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President trump szigs and zags n health care. Mistakes, false claims and lies. Why he lie b about his fathers birthplace . And full house to big house . Two celebrity actresses appear in court. In the scandal of parents accused of cheating and bribery to get their children into elite colleges. Will they face serious prison time . Im wolf blitzer. Youre in the situation room. This is cnn breaking news. Breaking news, hout democrats have new weapons in their showdown with the Trump Administration. A growing arsenal of subpoenas. The Judiciary Committee along party lines has authorized the use to pressure the Justice Department to turn over the full unredacted Mueller Report along with all the underlying evidence. Also approved subpoenas for five former white house officials who democrats say are instrumental investigating possible abuses and a day after issuing a subpoena in a probe of White House Security clearances, the White House Oversight Committee chairman says hell send one to the president s former account ing firm which he says has agreed to furn over documents. Ill speak with steny hoyer and our analysts will have full coverage of the days top stories. Lets begin with manu. Democrats are showing off their power ahead of a likely clash with the Trump Administration. What is the latest . Jerry nadler is now armed with a subpoena as he demands the Mueller Report to be provided fully to the house Judiciary Committee and the underlying evidence. He is saying he will not ak cement any redaxs. This after bill barr said that several areas of redactions would be forthcoming, including names of individuals who are not indicted. This is not sufficient to democrats who say they are prepared to issue that subpoena if they are not, dont get compliance with the Justice Department. Now just earlier today, wolf, i had a chance to talk to both jerry nadler and the chairman who are coming at this from opposite sides. Nadler says he will not negotiate with the Justice Department and graham says he does not want to see the unredacted report. He said hell trust bill barr. Are you willing to negotiate any middle ground in terms of redactions . No. The committee must see everything as was done in every prior instabs. The committee is entitled and must see all the material and make judgments as to what can be b redacted for the public release by ourselves. Were not willing to let the attorney general who after all is a political apopointee of th president , make that substitute his judgment ours. I want the barr to come before the committee may 11st and present the report minus grand jury information, minus classified information. I dont need to look at a million documents. Just tell us about the report. Unredacted. You dont want to see the unredacted report . No. Its still unclear what the Justice Department will do. They are declining to comment. What nadler told me is he is prepared to go to court to demand the grand jury information, people who testified before the mueller grand jury. They say they have precedent on their side. They site past cases like watergate, the ken starr investigati investigation, which the committee did get information like that. I said are you willing to go to court to get that information if you dont get support from the Justice Department . He said absolutely. So theyre gearing up for a protracted court fight about getting this information still unclear what the Justice Department decides to do, wolf. The House Oversight Committee Chairman said he plans to continue going after the president s finances. His personal finances, his business finances, what have you learned on that front . Yeah, Elijah Cummings told me today that he plans to that is a firm that this committee had spe sent a letter to asking for ten years of Financial Statements from the president , this is a form the president yaused to use from 2011 through 2013 and this first came up during Michael Cohens testimony before the House Oversight committee in that testimony that the president inflated his assets and to purchase the team. But the cummings has asked his firm, well, whether or not the president misstated his assets and debts on number of issues. Including whether he omitted real estate assets as well. No what cummings told me is that this firm has said they will provide this information if they do get a subpoena and what cummings is calling a friendly subpoena. So they plan to issue it in a matter of days and expect compliance. I remember when then citizen trump was trying to buy the buffalo bills. Thank you very much for that report. President trump meanwhile has been on a whirlwind of flips and flops as he changes this story on various issues includie inin health care and immigration, sprinkling his accusations with false claims. Lets go to abby phillip. Whats the latest . Well, wolf, President Trump appears to be making a hard pivot to the policy issues that he believes will dominate the 2020 president ial election. But the problem is there have been several days of head spinning shifts in his rhetoric and it seems that President Trump himself cant seem to settle on what his political strategy is. President trump trying to pivot to health care ahead of the 2020 elections. But struggling to get his stories straight. So woer going ere going to Great Health Care plan and go and campaign on that plan. Trump now claiming in a tweet this he was never planning a vote prior to the 2020 election on Republican Health care proposal to replace the Affordable Care act. Known as obama care. Just one day after saying this about his decision to punt. I wanted to delay it myself. I want to put it after the election because we dont have the house. Trump acknowledging that he didnt condition sult gop leaders on capitol hill before declaring that republicans would be the party of health care. Youre going to win your elections because of health care. And a lot of people were upset with me because i announced this like a week ago and i didnt want to waste my time by calling people. I didnt want to call the leaders, other than kevin. I blame myself a little bit, but now they love it. After days of threatening mexico. Mexico is going to have to do something otherwise im closing the border. Trump now laying the blame for a crisis at the border at the feet of congress and warning that if democrats dont change immigration laws, the border or large sections of border will close. All this as the president s false and outlandish claims seem to reach a new high water mark. During a speech open to the media that he seemed to think was off the record. Somebodys going to leak this whole damn speech to the media. The president returning to unproven theorys about widespread voter fraud. There were a lot of close elections that were, they seemed every single one of them, went democrat. If it was close, they say the democrat, theres something going on. And mocking a possible 2020 rival, former Vice President , joe biden. Seeming to make light of the complaints by some women that biden touched them inappropriately, but not sexually. I said general, come here, give me a kiss. I fell like joe biden. But i meant it. See i meant it. Big difference. I was going to say welcome to the world, joe. You having a xwoa good time, jo . Having a good time. At one point, trump falsely claiming this about windmills. If you have a windmill anywhere near your house, congratulations, your house just went down 75 in value. And they say the noise causes cancer. That comment leaving even trump aides confused. Do Wind Turbines cause can r cancer . I dont have an answer on that. For the third time in less than a year, he says his father, who was born in new york, was born in germany. My father is german, right, was german. Born in a very wonderful place in germany. The white house not even bothering to explain that. And wolf, these are just some of the many false claims the president has made just in the last week alone. But its note thabl the white house has not even bothered to correct the record on any of them. They seem comfortable adding it to the nearly 10,000 falsehoods that President Trump has told since coming into office more than two years ago according to the Washington Post fact checker, wolf. Thanks very much. Theres more break iing news wee following after several women have complained he made them feel uncomfortable, even as other women have rallied to his defense, joe biden has released new video promising to change his ways. Our political reporter is joining us in the situation room. How significant is this new video message . Well, woclf, this is a clear acknowledgment that his previous statements on this issue werent enough. That he is showing that he understands the gravity of that moment and one person that i spoke to thats close to biden said that the former Vice President wanted to provide some more context and explain a little bit more why he interacts the way he does with voters and make it clear that he gets it. That he knows what the current environment is like. Take a listen to what he had to say. Social norms have begun to change. Theyre shifted. And the boundaries of protecting personal space have been b reset and i get it. I get it. I hear what theyre say iing. I understand it. And ill be much more mindful. Thats my responsibility. My responsibility and ill mean it. But ill always believe governing quite frankly, life for that matter, is about connecting. About connecting with people. That will change, but i will be more mindful and respectful of peoples personal space. And thats a good thing. Thats a good thing. So biden there was make iing clear that hes going to be aware of his behavior going forward. He had friends and former advisers encouraging him over the past two days to make a more of a statement. He even had nancy pelosi saying that he should join the Straight Arm Club in the way he interacts with people, but one question going forward, is this enough for his critics and are going to have democrats and even President Trump going after him. Looks like a clear sign hes going to be running for election, join iing the campaig the release of this video. Thank you very much. Joining us now, the House Majority leader of maryland. Thanks so much mr. Leader for joining us. Thank you. Are you satisfied with his response today . I think it recognizes the sensitivity and the importance of this to make sure that as he said, peoples space and feelings and are honored and considered and make sure that we dont violate those. So i think Vice President reflected that in his video. I think he reflected it in his remarks and i think hes going to go forward with that. How long do you believe congress should wait before actually serving the subpoenas for the entire unredacteded Mueller Report and all the underlying evidence . I dont have a specific time frame, wolf. Clearly, we need to give a reasonable time. To look at the report. That the congress voted without opposition, the house of representtiviti voted without resolution and asked the full report not only be xwifen to the congress, but be made available to the American Public so they can read it and make their own evaluation. The only thing we really have is a four page letter from barr who was hired by donald trump. So that the we need the full report. I think the congress made that very clear. And im hopeful that we will get the full report made available to us and the American People within the near term. You the time frame certainly couple of weeks ought to be enough time tlg through it and make sure that they are doing what the law requires them to do. Okay if they redakt some sections like involving National Security administration, sours and methods. I dont know whats in there so when you say all of those items, i understand there will be some legal requirement for them to protect some of that information. However, what i will not be satisfied with and what the congress and the American People ought not to be satisfied with if in fact the redax is such that the sense and purpose and conclusions of the investigators is not known to the American Public. With the Justice Department over redactions to the report beforehanding down, serving any subpoenas . No i think the subpoenas are the Judiciary Committee wants to get them out and wants to get this, their oversight responsibilities proceeding. But i think certainly, were going to have to look at the report and what we get before we do anything specifically with respect to the report. Are democrats in danger, mr. Leader, of overreaching with all these investigations involve in the president . No, i dont think were in danger of overreaching, but i want to every size that were concentrating on that in which we campaigned with the American Public. In particular, were focused on health care. We think the health care, the Affordable Care act is a critical issue in this country. Your report that proceeded me was at the ambivalence and the contradictions that the president has pursued. Saying that he wants to have a Health Care Bill as he said in the campaign. That was a good bill that covered everybody, but hes not going to tell us what it is until 2021 after the election. And thats because they dont have a plan. And were focused. We had hearings today on some nine bills. We have mark ups op those bills. Were going to be proceeding to make sure that not just the 20 Million People who are advantaged by the Affordable Care act and the medicaid recipients, but actually the hundreds of millions of people who are affected by the protections in the Affordable Care act against being denied insurance because of the preexisting conditions. We think thats critically important. Protected from having their health care canceled. Or annual caps or lifetime caps on what could be reimbursed for the health care. Those protections are we think are critical. When moving ahead on those. We also think wages, infrastructure, climate change, are all issues that we are currently having hearings on, so yes, subpoenas getting a lot of publicity, but the real work of what we campaigned on is being done, being reporteded to the noor. We did pay equity. Make sure women are paid equally as the law requires. Today, were considering the violence against women rerizati rerization, which should have been reauthorized in the last congress. So were moving ahead with peoples work and the oversight and responsibilities can go parallel to that. I know you have to go vote. One quick question. Would you be willing to work with republicans including the president between now and the election in 2020 to improve the Affordable Care act. Obama care as its dubbed, to try to find improoumts because im sure you agree its not perfect. A, i agree. Weve always agreed it wasnt perfect and the answer to your question is yes. I think were willing to work with the administration and with the, our republican colleagues in the house and senate. To make improvements that are necessary and would be good for the American People. I dont think weve ever been in any different position, wolf. Congressman, thanks so much for joining us. Up next, House Democrats, new weapons in a showdown with the Trump Administration approving a subpoena for the full Mueller Report and preparing another to get President Trumps financial records. And cnn learns the fbi is now investigating the weekend Security Breach at the president s maralago resort in palm beach, florida, to determine if it was an attempt at espionage. Just like any other family the house, kids, theyre living the dream and here comes the wacky new maid maid . Uh, im not the. Is she an alien, is she a spy . Shes always here, someone tell us why why, oh, why shes not the maid we wanted because im not the maid but shes the maid we got again, im not the maid. I protect your home and auto. Hey, campbells. Whos your new maid . I protect your home and auto. When you switch out an old car part. 200 but you do when you switch to Jackson Hewitt. At Jackson Hewitt we help lots of people like you. Thats why you get 200 when you leave your old tax service for us. So switch to Jackson Hewitt today and get 200. With the most lobster dishes lobsterfesof the yearred lobster like lobster lovers dream and new ultimate lobsterfest surf and turf. So come lobsterfest today and now for a limited time, get ten percent off red lobster to go. So lets promote our spring ftravel deals, on choicehotels. Com like this sneezes earn one free night when you stay just twice this spring. Allergies. Or. Badda book. Badda boom. Book now at choicehotels. Com. With no down payment and no helpclosing costs. Homes your va home loan benefits are worth more at newday. Why rent when you can buy . Four zero Expense Ratio index funds directly to investors. And now we have zero account fees for brokerage accounts. At fidelity, those zeros really add up. So maybe ill win, saved by zero cnn has learned the fbi is investigating the breach at maralago in palm beach,ness, looking to see if it was attempted espionage. The woman was carrying chinese passports, multiple cell phones, a laptop and ominously, a thumb drive, described as containing malicious malware. Lets bring in jessica schneider. So first of all, what are you learning about this woman the suggestion, the allegation, she could be a chinese spy . Thats what weve now learned the fbi is looking into. So weve learned the fbi is investigating this maralago incident. That is of course a precaution that they have to take. This is a Foreign National and it raises concerns about counterintelligence, also cybersecurity. So right now, we know shes being detained at the Palm Beach County jail. Shell be there until at least monday and thats when the judge will decide whether or not shes going to remain detained. At a Court Appearance on monday. Theres a lot we dont know about her. She showed up with these two chinese passports. Gained entry not through one, but two check points by the secret service and it wasnt until she got to the main reception area that the receptionist raised the red flag on her. But there are some real problem areas with her. First of athe first thing is th this stash of electronics on her. Four cell phones, one laptop computer. Unone external hard draif drive and the one thumb drive that contained the malicious malware. In addition, when she was taken off the property and subsequently interviewed by these agents, she told them she was sent there from shanghai to palm beach. She was told by this socalled charles, via is chat application, that she should go there and try to meet with members of the president s family. So these are two real concerns of possibly part of this investigation. And we know that some Top Democrats are now raising concerns. Theyve sent this letter to the b fbi asking the director and the fbi to assess the security situation at maralago and theyre also putting it this way. Senator schumer as well as Dianne Feinstein and mark warner saying this. We ask you determine in consultation with the secret service, the steps needed to detect and deter adversary governments or their agents from attempting to gain access to or conduct electronic surveillance or acquire material at maralago or President Trumps other properties. So obviously a real concern here both from congress and now we know the fbi investigating this as a possible espionage effort. How is the secret service explaining this breach . Its interesting. In their lengthy statement here, the secret Service Highlights what a difficult job it is to safeguard maralago. This is a place that doubles as a private club for members as well as the president s preferred retreat on these weebds in the winter at maralago. So the sket service, they put out this statement and made it clear the secret service itself does not determine who is invited or welcomed into maralago. That is the job of maralago management. They said look, we have these check points, one at the perimeter and once you get into maralago. So the secret service saying theyre weve seen that letter to fbi director wray and we know that chairman cummings along with jim jordan, the top republican, theyll be getting a briefing by secret service tomorrow and now, adam schiff will be getting a briefing from the fbi. And while she was Walking Around maralago, we know the president was staying there for the weekend, but happened to be away playing golf in West Palm Beach as his golf club. The first lady was there. Jessica, thank you very much for that report. Coming up, democratic lawmakers are using their new powers to investigate the president. Will they get information . Plus, does bidens new video signal hes running in 2020 . 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And so the democrats are trying to position themselves so that if that doesnt happen, they are kind of legally to get ready the fight it in the supreme court. They dont think its going to have to happen. And politically speaking, they have the majority. They have the subpoena power. Why not use it just to be prepared. To be b ready. How do you see them . I agree. I think it ratchets up the pressure on barr or so they think. Not sure that it does. Theyre preefforttive, you know, theyre doing it so barr is put on notice. Now i have to say that mueller is sitting on barrs shoulder. As he goes through all of this. And i find it difficult to believe that mueller wasnt aware when he was writing this report that it could become public some day. So im not sure how much is in there. Aside from grand jury testimony in the addendum that there could be fights over. I think they want to say to barr, look, were going to do this if you dont. Did it surprise you that the chairman of the senate Judiciary Committee told manu that he dupt want to see the full report. He trusts bill barr, whatever he wants to redact for whatever reason is fine with them. In some way, no. This is the Lindsey Graham we know now, which is the one who basically is fully supportive of this president in a way that he wouldnt be if it was a different president of a different party. He basically is of the barr position which is that a report can be released, but transparency up to a point. Redakt the National Security passages in the piece and also anything that has to do with grand jury testimony. So is it surprising hes taken that position . Certain ly the ones on that panel. That voted against the majority coming out of the house. The nadler committee. Its not surprising. We knew that eventually, this would work its way through the courts and also be a very partisan fight. Is this the right moment for the democrats to test their new subpoena power now that theyre the majority in the house of representatives . Absolutely. Whats the alternative to you know, ask very, very nice ly . I mean theres just no point in being in the majority. If you want information, other than to issue a subpoena. Its not a declaration of war. It is something the application of a power that is assigneded t the congress and it will be one part of the effort to get to this document. Whether the white house will even respond to this subpoena and what is the result of a court fight, i dont think anyone knows. I certainly dont know. This would be an untested legal area. But theres really no excuse for congress not to try and theyre trying. They are. Dana, on another issue, the former Vice President joe biden, hes responded to these allegations from these women that he made them feel uncomfortable. He issued a video response earlier today. Watch this. Frds. Social norms have begun to change. Theyve shifted and the boundaries of protecting personal space have been b reset. And i get it. I get it. I hear what theyre saying. I understand it. And ill be much more mindful. Thats my responsibility. My responsibility and ill meet it but ill always believe governing quite frank ly, life, for that matter, is about connecting with people. That wont change, but i will be more mindful and respectful peoples personal space and thats a good thing. A good thing. That is about as 20 20 literate as somebody like biden could be. As he explains in that video, has been around a very long time. And learned the ways of washington and of politics when you know, it was about back slapping and obviously the way this it has been perceived by people like lucy flores and others is much more than back slapping. It has been perceived through the lens of the me too era. So this is probably the most extreme example of the apology tour that all of these Democratic Candidates that weve seen go through have done it. And the most necessary. Just the words that he was saying. But also the optics of it. Casual. Obviously trying to do it in a way thats on somebodys phone. If not a high production value. No ties. Sitting back. Trying to look relaxed. The whole package. Was something that i think you know, hes obviously according to people around him, hes trying to get ahold of this narrative and he went pretty far in doing it. Borrowed language from nancy pelosi. She essentially scripted this video because its what she said. That personal space is important. Cut it out. How about a handshake. You dont need to hug folks, but my goodness, it took them a long time to get here. If you think about this story broke on friday. He had friday, saturday, sunday. Monday, you had i think two statements from his spokesperson and this was the second statement from joe biden. So as he run, this is a whole different news cycle. If he runs. But hes running. He said in the statement, folks in the coming months, im expegting to be talking to you about a whole lot of issues. Yeah. What does that mean . That hes running. The thing they did not do and it was clearly on purpose, is that they department have biden sit down with somebody to answer questions about this. Or hold some kind of a press availability. They decided to put him in front of a camera in the way that dana was saying in sort of an informal way and try to bridge the generational gap by saying and now, its all about taking selfies together. He said i grew up in a generation where you hugged each other and put hands on your shoulders et cetera. Now its about selfies and i get this and ill change. The one thing i would say is that none of these women have accused biden of sexual harassment. Absolutely. Theyve accused him of invading their space and what he said is you know thats a good thing and i can change that. And you know, well just have to see. But he is going to be asked about it. And they know that. Starts doing interviews, which hes not right now. Well see when that happens. Guys, stick around. More news were following. Defendants including two actresses head to court. Hearings on the College Entrance cheating scandal. There are new developments to that. My experience with usaa has been excellent. They really appreciate the military family and it really shows. With all that usaa offers why go with anybody else . We know their rates are good, we know that theyre always going to take care of us. It was an instant savings and i should have changed a long time ago. It was funny because when we would call another insurance company, hey would say oh we cant beat usaa were the webber family. Were the tenneys were the hayles, and were usaa members for life. 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Newday usas Operation Home buy a home with no down payment and not one dollar out of pocket for closing costs. And newday can say yes when banks say no. Why rent when you can buy . Were following new developments in the scandal of parents cheating to get their kids into elite clenls. Erica hill is following the the story for us. Tell us more. Yeah, wolf, happen just two of 33 parents charged in total and at todays initial appearance, they acknowledged their rights, the charges and maximum possible penalties. And wolf, jail time is a real possibility. Avoiding eye contact, Felicity Huffman arrives at court hours bf her appearance. Shes accused of paying 15,000 for a college prep business to doctor her Daughters College Admission Test scores. Lori loughlin seen signing autographs before greeting fans as she made her way through the cameras into court. Both facing between six and 21 months in prison. One Law Enforcement official telling cnn prosecutors are expected to ask for jail time for every defendant senningding clear message. There will be no special treatment. These parents are a catalog of wealth and privilege. For every student admit ted through fraud an honest, genuinely talented student was rejected. Prosecutors say loughlin and her husband paid half a Million Dollars to get their daughters into usc as recruits on the crew team. Though neither participated in the sport. Loughlins husband allegedly email ed pictures of his daughters on indoor rowing machines to create fake athletic profiles. Payments were disguised as charitable donations according to the complaint. Before the scam was exposed, their younger daughter offered her thoughts on college to her nearly 2 million youtube followers. Im going to go in and talk to my deans and everyone, hope that i can try and balance it all. I want to experience of game days, partying, i dont really care about school. Major brands served ties with her and her mother. Loughlin was dropped by the h l Hallmark Channel Candace Cameron offering support. We are family and we stand by each other and pray for each other and well always be there for each other. In the three weeks since federal prosecutors announced their findings, four of the 50 people charged have pleaded guilty including rick singer, who told the judge, i created a side door that would guarantee families would get in. In some cases, coaches were bribed including former yale womens soccer coach. Both men are now cooperating witnesses. Along with mark id el, who cheated for students on their acts and s. A. T. S. The former sailing coach at stanford also pleaded guilty. According to the latest file, at least one parent who allegedly tried to get his son into usc as a patter polo player is now in talks with the government and the investigation isnt over. Law enforcement official familiar with the probe telling cnn more arrests are expected and could include students. Meantime, the department of education has opened its own investigation as schools try to control the damage. Yale rescind ed the admission o a student whose parents paid 1. 2 million to singer. They are not named in the complaint. While usc tells cnn any applicants connected to the scheme would be denied admission. Theyve identified six. Democratic lawmakers in california also proposing changes including a ban on preferential admissions for donors and alum, evaluating the faith out of the exams and regulating private admissions consultants. We should note cnn has reached tout to representatives. Wolf, we have not heard back. Erica, thanks very much. Come up, a closer look at what may be behind President Trumps repeated and blatant false claims about his fathers birthplace. 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Save 300 when you test drive and buy a gator xuv835 at participating john deere dealers. President trump often tells flat out lies, perhaps for some presumed political gain but over the past 24 hours hes strung together a series of falsehood, misstatements and even wild lies for no apparent rege at all including an absurd claim about his fathers birthplace. Brian todd has been digging into all of this. What are you learninging . Reporter we put together several instances where President Trump has told the same specific lie about his fathers birthplace. We found its part of a pattern from trump. Not just lying for political gain, not simply getting his facts wrong but lying to win over the people who happen to be right in front of him. The president makes a claim about his Family History we presume has to know isnt true. My father is german, was german and born in a very wonderful place in germany so i have a great feeling for germany. Reporter its well established President Trumps father fred was born in the bronx in 1905. A trump adviser defended the president telling cnn, quote, obama thought we had 57 states, sometimes mistakes happen. But this isnt the first time trump has made this claim. I have Great Respect for germany. My father is from germany. Dont forget, both of my parents were born in eu sectors, okay, i mean my mother was scotland, my father germany. Reporter his mother was born in scotland. His paternal grandfather was born in germany. He not only makes misstatements it took 11 months to build the empire state building. Reporter but statements which are outlandishly untrue. If you have a windmill anywhere near your house, congratulations, your just went down 75 in value. And they say the noise causes cancer. You tell me that one, okay. Reporter one example of a blatant lie this year the Trump Administration ravaged the budget of a project called the Great Lakes Restoration Initiative slashing it from 300 million to 30 million. Just days later, trump came out and said this at a rally in michigan. Im going to get in honor of my friends full funding of 300 million for the Great Lakes Restoration Initiative. Reporter one famous trump lie came after he botched the name of apples ceo tim cook. We appreciate it very much, tim apple. Reporter he then two tolders he said Tim Cook Apple really fast and the cook part of the sentence was soft. Reporter tim apple. Reporter he later tweeted i quickly referred to tim and apple as tim apple as an easy way to save time and words. Just about every american president has lied about something. I did not have sexual relations with that woman. Miss lewinsky. Reporter and, of course, some were big lies. I first learned from news reports of the watergate breakin. I was appalled. Reporter but Richard Nixons lies about watergate, bill clintons on his affair and Lyndon Johnsons on available volcano were committed for political expediency. For most politicians when they do discentralable and say things that arent true theyre doing it to try to get by and try to gain some political advantage. In Donald Trumps case, its just an endemic part of who he is. Reporter trumps biographers say his proclivity to lie dating back to his days as a Real Estate Developer in new york is more about instant gratification than anything else. Hes just riffing. Hes doing the moment. This is what donald trump does. He life takes place for him in the present. He doesnt really care about the past. Not even that much about the future. He wants to win the moment at every turn. Reporter one key question tonight, why dont the president s aides who speak for him publicly like Sarah Sanders and Kellyanne Conway ever publicly correct the president s lies . Trumps biographers say thats for their own survival. He would punish them accusing them of undermining him. They say those aides have to be careful about how they even approach trump in private over that. Brian todd reporting for us. Coming up major breaking news, a cnn exclusive on President Trumps taxes. Thats next. Stay with us. Visionworks can do more than just make you see great. The right pair of glasses can make you look amazing, too. Get two complete pairs of single vision glasses for 59 or two progressives for 99. And choose from over 500 frames. Visionworks. Were here to help you. If yor more a month in rent, 1500 dollars newdays Operation Home can help you buy a home for what youre paying in rent. And you dont need a down payment or one dollar out of pocket for closing costs. Georgand a busy day ahead. George has entresto, a Heart Failure pill that helped keep people alive and out of the hospital. Dont take entresto if pregnant; it can cause harm or death to an unborn baby. 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Its a now theres one store that connects your life like never before store. The xfinity store is here. And its simple, easy, awesome. Happening now, breaking news, getting trumps taxes. Were learning about a significant new move by House Democrats to get hold of the president s tax returns going back years, cnn has exclusively obtained a letter demanding the irs commissioner hand over documents that President Trump has adamantly refused to replace. Spying at maralago. The fbi launches an investigation into a Security Breach at the president s florida resort. Was a woman arrested with chinese passports and suspicious devices part of a foreign plot . Mueller report subpoena. House democrats set the stage tore an epic clash with the Trump Administration as a key panel approves a subpoena seeking access to the full Mueller Report. Will it impact the attorney generals plans to keep some of the special counsels findings secret . And stars in court. Actresses Lori Loughlin and Felicity Huffman face a judge in boston along with others charged in the College Admissions scam. Tonight, prosecutors say theyll ask for all the defendants to do time behind bars. We want to welcome our viewers in the

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