This election has already been branded, like a building with his name on it. Unemployment, gdp, immigration, mueller, russia, china, north korea, the supreme court. They arent issues with differing views, so much as as a source of dialogue from the very foundation to the roof, about the influence of one person, dch trump. Other democrats have spoken of their credentials and vision for the future. But its fanciful to suggest that because voters dont bring up trump on the campaign trail, its sufficient for candidates to only speak of their vision for america. Yes, Democratic Candidates need to have a compelling vision for america, but to win, they must also win the tugofwar for the president for the swing voters and to motivate others who dont vote to get off the sideline. Races with incumbents are usually a referendum on the incumbent. This time, especially so. And each democratic candidate must initially convince the primary electorate, why theyre best suited to beat the president. Joe biden was right to frame the election as a binary choice, for or against one man, donald trump. I want to know what you think this hour. Go to my website at smerconish. Com, answer todays survey question, do you agree, more than anything else the 2020 election is a referendum on donald trump . As biden continues to use the president s charlottesville comments as a jumping off point for his candidacy, President Trump defended his very fine people on both sides answer. That question was answered perfectly. And i was talking about people that went, because they felt very strongly about the monument to robert e. L lee. A great general, people were there protesting the taking down of the monument of robert e. Lee. A great general. Joining me now, kellyanne conway. Welcome. Give my best to my hometown philly. I have zapruderd the tape on what the president said on charlottesville. I get to what he said he did not explicitly refer to White Supremacists as fine people. I get that he did not condemnee neonazis but who are the fine people. Well, im going to read what the president said at the time rather than have a lot of people pontificate and smear what the president actually said. He said, you have people in that group to protest the taking down of a very important statue of robert e. Lee. He said, quote, im not talking about the neonazis and nationalists because they should be condemned. He goes on about the death of heather hieyeheyer. And the president said, quote, racism is evil. And those who call violence in his name are thugs, including kkk and other hate groups. These are the statements of the president of the United States at the time. And anybody who just says gives the slur and the statement fine people and says that he meant the neonazis are lying about what he actually said at the time. Thats important because he has made that clear im sorry steve cortez wrote a terrific people on politics that lays this out. I read it. I read it. Listen, on sirius xm radio, im afforded the opportunity because we dont have commercials to lay the whole thing out like we dont have on television. But, listen, no fine person would stand alongside torchbearers who are chanting jews will not replace us. Well, theres no question those people are the ones the president is condemning. You want to revisit this the way joe biden wants to revisit 2 respectfully. I found his announcement video to be unfortunate, certainly a missed opportunity. But also just very dark and spooky, in that he doesnt have a vision for the future. He doesnt mention president obama, the popular president who he has refused to endorse him. He doesnt lay out the future. And 2020 is a referendum on President Trump as far as every election is a referendum on the incumbent president. Donald trump has to argue against the monster breathe numbers, 3. 2 gdp. Im going to get to that. Defying expectations well, but thats important because thats what most people are talking about around the kitchen tables. Let me slows go ahead you want to talk about the achievements of President Trump no, no, im going to get to the economy. One last thought on charlottesville. It was not the perfect answer, because the perfect answer would have left no room for ambiguity or sberginterpretation. You get the final word. Let me make it clear, there is no room for ambiguity and interpretation. The president specifically called out kkk, neonationalists, White Supremacists. And ill say it, if it werent true, i wouldnt work in the white house. While people use charlottesville shorthand for many different things, theyre letting it fly. Its very disappointing that the former Vice President would do that when hes stuck having to apologize and account for what anita hill herself and other people in his Democratic Party where hes running for the nomination think its insuffer wait he mistreated her and lack of an apology. Including just yesterday. He needs to first get past democratic primary voters who are incredibly skeptical, if not cynical, about his past. His lack of record. What he did or did not have to do with president Obamas Administration i have to interrupt. I dont want to run out of time. Nine years ago after obamacare passed. But you see the polls show him hes readily beating donald trump in the polls. Morning console among them just this week. All of those polls show donald trump losing up to election which is why he was on the network, cnn, all of the other cable stations that he was going to win. That Hillary Clinton had not gotten 50 in any of those swing states that president obama carried twice. I have a question about that. I have a question about that. When do we get the question of unity, its seems that its often one of walls instead of bridges. Im hardpressed. And acknowledge that i didnt see the trump train coming last time around. As i look at that map from 2016. Im hardpressed to identify a single state that he lost. It hasnt been grown nor has there been a discernible effort. Give me one state that you think donald trump can win in 2020 that he didnt win in 2016 . Obviously, it has smomething to do with where they sit. I think the bubble, in the corridor or the News Business or those on politics on either side of the aisle see things through a very flair row prism that america doesnt see. This president in this election, november 9th said i will be the president of all americans even the ones who dont support me. And there were more than a few of them. An he chuckled. There is great unity in the comedy that works for all americans. 7. 3 million american jobs in record low unemployment rates for africanamericans, hispanic, asians, 60 record for women. For teens. Youve got deregulation that has saved us 33 billion and unleashed prosperity for Property Owners and taxpayers and Small Business owners. Youve got the president , including said with Prime Minister shinzo abe of japan trying to broker improving relations all around the globe. That we have better relations like the folks you and i grew up with around the delaware valley. Dgdp the 500,000 new manufacturing jobs is unifying. Ill tell what else is unifying, more people in drug Addiction Treatment im going to get to drugs. More people in drug treatment. Thats nonpartisan. Okay. The economy. The gdp numbers, tremendous. The unemployment numbers, great. I think its wonderful that those numbers are where they are. What about the deficit . Because i know that we hit a 234 billion number. We put that on the screen as well. A record in february. It seems like, you know, the fiscal conservatism that used to be part and parcel of the Republican Party is not a part and parcel of this white house. Respond to that issue. There is great concern about the deficit and ill tell you why. This country has become addicted to spending particularly in the previous two administrations. I believe the deficit near but doubled over the eight years that president obama was there but you had other republicans spending a ton of money, too. I would like to see, personally, more fiscal responsibility. What happens is, the moment you try to restructure or eliminates programs that arent working, everybody screams, youre cutting this, youre starving people, throwing grandma out of the wheelchair off the cliff all of which is hyperbolic and hysterical and cwill be used fo political purposes, of course. But the president , through his first 2 1 2 years in office, michael, practically has reduced taxes, reduced regulations. Unleashed energy. Is rebalancing his trade deals and has focused on job creation that we were told flat on their backs, go ago broad. Manufacturing, mining, warehousing. Construction, all of those are way up. I personally would like forever the Republican Party and this president to get back to what he has. Hes tried to invest in the military and trying to eliminate programs that dont work and people scream bloody murder when he does. I want to get to an important subject to you. You lead the white house antidrug effort. You were with the president and the first lady on opioids in atlanta this week. I applaud the president trying to counter the scourge of opioid addiction. Why not try to get over the divide that exists between state and federal law and make it easier for the opioid addicted to have access to medical marijuana as an alternative, will he champion that effort . Let me say this about, today is National Takeback day means that you can take your unused, unneeded expired pills, prescription medication, michael to police stations, community centers, hospitals. There are 5500 location thats have been identified by google. If you type into the search bar, return my medication or unused pills, google will provide a number of locations. This is just a Brilliant Service theyre providing americans. Well, what about pot . Well, i want to Say Something to you, because of this president s leadership, because of hr6 which was overwhelmin y ly bipartisan when signed into law last year, a 64 increase of americans on medicalassisted treatment, we have more teens getting treatment than they did previously. This is important because the president has allowed the states to free up their medicaid dollars to pay for the medicationassisted treatment. There are many therapies out there that dont involve marijuana. I think you want to have a whole marijuana debate under the guys of opioids. We would be remiss the media doesnt like to cover this, local Media Coverage thats not true. I talk about opioids here on a regular basis and constantly in on my regular show. Its time to end the divide. I think you actually said you actually said well, the federal law will be discussed over time. But not every state agrees with you. And lets just make clear, too, that for all of the folks that talk about the benefits and the legality of marijuana, there are many Health Professionals and employers increasingly concerned that this is not your grandfather or your fathers marijuana. The tch components are mump stronger. Understanood. People are failing drug tests because theyre overusing or abusing prescription opioids and chronically abusing marijuana. We cant say its all good for everyone. Were concerned about the brains. Anyway, ill come back another day for that. Today that tiny little bottle, michael, is tricky. Its legally prescribed to help you with temporary pain. But if you no longer need it and its sitting around in grandmas medicine cabinet or dads gym bag, get rid of it today. Done it. Todays the day. Okay. Get rid of it. Come back, and thank you. Can i Say Something else . The president and first lady have tackled this as a signature issue. They went through not promises and platitudes in atlanta. They went through a progress report. And im very happy to leave you with this, that hr6 passed with every single democratic vote in the house and senate, including every democrat in the house and senate currently running for president. Its a great mess afternoon of unit and a great example of working together for the greater good of america. Thank you, kellyanne. Thank you, mike. I want to know what you think, go to my website smerconish. Com. More than anything else, the 2020 election is a donald trump. Joe biden focusing on a crucial state, right here in pennsylvania. What are his chances . And kate smiths songs have been scrubbed from a song she sang 75 years ago. Critics are rethinking an image of here during a speech she gave in world war ii. Plus, you know how meter maids chalk your tires . Well, a Landmark Court decision rules thats unconstitutional. Hi im joan lunden. Todays Senior Living communities have never been better, with amazing amenities like movie theaters, exercise rooms and swimming pools, public cafes, bars and bistros even pet care services. And theres never been an easier way to get great advice. A place for mom is a free service that pairs you with a local advisor to help you sort through your options and find a perfect place. A place for mom. You know your family we know Senior Living. Together well make the right choice. Forget about vacuuming for weeks. The new roomba i7 with Clean Base Automatic dirt disposal empties the roomba bin for you. So dirt is off your hands. If its not from irobot, its not a roomba. Ten detailed acts of obstruction of justice. Robert muellers report lays out a roadmap for impeachment proceedings against this president and challenges congress to do its job. Im tom steyer and we cant let this president destroy the public trust, break his oath of office and get away with it. Congress has to do its job and hold him accountable. Please call them at this number. Tell them to get going. only tylenol® rapid release gels have laser drilled holes. They release medicine fast, for fast pain relief. Tylenol®. Our mission is to provide complete, balanced nutrition for strength and energy whoohoo greattasting ensure. With nine grams of protein and twentysix vitamins and minerals. Ensure, for strength and energy. After months of teasing, joe biden has officially jumped in the race for president. The former Vice President s first fundraiser was in pennsylvan pennsylvania thursday, monday, hes doing a union event in pittsburgh. The First Official event will be in philadelphia on may 18th. The focus on the state after what became painfully apparent in 2016, all eyes go to the keystone state. Joining me man, the man on the fundraiser thursday, and david urban who ran the campaign in 2016. David, they said theres alarm belling piece sounded among the trump intelligentsia. They all came on thursday. I think you were in that room. Whats the level of concern . So, michael, that article was completely, completely wrong. There were no alarm bells ringing. We were having an early meeting to get the teams together, to establish connectivity as you do early on in the campaign. The report was completely erroneous on every level. You know hes upside down in the numbers in a lot of these rust belt states. Youve got to be troubled about that . No, michael, as you know, as the president knows, winning in pennsylvania is not easy. Its why it hasnt been done in 30 years but i like our chances. Look, as long as the democrats are talking about allowing terrorists to vote while still in incarcerated. Killing cows. Governmentrun health care. Free college stipends for people who work and dont work, lots of crazy leftwing ideas. While this president and this administration can churn out incredible numbers in terms. Economy and growth. Look, the department of Labor Industry in pennsylvania as youre probably well aware said march unemployment in pennsylvania alltime low. Alltime low, historic. Yeah, ive got in fact, were going to respond to that. I have graphs on unemployment in pennsylvania. Kathryn, put them up. Unemployment way down. Wages on the rise. The manufacturing yeah, the manufacturing numbers have come back. Thats annual wages. Mayor nutter, he is upside down in the polls, meaning pennsylvanians thursday far, the majority, saying they wont vote for donald trump. But the economic numbers are in this corner, agreed . Well, michael, depends on where you live. We know unemployment only counts for people who are working or who are looking for work. Does not count the folks who have basically given up or basically dropped out. So if youre in the middle of northern philadelphia or west philadelphia, or some places im sure in pittsburgh or other places in pennsylvania, those numbers are not true in any circumstance. And so, you know, theres national numbers. Theres state numbers, and then theres on the ground where real people live and are struggling in many, many communities across pennsylvania and across the United States of america. You know, the concept of either lowering the cost of college or, in some instances for some, possibly even free, thats not a wild idea. No, mr. Mayor, please not lowering the costs, please, please. David, david, you got to give your speech. Okay. Let me make a few points here. You know, trying to deal with Climate Change, and the real issues, unlike, of course, the current occupant of the white house a Climate Change denier. You know, those are all distractions. The fact of the matter, michael smerconish, when you had miss conway on earlier, she actually could not name a new state that was lost in 2016. Yeah, urban, david, whats your i found that stand very interesting. Ill give you two. Mr. Mayor, what do you say about virginia where you have a racism democratic governor who wore black face . You have a Lieutenant Governor understand siege for alleged, you know, sexual assault. And yet the Democratic Party hasnt forced them out . What do you say to that . Whats your answer to voters in virginia saying we lost virginia by four points. We lost minnesota by two points. I think well be competitive in both. Yeah, david, i dont know if thats going to be your strategy to try to talk about any of those kinds of things. Given the fact that youve got a president who has so many accusations against him. So many people in his own administration under investigation. The full details of the Mueller Report yet to be fully released and examined. He was not exactly exonerated. Those are his words. Not anyone elses. As joe biden said this will be a battle for the soul of the nation. There is an interest in restoring some level of additional dignity to the leadership of the United States of america. This should be an issueoriented campaign. Of course, the current occupant of the white house could not restrain himself because he has no restraint. Glenn, with the nicknames for people. Everyone actually has a name. They dont need a nickname from the current occupant of the white house. So, why dont we talk about real issues and real people and real struggles that folks are facing and scut ocut out a lot of atta. Guys, can i get in here . Although is the mayor endorsing for president . Joe biden, he was on the committee. I just dont know if he endorsed him. I know, but i read the list of endorsements i dont think hes made the endorsement. I havent made a formal endorsement, but my name was on the event. Ive sent in a check. Ive known joe biden for a long, long period of time. I dont think what im doing or who i might be for is relevant. Oh, of course, it is. One final question, i have a quick final question for david urban. Quick final question for david urban. I know mathematically, he can get home without pennsylvania. As a practical matter, youd agree with me, he needs the keystone state, he being the president , right . Look, michael, i believe its absolutely imperative. I think the administration thinks its imperative. And the president thinks its imperative. Michael you you and i talked, the mayor and i talked. Wed see each other on the train. Yeah. And wed talk. I knew there was a path of victory there. I still think theres a path of victory now. Were not going to do things differently. Were going to do it better. Were going to reach out to those same voters that i dont think felt really the Democratic Party reached out to them in lucerne, beaver, greene, all of the counties that they turn out for strong voter turnout, were gl going back there again. Okay, david. Well see you on the field. Im not needed here by these two guys. Im just not needed here. Thank you, men. Go to the smerconish twitter and facebook pages, what do we got . If the economy hangs in there, so will realdonaldtrump. Nothing against. I had this conversation with joe carville. The point he made, he thinks the president s numbers were as high as they can be because of the strength of the economy. If the economy should take a turn, there will be no saving him politically speaking. He says it more clearly than i do. Answer this question at my website, agree or disagree, more than anything else, this election is a referendum on donald trump. Up ahead, we have a new book that says compassion actually saves lives. Ive got the first tv interview with one of the authors. And someone had to pick the cotton that song is why kate smith has recently been removed from sports arenas in stats tu and song. Some new evidence suggests that the singer herself may not have been a racist. Health is magnificent. So are the traits you love about your breed, but behind them are health needs you may not see. 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While theres no audio of the cbs program we the people which by the way had millions of listens, there is a transcript that reads in part, social prejudices, religious bigotry, they are the diseases that eat away the fibers of peace. Unless they are exterminated, its inevitable that well have another war. And where are they going to be exterminated . At a conference table in geneva . Not by a long shot. In your own city, your church, your childrens school, perhaps in your home. The one thing the peoples of the world have got to learn is if we are ever to have a lasting peace its tolerance. Does she deserve to be written off . The mayor of one shore town weighs, he says not only will God Bless America continue to be played on his board walk but if the statue becomes available, hell be happy to put it there. He said smith had been awarded the president ial medal of freedom. 88 years ago, she did something that was at the time acceptable means of conversation, im not saying it was right, but the times were different. Well, yes, they were. And yes, they are. Still to come, when Health Care Providers exhibit compassion, it actually saves lives, according to a new book. And how does a Parking Enforcement officer chalking your tires violate your Constitutional Rights . Find out, next. Included for jus. Its a big deal. A place with one of the highest life expectancies in the country. You see so many people Walking Around here in their hundreds. So how do you stay financially well for all those extra years . Well, you have to start planning as early as possible. We all need to plan, for 18 years or more, of retirement. I dont have a whole lot saved up, but im working on it now. I will do whatever i need to do. Plan your Financial Life with prudential. Bring your challenges. 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After checking there is no need for routine Lab Monitoring unless your doctor advises it. Ilumya may increase your risk of infections and lower your ability to fight them. Tell your doctor if you have an infection or have symptoms, or if you plan to or have recently received a vaccine. This could be your chance to leave your psoriasis symptoms behind. Ask your doctor for ilumya today, for a clearer tomorrow. If youve gotten a parking ticket of overstaying your time because your tire was marked with chalk by an enforcement officer. Well that tracking method dating back as far as the 1920s may be coming to an end thanks to a court case in saginaw, michigan, initiated by my next guest, attorney Philip Ellison joins me now, counsel, tell me the story of what led to this battle. Well, as all good stories start, its by a fluke. I was talking with my cocounsel on this case, matt grandachl, h sitting in the courthouse, the lady who runs the Parking Department came by and marked all of his tires. And all of the neighbors tires, going back and forth to say, how is this right . Is this a search . And lo and behold a couple of hours of Research Later we discovered it looks like it could be unconstitutional. We made a federal case out of it. So, you took to facebook and you explained what happened to your colleague, while hes literally on the phone with you, the car gets chalked. Now forwardsteps a woman who says, hey, ive been written up 14 times by that same individual. And now you launch the challenge. How is this a search . Well, this is a search because the u. S. Supreme court in a decision about five years ago in a case called u. S. V. Jones says if the government fres pa trespasses whether your house or your yard and theyre doing it to extract information, thats a search. For search, you either need a warrant or exception to the warrant requirements. And the city of saginaw, there are two big arguments, community caretaking and the automobile reveal exception. A local judge bought it. And we appealed to the sixth circuit in cincinnati. And the sixth circuit said neither onal pe aal applied. And held that they are putting a search when they put that chalk mark on your tire because theyre invading your vehicle in the space it belongs in. So sixth circuit which sits in cincinnati is kentucky, michigan, ohio and tennessee. What now . What about other states . Well, as of right now, this ruling only applies to those four states that youve identified there as a binding precedent for federal court purposes. However, for the rest of the country, it serves for, i think, as a model or benchmark because perhaps other municipalities should take note. Because i suspect another lawyer like me is go together bring a challenge to their individual communities and challenge their parking officials with their chalk marks in their hometowns. So its authority for others. Final question, did you win the battle but lose the war . Because now theyll use technology and that will cost taxpayers more . Well, all im looking for is to make sure the government stays off our property. And if theyre going to be looking at us with cameras and things of that nature, thats probably going to be another case for another day. Thank you, counsel. Thank you very much for having me. Make sure you go to the website smerconish. Com and tell me, agree or disagree with this weeks survey question more than anything else, the 2020 election is a referendum on one man, donald trump. Still to come, people have long wondered does compassion on the part of Health Care Providers improve your chance of healing . A new book that looks at all of the data says resoundingly, yes. And one of the authors is here to explain. Fanning bristles reveal sensational layers of lashes. Lash sensational fullfan mascara. Only from maybelline new york. only tylenol® rapid release gels have laser drilled holes. They release medicine fast, for fast pain relief. Tylenol®. But allstate actually helps you drive safely. With drivewise. It lets you know when you go too fast. And brake too hard. With feedback to help you drive safer. Giving you the power to actually lower your cost. Unfortunately, it cant do anything about that. Now that you know the truth. Are you in good hands . Ifor another 150 years. The fire going to inspire confidence through style. Im working to make connections of a different kind. Im working for beauty that begins with nature. To treat every car like i treat mine. At adp were designing a better way to work, so you can achieve what youre working for. [kno king] memories. What we deliver by delivering. Compassion saves lives. Thats the takeaway from a brandnew book that for the first time reviews all of the relevant biomedical literature, over 250 Scientific Research papers and more than 1,000 research abstracts. Turns out that compassion from Health Care Providers isnt only proper and just. But also improves patient outcomes. Compassion also decreases costs and combats the burnout that is rampant among those who provide care. Joining me now is dr. Anthony masserelli, hes the copresident in Camden University and coauthor of compassionomics, the revolutionary science that caring makes a difference. Doctor, the antidotes in book, very amusing. Its the data, give us the evidence that compassion improves outcomes. Thank you, michael. Ill give you three quick examples from the book. First, lets talk about diabetes, when you look at Health Care Providers that score on a standard tool, patients with diabetes have an 80 higher odds of optimal glues clocose c. And lets talk about hiv. John hopkins did a study where they asked hiv positions does your position know you as a person. Of the patient who said yes, 33 higher odds of those patients actually taking their medications. And 20 higher odds of those patients having no viral load of hiv in their blood. Think about patients with surgery, multiple comparisons of infusing compassion from a dock or nurse in a preoperative area, those patients required less sedative medication before go being the o. R. And before the o. R. , less Opioid Pain Medication and got out of the hospital quickly after the surgery. What about cost . My sense a lot of this is timebased. And physicians dont have time. Health care today is, what, 18 of gdp. How can being compassionate actually improve costs . So, there are several in the book. Ill giver you two quick examples. The first has to do with adhe adherence to medication. Saying drugs dont work inpatients that dont take them. Theres 300 million a year in studies that show preventible disease costs because of people who dont take their medications. The second example ill give you has to do with resource use kwhin health care, so physicians to practice and all Health Care Providers who practice lower patient centered care those have lower charges. Those patients are 59 lower odds of being referred to a specialist and 84 lower diagnostic testing. Burnout is another factor. I imagine that burnout would be affected adversely, because if uncompassionate as a provider, it 150e78s im going to get closer to my patients. Im going to take their losses that much harder, right . Or wrong . Well, so, burnout is an epidemic in health care right now. One of the latest and hallmark studies thats come out, shows that actually over 50 of providers show some sign of burnout. And traditional sort of teaching in medical school mirrors exactly what youre saying in that this idea of dont get too close to patients because you risk being burned out. In reviewing things in the book, my coauthor Steve Trzeciak and i have actually found the opposite. We go to the newer science to look at that. In functional mirs for those that treat compassion, what they found it actually lights up areas of the brain associated with reward. In other words, its the opposite. Those who give compassion actually benefit themselves from providing compassion to others. Burnout is not getting too close to patients. Quick final question. Theres an illustration in the book. Put it up on the screen, kathryn. A 7yearold, i think, drew it. Whats going on . Give me the bottom line as to the significance . So, that sa picture publishe in the american journal, the pediatrician has his screen on the screen. The 7yearold drew it because now the evidence shows physicians are spending more time looking at the screen than looking at the patience in the eye. You need less than a minute to actually deliver compassion and give that compression to patients. Five studies with a median of 40 seconds is all it takes to demonstrate compassion to patients. Really, what weve found, theres science in the art of medicine. And that science is strong and it can be done. Thats what were hoping to show when combined stories with data in this book. Really, we think compassion can be the wonder drug of 21st century. Book is called compassionomics, dr. Anthony z maz mazerrelly and dr. Steven trzeciak. Thank you. And the question. More than anything else, the 2020 election is a referendum on donald trump . Agree or disagree . And the waldoa Beverly Hills for me. Can i get a. . Thank you. Book at hilton. Com and get the hilton price match guarantee. Book at hilton. Com plants capture co2. What if other kinds of plants captured it too . If these industrial plants had technology that captured carbon like trees we could help lower emissions. Carbon capture is Important Technology and experts agree. Thats why were working on ways to improve it. So plants. Can be a little more. Like plants. Ten detailed acts of obstruction of justice. Robert muellers report lays out a roadmap for impeachment proceedings against this president and challenges congress to do its job. Im tom steyer and we cant let this president destroy the public trust, break his oath of office and get away with it. Congress has to do its job and hold him accountable. Please call them at this number. Tell them to get going. Readyaveenos sheer formulaiant . Packed with pure soy evens tone and texture. So skin looks like this. And you feel like this. Aveeno® positively radiant get skin happy™ you wouldnt accept from any one else. So why accept it from your allergy pills . 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Time to see how you respond to the survey question at smerconish. Com. More than anything else, the 2020 election is a referendum on donald trump. Survey says wow, look at the result. Agree, 94 . Ill leave the question up for the rest of the day. What else, kathryn . Hit me up with another one. If it is about donald trump then the democrats have already lost. Really . I wonder how you get there . I wonder how you get to that conclusion. I think if its about donald trump the country is split right down the middle. And the economy is going to have something to do about it as well. Thanks for watching. Tuesday night, ill see you in nashville. Ill see you next week. There are healthy snacks, there are tasty snacks, and then there are kind bars. Made with ingredients you know and love. Like whole nuts, real fruit and a drizzle of dark chocolate. Do your tastebuds and your body a favour. Do the kind thing. Do your tastebuds and y[laughter] favour. Im okay. 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Off the golf course, still teeing off on President Trump is former Vice President joe biden. The two

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