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Were following breaking news. A stunning window into muellers investigation of Paul Manafort and possible collusion with russia. In a new court filing, manaforts lawyers inadvertently reveal that their client shared sensitive polling data with an allege ed kremlin operative durg the 2016 campaign. This as were awaiting the president ial Oval Office Speech on Border Security. Were told he is not likely to declare a National Emergency tonight to secure funds for his wall, but that could still happen. We also know mr. Trump will make the case that a crisis is unfolding, a crisis democrats say he has manufactured to try to force their hands in the midst of the Government Shutdown. This hour, i will talk with denny heck, a democrat who serves on the intelligence committee, and our correspondents and analysts are standing by. First, lets go to sara murray. There are multiple developments in the russia investigation, including this remarkable new court filing from Paul Manaforts lawyers. Update our viewers. We are learning about Paul Manaforts contacts with a russian associate, courtesy of Paul Manaforts legal team and a filing with many redacted parts that they accidentally made public. As Trump Campaign chairman, Paul Manafort shared campaign related polling and discussed ukrainian peace plan with a russian associate. They stayed in touch after donald trump was elected, meeting in madrid in 2017. Those revelations are the closest public assertion yet of coordination between a Trump Campaign official and russians. In this case, a man prosecutors say has ties to russian intelligence which investigators say is responsible for hacking the Democratic Party and leaking stolen emails during the 2016 campaign. Manaforts legal team inadvertently revealed the details in a court filing. That filing meant to explain that manafort never intentionally lied to federal investigators whors when he was supposed to be investigating in the probe. The filing was submitted under seal. But a formatting error allowed the redactions to be made public. In another failed redaction, manaforts team takes issue with prosecutor claims that manafort lied about his contacts with the trump administration. They say someone asked to use manaforts name if they met the president. This does not constitute outreach by mr. Manafort to the president , manaforts team wrote. The revelations come as another russian he encountered during the campaign faces an obstruction of justice charge brought by the Southern District of new york. She was the russian lawyer that Trump Campaign officials hoped would deliver dirt on Hillary Clinton in the now infamous 2016 trump tower meeting. That meeting now a focus of muellers investigation. The new indietment ctment highl her ties to the russian government saying she submitted a misleading declaration to the court, which she allegedly drafted in secret cooperation with a senior russian prosecutor. She has denied any ties to the kremlin. Translator no. Im certainly flattered by being marked and called as a government attorney. But i have never worked for the government in the first place. Reporte in written testimony in 2017, she claimed she had no relationship with russias prosecutor general. Other than those related to my professional functions of a lawyer. In april 2018, she revised her story calling herself an informant. Today she declined to comment on the indictment but vowed to defend her professional honor. Shes not in the u. S. Shes unlikely to ever see a u. S. Courtroom unless she decides to leave russia. Still, a very interesting indictment from the Southern District of new york. Very interesting. Jim sciutto is joining us as well. We will get to him in a moment. Theres news on another mueller case, involving the mysterious Foreign Company owned by a foreign government. The u. S. Supreme court all of a sudden weighing in today. Thats right. This is mystery foreignowned company, they have been fighting a sauubpoena. They have asked the Supreme Court to hear the case. They previously asked the Supreme Court if they could hit pause on some of the fines. The Supreme Court is not going to do that. If they way to see if they will take up the case, they will pay 50,000 a day in fines. Even though this is a foreignowned company, they have a u. S. Office. Right now, all of this is under seal. As you know, its unheard of for the Supreme Court to hear a case until full seal. We will learn the name of the Foreign Company and country. Jim sciutto, does the new information suggest that the interactions point to collusion. Lets lay out what we learned. The president s Campaign Chairman fed polling data to a russian which the u. S. Believes has ties to Russian Military intelligence at a time when russia, a hostile foreign power, was interfering with the u. S. Election. Thats a remarkable fact to be confirmed in the court filings. It raises the question why. Why was trumps Campaign Chairman feeding the information even if he didnt know russia was interfering in the election . To what end would he feel the need do that . Thats an important question. The other point i would raise is this. We also learned that he was talking multiple times, with this man who is tied to Russian Military intelligence, about a ukrainian peace plan, multiple times about this. Keep in mind, Paul Manafort for years worked for the benefit of the prorussian government in ukraine. The peace plan that he was discussing, advocating was one favorable to russian interests. Why . Why was he discussing that during the campaign and after the campaign . We know its something very important to russia. It involves very punishing economic sanctions on russia. Russia wants to keep crimea and eastern ukraine. Why was President Trumps Campaign Chairman before and after the election discussing that with them when he had skin in the game and was promoting a prorussian viewpoint on a ukrainian peace plan . Those are two big questions. Remind our viewers. He made money representing, working for this prorussian ukrainian government. Millions and millions of dollars, which we know, actually tens of millions i believe that we know he hid from the u. S. Taxman, one of the reasons he is in a prison cell tonight. Hidden overseas. This is no small deal. That prorussian government, it shot protesters. One thing Paul Manafort pushed in washington for that money was to justify the jailing of the prorussian president s political opponent in ukraine. These are remarkable positions for a u. S. Citizen to take in a country like that. I should note that its not just Paul Manafort who took money to promote that. Its also John Podestas brother who did as well. Those are positions that he made a lot of money for. Those are positions that served russias interests. Good point. The information that came out inadvertently was supposed to be secret, supposed to be redacted. Thats what the mueller team wanted. How much potential damage to the Mueller Investigation could the release of this information now present . I dont know it necessarily damages the Mueller Investigation. We dont know whats going on behind the scenes, some of the things that jim was laying out. We dont know why Paul Manafort just based on this filing would have been having these conversations about oukrainian peace. We dont know why he felt compelled to share this polling data, if there was some reason, r his russian friend wanted this information, wanted to share it with someone else. Those are the things, the key questions that get to this idea of collusion in the Mueller Investigation. Was this ultimately a funnel to get information from the Trump Campaign, to share it with Russian Military intelligence to use that to direct their troll farm . That would get right to the idea of collusion. We dont see that laid out in these documents. Thats a theory. The heart of this case is all of this stuff that mueller knows that he hasnt made public. We dont know what, if anything, donald trump personally knew about manaforts collaboration with this russian, whether in madrid or earlier during the campaign. Jim, the Campaign Effort on the part of manafort, that he was pursuing during the campaign, we know about that. But also, he was pursuing initiatives during the president ial transition after donald trump was elected before he was sworn in and even after the transition. Thats right. Keep in mind, this is russia speaking to, maintaining contact with Paul Manafort to push things that it wanted. It wanted the lifting of sanctions that the Obama Administration imposed on russia in retaliation for russias aggressi aggression in ukraine. There were discussions. Michael flynn lied about discussions with the Russian Ambassador involving those sanctions and the possibility of lifting them, which, those things could be independent. Russia interferes in the campaign to benefit trump. After the election, President Trump and his advisers sought things or discussed things with russia that russia wanted doesnt mean its a quid pro quo, it was payback in any way. The c thanks very much. We will talk more about all of this in a few moments. Right now, President Trumps Oval Office Speech. Its less than three hours from now. We are learning more about what he will and wont say about Border Security and that wall along the border with mexico. His credibility on these issues will certainly be tested tonight after a series of truth twisting statements coming from him and his administration. Lets go to jim acosta. What do we expect to hear tonight . We expect the president to challenge democrats to reopen the government. We have heard that from some of our sources. President trump is expected to deliver a short address to the nation from the oval office tonight. Theres no final word on whether he will declare that state of emergency that we have been talking about in order to build his wall on the border. At this point, we dont expect that to happen, at least not in the speech tonight. The white house is continuing to hype the case for a border wall with misleading claims, setting the scene for an address that will test the Fact Checkers later tonight. As President Trump prepares to address the nation to make his pitch for a border wall, the white house spin machine is in overdrive. Pence is repeating the misleading suggestion that the wall is needed because of the thousands of possible terrorists trying to make their way into the country. Nearly 4,000 known or suspected terrorists were apprehended attempting to come into the United States through various means in the last year. Reporter its only a tiny fraction of that, 12 between october 2017 to 2018. The vast majority in the governments terror watch list are stopped at airports, contrary to what Sarah Sanders was telling the public. Theyre not coming across the southern border. They are being stopped at airports. Im not disagreeing with you they are coming through airports. That was an unfortunate misstatement. Everybody makes mistakes. The fact is, its corrected here. Reporter pressed on whether the president will tell the truth, Kellyanne Conway sounded defensiv defensive. You can promican you promise president will tell the truth . Can you guarantee you will . You are such a smartass a lot of time. A lot of people dont like you. Reporter the white house struggles to explain what the president meant when he said some of his predecessors wanted a wall. It should have been done by the president s that preceded me. They know it. Some of them have told me that we should have done it. Reporter thats not true. All of the living expresident s have denied that claim or released statements showing their opposition to a wall. Pence tried to clean that up. I know the president has said that that was his impression from previous administrations, previous president s. Who is going to pay for the wall . Reporter after promising mexico would pay for the wall, the president sex pictured to describe the situation as the border as a growing humanitarian and National Security crisis. Despite recent studies that show the number of undocumented immigrants declined and nativeborn americans commit more crimes that be immigrants. The president told cnn he supported the impeachment of george w. Bush for the case he made for the war in iraq. For the war. Because of the conduct . He lied. He got us into the wall with lies. Look at the trouble bill clinton got into with something that was totally unimportant. They tried to impeach him, which was nonsense. Yet bush got us into this horrible war with lies, by lying, by saying they had weapons of mass destruction, by saying all sorts of things that turned out not to be true. Reporter the white house is continuing to make its case for the wall before the president s speech tonight. Pence is on capitol hill meeting with gop house members aware of the fact that there are republicans who are ready to bail on this president. Thats why the president is expected to go up to capitol hill, meet with Senate Republicans tomorrow. We understand that both republican and democratic leaders, including the new speaker, will be over here at the white house, scheduled to be, to hear the president s case before he goes down to the bortder bortd border to make the case thursday. He is trying to get the wall. It seems he has a steep wall to climb. Thanks very much. Jim is at the white house. Lets go to capitol hill. Fiphil mattingly is on the scene. As the president gets ready, the administration is making a push right now. Theres no question about it. Mike pence im told just started speaking in that closed door briefing with House Republicans. Kirstjen nielsen started first. Then russ vote went through his presentation. What the point has been twofold. The administrations position, we heard they are trying to express and get on board all House Republicans privately. Thats what they believe its a humanitarian crisis and the president having this fight despite 25 of the Government Shutdown is worth it. What is important as republican members get more skittish as the pain starts to bite even more as the days and weeks go on, was the presentation from the omb. Im today that the omb director made clear that tax refunds would continue to go out. Food stamps would not be affected, which was a big question given the Contingency Fund that might fall short in february. The effort right now you see from the administration is one that Republican Leaders on capitol hill im told made clear had to happen. Republicans, particularly in the house, felt like there was a vacuum in terms of information, in terms of what the strategy was, where the administration was going. You are seeing the administration respond in a big way. Theres the briefing tonight. Jim alluded to tomorrow. President trump and vicepresident pence will meet with Senate Republicans. Then after that, there will be the third in two weeks meeting between the top eight bipartisan congressional leaders. Its clear at this point in time, the bigger concern of the administration is not necessarily striking a deal with the democrats. Its making sure republicans are both in line and comfortable with the president s position before the speech and after the speech tomorrow. They know democrats so far have not shown any willingness to budge off their position. They have made clear the government has to be open before they are willing to negotiate on Border Security. The president made clear thats not something he is willing to deal with. He needs his party to stay with him and that is exactly why they have been making the push that they made tonight and will continue to make over the next couple of days. Interesting. Phil, thank you. Phil mattingly on capitol hill. Joining us now, congressman denny heck who serves on the House Intelligence Committee. Thanks for joining us. I want to get to the shutdown. Lets begin with what we have learned about Paul Manafort, the former Campaign Chairman. If he gave sensitive internal Trump Campaign polling data to this russian who has ties to russian intelligence, does that, do you believe does that rise to the level of collusion . Absolutely. I dont know why were still asking that question. This is a little bit of coming on a crime scene way dead body and a bullet hole and standing over it is Paul Manafort with a gun in his hand. He include colluded. What did the president know and when did he know it to channel senator howard baker a little bit here. What do you believe . We dont know yet. Im looking forward every bit as much as the rest of the folks for director muellers final report. I will tell you what i told you before. The walls are closing in. Every brick of evidence and information seems to reveal more and more and more that there was a tighter and substantially deep amount of communication between trump operatives and russian operatives with an eye toward the election. Did you know you are a Senior Member of the House Intelligence Committee. Did you know about this contact between Paul Manafort and the russian . Is this something the House Intelligence Committee learned during its investigation . Of course, if i did know it, i couldnt tell you. Can you give us a hint . No. Im sorry, sir. I take my oath pretty seriously wheth when it comes now that its out there, why is it sensitive for you to share with us whether your committee knew about it. I dont know what your next question will be. Let me put it this way. Im not surprised. Thats an answer. As you know, Paul Manafort, the former Campaign Chairman, was a serious guy in the campaign. Is it plausible, congressman, that President Trump would be unaware of this conduct during the campaign sharing sensitive polling information with this russian . Whether or not he was specifically aware of that particular exchange of information, it is becoming increasingly inplausible that he was unaware of the depth and breadth of communication, remembering there were 16 trump operatives that had contact with russian operatives. Yes in the general, its increasingly implausible the president was unaware. We learned today, congressman, that that russian lawyer who met with Paul Manafort and other Trump Campaign officials over at trump tower in june of 2016 during the campaign, this woman is much more closely connected to the kremlin than we originally thought. Now shes been indicted by the u. S. Attorney in the Southern District of new york because she secretly worked with russia to provide false information in a different case stemming back to 2013. What does that tell you . Another brick of evidence in what it is we suggested earlier, this incredibly tangled and complex web of exchange of information and collusion. Collusion has been proven. Its a different legal term than c conspiracy. Theres no question collusion has been committed. It was committed with the trump tower meeting. It was committed with information that was shared in the way of polling information. Go right down the line. Theres no longer any question in any rational persons mind that collusion was committed. Period. If collusion was committed, does that suggest to you you should go ahead the House Judiciary Committee with impeachment hearings . Collusion has been stated often is in and of itself not you a federal crime. Conspiracy and coordination for foreign interference in our election is. Thats what im suggesting to you the walls are closing in on with respect to the Trump Campaign operation. Are you suggesting its a conspiracy but not collusion . Or is it collusion and not a conspiracy . Im suggesting that collusion has been demonstrated or proven. Conspiracy has not yet been proven. As you suggested earlier, we dont know yet if donald trump personally was aware of the contacts between Paul Manafort and this russian. Yes. Wouldnt it be nice, for example, once again, if we could get our hands on the phone records of who it was that donald trump junior talked to immediately prior to the trump tower meeting in the summer of 2016 to see whether that was his father . You will be the majority in the House Intelligence Committee, presumably, you will subpoena that kind of information. Have you spoken to the new chairman of the intelligence committee, democrat adam schiff, and how you plan to pursue this information, other information . Will you call in Paul Manafort to testify . We have had the most preliminary of conversations about how we will pursue this and what are the most egregious, outstanding Unanswered Questions associated with our prematurely trunk a trunkated investigation. You can be assured that chairman schiff plans to follow up. He plans to follow up, i think, very much so with respect to subpoenaing records relating to money. Follow the money always. He also is interested many of us are in sharing transcripts with director mueller so he can determine whether or not with what director mueller knows. We dont know what director mueller knows. Have there been members that came before the Congressional Committee and committed perjury . Thanks for joining us. Always, thank you. We will have more on the new revelations about Paul Manafort and the new information we learned about details that he shared with an alleged kremlin operative. Is this evidence of collusion . We are standing by for President Trumps Oval Office Speech. Will americans find his claims about a border crisis convincing . My experience with usaa has been excellent. Speech. Will americans find his claims about a border crisis convincing . And it really shows. With all that usaa offers why go with anybody else . We know their rates are good, we know that theyre always going to take care of us. It was an instant savings and i should have changed a long time ago. It was funny because when we would call another insurance company, hey would say oh we cant beat usaa were the webber family. Were the tenneys were the hayles, and were usaa members for life. Get your usaa Auto Insurance quote today. We know that when youre spending time with the grandkids every minute counts. And you dont have time for a cracked windshield. Thats why we show you exactly when well be there. Saving you time, so you can keep saving the world. Kids safelite repair, safelite replace the breaking news tonight, lawyers for Paul Manafort mistakenly revealing the former Trump Campaign chairman gave polling information, sensitive polling information from the campaign to an alleged kremlin operative. Its the closest public assertion of coordination between a Trump Campaign official and the russian government. Lets dig deeper with our correspondents and analysts. This is Sensitive Information that manafort shared with this russian who has ties to russian intelligence. Explain the questions this raises. Its a major acknowledgement. It was the biggest window into what Robert Mueller is looking at in terms of possible collusion between the Trump Campaign and the russians. Of course, this raises the question why. Why was the Trump Campaign chairman at the time, Paul Manafort, sharing this sensitive polling data with a man who has links to russian intel . What would the campaign get out of that . What were the russians getting out of that . This is the first public acknowledgement of possible coordination between a Trump Campaign official and the russian government. Remember, this is happening during a time that russian government operatives were allegedly hacking democrat computers to release information that would help trump and launching a social Media Campaign to sway voters to trumps side. So Robert Mueller is looking into this whether this is connected presumably. This wasnt a lowlevel Trump Campaign official that no one heard of or some medium this was the Campaign Chairman. Both of these people were big guys. You have the Campaign Chairman and a russian intelligence operative of some repute. And he was doing business with Paul Manafort during the campaign, who was feeding him inside information which could then be fed, as pamela was saying, to bots who were trying to hack into this election and to affect the election. The question is it remains to be answered. Maybe bob mueller will answer it. Did he get this inside information on internal polling from Paul Manafort and then use it to his advantage . We dont know the answer to that. I think we would like to find out. Its very important information. Legally, jeffrey toobin, what does it mean for Paul Manafort and for the president . I dont think it changes Paul Manaforts legal situation, which is desperate as it is. Whats worth pointing out here is that not only did manafort have these intereactions, he lid about them. He lied about them even after he agreed to cooperate with the Mueller Investigation. He must have wanted to keep it secret pretty badly. Which compounds how serious this development is. I dont know if it has any significance for the president yet. We need to know so much more about this relationship. What did he give to manafort in return . We know from the intelligence committees that the russian government was trying to get donald trump elected president of the United States. We now know there was this one on one relationship between his Campaign Chairman and this russian intelligence operative. What went on . How many times did they meet . Why did he go all the way to madrid to meet with him . Which is not exactly a convenient place. It must have been a pretty serious meeting so they went to madrid. It raises a tremendous number of questions. The significance of it is very serious. David, what do you think . I agree with jeffrey in that we dont really know yet what the president knew and how that impacts him. Let me just say this. If you were trying to collude, conspire with the russians, handing over polling data to a russian intelligent would be a good place to start. Whats been interesting about watching this Mueller Investigation has been to see the pieces of the puzzle fill in. This is one more piece of that puzzle. As gloria said, some of it may could have been used conceivably to focus some of the social media efforts of the russians that we now know were intense and took place and were impactful. Polling is a pretty blunt instrument to help focus. Theres other data that could be more useful. Still, you could see if there is a link there, the puzzle fills in further and soon you have the picture of a real conspiracy. You worked on the obama president ial campaign. Can you imagine someone from the obama president ial campaign sharing sensitive intenrnal polling information with a russian operative . I was the chief strategist. I had a hard time getting data myself. I cant imagine that. That was the most closely guarded secret. Look, we have said this many times before. If anybody had even an inkling that they were talking to an operative for another government, much less the russians, that would have been reported to the appropriate authorities right away. You know, look, it is impossible you would have to be really, really willfully ignorant to look at all this information or intentionally ignorant to look at this information and say, well, this is all sort of irrelevant and coincidental. The more the puzzle fills in, the more suspicion there is. Sort of like this seep so be the most substantive coordination between a high ranking Trump Campaign official and a russian official so far. This doesnt tell us what the president knew at the time. It doesnt necessarily get you i think we are a long way from anyone being able to prove conspiracy or collusion. Conspiracy to defraud the United States, a crime being investigated by the special counsels investigation. The idea of small collusion, there are points now between russians and members of President Trumps inner circle during the Campaign Time frame are coming closer and closer together. They all fly in the face certainly politically of the tweets and statements that the president has made over and over that theres no collusion, no one that i know had anything to do with russians, that just becomes more and more implausible with each passing day. When the can i just clarify one thing . I mentioned the madrid meeting. We have been informed the madrid meeting took place after the election, even ither january or february. That was the time the russians were trying to get sanctions lifted. There was lots of communication between kushner, sessions, all sorts of people connected to trump, all of whom it seems forgot or told untruths about their dealings with russia. The fact that they were still doing it after the election fits with the rest of the pattern in the campaign. Can i add to something david was saying . I think it requires the willing suspension of disbelief to think that 16 people who were affiliated with what we are told was a very small operation, the Trump Campaign, had contacts with russians. This was not a huge campaign. They are right. It was a small group. Out of that small group, you had 16 people with contacts with russians. Is that a coincidence . We dont know anything about the president in all of this, i should say. We have no idea how far up the ladder these contacts went. We do know Michael Cohen is cooperating with mueller and he may have something to say about that. How do you say, pay no attention to it . Its a coincidence. None of those contacts were reported. Those are serious questions. Stick around. We will have more right after this. Well the kids wanted a puppy, but they can be really expensive. So to save money i just found them a possum. Dad, i think hes dead. Probably just playin possum. There he is. 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News flash nobodys perfect. For drivers with accident forgiveness, Liberty Mutual wont raise your rates due to your first accident. Switch and you could save 782 on home and Auto Insurance. Call for a free quote today. Liberty mutual insurance. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Just over two hours away from President Trumps Oval Office Address, making his case for funding for his border wall. He has to be careful tonight. Eight minutes he will speak, supposedly. Everybody will be listening and watching to make sure that every word is correct. Thats right. We have heard the administration play fast and loose with the facts in order to make this case that there is a National Security crisis at the border. Already, there have been administration officials, including pence, who said nearly 4,000 known or suspected terrorists were apprehended attempting to end the u. S. In 2018. The fact is that this number, the bulk is people who apply, who are applying for vis isas t come to the u. S. The remaining number is people who attempt to travel and normally by air. Im told by a source familiar with this matter that only roughly a dozen individuals in fiscal year 2018 were actually encountered at the border. Roughly half of those were stopped at a legal port of entry. Making this case nearly 4,000 suspected terrorists were apprehended in the context of the souther border is misleading. You hear the Administration Talk about the special interest al n aliens, 3,000 were apprehended attempting to enter the u. S. In 2018. They were coming from countries of concern such as yemen, bangladesh, taking an irregular route to get to the u. S. Those are considered special interest aliens that the u. S. Says it engaged with last year. Thats a different category from suspected terrorists. The president , gloria, has got to move away from relying on misleading numbers to try to make his point. You would think so. It seems to me that the white house and pamela knows more about this than i do. The white house is scrambling to get their ducks in a row. They know theres been a lot of pushback on these numbers. The question that i have about donald trump, is he going to stick to the script written for him in this window he asked for or is he going to freelance . If he freelances, who knows what numbers he will what makes you think they will correct their numbers . Why havent they they have been telling false numbers for the entire two years of the presidency. I can only tell you from reporting, that there is some internal scrambling going on, particularly after the vicepresident this morning on the morning shows used the wrong number. The numbers are accurate. The way they the context is wrong. David, you have some experience. An Oval Office Address eight minutes that supposedly he is going to give. How important, how effective can that be in effecting attitude . Even people who are good at this find it very, very difficult. These things tend to work best when theres an event you are responding to. Ronald reagan, the challenger tragedy, when obama spoke to the apprehension, killing of osama bin laden. Its a bad format to try and win a political argument. You only have eight minutes. You are reading off a prompter. This president isnt very good at doing that. He likes to freelance, as gloria suggests. He likes to ad lib. You cant do that in an Oval Office Speech. Theres no crowd. This is not his event. They may regret choosing this as the format through which they try to deliver a message. David, reading prompters is not that easy. Its not. The president is an effective commuter. He is better in unscripted moments. Scripted moments are not his friend. He likes the crowd. He likes to freelance. This is going to be a test of his capabilities. You have the response from schumer and pelosi. I dont know whether they will read prompter. Will they fact check him in real time . We dont know how they will do. They have a limited window. See how they do. Stick around. More news were following. New information right now about the impact of the partial Government Shutdown on some Airport Security operations across the country. Its a c cnn exclusive. We will be right back. In eleven homes. Verage, we and every time we move, things change. Apartments become houses, cars become mini vans. As we upgrade and downsize, an allstate agent will do the same for our protection. Now that you know the truth, are you in good hands . 12 hours . 20 dogs . Wheres your belly rubs . After a day of chasing dogs you shouldnt have to chase down payments. vo send invoices and accept payments to get paid twice as fast. danny its time to get yours vo quickbooks. Backing you. 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Its all laid out in an internal email dated monday. The tsa official is in charge of Security Operations at palm springs airport and he wrote, im quoting, due to excessive unscheduled absences recently experienced at psp that has adversely impacted Security Operations, if you have an unscheduled absence you will not be placed in intermittent furlough status. Plainly speaking, the concerns about the number of callouts have reached the point that tsa management warning employees in that email that there may be disciplinary action if employees call out. Now this email was directed to all tsa personnel at the airport, and it is significant because it exposes for the very first time an acknowledgment that the partial Government Shutdown now stretching into the third week is impacting some Aviation Security at at least one airport and we just received, wolf, a statement from the tsa that says in part that palm springs airport is a small airport that requires a full team effort. The deputy fsd, which is federal security director, who is referenced in the email obtained by cnn was simply expressing that all screening employees must report to work during the current lapse in appropriations as required by federal rules. They have not seen any indication that operations have been hampered at all there, but keep in mind, this all comes after safety warnings and concerns have been raised by pilots unions, flight a tep dants unions and tsa unions. Thank you, rene, very much. Much more news right after this. [clap, clap] hey, jen, which tie says, trustworthy but also fun . Gold down, oil up. Oil down, gold up. This is too busy. We need to make sure people can actually use this stuff. Which one says, hours of free Live Streaming coverage without cable or subscription fees . Aluminum, aluminum . You ready, zack . Oh, were ready. Welcome to the show. Lets make finance make sense. I can do more to lower my a1c. Because my body can still make its own insulin. 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Hes been to iran multiple times to visit her. He stays two or three weeks at a time. This time when he went over there in early july, around mid july he disappeared. He wasnt returning any messages from home. The mother filed a missing persons report. She spoke to the department of Homeland Security but she says it was only three weeks ago that she found out from the state department, they got in touch with her, that all of this time, its been nearly six months now he has been in an iranian prison. Unclear what exactly hes been charged with, what hes accused of, why they picked him up, how they picked him up. She says that the state department told her theyre trying to gain access to him through switzerland which handles the u. S. s diplomacy with iran. The relationship is at a low point. Michael white is one of at least four americans that we know of who are currently detained in iran. The one whos been held the longest has been there for more than three years. Theres Robert Levinson who disappeared in iran more than a decade ago. These are serious, serious situations and we have to get these americans out of iran and clearly we didnt even know that he was being detained until now. And the state department isnt even confirming it. What we know is what were hearing from his family. Lets hope for the best. Thanks very much to our viewers for watching. Im wolf blitzer in the situation room. Erin Burnett Outfront starts right now. Out front next, a credibility crisis. President trump about to address the nation making his case for the wall. Can he convince the public hes telling the truth . Plus the congresswoman who called trump a mother fer is out front. Any regrets . Paul manafort sharing information with a russian tied to intelligence, lets go out front. Good evening. Im erin burnett. Out front tonight, trumps crisis. Youre looking at a live shot of the white house where tonight President Trump will address the nation using the gravity of the oval office to make his case for building a wall on the border with mexico and for shutting down the governmen

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