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Is given to a 2008 Human Trafficking law. It gave greater protections to unaccompanied children into this country from other non contiguous countries. My next guest is Republican Congress member george thorntonberry. Congress member, children from Central America are treated differently than those from mexico. Why . What was the logic of the law . First of all, i was very proud to be part of the sponsoring of the victims rig s rights. Human trafficking is a slave. America must protect vulnerable persons. I was proud to be part of the 2008 law. This problem with the surge of children and families at the border did not occur until 2013. Not in 08, 09, 10, or 11. This is exploitation of our laws. The president fostered an environment in which in 2012, deportations would decrease. That was a corollary to exploitation of this law that led to the tragic situation among the border. Let me add this. This is unconscionable that the president goes to texas for a fundraiser and photo op, but not go to the border. This policy appears in disarray. He should be in the white house to prepare a speech to the nation. Congress member, i respect all of that. It doesnt answer my question. What was the logic of treating kids different from mexico than from Central America. Could you answer that . It is my understanding buried within the 08 law, it allows the president to negotiate with the Central American countries. That hasnt happened. There may be a need to fix that portion of the law so that aspect of the dynamic which fostered the conditions for the surge of children can stop. The first thing that needs to happen is leadership. If i would suggest to the president , he send National Guard troops to the border to help back up the Border Control and get the situation under control. Continue to suggest and say clearly any person here illegally will be sent home quickly. Third, work and demand from the governments of guatemala and honduras and el salvador, that they create the safe conditions for repatriations. We need to restore order and deal with the necessary exceptions. Allow me to show you what conservative syndicate Charles Krauthammer said. Then do so under the most humane conditions. Buses with every amenity. Kids accompanied by nurses and social workers. I suggest that the president foster the conditions for the arrival of the surge of children along the border. That did not happen until 2013. In 2012, the president sent a clear messages to decrease the number of deportations. That fostered the conditions. I hear you saying that, but here is where im coming from. Respectfully, you have colleagues like jeff flake and john mccain, two republican senators introducing legislation to change the law for which you were the backer. Jon cornyn who are saying the same thing. This brought about the unintended consequences when you began treating Central American kids differently from mexican kids. They seem to say is the first thing we have to do is change that law. First of all, you are setting me up in an odd opposition to the necessary changes of law that have been a factor. Not at all. Im just telling you it is more complicated than that. It is a convergence of factors. It would be helpful if the president suggested that deportations were going to decli decline. We did not have this problem in 09, 10 and 11 and 12. There is a provision in the law that will allow the president to negotiate repatriotion agreements. The first lady of honduras said we want our children back. Agree with that. We have to restore order to the border and treat children humanely. If we dont do all of these things quickly, there will be additional surges of children who are exploited and victims of trafficking, which is, by the way, the reason the law was set up in the first place. America must lead with values and Human Trafficking is a form of modern slavery. The president asked congress for 3. 7 billion so there could be more Immigration Judges and help these governments repatriate these kids. I serve on the committee. This is overlooked by the media. We dealt with a foreign Operations Sub Committee bill. We appropriated money to try to stop the flow of families and children from the Central American countries and set up the repatriation process. It would be helpful if the president demand the governments get into action right now. That may be something that Congress Comes together around as well as border security. We cannot give a blank check. We have to do this methodically. If you dont do that, you are undermining americas ability to be generous to those in need. America is the hallmark of immigration policy. Open ourselves to people coming here fleeing Economic Hardship and build better lives. If you dont have an orderly and just immigration system, you undermine the system and it is not fair to those following the law. I was listening to your critique carefully of the white house and role you think the president played in creating this, which is why i brought up the 3. 7 billion request he made because from the sidelines, sir, it seems like he is offering to the congress exactly that which a moment ago you told me is necessary. Then, i say to you, are you supportive of this and the answer seems to be no. The president has asked for a large expenditure. A large deal for the congress to go through that linebyline. It is up to the president to propose policy changes and take responsibility. I did not say create it. He fostered the environment by suggesting that deportations were going to decrease. Five years after the law that you are suggesting is the main corollary here for the surge of children. So, there needs to be responsibility taking. I imagine congress will be intent to increase border security. It is not me. It is a pundit saying it. Jeff flake and john mccain, two republicans saying the first thing we should do is change the law. Im trying to get to the bottom of it. You can have the final word. Thanks so much for being here. Go ahead. I think the first thing we ought to do or the president should do is call the National Guard to the border to assist Border Control to get the situation back under control. Secondly, send a message that each person here illegally will go back quickly and demand the governments in Central America work with us for the repatriation. We can deal with the prior laws. We have a framework for order and we can address people who have the needs for asylum in our country. That the way to get the situation back under control. Thank you. Congress member jeff fortenberry, thank you. You remember the headline. The headline i would have written, the law of unintended consequences. We will continue this hot immigration discussion because it has huge ramifications for the midterm elections. Who wins or loses depends on who you ask. Donna brazillle and john bernard are here. You heard the news by now. Lebron james. We know. Lebron is headed back to cleveland. Cavs fans are psyched, but lebron is not the only one headed to cleveland. Really. So our business can be on at ts network for 175 dollars a month . Yup. All five of you for 175. Our clients need a lot of attention. Theres unlimited talk and text. Were working deals all day. You get 10 gigabytes of data to share. What about expansion potential . Add a line anytime for 15 bucks a month. Low dues. 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Find more surprising possibilities and get to know us at aarp. Org possibilities here is one of the important images of the week. President obama and rick perry together in texas to talk immigration reform. Perry be speckled and minus the cowboy boots. He accepted the white houses invitation to talk. That brings us to the next headline. This is from politico. Obamas warning. Right size immigration. The partys bickering is what we expect on every issue. Health care and now immigration. The immigration situation has yet to be resolved. The children caught in the middle. Unfortunately, it is a crisis of the president s own making. His actions gave false hope to children and families if they enter the country illegally, they would be allowed to stay. Our priorities are clear. Take care of the children, return them safely home to their home countries, to their families and secure the border. If i sponsored a bill declaring apple pie american, it might fall victim to partisan politics. I get that. On the other hand, this is an issue in which my republican friends have said it is urgent and we need to fix it. If thats the case, then lets go ahead and fix it. Donna brazille is a cnn commenter and Donna Bernard is with the Womens Center for politics. Great to have you here. Can we go back a segment. Michelle, what went on with Congress Member fortenberry. He was a backer of the 2008 law that everyone says is a Critical Role in the law. So much that john mccain and jeff flake say we have to change it. I asked him as chief maker of the backer, should we make the change because of the mexican kids and Central American kids should be treated the same, he balked. He balked. Anyone watching the show today will be unsatisfactoried by what we heard. Everyone knows that people who are smuggling the young and innocent children into the country found the loophole and found the way in. If you smuggle children in from honduras or guatemala or el salvador, they know the kids will be here for a long time before a hearing and the United States government is in a position to deport them back to the country of origin or find a place within the United States. He seemed to be quite frankly more interested in partisan politics and blaming the president than taking the responsibility for the unintended consequences of the piece of legislation that he championed in the United States congress. It is really quite a shame. I think it is the reason Many Americans have set up on the house and senate because they dont get anything done. We are in the midst of a terrible humanitarian crisis. Donna, we saw the illustration in the way in which this is used by both parties to stoke their respective base in the mid term. If the status quo continues, who wins and who loses politically speaking . I want to say this, as an american, this is about our values. This is not about our partisan politics. It is about who we are as a country. You have refugees from Central America, many children, they are human beings. They are like our own children. We need a surge of values and dealing with the crisis in a humanitarian way. Many kids are being exploited. Right now, they are being held in the federal Detention Centers waiting for hearings and waiting to be deported. They are children. We should treat them with dignity and respect. In terms of politics, this is one of the awkward moments in our country when you cant blame this on either party. This is a law that was intended to do good. Now we know it is being exploited and it is harming children and it is overwhelming our country with kids who may not have any place to go. I think as a country, we are adult enough to deal with the crisis without finger pointing. Michelle bernard, should the president have visited the border . My personal belief is yes. I think the president made a mistake in going to texas and not visiting the border. Quite frankly, to me, despite a bit of a difference, i have a preference in the example. There is not much difference that the president chose to go to newtown, connecticut after the children were slaughtered there. After Gabby Giffords nearly died in arizona. The president spoke at the Memorial Service there. It was a tremendous way to highlight the importance of gun control in the United States. Frankly, Gabby Giffords, her husband describes the meeting with the president. He conveyed to the president after giffords came out of her coma. Her husband says to president obama, we were trying to think of what gabby wanted to convey to you. Gabby would want to convey to you come back to arizona. Take a look at the border and see what is happening at the borders. We have a very serious problem. Donna, do you agree with that . Michelle thinks he should have gone to the border. Michelle, we are 2 for 2 today. The president should have gone to say under my watch, we tripled the enforcement budget. If congress would get off their heines and pass reform law, we would have more resources to deal with the problem. I would have gone to tell the American People and Show Congress that he is acting. The Vice President has called the leaders of all of the Central American countries. The president could have gone and say here is what im doing. These clowns want to sue me because im doing my job and all they are doing every day is showing up and doing nothing. I would have donna and michelle. Cant we all just get along . Apparently yes is the answer today. 2 for 2. You remember the headline. Obamas warning rightsize immigration expectations. I would have written, this border war pits rs against ds. Lebron is not the only big name going to cleveland. There is another one and it is sure to get a lot of press. This is the u. S. Embassy in berlin. What happened there is making the United States relationship with germany far uncomfortable. Im jane and i have copd. Im dave and i have copd. Im kate and i have copd, but i dont want my breathing problems to get in the way my volunteering. Thats why i asked my doctor about breo. Oncedaily breo ellipta helps increase airflow from the lungs for a full 24 hours. And breo helps reduce symptom flareups that last several days and require oral steroids, antibiotics, or hospital stay. Breo is not for asthma. Breo contains a type of medicine that increases risk of death in people with asthma. It is not known if this risk is increased in copd. Breo wont replace rescue inhalers for sudden copd symptoms and should not be used more than once a day. Breo may increase your risk of pneumonia, thrush, osteoporosis, and some eye problems. Tell your doctor if you have a heart condition or high Blood Pressure before taking breo. Ask your doctor about breo for copd. First prescription free at mybreo. Com cleveland rocks jumping and moving james dean cleveland rocks big day in cleveland. Cleveland is like philly, my hometown. They dont get the praise they deserve. Time to praise the talents of the cartoonists. Nate beilor from the columbus dispat dispatch. You know lebron is going to cleveland. The gop is going to cleveland and Johnny Football is already in cleveland which is great to see. Why are the republicans going to cleveland . The republicans know in order to win ohio, you need to win. The data on this suggests not that often. Take a look at the republicans in 2012. Went to tampa because of the importance of winning the state of florida. Barack obama ended up winning florida in 2012 and the white house and not mitt romney. Much like Vice President ial selections. Much made to the political ramifications. Unless the gop nominates lebron james and it is a home run all around. Vegas is where they should all good. No city is equipped to host a Convention Like vegas with the climate and conventions and night life. What happens in vegas wont stay in vegas. Nora, give me another one. Love this. Randy bisch from the Pittsburgh Tribune review. Eventually, life on earth returned to normal. Well, not yet. Germany and argentina tomorrow will battle it out in the world cup. Im for germany. It is not because i like the german pope more than the argentinean pope. Both popes are represented in the world cup. Germany defeated the United States 10. I think it will make our guys look good if we lost to the team that goes on to win the world cup. Those are my thoughts on the world cup. Go germany tomorrow. Whats next . There are no secrets between friends, right . Germany is one of our strongest allies. Angela is one of my closest partners. Well, not so fast. Germany just gave americas top spy chief the boot from the u. S. Embassy in berlin. This could make things a bit awkward. New parents with gorgeous twin daughters. The family with the nice home and Mercedes Benz, they defied a stereotype. Really. So our business can be on at ts network for 175 dollars a month . Yup. All five of you for 175. Our clients need a lot of attention. Theres unlimited talk and text. Were working deals all day. You get 10 gigabytes of data to share. What about expansion potential . Add a line anytime for 15 bucks a month. Low dues. Great terms. Lets close. Introducing at t mobile share value plans. With our bestever pricing for business. Welcome back. Lets get to the next headline. From the associated press. Germany kicks out top u. S. Spy over espionage claims. One inside german intelligence and the other in the German Defense ministry. It has put a strain on relations with the United States and germany. My next guest is bob behr. Cnn security analyst and operative. Bob, why would we be spying on germany . Well, number one, 9 11 plot was hatched in germany. The germans missed it. There is a sentiment at the cia we have to have a parallel source of information. Their police and their Intelligence Service are not that effective. It helps the president and cia to have information on that country. I get it. It is the hamburg cell you are referring. I wonder if im spying on germany, if im the u. K. , if they are spying on germany, they must be spying on us as well or the french. We have an agreement not to spy on them. That agreed is adhered to. It goes back to the 40s. We never had one with germany. Germany has always been a subject of american espionage. During the cold war especially. What is new here is the germans are finally saying enough is enough. I cannot emphasize enough what a change this has been throwing out the chief of station from berlin. It has never happened before. You know, it is huge. The chief of station is the top cia official in that country. Maybe this is a naive question. Would he necessarily would have known that subordinates of his were spying on the germans . Oh, no question. He would have known. I would have imagine that other people have been thrown out as well. The chief would not handle these cases himself. Case officers subordinates. They probably left quietly. I dont know how many people left. You know, they are talking about raiding offices. Did they raid cia office . That is my question. I dont know yet. I suppose we will find out. What would you think the president knew and when did he know it . I think of howard baker and we lost him recently. Is this information that would have risen to the president ial level . No, the president would not have known about these sources in germany. This probably came as a surprise to him. It probably came as a surprise to the cia. Frankly, my indication is merkel was waiting to pull this. She expected more from the United States. When she did not get it, she pulled the trigger on this one. The germans are serious. They are going to take this to the mattresses as it were. Bob, i get this is news. Is it necessarily new . You are a guy with the credentials. You worked in these waters. Is this the way it is . Are the germans spying on us . Does everybody spy on everybody else . The germans dont spy on us. I never heard of a case where they run agents in this country. They are fairly passive. So this is sort of a onesided war. We have been spying on the germans since the end of world war ii. It is not new. What is new is nearly a formal declaration of person persona nongrata. Our relations with germany havent been worse in my memory. The second episode of germany and the United States. Visavis snowden and Angela Merkel eavesdropping taken place. How is this handled at a diplomatic level . Well, i can tell you right now it is getting in the way. We need the germans to deal with ukraine and russia and middle east. Other problems in europe. So this is a huge distraction for the president. He will want to get over this as quickly as he can. It is the last thing he wanted to have is an espionage scandal with germany. I hope it works. Quickly. Bob baer, thank you. We start with germany kicks out u. S. Spy over espionage. I would consider written keeping our friends even closer. When darlene wrote by public assistance driving up from a Mercedes Benz. 5,000 people posted comments. And pat buchanan is here with me this morning. He has unique insight into the oval office. One that mitt romney might want to hear. She thought shed feel better after seeing her doctor. And she might have if not for kari, the identity thief who stole jills Social Security number to open credit cards, destroying jills credit and her dream of retirement. Every year, millions of americans just like you learn that a little personal information in the wrong hands could wreak havoc on your life. This is Identity Theft. 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Many of whom were solidly middle class and many of whom struggling and barely holding on or lost their footing. I cannot tell you how many messages i have received. Thousands of messages that i received from people saying thank you. Me, too. 2007, youre cruising along. 2008, the bottom falls out because your fiance loses his job than you are about to deliver twins and your house loses value. That is how you drive up for public assistance in your husbands Mercedes Benz. Many say why not sell the car . There are a lot of reasons. In the piece, it doesnt really make financial sense. It takes time to sell a car. The amount of money that we would have gotten for it, we could have bought, like i say, a used car, a crappier car or make car payments and we would be furthering our debt. The car we had, we knew was reliable. We needed two cars. We were just using it instead of taking our time to advertise it and sell it. Not many people were buying mercedes in 2008. You describe pulling up for public assistance in a mercedes in 2008 as a source of embarrassment. What were you feeling . Honestly, it brings the shame factor into it. You have the people who have a certain image of themselves or an idea of who they are and then inside of that, they find judgment if they should fall. There is a crash that affects the entire nation. These people who once could afford things, no longer can. They feel as if they are to blame as if it is their fault. That was the embarrassment i was feeling. It was more internal embarrassment in that particular example than external one. You struck a chord with people in similar circumstances. When i talked with you on the radio and i read the comments appended to the piece, there is a mind set that says you did not make sound decisions. That is why you found yourself in this decision. Would you respond to folks of that opinion. Sure. I would like to know which decisions we personally made that made or house go upside down in value and that lost my husband his job and that put me in the position of having premature babies. I am pretty sure i did not consciously make those decisions. We were doing the best we could with what we were given. Is it possible that car, that mercedes provided a Silver Lining of sorts. You are driving up in the mercedes. You are in a mercedes. What am i doing here . It provided a level of motivation to get off public assistance that would not otherwise existed . I have been asked that before. It is an interesting thought. Im not quite sure it has much merit. I would say anybody on public assistance whether they fall on it because of the economic crash or whether they have been on it, i would say there is motivation to get off. I dont understand the people who say people feed into the system and stay there forever. Anybody in the system is working their butts off to get off the system. Im not sure mercedes is the motivation. The information i got from the piece, dont judge me because im driving a mercedes. Dont judge anybody there already driving a hoopdie. People have the right to judge solely on looks. Whether or not how poor you are or if you deserve assistance or if you are poor enough or not poor enough or you are lazy or you work hard. My issue is you dont know. You have no idea how hard people are working. You still have the car, right . We do. We have the car, yes. Darlina cunha, thank you for being here. I started with this. This is what happened when i drove my mercedes to pick up food stamps. I would have written, there but for the grace of god, drive i. A former president ial candidate caught on tape that people are born gay and who do you think it is . Plus locked and loaded. Why the power that has been are misfiring when it comes to gun control and why it is time to do something about it. He thought it was the endn for his dof the conversation. D. 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That was two years after he lost to jfk. Many thought he was politically dead. The former vp was about to embark on a great comeback. Pat buchanan has written a book. Greatest comeback. How richard nix rose to the new majority. Pat, great to see you. How down and out was he in 62 . He was in terrible shape. Howard smith of abc ran a smith for one hour. After that, michael called the political obituary of richard m. Nixon. Richard was considered politically finished. He moved to new york to practice law. He went out and campaigned for barry goldwater. The party was dead after that, they lost 44 states to lyndon johnson. I joined with him. He had that long steady climb through the turbulent decade we call the 1960s. He wound up at the end of the 60s raising his hand and taking the oval office as president. You graduated from columbia in journalism. You are writing editorials in the midwest. You pursue nixon for a job and you remind him you once caddied for him. I grew up in washington, d. C. I had gone out to Burning Tree Country Club for a job. I went with a friend to sit on the bench in the caddie club. They put out this plaid golf bag. I said that is the Vice President s golf bag. The pro at burning tree looked at the two sad looking caddies and said you are the only guys we have. We went around with Richard Millhouse nixon, 18 holes. This is not arnold palmer, i have to say that, michael. Vanity fair is out with more tapes, pat. Give a listen to this. I want you to analyze it. I am the most troubolerant pn than anybody. They are born that way. But the point is that boy scout leaders and ymca leaders and others, bring them in that direction and teachers. And if you look over the history of societies, you will find, of course, that some of the highly intelligent people. Oscar wilde. Does that surprise you . He was ahead of his time. I know some of the tapes Richard Nixon talked in country club language, if you will, and said bad things. We had homosexuals on Richard Nixons staff. They were loyal to nixon. Nixon knew who they were. It was no problem with him working with him. He believed that many of the most highly intelligent people in journalism and politics and Government Agencies were gay. He had no problem having them around as long as there was not a social scandal. Pat, a lot of the book talks about nixon and Foreign Policy. You made a historic trip with him when he was burnishing his credentials. It occurred to me when you were writing about a speech that barack obama delivered at west point. A commencement address this spring. Am i correct in thinking there is a lot of the nixon doctrine in what obama is saying about Foreign Policy . That is right. That was in the worst years of vietnam with 200 guys coming home every week in body bags or caskets. Nixon moving out of vietnam and into guam. After the astronauts came back from the moon. He gave a speech in guam, in the future, the United States will stand by allies and we will provide the Logistic Support and fire power and the rest of it. Basically, they will have to at the United States we are not going to send our sons, now our daughters, over to fight in everyone elses wars. We will help out but theyll have to carry the burden of battle themselves. Thats exactly what barack obama is doing, i think, with regard to iraq and afghanistan. He brings our troops home and i think the American People agree. Michael, last august when barack obama was going to bomb and involve us in syria, they stood up and said, do not go in. Weve had enough of those wars. Pat, 30 seconds left. The guy i think could most benefit from your book, mitt romney. Exactly. Mitt romney against whom Richard Nixon ran against this father. Go out and run hard in every single congressional district, he could conceivably emulate what Richard Nixon did in the greatest comeback. Patrick, the book is great history, and its a lot of laughs. Nicely done. Thank you, kindly. The greatest comeback how Richard Nixon rose from defeat to create the new majority thanks to pat buchanan. What should it be . Rapid fire or rapid reload . What new jersey governor Chris Christies recent veto tells us about the gun debate. Really. So our business can be on at ts network for 175 dollars a month . Yup. All five of you for 175. Our clients need a lot of attention. Theres unlimited talk and text. Were working deals all day. You get 10 gigabytes of data to share. What about expansion potential . Add a line anytime for 15 bucks a month. Low dues. Great terms. Lets close. Introducing at t mobile share value plans. With our bestever pricing for business. 82 people were shot in chicago in the span of 84 hours over the july 4th weekend. 16 of them died. As bad as that sounds, homicides in the windy city have actually been going down in recent years. Chicago has the largest numbers, detroit and new orleans, highest number of murders per 100,000 people. Most alarming about the fact people were being shot roughly at the rate of about one per hour in chicago last weekend is that the news wasnt necessarily treated as alarming. Weve become desensitized to the gun violence. Gun violence that does command our attention, the lone off. The lone gunman. Like the colorado moviehouse in combat gear and killed 12 injuring 70 more. Or later that year, the Sandy Hook Elementary School killing 20 first graders ands 6 administrators and teachers. Even then, no discernible response from the congress. Why not change . An illustration how difficult it is to take even intermediate steps this week. In new jersey, governor Chris Christie who once upon a time long before he aspired to be president was a supporter of an assault weapons ban, explained why he recently vetoed a legislative are proposal that would have limited the size of a gun magazine to ten rounds. Then, having decided to veto the legislation, christie wouldnt meet with parents of sandy hook because he already made up his mind on the bill. What was his rationale for vetoing ow magazine size . Lets listen to the governor. Ive heard the argument. Are we saying, then, that the ten children on the clip that they advocate for, that their lives are less valuable . If you take the logical conclusion of their argument you go to zero, because every life is valuable. So why ten . Why not six . Why not two . Why not one . Why not zero . Why not just ban guns completely . I mean, you know, so the logical conclusion are their argument is you get to zero eventually. So, you know, i understand their argument. Hold it, governor. The problem with that logic is that it goes both ways. See, where governor christie says theres no justification for reducing a magazine of 15 to 10, or 10 tom 5 or 5 to 0, the same holds true for expanding a magazine from 15 to 20. 20 to 25. 25 to 50. By that thinking, why haven in any regulation at all . The answer, according to those sandy hook parents, with whom he refused to meet, limiting a moog seine size might force a murderer to take the time to reload and give somebody else a chance to stop them. That is, after all, the way that the gunman who shot congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords and 18 others was stopped on 2011. Six murder ared including a federal jump and be a 9yearold girl. That shooterer wielded a 9 millimeter glock and stopped only when he paused to reload. One standby attacked him, and a retired armys colonel tacklealed the assailant, already shot himself. And politico reported the governor will make a second trip to New Hampshire ins recent weeks. And therein lies the explanation why theres such an unwillingness to take steps to curb gun violence. Not because theres no difference between scaling back a magazine from 15 to 10. Because weve creed seeded powe unwilling to accept any limitation. Even tough guys refuse to stand up. I am a fire a. R. M. Orm owner. Not naive to think we can cure it with gun regulations alone. Reality, too many highpowered weapons in too many hands. Stop accepting the status quo and start with change. We need to do something. Thats it for me. See you back here next week, and until then, enjoy your weekend and have a fantastic week. Captions by vitac www. Vitac. Com it is so good to see you on a saturday morning. 10 00 here in the east. Im christi paul. Im victor blackwell. 7 00 on the west coast. Youre in the cnn newsroom. We will send you back. That is the message a Top Obama Administration official just deliverrd at the Mexican Border as tens of thousands of undocumented immigrants, many of them children, keep pouring into the u. S. Anden jeh johnson expressed the president ial goal of deporting people quickly, shortening cases to a matter of days, but not an easy tank. Children flee Gang Violence and other problems in Central America, politicians agree. This is a humanitarian crisis. But a Gridlocked Congress is not budging on president obamas request for almost 4 billion in emergency funding. Well get to erin mcpike in a moment. Actually, erin mcpike now. Reporter as u. S. Officials struggle to contain the flood of Illegal Immigrants crossing the u. S. mexico border, the Obama Administration is begging congress for help. Not doing anything frankly is not an option, because it will require us to simply run out of money. Reporter asking for nearly 4 billion to temporarily shelter tens of thousands of immigrants, many unaccompanied minors, send them home and step up border patrol. Complicating the issue these children are seeking refuge. Theyre seeking refuge from oranged crime. Despicable gangs. Vile human traffickers. Reporter both sides agree theres a humanitarian crisis, but leading republicans have this

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