Obama ended americas combat role in iraq. A cry for many that the job wasnt finished and he would find himself dealing with it later. Later is now. With the launched strikes on friday against the group isis. Isis is in Northern Iraq after spilling from syria and spend sending iraqi troops on retreat. They forced several hundred thousand iraqis to flee homes in fear. The u. S. Said it had to do something. The plan Going Forward . Tbd. To be determined. With me live is general mark hertling. And from washington, tom rogan. General, allow me to show you, jess, if you put that up on the screen, something senator Dianne Feinstein said something with the situation in iraq. She said it takes an army to defeat an army. I believe we confront isil now or we are forced to deal with a stronger enemy in the future. It takes an army to defeat an army. Im not sure our army is the right one to do this now. I think the president s strategy of contributing a little bit and doing the assessment as he has done for over a month with the limited number of advisers in iraq is a good move. It has to be the iraqi army to do this. It is peshmerga that is fighting recently. Rest of the iraqi army needs to get involved. Michael, they have got to want it more than we do. Until that comes, we will have challenges with the growing terrorist threat in iraq. It is not our problem. It is Nuri Al Malikis problem. Where is the u. N. And where is the European Community . All this . That is a good question, michael. There are threats to turkey. There are certainly threats to the rest of the European Union as the terrorists become more embolden. You know my last job was in europe. We saw the terrorist movements pass through the zone where you need a european passport. This is critical. We have to get the u. N. Involved and the European Union involved and the gulf cooperation. Tom rogan, if the 40,000 citizens are evacuated, that will not alleviate the crisis . No, it wont. I understand and in many ways agree with general hertling, this requires an iraqi solution and military solution. In the shortterm, what we will need to see is the degrading of isis and specifically what u. S. Air power can do is limit that maneuvering and limit the convoys quickly against formations of kurdish fighters or iraqi units. There is an urgent threat and only the United States can deal with it. What we talked about with the u. N. And eu, the sad reality, the raf and the britain allies sending one plane. It is america alone. The eu, you speak to british intelligence, they are open about the concern of isis members coming back and using that force to travel to the United States for terrorism. General hertling, the president sat down and said there is a twofold analysis. One is should we intervene and equally important, do we have an answer the day after . Isnt that the big picture problem. We intervene now, but we broke it and we own it. What do we do Going Forward . I think toms article was an excellent piece. It showed just the complexity that the president and National Security team are dealing within this area. We had over 100,000 plus soldiers in iraq at one time. We had a very large air force. The question is how do you intervene . I think the mission that the general austin commander has right now is a good one. It has certain constraints and restraints on it. He is executing that mission very well. I think the very limited tactical strikes that occurred yesterday that are being made such a big deal of today, at least gave a bit of emphasis toward the kurdish partners. They are not an ally, but partner as partner of iraq. It gave them a psychological push, if you will, by saying, hey, they will help. They will prevent people from coming into erbil and perhaps threatening the american presence there. The same thing may be true of baghdad. As mr. Freedmans piece pointed out, we cannot become iraqs air force and allow Nuri Al Maliki to get off the hook. They have to establish a better government and provide security. Tom rogan, i like to say my real job is to answer phones all day because i do that during the day. My sense of the American Pulse is that people dont wish to see us reengage in iraq. They dont want anything more than the humanitarian effort that is now under way. I think you are absolutely right. I think it is incumbent upon people like myself who believe we should be more involved. In specific terms, the argument is what we have seen over the past couple of years with the isolation from syria and iraq is the developing situation on the ground. Humanitarian catastrophe and spreading westward. If we dont take a different step as the president is beginning to do, what we will see is continuing to destabilization and also the spread across the middle east of the current sectarianism with overwhelming dialogue. One of the great successes in iraq which general hertling was part of was the role of u. S. Leadership and diplomats and serving in the rocket relationships in iraq. Our absence from iraq has, i think, caused or not caused, but facilitated some of the problems. I wish we kept more people at the embassy and maintain those relationships in terms of intelligence and logistics, but political relationships. Lieutenant general mark hertling, thank you. Tom, thank you. You remember the original headline . Air strikes undertaken as u. S. Reengages in iraq. I would have written, sinjar solution wont stop isis. And president obama starts his vacation in Marthas Vineyard today while bombings across the middle east. Plus this. 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It helps reduce the look of stubborn brown spots in just two weeks. What are you waiting for . Aveeno®. Naturally beautiful results™. My next headline comes from the new york times. Can the u. S. Still be a leader in the middle east . With the u. S. Dropping bombs in iraq and the ceasefire talks with israel and hamas, there are political ramifications to look at. With me now is crystal wright. Her web site is conservativeblackchick. Com. And lz granderson. Crystal, i understand based on the conversation, you believe the president acted in the manner he has in iraq because of his low approval rating, 37 , relative to the iraqi and middle east issues . That is right. President obama Approval Ratings on Foreign Policy dipped to a low of 36 . Now all of a sudden, he found his president bush voice. He is using the word terrorist again. He finds a need for military intervention. The president has not acted on the world stage in five and a half years. He acted in libya and he was only drawn into libya after britain and france led the way to bomb libya and get gadhafi out of the way. He has no credibility on the world stage. I dont know how president obama is going to dig us out of the iraq hole and frankly, the message he is sending to netanyahu over the last year, signing this nuclear deal with iran, is that israel, you cannot count on us. He has not come out, neither he or his administration or secretary kerry has come out and said hamas is a terrorist organization. Hamas started the attack on israel. We are sorry for the loss of lives, but it is because of hamas that you have the huge casualties in gaza. Im perplexed. Lz, with regard of the 36 approval, i studied the internals of the polls. Something interesting emerges. It is true that crystal says the americans are dissatisfied with the approach of the Foreign Policy of the administration. When you look at issue of the Foreign Policy umbrella, people are in general agreement with his approach. I would describe it as methodical or planning and the anthithisis of the plan. I dont think the president is looking at poll numbers before deciding to put american lives in harms way. That is what he does when he decides to go forward with military action. I think that is a cynical way of looking at the presidency and the cynical way of looking at the president as an office. That poll numbers dictate Foreign Policy. What i will say is you are correct, michael. When you start to filet the question beyond the simple, do you like what the president is doing with Foreign Policy. People answer that based on the situation at hand. You start asking about the strategy. Do you want boots on the ground . Do you want more aid . Do you support this country over that country . You find more americans in line with what the president is doing. What you find with the 37 that is thrown around is people are not happy with the middle east and they fault the president for it. Once they think about it, they realize what the president is doing is what they were doing if they were in his shoes. Crystal, do you disagree with that . The American People dont want us getting more involved in iraq or getting more involved in syria . I agree with 1 of what lz said and you, michael. When you go issue, by issue, do we want more boots on the ground . No. What americans want is a Foreign Policy plan from the president and leadership. That is why we see the overall rating for the president on Foreign Policy at 36 . Let me he has no Foreign Policy plan. Disengagement from the world stage is not a Foreign Policy plan. I would argue the American People want diplomacy from the president and engagement. He did not engage in the arab spring. Remember the good news is you are sticking around. Crystal wright, lz granderson, stay here. You remember the headline. Can the u. S. Still be a leader in the middle east . I would write, low marks for the president who does what the public wants. The ebola virus is an international emergency. Now the rumors are flying over social media. Relax. We will let you know what to believe and what to throw out. And inside the hidden tunnels in and out of gaza. Alan dershowitz has been there. He joins us. Looking at the ebola epidemic today, my next headline from slate. Com. Can my keyboard spread ebola . The ebola epidemic that started in march is raging over western africa. It killed close to 1,000 people. It is the biggest such outbreak ever and it constitutes a Global Health emergency. Two American Health workers triggered a spasm of worry. Christina warren is a writer for mashable. She joins me now. I want to show you tweets from the donald if i might. The fact we are taking the ebola patients while others from the area are fleeing to the United States is absolutely crazy. Stupid pols. And one more. The bigger problem with people coming into the United States with ebola from the west africa may be infected with the disease. Stop the flights. Is social media a help or hinderance . On the one hand, you have donald trump riling people up. On the other hand, you have officials educating. The outrage is coming from fear. The goal that the organizations are using social medias for education. On the balance, social media is helping, but it is difficult to get over the amplified noise, especially if you are a well known blowhard. I guess what should be noted is the folks most affected by this in west africa probably have the least access to the air waves of the type we are talking about. They do and they dont. They will be less exposed to the ramblings of donald trump, but mobile phone penetration in nigeria is 75 . It is quite high. More people have access to mobile phones and sms messages than radio and tv broadcasts. As a way to get the information out, actually it is a good communication method. I love social media, it occurs to me it becomes the water cooler equal of spreading rumor and innuendo. Unfortunately, when something happens in the news, the worst inclination is someone to use the 140 characters that doesnt serve us well. That is why it is important for the cdc and World Health Organization to use it for education. Cdc has answered questions and doing chats. The author of the red zone on reddit. It is necessary because our inclination with social media is use it to say whatever we are feeling. Any suggestion you would offer the cdc or any of the other World Health Organization, any of the governmental entities that have a role in keeping us of us safe in terms of how they can better manage social media . Look at the popular hash tags. If something is getting a lot of attention like the donald trump tweet, i would pay someone to tweet with the real information. Anyone who saw the tweet would see that from the cdc that is showing the facts. Good suggestion. Christina warren, thank you. Remember the headline . Can my keyboard spread ebola . What i would have written, uninformed opinions are contagious. Massive plumes of black smoke rise over gaza city. Ceasefire talks strike down. Alan dershowitz and rula jebreal are here to discuss. And the first family going to Marthas Vineyard. A closer look at the optics of the president s vacation. Relish. The sweet pleasure of delivered straight to your face in accomodation paradise. Booking. Com booking. Yeah will you be a sound sleeper, or a mouth breather . A mouth breather [ whimpers ] how do you sleep like that . Well, put on a breathe right strip and shut your mouth. Allergy medicines open your nose over time, but add a breathe right strip and pow it instantly opens your nose up to 38 more. So you can breathe and do the one thing you want to do sleep. Add breathe right to your allergy medicine. 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You put your finger on the issue. Israel is prepared to lift much of the blockade. Everything except the importation of rockets and cement and other material that have been building the terror tunnels and rockets. They are not prepared to lift the blockade if hamas continues to fire rockets. Hamas, if our demands are not met by sunday, we will attack tel aviv. They are threatening a war crime in which thousands of people could be killed. The iron dome is only 85 effective. They built the terror tunnels in which death squads are supposed to emerge and as a report on rosh hashanah, they are expecting 400 to 500 terrorists to come from the tunnels to murder the children. I was in the tunnels. I saw where they come. The tunnel i was in was yards away from a kindergarten with 57 children. There are explosives in the tunnels right under kindergartens and right under schools. So, were talking about an organization that specializes in double war crimes. It threatens to blow up tel aviv from areas of high density population. Hoping it will kill as many civilians as possible so networks will show pictures of dead children. Palestinian mothers love their children as much as anybody else. Hamas is prepared to sacrifice palestinian children in order to get positive publicity. It is hard to make peace with organizations like that or isis or others that do not value human life. Let me bring into the conversation from south hampton, new york. Rula jebreal. A journalist and Foreign Policy analyst. Rula, respond to what you heard from professor dershowitz and address my question of how do we get beyond this issue of hamas in gaza needing now to rebuild and israelis having a legitimate concern of safety as they move forward. With politics. Simple. Regardless rhetoric, i would say we tried to bombard gaza. Israel tried to bombard gaza in 09, 12 and now 2014. They did not topple them. When you live under military occupation, resistance can become a strong narrative. Whether we like it or not. If we take out of the debate and conversation, the context of occupation and blockade, we can never understand what is happening on the ground. We need to apply policies. Military solution is not a solution. Didnt lead anywhere. It actually empowered extremists on the expense of moderates. Abbas, the palestinian authority, created and formed a unity government that created hamas. In a moment where hamas was weakened and almost bankrupt. At that time, the p. A. Accepted which is recognizing israel and renouncing violence and above all, subscribing to all the previous agreements. If we dont acknowledge the reality and we keep talking about the clouds and dreams and about no doubt we are ignoring today whats going on underground. When we talk about human right violation, we have to talk about human right violation taking place in gaza for the last 47 years. To say let me try to get a brief response from each of you to the aspect. Yesterday, the president sat down with tom freedman. He said to tom, abbas is too weak and netanyahu is to strong for a resolution. Professor, respond to that observation. Well, first of all, i think it is important to remember from 2005 to 2007, there was no occupation. There was no blockade. There were simple controls of the border to make sure rockets did not come in and hamas rocketed israel repeatedly. Thousands of rockets without occupation or blockade. I think that your previous guests are for getting history, which is very important. As to israel. Israel can only make peace if it is strong. This is the perfect opportunity for netanyahu and abbas to sit down. Hamas is isis without the idf. Without the Israeli Defense forces in egypt. Hamas would do the same thing isis does. The United States is not negotiating with isis. It is helping the kurds to try to defeat them military. I think they are sitting down from a position of strength and a twostate solution would be a good outcome. Rula jebreal, go ahead. Two things, there is no blockade. It is like saying there is no global warming. It is delusion. Even though the United States government recognized the blockade as part of the occupation. Gaza is an open air with 1. 8 Million People living in isolation and poverty. Another thing, we need a political solution to the issue, but it has to come hand by hand. Demilitarization. We have an opportunity. I dont see this opportunity seized by netanyahu who is going out and saying there is no circumstance i will accept a palestinian state. I think israel leadership has to come out and think about the next generation and not the next election. He said that clearly. Alan dershowitz, rula jebreal, thank you so much. We need to think about the next generation. Thank you. You remember the original headline. Israel carries out strikes on gaza after rocket fire resumes. I would have written, fire may cease, but competing concerns over blockade and safety will continue. Well be right back. Im jane and i have copd. Im dave and i have copd. Im kate and i have copd, but i dont want my breathing problems to get in the way my volunteering. Thats why i asked my doctor about breo. Oncedaily breo ellipta helps increase airflow from the lungs for a full 24 hours. And breo helps reduce symptom flareups that last several days and require oral steroids, antibiotics, or hospital stay. Breo is not for asthma. Breo contains a type of medicine that increases risk of death in people with asthma. It is not known if this risk is increased in copd. Breo wont replace rescue inhalers for sudden copd symptoms and should not be used more than once a day. Breo may increase your risk of pneumonia, thrush, osteoporosis, and some eye problems. Tell your doctor if you have a heart condition or high Blood Pressure before taking breo. Ask your doctor about breo for copd. 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After the russian separatists bomb the malaysia airline, the president was off in the diner in delaware. He was off to fundraisers in california after gaza. Is the president serious . Lz, in the world which we live and the president can vacation when all is calm, the guy is never getting out of the oval office. Lz . Im going to ignore crystals irrational statement. The fact of the matter is if you line up all the Vacation Days of the past four or five president s, you would find that president obama has been in the white house and working for the American People more than bush, way more than reagan. Who had 400 Vacation Days. He took vacation when the Unemployment Rate was the highest in the country since the great depression. He went on vacation. My point is that on both sides of the aisle, they use vacations to needle the president. In reality, president s need to take vacations. If you line up what president obama has taken to the counterparts, he has taken less than the men before him. Crystal, i was on vacation this week. It was me and a smartphone and my family. When he vacations, the office comes with him. The staff comes with him, no . True. True, but i spoke to a democrat before we went on the show. You know what she told me . She said she thinks it is awful president obama is taking vacation. She can understand a weekend, but reagan did not take vacation when he was fighting russia. This is ridiculous to say this is a huge moment. You have terrorists taking hold in iraq for the last year. This looks incompetent at best. President s have gone on vacations for centuries. The crisis at the border. He was at diners having beer with governor hinkenlooper. I have always said, crystal, i may be wrong, but im consistent. Bush or obama. I want them to be of sound mind. I know how i am if i dont get away. You know, for the job they have, i want them to vacation. Lz, you take the final word. We have 20 seconds. Absolutely. Thank you. I would say this, one thing w. Defended obama taking vacations. He understood the pressure. Just because the optics dont look good doesnt mean what is happening is not good. The person in control of the button needs to be on rest. Crystal wright and lz granderson, thank you both. Three children dead in a house fire and shoddy investigation. Might cameron todd be recognized as an innocent man put to death in texas . Thu dadthank you for defendiyour sacrifice. And thank you for your bravery. Thank you colonel. Thank you daddy. Military families are uniquely thankful for many things, the legacy of usaa Auto Insurance can be one of them. If youre a current or former military member or their family, get an Auto Insurance quote and see why 92 of our members plan to stay for life. Life with Crohns Disease ois a daily game of what ifs. What if my abdominal pain and cramps come back . What if the plane gets delayed . 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Join now at experian. Com. With enrollment in experian credit tracker. The next headline comes from the Washington Post. Fresh doubts over a texas excuse. Justice Antonin Scalia was unclear on the notion that have new ammunition in a case they questioned for years. Citing letters and legal records. The Washington Post casts down on Todd Willingham in 2004 for setting a house fire killing three. The house arson has been the product the shoddy forensics. With me is david gann. What is in your mind the best piece of exculpatory evidence . This is the reason why he did not do it . The case was on two pieces of evidence. One was the fire evidence and the second was a jailhouse snitch. The fire evidence, every top forensic fire or arson expert who looked at this case said it was based on junk science. The evidence was unreliable. No evidence the fire was intentionally set. That was the bulk of the case. Based on that evidence, he would not have been indicted, let alone convicted. What was left . That is what the new evidence is about. The jailhouse informant. During the case claimed that willingham passed by his cell. Willingham professed his innocence until his dying breath, he said willingham confessed to him. Why would he confess to the jailhouse snitch if he confessed to law enforcement, it would have spared his life. He was offered a deal and refused to take it. The jailhouse informant was always ludicrous. This was a man who started taking drugs when he was 9 years old. He was highly unreliable. He said willingham passed his cell. They did not know each other before. Some of the things he said that willingham told him did not conform with the forensic evidence. David, rick perry was the governor. Still is the governor. It was on his watch. He had the opportunity to commute that death sentence and did not. He denied a stay. Why the jailhouse and informant is when the new Forensic Science was brought to the governor asking for a stay showing that the science was unreliable. The prosecutors in the case, will he confess . The jailhouse informant. Hes admitted he told him nothing. He lied. Not only did he lie, that he received benefits for giving his testimony. What i learned from that extraordinary peace you wrote in 2009. Many think all has just now come to light. You made clear there was plenty of reasonable doubt while the process was ongoing something should have been done differently. Thanks for being here. Appreciate it. Remember the original headlines, read fresh doubts over a texas execution. I would have written, perry in 2016 could be dogged by a dead man. Switching gears in a big way. Looking at the concerts you rock at, the bands you roll with, and whether they truly are who they say they are. Get reaits crabfest atk, dip. Red lobster the years largest variety of crab. 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For an aging classic rocker like me, going to shows featuring headlinerses like peter frampton. What i was doing at the legendary Tower Theater several weeks ago with a bummddy of mip. The doobie brothers were there and hit the opening chords of this [ playing china grove ] the classic china grove asked paul, how many ebbs of the original lineup are right now onstage . Two he said. Tom johnston and patrick simmons. During the intermission we spied flyers advertising this summers return of yes performing fragile e and close to the and a triple header with styx, foreigner and don formerly of the eagles. Legendary front man jaund anderson and while a band is touring at styx, Dennis Deyoung is also on the road performs the music of styx. Meanwhile, foreigner lacks its original front man lou graham who left the band in 2004. So over a couple of yuenglings we 50thaging rockers proceeded to debate the propriety of 60plus aging rock musicians continuing to use their original band name when there are so few original members in the touring lineup. I proposed a 2 5 rule. Paul waved me off saying it doesnt lend itself to a simple mathematics analysis. By a onehalf rule say that paul and ringo can constitute a reunited baegeatles. My suggestion, a compromise. He said that would be unworkable. By that count current of Creedence Clearwater revive, not wi withstanding absence of john fogerty, spirit and voice and sound of the group. Hes got a point. For instance math would never carry the day for the band currently billing itself as chicago. While theyve got the horn section, lack the soul of the original band. And peter cetera, the man behind most of the groups hits, hasnt been with them since the first bush. At one point in the 1990s, three bands were billing themselves as the platters including one band has had no connection at all to the original group. On the other hand, 60s perennials the turtles are happy together with just turtles in the group. And others have faced this issue. Stp without scott wyland is like tom petty and the heartbreaker, without tom petty. Adam lambert fronted queen is simply not queen. The good news, this summer isar road. Eagles doing a chronology tour sporting 4 5 of theirs classic lineup and rod stewart, tom petty, Paul Mccartney playing themselves at an arena near you. At 71, sir paul may be only 80 of the rocker he once wan. 4 5s Paul Mccartney still constitutes 20 of the beatles, and thats all right. That does it for me. Enjoy your weekend. Have a great weekend. Ill see you back here next saturday. Good morning to you. Just on the edge of 10 00. I hope saturdays been good to you so far. Im christi paul. Im victor blackwell. Coming up on 7 00 on the west coast. Youre in the cnn newsroom. In about 25 minutes the president of the United States is expected to deliver a statement there from the south lawn of the white house on the situation in iraq. Yeah. Well bring you the president s comments live when they happen. So stay close for that. And we begin right there in iraq this hour with stunning any vud yo of the first u. S. Air strikes against isis militants. Look at these images from the u. S. Military, sa18 fighter jets closing in hon an isis artillery unit and here it comes. That massive explosion. The 500 pound laserguided bombs unleashed on the Islamist Group that now has thousands of iraqis runs for their living. The capital of Iraqi Kurdistan and a base of u. S. Military and diplomatic operations there. In the meantime, west of the village you can see on the map, u. S. Military planes have dropped more water and more food for the folks there. Look inside this warehouse. The packages prepped for members of the yazidi minority, trapped there you heard in the mountains there by isis militants who say they have to convert to islam or die. This night vision video there were just getting in, too, shows the pallet dropping off a cargo plane. The Prime Minister says hid nation may contribute aircraft to the mission as well. Look at the aerial view here. You see the circles there. The parachutes connected to those bundles as they now fall down into that range of the mountains. Were learning this morning from british news reports as well that a british cargo plane is now heading to iraq to deliver more aid. The United States trying to clear what they cal

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