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Stock sale that helped his son and others avoid millions in losses. The fbi said theres a better inside tip. Do not lie to its agents. And assange to testify . Wikileaks said the founder is asked for the Senate Committee to testify about russia interference. Would he leave the London Embassy where hes been holed up for years . Im wolf blitzer. Youre in the situation room. Breaking news. The u. S. Announces its imposing new sanctions on Vladimir Putins government after finding the kremlin responsible for the nerve agent poisoning of a former russian spy and daughter in britain. Also breaking, republican congressman Chris Collins pleads not guilty to charges of Insider Trading and lying to the fbi. Collins, the first member of of A look at breaking news, politics and reports from around the world. The admission for wikileaks has long been clear after revealing the clinton campaigns hacked emails. Wikileaks, i love wikileaks. This wikileaks stuff is unbelievable. This wikileaks is like a treasure trove. Reporter republicans are facing more Election Year turmoil as new york congressman Chris Collins was indicted on suspicion of Insider Trading. Collins, a president s earliest supporter, charged with 13 counts of security fraud, wire fraud and false statements in a scheme of an australian Pharmaceutical Company. Congressman collins cheated our markets and our justice system. Reporter now, all this, wolf, coming amid fresh signs of Warning Signs on the horizon for republicans. The Ohio Special Congressional race we have been talking so much about is still too close to call. The republican leading by about 1,700 votes or so and not declaring a winner in the race. The president is declaring winners saying he helped rescue that republican candidate. It will attack exports from russia, talking about hundreds of millions in future exports of russia, what they call dual use technologies. Any technology with a sensitive military use. It looks, manu, like members of congress pressed the administration, pressured the administration into launching these sanctions. No question about it. This came after the House Foreign Affairs chairman ed royce, republican, leads the committee, wrote a letter july 26th saying that the administration actually slow in making this determination under this 1991 law to determine whether or not russia did violate this law and if the United States did determine that, thats when the sanctions would immediately take effect. But according to this letter from ed royce, from july 26th, your findings due to the committee within 60 days. 93 days passed since the request and we have not received the statutorily required determination and goes on to say how critical it is to have these it could be damaging for the russian economy if they dont allow the inspections. Seems to be a familiar pattern going on. Congress angry at the russians. Passes legislation, 97 or 982 in the senate and overwhelmingly in the house, the administration reluctant. Kng squeezes a Congress Squeezes and then finally acts. Five members in both chambers voted against it. Remarkable to see done. Yet behind the scenes, the administration trying to water those down. The president issued a statement at the time saying that some of the provisions were unconstitutional. Called it flawed seriously and criticized for slowly implementing these sanctions so theyre facing a lot of pressure and new sanctions that have been proposed in the wake of his Helsinki Summit and the administration facing pressure of Congress Moving forward with more sanctions on russia. Thank you very much. Joining us now, democratic A look at breaking news, politics and reports from around the world. Finally acted now. Lets turn to another sensitive issue. The negotiations of Robert Mueller and the president s legal team over a possible interview with President Trump. Should mueller accept Rudy Giuliani the president s personal lawyer, Should Mueller accept giulianis latest terms . Whatever the terms are, they try to protect the president as much as possible so i dont see why mueller should accept these kinds of conditions and limitations. These negotiations have been going on for months an months. One wonders whether the trump team is really negotiating in good faith and some point i think that mueller has to decide whether to issue a subpoena and we all know that a president can be subpoenaed. Do you think that mueller really needs the president s testimony as part of his investigation . I think that mueller is conducting his investigation in such a professional and objective way that if he needs the president to testify under oath then i think that he will proceed to do that. If not then if he can make the case without the president s testimony then i think he will do so. I think for all of us wed like to have the president testify. I can understand why his team doesnt want him to testify because they can never be assured that the president even under oath will be telling the truth. At what point Should Mueller call off the negotiations and start working on a subpoena to the president . For all we know he may be doing a dual kind of a thing that as he continues to negotiate and as some point when they decide that its just not happening and the negotiations are not occurring in good faith he already have. If i understand how mueller operates, i wouldnt be surprised at all if they already have a subpoena prepared ready to go. Let me get your thoughts on one other issue. You remember the Veterans Affairs committee, theres a stunning report about the department of Veterans Affairs and according to dock. S by propublica a council of President Trumps friends has exerted sweeping influence over the va using the president s private club in florida as a home beach. Lets read a portion of this report. The Marla Go Crowd spoke with the va officials daily. Officials traveled there at Taxpayer Expense to hear the views. Everyone has to go down and kiss the ring a former Administration Official said. If the bureaucracy resists the trios wishes, perlmutter and others involved in the informal group, a powerful ally, the president of the United States. You serve on that Veterans Affairs committee as i said. Were you aware of this arrangement . Of course not. And this is yet another astounding revelation that the President Trump does not abide by any kind of ethical limitations and i find it astounding for an agency there to serve the needs and provide the programs so that the veterans earned and deserved, astounding to me that this group of totally unaccountable, unelected and behind the scenes people can exert this kind of influence. But they obviously have the protection of the president. This is why the president is not above the law but hes certainly acting as though he is. So i would hope that the Veterans Affairs committee on which i sit will conduct some hearings. Ill call id like for that to happen so we can find out exactly what kind of influence is being exerted by these people who are accountable to nobody. Hey, senator, thank you so much for joining us. Thank you. Up next, the Trump Administration punishes Vladimir Putin with new sanctions after determining his government used a deadly nerve agent in an attack on british soil. Republican senator rand paul said he delivered a letter for President Trump to Vladimir Putin. The white house said it was requested by paul. Why did the senator conduct his own Diplomatic Mission . At ally, we created a Savings Account with a great rate. But if thats not enough, our app helps monitor your spending too. And if thats not enough to help you save, we could start a carpool. Look at this traffic. Dont worry. Ok, if thats not enough well start a trainpool. Oh i have a meeting in five minutes. 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For afib patients well managed on warfarin, there is limited information on how xarelto® compares in reducing the risk of stroke. Dont stop taking xarelto® without talking to your doctor, as this may increase your risk of stroke. While taking, you may bruise more easily, or take longer for bleeding to stop. Xarelto® can cause serious, and in rare cases, fatal bleeding. It may increase your risk of bleeding if you take certain medicines. Get help right away for unexpected bleeding or unusual bruising. Do not take xarelto® if you have an Artificial Heart Valve or abnormal bleeding. Before starting, tell your doctor about all planned medical or dental procedures and any kidney or liver problems. Learn all you can to help protect yourself from a stroke. Talk to your doctor about xarelto®. Nerve agent attack on a former spy and daughter in britain. Senior nhl correspondent Fred Pleitgen is zandtistanding by. What are you hearing over there . Reporter we were trying to reaction from the russian government and reached out and the kremlin spokesman said that the kremlin wont comment. Now, of course, very late here and expect forceful reaction from the russian government. They, of course, always said they werent behind that novichok poisoning but the sanctions in the long run could be very, very biting for the russian economy and they certainly come at a time when many people in the u. S. And many people here in moscow wonder what exactly the Trump Administrations policy is towards russia. Of course, after the Helsinki Summit, we heard warm words of President Trump towards Vladimir Putin but then at the same time you have things like these sanctions coming back again and one of the things that we have been hearing consistently from the russians is that they believe President Trump does want these better relations but that it is u. S. Institutions that are essentially preventing him from making those better relations a reality, wolf. As you know republican senator rand paul announced today he delivered a letter from President Trump to russian officials destined for russias Vladimir Putin but the white house down plays it as a Letter Of Introduction simply requested by paul before he left washington. What are you learning . Reporter yeah. Well, the kremlin confirmed that the letter was received and quite interesting to see and to hear what senator rand paul had to say about what that letter was about, as far as hes concerned. Im going to read his tweet for you. He said, i was honored to deliver a letter from President Trump to president Vladimir Putins administration. The letter emphasized the importance of further engagement in various areas of Counter Terrorism and enhancing legislative dialogue and resuming cultural exchanges. Wolf, the white house seems to think it was a Letter Of Introduction for rand paul here in russia and one of the interesting things is that i actually saw rand paul after the first engagement here with Russian Parliament and i asked him whether or not President Trump informed and involved in the trip here to russia. Have a look at what happened there. Is President Trump informed about your efforts . Keeping him in the loop . Reporter so there we have senator rand paul walking away there together with a member of Russian Parliament. Its interesting, also, wolf, the kremlin confirmed receiving the letter from President Trump saying that that letter has not been reviewed yet, wolf. There was no meeting between senator paul and the russian leader Vladimir Putin. Were also told that senator paul asked the white house for that letter from the president hoping it would generate a meeting that he would have with putin. Clearly that didnt necessarily work and those various ideas in the letter, those were ideas the white house says was put forward by rand paul, not necessarily from the president. So theres a little bit of confusion in these areas. Well stay on top of the story. Fred, thank you very much. Coming up, President Trumps lawyers counter the latest Interview Offer of the special counsel Robert Mueller. Will mueller accept or finally issue a subpoena to the president . Republicans endorsed by President Trump jolted by very close election results. What does that mean for the upcoming midterms . Stay with us. Youre in the situation room. Your Brain Changes as you get older. But prevagen helps your brain with an ingredient originally discovered. In jellyfish. In clinical trials, prevagen has been shown to improve shortterm memory. Prevagen. Healthier brain. Better life. Ill do what ive always done. Dream more, dream faster, and above all. Now, ill dream gig. Now more businesses, in more places, can afford to dream gig. Comcast, building americas largest gigspeed network. Tonight President Trumps legal team waiting for muellers reply to the offer on whether or not the president takes questions in the Russian Election meddling investigation. We have a lot to discuss with the experts. Laura coates, a former prosecutor, would you take that deal if you were mueller . No. Because i dont negotiate with somebody who has no Bargaining Power greater than mine. The leverage giuliani considers he has, listen, mueller doesnt want a long, drawnout Litigation Battle In The Courts but a timely resolution to what probe hes engaged in and wants to battle with the idea of voluntarily or subpoena, it drags it out further but in reality mueller doesnt need to be beholden to giuliani and the requests and the mandate, the type of questions hed like asked. Its also about collusion and whether somebody is a part of the Trump Campaign knew more and who was the head of the campaign . Donald trump. Very interesting. Gloria, is the president s legal team serious about an interview with muellers team face to face or drag it out . Well, youre assuming that the legal team agrees on everything. Thats not my assumption. They have a client who says still to this day that he wants to talk to bob mueller. I think the lawyers on the team and we have reported this over and over again are pretty much united that theyd rather the president did not sit down with bob mueller. I think the big question now that everybody is sort of facing is they go back and forth and back and forth and remember they have gone back and forth since january on this. Is the question of whether bob mueller will subpoena the president , should his lawyers say, you know, we are not going to let him testify, for example, on obstruction. And i think there are a lots of sources that we have been talking to who are familiar with Whats Going On who say, look, we dont believe that mueller will subpoena the president because he doesnt want to drag this out, he doesnt want to take it to the Supreme Court. So we believe perhaps well be able to come to some arrangement. As laura says, theres absolutely no guarantee that mueller is operating on any time line, including the time line of the midterm elections so we just dont know. You know, it is interesting, giuliani gave an interview to jay sekulow, one of the president s personal lawyers, ron, and suggested this thing about an interview should be wrapped up by september 1st. Do you think thats realistic . Oh boy. You can run a clip of all the time that is Rudy Giuliani and other members of the team said that either the interview or the entire investigation is going to be wrapped up so, you know, i dont think as gloria said, i dont think we know on that. And as laura knows better than i, theres Justice Department guidance in the Bush Administration and in the Obama Administration that explicitly warns prosecutors against Making Decisions that could be seen as influencing an election. Something that james comey, you know, apparently didnt read too closely but ive got to think that we are heading into the point where the idea of wrapping this up One Way Or Another is kind of impinging on that getting too close to the midterm election. Whatever the legal rationale, the idea that a sitting president would refuse to answer questions from a special counsel about something as significant as potential foreign interference in an american election, you have to wonder how it plays out with voters outside of the base of the president and how its received by republicans in the Swing Districts feeling endangered after the close call in ohio yesterday. The argument being if you have nothing to hide whats the big deal of sitting down and simply telling the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth . How do you see it . If you look at the ways in which the president and the allies repeatedly attacked this special counsel and the investigation, its clear that their efforts a lot more focused at this point on persuading Public Opinion and certainly bears repeating theres no evidence of the president s claims of a widespread bynes against him but certainly polling has shown hes been able to keep the republican basin tact. Now, as ron pointing out, that doesnt necessarily extend to the general electorate and i think its also very striking that the president s legal team clearly do not want him to sit down with the special counsel. You heard Rudy Giuliani talk about Perjury Traps coming to questions of Obstruction Of Justice and also very telling that the real issue here is that the president s legal team doesnt trust the client to tell the truth. What point does mueller issue a subpoena and how threatening, how much of a problem, laura, would that be for the president . The Second Mueller realizes any negotiations done in bad faith and a delay tactic and not part of a good faith negotiation process, hes entitled to try to secure a subpoena and get it compelled and likely he would win at the Supreme Court level and just a longer, drawnout Battle And The Point of the issue of september and why the doj guidelines are important here, i know that the midterm elections are in november and because theres early voting in certain states of september, thiss why the september date is so important and arguable whether or not the president whos not on the ballot would have a valid basis to say a probe investigating the members of the Campaign None of whom on a ballot would be undermined in this Election Cycle so there is an argument to be made that muellers probe can continue even through september, october and november. Speaking of Election Cycle, gloria, what do you make of last night the results in two important races in ohio, the 12th congressional district, the republican right now slightly ahead by about 1,700 votes, Troy Balderson over danny oconnor, still 8,000 votes to be counted. And in kansas, the Secretary Of State chris kobach slightly ahead by 191 votes over jeff colyer. What are you Big Takeaways Of Last Night . Well, first of all, ohio shouldnt have been a race. You know . This was a place that donald trump won by 11 points. This is a reliably republican district more than three decades. And i think that the fact that the democrat has come that close means that if im a republican and im running in a suburban district im worried im scared because this race should have just shouldnt have been there. So i think that, you know, if youre a republican now, you have to decide how close you cozy up to the president , whether he helps you or whether he hurts you. And the big issue here as it always is in midterm elections is motivation. And if you looked at the numbers in the state of ohio as we did last night, democrats said 66 of democrats in this special election in the middle of august said that they were motivated to go out and vote. So i think you have to kind of multiply that when you get to a real election, a general election. And if im a republican, im nervous about losing the house. How do you see it, ron . Yeah. I basically agree. It confirmed the patterns seeing in the other big elections since Trump Took Office such as the Alabama Senate race and virginia governors race and kind of a split level result. On the one hand, we saw the republicans continuing to consolidate the hold on small town and rural areas, Balderson Won, five of the seven counties in this district are blue collar, more Rural Counties and Balderson Won 62 in there. Not difference than donald trump did in 2016 and better than mitt romney did in 2012. The catch is that the other side of the equation is very real, too. Trump regressed significantly compared to romney in the suburban white collar parts of the district and balderson did worse. He won 43 of the combined vote in the two big counties that cast the most ballots and tells you as gloria said, looking at the democrats to defend white collar districts where trump is underperforming almost any previous republican president they have a lot to worry about. On the other hand, i think democrats still facing a significant headwind in a lot of small town districts, some of which they have put good candidates on the board and real opportunities in and i think that on balance youd say this strengthens the case of democrats are the favorites to win the house and you could have a big divide after the election between the Democratic Party thats dominant in metro areas, Republican Party dominate outside of them and a tough time finding Common Ground from both of them. Guys, stick around. Theres more news following. More on the Republican Partys latest political headache as new yorks republican congressman Chris Collins now faces charges of Insider Trading and lying to the fbi. Look at this. What message is north korea trying to send with kim jongun in a tshirt and smiling . Thank. How many kids . My two. His three. Along with two dogs and jake, our new parrot. That is quite the family. Quite a lot of colleges to pay for though. A lot of colleges. You get any Financial Advice . Yeah, but im pretty sure its the same plan they sold me before. Well your situations totally changed now. Right, right. How bout a plan that works for 5 kids, 2 dogs and jake over here . That would be great. That would be great. That okay with you, jake . Get a portfolio that works for you now and as your needs change from Td Ameritrade investment management. Yeah. But popping these things really helps me. Relax. Please dont, im saving those for later. 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Secondly, indictments of sitting congressmen are rare, particularly in an Election Year. The Justice Department tries avoid attorney was forceful in charging collins, his son and his sons soon to be fatherinlaw. Reporter tonight, congressman Chris Collins faces charges of Insider Trading and of lying to the fbi. The 68yearold former businessman who served in Congress Since 2013 surrendered to the fbi in manhattan wednesday morning and then faced a judge. Collins accused of giving Insider Information about Pharmaceutical Company innate to his son after collins learned information before it went public. He didnt keep it secret. Instead, as alleged, he decided to commit a crime. He placed his family and friends above the public good. Reporter according to the indictment, while collins at a congressional picnic at the white house, posing for pictures with the president and first lady, on june 22nd, 2017, he received an email at 6 55 p. M. That the drug trial the company had been banking on failed. At 7 10 p. M. , he replied, wow, makes no sense. One minute later, at 7 11, he launched a flurry of phone calls to son cameron. When they connected at 7 16, the congressman allegedly told Cameron The Drug Trial had failed. The next morning, collins son allegedly told the broker to sell and over three days ditched more than 1. 3 million shares of innate stock saving himself a loss of nearly 600,000. And collins son allegedly passed on the information to several ores also prompting them to sell. Illegal trading of that information. Reporter the company didnt publicly announce the drug trials failure until june 26th. The defendants accounted for half of the entire Trading Volume on the first trading day after they got the news. Reporter collins, his son and his sons fiancees father all questioned by the fbi in april and are now charged with lying about what really happened. Heres a better inside tip for those who think they can play by a different set of rules. Do not lie to Special Agents of the fbi. Reporter collins already under investigation for promoting innate, denying to wolf blitzer he encouraged former Secretary Tom Price or anyone else to purchase its stock. Did you encourage him to buy stock in this Company Called innate immu no therapeutics . Absolutely not. It was not Insider Trading or unethical. We know in Western New York know that donald trump is not merely a candidate. Donald trump is a movement. Reporter collins was the first congressman to endorse the president and has been active in the presidency. This is really our trump caucus. Reconvening. Reporter now the buffalo area congressman is up against serious charges from the top new york city federal prosecutor who is interviewed by the president himself and ultimately appointed by Attorney General jeff sessions. The charges today demonstrate once again that no matter what the crime and no matter who committed it, we stand committed in the pursuit of Justice Without fear or favor. In court today, Congressman Collins and son and they all pleaded not guilty and each posted half a Million Dollars bond, also surrendered the passports. Congressman collins is expected to make a Public Statement at 6 30 tonight and, wolf, earlier today his lawyers released a statement saying they would mount a vigorous defense here. Well see what he says and coverage of that obviously, as well. Thank you very much, jessica schneider, reporting for us. Coming up, kim jongun going rather casual. Is he serious about keeping the promises he made during his summit with President Trump . Hop. Feedback that helps you drive safer. And that can lower your cost now that you know the truth. Are you in good hands . Korea. It comes amid signs kim jongun is not delivering on his promise to get rid of his nuclear weapons. Brian todd is checking with his sources. Brian, what are you hearing. Reporter tonight there is a palpable sense that President Trump and mike pompeo and the team have to take back the momentum in this process. Pompeo is taking a pounding recently while kim jongun predictably is exuding confidence. Kim jongun goes casual. Sporting a white tshirt and a straw hat with his wife by his side. The dictator is all smiles as he visited a fish pickling facility. Youre looking at kim jonguns excellent summer vacation. That is not a man worried about war coming next week or next month. Hes feeling secure and confident. Reporter the strong mans swagger could come from a sense of being on equal footing with President Trump. The two exchanged letters in recent days. U. S. Officials hand delivering trumps letter to kim jongun this weekend. A source close to the north korean side told cnn the regime believes there is a strong possibility of a second summit between the two later this year. John bolton said for now a visit from trumps top diplomat might work best. Secretary of state mike pompeo is prepared to go back to north korea to meet with kim jongun. Weve proposed that in our most recent letter from the president to kim jongun. The president is prepared to meet at any point. Reporter tonight analysts say there is significant pressure on President Trump and mike pompeo to move the nuclear needle with north korea. The Trump Administration clearly is feeling some pressure. They need to see north korea take some tangible step toward denuclearization. Everything theyve done so far, whether it is blowing up a Tunnel Entrance on a Nuclear Test Site or dismantling one missile engine Test Facility instrument, none of that goes to the heart of the matter. Reporter and the heart of the Matter Experts say is getting kims regime to stop producing plutonium,u uranium fr nuclear bombs. The pressure on trump and pom ao stems from the bruising. Mike pompeo was embarrassed in pyongyang when he showed up for a Rocket Man Cd for kim and didnt get a meeting with him. And he got nothing and what he did get was insulted. This is not a good visit at all. Reporter and then the hammering he got from democratic senators. Theyve agreed to denuclearize. It certainly includes the i would love for you to come to a classified setting and tell all members what transpired because we dont know. Reporter experts giver the president and his team credit for ramping down military tensions with kim. But they say the current pressure on the president could stem from his own bravado. He has promised too much, that he perhaps could not deliver. He has promised there would be a different relationship, that their Security Issues would be dressed but he hasnt made any move to that. Reporter now some analysts are most worried about tonight if this diplomatic offensive with north korea fails and denuclearization doesnt happen, that President Trump could somehow feel personally betrayed by kim jongun and that the personal insults between them will resume and the possibility of Military Confrontation will return on an even more frightening level than it was before. Wolf . Very disturbing. Brian, thank you. Brian todd reporting. Coming up, breaking news. Pushed by congress, the Trump Administration announcing new sanctions on russia after concluding that Vladimir Putins government used a deadly nerve agent to to attack a former spy and his daughter in britain. And President Trumps lawyer have an offer from Robert Mueller. Will they give him latitude to speak to the president or force him to issue a subpoena. vo this is not a video game. This is not a screensaver. 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