of running. I didnt win. Someone else has a better chance than i do. And thats what we believe and thats why im not running. And, you know, circumstances can change, but im just not going to let my head go there. Could you interpret this . Tell us what that means. I want means governor romney is not running. I can understand why theres so much interest in governor romney. I dont think theres ever bean information president ial candidate who has been so on the money on a president s failure. Governor romney is not running. He went on to say if they all came together we cant do it you have to do it. It seems he went to the door. Thats what politicians do. He said someone else has a better chance of winning. He can say i reassessed the situation and im going to run. Its highly unlikely hell run. What youre seeing are folks who are agreeing that governor romney was right on a lot of issues and now looking back look whats happening around the world. In these polls its a lot of name identification. People know who governor romney is. A lot of these folks in the republican field are lesser known. But those polls will change. Hes asking the ready for mitt campaign to start. There really is still an enthusiastic response towards his campaign. So, it will be interesting to see whether or not he does get recruited and there isnt a ready for mitt kind of campaign effort. Its an awful idea. When hes not running Everybody Loves him. The challenge is when hes running will the conservative base say hes not conservative enough. And these concerns about religion. These things hes not strong enough. All that stuff comes back out. Romney is not the only person who has to deal with that. Hillary clinton, everybody can love her. As soon as her hat goes in the ring things may change. On the issues mitt romney has been right whether you look at iraq, russia or obamacare, those critiques have been right. Thats why people are enthused about a potential romney candidacy. When was the last time a group of people running for president went to someone else oh, you should its usually the stop but come on and tell me. Its rememberly begging for that question to be answered whether or not do you really love me . Thats usually the context you do it. We always say it takes one person to talk you into it and 10,000 to talk you out of it. Mitt romney obviously has tried twice and even though there was maybe a shermanesque moment there, you can tell it is not right now in his heart. Let me just move you quickly to rick perry. How long can this indictment be pending before it begins to hurt him on the campaign trail. Unofficial campaign trail. People right now say look for the primary audience, this is just more proof that the Mainstream Media and the democrats are playing dirty. But were okay right now. When does it start to hurt him. He can ride the wave through a republican primary to be quite honest. Under indictment. It looks like power hungry democrats. It looks like an attack on him looks like a political prosecution and he can say im being crucified. Think about who has gotten behind rick perry. Jeb bush, Chris Christie, bobby jindal. David axelrod. And people on the left. Amazing coalition of the willing saying this is clearly a political indictment, a ridiculous charge and governor perry has played it well. Look what hes being accused of. Hes accused of exercising veto power. He was trying veto funding because of the d. A. Who did some things that, the video says it all. This is much different than what Chris Christie is face. This is a different indictment. This is as you say a flawed District Attorney whose own office is known to go after these political indictments. Much different circumstances. One that you probably can ride a lot longer than Chris Christie. There may be several months for us to discuss this. We got to get in to a break and get to the election thats 65 days away. Are there wild cards that could affect the 2016 election . For. [ alex ] transamerica helped provide a lifetime of retirement income. So i can focus on what matters most. [ female announcer ] everyone has a moment when tomorrow becomes real. Transamerica. 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Com helps you make a smart new car decision. If Congress Repeals obamacare, Insurance Companies can go back to charging what they wantment. You want to do this to your tv. Ill use my glock to blow your balls off. I grew up castrating hogs. 2014 elections. So just a couple of the ads. I want to also play you some, ted cruz gave a speech this weekend and it was to the Party Faithful and aimed at getting out the vote. You all have to bring nine friends. He said there are issues here that will be at play. So i want to play you two sound bites from him. The first one deals with immigration the second one with Foreign Policy, specifically ukraine. Theres a good chance hes going to try again to illegally grant amnesty to millions more people. Lets be absolutely clear. Doing that is utterly lawless. You look at russia right now. Sadly the state of the world is the russian bear is encountering the obama kitty cat. So, two issues, first of all Foreign Policy, isis, ukraine and immigration what the president may or may not do to extend the stay of some that dont have papers to stay here legally. So what other factors could move this election because it seems to me a little thing, big things can sway. Whats going to sway this election . What could sway it . What youre not seeing is this whole wave election where we have seen in the past where there was over arching narrative, antibush or whatever. You have individual issues that will resonate in unique, different ways. It could be on the Foreign Policy front. It could be on immigration. Immigration can hurt and help. It can help in colorado, it can hurt in arkansas. They are going to have these things. Youll have maybe recity sid dual effects from ferguson and angerness from the africanamericans. Will that drive them out. Will they feel alienated in North Carolina because of the Voting Rights laws. There are a lot of different issues that will affect them in very different ways. Both sides of the aisle have different approaches to whether they want something to change the game at this point. I think for republicans sort of keeping the status quo, keeping these races close. I think that sort of benefits them because the momentum feels like its behind republicans. Mid terms tend to be at an advantage. A lot of democrats push this. The republicans are going to impeach the president , they want to shut down the government. Thats why youre hearing the rhetoric coming out of the left thats trying to scare people into changing the dynamics. Its internal since republicans will snatch defeat from the jaws of victory. They will drop the ball somewhere nearly october. Thats what people are hoping for. North carolina is a good example. I dont think its about isis, ukraine, the local dysfunction of the government which favors haggan or it could be the Third Party Libertarian who completely blows it. He needs a few thousand votes to make a difference here. Thats how messy it is. Theres no over arching narrative. It is interesting. This is the first election where there hasnt been a single over arching issue. Is it going to be isis, isol, ukraine, obama care . Will the economy create parttime jobs instead of fulltime work. The other thing is money down the stretch. I know theres concern about getting the masses spent on the republican side in iowa, louisiana, North Carolina, how will that impact the election . One thing the republicans have is they have great candidates. Thats something they may not have had in the past. I think they feel good about the group of candidates they have particularly in states like North Carolina. Now you have colorado, new hampshire, oregon, minnesota coming online. This could be very interesting and broad election. I always say that democrats have some great candidates especially in places like kentucky, georgia, places that arent seen as democratic strong holds and places where democrats can excel. You have two women candidates that might take out the minority leader. You have an interesting dynamic that is playing on. Beginning to feel unsettled. There was a while where the whole place was going to completely change around to, wait a second, this could happen, that could happen. Let me ask you about what apparently is an internal white house debate about whether the president should do an executive order that will allow some folks some undocumented folks here in the u. S. To stay, give them the papers and to stay and then theres some idea that maybe he should do this after the election. You eluded to that. What are they thinking over there . Once you say youre going to do it, does it matter when you do it . Yeah, i think so. Even obviously the conversation, this conversation itself creates problems. If you do it right now it builds on this preexisting narrative that the president is completely out of touch with the american people. Hes going rogue. Violating the constitution. I think it kills people in places like North Carolina where theyre very much attached to president obama or in kentucky where grimes cant take anymore hits to win a tight election. This is tough. I think you wait until after. The politics of immigration depend entirely on the time verizon. If youre looking at short term, looking at 2014, i think the politics favor republicans particularly if the president comes out and says i think id like to decide how i want be to enforce the immigration laws and allow millions of undocumented folks to stay. I think that long term is where democrats may have the advantage on the issue. Look at me. Look at why were here. We had a congress that couldnt do anything especially with the border crisis that we were facing with the influx of children coming in from south american countries. All he was asking to do was provide the funding to which is all the more reason why we need a republican senate. I think the republicans want the issue. They dont want to come up with a solution. They are daring the president to act so know can make it even more a campaign issue. I disagree. I do think the biggest problem with an executive action is it freezes it. From a policy perspective, its a horrible idea. You have some moderate republicans willing to come over. He asked. He was willing that the congress would have acted. Thats an argument well have on the campaign trail. He would rather have congress act. Well, i think the issue is this, if the republicans take the senate and have the house in 2015, there is an opportunity for republicans to send to the president their immigration solution. Also they need to show something for it. I have to leave it there. Thank you guys so much. Well be right back. train horn vo wherever our trains go, the economy comes to life. Norfolk southern. One line, infinite possibilities. Press your tonguenture, against it like this. It moves unlike natural teeth. Do you feel it . It can happen with every denture. Introducing new fixodent plus true feel. It helps keep dentures firmly in place. With a smooth formula, free of flavors and colorants. So you get a closer feeling to natural teeth. New fixodent plus true feel. Fixodent. And forget it. It can help your business save money. False. The truth is when you compare our Fastest Internet to the fastest dsl from the phone company, comcast business gives you more for your money. Why pay more for less . Call today for a low price on speeds up to 150mbps. And find out more about our twoyear price guarantee. Comcast business. Built for business. Thanks for watching state of the union. Im Candy Crowley from washington. Watch us each weekend at this time or set your dvr. Fareed zakaria gps starts right now. This is gps the Global Public square. Welcome to all of you in the United States and around the world. Im Fareed Zakaria coming to you live from new york. Were focused todays show on the three main crises in the world now. The threat of the Islamic State in iraq, syria, and beyond. Russias extraordinary actions in ukraine and the ceasefire in gaza. I will talk with former National Security add advisor and line berman

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