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To court where its confirmed that he recorded conversations. Stormy daniels lawyer says some of those recordings concern his client and claims President Trump could also be caught on tape. And back from the dead. A wellknown critic of russias president putin turns up alive and well after he was reportedly the victim of a bloody murder. Was that meant to foil a real plot on his life . Im wolf blitzer. Youre in the situation room. President trumps attorney Rudy Giuliani puts new pressure on the special counsel saying just now that if Robert Mueller doesnt wrap up his investigation by the end of the summer, hell basically be meddling in the fall midterm elections. A speaker woman of the Homeland Security committee, and our correspondents and specialists are standing by with more coverage. Lets get to our chief White House Correspondent jim acosta. Rudy giuliani just came out, seemed to put the squeeze on the special counsel, Robert Mueller. Tell our viewers what Rudy Giuliani is now saying. Reporter thats right. The president s outside attorney Rudy Giuliani was inside the white house today talking to reporters on the south lawn after a Different Event wrapped up here over at the white house. He talked to reporters about what is going on inside the president s legal team, what their thinking is on a variety of subjects. One of the subjects that came up that a reporter asked Rudy Giuliani about was our kaitlyn collins. She asked him what the president meant when he tweeted just yesterday that the special counsel Robert Muellers team is going to be meddling in the upcoming midterm elections. Heres how Rudy Giuliani tried to explain it. He tried to say, essentially, that if the special counsels investigation lasts into the fall that will essentially amount to meddling in the elections. Heres what he had to say. Reporter how is Robert Mueller meddling in the elections . He will. If he doesnt file his report by september 1st, mid september reporter will he fire him if he doesnt file the report i dont think hes going to fire mueller. Now, the other thing that occurred with Rudy Giuliani talking to reporters just a few moments ago, he said the president , it appears at this point, wont fire Jeff Sessions. Use know, earlier in the day, wolf, the president went on this rant about his attorney general once again airing his grievances about his attorney general over his decision to recuse himself in the russia investigation last year. The president said he wished he could have picked a different attorney general to oversee the russia investigation, and Rudy Giuliani told reporters just a few moments ago he doesnt think the president will fire the attorney general before the special counsels investigation wraps up. As you know, the president and the white house responded today to the Roseanne Barr controversy. Tell us about that. Reporter thats right, wolf. We were wondering whether or not the president was going to respond to the roseanne controversy. Yesterday the White House Press secretary said the president had more important things to do. As it turns out, the president had time in his schedule today to weigh in on the Roseanne Barr controversy. He issued a tweet going after bob iger of abc and his decision to call Valerie Jarrett who was the subject of that racist tweet from Roseanne Barr that resulted in her show being cancelled over at abc. The president saying bob iger called Valerie Jarrett. He never called President Trump to apologize for the horrible statements made and said about me on abc. Maybe i just didnt get the call. Some of that was playing out in the Briefing Room earlier today, wolf, when the white house was asked about what the president had to say about all of this, and Sarah Sanders essentially went on a rant about the news media wondering where the apologies are for the president. Heres what she had to say. The president s pointing to the hypocrisy in the media saying the most horrible things about this president , and nobody addresses it. Where was bob igers apology for the white house for calling the president and anyone associated with him a white supremacists. Calling christianity a mental illness. Where was the apology from Kathy Griffin going on a rant after a photo showed her holding President Trumps decapitated. And where was it for espn after hiring Keith Olbermann after his attacks on the president and his family. This is a double standard the president is speaking about. No one is defending her comments. Theyre inappropriate. Thats the point he was making. You heard Sarah Sanders saying that the comment from Roseanne Barr was inappropriate. What we did not hear from the president earlier today was any kind of condemnation of what Roseanne Barr had to say. And for Sarah Sanders to go after the media saying the media owes apologies to the president , that obviously is pretty rich. As you and i both know covering this president for the last couple of years on the campaign trail and once hes been in office, he rarely if ever apologizes that i can recall. The only time i can recall him apologizing for anything were the comments that he for the comments he made that were captured by access hollywood talking about grabbing women by their private parts. He has never apologized for saying that mexican immigrants coming into the United States are rapists and criminals. Hes never apologized for referring to African American pro athletes of sons of bitches out on the theres one example after another where the president has made offensive j outrageous, outlandish statements about a host and variety of subjects. Never mind the fact that he never apologized or explained why he said they were fine people on both sides and the violence of charlottesville. Its just amazing, wolf, to see the White House Press secretary go into the Briefing Room, chastise the media, go after the Major Media Companies in this country saying that they owe apologies to the president when, of course, the president has rarely if ever apologized for his behavior or comments over the years. And i take it you dont anticipate any apologies coming from the president. Right . Reporter i dont think so, wolf. I mean, that would be out of character for him. This is not a president who apologizes. And i think if you talk to people, his supporters and aides and advisers, strategists who work with the president , they think thats part of his brand, part of his political persona, that hes a no apology president. Its kind of amazing, its kind of incredible. Its surreal, really, sort of alice in wonderland surreal like youre in a different planet to hear the White House Press secretary go into the Briefing Room and demand apologies when she works for a president who never apologizes. Amidst all of this, theres a truly significant development. Trey gowdy is a conservative. He was in the Justice Department briefing last week about the 2016 investigation, the russian interference in the election in the Trump Campaign and said hes now absolutely convinced the fbi acted appropriately. That they did exactly what the fbi was created to do. So how does the white house respond . Thats right, wolf. Trey gowdy, a fellow republican was throwing cold water on this controversy, this Conspiracy Theory the president has been talking about, what hes dubbed spy gate. Talking about a source working inside the Trump Campaign for some time, and essentially feeding information to federal invest investigators and investigators looking into whether the russians were meddling in the election. And trey gowdy essentially said they were doing their jobs. The White House Press secretary was asked about that, and she said the president continues to have questions and concerns about this probe. Heres what she said earlier today. Certainly the president feels that theres cause for concern, and it should be looked at in a like i just said, the Deputy Director of the fbi was fired for misconduct. There are a number but im not finished. There are a number of things that have been reported on, and that show, i think not just for the president but a number of americans, a large cause for concern and wed like to see this fully looked into, and well continue to follow that matter. Now, here you have the other half of the coin. We were just talking a few moments ago about how the president never apologizes. Theres also this problem that we see at the white house on a daily basis, where they just arent dealing with reality. Theyre not telling us the truth on a daily basis. Sarah sanders had the chance to say the Conspiracy Theory was wrong and she continued to double down on behalf of the white house and saying the president has these concerns when this is an unfounded, unproven Conspiracy Theory. One of many from this president about the russia investigation. Of course, there are lots of people who are concerned that when the president does this he is just wearing down key institutions in this country like the media, like the concept of an independent judicial system. I talked to a source familiar with conversations going on inside the white house and president s legal team earlier today who said to me, quote, i think this is bad for the country. What the president is doing and essentially saying the president is directing some of this political strategy. When you see the tweets going after the mueller investigation, accusing them of meddling in the midterms and so on, according to the source i talked to earlier today, the president is directing a lot of the strategy, essentially, to get himself out of a tough situation. A tough spot with the special counsels office. The question is, wolf, how long they can continue this kind of strategy. And as you heard earlier this afternoon, Rudy Giuliani was trying to put some kind of spin on it by saying, well, if the investigation drags into midterm, hes essentially meddling with the investigation. Others saying federal investigators are just doing their job. The president doesnt apologize or admit he makes mistakes. I suspect thats going to continue even though a bunch of supporters of the president would like him occasionally to apologize and admit he made a mistake. Nothing wrong with either of those things. Jim, thank you very much. Great reporting. The president s personal attorney and fixer Michael Cohen was in court today in new york city with his lawyer confirmed for the first time that audio recordings were among millions of files seized in fbi raids. Also present, Stormy Daniels lawyer who claims those files include recordings relevant to his client along with what he calls secret trump tapes. Lets go to cnns care ra. What are you learning about the recordings . Reporter well, we heard from Michael Avenatti, he accused Michael Cohen and his associates of leaking tapes of Michael Cohen and keith davidson. Outside of court, avenatti made different claims. He made fresh allegations that there are tapes that exist of recorded conversations between cohen and the president. Our understanding is that theres many, many audio recordings that for whatever reason Michael Cohen created and then kept and ultimately they would be his down fall and maybe the downfall of this president. Reporter avenatti wants the tapes released to the public. Its not clear whats on the tapes, what kind of conversations there are, or exactly who has them. But one thing that we do know for sure is that the government has these tapes as part of their evidence. Avenatti is saying that among those audio tape recordings of phone conversations, they include conversations that Michael Cohen had with donald trump. Is that right . Thats right. Those are new allegations that Michael Avenatti has made today. He said that he knows for a fact they exist. Hes not provided any Additional Information about that to s h withdraw his application to appear as part of the process. The judge overseeing this case had arguments on why avenatti should be part of the cohen case in new york. Tell us about that. Reporter thats right. Michael avenatti was there today saying he needed to be a part of this process to represent the interest of his client, Stormy Daniels. But this really became a whole bit of tension in the courtroom. Cohens attorney was visibly upset and irritated. He said that Michael Avenatti has acted recklessly by his public statements and tv appearances where hes said that Michael Cohen is guilty. Hes also pointed out that avenattis released private, personal financial records belonging to Michael Cohen arguing he has no place to be in this courtroom because hes not acting as an attorney should in a case. And the judge, an experienced jurist who has overseen many high profile investigations appeared to agree. She said if he wanted to be part of the process, he would be to stop his, quote, publicity tour. It was just about two hours after the Court Hearing that Michael Avenatti withdrew his request to appear before the court. Its a side show. What brought everyone together was to hear where they are in the process of vetting for Attorney Client privilege. The records and documents and Electronic Devices that were seized in the fbi raid of Michael Cohens hotel room, apartment, and office. The Michael Cohens attorney said they want more time to review the documents. They said they reviewed about onethird of the 3. 7 million files that have been turned over to him and asked the judge to give them until july. The judge wasnt believing that. She said she wants the investigation to get underway and set a date for june 15th. This is not the end of it. The government said there are still two blackberries that need to be processed and are in the fbi labs in quantico undergoing analysis. Theres also the contents of a shredder that they also are working to reconstruct and put back together. And they know how to do that. All right. Thank you very much. Well see if there are audio tapes between Michael Cohen and the president. Joining us now, Kathleen Rice of new york. Shes a member of the Homeland Security committee. Thank you so much for joining us. As a former prosecuter, how significant would these audiotapes be to investigators . Well, now we know exactly why the president has actually seemed more concerned about the Michael Cohen case than even the russia investigation. He knows how close Michael Cohen was to him. He knows what kind of attorney he wanted. Michael cohen was his fixer. And he probably behaved in a lot of ways that donald trump would want him to. Recording other people, to hold it as evidence against them if they dont do what they want. This could be devastating. Well have to wait and see exactly what is on the tapes, but any time you have tapes, its not a good thing. How do you view Michael Avenattis role in all of this . I thought it was interesting that he withdrew a couple hours after being in court saying he wanted to be a part of the process saying i want to withdraw now. I think hes probably seeing his value, his best value being in the provocateur. Someone going out there and really going right at trump in a way that many people dont. And you have to give him a lot of credit for that. Hes kept this story alive. Hes made some relevant observations, i think, that have made people take a second look at what exactly Michael Cohen could do if he decided to cooperate against the president if it ever came to that. And i think hes chosen to continue in that role. The president s tweets this morning, one suggesting he has no faith in his attorney general, Jeff Sessions. He regrets the fact that he nominated Jeff Sessions to be the attorney general. This has been going on for a year now. The public humiliation of his attorney general. Do you believe sessions should resign . No. I dont. I think its amazing that he has had the fortitude to stay. But im pretty sure that he has job security. I think its very clear that republicans in the senate have communicated to the president that they will not consider confirming another attorney general nominee if he were to fire Jeff Sessions. But its not surprising that he is doing this. This is what he does to people who dont toe the line. You know, he learned at the feet of roy cohen, a world class fixer, you know, terrible person, i think by anyones measure, and he sees his attorney general as someone who first and foremost should be loyal to him. Not his agenda. Not the country. Not the rule of law. To him. Now, you can argue that its fair that the president s past have chosen people they feel comfortable representing the department of justice as the attorney general, someone who shares their views and someone that they trust. But he has put it down very clearly that forget about my agenda. Forget about the rule of law. If you cant pledge your loyalty to me, then youre out. Thats just completely inappropriate. If the president tried and we know he once tried according to the new york times, to get Jeff Sessions to reverse his recusal from the russia investigation, would that amount in your opinion, congresswoman, to obstruction of justice . Im not part of the investigation. And i would not want to say or hypothesize about anything, but if you look at i think the significance of trump trying to get sessions to unrecuse himself is the timing of it. He did this before mueller was even appointed. Before the investigation truly began in earnest. So that could Say Something about the president s state of mind. I dont think it says something good. But just the way that he mistreated him, making him go down to maralago. Refusing to take his phone calls and then when sessions goes down to first and foremost talk about the travel ban, certain aspects of travel ban, which according to trump was so incredibly important for national security. The president refused to even talk about it, and insisted they talk about why he does not unrecuse himself. It shows you at every step of the way the president is first and foremost about him. Look at what he said about roseanne. That tweet. I mean, if that is not the ramblings of a narcissist, i dont know what is. Roseanne even apologized. Take what you will from her apology, how genuine tvs, but she even apologized. He has to say whoa is me and im being victimized . The level of narcissism when it comes to the ability that the president has on this specific issue of racism which is still present in this country, he could have led on this issue, and he chose instead to talk about himself, and thats probably the most disturbing thing to me about what he said. You heard the president s attorney, Rudy Giuliani, the former new york mayor say that Robert Mueller would be, quote, doing a comey if he doesnt release his report by mid september. The president himself has expressed his belief that muellers investigation is meddling in the midterm elections. Should the special counsel release his findings if its close to the elections . Well, first of all, the irony of Rudy Giuliani questioning the timing of muellers release of investigation . I didnt hear Rudy Giuliani talking about comey and what he did in the days leading up to the 2016 election, and all of a sudden hes concerned about meddling . Look, the you dont determine the timing of an investigation. When you finish seeking out the facts and getting the gathering the ed and speaking to the witnesses, thats what the timing is. Im sure that mueller may consider the timing of it. But i just think its so ironic when Rudy Giuliani is talking about the meddling, mueller potentially meddling in terms of the timing of the release of whatever hes going to release when we know right now that russia is actively trying to meddle in the 2018 elections. Just like they did in 2016. And the administration is not even worried about that. No one is talking about that. Thats a great cause for concern, because if we cannot protect the integrity of our electoral process in this great democracy of ours, were doomed. Kathleen rice the congresswoman from new york. A member of the Homeland Security committee. Thank you for joining us. Thank you for having me. Up next, after a yearlong show of bipartisanship, a Key Senate Committee is deeply split on the issue of possible collusion between the Trump Campaign and russia. And a critic of Vladimir Putin makes a stunning appearance alive and well after he was reported to be the victim of a bloody murder. Were now learning that the murder was staged to protect him. Sleep plays a huge role in my life because no two days are alike. On my tempurpedic, the sleep i get is better than any other mattress ive ever tried. I recommend my tempurpedic to everybody. The most highly recommended bed in america. 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What were hearing from republican after republican on the committee right now they do not see evidence of collusion between the russians and the Trump Associates. Democrats say they see plenty of evidence and say there needs to be much more investigation to determine whether or not there was a significant amount of coordination aimed at influencing the results of the elections. A Committee Source telling us theres agreement on both sides between republicans and democrats about improper level of communication with the russians, but the definition of what constitutes collusion remains a key sticking point. Now, the division encompasses some moderates including names of susan collins. She says she has not seen evidence yet of collusion, but democrats including ron wyden of oregon says theres plenty of evidence, at least an intent to collude. And they are democrats are demanding a further investigation to the trump family finances. Something the senate Intelligence Committee chairman resisted so far, and democrats are also pressuring them to bring back Trump Associates for another round of interviews after they met with senate staff before including Michael Cohen, the president s personal attorney. Thats been resisted so far. What im hearing from members on both sides is theyre not getting nearly as much information as Robert Muellers investigation which they view as doing a much deeper dive on this issue of collusion. Presumefulliabl presumably it will be the one entity to determine what happened in the election. The president warned in a tweet, the Mueller Probe meddling with the midterm elections. Can the senate Intelligence Committee release without interfering with the election . This is a key debate. There are members on the committee who are concerned about releasing this during a charged political atmosphere on such a sticky and controversial issue. People like collins are saying lets not put something out in the middle of the Midterm Campaign season. And some democrats also agree with that. The question is where does the leadership of the committee come down . We dont know that quite yet. Thank you. Coming up, theres more breaking news. The president s personal turn to Rudy Giuliani presses special counsel Robert Mueller to wrap up his russia probe by september warning that otherwise hed be meddling in the midterm elections. Is Rudy Giuliani himself now meddling. And President Trump rips Jeff Sessions saying he wishes he hadnt picked him. Why wont he just fire him . Stay with us. Youre in the situation room. It lets you know where your data lives, down to the very server. It keeps your insights from prying eyes, so theyre used by no one else but you. It is. The cloud. The ibm cloud. The cloud thats built for all your apps. Ai ready. Secure to the core. The ibm cloud is the cloud for smarter business. Secure to the core. 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Because remember, its only going to be privileged if the conversations were about legal advice or made for the purpose of legal advice or there is an attorn Attorney Client relationship. Weve seen time and time again people saying you were never my attorney. There may not be that functional relationship. If thats the case, it could be pupal publicized. If its things that may be in some way nefarious or criminal in nature, its more than a headache. It could be a criminal violation, and now he gave the everyday for that. Its contingent on there being a tape tween Michael Cohen and donald trump. Right now its in the air. The only one saying that is Michael Avenatti. He told jake tapper an hour ago, no doubt about it. There are these tapes. And if there are these tapes, that would explain why according to sources the president may be more concerned about the Michael Cohen investigation than the russia probe. That had been true. Im not sure that that is true today in terms of where the president s head is, Michael Cohen versus mueller. Everything could change if it is true what Michael Avenatti is say and the tapes that were discussed today in court turn out to include recordings of trump and those obviously have to be more than just run of the mill conversations with somebody who hes known. But in general the president seems to be in a much better place mentally, emotionally, and all of the above, all the probes hes had. That changes on a dime. That seems to be where he is right now. I think in large part because he believes there are people being aggressive on his behalf and that his mo, makes him more comfortable. You saw that report in the wall street journal suggesting investigators believe the Stormy Daniels lawyer is slowing down the investigation. Is he a distraction . He certainly is present every day, every hour on this case. You know, that wall street journal report talks about how avenatti wants to prevent or is preventing this from happen right now in order to protect the client privilege of his current client. This is him preventing her former attorney right now, her former attorney from speaking to federal investigators. At some point its going to have to happen. The question is when is that day going to be. As far as Michael Avenatti and his relationship to this probe, it would almost seem like a strange day if he didnt appear on tv and have some built of new information or some comment on whats happening. He did have some new information, unconfirmed today about potentially phone conversations taped between Michael Cohen and the president. For that reason, thats why hes a problem for the prosecuters in new york. He does not allow for the protection of Michael Cohen to have a fair trial if he had one in the future. Youll have a tainted jury pool. Youll have somebody leaking information to the public and somebody who has a right to a court of Public Opinion hearing. Big picture . Whats fascinating about Michael Avenatti is one of the few people who has managed to employ President Trumps own play book and use it against him. He constantly goes toe to toe with his critics and makes explosive claims on twitter. Hes ever present in the media. As laura pointed out, that raises certain legal challenges with respect to his motives and his ability to represent his client. Keeping the story alive in a saturated media environment, and having new bits of information every few weeks. Thats where youve seen him be able to portray Stormy Daniels as a sympathetic character. Thats a good point, and remember, it was because of Michael Avenattis trump antics that he got the president to talk for the first time about Stormy Daniels. He did it on twitter, because of what avenatti did, he went on the view, and he put out a sketch of somebody who they said had approached Stormy Daniels. Before that the president was uncharacteristically quiet in the face of the allegations from Stormy Daniels. But because avenatti is somebody with whom the president has met his match, he changed it. You know, Jeff Sessions was the first senator to endorse donald trump for the presidency. At a big rally in alabama. He worked with him throughout the campaign, the transition. The president names him attorney general. Hes confirmed by the u. S. Senate. For a year now the president has really humiliated him in public because he recused himself from the russia probe. And he did so once again today saying he wishes he would have never nominated him for the attorney general position to begin with. How much grief, humiliation can Jeff Sessions take before saying enough is enough, im out of here . I wonder if hes playing the long game. Jeff sessions was four terms i believe in the United States senate. He was a u. S. Attorney for many, many years. He knows how to take a beating. I think hes also smart enough to know that if he quits right now under this pressure, he would look weak. And thats the worst thing that you want to look in the eyes of donald trump let alone any of the republican conservatives who are happy with what youre doing at the department of justice absent of this investigation. And not just look weak. He would also potentially play into the president s hands of wanting to disrupt this investigation. The investigation that is only taking place because Jeff Sessions did something that obviously was almost fatal in terms of his reputation with conservatives because the president has been hitting him, and thats recusing hymn. Hymn. Theres other news were following. Russia denouncing ukraine for the take faking of the murder of a critic of Vladimir Putin. Ukrainian Officials Say they announced the mans death. Then reveal he was alive to foil an assassination plot ordered by the russians. Lets go to our Senior International correspondent fred liken from moscow with more on this bizarre story. Even the mans wife thought he was dead. Reporter yeah. Yeah. Its an absolutely bizarre story. Youre right. He said Arkady Babchenko is the name of the journalist, even his wife didnt know about it. It seems as though the highest levels of the Ukrainian Government did. When the mans death was falsely announced initially, even ukraines Prime Minister came out and blasted the russians and said they were responsible for the alleged killing. The russians, obviously, fired back and said it wasnt them. And that in the end it turned out everything was staged. Heres how it unfolded. Outrage last night in kiev, ukraine. Officials saying a journalist Arkady Babchenko had been gunned down in front of his house. Ukraines Prime Minister writing in a facebook post, quote, im sure that russian totalitarian machine did not forgive him his honesty and fidelity to principle. Hours later the twist. It was all staged. Babchenko, alive. It was a special operation, he said, as a result of which the man was detained today. Hes in custody right now. Ukrainian Security Services say they discovered a plot ordered by russia to kill babchenko. To save him and catch the alleged assassin, they faked babchenkos killing. Translator people told me a hit was already ordered on me and the money had been transferred. 40,000. Well, thats not a bad price for me. Reporter ukraine says a suspect is in custody. The countrys president calls it a brilliant operation by the Security Services. Translator i would like to apologize to my wife for the hell shes been through in the last two days. Im sorry, but there were no other options. Reporter this was the reaction from Arkady Babchenkos colleagues after he turned up alive on tv. Babchenko was critical of russian actions in ukraine and syria and left russia in 2017 because of threats to his life. He wrote about his experience suffering what he called political harassment and putins russia in an essay published by Britains Guardian newspaper in 2017. Russian officials fuming after the ukrainians revealed the staged assassination. Kiev in the situation with the alleged attempts to kill babchenko committed a stupid provocation against russia and is now disgraced in the eyes of the world, a russian lawmaker said. Kiev is celebrating what they believe was a successful intelligence operation and that journalist Arkady Babchenko is still alive. And wolf, its not totally clear who exactly two people are who were arrested by the ukrainian authorities. One of them might be the potential hitman. Another might be the people who ordered all this. The ukrainians say theyre still investigating but also say they believe despite the fact theyre getting some criticism for staging all this, that all of it to them was worth it. Fred pleitgen in moscow for us. What a story. Thank you very much. Coming up, how President Trump talks to young people about staying healthy and were told hes modifying his own diet to try to lose some weight. Will it work . Joints. But do you take something for your brain. With an ingredient originally found in jellyfish, prevagen is the number one selling brainhealth supplement in drug stores nationwide. Prevagen. The name to remember. Still nervous [about buying a house . A little. Thought i could destress with some zen gardening. At least we dont have to worry about Homeowners Insurance. Just call geico. Geico helps with Homeowners Insurance . Good to know. Been doing it for years. Thats really good to know. I should clean this up. Ill get the dustpan. Behind the golf clubs. Get to know geico. And see how easy homeowners and renters insurance can be. Theres Important Health news to report tonight. Newly updated guidelines. The American Cancer Society now recommends colon and rectal Cancer Screening for adults starting at age 45. Thats five years sooner than in previous guidelines. Also this afternoon over at the white house, President Trump encouraged young people the stay healthy by participating in sports including his go to game, golf. Were learning new detalls about the president s own diet. Whats changed . A little less well done steak with ketchup and a little more fish in the president s diet. He knows hes got to start eating better. He wants to lose ten pounds but the question is, can an almost 72yearold who has been eating so poorly for so long just change those eating habits on a dime. Reporter President Trump does some friendly jawing at heavyweight champ deon wilder. If i really started working out, could i take him out . Reporter the president s confidants are just happy hes changing his diet. Hes acknowledged in private that he needs to louis se 10 to pounds. He swapped out his steak in exchange for healthier cuisine. Fish is a lot healthier than steak. Not only in terms of calories and weight loss but heart health and cancer risk. Reporter this is a president with a notorious diet approaching oe beapproach ing obesity. We had the most beautiful piece of chocolate cake that youve seen and president xi was enjoying it. Reporter hes tweeted out pictures of himself eating a taco ball with a bucket of chicken from kfc and a mcdonalds meal. The big mac is great. Do people be like what . Reporter recently trump modified his diet being having a burger with only half the bun according to one companion. A registered dietitian has been dispatched from Walter Reed Medical Center to work with the white house kitchen of reducing calories. Cardiology allen taylor has treated members of congress and other washington vips. How much does the toll of presidency take on your body even if youre a healthier eater . Its one thing to have a bad day in traffic and its another with a job thats beating you up with stress. First, really easy and doesnt involve counting calo e calori calories. The second tip is filling half your plate with venn tabvegetab reporter despite tefrts of melania and ivanka and his own doctor hes been much slower in adopting a new exercise regimen. He talked about people have to have their knees and hips replaced by the time they get to his age. He said he can burn calories by playing golf every weekend. Thanks very much for that. Coming up, breaking news President Trumps attorney Rudy Giuliani steps up the pressure on the special counsel Robert Mueller saying if he doesnt wrap up his investigation by the end of the summer, hell basically be meddling in the fall midterm elections. Is Rudy Giuliani himself now meddling in the russia probe. Happening now, breaking news. Concerns and complaints. The white house argues theres no reason to investigate the fbi defending the president s bogus claim about spying on his Campaign Even after it was did i rememberly debunked by a top republican. Michael cohens lawyer confirms in open court that the president s fixer recorded conversations with clients that now are being protected under lock and key. Is mr. Trump on the tapes . Mpblt a mpb the president weighs in on the roseanne drama making it about him. The white house trying to explain mr. Trumps failure to condemn Roseanne Barrs racist tweets. Dining with a spy. Here in the United States tonight they meet. Could their meal lock in a deal for a trumpkim summit . We want the welcome our viewers in the United States and around the world. Im wolf blitzer. Youre in the situation room. Were following breaking news on the fate of cabinet member president t

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