Prosecutors now subpoena eight years of President Trumps tax returns. The move is part of the states criminal investigation into hush money payments paid to former porn star, stormy daniels. This hour, ill talk with democratic senator richard blumenthal. Hes a member of both the Armed Services and Judiciary Committees. And our correspondent and analysts are also standing by. First, lets go to our white house correspondent, kaitlan collins. Shes in new mexico for us right now, where the president has a rally later tonight. Kaitlan, the president suggests hes almost sure that iran was behind the attack in saudi arabia, but he says he wants more information. Reporter yeah, wolf, he pointed the finger in their direction, but stopped short of definitively confirming it. But he also said he wants to avoid military conflict, if possible. But then moments later, he touted u. S. Military capabilities and said hes prepared to go to war if it comes to that. Reporter tonight, President Trump is warning that hes prepared to take military action, as the u. S. Builds the case iran was behind strikes on crucial Saudi Oil Facilities. That was a very large attack and it could be met with an attack many, many times larger. Reporter after saying the u. S. Was locked and loaded, depending on verification, the white house is placing the blame on iran. While offering no public evidence. We pretty much already know. Certainly, it would look to most like it was iran. Reporte reporter aides are cautioning that his tweet doesnt necessarily mean that there will be a military response. With all of that being said, we would certainly like to avoid it. Reporter the weekend attack cut the kingdoms Oil Production in half, sending crude prices spiking and leading trump to authorize the release of u. S. Oil reserves if needed. Though he later said, we dont need middle eastern oil and gas. And in fact, have very few tankers there. The attacks and accusations have thrown a potential meeting between trump and irans president into question. I have no meeting scheduled. Reporter both leaders will be in new york next week for the United Nations summit, but trump is now backpedalling and blaming the media for reporting he was willing to meet without conditions. There were always conditions. Thats why the press misreported it. Reporter even though he said so on camera twice. No preconditions . Not as far as im concerned. No preconditions. No prp peconditions, no. They want to meet, ill meet. Reporter his secretary of state and treasury secretary echoed him last week. He is prepared to meet with no preconditions. He is happy to take a meeting with no preconditions, but we are maintaining the maximum pressure campaign. Reporter tonight, trump is also calling on the Justice Department to rescue Brett Kavanaugh after a new book details Sexual Misconduct allegations against the Supreme Court justice. Allegations kavanaugh has previously denied. My family and my name have been totally and permanently destroyed. Reporter the book lays out one additional allegation, but the woman at the center of it declined to be interviewed and friends say she doesnt recall the incident. But 2020 democrats are calling for him to be impeached. Someone should investigate that. Because the fact that something has not been proven, it doesnt mean it didnt occur, right . Reporter trump is also calling on General Motors and the United Automobile Workers Union to make a deal. I would like to see it work out. But i dont want General Motors building plants in china and mexico. This was before my watch. And i dont think theyll be doing that. Reporter after nearly 50,000 general motor employees went from the Assembly Line to the picket line today. Shutting down 33 plants in nine states, as they call for increased wages and reopened plants. Now, wolf, the president did also tell reporters today that he did not promise to protect the saudis. Instead, he wanted to see if he could sit down with them and try to work something out. But he did add that he said he would send his secretary of state, mike pompeo, and a slew of other american officials there in the coming days. He just didnt say when exactly that visit would happen. Wolf . Kaitlan, thank you. Lets dig deeper right now into why the United States is pointing fingers at iran after the attack on saudi oil officials. Our National Security reporter kylie atwood is here in the situation room with me. What are you learning about the latest u. S. Intelligence thats coming in, kylie . Well, we have not publicly seen any of this u. S. Intelligence yet, but what we do know from our reporting today is that the u. S. Has told at least one u. S. Ally in the middle east that iran is to blame for this attack on the Saudi Oil Fields and that the attack likely originated from iran. Now, that would be extremely important here, because it would mean that it wasnt just iranian proxies, but it happened and it was staged on iran grounds. The other thing that is important here to note is that secretary pompeo came out over the weekend and said that it was iran, unequivocally, that was to blame and called on all nations to condemn this attack. And now we have seen sort of a dialing back in the rhetoric, the president saying that military action is still on the table, but not explicitly yet saying that iran is to blame. And as kaitlan noted, when President Trump was asked if the u. S. Will defend saudi arabia, the president said that he hadnt made that promise to saudi arabia yet. So as secretary pompeo travels to the country and meets with saudi officials, were likely to hear more about where the u. S. Is headed, when they decide what theyre going to do here alongside saudi. These were very precise strikes, either with cruise missiles or drones. The Houthi Rebels in yemen, theyve claimed responsibility, but the u. S. Intelligence community, i take it, doesnt believe that they have the capability of launching strikes like this . Thats right, yesterday, Senior Administration officials did go over some of the commercial satellite images that they think demonstrate that it was not yemen that these attacks were originated from. That is because of a few reasons. The first of which is the direction that the attack came from. It wouldnt have come from that attack, they said, if it was yemen that launched them. And also the fact that there were 19 attacks and the Houthi Rebels said that there were ten drones that carried out these strikes. U. S. Officials say it will be unlikely that ten drones could have carried out this tremendous attack of 19 strikes in total. But telling us that they know this information is not yet conclusive and theyre working to make more information ploubl. Kylie atwood, very good reporting. Thank you very much for joining us. Theres more breaking news on a new demand for President Trumps tax returns. This time, new york prosecutors are going after the information mr. Trump has been battling to keep secret. Lets go to cnns kara scannel, shes joining us from new york. C kara, whats behind this new subpoena . Well, wolf, the new york state prosecutors are investigating donald trump and the Trump Organization as it relates to the hush money payments that they made to those two women who alleged affairs with the president. And what theyre looking at is whether any state laws were violated, including whether there were any potential false Business Records that were filed. As part of this inquiry, they have now subpoenaed mazars usa, that is the longtime account belonging to donald trump and Trump Organization, seeking eight years worth of federal tax returns. This investigation is still in the early stages. We reported last week that they interviewed Michael Cohen at the federal prison in otusville where hes serving a threeyear sentence in connection with this hush money payment scheme. Investigators are now looking at trying to get access to donald trump and the Trump Organizations tax records to see if this would help in their investigation to determine if state laws were violated. Now, donald trump and the Trump Organization have pushed back on the House Democrats multiple efforts to obtain his financial records and his tax returns. Big question here is, what is the president and the Trump Organization going to do . Right now, they tell us that theyre evaluating the situation. But they have moved in the past to quash. Big question here is, does this end up in court again, too, wolf . I suspect it will. Kara scannel, thank you very much. Now to the minute controversy surrounding Supreme Court justice Brett Kavanaugh. Were learning about a letter sent to the fbi just days before his confirmation. Our justice correspondent, jessica schneider, is joining us right now. Jessica, a u. S. Senator flagged information about additional allegations of misconduct by kavanaugh. What are you hearing . Well, wolf, weve seen that letter, that delaware senator chris coons sent to the fbi just days before Brett Kavanaugh was confirmed. In it, the democratic senator told the fbi that numerous people had contacted his office, saying they had pertinent information about Brett Kavanaugh, but they actually had trouble getting it through to report it to the fbi. In a letter obtained and reviewed by cnn, democratic senator chris coons urged the fbi to reach out to a witness about Brett Kavanaughs alleged misconduct at yale. The letter is dated october 2nd, 2018, four days before kavanaugh was confirmed. Coons writes he heard from several people who reportedly had key information, but had trouble getting through to the fbi. Coons specifically asked the fbi to follow up with a man who sources say was max steyer, a possible witness to the incident, and a yale College Classmate of kavanaugh and ramirez with information relevant to ramirezs allegations. An fbi investigation reporter coons played a key role in the confirmation hearings. If judge kavanaugh is shown to have lied to the committee, nominations over . Oh, yes. I would think so. Reporter convincing republican senator jeff flake to call for a supplemental fbi Background Investigation before flake would vote kavanaugh out of committee. But in a new book, New York Times reporters say the fbi did not investigate steyers alleged claim concerning another student. The newspaper later clarified, saying that student declined to be interviewed. Her friends say she doesnt remember the incident. A coons aide tells cnn that the fbi received the letter, but never heard back. And a democratic senator tells cnn, quote, the broader point is that the fbi investigation was not thorough and credible. The republican in charge of the Judiciary Committee during kavanaughs confirmation says his panel did a thorough review. In the end, there was no credible evidence to support any of the allegations. Cnn previously reported the fbi interview nine people in connection to claims by two other women against kavanaugh, Christine Blasey ford and debora ramirez. I, brett m. Kavanaugh, do solemnly swear. Reporter now almost a year after Justice Kavanaugh was sworn into the Supreme Court, house Judiciary Committee chairman jerry nadler is calling for a renewed inquiry. Were going to start looking into the adequacy of the investigation, upon which the confirmation was premised, when the fbi director comes before us next month. Right. And the president has asked the doj to come in and rescue kavanaugh, but, of course, the doj is not the personal attorney for the president or any Supreme Court justice. Now, a Supreme Court spokeswoman said that Justice Kavanaugh had no comment on the new allegation against him or the calls for impeachment coming from some Democratic Candidates for president. And wolf, only one justice has ever been impeached. That was way back in 1805, and that justice was never actually removed from the bench by a vote from the senate. Wolf . All right. Jessica, thank you. Joining us now, senator richard blumenthal. Hes a democrat and serves on the Armed Services and Judiciary Committees. Ill talk about Justice Kavanaugh in a moment. But lets talk about saudi arabia first. Have you been fully briefed on what the u. S. Knows about this attack against the Saudi Oil Facilities . There is a lot more that i want to know. The simple answer is, congress has not received a full briefing. It should, because theres a lot of evidence we need. And the main point is the president must come to congress for authorization before he pursues military force. Do you think iran was responsible . Theres a lot of evidence that points toward iran as being responsible, in one way or another. Out of furnishing the arms that were used, possibly even launching the missiles or drones, but we need to act, if we do militarily, as a last resort. We need to pursue diplomacy first. As a member of the Armed Services committee, what kind of evidence would you like to see that would be credible, believable . We need to link the arms to iran. Either theyre furnishing them or actually launching them. And that would be done either by human intelligence or surveillance that was done by other means. Or other evidence that should be within the prerogative of the executive branch. If it were iran directly launching these attacks or through a proxy launching these attacks with iranian weapons, what would be their incentive . Why would they do this . The iranians and the saudis are enemies and the iranians may want to send a message to the saudis or to the potential allies of the saudis, or to the United States. But the United States should not be protecting saudi interests. We should not be at the mercy of the saudi oil reserves or their financial incentives. The royal family should not be the one authorizing the use of military force. So if the u. S. Does conclude that it was iran, how should the u. S. Respond . There should be consequences. If theres an attack on the saudis, but it should be consequences that are the result of not only the United States acting, but our consulting and acting with our allies. That is very, very important. You heard the president a little while ago in that q a with reporters saying that if the u. S. Were to launch strikes against iran or whoever was responsible for this attack on saudi arabia, he says the saudis would have to reimburse the United States financially for any such operation. What do you think about that. To me, the financial reimbursement is far less important. It pales in importance compared to the vast dangers of our becoming embroiled in another endless war. Weve been involved in the iraq war with very questionable reasons for 18 years. The loss of blood and lives and injuries as a member of the Veterans Affairs committee, i can tell you, you will be paying the cost of that war for years to come in human suffering and that is what matters to me. Our men and women in uniform, who may be implicated. And i would make this point, wolf, and its really an important one. Military consequences in any conflict with iran could be immense. That is what were hearing from the generals, when it comes to their nuclear deterrent, if we were able to take military force seriously there. And we should be very mindful of those dangers. On another sensitive issue, and youre on the Judiciary Committee, what do you think of new york prosecutors now going after President Trumps tax returns . Eight years of tax returns and filing formal subpoenas in order to get those tax returns . They are investigating violations of law. And the tax returns have Financial Information that is relevant to that investigation. Follow the money. I know that as a former prosecutor. In this instance, donald trump should have disclosed those tax returns as every other president has done long before now. And they are within their rights to seek if congress cant get their hands on these tax returns, do you think new york prosecutors will be able to do so. They may well be able to do so, because theyre conducting a criminal investigation and a criminal subpoena often is more readily enforceable. Let me get your thoughts on the latest allegations against Justice Kavanaugh. Lying to congress should be disqualifying for a Supreme Court justice. In fact, for any public official. These allegations reinforce the concerns that led me to aggressively and actively oppose the kavanaugh nominations. They were never they were never investigated fully and fairly by the fbi. I brought similar allegations, the max steyer issue thats been raed raised is only one of another involving debbie ramirez, carrie birchham. We wrote letters that we brought to the fbis attention. The fbi was straight jacketed and there is a neat for investigation now because there never was then. Several of the democratic president ial candidates have already called for Justice Kavanaughs impeachment. Are you with them on that . Im with them on the investigation. There needs to be an investigation. I think that the consequence of that investigation cannot be and i might add, wolf, that the house Judiciary Committee is only one of the ways to do the investigation. The senate Judiciary Committee has an interesting, because thats where he allegedly committed these lies by denying categorically any involvement in these incidents. The u. S. Attorney for the District Of Columbia has jurisdiction. The fbi was misused, because it was straight jacketed. Anding it ought to have an interest. Senator blumenthal, thank you so much for joining us. Thank you. The breaking news continues next. Will the drone attack on saudi arabias Oil Facilities bring a counterattack from the saudis . And could it involve the United States . Youve had quite the career. Yeah, ive had some pretty prestigious jobs over the years. News producer, executive transport manager, and a beverage distribution supervisor. Now im a director at a Security Software firm. 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I presume theyre watching the kinds of locations that these weapons would be launched from iran. Thats opportunity one. Weve got a lot of friends in the region. The kuwaitis, the uae. So as missiles or drones are transiting the region, is anyone else picking them up . The israelis might. And of course youve got the blast site. Are there pieces . Is there residue on the ground . Do the saudis have their own devices that could have picked up incoming . Thats three opportunities. And finally, after the event, are the iranians talking about this on circuits the americans are listening to . We ought to have some idea already, pretty good idea who did this. If it were iran, would it warrant a u. S. Military response . Military action, and the president says if the u. S. Were to get involved militarily, the saudis would have to reimburse the United States financially for any such operation. First answer, no. I have seen no compelling evidence that our National Security interests are at stake here with this strike on the oil facility that would warrant a u. S. Unilateral attack against iran. I think we should be looking for ways to deescalate the tension. And as for reimbursement, the u. S. Intelligence is not a mercenary force. We fight for the National Security interests of the country. I would like the president to focus on that and finding out a way to deescalate the tension, other than automatically talking about locked and loaded and going to war. April, this was the president s tweet on this issue. Saudi arabia oil supply was attacked. There is reason to believe that we know the target, are locked and loaded waiting for verification, but are waiting to hear from the kingdom as to who they believe was the cause of this attack and under what terms we would proceed. So hes clearly waiting to get an official declaration from the saudis. Right, wolf, i was in the oval office earlier today with the pool. And the president said, you know, that he believes that its iran. But he said, at the same time, he didnt want to give anything official, but they had the logistics, they had location where the attack came from. So he knows, but he says, right now, he doesnt want to go into any new escalation, but they are prepared. And i asked him, i said, mr. President , do you want war . He said, no, but we are prepared. He talked about the strength of the military and also gave an example from a general who said something to president obama at the time, talking about the ammunition that they didnt have. And he said or the ammunition that wasnt at the stockpile numbers that they would have before. Yeah, the inventory. And it sounded crazy, but, you know, listening to the admiral just a few minutes ago, he said, you know, there is some truth to it, but it may not be what the president said, it may be a little exaggerated. But the bottom line is, the president is saying he doesnt want to go to war, but theres a lot of conversation and it sounds like hes ramping up rhetoric. But prepared for what . I mean, iran is a bigger, wealthier, more powerful military than iraq. And look what a disaster it was there for the American Military and the american people. You know, the idea that we could get involved in a war with iran, which is an enormously large and powerful country, much bigger than iraq, is just madness. And i dont you know, to say were prepared, i mean, it just seems crazy to me i actually dont think thats what he wants or what hes driving at. The fact that they had two Principle Committee meetings in the last couple of days tells me that they are really trying to find other options and look at other ways. I think trump is just being bellicose. He has to get that stuff out there. But my understanding is they really are trying to find diplomatic and economic levers to pull. And he might actually be able to get more economic support now for increased sanctions on iran than before, because this attack has affected the global oil economy. Jeffrey, when the president says the u. S. Is locked and loaded as far as potentially iran is concerned, marc short, the chief of staff to the Vice President , mike pence, says that doesnt necessarily mean the president is threatening military action. What do you think . Well, of course its a threat of military action. But one thing we do know about the president is he makes military threats all the time and he doesnt follow up on them, thank goodness. You know, he basically threatened to bomb north korea off the face of the earth, and now we know hes in love with kim jongun. The so, yes, its a military threat, but one of the problems when you lie all the time is that people dont believe you. And people dont take you seriously and i think thats really where the president phil, very quickly, how do you interpret locked and loaded . Excuse me, the president is talking to a domestic audience. Locked and loaded could be a pea shooter or a bazooka. Everybody, stick around. Theres a lot more we need to discuss. We will right after a quick break. Uh. The mobile app makes it easy to manage your policy, even way out here. Your marshmallows. Get digital id cards, emergency roadside service, even file a. Whoa. Whoa. Whoa. Whoa. Whoa. Whoa oops, that cheeky little thing got away from me. My bad. Geico. Its easy to manage your policy whenever, wherever. Can i trouble you for another marshmallow . I can taste my beer i can taste my beer. I can taste his beer. I can taste your beer. I want to taste his beer. Samuel adams sam 76. Finally, a refreshing lager that you can taste. Barb, i can taste my beer. But some give their clients cookie cutter portfolios. 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If they want to meet, ill meet. You want to talk, good, otherwise you have a bad economy for the next three years. No preconditions . Not as far as im concerned nop preconditions. The president has made clear, hes happy to take a meeting with no preconditions, but we are maintaining the maximum pressure campaign. The president has made very clear, he is prepared to meet with no preconditions. What do you think . Lets see what he tweets tomorrow morning, i mean, i think he just felt like maybe the idea of no preconditions made him look weak, so he was going to slap that back today. Well see where he is tomorrow. I dont think a meeting is in the offing right now. The General Assembly is coming up next week. But i think that that General Assembly gives him an opportunity to talk with allies and partners about how to deescalate the tension. How do you think iranians are reacting to that mixed message . Im willing to meet with no preconditions. Now hes not willing to meet without conditions. I used to work with iran. Theyre really smart and good at the art of the long ball. This is the president who looked at the iranian complying on the nuclear deal and still ripped up the deal. These guys, the iranians have got to be looking at negotiations with people like the chinese and the north koreans, up, down, up, down, tweets and saying, we want to get in on that. And finally, theyre smart, looking at polling data saying, we get in now and hes out in a year and a half, two years, why would we have negotiated with him. Too much risk. Im achx to get Jeffrey Toobins thoughts on the latest developments surrounding Supreme Court Justice Kavanaugh. The allegation now is that the fbi didnt do a thorough job in its preconfirmation investigation. Robert pogerman and kate kellys book, i think establishes what was obvious even at the time. That this was not an fbi investigation. This was a whitewash designed by Chuck Grassley and Mitch Mcconnell to get Brett Kavanaugh confirmed quickly. The fbi was given a completely impossible assignment of doing a thorough investigation in a ridiculously short period of time, which they did not do, because they couldnt do. And what were seeing now is that there was a lot more they could have done. Could they have proved, for sure, that Brett Kavanaugh had lied about his relationships in high school and college . I dont know. But this was a fake investigation designed to get Brett Kavanaugh confirmed. Thats what it didp. But the truth about the allegations is certainly unknown. So whats going to be the impact, if any . Because you see these democratic president ial candidates now saying he should be impeached. Zero. Nothing. Brett kavanaugh is going to be on the Supreme Court for the next 30 years. Thats what this is going to be. You know, Mitch Mcconnell, you know, phil was talking about the long ball. Mitch mcconnell has always had his eye on the long ball when it comes to the judiciary. He is doing anything the senate essentially doesnt do anything anymore. They dont pass bills. All they do is confirm people. And they confirm people for judges. They just confirmed their 150th trump appointee to the federal bench. Thats what theyre doing. Brett kavanaugh is probably going to have an unpleasant time if he visits certain universities. Thats the only consequence hes going to face, because hes confirmed and theres no way of getting him out. On a different subject, april, you were there, you were a pool correspondent in the oval office. The president was answering reporters questions. And you asked him about congressman Elijah Cummings and baltimore, your hometown. You live in baltimore. The president has labeled baltimore a rat and rodentinfested community, the worst in the usa, but all of a sudden he started saying some nice things about the congressman from baltimore, congressman Elijah Cummings. Yeah, it was very interesting to hear that tone. The shift in tone, because he went in on Elijah Cummings talking about how nasty he had been and who he thinks he is, because Elijah Cummings is the head of oversight and government reform and has taken him to task on h of the issues from emoluments to just everything thats going on that has a question. So today, the president said, look, he said, you know, i drove through baltimore, i flew in, but i saw baltimore. He saw different parts of baltimore when he went to the gop retreat last week. And he said, bottom line, his urban agenda deals with the opportunity zones and this, that, and the other. Unemployment and this, that, and the other, particularly with the africanamerican community. When went to Elijah Cummings, he said, you know, i want the Elijah Cummings i first met with when i became president. When we talked about the issues of prescription drugs and lowering the drug price. They met actually and talked about it Inauguration Day at the inauguration luncheon. And consequently, they had a meeting. If you were that first press conference, i had asked ft. About his urban agenda and Elijah Cummings didnt want to meet with him. It happened to be a schedule mishap and they met and got along. But with all that had been going on, Elijah Cummings is going in on him. Now the president is offering an olive branch for Elijah Cummings to meet again. He described Elijah Cummings as a very caring man and said he would be more than happy to meet with him. Everybody, stick around. Theres more news were following. More backlash against beto orourkes call to confiscate assault weapons. Pete buttigieg says that orourke is playing into republicans hands. 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Pete buttigieg about to stake the stage, as these candidates are trying to court voters here in this critical early state of South Carolina, particularly the africanamerican vote. We have not relegated racism and White Supremacy to the pages of history. Reporter former Vice President joe bidens visit to states like alabama and South Carolina, part of his push to win the black vote. A key voting bloc in the path to the democratic nomination. Bidens current frontrunner status is powered in large part by support from black voters. My mind has been made up pretty much from the beginning. And whos that . Joe biden. Reporter a recent cnn poll found 42 of black democratic voters want biden as their nominee. A 30point difference from his closest rival, bernie sanders. But biden has also faced some criticism for his past handling of racerelated issues, like his role in crafting the 1994 crime bill and his opposition to School Busing and this response to a question about the legacy of slavery at last weeks democratic primary debate. We bring social workers into homes and parents to help them deal with how to raise their children. Its not that they dont want to help. Its that they dont know what to do. Make sure the kids hear words. Pete buttigieg weighing in on state of the union. It was a wellintentioned answer and it was a bad answer. Meanwhile, Elizabeth Warren unveiling a sweeping anticorruption proposal, that set strict new limits on lobbying powers, including banning lawmakers and their senior staff from serving on corporate boards and requiring new lawmakers to disclose potential financial conflicts before taking office. The money is everywhere. Its so many different ways, the corruption infects so many different decisions, that it comes to us what to do about it. Reporter also playing out on the campaign trail, a debate over the mandatory buyback of assaultstyle rifles. Hell, yes, were going to take your ar15, your ak47. Reporter some democrats voicing concern those comments play into the hands of republicans. Even this president and even Mitch Mcconnell are at least pretending to be open to reforms. We know that we have a moment on our hands. Reporter beto orourke pushing back, tweeting, when candidates say at least donald trump and Mitch Mcconnell are pretending to be interested, expletive, that is not enough. Buttigieg responding to orourke in South Carolina today. Im not going to tell anybody else what to do. I do think right now we have an extraordinary moment to get something done. And i dont think it can afford to wait. Reporter now, joe biden has been a frequent fixture here in South Carolina. Hell be taking the stage shortly. He attended this event back in 2006 when he was gearing up to run in 2008. Biden is hoping that he can bank on those longtime relationships here in the state, including with black voters to carry him in this campaign. South carolina very, very important. Arlette, thank you very much. Still ahead, drama on nbcs saturday night live. One of the shows newest cast members is shown the door because of bigoted comment sks a democratic president ial candidate offers to meet with him. Yeah, that too. I dont want any trade minimums. Yeah, i totally agree, they dont have any of those. I want to know what im paying upfront. Yes, absolutely. Do you just say yes to everything . Hm. Well i say no to kale. Mm. Yeah, they say if you blanch it its better, but that seems like a lot of work. No hidden fees. No platform fees. No trade minimums. And yes, its all at one low price. Td ameritrade. At verizon, were building the most powerful 5g experience for america. 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The na majority of the country wants me to be Prime Minister, were losing because likud voters are complacent. Reporter over the weekend, he got another helping hand from donald trump, who offered to discuss a mutual defense pact after the elections. Netanyahu celebrated pand never mind nay have reviewed and rejected a defense pact in the past. They wouldnt mind israel may feel and the United States feels a certain degree of distance and deniability of israel needs to take without being bound by them. Reporter netanyahus former chief of staff now his rival doing his own round, he lacks the charisma. The two have polled neck and neck repeatedly. His main message na necessaryia huh is a danger to democracy. Everyone who does not want to see here next week a government that tram millions the principles of democracy must go out and vote blue and white so we dont wake up the day after the election with a Prime Minister with no respect. Reporter these two men were separated by less than 15,000 votes in aprils election e. Gantz thought he won with a bad poll, both claimed victory that night and both were, in the end, mistaken. Netanyahu and gantz, who generally avoided interviews at the beginning of the campaign have now basically launched an all out push to fet on tv as much as possible and especially in the case of netanyahu, doing as many facebook lives as possible in a frenetic get out the vote with a few hours to go until vogt gets under way. Oren liebermann, thanks. One of the newest hires over big oughted comments, a Democratic National candidate is reaching out. Usaa took care of her car rental, and getting her car towed. All i had to take care of was making sure that my daughter was ok. If i met another veteran, and they were with another insurance company, i would tell them, you need to join usaa because they have better rates, and better service. Were the gomez family. Were the rivera family. 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Tonight saturday night live is taking comments seriously. Gillis has been fired. He made defamatory remarks about chinese and gays during a podcast. Tonight the only Asian American in the race says gillis has reached out to him and they are likely to meet soon. To our viewers, thanks very much for watching. Im wolf blitzer in the situation room. Erin burnett out front starts right now. Out front, equity, President Trump warns the democrats they are locked and loaded. Calling for judge kavanaugh to be impeached, under allegations did the fbi mishandle his case or not . Purdue pharma is stopping bankruptcy. That is not stopping people going to sue the Sackler Family and the billions they got. Good evening, out front tonight, trump blames iraq on the attack that caused oil prices to spike 20 . He says she prepared for military action. This as a source tells cnn the United States intelligence believes the attack began inside

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