Investigation into the administration, the white house digs in, determined to stop key officials from telling congress what they know. Im wolf blitzer. Youre in the situation room. This is cnn breaking news. Were following breaking news. The former Vice President joe biden on the campaign trail tonight just hours after announcing his third bid for the white house in a video sharply, sharply rebuking President Trump. Also breaking, House Democrats launching another investigation of the administration. This one focusing in on the ouster of several top officials at the department of Homeland Security and the role of the white house aide Stephen Miller in the firings. Well talk about that congressman himes. And our correspondents and analysts are also standing by. First to our political reporter who is joining us from philadelphia. Biden is there in philadelphia tonight. Give us the latest. Reporter thats right, wolf. Ive been following joe biden throughout this first day of his official president ial campaign. First in wilmington, delaware. Hes going to be arriving shortly where we are here in philadelphia, pennsylvania, for a fundraiser tonight. Its a fundraiser hosted by a comcast executive. Theres going to be a large showing of congressional delegation from here in pennsylvania, including the state senator bob casey who is among those who endorsed joe biden today. The biden team trying to come out with a strong show of force in this early moment of his president ial campaign. Joe biden is hoping the third time will be the charm in his pursuit of the white house. How does it feel to be the frontrunner . Well, its real early. The issue is going to be who not only who can win this, but who is the best person to lead the country . And thats what its going to be all about. Its going to be for the voters to decide that. The former Vice President making his entry into the race official with an online video. Im announcing my candidacy for president of the United States. Reporter front and center in bidens campaign launch, president donald trump. Biden criticizing trumps response to the 2017 violent protests in charlottesville where White Supremacists clashed with counterprotesters leaving one woman dead. He said there were, quote, some very fine people on both sides. Very fine people on both sides . Those words, the president of the United States assigned a moral equivalence between those spreading hate and those with the courage to stand against it. And in that moment, i knew the threat to this nation was unlike any i had ever seen in my lifetime. He issued a dire warning about the countrys future if trump is reelected. If we give donald trump eight years in the white house, he will forever and fundamentally alter the character of this nation. Who we are. And i cannot stand by and watch that happen. Reporter bidens candidacy getting the attention of the president who d b ed biden to the primary. At a pisa shop, biden responded. The former Vice President receiving a warmer welcome from democrats, including barack obama. An obama spokeswoman praising bidens, quote, knowledge, insight and judgment and noting the, quote, special bond between the two men but not offering an endorsement. Biden telling reporters he welcomes the competition. I asked president obama not to endorse, and he doesnt want we should whoever wins this nomination should win it on their own merits. Reporter biden came up short in two previous runs in 1988 and 2008. The 76yearold will now need to navigate an historically diverse field that currently includes 19 other candidates. Why are you the best choice for democrats . That will be for the democrats to decide. Reporter joe biden is going to be running on his years of experience in washington. And along with that comes a long record that is going to face fresh scrutiny. Certain areas of that. And one of those areas came up today. That was his happened lindling 1991 anita hill testimony. Were learning joe biden and anita hill have spoken recently. I want to read a statement from his spokesperson that said they had a private discussion where he shared with her directly his regret for what she endured and his admiration for everything shes done to change the culture around Sexual Harassment in this country. And tonight, anita hill has also spoken to the New York Times. She gave them a quote saying i cannot be satisfied by simply saying im sorry for what happened to you. I will be satisfied when i know there is real change and real accountability and real purpose. She told the New York Times that she is not ready to support joe biden until he is actually held accountable or accepts responsibility for his actions during that hearing. This is just one of the many questions joe biden is going to face in the early days of this campaign. Thank you, arlette. Well have a lot more on the Biden Campaign coming up. Our political experts are standing by. Well get to that. First, to our chief White House Correspondent jim acosta at the white house. The president is taking some sharp exceptions to a critical finding by the special counsel Robert Mueller. He certainly is. President trump angrily denied one of the key findings in the Mueller Report that he ordered don mcgahn to fire the special counsel Robert Mueller. The problem for the president , muellers report is drawn from comments by people who swore to tell the truth. If the white house isnt worried about what mcgahn has to say, why is the west wing blocking his testimony . Swat away a key finding in the Mueller Report, President Trump denied he attempted to shut down the russia investigation. A denial that came in his favorite social Media Echo Chamber as he tweeted i never told don mcgahn to fire Robert Mueller, even though i had the legal right to do so. If i wanted to fire mueller, i didnt need mcgahn to do it. I could have done it myself. But thats not true according to the Mueller Report based on interviews with those who swore to tell the truth or face perjury charges. The president called mcgahn at home and directed him to call the acting attorney general and state they had conflicts of interest and must be removed. Democrats have subpoenaed him to settle the issue as a hearing. If a witness does not comply, he or she will be held in contempt and we can impose fines or even imprisonment for failure to comply. Were fighting all the subpoenas. Look, these arent like impartial people. The democrats are trying to win 2020. Reporter but a former trump transition official wonders why he is standing in the way of mcgahns testimony. Its incredibly unfair and dishonorable of the president to call don mcgahn a liar and then forbid him an opportunity to speak up for himself in a public forum. Someone who doesnt give his staff that kind of loyalty doesnt deserve it in return, to be frank. Reporter new questions also being raised about the Trump Administrations high stakes negotiations with north korea after the Washington Post reported that pyongyang demanded a 2 million payment to cover the medical expenses for Otto Warmbier who died after being imprisoned by the regime. A former u. S. Official who helped negotiate warmbiers release said he was under strict orders to secure the American Students release. It was clearly understood by me and Rex Tillerson told me, get him out. Reporter he accepted kim jonguns denials about warmbiers condition. Some really bad things happened to otto. But he tells me that he didnt know about it. And i will take him at his word. Reporter the president also appears ready to troll the latest contender in the 2020 field, former Vice President joe biden. We cant forget what happened in charlottesville. Reporter who jumped into the race slamming mr. Trump for his handling of the protests in charlottesville. I hope you have the intelligence to wage a successful primary campaign. Youll be dealing with people who have truly sick and demented ideas. Do you have a message for President Trump . He welcomed you in the race, questioning whether you have the intelligence to be the president of the United States. Everybody knows donald trump. As for the president s tweet about don mcgahn, its perfectly illustrates why the Trump Legal Team was adamantly opposed to an interview with the special counsel given the president s history of making false statements. The president s lawyers were obviously fearful that mr. Trump could in fact perjure himself by contradicting the sworn statements made by Top White House officials like don mcgahn. But, wolf, a source familiar with this issue says the president has not waived his right to assert executive privilege and blocked mcgahn from testifying. That source said the the president is allowed to present his opinions on twitter. Thats a legal argument thats likely to be tested in court. Jim acosta, thank you. Jim himes of connecticut is joining us. Hes a member of the intelligence committee. Thanks for joining us. Let me get your reaction to the former Vice President joe biden officially today jumping in to the president ial race. Is biden the right candidate to lead democrats into 2020 . Look, biden is certainly the most experienced candidate, i think, in there. Hes been a senator, been Vice President , been expert in foreign policy. So i think his is a good additional voice. I dont know if hes the right guy. Thats exactly why we have a primary process so the democrats can figure out who they want to put up in november 2020. Hes certainly, obviously, a very big addition to a very, very dig field. Im going to enjoy watching and seeing what he brings to the competition. So youre not ready to endorse him yet . You know, i dont think a lot of members of congress are ready to endorse anybody just yet. Im a huge fan of joe biden. He helped me politically over the years. I really respect him. Hes a statesman. Hes got great ideas. Id also say that about some of the other folks in the field. Im not quite ready to issue an endorsement yet. Lets turn to the Mueller Report. The president tweeted this morning this. He tweeted, i never told thenwhite House Counsel don mcgahn to fire Robert Mueller. But the Mueller Report says, and im quoting, mcgahn recalled that the president telling him mueller has to go and call me back when you do it. Mueller also wrote that, this is from mueller, substantial evidence supports mcgahns account. Do you want to hear directly from mcgahn to for him to testify before your committee or other congressional committees . Of course i do. And i think the congress probably does, too. Of course, the president , don mcgahn is no longer his employee. So the president has no authority to order him not to appear before congress. I would think that now that the president has actually called him a liar, he might want to come before the congress in order to clear his name. But, you know, theres a larger thing the president is doing here. Hes doing what he always does, which there are elements of the Mueller Report. A lotarguably, the whole Mueller Report about how gangsterlike the president and his people are. Hes trying to cast doubt on one of the charges that ultimately could be used in an obstruction investigation. Hes trying to cast doubt by just saying its not true. He does it all the time. The other thing is to try to get us all to focus on one little element of the fact. If were focused on that one little element, were not talking about the fact that the president wrote a check in the oval office to a porn star in order to buy her silence. Were not talking about the big picture which is somehow the president believes this report is both rock solid exoneration of him but its also, i wont use the word on television, bull. You could ask some questions about that. As long as hes directing our attention to some little issue around don mcgahn, were not asking those questions. What happens if don mcgahn decides to defy the subpoena . Well, that would be that would really be something. Wed have a couple of routes of recourse if you will. We could go to the courts. Thats a pain in the neck because congress has the right to subpoena an individual to appear. The white house can assert executive privilege, and if they do that, they need to say to don mcgahn, we dont need you talking about the following conversations. The white house cannot say there is no law. There is no justification or precedent for the white house telling congress it cant subpoena an individual, a document or whatever else. By the way, don mcgahn, i would think that he would be smart. The man is an attorney and i think he would realize he probably doesnt want to spend the next six months of his life and the immense amount of resources it would take to fight a court battle. My guess is at the end of the day, don mcgahn, regardless of what the president tells him, is likely to appear before congress. You cautioned in the past that impeachment proceedings have exactly zero chance of removing President Trump. I assume you are referring to the fact that you need twothird votes, 67 senators to agree to do so. And thats pretty unlikely. When you look at the president s efforts to stonewall congressional oversight, how does that influence your personal thinking about at least getting the ball started in the house of representatives . Yeah, so remember were talking about two Different Things here. Number one is, does this president deserve impeachment . Has he possibly committed crimes that would cross that legal threshold in the constitution of high crimes and misdemeanors . To me, the answer to that question is yes. That doesnt mean we absolutely should impeach or right out of the box as the speaker of the house has said. Theres additional work to be done in terms of really highlighting the behavior of this president , holding investigations, bringing people like don mcgahn in front of us. That is all true. It also remains true, im not sure that the probability that the senate convicts is zero percent because i think i heard senator mitt romney say some critical things about the president. So maybe the chance of senatorial conviction is up to 1 or 2 now. But the point remains those who see impeachment as a way of removing the president from office, we remain a long way from that being true. That doesnt mean you dont do it. It just means dont go into this thinking the impeachment results in him no longer being president. On a different subject, a subject close to my heart but you are renewing your effort to require at least two White House Press briefings per week. What can you tell us about this legislation you are proposing, legislation you call the Free Press Act . Yeah, and really more important in the legislation im introducing is what it is a reaction to. Were now at day 45 in which we have not heard a peep from the white house. There has been no press conference from sarah sanders, from anybody else. Thats a problem for our democracy. And i think i know why. The white house doesnt want to talk about the mueller investigation, about the way forward. But thats a real problem. The white house and the president are enormously, enormously powerful. The president has said that he is all in to transparency and yet weve said a record with 45 days of absolutely no press conference, no opportunity for people like you to ask questions. Thats not about transparency. Thats about hiding things. Thats about being fearful that you might ask to get questions that would cause you have to have give tough answers. So my legislation just says, and im cognizant of the fact my legislation is not likely to become law next week when we get back, but it does say the white house would be required to do at least two press gaggles a week and give reporters an opportunity to ask questions. That is, again, an essential part of our democracy. Previous president s in modern times have had briefings almost every day. Every working day when the president is in town over at the white house. Thats not the case right now. Congressman jim himes, thanks for joining us. Thank you, wolf. The breaking news continues next. Well get more on the new Biden Campaign and the challenges hes facing in this increasingly crowded field of democrats. Plus, Surprising New developments in the case of a u. S. Coast guard officer accused of plotting a domestic terror attack. [music playing] michelle i know what its like to be in a financially struggling family. We had a lot of leftovers. [chuckles] i couldnt have asked for better parents, but like most people they didnt have anyone to teach them the best financial habits. So we changed that. As a Financial Health coach, i help people every day. I try to put myself in their shoes from my own experience. I connect to them because ive been there. Helping families like mine save a little money changes everything. This is personalized guidance. This is wells fargo. [laughter] im okay. So, youre open all day, thats what 24 7 means, sugar. 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Thats when we heard the words of the president of the United States that stunned the world and shocked the conscience of this nation. He said there were, quote, some very fine people on both sides. Very fine people on both sides . Those words, the president of the United States assigned a moral equivalence between those spreading hate and those with the courage to stand against it. And in that moment, i knew the threat to this nation was unlike any i had ever seen in my lifetime. What do you think of that decision by the former Vice President to immediately target what arguably is certainly the lowest if not one of the lowest points of the Trump Presidency . I think there are three things going on there. And it was a strategically wise decision. I thought it was a strong debut. The rationale for why this 76yearold guy who has had a 46year long career in washington is coming out of retirement because the stakes are so big. It lays the table, big picture as to why hes doing that for the soul of the nation. Also too political strategic points going on here. Hes trying to get ahead to the general election, take on donald trump and that he thinks is his best calling card in the primary fight to say im the one that can beat donald trump. He wants to take it right to him. And finally, the charlottesville incident itself, one of the Big Questions about joe bidens candidacy is can he relate to the modern Day Democratic Party . Its not the same Democratic Party he sought to lead in 1988 or 2008. And by choosing that event, where racism was at its core, an event that has a specific emotional appeal to africanamericans, a key constituency in this base, he didnt do the lunch pail guy in the middle class white working middle class guy that he has an appeal with as his launch. He did this and deliberately to show hes attuned to this moment. He showed video in that announcement, video from charlottesville where these protests these thugs were Walking Around this nazi signs, neonazis declaring jews will not replace us. We all are familiar with that video. Absolutely, look. Hes going to get into the fray with the 19, at least 19 competitors that he has about the progressive ideas. Medicare for all. Thats going to be discussed ad nausium. He wanted to get the table with the bigness of a joe biden candidacy. And how did he do that . He talked about the notion of what this country should be. It could potentially have gone sideways and been corny, frankly. And it wasnt. It wasnt. Because of who he is and the way they framed it. And, you know, remember that this is not how this country should be at all and certainly not in 2020. So appealing to just that cutting through all the noise and that basic premise of america should not be the way it is as it is with donald trump as president is it is really the 60,000 feet view of the biden candidacy. That argument will resonate with a lot of democrats out there. And i think we, to some extent underestimate biden at our own peril. I think his warts are somewhat obvious. Hes an older man in a time when the party is moving younger. Hes a white male at a time the party is diversifying. The establishment when the spaerts loparty is looking to outside voices. Those are all hurdles hell have to overcome. He does bring significant heft. There is an element of every president ial race where you have to say, can i imagine this person being president of the United States . Now the donald trump equation there is interesting. I dont know if voters thought that or they wanted change and didnt care if he looked like a president. In the past, prior to 2016, can i imagine this person looking is this a person who can carry on the National Stage and world stage . Biden has that built in because of the depth of his experience. Hes been around. Hes seen all this stuff before and can speak from a position of authority. So i think theres a lot, yes, there are warts. There are problems. He is not the Hillary Clinton frontrunner of the 2016 race, although that wound up being closer. But he is in that top tier for a reason. That video shows it. One of the reasons, and i spoke with some protrump political activists who suggested to me they probably fear biden more than any of the other democratic potential candidates because they think he could really challenge the president in states like pennsylvania, michigan and wisconsin. States that trump won, that Hillary Clinton couldnt take. Yeah, thats right. Vice president biden, whatever else, was a very effective number two for president obama. People remember those years. He had a long career in the senate that allowed him to have universal name recognition. Hes a sunny, upbeat guy. And so i think people are looking to that and it provides a contrast with President Trump who is more divisive and more combative. So at a minimum, biden goes in with that strength. He has major weakness but he had a strong rollout today. One thing on electability. I would dismiss it in a primary because usually primary voters dont tend to be head voters. Strategic. This person polls better than this person against donald trump. Usually they vote for the candidate they like. I wonder, i wonder if with donald trump in the white house, the biden electability, which is clearly his strongest, i think, argument, other than ive been there and done that, that im the guy who can win. Does it actually have some salience with primary voters who ultimately want someone who agrees with them but more they want to get rid of trump . There is more of a hearing for that argument right now in the electorate. Guys, stick around. Much more on the former Vice President formally announcing today his run for the presidency. Well be right back. Each. Because it takes two. To make a great everyday value. Every store. Every day. The italian way. Hello primo. Were back with our political experts. David chalian, you hear this a lot out there that if biden were to get close to getting the democratic president ial nomination, if he were to pick somebody in advance like senator Kamala Harris as his potential running mate, and if she were to agree, that would help him enormously . Yeah, right now senator Kamala Harris is is his opponent. I dont think shes ready to jump on a biden ticket. There was talk about stacey abrams. Every cycle theres a notion of, can you throw a hail mary and change the way. People dont tend to vote for Vice President. He no doubt will want to balance his age and race and all of that and region and all that when he looks for a running mate but im not sure that will happen. The question along the lines of maybe you were going there, wolf, is not just heres going to be who my running mate is but im 76 years old and im not going to deal with this for more than one term. That would be completely not unprecedented but very unusual in modern times. Which his advisers said he batted around. Do a oneterm pledge but he ruled it out. Which is, again, understandable. If you say im doing a oneterm pledge youre putting in more than one seed in every voters mind that maybe youre not so sure you can make it through the first term. David used the word hail mary. If you are a joe biden, i always thought this about the one term thing or well announce a hip, cool running mate. The dangerous there is youre saying, okay, i have enough glaring errors that i need to do these unorthodox things because otherwise i dont think i can win. Joe biden shouldnt say that. Hes in first place in every national poll. First place in every poll in iowa that ive seen. Same in new hampshire. Close with sanders there. But theres no reason for him to fling it down the field at this point and anything like that, whether its intentional or not, thats what it looks like. The only thing id add to it is even though Vice President biden is older, hes not that much older than President Trump. And so i think that doesnt play as tough for him if he gets to a general. Biden is 76. Trump is 72. And Bernie Sanders 77. Hes older than biden. You just made the key point for the general election. Right now the question is, how its going how is it going to look, how hes going to feel . How voters are going to react to him on a stage with a couple of 37yearolds. Others who are also a lot younger than he is. Not just its not just going to be about experience. Its going to be about the same thing that drove barack obama to the white house, the same thing that drove donald trump. Change. Are we ready for something different, something new, something younger . And that is something that is just not predictable right now in the age of trump because everything is turned on its head. Or maybe its not. Were you surprised he didnt get a formal endorsement from the former president barack obama who had selected him as his running mate next in line to the presidency . No, i was not surprised. I think barack obama telegraphed for quite some time he was not going to get involved. Would there have been anything wrong with the former president saying i picked him as my Vice President. I thought he was best as my Vice President. Hes now running for president. I endorse him . Wouldnt be anything wrong except hed enrage several parts of the party because he would be putting his thumb on the scale. That would obviously be a very big deal. Nothing wrong. Barack obama can choose to do that. You saw the statement we heard from an associate of his who said that obama thought the primaries of 2007 and 2008 made human a better candidate and better president and hes very excited about the diverse field he sees in his party. If youre barack obama standing back, youve done plenty for joe biden. His career is effectively over in the 2008 race. Whether you selected him as vp, Barack Obamas legacy is cemented. Why pick a fight with some or many parts of the party by selecting joe biden. If hes the best candidate, then hell win. If hes not, then Barack Obamas decision was smart. All of a sudden, were talking also about anita hill. She tells the New York Times she cannot support the former Vice President who was chairman of the Senate Judiciary committee during the testimony involving the Clarence Thomas confirmation hearings back in 1991. She says i cannot be satisfied by simply saying im sorry for what happened to you. I will be satisfied when i know there is real change and real accountability and real purpose because we had learned earlier in the day the two of them had a conversation. Thats right. They had talked. The fact that anita hill is not giving the former Vice President an out is very interesting. Basically, just to sort of sum up what that said. You have to work for it. You have to work harder for it. Saying im sorry is not going to change the fact that when you were Senate Judiciary chairman on a panel of all men, i was not treated well. And you have to make clear through your actions, through your proposals and, you know, and many more things that things that you really do see the world in a different place. And again, the reality is he is running against people who came up in a different world. They inherently, inately know the world as a different place. The challenge for Vice President biden in terms of a debate stage. He was effective when he debated governor palin back in 2008. I think hell be effective in terms of age with the contrast with younger candidates, and hell be okay on the issues. Hes had so many different issues over the course of his very long career that there are so many things debate moderators can ask him about. He cant just compartmentalize the anita hill tension. He has to address his iraq war vote and 1988 campaign. Hes got to address the controversy with Assembly Woman flores. Sooner or later you have too long of a list to say youre compartmentalizing. That will be his challenge. Well watch it every step of the way. Stick around. More news were following. The attorney for a man accused of plotting to kill prominent democrats and members of the news media says her clients alleged list of targets looks like the sort of list our commander in chief might have compiled. Stay with us for that. Plus, cnn has learned that north korea demanded a 2 million ransom in exchange for the release of the american student Otto Warmbier. [ engine revving ] flo needs help . [ engine revving ] take me to her coming, flo why arent we taking roads . flo. [ horn honking ] oh. You made it. Do you have change for a dollar . This was the emergency . [ engine revving ] yes, i was busy 24hour roadside assistance. From americas numberone motorcycle insurer. You know, i think youre my best friend. You dont have to say im your best friend. Thats okay. You dont have to say im your best friend. Finding the right drop can be overwhelming. And ordinary eye drops. Just add temporary moisture. 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They want to know what role President Trump and specifically also white house Senior Adviser Stephen Miller had in the firings and resignations of recent dhs top officials, including former secretary nielsen who resigned earlier this month. The letter sent to dhs today says in part, quote, we are deeply concerned that the firing and forced resignation of these officials puts the security of the American People at risk. We are also concerned that the president may have removed dhs officials because they refuse his demands to violate federal Immigration Law and judicial orders. Moreover, we are concerned by reports that even as he has removed the departments leadership, the president has sought to empower a white house aide Stephen Miller to be in charge of handling all immigration and border affairs. And this, of course, comes after last night, the white house defied the democrats on capitol hill and turned down their request to have Stephen Miller testify in front of the House Oversight committee on immigration. Thats one of several subpoenas the white house is defying as democrats try to figure out a way to push forward. Sunlen serfaty up on capitol hill. Theres more breaking news. A federal judge has just ruled that a u. S. Coast guard officer accused of plotting a domestic terror attack must must be released from detention. Christopher hasen faces weapons and drug charges but has not been charged with terrorism. Jessica schneider has been gathering more information. Its surprising. Why has he been released . Hes going to be released. And the judge said really his alleged crimes dont fit this standard for continued detention. This is coast guard lieutenant christopher hasan. Hes accused of plotting a domestic terror attack. But a grand jury has only indicted him on weapons and drug charges. Hasans public defender saying in court today that the case against hasan has really been overblown, and the attorney even went so far to say that hasans views arent that different from those of President Trump. Hasan allegedly kept a hit list of democrats he wanted to kill, and he kept more than a dozen firearms in his apartment which you can see there. His attorney said the names hasan allegedly assembled werent part of a hit list but instead, quote, looks like the sort of list that our commander in chief might have compiled while watching fox news in the morning. The defender actually adding to that, that the racial slurs that hasan wrote are now part of the, quote, national vocabulary saying donald trump uses similar epithets in his everyday language and tweets. So some strong words there from the public defender. Prosecutors disagreeing. The scientistant u. S. Attorney in maryland said hasson was ready and willing to carry out a massive attack, saying this is combat gear. There is no reason to have this. The defendant intended to take his weapons and go. But the judge here siding with Christopher Hasson saying he will soon be released and the terms of his release will be decided at a later hearing. Still the judge saying he has grave concerns about hasson, especially because he stockpiled those weapons and even conducted online searches for the home addresses of multiple Supreme Court judges. So because hasson is likely still a threat, the judge put it this way when talking about his eventual release saying, hes got to have a whole lot of supervision. Somebody who has got eyes and ears on him like nobodys business. So, wolf, the judge warning that hasson is still a threat here but now hassons attorney is drawing up some multiple options for his release when he is eventually released. That will be decided at another hearing to come. Surprising development. Well watch it closely. Just ahead cnn has learned that north korea demanded 2 million in exchange for american student Otto Warmbier who died shorts after his return home. The United States still hasnt paid the ransom. Called the demand complication negotiations between President Trump and kim jongun . Drivers just wont put their phones down. We need a solution. Introducing. Smartdogs. The first dogs trained to train humans. Stopping drivers from liking. Selfieing. And whatever this is. Available to the public. Never. Smartdogs are not the answer. But geico has a simple tip. Turn on do not disturb while driving mode. Brought to you by geico. Thwho see things others cant. Theyre the ones who see a city that can make those who live in it feel a little safer. Who see cars that can talk to each other and share their best shortcuts. Who see the efficient shape and design of the oceans wonders as the future of aerodynamics. Why . 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Cnn learned that north korea audaciously billed the United States for the care of an american student who suspiciously felt into a coma while in north korean custody and later died. Cnn brian todd has details. Brian, this came to light as kim jongun was having his first meeting with russian president putin. That is right, wolf. As kim jongun seemed to signal the United States by flaunting connections with Vladimir Putin, we learned of that defiant demand kim made of the Trump Administration and we spoke to the american envoy that received that bill. Reporter it was a brazen demand from the kim jongun regime in north korea to the Trump Administration. Sources say a 2 million bill to the u. S. For the hospital care of comatose american student Otto Warmbier. Sources tell cnn the North Koreans insisted the u. S. Sign a pledge to pay the bill before they would release him from custody in 2017. The bill was presented to joseph eun to win the release of the university of virginia student and that he signed a pledge to pay it. Tonight eun isnt commenting on whether he signed the pledge but tells cnn he had strict orders from the secretary of state and the president. It was clearly understood by me and Rex Tillerson indeed told me get him out. Were those orders from President Trump. I believe they were. Reporter the doctor who traveled said he examined warmbier in an intensive care unit and he thought north korean doctors had done stateoftheart resuscitation to try to revive him and surprised he had to negotiate for the release. Eun said the negotiations were delicate and he had no idea he would be able to leave with wov. In the end it was a lot of back and forth on that type of argument i made. The their argument was that he was a criminal and why would they let out a criminal for no particular reason. I told them then, it was sick. He needed to be taken care of by his parents. Reporter Otto Warmbier sentenced to jail for tearing down a propaganda postner his hotel died from brain damage after brought back to ohio. What caused his injuries are unclear. The North Koreans said he contracted botch illism. His parents said he was tortured but refused an autopsy. The 2 million demand sounds like ransom. Otto warmbier died at the hands of the kim jongun regime. This is the ultimate cruelty on the to the Otto Warmbier family and the people of the United States i would say. Reporter the u. S. Has not yet paid that bill. A source tells cnn, north korea could still demand it. Adding another wrinkle to Donald Trumps already complicated negotiations. Those talks hit a standstill after a failed february summit in hanoi with kim. But instead kim jongun was turned to Vladimir Putin during a summit in vladivostok. They exchanged swords as gifts and they talked for three and a half hours. Kim jongun is an open person and speaks freely. We had a very detailed conversation. Reporter some experts say kim meeting with putin is a sign that kims personal relationship with trump is in trouble and kim could look elsewhere for partners. Analysts say kim could put pressure on trump to make concessions and even get under trumps skin. He likes to be center stage. We all know that. And to have putin take back center stage from him is something that that will aggravate the hell out of him. Reporter neither the white house nor the state department would comment on the north korean 2 million bill for Otto Warmbiers care and we have this just in from the north korean news agency, quoting kim jongun or citing him as saying that the situation on the Korean Peninsula is at a standstill at a critical point where it may return to its original state. And according to this kim said the u. S. Had bad faith in the summit in hanoi. So a tricky diplomatic point as kim weighs in again at the summit in hanoi saying the u. S. Abouted in bad faith. Tense situation. Brian todd reporting. And joe biden already fundraising tonight after just hours jumping into the 2020 race. Hey its me your dry skin im craving something were missing. The ceramides in cerave. They help restore my natural barrier, so i can lock in moisture. Weve got to have each others backs. Cerave. Now the 1 dermatologist recommended skincare brand. At to cover the essentialsyou have in retirement, as well as all the things you want to do. Because when youre ready for what comes next, the only direction is forward. If ywhen you brush or floss, you dont have to choose between healthy gums and strong teeth. Complete protection from parodontax has 8 designed benefits for healthy gums and strong teeth. Complete protection from parodontax. Theyre americas bpursuing lifechanging cures. In a country that fosters innovation here, they find breakthroughs. 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Cnn learned that north korea has sent a 2 million bill to the United States for the care of the american captive Otto Warmbier. Is it essentially a ran some

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