Morning, the citys mayor got caught up in the fray and was among those who were teargassed. Three hours north in seattle, the capitol hill autonomous zone or c. H. A. Z. Was cleared july 1st after a series of violent events including the death of a teenager. Of course, seattle and portland followed minneapolis where the killing of george floyd sparked days of tumult and protests both peaceful and violence across the country. Perhaps its no longer that President Trump has sought to portray himself as the thin blue line that separates order from anarc anarchy, yesterday, Kayleigh Mcenany played a video so full of violence that fox news decided to pull away. These are not the actions of peaceful protesters. And the Trump Administration will not stand by and allow an ca anarchy in the streets. I have a small video for you what is happening live in portland. If we could play that video, that would be great. All right. We were not expecting that video, and our management here at fox news has decided we will pull away from that at this time. Foxs daytime programming decision, at odds, with nighttime programming which seems to play imagery of mayhem on a loop. Seeking to capitalize on this perception of chaos, the Trump Campaign spent 550,000 on just the first two days of the week, on a new ad. It shows an elderly woman who calls police in response to a home invader. Then drops her phone before anybody answers. An earlier version of that spot shows a split screen depicting violence on one side, and an empty 911 call center on the other. The claim is that joe biden will bring about this end. The tag line, you wont be safe in joe bidens america. Its all disconcerting to watch, right . And it would be easy to conclude that were living in a terribly dangerous time. But does perception match reality. Frankly, i dont know. Consider this story from the oregonian titled feds, rightwing media portland, as a city under siege. Many portlanders denounced the protests saying occasional clashes do occur. No dowd theres an uptick in rioting in certain cities as were having a National Conversation about social justice and doing so midst of a pandemic. By the way, ive got zero tolerance for any of the mayhem that ive seen depicted. And i believe that local Law Enforcement needs to take control. But is the perception of widespread lawlessness supported by the data . The portrayal of violence on the streets of america in the summer of 2020 makes me wonder if were witnessing a replay of the summer of 2001. You remember . The summer of the shark. It all began on july 6th when 8yearold Jesse Arbogast had his arm ripped off from a shark. From then on, any incident involving the fish, no matter the severity, was covered and chute sni scrutinized. George burgess said he received a total of 900 that month. It was only that anybody could talk about until september 11 knocked the shark out of the news. In end, the number of attacks that year. 76 worldwide. Nine fewer than the year before. The number of sharkrelated fatalities actually decreased from 12 in 2000 to five in 2001. Or you can think about last year when reports in american deaths in the Dominican Republic can led to terrifying headlines, conspiracy theories and a crash in tourism in the country. When ten americans died in the d. R. From january to june 2019 some from Natural Causes some not. When you look at the raw numbers, these deaths while tragic, are not out of ordinary. 13 americans died in the d. R. In 2018 from nonactual causes. In 2017, the state Department Said 17 americans died on the island from nonNatural Causes. While there may be suspicious circumstances around some of those deaths, the state Department Released a statement. And it said this. We do not publish statistics regarding natural deaths abroad. However, speaking generally, over 2. 7 million u. S. Citizens visit the Dominican Republic each year, and we have not seen an uptick in deaths reported to the department. Bottom line this is, despite the hysteria, american deaths in the d. R. Were not on the rise last year. And my point is we need to make sure our perceptions are based on statistics and not on stories. And the stats that will matter the most wont be out until next year. I want to know what you think. Go to my website website smerconish. Com. And answer the question is the perception of crime in america being driven more by statistics or stories. Steven pinkard, in his book, better angels are our nature dr. Pinker argued angels are less cool than any in existence. Dr. Pinker is joining me. You heard in my commentary, what gut reaction do you have to what i just said . Well, basic interest of it, stories drive events, its called the availability bias. The more quickly you can recall an image, anecdote, narrative from memory, the more common you think it is. Thats just the way the human mind works. And so our perception of risk and danger is driven by horrible images like shark attacks. Great for me here in cape cod, i can get a spot at the beach. But then the actual dangers of falling off ladders and car crashes are far higher than getting eaten by a shark or being shot in a rampage shooting. So what does the data show . I had wished to bring to the cnn audience this morning a good overview of the data. And frankly much of what i was reading as a lay person seemed contradict contrary. It showed that violence is up in some cities but id rather rely on your just. How do you read those tea leaves . Well, it looks and you say were not going to get the data from this year until next year from the fbi. It looks a little bit higher than it was last year. Its still way lower than it was in the 60s, 70s, 80s, 90s. In the United States, weve seen pretty dramatic clients in violence. Once in the 90s, again 2005 to 2015. Its creeping up a little bit but its not going to take us back to how bad it was in the 1990s or toward the millennium. What you argue in better angels are our nature, that book came out about a decade ago. Do you still hold to the thesis . Well, you have to break it down by different kinds of violence because theyre not all the same. War is not the same as homicide, not the same as child abuse, so on. But many of the data continue to go down, so the rate of death of war, after creeping up after the Syrian Civil War has started to come back down again. And its a fraction of what it was in the 50s, 60s, 70s. And the american homicide rate down a couple points. May have come back a little this year but not like it was a decade ago. Other things like domestic violence, child abuse, even hate crimes are overall down compared to so, 10, 20 years ago. Speak to the criticism that will come from the twitter mob for both of us that will say, youre joking, right . Arent you seeing that footage from portland, night after night after night . Well, indeed. And if you edit footage, you can see it with just about anything. More people are killed by allergic reaction from bee stings from wasps and hornets than terrorist attacks. If you have a clip of one person after another of people who died from an allergic reaction, wed all be terrified of killer bees. So a selective audience can make them afraid of anything. We dont consume statistics and i dont present them enough, the images of grab peoples attention, but, of course, its the data that determines your actual risk. So, i guess statistics, and this goes back to where you began, just dont have the ability to hold your attention as does an image on a phone who looks like all of our mother, and for gods sake, we wish someone would pick it up and send the police. Indeed, thats even fictitious now thats robbing our brains. Sports fans have no problem with statistics. People who read the business page and people who read the weather report. So, i would like to see the media report more data on trends. Whenever there is a vivid, gory incident it should be presented in the context what the trends are like. Overall, the trends for violence in the United States is down. Its a little bit of an up, but not as bad as 2006. My takeaway, dr. Pinker, thus far, the statistics are a mixed bag. We really wont know until next year. And you that dont believe were until a crisis now that equates with the 60s through the 90s, fair . Yeah, the real crisis is covid which is probably 15 times more likely to die from covid than a homicide. There, the statistics really do rack up the danger this year. Dr. Pinker, thank you so much for your time. Thank you. What are your thoughts . Tweet me smerconish or go to my website and well share throughout the course of the program. What do we have, kathryn . From facebook, the country is not on fire. Stop spreading trumps lies about bidens position on the police. Youre not directing that at me, are you, robert . The police in most areas are trained and doing a fine job. Nobody advocates against them doing their jobs properly. Im all for good cops. We do paint a bad brush on negativity. We need to weed out the bad seeds and the vast majority who are at that blue line keeping us safe. I agree with that sentiment. One more if ive got time. Smerconish, you really should change your show to the Trump Defense hour. There i said it. Reginald, are you blanking me . I just came on the air and i delivered a sixminute opening monologue. Now, im tonguetied, youre making my tong tieuetied. Im getting hostile. And i said i saw thison another and im worried its not supported in data and its scaring the crap us 0 of americans. And your take is to say, youre defending him again . Come on, watch it again. I want to know what you have to say. Answer this survey question is perception of crime in america being driven more by statistics or stories . Up ahead, the u. S. Government is full speed ahead in a race for a vaccine, but fastest does not always equal best. Ill ask what happens after we spend money on a different deal with a different company. And when it didnt go in trumps administration, but the scotus that actually handed the president more power. Berkeley Professor John yu joins me to discuss. And the president is taking note of his assessment. Supreme court gave the president of the United States powers that nobody thought the president had, by approving, by doing what they did their decision on daca. My grandmother my brothers and sisters my friends for going back to school the bbq the lake the beach my place for my neighbors my community my people my country my home for him for her for them for you. 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Speaking on my sirius xm Radio Program, the nations first secretary of Homeland Security tom ridge made headlines when he said this the department was established to protect america from the everpresent threat of global terrorism. It was not established to be the president s personal militia it would be a cold day in hell before i would consent to a unilateral, uninvited intervention in my city. John yoo is no stranger to it, and youll recall it was he who provided enhanced interrogation methods of suspected terrorisms post september 11. John yoo zeroed in a recent Supreme Court ruling of block be daca on an immigration ruling. And argued to invade congress and impose on another contexts quote, according to chief Justice Roberts the constitution makes it easy for president s to violate the law but reversing such violations difficult, especially for their successors. Axios reporting that his article was spied on the desk of President Trump discussing it with aides. Critics were quick to pounce. Ruth martin writing for the washington post, this is ridiculous. Yoo dismisses daca as illegal president ial action which is rich coming from someone who concluded that the president could not be bound by a criminal statute. John yoo, the author of a brandnew book defender in chief. Professor thank you for being here. Have you everybody met a president ial power you that dont like . Hmm, well, id say this one, i would say daca itself if you remember look, i sympathize with the plight of the dreamers, but i think thats a decision, how many people to let in the country. What kind of people in the country, thats up to congress, under the constitution. Nevertheless, president obama went for and created a whole new category of people to enforce immigration laws. At the time, i thought it was unconstitutional. I thought the Supreme Court would immediately allow President Trump, just like obama created the program, allow the next president to undo it. But as the Supreme Court noted said, no, actually, President Trump has to use a process thats going to take two or three years. In fact, President Trump hasnt been able to undo daca in his entire term in office. I think thats president ial power thats gone too far. What could a president do paint something tangible for the viewing audience maybe not familiar with the legal nittygritty of this, what might a president logically do, based on your intention of this decision . Well, think about what president obama did. He said, im going to allow, roughly, anywhere from 2 to 6 million aliens in the country illegally, to stay, by not enforcing the immigration laws. Suppose President Trump now comes in and says im going to create my own new program, my own new criteria for who gets to stay in the country. Mind you, id be happy with that id like to see more migrant as allowed to stay. Im going to bring it skillbased, if you bring assets, you can stay. If you are in mathematics in an american university, you can stay. Im not not going to enforce immigration laws. All im saying in the opinion piece, michael, if the rule is good enough for president obama, why is it it good enough for President Trump . Why cant president s of both parties, and the Supreme Court has said that it takes years to undo those kinds of programs. And i would discourage viewers from either cheering or opposing that, based on whether they like or dislike President Trump. Because if its president biden, hell be able to do likewise. I have a different question for you on the subject of president ial power. If President Trump were to call john yoo at berkeley now and say, chicagos gone too far. I want to send in federal troupes to quell the violence, what would you tell him about his authority to do so. First, berkeley, would probably fire me if they let such a phone call get to my office. Right. Second it goes to your question, what can president s do or not do . President s led the federal government dont have the constitutional power and authority to maintain law and order in every town in america. As you noted in your first segment, that is primarily the job of state and local officials. The federal law is, a. , protecting federal buildings and personnel. And b. , interstate groups, enforcing the drug laws. If a federal rule in chicago has to happen, it has to be in those two areas. The president doesnt have president ial authority to go around the country and try to reduce murder or crime rate. Thats up to the elected officials in chicago, illinois, or here in philadelphia and in pennsylvania. Okay. I shared with the audience the axios reporting that your piece in National Review was spied on the resolute desk. By the way, first of all, do you know is that true . Well, people are always criticizing President Trump for not reading enough. Now, they dont want him to read anymore. I dont see why its a surprise. I suspect President Trump probably reads articles about president ial power. I assume he was upset about the Supreme Court decision. People from the white house did call me about this question right after the piece occurred. Maybe they slipped on to his desk and asked him to read it. Okay. So thats a confirmation that they are paying attention to your advice. Did i just then understand you to say that the answer is, if he wants to go into chicago, i assume i can apply that to seattle or portland or any other city, only untin various narrow basis can he do so, protecting a federal courthouse, or i guess you were implying some kind of a ricobasis for crime activity. But thats awfully defined, isnt it . Yes. And federal officials need the kind of cooperation from state and local officers to be effective. So, im hearing you pretty much come to the same conclusion, if i can go full circle. Maybe in less colorful language, than secretary governor tom ridge shared with me on the Radio Program that the president couldnt do it . I dont fully agree with governor ridge, because he said he would never send in troops or Law Enforcement unless he had the permission of the governor. Thats not quite right, either. Just like philadelphia can be a sanctuary city and not cooperate with the feds. State officials cant block federal authorities from coming in and enforcing law. Thats a lesson we learned in the civil war. But to be effective, you want cooperation between both. Professor yoo, good luck with the gook. Than the book. Thank you. I want to remind folks to go to my website, answer the question, is perception of crime in america being driven more by statistics or by stories . Up ahead in a race for the coronavirus vaccine, the government has committed billions of dollars to competing companies. What happens to the others . For and when america fails to express simpympathy for blac lives matter, maybe theyre hoping in part, to boost sales. Some have run into this communication action. All lives matter. All lives matter. All lives matter. For as little as 5, now anyone can own companies in the s p 500, even if their shares cost more. At 5 a slice, you could own Ten Companies for 50 instead of paying thousands. All Commission Free online. Schwab stock slices an easy way to start investing or to give the gift of stock ownership. Schwab. Own your tomorrow. Schwab. How does the world reopen for business . To return to the workplace, safely, companies will need the right tools. Thats why salesforce created work. Com its an allnew suite of apps, expertise, and services. To manage this crisis today, and thrive tomorrow. Everything Companies Need to return to the workplace. Lets reopen. Safely. Lookentertainmentour experience xfinity x1. Its the easiest way to watch live tv and all your favorite streaming apps. Plus, x1 also includes peacock premium at no extra cost. This baby is the total package. It streams exclusive originals, the full peacock movie library, complete collections of iconic tv shows, and more. Yup, the best really did get better. Magnificent. Xfinity x1 just got even better, with peacock premium included at no additional cost. No strings attached. In play warp speed, the spreads accelerated race for the coronavirus vaccine, the government is promising billions with multiple companies to produce multiple vaccine candidates based on the assumption some may not work. In order to speed the release of the one that does. So, what if we make deals with one company, and another comes out with a better vaccine . And will americans really be ready to take it. Joining me now is gerald posner, hes the author of the recent book pharma, greed, lies and the poisoning of america. Why is america cutting these deals now . Michael, theyre cutting them now because they want to make sure when the vaccine is approved theres no question that americans will be able to get it. Based on the french, the government cave a quarter millions, the Pharmaceutical Company to develop the vaccine. And president macron called sanofis ceo in paris saying youre a french company, youre going to give it to the french first. So sanofi agreed. They dont necessarily put you in line, you got to sign contracts with them and thats what theyre doing in the Trump Administration. Well, that sounds pretty forward thinking. Are we making deals with companies, where we owe them the money, even if we dont come up with it . No, the good news, not even government negotiators as bad as they can sometimes be get a deal that has to be even if approved by the fda. Only if they get a vaccine thats safe and effective. Thats good news. Otherwise, we keep the money, they, the government, theyre spreads taxpayer money out over a number of players. 4 billion of taxpayer money has been flooded into a number of companies because the hope is one of them will be first to cross the line. We dont know which one. As a matter of fact, 2 billion has gone to two different companies, moderna and nova, thats remarkable. Were gambling a lot of money sometimes on these companies on real hope that its going to happen, but were not sure. Okay. That begs another question. So, what if we pick a winner, a company that develops the first vaccine. But all of a sudden, another Company Comes out with a more effective vaccine . What does that do to the dynamic . Yeah, you know, the fortunate part for vaccine makers is its not like Blood Pressure where you go into your doctor and you get your Blood Pressure reading and its an exact figure. Vaccines you can argue a little bit about which one is better or worse than another. For instance, one may produce more natural antibodies that will help the body fight off the coronavirus. Another may produce tcell response which is another way to boost the bodys ability to fight off the coronavirus. One may have fewer side effects. But its very difficult. Lets say pfizer crosses the line first. We start using the pfizer vaccine. All of a sudden, you got Johnson Johnson with their vaccine and say ours is bit. Maybe the immune is 15 months versus 12 months. Gives you less fever or a headache but not where you say i bought the wrong vaccine. Gerald, i feel like i want to ask, if we build it, they will come. Roll the tape. The way it works, if hes the first one, theyll say hes so selfish, he wanted to get the vaccine first. Other people would say, hey, thats a very brave thing. If they wanteded me to, if they thought it was first, id take it first. You do know if i take it first, either way i lose, right . If i take it first if i dont take it, theyll say he doesnt believe in the program. Hes probably right in that assessment. It reminds me that i did a call segment on my radio show recently, and i was very surprised at the high volume of callers who were dubious about a vaccine. And their willingness to take it. And they were not antivaxers. Theyre just concerned that this is happening so quickly and at warp speed. Your thoughts. The good news is its happening at warp speed. The bad news its happening at warp speed. That means sometimes, you dont know what the side effects are until you give it out in large numbers. That happened in 1976, after we gave 40 million inoculations we realized it was a neurological symptom that affected people. And it was terrible. But the good news we dont have to have 100 of the country inoculated with the vaccine to get herd immunity. We need 50 or 60 . The question is will there be 50 or 60 , those with the elderly, able to take it, if they can get that number, across the country, then we get the benefits of the vaccine. Very quick, final question. In your book pharma, youre often critical of big pharma on the pricing subject. How is the Trump Administration doing in the deals theyre cutting for pricing of a vaccine . Well, the Drug Companies have a different definition of fair when it comes to pricing than we have, especially when taxpayers are paying for it. Just last tuesday, michael, before congress, some of the heads of these companies were asked directly will you give it to the government at cost since weve given you billions of dollars. They remarkably said, no. Merck said no, moderna said no. And even Johnson Johnson said we wont charge for a profit during the pandemic. So pfizer who does the first deal with the government now, they could make in 2021 about 25 billion at the price theyre charging, 19. 50 a dose. That rivals their biggest selling drug of all time, lipitor, heart medication. So theres big money in this. Pfizer and other companies havent told us the cost. We dont know if their price is fair or if theyre gouging. Thats unfortunate. I hear you. If i also hear you saying 20 bucks a shot, that doesnt sound outrageous. No, it doesnt sound outrageous. The uk has done a deal with astrazeneca, three or four dollars a dose. Glaxosmithkline, if theirs is under 10, are we getting charged double . Im not sure. Maybe thats a worthwhile price. Pfizer, i will say to their credit, theyre the only company in the group that has not taken taxpayer money. All the rest of them have taken big amounts of money from the federal government. To be continued. Gerald, thank you. Thank you, michael. What do we have kathryn . From twitter, i think, on this subject. Not taking a shot, literally for me, its social distancing and mask for the next few youre not going to get the shot. Social distancing and the mask for the next few years once a reliable vaccine is available. Yeah, there is a mindset of folks out there who say im not going to do it. If you dont do it, you are, i would argue, delaying the real herd immunity opportunity thats out there. On pricing issue, i just want to say this quickly, i can only hope were soon having an argument as to whether 20 is too much because that would mean we have a vaccine. Please make sure you go to my website and answer a provocative question i may say so myself, is perception of crime in america being driven more by statistics or stories . Still to come, in the National Moment of racial reckoning many shops around the country have felt move to put signs out front in support of black lives matter. Does this engender goodwill or. The shark vacmop, a complete clean all in one pad. We live in the mountains so i like to walk. Im really busy in my life; im always doing something. Im not a person thats going to sit too long. 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Because missing menb vaccination could mean missing out on a whole lot more. Ask your doctor if your teen is missing meningitis b vaccination. Balanced nutrition for strength and energy. Whoohoo great tasting ensure with 9 grams of protein, 27 vitamins and minerals, and nutrients to support immune health. If you put a black lives matter sign outside of your store, does it help or hurt business . The signs which have been multiplying in the wake of the killing of george floyd by police have been a flash point. In dover new hampshire, the owners told they had to take down their blm, rather than comply, they announced they would be shuttering the business for good. In houston, a black lives matter billboard led to him getting death threats. A maskless patron at a coffee shop in brooklyn, new york, demands the removal of the blm sign saying it was racist. In washington, a sign posted saying if you support antifa or blm, please shop else. And then the sign was changed to all lives matter and us. Is getting involved with politics bad for business . My next guest is a veteran of these wars, kristin martin. She recently but a blm sign outside of her shop, the cottage Beauty Lounge in eastern massachusetts, south of boston, which is 90 white. Kristin, thanks for being here. What happened after you put up the sign . Hi, thank you. They were stolen. I had four signs that were stolen each week. The first time i put it out, that week, it was stolen. The following week the same thing. Well, then, you know, 3, 3 1 2, 4 weeks, each sign was taken. Was the First Responder support sign taken as well . Or just the black lives matter sign . No, just the black lives matter sign was taken. What kind of reaction did you get from customers, or from people who otherwise called your shop . I had a lot of support. But we have had we did have a client that did not want to come in. And will no longer be coming back when she saw the sign. We did try to explain to her why the sign was there. I have a son who is black and i have friends and family who are black, and the sign is there to support them. Its not connected to a terrorist group or any other organization. I know that your motivation was a sense of social justice, that you werent motivated by whether this would help or hurt the cash register. Nevertheless, did you think, when you put up the sign, that this might have an impact on your salon . No. I didnt. I never i didnt think of it. I put it up to show support. You know, like i said, i have a son whos black, and i want him to know that his life matters. And, no, i did not expect to see the pushback that ive seen on social media, the messages that ive received since. So, yeah, its shocking. So, what now . What now . I keep moving forward. Im still going to support my son, my friends and my family. And the people in the community that are black. And, you now, im not afraid to, you know, take whatever comes my way, as a result of it. I believe in i believe in this. Kristan, i wish you good things. Thank you for being here. Oh, thank you, thank you. Still ahead, your best and worst tweets and facebook comments. And well give you the final results of the survey question. Youve got one more shot to vote. Smerconish. Com is the location. This is the question is perception of crime in america being driven more by statistics or stories . Looking for superior protection against uv damage and early skin aging . Try neutrogena ultra sheer. It provides exceptional cellular protection from burning uvb rays and aging uva rays. Save 25 at neutrogena. Com. From burning uvb rays and aging uva rays. The countdown has begun. til everyone can enjoy a professional clean feel. At home. Time to see how you responded to the survey question at my website. smerconish. Is perception of crime in america being driven more by statistic r os stories. Lopsided. 92 say its the stories. Maybe its always the stories. What do we have in terms of social media reaction . Smerconish, speaking of sharks, you jumped one with that comparison. I dont think so, donna. I dont think so. Look, when the data comes out from the fbi next year, if you remember, look back at this segment, my opening commentary and say did he blow it because the stats were off the chart. Or you know what, hes right. It was like the Dominican Republic in the summer of the shark. Whats next . I like the humor, though. The violence going on in this country is real. Youre trying to whitewash it. Frank, not trying to whitewash anything. Showed you all the footage. Acknowledge that there are issues that have taken place in a defined area of portland n a defined area of seattle. Acknowledged 15 people getting shot in chicago. But whether it justifies getting worked into a lather, particularly among seniors, that i question. Fears a big motivator because it works in elections. Shame on me, forget it. Shame on it you for criticizing my willingness to think openly on the subject. What else . Smerconish, its like willy horton at 3 00 a. M. Well, reptile, theres nothing new about this as i just said to the last responder. It works. I mean, thats why we do it. Yes. Willie horton spinning round and round, wasnt he in a vestibule d doorway. Here is the bottom line big picture view. The president is losing the election as things stand now. Theres just a mountain of data suggesting its the case. Yes, i know what the data said four years ago. And he views his ticket to turning it around as two different things. Cognition and crime. The person, woman, man, dog, tv routine was laying the predicate so when joe misspeaks in the fall, and of course he will, we all do, then you say, boy, maybe the president was right. And crime, in portraying himself as the thin blue line. And all that im saying in my commentary is we need to see the data to know whether things are as out of control as they are being portrayed by the white house and by its favorite network. Thats it. Thanks for watching. Ill see you next week. Companies will need the right tools. Thats why salesforce created work. Com its an allnew suite of apps, expertise, and services. To manage this crisis today, and thrive tomorrow. Everything Companies Need to return to the workplace. Lets reopen. Safely. Im a talking dog. The other issue. Oh. Im scratching like crazy. Youve got some allergic itch with skin inflammation. Apoquel can work on that itch in as little as 4 hours, whether its a new or chronic problem. And apoquels treated over 8 million dogs. Nice. And. The talking dog thing . Is it bothering you . No. Itching like a dog is bothering me. Until dogs can speak for themselves, you have to. When allergic itch is a problem, ask for apoquel. 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There are plateauing numbers in other states but it all underscores the uncertainty around allowing kids to go back in the classrooms in the fall. Yeah. The World Health Organization says a Record Number of cases were reported in a 24hour period just yesterday. 284,196 cases and for the fourthstraight day, the u. S. Reported more than 1,000 daily coronavirus deaths. The cdc says reopening schools for inperson learning in most of the count

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