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24hour extension. Americans evacuated. U. S. Embassy personnel flee raging violence. And grim return, more coffins return in the netherlands from ukraine as flight 17, the investigation is paralyzed right now by violence. We want to welcome our viewers in the United States and around the world. Im wolf blitzer in jerusalem. You are in the situation room. This is cnn breaking news. Lets get to the breaking news. Tonight the Israeli Security cabinet has agreed to extend a humanitarian cease fire in gaza for another 24 hours even after hamas fired rockets within the past few hours into israel. A hamas spokesman tells cnn his group needs clarification before deciding whether to agree to the extension. We are awaiting official word from hamas. The spokesman said he will tell us here in the situation room as soon as they make a final decision. Israel says the truce is conditional on being able to continue operations like this. Israeli military wants to press ahead with locating and destroying those hamas tunnels from gaza into israel during a new 24hour cease fire period. The new move comes after a break in the fighting that lasted much of the day allowing palestinians to assess the damage and bring in medical and other supplies. Our correspondents are covering breaking news here in the middle east and around the world. Lets go to Atika Shubert joining us from israel right near the gaza border. She has the latest from there. Whats going on . Reporter well, we are still getting rocket attacks coming in from gaza. Just a few hours ago we saw two rockets intercepted above the skies here. But the Israeli Military so far has held its fire and it does seem that 24hour cease fire is going ahead as per the Israeli Security cabinet, but on the condition, as you pointed out, that the Israel Defense force is able to look for tunnels inside gaza and dismantle the tunnel network. They have been putting explosives inside the tunnels and collapsing them. They say they are going to continue to do that even as the cease fire goes on, that it is part of the primary objective of dismantling and disarming hamas. If you take a look over the 12hour humanitarian cease fire, israel extended it for another four hours. Now there is a 24hour extension by the israelis. You say since the fourhour extension went into effect there have been a number of hamas rockets and missiles, mortar coming into israel and continue even as we speak right now. Is that what im hearing . Reporter yes. In fact, just a few minutes ago we heard another boom, another explosion, we presume perhaps possibly a rocket attack. It looks like there have been the rockets still coming over. Israel so far has held its fire. The big question is if we continue to see more of these rocket and mortar attacks, if hamas does not respond to the 24hour cease fire is the Israeli Military going to hold back or respond with possibly more force . Were going to find out right now. Atika shubert on the scene for us near the gaza border. Lets bring in the spokesman for the idf. Thanks very much for joining us. What is the answer to the question . You have extended the cease fire for another 24 hours. Rockets, missiles, mortar still comes in. What will happen . Our focus is currently on the issue of tunnels. I can tell you yesterday i visited a tunnel coming into israel. It is a three kilometer long tunnel. It must have cost about a million dollars. 26,000 elements of prefabricated cement in the tunnel for terrorism. We are cutting those off. That is what our mission is focused on at this time. There has been a decision to prolong the cease fire on the ground. Of course, we reserve the right to defend ourselves. It is required. So during this 24hour extension you are going to continue to try to locate and destroy as many tunnels as possible, is that correct . Absolutely. We have found about 31 or 32 tunnels that some extend into israel. We are going to sever those tunnels. We are not going to let that be a threat. I met with the commanders down in the field and spent most of the day down there. They have this huge passion to get this behind us. All they are worried about is not themselves in the field. They are constantly thinking about the communities in the surrounding communities of the gaza strip and that is the message they spoke to me today. They said this is something we are worried about. We will do what it takes in order to stop the threat and take it off of the table and keep the civilians safe. Your fear is if the tunnels arent destroyed it will enable hamas militants to enter israel and capture israelis and that you are determined to stop . These tunnels serve only one purpose. They serve a purpose of easy infiltration for 10, 12, 13 terrorists at a time that can come in, carry out attacks, shoot at israelis, take them into gaza and really put the area in a spin that we are not willing to let happen. We are operating against that threat. We are determined to take it off of the table. And that is what we are doing on the ground. How many tunnels are there based on your intelligence . And the Israeli Military has good intelligence . Our assessment is we have around 31 tunnels. We expect this is more than half of what has been exposed. Its something that takes time. Also, the detonation when we are demolishing and decommissioning them it takes time. We have to do it carefully and in a way we have seen the length of the tunnels is anything between 3 kilometers heading into israel, multiple Access Points all enabling the terrorists to come in. If we destroy a part of it they can easily circumvent that and continue building into israel. That is why we have to demolish them completely and take the threat off of the table. How long will it take . What is your estimate . It could take up to a week. We could do it shorter depending on the amount of leeway we have from the government and how the government decides that we can operate. But to be complete and to be all inclusive probably take another week. Another week and then it is over with the tunnels, is that what you are saying . We know what we know and we dont know what we dont know. There could be more tunnels along the way. We are using everything in order to locate. Your priority is the tunnels and not necessarily the rockets and missiles and Storage Facilities that have them . This mission and operation began with two main goals, first of all, the tunnels and second of all the rocket capabilities. They are depleted. We have seen ten rockets this evening since 8 00 launched at israel despite our prolonguation of the cease fire, unfortunately. We will reserve our right to defend ourselves. The rockets are a component that are threatening three quarters of the state of israel. Thanks for joining us. Thank you. Lets get a different perspective. Joining us on the phone is the chief palestinian negotiator joining us from jericho. Give me your reaction from what we heard from the spokesman for the i. D. F. If that is the game plan that means we are witnessing meanwhile we have on the west bank demonstrations and uprisings all over the place. Sooner or later may collapse and what do you have . And you have the resumption of enlarging violence. And thats the situation. You are trying to get solutions. You rejected mr. Careys offer. See what can be done with gaza and in the Bigger Picture. And the spokesperson spoke before me announcing an end game of the Israeli Government that means fully occupying gaza. Controlling doing what . What would this produce . Would this produce more security . Would this produce more stability and more Economic Prosperity and more democracy . It has been years since this occupation began and 47 years delayed. Not ending is a very dangerous situation. What is israel supposed to do if hamas builds the tunnels and they are plotting to send their militants through the tunnels to capture israelis or kill isra i israelis . Are they supposed to just allow the tunnels to stay there . Its not just to keep things the way they are now. There is a ceasefire for seven days. Both parties will need an International Element introduced to gaza. And then the Bigger Picture of ending the occupation and then palestinians taking into their hands one authority. It is not just a ceasefire for seven days and then that is it. It is a ceasefire for seven days and then a whole process that will ensure that we learn from the past. There have been so many wars. And every time we get in the same argument about defending and not defending. The only thing evident for both palestinians and israelis is meaningful solution. It doesnt happen this year here is the question. Sorry for interrupting. I want to clarify one point that you made earlier. Its a sensitive point. Your top adviser to the Palestinian Authority president suggested that the whole Palestinian Authority could be in danger right now because of the angry mood that is developing on the west bank, could get angrier with the end of ramadan in the next day or two. Just explain what you mean by that. We are the authority. Government is supposed to protect americans and we are saying must protect israelis and so on. How do we look . How do you look . We have a total occupation in the west bank. Bombarding gaza. My information is that destruction has been 100,000 partially damaged or totally damaged. I dont think that status quo can be sustained. The authority was born by a contract with israel to deliver palestinians from occupation. It has been 20 years. I dont think we can steer the cycle. Im afraid things get out of hand if we have a total uprising in the west bank i dont think even [ inaudible ] so what would be the disaster . West bank and gaza. What will be the day after . Its a depressing picture you are painting. Lets hope that it doesnt necessarily turn out. That would be a disaster. You were there in 1993 when israel and the palestinians signed that agreement on the south lawn of the white house when the Prime Minister were there with bill clinton. I was the White House Correspondent for cnn. To think these years later the situation is as bad as it is now. It is a very depressing sight for all of us. Well check back with you tomorrow. Lets hope the situation improves by then and gets better the day after. We can only hope cooler heads will prevail. Thanks for joining us. Cnn got a firsthand look at the situation in gaza during the day light hours of the cease fire and filed this report. Reporter when the clouds of war cleared this is the devastation left behind. We have a childs mattress. We have clothes. We have pots and pans. This area completely destroyed and its not just this house. As you can see there are other buildings down here that have been damaged and devastated. We have seen people come through here and try to pick at Little Things to take back with them to their shelters. This crater just highlights the massive amount of fire power being used in this area. This hole has to be at least ten meters deep. If you look there are slabs of concrete that looks like a building was here. What we are hearing is that this was likely the result of a 500 pound bomb. Neighborhood after neighborhood, house after house has been reduced to rubble like this and really without any permanent ceasefire this sort of devastation is likely to continue. Ian lee, cnn, gaza. More breaking news. The u. S. Embassy in libya evacuated. We are learning new details of the dramatic rush to safety. An important milestone in Malaysia Airlines flight 17 investigation. We are going live to ukraine. We are live here in jerusalem. This is the situation room special report. S, reduces the look of pores and smoothes texture for a skin makeover in minutes. Instant fix perfecting collection. Olay. Your best beautiful. Really. So our business can be on at ts network for 175 dollars a month . Yup. All five of you for 175. Our clients need a lot of attention. Theres unlimited talk and text. Were working deals all day. You get 10 gigabytes of data to share. What about expansion potential . Add a line anytime for 15 bucks a month. Low dues. Great terms. Lets close. Introducing at t mobile share value plans. With our bestever pricing for business. Were back live here in jerusalem. Another breaking story we are following here in the middle east, the dramatic evacuation of the United States embassy in libya. Heavy fighting reported in and around the tripoli area. We have more from our pentagon correspondent, barbara starr. By all accounts the evacuation of 150 u. S. Personnel from the embassy went smoothie including 100 marines there for security. The evacuation plan had americans driven out of tripoli heading west across the border into tunisia. There was plenty of american fire power nearby to rescue if there were trouble. We know there were two f16s overhead, a drone, a u. S. Navy warship in the mediterranean nearby and several other additional heavily armed marines flying overhead in their v 22 aircraft ready to move in if the convoy had come under attack to get the americans out. The decision to evacuate the embassy came after growing violence for the last several weeks. In recent days the nearby triply airport had been destroyed, shut down by rifle militia shelling. There was shelling in the neighborhood where the embassy was located. There was no way for americans to get out by commercial air which is usually what happens. They simply get own a commercial airliner. The violence grew and the state department and the white house and the pentagon made the decision it was time for the americans to go. Thank you. Lets get more on the situation in libya and the evacuation of the United States embassy joined by Global Affairs correspondent. Well, wolf, the state department is saying that this is not a closing of the embassy but a kind of temporary suspending of operations. As you know when the u. S. Decides to leave a country and pull out all of its staff it needs to destroy equipment and destroy documents. It needs to really kind of close up shop at least temporarily. It doesnt look like the u. S. Is going to be going back anytime soon. That raises the question about what the u. S. Can really do from afar to help the Libyan Government really effect the political change that will stop this violence. That is one of the complaints that you have heard throughout this process in libya that even though the United States helped liberate the libyan people from Moammar Gadhafi with the air strikes they were not able to follow it up with the hands on political engagement. Now that the state department has left the country i think there are a lot of questions about the message it sends about the u. S. Commitment to libya. As i pointed out earlier the u. S. Spent 1. 65 billion on those air strikes, other military operations to get rid of Moammar Gadhafi. Gadhafi is gone but look what is going on there right now. What an awful, awful situation. Quick question on the ceasefire potential here in the middle east. What are you hearing from your sources . The Israeli Cabinet proposes an extension. Everyone waiting to see whether hamas will extend. Officials i am talking to think that will probably happen. I am told secretary carey wants to keep extending, a day, 24 hours, 12 hours, keep extending. You have the end of the holy month of ramadan on monday really would be horrible to see pictures of palestinians being killed, of more violence. What secretary carey is hoping is if he can keep the extension going even if it is a peace meal that it will create a momentum and opening for larger negotiations for both sides. Take a listen to what secretary carey said earlier today after he was in paris after meeting with the foreign ministers. I understand that palestinians need to live with dignity. They need a life that is free from the current restraints that they feel on a daily basis and obviously free from violence. But at the same time israelis need to live free from rockets and tunnels that threaten them. And thats secretary kerry says every discussion is about the larger goals but everyone agrees that the fighting has to stop first and then you can talk about the needs on both sides. You cant do that while the fighting is going on, wolf. And we are waiting for the decision by hamas whether they are going to extend, as well. We hope to get that soon. Thanks very much. A key player in the efforts to end the fighting between israel and hamas. Qatar, why is qatar so critical in brokering a ceasefire. A potential first step in the Malaysia Airlines flight 17 investigation. This is a situation room special report live from jerusalem. The wonder of summer is that i never know what kind of adventure awaits. The days are longer, and the breeze feels a little sweeter. And, thanks to volvo, ill pay nothing for repairs or maintenance for 5 years, nothing. They even cover my first months payment. So, ill be happy wherever the summer takes me. The wonder of summer event. The 2015 volvo s60 sedan with complimentary first months payment. Starting at 319 a month. Were back live from jerusalem waiting for word from hamas on whether it will abide by a new cease fire approved by the Israeli Security cabinet as the u. S. Is pushing for a broader cease fire agreement, one lasting seven days. One of the key players in the effort is the state of qatar which has considerable influence with hamas. Brian todd is taking a specific look at the role. The connection makes qatar a key player here but a big problem for the u. S. Qatar is a country with a close and lucrative relationship with america and supports what the u. S. Considered a terrorist group. A sophisticated lethal web of tunnels used by hamas to attack israel. Israeli forces in a bloody fight to destroy the tunnels. Where did hamas get the money to build the underground network . The bulk of the financing comes from qatar. A top american ally in the middle east housing a massive u. S. Air base, a country which reportedly just spent 11 billion to buy American Patriot missile batteries and apache attack helicopters. A former terror finance tracker with the Treasury Department says qatar with a tiny population but loads of wealth from oil and natural gas has become a principle financier. How generous is qatar with hamas . In 2012 the emir travelled to gaza, the first to do so since hamas took over the territory. Reporter it is worth noting that hamas doesnt just consist of a military wing. It runs schools, hospitals and other programs. Qatar under writes al jazeera. They basically use their money to extract influence around the region. Reporter he believes it is time for the u. S. To get tough with the emirs of qatar. We are seeing a washington not punishing qatar for its behavior. In many ways it looks like we are awarding them by allowing them to purchase the weaponry. We have had issues over the last decade with qatar and frequently reevaluate the relationship but on balance believe engagement with them because of the relationship with people we are often adversaryial with that it is a useful dialogue for the United States to maintain. A Senior Administration official says u. S. Officials made it clear with qatar that they consider hamas a terrorist organization. This official said qatar assured the administration that the 400 million it gave to gaza would not go to hamas. We tried to get response from officials to the criticism of their support for hamas and they did not respond. Thanks very much for that report. Lets bring in three really smart middle east analysts who know the subject very, very well. Ambassador oron why do the israelis not trust qatar . Can you imagine why not . They give 400 billion to hamas and ends up going to building underground tunnels that are reinforced with concrete and steel. They purchase or smuggle 12,000 rockets into gaza strip, 2,600 of them have been fired at israel over the past two and a half weeks. Those rockets can carry between 100 and 300 pounds of tnt. I think there are pretty good reasons not to trust the qatarys. I spent some time there. It is a very weird situation because you go there and there is basically a u. S. Military base right outside of dohar. U. S. Military Central Command has a lot of troops there. Explain what the unique relationship is. You have u. S. Military personnel there and on the other hand dealing with hamas. First of all, wolf, i didnt realize i was going to come here to talk about qatar. I thought we were talking about gaza. Since you asked i think as you look at the relationship back to the 1990s when the previous emir overtook his father and took power they were under criticism for being too pro israel and improving the relationship with israel. They received a lot of criticism from egypt and saudi arabia for doing so. That remains through the 1990s and al jazeera seemed to be friendly, the first arab station to air out israeli views and maintain a relationship with israel as well as trade mission with israel. The relationship hasnt been like that all the time. It was a function of a lot of changes. When you look at what they are doing with hamas and gaza, ask them where the money goes. We know how they do business. They do business by using their influence with both sides of every conflict. They have done that in the past. They try to keep relations with islamists and everyone else in the past. Look at the deal they made to release american prisoner from taliban, in large part because they kept in connection with them. Lets look at the devastation happening in gaza now. There is going to be hundreds of millions just to rebuild to get people, forget about hamas and forget about the military issue and look at the humanitarian issue. Who will be able to contribute the hundreds of millions . Whether or not there have been guidelines, the u. S. Will be asking people to contribute. They have been in the forefront of people who said we are going to do it. Colin, where is this cease fire negotiation right now . Where is it heading . Is it going to really work . Is secretary of state kerry going to work out a deal together with qatar and egypt or are we going to see more blood shed . Let me try to answer that by going back to the issue you touched on which is the role that qatar plays. Just try to imagine that if we had punished, to use the words of one of the earlier guests, if we had punished qatar for having a relationship with hamas and prevented anyone from having a relationship with hamas who would serve as the interlockter for anyone to talk with hamas in order to obtain a cease fire in the first place . It is not possible for the United States to broker a deal directly with hamas. So someone has to be able to talk to them. Thats why it is actually in our interest and in the interest of everybody on the ground that qatar plays the role that it does. One of the reasons the previous conflict was able to be ended after only eight or nine days two years ago was the fact that egypt played that role. Egypt doesnt do that anymore because it doesnt have that really great relationship with hamas as a former Muslim Brotherhood government had. One last question before i let you go, turkey is playing a significant role. Turkey is a nato ally of the United States but have good relations with hamas, as well. Well, you know, you go on Israeli Television as i do, wolf, and you are asked the same question over and over again. Why are International Actors such as the United States trying to bring qatar and turks into the conflict. They are the element who basically funded hamas and funded the war. The turks now have an antisemitic government. This is all about trying to induce hamas to accept cease fire. Israel is not about trying to induce hamas to accept cease fire. The cease fire created a situation where israels hands were tied and hamas could bring in bigger rockets, longer range rockets and choose the time when it could fire the rockets. Nobody here is thinking about going back to that. And qatar can talk nice to hamas and turks it is not about that. It is about defeating hamas and creating a new situation where neither israelis nor palestinians will be victims of hamas again. This is a vicious terrorist organization. This is not a rational partner in an equal moral game. We will continue this conversation in the coming days. I will have all three of you back with us. Thanks very much for joining us today. We have other breaking news we are following involving the Malaysia Airlines crash investigation. As the last of the coffins arrive from the ukraine experts identify the first of the bodies. Former secretary of state Hillary Clinton tells Fareed Zakaria about what she calls the biggest complaint with the Israeli Government. [ female announcer ] theres a gap out there. Thats keeping you from the healthcare you deserve. At humana, we believe if healthcare changes, if it becomes simpler. If frustration and paperwork decrease. If grandparents get to live at home instead of in a home. The gap begins to close. So lets simplify things. Lets close the gap between people and care. Your studied day and night between people and care. For her drivers test. 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Reporter nothing could keep these parents from flight 17s wreckage, not a bloody conflict or a break away republic. Of course i cry. We thought how do we survive this . We couldnt believe it. Reporter being this close they still dont want to believe that their only child is gone. The 25yearold engineer aimed to be an astronaut one day and hoped Space Exploration could bring peace on earth. She would challenge me. She has a training of not giving up. Reporter neither will her parents. The australians flew to Ukraine Armed only with shock, grief and hope to find their daughter alive. Go, go, go. Reporter we met them on the ukrainian side of the conflict as they fought to get to donetsk. Local Ukrainian Government officials urged them not to go warning them the fighting was getting worse. Embassy workers on the phone begged them to stay. You have not sorted this out. Reporter refusing to listen they left in a private car, crossing rebel block aides to their daughters plane that the u. S. Says the rebels shot down. They are the first of the families to come here seeing is not believing. I really want no i say this. Reporter denial is powerful. A parents grief unyielding. Tonight that family remains in rebel territory. They say that they havent decided what their next step is going to be but they decided to stay there for the time being. There is still no control of the crash scene. There is a group of Australian Police officers who is now in country here in ukraine. More police want to arrive as well as dutch officers. What a heartbreaking story. Thank you very much for that report. Just ahead much more on the breaking news here in the middle east. Israels approval of a new 24hour ceasefire. We are awaiting official word from hamas on whether or not it will go along with the new truce. Im living the life of dreams. Im living the life of dreams, with good people all around me. Im living the life of dreams. No im living the life of dreams. Im feeling hopefully. 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Remember we both covered at the end of 2012 the other battle between israel and hamas. What is different between now and then based on your impression . You spent a year here covering the story. I think two things are very different. The biggest thing is there was a ground invasion, a ground incursion from the israeli side into gaza which has ratcheted up the conflict in ways that didnt happen in 2008. In 2012 it lasted eight days. Now we are seeing this go on for almost three weeks. So you are seeing the number of people dying and destruction all over gaza in particular but far, far more rockets, as well. There were some 200 or 300 back then and now we are talking in the thousands. I think that is what has changed. There was the incursion by the Israeli Military that created some of this after getting so many rockets over the border. You left here after serving here did you think you would be back covering basically the same story . It is terrible to say, but yes. You cover the story forever and the bottom line is this keeps happening. The last time was 2012 and the time before that was 2008. I think what you will see is we call it short wars, long conflict because the wars usually dont last months and months and months. The root cause of what is happening continues and that is the most difficult thing to change. I want you to be really careful in the coming days and weeks as you cover the story for all of our viewers. Thanks for doing this. We are thankful to you. Covering the story for cnn. What Hillary Clinton calls her biggest complaint about the Israeli Government. Bright blue eyes because he wants something from you. Our clients need a lot of attention. Theres unlimited talk and text. Were working deals all day. You get 10 gigabytes of data to share. What about expansion potential . Add a line anytime for 15 bucks a month. Low dues. Great terms. Lets close. Introducing at t mobile share value plans. With our bestever pricing for business. 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The Fastest Office plant. So why wouldnt i choose the fastest wifi . I would. Switch to comcast Business Internet and get the fastest wifi included. Comcast business. Built for business. Were live here in jerusalem with breaking news the Israeli Security cabinet approved a new 24hour ceasefire with hamas. Back in the United States there is plenty discussion about israel and conflict. Hillary clinton is offering new criticism of israel in a brand new interview with cnns Fareed Zakaria. Just resigned as the shurpa of the Peace Process and says the immediate trigger in his view there were many was the fact that the palestinians looked at the israeli continued settlement activity and said these guys are not serious. Look at what they are doing. This is my biggest complaint with the Israeli Government. I am a strong supporter of israel and strong supporter of their right to defend themselves. The continuing settlements which have been denounced by american administrations on both sides of the aisle are clearly a terrible signal to send if at the same time you claim you are looking for a two state solution. You can see the entire interview with Hillary Clinton on Fareed Zakaria gps tomorrow. Benjamin netanyahu will be on cnns state of the union tomorrow at 9 00 and noon eastern. By the way, we reached out to hamas spokesman to get his final official response on whether hamas accepts the new 24hour extension of the israeli ceasefire. We will let you know as soon as he gets back to us. Im wolf blitzer in jerusalem. The news continues next on cnn. Youre in the cnn news room. Two regions and two conflicts far from the u. S. But both could have a huge impact on policies here at home. In the mid east talk of a new cease fire in g

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