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Hints about the good numbers before the markets open, breaking decades after protocol and giving traders an edge. And canada. President trump imposes steep tariffs s on imports causing a split with some of his closest allies and leaders of his own party by blaming Close Friends like canada for a trade imbalance. Is he setting off a trade war . Im wolf blitzer. Youre in the situation room. Breaking news. A blockbuster announcement from President Trump saying the june 12th summit with kim jongun will take place as originally scheduled in singapore. That follows an extraordinary white house meeting with a top aide to the north korean dictator. The president called the summit the start of a process which he hopes will be very successful, his words. Ill speak with a congressman of the Foreign Affairs and judiciary committees. And our specialists are standing by with full coverage. Straight to the breaking news. Our chief White House Correspondent jim acosta is joining us. A risky turn of events. Take us through it all. Reporter thats right, wolf. They can go back to minting those summit coins. President trump all smiles announcing the summit is back on with kim jongun. The question is whether the president is giving the North Koreans exactly what they want, a big, showy summit with the president delivering not much of anything and republicans voicing that concern tonight. After meeting more than an hour with the north korean envoy carrying a letter from dictator kim jongun, President Trump emerged from the oval office and declared the singapore summit he canceled last week back on. Its a getting to know you meeting plus. Well see where it leads, but were going to june 12th well be in singapore. It will be a beginning. I dont say and never have said it happens in one meeting. Youre talking about years of hostility. Reporter the president is already making it clear hes not expecting to sign on to an agreement in singapore that will guarantee north korea gives up its nuclear arsenal. Still the president signaled he is taking the pressure off the regime. I dont want to use the term maximum pressure anymore because i dont want to use that term because were getting along. You see the relationship. Were getting along. Its not a question of maximum pressure. Why would i do that when were talking so nicely . Reporter there were some conflicting comments from the president , who described the letter from kim jongun as nice and interesting. Letter was given to me by kim jongun and that letter was a very nice letter. Oh, would you like to see whats in that letter. How much . How much . How much . Can you give us a flavor of the letter . It was a very interesting letter. Reporter then he revealed he hadnt read it. I didnt open it. I didnt open it in front of the director. I said would you want me to open it . He said you can read it later. I may be in for a big surprise, folks. Reporter some are urging caution. If its too important for you to get it and the details become less significant, you could get snookered. And i think the president is fully aware of that as he goes in, assuming this meet og cing occurs. Reporter still, the upcoming summit as lowered tensions between the u. S. And north korea at least rhetorically. They will be met with fire and fury like the world has never seen. Reporter for the moment, the namecalling has stopped. Rocket man is on a Suicide Mission for himself and for his regime. Reporter but reaching an actual agreement that leads to a breakthrough will take more than talk. Former president bill clinton chased a deal with north korea through the 90s, but it didnt last. This agreement remits the first step on the road to a nuclearfree korean peninsula. It does not rely on trust. Reporter mr. Trump left for camp david for the weekend without the first lady but with his children, don jr. , tiffany, and ivanka. Before leaving for the weekend, he offered to continue talking with the leaders of canada and mexico after slapping tariffs on steel and aluminum imports coming in from those countries. I love canada, i love mexico, love them. Reporter canadas Prime Minister all but described the tariffs as betrayal. These tariffs are an affront to the longstanding Security Partnership between canada and the United States and in particular an affront to the thousands of canadians who have fought and died alongside their american brothers in arms. Reporter the white house did not offer an explanation for why the first lady was not traveling to camp david this weekend since her medical procedure last month. Shes largely been out of the public eye. That has lasted for about three weeks. As for the letter, the president told the reporters he did not read it, but the white house did get back to us and said the president did read the letter after talking to the press and before leaving the white house. No word whether he was surprised when he read it. Jim acosta at the white house. Lets dig deeper. Our senior Diplomatic Correspondent Michelle Kosinski is joining us from the state department and will ripley joins us from singapore, where the summit will be taking place in just 11 days. Michelle, first to you. Behind the scenes, what are you hearing . What happened . How is this summit now back on track . The details of the meeting, that conversation, we dont know at this point. You have to assume that something made the president decide that a trump kim summit was going to be successful, but it seems like the definition of what is successful has changed vastly between now and just two days ago. I mean, now the president is talking about it being the very beginning of a long process. But two nights ago, it was wednesday night, we sat down with a Senior State Department official who told us in order for a summit to be successful, the North Koreans have to do things that they have not done before. And this is a direct quote, wolf. He said, between now and if were going to have a summit, theyre going to have to make clear what theyre willing to do. We need action. Yeah. We need a commitment. Were looking for something historic. Were looking for something that has never been done before. So the question is did they get some kind of big commitment from north korea at these meetings over the last couple days . If they have, nobody is willing to say it, and if they havent, why has the requirement now changed before that summit can take place . And we asked the state department that pointblank. Have you got a commitment and why has your requirement possibly now changed . And so far weve heard silence, wolf. Will, youve been to north korea on several occasions. And you know there are ways. Do you think President Trumps vip treatment of north koreas number two man made an impression, and will it be lasting . Reporter well, yes. Certainly, you know, Kim Yong Chol getting a fancy dinner new york, getting permission to travel to washington to deliver that letter, a letter considered the highest form of communication, the most respectful way to communicate with another world leader, so a letter from kim jongun to President Trump is a big deal for the North Koreans. But as far as how this meet willing go in singapore, its an open question, wolf, about what theyre going to be able to achieve, given the fact that north korean definition of denuclearization is a longer, more drawnout process similar to what the cheese have proposed, stepbystep actions take within the United States and north korea simultaneously over a period of years as opposed to this drastic, you know, denuclearization in a period of months, shipping out all of north Koreas Nuclear warheads that has been talked about and kind of thrown out there as one possibility. Will, you err there in siare singapore right now. They need a venue and security. What are you seeing on the ground . Reporter so we know that there is a north korean delegation here along with an american delegation. They are handling logistics, trying to finalize things like where the summit will happen, how long is it going to take place, you know, could it be over one day, could it go a number of days, what are the optics going to be like. And then theyre still having discussions about how the structure will be and what will be on the agenda. We know for President Trump himself human rights not going to be on the agenda. Theyre focusing on denuclearization here in singapore and perhaps hopes are among Administration Officials after they tackle that issue, what which wont be easy, then the other concerns the world has about north korea could gradually come to light. It will certainly be a busy 11 days in singapore. It will argueably be hosting th political geopolitical summit of the century. Michelle, what else are you hearing from your sources at the state department and elsewhere . Nobody is hearing much as to what happened inside this meeting, but there are real doubts among our sources that the u. S. And north korea are anywhere near on the same page as to what denuclearization is. We have seen some bending on the u. S. Side as to what theyre willing, obviously, to have north korea present before a summit can take place. Also the u. S. Has offered some security assurance. Thats what we believe to be north koreas demands are. Theyve even said from President Trump himself saying maybe it could be a phasedin approach. So theres very little indication of how much of that gap was bridged before the president suddenly says today, okay, we are having the summit. You know, does he want to have the summit, to have the summit, and to have that be a historic event . Or are they really getting some kind of gesture and commitment that shows that north korea really is willing to denuclearize . I think thats going to be debated up until the very day of this summit, wolf. Michelle kosinski and will ripley, guys, thanks very much. Both of you will be very busy in the next several days. Joining us now, democratic congressman from rhode island, a member of the Foreign Affairs and judiciary committees. Congressman, thanks for joining us. Did the president make the right call to not only invite Kim Yong Chol to the white house today to have a lengthy hourlong meeting in the oval office, but also make this a very public spectacle in front of all the tv cameras on the lawn for not only people in the United States but for the whole world to see . Well, i think we dont know the answer to that question until the summit takes place, if it does, in fact, take place. Theres no question this president is a master of the theater, and hes played this like a television show. The New York Times is describing it as cliffhanger. Everyone is kind of waiting for next episode. The only problem is this is deadly serious consequences. The president should be approaching this with a lot of somberness. We know the North Koreans have on two prior occasions done exactly the same thing, made promises they intended, take certain actions, we relieve some of the sanctions and while they were doing that they were engaging in serious advancement of their program. So when i heard the president said why should i keep the pressure on, theyre being very nice, we should not take the North Koreans at their word, and the president im concerned wants this summit more than the North Koreans need it. And i think we cant allow that to be the case. Kit not be th it cannot be that the u. S. Or the u. S. President wants this for the theater because he likes the spectacle of it without producing real results that be delu denucleari denuclearize the korean peninsula. I think all of us hope its a success, although its hard to imagine based on the past behavior of the North Koreans and the lack of preparation of this president that it will be, but, you know, well have to wait and see. You did see, congressman, those historic images of the two men on the south lawn of the white house today. They seemed to be having a pretty warm exchange. If thats what it takes to get this summit on track, is that worth the cost of handing the North Koreans a propaganda victory at least in the short term . Well, if in the end it results in the denuclearization of the korean peninsula, the answer to that is of course yes. But we should never lose sight of what were dealing with here. This is a brutal regime that at least at this point believes having Nuclear Weapons and the ability to deliver them is essential to the maintenance of the regime. And that hasnt changed. So i think the president cannot expect that because he believes hes developed some kind of warm relationship with this brutal dictator that theyre somehow going to make a different calculation about their own security. So, you know, i hope it results in that, but i think we have to know the history of the korean peninsula, the behavior of the North Koreans and understand where the pressure points are with them. That requires lots of preparation, lots of expertise, lots of study. I get nervous because im not sure the president has done all of that. The president is scaling back expectations. He emphasized that this summit is likely to be a getting to know you kind of meeting rather than final negotiations on denuclearization of the korean peninsula. Is he setting the right expectations now . Well, i think hes explaining why every previous president has refused to give this propaganda victory to the North Koreans, that, in fact, before a u. S. President there would be to be some understanding of the outcome and they would take actions that would resolve the crisis. The president is now saying oh, no, were just getting to know each other so hes already significantly changed the first expectation that there would be some kind of resolution, but hes given them basically everything they want, a meeting with the president of the United States, which is a huge victory for them, with no expectation theres going to be a single bit of change in behavior by the North Koreans. Thats not necessarily a good thing. I ges uess its better to be ta than not. Theres no military resolution thats possible without serious loss of life, so diplomatic solution is the only mechanism, but i think we shouldnt expect a lot out of this meeting. We have a bunch of photos and im not sure a lot of results. I hope im wrong, and i hope the president is surprised and has a full resolution of it, but its hard to believe that will happen when you look at the history of the peninsula, what the current thinking is of the regime, of kim jongun, and the necessity of protecting his regime and staying in power and really not saying anything that would suggest that hes willing to give up Nuclear Weapons in Exchange Even for Financial Assistance from the u. S. Congressman, thanks so much for joining us. My pleasure. Up next, more breaking news as President Trump announces the summit with kim jongun is back on, he also makes clear he views it as a start of a getacquainted process. President trump celebrates strong jobs numbers and low employment. But are his new tariffs sparking a trade war that could kill american jobs . 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But markets started spiking too soon, seconds after the president broke decades of strict protocol by tweeting a hint about the jobs report an hour before that Sensitive Information was officially released. Lets go to our cnn Global Economic analyst. How extraordinary is this Unemployment Rate and what does it say about the overall u. S. Economy . Well, its pretty extraordinary, wolf. As you said, we have not seen these kinds of numbers in a really long time. We should be in a good place. It has to be said were at the end of a nineyear recovery cycle. Its been nine years since the financial crisis. Weve been clawing our way back. And we have a great unemployment number. It needs to be caveated though were not seeing a lot of wage growth. Thats why people are concerned about whats going to happen next in terms of how Companies Might use that big tax break they got through the trump fiscal stimulus plan, what are they going to do with it, and is a possible trade war going to derail investment plans and put the cap on this unemployment story. How long can all this last, this good economic news, and what should we worry about . Like i sad, we aid, we are i late stages of a recovery cycle. All things being equal, were actually due for a slowdown soon. The president has wanted to keep the economy turbocharged, probably to carry the republicans through the elections, but we are at a natural Tipping Point where well probably see Slower Growth as early as next year. Before the numbers ko s came at 8 30 eastern, heres what the president tweeted looking forward to seeing the employment numbers at 8 30 this morning. Hes not supposed to do that. Did he move the markets, and does this break a longstanding rule about not commenting on jobs numbers theres for one hour after numbers are released at 8 30 . Youre referring to a rule in place since 1985 started in the reagan administration. No federal employee is supposed to talk about those numbers until an hour after theyve been released. Larry kudlow, his adviser, said he didnt talk about the numbers, just said he was looking forward to them. But, yeah, the market absolutely moved. What happens next month if the numbers arent so good . No tweet, a different kind of tweet . In a different era, this might prompt investigations, but frankly folks in washington have a lot else on their plate right now. On the trade issue, President Trumps policies are putting up to 2. 6 million american jobs at risk. Is the president jeopardizing this dramatic recovery weve seen in recent years by threatening trade wars with canada, mexico, the european union, china, and a whole bunch of other countries . You know, i think so, wolf. I mean, youd be hard perpresso find somebody on either side of the bench that isnt worried about this. The president wanted to keep the economy growing, cut taxes, did a lot of things to create stimulus, and now hes juf s offsetting that with a risk of a trade war. There is no historical example in which a tornarade war is goor anybody. Its a losing game. And Companies Like the e. U. Could help us win legitimate arguments with china around trade issues. Thanks for the analysis. Thank you. Coming up, more breaking news. After announcing that the north korean summit the back on, President Trump says he got a handdelivered letter from kim jongun but tells reporters he still hasnt read that letter. Listen. A very nice letter. Oh, would you like to see what was in that letter. How much, how much . How much . Liberty mutual saved us almost 800 when we switched our auto and home insurance. Liberty did what . Yeah, they saved us a ton, which gave us a little wiggle room in our budget. I wish our insurance did that. Then we could get a real babysitter instead of your brother. Hey, welcome back. This guy, right . laughs yes. Ellen. Thats my robe. You could save 782 when liberty stands with you. Liberty mutual insurance. Im a small business, but i have. Big dreams. And big plans. So how do i make the efforts of 8 employees. Feel like 50 . How can i share new plans virtually . How can i download an efile . Virtual tours . Zipfile . Really big files . In seconds, not minutes. Just like that. Like everything. The answer is simple. Ill do what ive always done. Dream more, dream faster, and above all. Now, ill dream gig. Now more businesses, in more places, can afford to dream gig. Comcast, building americas largest gigspeed network. After todays unprecedented Oval Office Meeting with a top north korean official, President Trump told reporters he will, in fact, meet with kim jongun in singapore on june 12th. Heres part of what the president said. Well be meeting on june 12th in singapore. It went very well. Its really a getting to know you kind of a situation. A letter was given to me by kim jongun, and that letter was a very nice letter. Oh, would you like to see what was in that letter. How much, how much, how much . It was a very interesting letter. At some point it may be appropriate, ill be able to give it to you maybe, and youll be able to see it. I havent seen the letter yet. I purposely didnt open the letter. I havent opened it. I didnt open it in front of the director. I said would you want me to open it . He said, you can read it later. I may be in for a big surprise, folks. I dont want to use the term maximum pressure anymore because i dont want to use that term because were getting along. You see the relationship. Its not a question of maximum pressure. Its staying essentially the way it is. Do you believe kim is committed to denuclearization . I think so. Hed like to see it happen. He wants to be careful. Hes not going to run and do things, but i told him to be honest with you, look, we have sanctions on, theyre very powerful sanctions. We would not take sanctions off unless they did. The sanctions are very powerful. Youve seen how powerful in other ways. Youre going to see how powerful sanctions are when it comes to iran. Youll see what thats doing to iran. So we have sanctions on. And at a certain point ill tell you what, i look forward to the day when i can take the sanctions off of north korea. I have a lot of good relations with as you know chairman xi. Hes a great hes really a very wonderful guy. Hes a man that loves china, however. He wants to do whats best for china. I think china and president xi would love to see something happen here. I didnt like the russian meeting yesterday. I said whats the purpose of that . But it could be a positive meeting. If its a positive mooting i love it. If its a negative meeting, im not happy with it. Remember what i say. We will see what we will see. And we will. Lets get some insights from our political and National Security experts, sean turner, what do you think . A lengthy statement from the president. Lots of q a following that extraordinary meeting. It was a lengthy statement, wolf. I think to the degree weve made progress here, the progress weve mad is theres a possibility that this meeting will actually happen. But thats the easy part. We have to remember that when we went into this, when we started this, what the president and administration wanted was clear, verifiable, and irreversible denuclearization. What i found really interesting about the president s language is theres kind of this language of managing expectations. Hes softening on his language, softening on his rhetoric, talking about maybe there will be more meetings, maybe this is a process. Every single expert whos watched this from the beginning has said that in order to get anywhere with north korea we have to maintain maximum pressure. And the president s already saying thats a term he doesnt want to use anymore. Im told, dana, that the president believes this potentially could be a nixon goes to china kind of moment. What does that say to you about his mindset . He is so determined to get something done, to be the guy. You can see it in his body language. You can hear it in the way he talks, talking about over and over, rightly so, that president s of the past 2 1 2 decades have not been able to deal with this and they should have, meaning hes going to be the guy to do it. And that certainly is noble and noteworthy and it would be absolutely wonderful for the whole globe if he were successful. The concern among even people who are in the white house is that hes so eager that he might sort of kind of trip over himself to come up with a deal that is not good for United States. Now, he is certainly a deal maker, and thats how he ran for president , but this isnt a real estate deal. This is global, geopolitical and nuclear. Gloria, talk about the amazing optics we saw watching this unfold. In the window. In the oval office we thought for maybe a few minutes. Lasted more than an hour. Right. 90 minutes. And when the meeting was over, the president comes out, he escorts kim jonguns emissary, who, by the way, is not known to be a nice guy, okay, escorts him to his car, chats with him a little bit, shakes his hand, which the chief of staff kelly did not do when he was on his way in, shakes his hand, and then when he leaves then holds a sort of an impromptu presser talking about how the process has begun. And, you know, the president is a producer. Hes a producer of reality tv shows. He gets how this works. And the world is watching and he wants the world to be watching. Whats different about this, though, what was so striking to me is that, a, he changed his tune, because now hes talking about a process, not talking about getting things done, and, b, this is so different from any other summit weve ever seen because the people at the top are the ones laying the groundwork, it seems to me, rather than the people in the experts, you know, the north korea, south korea experts from the ground up, for months and years. This is coming from the top down,ite its a little tricky that way, particularly with these two men who are known to be combustible. Good point. By the way, we are told that when the president was peeking with reporters he hadnt yet read the handdelivered letter from kim jongun, but since then he has sat down and read the letter. Although he said he read it. But then he said he hadnt read it, asked the director if he should read it, he said he could wait. So he waited. He read the letter, so that is over with. Presumably well all find out about the letter sooner rather than later. Stay tuned. Lets talk about pardons. The president has been issuing these pardons. The suspicion is hes trying to send messages out there to some individual who is may be implicated in the overall Robert Mueller russia investigation. Roger stern, longtime confidant, adviser to the president , could be a witness, he told the Washington Post this it has to be a signal to mike flynn and paul manafort, even robert s. Mueller iii, indeet people for crimes that dont pertain to russian collusion and this is what could happen. The special counsel has awesome powers as you know, but the president has even more awesome powers. That from roger stone. Does its appear the president is sending a loud and clear message . I think it is a message. I think roger stones comments reflect its being received. There have been prior reports about President Trumps lawyers previously having potentially directly discussed the issue of the pardon with Michael Flynn and Paul Manaforts lawyers. Now the president s former lawyers deny that. But this has been longstanding. Its only heightened by the fact these pardons are for the kinds of kymes, Campaign Finance violation, contempt, lying to federal investigators that are likely to emerge in the mueller probe. One thing you have to ask yourself is if youre in Paul Manaforts shoes, for example, would you risk potentially the rest of your life in prison, certainly many, many years on donald trump keeping his word . Thats quite a gamble to make. Not an easy gamble at all. Dana, youll be hosting state of the union this sunday. You have a very special guest, kevin mccarthy, the republican majority leader. This is going to come up, a lot of other subjects will come up, 9 00 a. M. , 12 00 noon eastern. As the minutes tick down before his resignation takes effect, will missouris governor do anything about the sentence many believe is about the sentence of a man many believe is wrongly on death row . Of lexus hybrids, this should clear the air. Now comparably priced to the rest of the lineup. Experience amazing at your lexus dealer. Whats Critical Thinking like . A basketball costs 14. Whats team spirit worth . cheers whats it worth to talk to your mom . Whats the value of a walk in the woods . The value of capital is to create, not just wealth, but things that matter. Morgan Stanley Daniel jacob for every hour that youre idling in your car, youre sending about half a gallon of gasoline up in the air. That amounts to about 10 pounds of Carbon Dioxide every week malo hutson growth is good, but when it starts impacting our quality of air and quality of life, thats a problem. So forwardthinking cities like sacramento are investing in streets that are smarter and greener. 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Call now, request your free decision guide and start gathering the information you need to help you keep rolling with confidence. Go long™. Hi drama in missouri right now. The embattled governor is getting ready to leave office in about 20 minutes, but before eric frightens resignation takes effect, the naacp and other groups are hoping for a lastminute act of mercy for a death row inmate. Our political reporter, rebecca burke, has spent a lot of time in missouri in the last couple weeks. Whats the background . Marcellus williams was convicted in the 1998 killing stabbing of a st. Louis dispatch reporter at the time. New dna had come forward in this case by his lawyers. They found dna on the murder weapon, the knife, that did not belong to williams, raising doubts about whether he was actually the killer because there was no dna evidence linking him to the death of ms. Gayle. So the governor, eric greitens, last year decided to stay this execution. It was set to move forward in august. He decided that a board would review the conviction, look at the everyday in the case, and make a decision. But the board has not met to make a decision yet, wolf, and so theres some uncertainty. What happens if he doesnt commute the sentence tonight . Will the boards review move forward . And were not really sure yet. But the naacp, the national naacp, has called for the governor to commute this sentence, and they say theyre holding their breath this evening as the clock ticks down. He only has about 15 or 16 minutes left. If he doesnt do so, what happens . Well, were not sure. The board could move forward, but theres some uncertainty because its very unusual rule that the governor invoked to stay the execution in the first place. But, wolf, there is an indicator that maybe he wont, that governor grit greitens wont de to commute the sentence because he announced a few other commuted sentences earlier this evening, announced he was pardoning some individuals as well. Marcellus williams was not on that list. 48 years old, marcellus williams. What are you hearing, if anything, from his family . You know, obviously, his allies, his family all advocating on his behalf and also the National Causes like the naacp, the Innocence Project have also advocated on his behalf. As i said, the naacp tonight saying theyre holding their breath right now as the clock ticks down. 15 minutes or so to go. All right. Thanks very much, rebecca berg. If you hear something in the next 15 minutes, let us know. Well get that certainly on the air. Coming up, hes gone from an isolated leader that only met with Dennis Rodman, focus of International Attention holding summits with world leaders. Will kim jongun live up to his new image as a statesman . I told him today, take your time. We can go fast. We can go slowly. Its time for the semiannual sale with savings on the new sleep number 360 smart bed. It senses your every move and automatically adjusts on both sides to keep you effortlessly comfortable. And snoring. Does your bed do that . Dont miss the final days of our semiannual sale save up to 700 on sleep number 360 smart beds. Ends sunday. Breaking news, President Trump, after meeting with the top north korean official in the oval office says his june 12th summit with kim jongun is back on. Lets go to brian todd. Testimo the president is praising the north Korean Leader but also ignoring a lot of kims history. Right, wolf. Every player is ignoring kims history. The pace at which events have been moving is simply dizzying. All from a dictator a few months ago can only count Dennis Rodman as anyone hes met with and never left his country since taking power. One of his top lieutenants, a man believed to have a lot of blood on his hands, met in the oval office today with President Trump and in a remarkable moment got a hand shake from the president. This is amazing turn around in events. Reporter all the more amazing considering that less than six months ago this violent impulsive dictator was considered an international pari ya. Kim jongun was a leader who hadnt even met the president of china and was very reclusive, much like his grandfather and his father. And really lived up to the mon kerr, leader of a hermit kingdom. Reporter at that time cnn was told plans were being drawn up for a possible u. S. Military strike. Then came kims new years day speech, expressing his desire to soften relations with his enemies, the socalled olympic thaw with his sister extending a hand to moon jaein. Two meetings between kim and moon, a Ground Breaking summit and Holding Hands and the announcement of a planned summit with President Trump. Well be meeting on june 12th in singapore. Reporter there were two meetings with chinese president , xi jinping, along with secretary of state of mike pompeo. And now the russians want in, arranging their own meeting with vladimir putin. A crucial question tonight, what made kim change . The maximum Pressure Campaign has taken a serious bite out of the regime. Kim jongun has been quite desperate. Most important, he now has the weapons. He has the weapons. And he has the delivery system, so he feels more confident. Fuelling kims confidence, the fact that the u. S. , south korea, and china have been willing to look past his human rights violations. Youre talking five to six political prison camps 120,000 men, women and children held in political prison camps pursued with a system of guilt by association. Youre talking about a regime thats investing heavily in its tools of death. Reporter a record that a veteran diplomat says trump and his allies might have to look past to reach the ultimate objective. If we are to lower the agenda to include denuclearization, human rights, then we have to include japanese abductees would be another example, bio chem weapons, conventional weapons, it does get overcrowded. I dont blame them for prioritizing denuclearization at the highest. Reporter what are the dangers . Veteran Security Experts warn that President Trump, moon jaein, and their allies could lose sight of kims ultimate objective, staying in power. They worry the leaders kim is dealing with will look past the fact hell do anything to stay in power. Youre hearing from human rights monitors that south korea is sort of bending over backwards to try to bring some kind of peace deal, right . Absolutely they are, wolf. South korea has often in the past allowed dvds usbs and other media to be sent in to let them know what life is like in south korea. Now were told the south korean government has been sensoring those recordings to delete information critical of the kim regime, those disks sent to north korean, moon jaein is investing an enormous amount in this, and its a gamble pr him. Coming up, after meeting in the oval office with an aid for kim jongun, President Trump says the summit will take place after all. Is that already a big win for north korea . It was here. I couldnt catch my breath. It was the last song of the night. It felt like my heart was skipping beats. I went to the er. They said i had afib. Afib . Whats afib . I knew that meant i was at a greater risk of stroke. I needed answers. Once i got the facts, my doctor and i chose xarelto®. Xarelto®. To help keep me protected from a stroke. Oncedaily xarelto®, a latestgeneration blood thinner significantly lowers the risk of stroke in people with afib not caused by a heart valve problem. In a clinical study, over 96 of people taking xarelto® remained strokefree. 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Now more businesses, in more places, can afford to dream gig. Comcast, building americas largest gigspeed network. Happening now, breaking news, ready to deal. President trumps facetoface meeting with kim jongun is back on after unprecedented talks at the white house with a powerful north korean official. Did the personal touch and a letter from kim seal the summit . The Top Senate Republican is warning about the dangers of dealing with kim as cnn is learning that north koreas big show of derowing a nuclear test tunnel was not what it seemed to be. Hardened signals. Roger stone said trump was sending signals when he granted a reprieve to a repun adapt. Did Michael Flynn hear it loud and clear. Alienating allies, will mr. Trumps trade war hurt the committee . We want to welcome our viewers in the United States and around the world. Im wolf blitzer, youre in the situation. Were following breaking news on President Trump and kim jongun. Pushing the restart button on their historic button in singapore a little over a week from now. Mr. Trump playing up the drama as he met with the north korean dictators right hand man at the white house. While down playing expectations for any summit break throughs. This after cnn learned that north koreas blowing up its test tunnels appears

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