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Been sasked with coming together to issue a full and extensive investigative report into exactly what happened to Jamal Khashoggi, how it was he was killed. That report is to be delivered in one months time. So saudis buying themselves a little bit of wiggle room here, but in the immediate time though, wolf, there is big news, which is that they are also announcing that they have dismissed general Ahmed Al Asiri. You may be remembering since tuesday we have been reporting that a former military officer, very high up in intelligence, was the one who was in charge of this mission. We can now confirm to you, we did not name him out of an abundance of caution before. We can now confirm to you this is consistent with our reporting of the past three days. The man in question was Ahmed Al Asiri. He used to be the spokesperson for the coalition that was overseeing the campaign, the war in yemen. He is wellknown to be part of the crown princes inner circle. We can now confirm Saudi State Television saying that general Ahmed Al Asiri has been relieved of his position. Wolf, this is a significant move. This is a very highranking official, and this is presumably the first of several other dismissals. There were some other dismissals announced as well, but none anywhere near as highranking as general al asiri. As i said before, the other headline along with the dismissal of al asiri is that they now have one month, national security, interior ministry, Foreign Ministry, to put together essentially a report, a commission that will get to the bottom of how it was that khashoggi was killed, wolf. Thats significant, the fact that theyve now fired this general Ahmed Al Asiri. There were suggestions, reports earlier in the week that he was going to be the fall guy. Looks like that is unfolding right now. Quickly, i want you to stand by, clarissa. Elise lob elise labott is monitoring developments as well. What are you learning. In addition to al asiri, who as clarissa said, is one of the Senior Adviser to mohammad bin salman, he was the coalition spokesman, but mohammad bin salman had taken a liking to al siri. He sotook him over as deputy he of intelligence and Senior Adviser. In addition to that another, Senior Adviser who is not as senior as al asiri, but a top adviser in the inner circle. Why is he important . Because saad al katadi was someone who had been speaking with japmal khashoggi over the last year, trying to get him back into the fold. There was, as we were discussing, a lot of ko consternation about his criticism of mohammad bin salman. He was saying, stop your criticism, stop your criticism of donald trump, come back into the fold and we will give you a think tank. He has gone along with five top intelligence officers. Of course, the main question with so many of mohammad bin salman, the crown princes advisers in the inner circle fingered in the killing of jamal, the question is what about the crown prince know, what did he authorize, and when did he know it, wolf. I want you to stand by. Clarissa is getting more details in turkey right now. What else are you learning, clarissa . Reporter so were also learning, wolf, that along with the dismissal of general Ahmad Al Asiri, which as i pointed out before is important for a number of reasons, 18 saudi nationals have been detained. 18 saudi nationals. One other thing i want to mention, wolf, because it does bear mentioning to our u. S. Audience, it is currently 1 00 in the morning in saudi arabia. Not uncommon to see these well, to see major news being broken so late in the night in saudi arabia. I believe when it was announced that the deputy crown prince, mohammad bin salman, would become the now crown prince, that announcement was made at 3 00 in the morning. Now, were also learning that apparently according to the prosecutor general, it was a fistfight that led to the death of Jamal Khashoggi. A fistfight that led to the death of Jamal Khashoggi. You may remember the details that we had heard up until this point from turkish officials who were responding to the tape, the alleged audio that exists of this whole thing. They said there was some kind of an interrogation, some kind of a struggle that then led to Jamal Khashoggis death. Not exactly clear yet how a fistfight could result in the death of a journalist. That presumably is what the saudis will want to spend the next month reviewing with the national securityinvolved interior ministry and Foreign Ministry as i said, but certainly this is a significant moment. We have not seen anything quite like this from the kingdom, certainly any time that i can remember, but 18 saudi nationals detained, one incredibly important Senior Adviser to the prince himself all dismissed from his position, and revelations now starting to come out as to exactly how, wolf, Jamal Khashoggi died. I want to be precise, clarissa. 18 saudi nationals now detained, meaning theyve been arrested by the saudi government. Does that include among the 18 general Ahmad Al Asiri and Saad Al Katani, these two highranking saudi officials . Well, we do know that Saad Al Katani, as you said, extremely high ranking, that he has been detained. We know so far general Ahmed Al Asiri has been dismissed from his position. As i said before, he is the one who oversaw the entire operation, a former military official, used to be the spokesperson for the coalition that is fighting that war in yemen, a Senior Adviser, part of the crown princes inner circle. He has been dismissed from his position. Katani has been also detained. This is momentous. We havent seen anything like this coming out of the kingdom for a very long time, wolf. All right. And so they say that Jamal Khashoggi died as a result of a fistfight at the saudi consulate in istanbul, turkey. We know he walked in, he was fine walking in, he never walked o out, something happened inside. Walk us through what theyre saying as a fistfight resulting in his death. Reporter it is interesting, wolf, because the saudis have only just begun to sketch out the bare bones of a narrative. They clearly want to buy themselves more time by having a larger, detailed report that wont come for a month. But if you think back to what weve been hearing from turkish officials who have been sort of leaking elements of this audio tape that reportedly captured the entire event, what we heard again and again essentially was that Jamal Khashoggi walked in there essentially to do something as mundane as to renew get some paperwork that would show he was single that would allow him to marry his fiance here in turkey. He was quickly taken into another room. He was interrogated. There was some kind of violence that went on. The saudis clearly categorizing that as a fistfight. Up until then we had simply heard it was some kind of a violent altercation, and then somehow and this really is the missing link. Somehow that ends with Jamal Khashoggi being dead and, according to turkish officials, then his body being dismembered, cut into little pieces, and there are still a lot of questions, i should add, wolf. Where is that body . That is the one thing turkish officials will be wanting to know. It is something that the state news bulletin from saudi arabia does not appear to address. Where is the body and, still, of course, who gave the order for this operation . What was the express purpose of this operation . How does a fistfight end up with a dismembered journalist . Wolf. Especially when there are 15 saudi nationals inside the consulate who were all flown over basically that day to deal with Jamal Khashoggi. Stand by, clarissa, because elise is getting new information as well. Elise labott is joining us. Elise, the secretary of state, mike pompeo, just returned to the United States from saudi arabia. Was he informed of these kinds of specific details while he was there . Reporter he was not, wolf. The saudis were very short on specifics, but officials have said that secretary pompeo gave a very stern warning to mohammad bin salman and the king, saying, you need to have an investigation, it needs to be credible, and all of the details are going to come out so you need to be up front about what you know and what happened and gave a warning to mohammad bin salman that his future as king is at stake, wolf. From talking to sources in the region, thats one of the reasons that this came out tonight at this late hour. As we know, the saudis are prone to have these latenight revelations and announcements, but why is it today on a weekend in saudi arabia . Theyre still rounding up the weekend there, because secretary pompeo reportedly gave a 72hour deadline to the saudis to come out with something, and sources said that they knew that they had to meet the deadline and they wanted to meet it. Now, as clarissa said, a lot that is unknown, particularly what was the mission here, the mandate. Was it just to interrogate jamal . Was it to render him, to kidnap him and bring him back home . What did the crown prince know at that time. Sources say the saudis know no one is going to come out looking good in this, wolf, but theyre going to try to be as upfront as they can, but you also saw, you know, saudi supporters, supporters of mohammad bin salman saying tonight that the perpetrators need to be brought to justice but at the same time the stability of the kingdom, the stability indeed of the region is at stake, wolf. Thats really in the minds of the saudis and the United States and even the turks as they work their way through this. I want to go to riyadh, saudi arabia right now, International Correspondent sam kylie. Sam, i take it you watched all of this unfold on official saudi state tv. Walk us through what theyre saying over there. Reporter well, you wouldnt have imagined, wolf, that this was a momentous announcement with the sound down, which is how it first came up to us. It just looked like a regular newscast, almost a discussion between the newscasters, very rapidly the details started to emerge. And they are very consistent with what we had been led to believe would be the case from our own sources over the last few days. Just to recap, they announced that 18 officials, saudis, have been detained, that Ahmad Al Asiri that is the head of intelligence here, a very, very Senior Intelligence official, a former spokesman for the saudi war operation in yemen, a very hardline spokesman he was, too, during that period, hes been detained. The assumption is here that all of the 15 individuals named by the turks, but we havent seen a full list of them yet from the saudis, would be among those 18 plus some other officials, notably Saad Al Katani who is an intimate official in the royal court. Now, both asiri and katani are very, very close indeed to the crown prince, mohammad bin salman, and this is clearly a House Cleaning operation of some considerable import. Never actually in the history probably of modern saudi arabia has there been quite such a dramatic move against so many people who are so close to the center of power, body guards, the head of intelligence, intimates of the royal court, and a signal really that the saudis eventually had to bow to the steady leak of series of leaks that were coming out of turkey. Turkey, of course, has been arguing all along that it had definitive intelligence on this plot that mr. Khashoggi was killed within a couple of hours of arriving in that consulate on october 2nd, largely based, it is assumed, on bugging equipment planted by the turks. The United States flew their secretary of state over here, met for 40 minutes with the crown prince, and now late on a early, rather, on a saturday morning, about 1 00 local time a. M. , we get this announcement. This is not uncommon in saudi arabia, partly because people are quite late night people here anyway. It is not quite prime time, but nor is it quite the small hours it would be in the western world. But it is a moment that saudi arabia has taken to draw breath and try to protect the house of saud. Whether it is successful in terms of defining the future life and longevity as a potential king in his role as crown prince for mohammad bin salman may well depend what comes out of this report thats due to be published in about a months time, wolf, according to the saudi news broadcast. But it is a very dramatic moment indeed, and a moment i think in which the house of saud has had to move and bow to International Pressure like never before, wolf. Very quickly, sam, what, if anything, are the saudis saying about what the crown prince, mohammad bin salman, actually knew about this plot to go ahead and eventually kill Jamal Khashoggi . Reporter well, those details have not yet emerged as far as im aware, wolf, but the statements in the past have been consistent that he knew nothing about it and this was a rogue element. Thats the sort of language that weve had in translation from the newscasters. Theyre simply saying that this was a plot, that mr. Khashoggi was murdered, but there is no indication whatsoever that theres any kind of finger pointing towards the crown prince, wolf. All right. Stand by, sam. I know you are working your sources over there in riyadh. It is 1 16 a. M. Right now in saudi arabia. I want to go to the white house. Kaitlan collins is getting reaction i suspect. Earlier in the week we heard the president say, kaitlan, that he had heard that, quote, rogue killers may have been responsible, what the saudis are now suggesting is that, yes, rogue killers may have been responsible for the death of Jamal Khashoggi. Reporter thats right. And now the question is who does the white house believe here. Of korks, it course, it is comi know that the white house is tracking these developments as we are hearing them ourselves coming from Saudi State Television, so theyre keeping track on that. We did hear from President Trump on this earlier. Theyre giving this onemonth timeline, but earlier when President Trump was speaking to reporters he said he hopes to know more by monday and that he already knew a lot. Of course, thats going to raise a question of what exactly is it that the president knew and did he know that Jamal Khashoggi is dead now that the Saudi State Television is confirming as much. One of the questions, wolf, he was asked about is if it is found that the saudis are found to be responsible for the death of the reporter, what are the consequences going to be. He said he wasnt ready to talk about it yet but it was serious stuff and he wanted to get to the bottom of it, and when it came to the decision, that time to have action and make a decision on what to do in response to this, he did want to Keep Congress involved. Now, wolf, most people took that to believe he was talking about sanctions, but he did say he was going to make recommendations to congress about that arms deal that is in the works, and essentially saying he didnt want it to affect the arms deal, he thought there were other avenues to explore there. He said he would make recommendations toing coul cong essentially saying it would be something along the lines of the arms deal. As you heard clarissa saying, it is who are they going to blame. Though the president has come close to acknowledging that the reporter was killed in the consulate, he has not pointed the finger at the crown prince as others have and he has not said exactly what the consequences are going to be if it is found they are responsible for this. Wolf, as you pointed out earlier in the week, the president suggested rogue killers could be responsible for this. So the question is going to be is he going to buy saudi denials even if other people dont believe them. And as you know, kaitlan, the president earlier said within the next two or three days, maybe by monday they will get the complete report, but the saudi statement says they need another 30 days right now to continue their investigation. Reporter thats likely not going to be a timeline that will make a lot of people in washington happy because even some of the president s allies have been demanding answers. Wolf, it has been over two weeks since Jamal Khashoggi entered that saudi consulate and never came out. Of course, the saudis initially said he did leave the embassy but now theyre saying he is dead. That will raise even more questions about what it was they told secretary of state mike pompeo when he visited riyadh, because when he left that trip he was asked pointblank, do you believe this reporter is dead or alive. He said he didnt want to talk about the fact, that the saudis werent ready to talk about the fact, but, wolf, that simply will not be an answer that will suffice for a lot of people in the coming days. Kaitlan, we will get back to you. I know you are working your sources. We have our correspondents in turkey and saudi arabia all over, theyre watching this story. Much more on the breaking news right after this. [door opening] hi, im famous and this is a commercial. [door closing] so lets promote our falle a homecomingtravel dealame, on choicehotels. Com like this. 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If your uc or crohns treatment isnt working for you, ask your gastroenterologist about entyvio®. Entyvio®. Relief and remission within reach. We are following breaking news and a statement just read on saudi state tv. The saudis now confirm the journalist Jamal Khashoggi is dead. Lets go back to Clarissa Ward in turkey for us. Walk us through what the saudis now claim the detention of 18 saudi nationals and apparently the removal of highranking intelligence officials. Reporter thats right. So we know that general ahmad alassiri has been relieved of his duties. He is the man cnn has been reporting without naming him was the one to oversee the operation, but it is another official who is possibly even more interesting. His name is al katani. He is incredibly senior within saudi arabias power structure. He is one of the crown princes top three most senior, closest advisers. He is also wellknown for having sort of spearheaded this rather ugly Media Campaign on twitter to essentially take out critics of saudi arabia. He also played a prominent role in the Propaganda Campaign against qatar when saudi arabia decided to launch a blockade against qatar. We are hearing from one extremelywellplaced source that he even called Jamal Khashoggi to warn him threaten him about keeping criticizing of the king. This is a man who was wellknown to be a rather unsavory character, but what is significant about him being detained, wolf, is how close he is to the crown prince. Is this an attempt to shield the crown prince by saying someone this powerful could, indeed, ha have managed and held responsible for all of this and organized the coverup job, or does it in fact become more damning to the crown prince . Does it say the fact these two were close makes it virtually impossible that there is anyway the crown prince could not have known about this . Lets just go over once again very quickly, wolf, what were hearing from the saudis. They have said that when Jamal Khashoggi went in to the saudi consulate that he was taken, there was some kind of a quarrel, and what they are calling a physical altercation or a fistfight. Somehow, wolf, that ended up with Jamal Khashoggi dead. We dont yet know what happened to him. We dont yet know where his body is. There was no mention of this in the announcement on saudi state news, and the question now becomes is this a legitimate excuse, is this a legitimate reason, is this just still more coverup story, and is the world willing to wait the one month that saudi arabia says it will need to wait for a full and proper and thorough investigation into exactly what happened and who ordered it, wolf. Yes, this notion of a fistfight resulting in his death sounds very, very suspicious, clarissa. He is a 60yearold man surrounded by 15 saudi nationals, highranking saudi officials who were brought in to deal with him. All of a sudden theres a fistfight and he winds up dead, that sounds very suspicious to me. I want to go to Barbara Starr over at the pentagon. She is working her sources as well. What are you hearing, barbara . Reporter wolf, what we know is for the u. S. Military, u. S. Intelligence services, the white house, congress, the question tonight is what is not being said, and that is the role of the allpowerful crown prince of saudi arabia, mohammad bin salman. The saudis are not talking about him tonight, and what the u. S. Officials want to know is what was his role. He as crown prince, all powerful to the elderly king, king salman, the official announcements coming in the kings name but he is quite on in years. U. S. Officials throughout the week have pointed out king salman may not be fully aware of everything all the time going on due to his advanced age. He has placed a lot of power in this crown prince who is in his 30s. Indeed, for u. S. Intelligence services around the world, it is vital for them to rapidly understand tonight what is the crown princes role. Is there a possibility tonight, since his name is not being mentioned, that there is even a power struggle inside the royal family that may take some days, weeks, even months to sort out. The saudis do not Like International attention placed on them, and that is what they have had now for many, many days. Some of the older princes in the kingdom are very reluctant to get so much public attention on how they operate, on how the kingdom operates. Look, what the saudis are also reacting to is economic and financial pressure in the oil kingdom. We have seen over the last several days u. S. Companies, European Companies become very hesitant to deal in saudi arabia, many of them pulling out of a major conference. Not the message that the saudis want to send to the world. So the question again for Intelligence Services tonight is what is not being said in these announcements being made in the kings name. That is, what about the allpowerful crown prince, how could he really, as were saying, have had such an Operation Take place without him knowing . He is so powerful, does he not know what is going on in his own intelligence apparatus . Is he not in control . He cant really have it both ways, so he has to tell the older princes something, and what i am hearing from officials here is it could take some time for all of this to really sort out. Tonight it is vital to know the answers. Wolf. The saudis say they want another 30 days to investigate. What i want to know is now that saudi arabia has officially confirmed that Jamal Khashoggi is dead, will they hand over his body to his family, to his children, to his fiance . Will they do the right thing at least in that area . Were going to have much more. We are getting a lot of reaction to the breaking news. Senator Richard Blumenthal is standing by. We will get his re, a. Mu reaction. We will get much more on the breaking news right after this. Allstate is adapting. With drones to assess home damage sooner. And if a flying object damages your car, you can snap a photo and get your claim processed in hours, not days. Plus, allstate can pay your claim in minutes. Now that you know the truth. Are you in good hands . everybody wants a new, different, better world. Heres to the people who do what it takes to build it. To keep it running. The people who understand no matter what the question, the obstacle or the challenge, theres only one answer. Lets do the work. engine starts, hums that last place was pretty nice. I dont like this whole thing. I think we can do better. Change is hard. Try to keep an open mind. Come on, dad. This is for me, son . Principal. We can help you plan for that. Saad and a high risk for fracture. So with our doctors we chose prolia®. To help make our bones stronger. Only prolia® helps strengthen bones by stopping cells that damage them with 1 shot every 6 months. Do not take prolia® if you have low blood calcium, are pregnant, are allergic to it, or take xgeva® serious allergic reactions, like low blood pressure; trouble breathing; throat tightness; face, lip or tongue swelling, rash, itching or hives have happened. Tell your doctor about dental problems, as severe jaw bone problems may happen or new or unusual pain in your hip, groin, or thigh, as unusual thigh bone fractures have occurred. Speak to your doctor before stopping prolia®, serious infections, which could need hospitalization; skin problems; and severe bone, joint, or muscle pain. Are you on the path to stronger bones . If youre not sure. Ask your doctor about prolia®. The breaking news tonight, saudi arabia now confirming officially, publicly the death of the dissident journalist and Washington Post contributor Jamal Khashoggi. Lets get some reaction. Democratic senator Richard Blumenthal from connecticut is joining us. He is a member of the judiciary committee. Thank you for joining us. As you know, the saudis are now dismissing two highranking officials. They say theyve detained or arrested 18 other saudi officials. Do you think thats enough to does that satisfy you that they are at least taking some responsibility for the death of this journalist . The saudis very clearly seem to be buying time and buying cover, but this action raises more questions than it answers, and theres no way the world will wait for 30 days for a saudi investigation to be done. There has to be an international investigation. It has to be done with legitimate and credible means involving the United States, and it has to use those tapes, the surveillance that evidently the turks have done that show, in fact, torture, cutting of fingers, the idea that there was some botched interrogation or rogue killers or a fistfight thats responsible for the absolutely gruesome, brutal death of this american journalist, even though hes not an american citizen, a resident of the United States, is absolutely unacceptable. Because when you compare the gruesome details that weve learned over these past couple of weeks and what the saudis are now saying, that there was a fistfight, some sort of altercation and he wound up dead, does that make any sense to you at all, that this 60yearold journalist would wind up in a fistfight inside the saudi consulate in istanbul with 15 saudis, highranking saudi officials surrounding him and all of a sudden he is dead . That explanation absolutely defies credibility. We have no way of knowing at this point exactly what happened to Jamal Khashoggi, but the world deserves an explanation. Not from the saudis, who evidently are making every effort to insulate and shield the crown prince, but from an international inquiry. And this idea that they are going to arrest a certain number of the key people involved raises the possibility that they may put them in a kind of protective custody and insulate them from an international investigation, shield them from factfinding that the world needs to do. The saudis for too long have been given a pass in killing innocent civilians in yemen, in suppressing dissent in their own country and imprisoning women activists and other kinds of suppression of human rights and liberties, and they evidently have underestimated the level of outrage that the world now feels. Senator blumenthal, thanks so much for joining us. Thank you. I want to go the back to sam kiley, our International Correspondent in riyadh, saudi arabia right now. You are working your sources, sam. What else are you learning . Reporter well, we now know from none other than the saudi press agency, wolf, that what the future of the crown prince, mohammad bin salman, is, and that is to head up i say again, to head up the Investigative Committee that will include the interior minister and the foreign minister among others that will be looking into and investigating what occurred in this consulate. He is going to be investigating the very people who have been arrested who come from very close to his own entourage, notely saad alqahtani, his chief media adviser, the deputy head of general intelligence, and others, body guards, too. So he is being put in charge of the investigation into the murder of the Washington Post columnist, Jamal Khashoggi. Wolf. Because 18 saudi nationals have now been detained, theyve been arrested, theyre being held right now, but two very highranking saudi officials, general ahmed al aserie and saadal qahtani, both close to the crown prince, mbs mickelson, they have been relieved of their responsibility. Does anybody believe they would have been involved in an operation like this, to go ahead and deal with Jamal Khashoggi without the specific knowledge of and approval of the crown prince, mohammad bin salman . Reporter well, i think thats the narrative that the house of saud has to put out, it is the narrative weve been hearing from sources that was likely to be put out. But it is a question of mathematics. If you look at the number of people that have been arrested, detained or relieved of their positions, the majority work for the crown prince in some capacity or other, and those that dont were clearly ordered in to participate in this murder, as we now know it to be, by somebody in a very senior position, notably the very senior pathologist, a professor of pathology who was brought in as part allegedly of this plot. He was not part of the entourage, but you dont get somebody like that to join a team unless youve got some pretty substantial top cover, wolf. And you dont bring in a bone saw into an operation like this unless you have a specific goal in mind. Sam, i know you are working your sources. We will get back to you. Sam kiley is in riyadh for us. We will have much more on the breaking news. Our experts are standing by to assess this information. We will be right back. At humana, we believe great things are ahead of you when you start with healthy. 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Essentially he went in to be interrogated, there was some kind of an altercation and he was held in a choke hold and he died. The second thing, the most senior man relieved of his duties as a result of this whole incident, we know his name is alqahtani, the issue is how close is he to mbs. I want to read a tweet we found he wrote a year ago. He said, i never say anything from my mind without instructions. I am an employee, loyal to the king and the crown prince. One has to ask one self, wolf, if this man is tweeting that he doesnt even tweet or say anything without getting permission from the crown prince and the king, would he undertake a massive operation and coverup job like this without permission from the top. Wolf. Interesting. Thank you very much, clarissa. Lets bring in our experts. You know, samantha, you have spent time in saudi arabia. They just issued a statement, a formal statement, the kingdom of saudi arabia expresses deep regret at the painful developments that have taken place in this came and i a firms the commitment of the shorts in the kingdom to bring the facts to the attention of the public and to hold accountable all those involved. What is your reaction to what theyre doing . Any logical reaction to the statement is going to be, we werent born yesterday. This is not a credible investigation. It is being led by the man who very likely was involved in at least ordering an illegal interrogation, torture a choke hold as the authorities are now saying and potentially an assassination. If the saudis were serious about finding out what happened, there would be independent Law Enforcement agents allowed to participate and think wouldnt be locking away the potential suspects, which is very convenient for them, behind closed doors and not allowing anyone access to question them about what happened. This is a farce to me and the administration should demand better, while concurrently ordering an investigation on our own, with our own intelligence assets with their Law Enforcement partners to find out what happened. I agree with sam completely. This explanation out of the saudis is laughable and shame on us if we believe it. I see a narrative being constructed to distance saudi leadership from what we now know happened to this Washington Post columnist and theyre retroactively manufacturing facts to support the narrative. Look, when we look at the background of the individuals that walked into the consulate, look at what they brought with them, how many went in, it is clear to everyone here this was an effort designed to do harm to Jamal Khashoggi. So im much more interested in what the u. S. Intelligence community finds and what the intelligence communitiy finds based on working with our partners and allies than anything the saudis have to say. Your thoughts . White wash. This is basic. If you want to conduct an investigation like this and, remember, this murder didnt happen in saudi arabia. It happened in turkey. If i were the turk and the americans, we have a green card holder, i would have questions. Number one, interrogation and interviews of the individuals, not only the 18 but individuals around them. One of the persons of interest would be the crown prince. In the real world he would be interviewed, now hes running the investigation. I want to see their cellphones and laptops. I want to see who they communicated with before and who they called right after the murder was done. I guarantee theres no diagnostic information from computers and laptops. Finally, i want the stuff from turkey. Where is this audio . Was it part of the investigation . What did they find in terms of dna inside the facility . I dont see one investigative step that was taken here beyond an effort to say the crown prince didnt know and he wants to be king in ten years. Thats about it. And in their statement, saudi arabia says they will seek justice by referring those responsible to the competent courts in the kingdom of saudi arabia. What im interested in knowing is will they hand over Jamal Khashoggis body to his children, to his fiance for the answer is no. I worked for the saudis several years ago. Theres a problem if they hand the body over and that problem goes right to the crown prince. How are they going to hand over a body thats been dismembered and potentially shows a murder that doesnt look like the murder theyre describing in the documents we saw today. You spent some time in the ren region. What do you think in how does, in the big picture, affect the u. S. Saudi relationship, even after an investigation takes place over the course of the next month, lets say all 18 of the men are convicted and they say that the crown prince had no idea. This just smacks of an effort to isolate the crown prince, absolve him of any wrong doing and participation in this and in addition to the fact that hes now been named as the head of this investigation, so essentially, what theyre probably going to come out with in 30 days is that, that the crown prince had no role so then the question becomes, does that give the Trump Administration their cover to maintain the ties that they had with the saudis t ties they worked on so hard to improve after the obama administration. Weve seen from the beginning, President Trump and his aides saying, well, yes, this is a horrible thing, and its very sad, and there should be severe consequences, but at the same time, you know, this is a very important relationship. Standing together against iran, supporting israel, the war in yemen. So, then, does the question become that does the Trump Administration then say, all right, well, you saw what they did. They are punishing these 18 guys who were clearly acting independently, but at the end of the day, these are the saudis who are investigating themselves and then if the Trump Administration does give them that pass, what does congress do . Thats whats been interesting. Weve seen senators on both side of the aisle being aggressive about going after saudi arabia in terms of potentially blocking arms deals which go into the billions of dollars and enacting the magnitsky act. What theyre saying now, the saudis, sort of fits into what President Trump said earlier in the week, that he had been told maybe rogue killers were responsible. We saw, i believe, on monday, the king had a call with President Trump and President Trump came out of that call and was literally a mouthpiece for king salman. He started crafting this off ramp that ostensibly came from the saudis. It wasnt me. Weve all spent time in the kingdom. We all know that its not a very roguish type place. Things happen for a reason, because the king orders it or the crown prince orders it. There is no free press or free speech or separation of powers, so the president started parroting the king earlier in the week and alex, just to add to your point, its not just what congress is going to do. Its also what our allies are going to do and the Business Community is going to do. We have heard the uk come out quite strongly against saudi arabia and we have to guess theres a lot of behind the scenes coordination going on right now between our intel partners and i hope by secretary pompeo with his counterparts to say, lets take collective action regardless of what the saudi report says. Well have much more on the breaking news. Going to take a quick break. Well be right back. With such a long history, its easy to trust geico thank you todd. Its not just easy. Itsbeingamasterofhypnotism easy. Hey, i got your text sleep doug, when i snap my fingers youre going to clean my gutters. Ooh i should clean your gutters great idea. Its not just easy. Its geico easy. Todd, you will go make me a frittata. Start with 100 cleancheese . Ingredients. Like vermont white cheddar. Then. Add bacon, bbq chicken, or baja blend. Catering and delivery now available. Panera. Food as it should be. Still breaking news, saudi arabia confirming now that the saudi journalist and Washington Post columnist Jamal Khashoggi is dead. The saudi crown prince, mohammed bin salman, has been named to head a commission to investigate. Lets go to our cnn Global Affairs correspondent elise labott. So, step back a little bit. What does all this mean . Reporter wolf, you have the closest advisers, some of the top two advisers to the crown prince, mohammed bin salman, today, theyre talking about an investigation but what i think the unanswered question has to be, what did he know and when did he know it . I think in the next coming days, youre going to see further narratives coming out of saudi arabia. You know this is a crown prince that is not hes facing a lot of head winds at home. There are a lot of internal turmoil in the royal family, a lot of debates within the royal family about whether he should continue, and i think that youre going to see some questions about whether he knew about whether that these gentlemen, that these men went to meet with him. Something very key in this statement says, the suspect went to istanbul to meet and then the emergence of indications of the possibility of abduction and something else. So, i think at the very least, its implausible that crown prince mohamed did not know that these 15 men were going to meet him. The question now for the United States, is this explanation enough . I think were going to hear from the u. S. That it is not, even if its not a public statement, it will be behind the scenes, and a lot of questions right now about crown prince salman and whether there are questions about the relationship with saudi arabia, with the rest of the world, wolf. Weve seen over the last week officials, bankers, everybody pulling out of this saudi conference. If theres not something credible that comes out in several weeks, i think it will spell further turmoil for the relationship with the United States and for this young crown prince. Elise, thank you very much. Elise labott reporting for us. Lots more coming up on the breaking news. Thanks very much for watching. Our breaking News Coverage continues right now with erin continues right now with erin burnett outfront. Captions by vitac www. Vitac. Com outfront next, breaking news, the saudis making a major announcement tonight, admitting after weeks of denials that the Washington Post contributor is dead. What will President Trump do now . And trump doubling down on his praise for republican who body slammed a reporter. His allies say he was just joking. Was he . Plus, a caravan of thousands of migrants have made their way to mexico tonight. The president says theyre headed to the United States next. Is it just fear mongering . Lets go outfront. Good evening, everyone. Im kate bolduan in for erin burnett. We have breaking news and a major

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