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Were following it all. Rudy giulianis eyepopping interview with cnn, as well as the president s memorial day weekend activities. Theyve been punctuated by tweets against his enemies and the special counsels investigation. This hour, ill speak with congressman ted lieu, a member of the judiciary and the Foreign Affairs committees and our correspondents and analysts are also standing by for us. First, i want to go to cnn senior white house correspondent, pamela browne. Pamela, the president was at Arlington National cemetery today, which is customary, but the russia investigation really never seemed to be far from his mind. Reporter thats right, brianna. As President Trump continues to attack the mueller investigation, even on this memorial day, his own attorney Rudy Giuliani, made this stunning admission that part of the strategy in undermining the probe is to sway Public Opinion. President trump commemorating memorial day at Arlington National cemetery. This is a very special day and today our whole country thanks you, embraces you, and pledges to you, we will never forget our heros. Reporter after tweeting about the holiday while touting his own accomplishments, writing, those who died for our great country would be very happy and proud at how well our country is doing today. Best economy in decades, lowest unemployment numbers for blacks and hispanics ever and women in 18 years. Rebuilding our military and so much more. Nice trump also attacking the russia probe on twitter, after his lawyer, Rudy Giuliani, ratcheted up the rhetoric over the weekend by saying the probe is no longer legitimate. This is rigged. I mean, youve got 13 democrats. Youve got focus on things that didnt happen. No russia collusion, no obstruction, just defending yourself. And now were into the basis of it being illegitimate. Reporter giuliani arguing on sunday on cnns state of the union, the ongoing attacks are necessary to influence Public Opinion. I couldnt do it if i didnt have the material. Theyre giving us the material to do it. Of course we have to do it in defending the president. It is for Public Opinion, because eventually, the decision here is going to be impeach not impeach. Members of the congress, democrat and republican, are going to be informed a lot by their constituents. So our jury is as it should be is the American People. Reporter and giuliani is still wary of mueller interviewing trump. The collusion part, were pretty comfortable with, because there has been none. The obstruction part, im not as comfortable with. Im not. Reporter because as giuliani exists, trumps decision to fire James Comey James comand his co thereafter could be misconstr misconstrued. Im not comfortable because its a matter of misinterpretation, not just hard and fast true not true. If you interpret that as obstructing the investigation other than removing a guy thats doing a bad job on the recommendation of rosenstein, but you see it as obstruction, then you can say its obstruction. Reporter while mueller has remained silent on his strategy, his team has brought charges against 22 people and companies and secured five guilty pleas. And while many of those are tied to interference in the u. S. Election, so far none have included potential obstruction between Trump Associates and russia. Meanwhile, a u. S. Delegation has arrived in north korea, the administration preparing for a potential summit after President Trump abruptly called it off last week. A lot of people are working on it. Its moving along very nicely. So were looking at june 12th in singapore. That hasnt changed. And its moving along pretty well. So well see what happens. Reporter and President Trump spoke by phone this morning with japanese Prime Minister abe about the expected north korea summit. The white house says the two leaders will be meeting again before the summit happens. And brianna, President Trump remains confident that it can be pulled off by june 12th. Even though there are some major details that still need to be worked out, not just logistics, but also some key agreements on big issues between the u. S. And north korea. Well have to wait and see what happens here. Brianna . Pamela brown at the white house, thank you so much. I do want to talk more about the Trump Legal Team strategy when it comes to the special counsels investigation. Were joined by cnn justice correspondent, even peran perez this topic. So Rudy Giuliani is suggesting this is a political strategy for the trump team as opposed to a legal one. Yeah, its almost like rudys inside voice was coming out. And weve been talking about this amongst ourselves. People who cover this investigation. And weve been saying this on our air, that this appears to be a public strategy, a pr strategy, and less of a legal strategy. And rudy just came out and pretty much said that. And its clear that they have a point of view that is essentially aimed at convincing the public and members of congress down the road. They are expecting that Robert Muellers report, wherever that comes out, is going to be very damning, very bad for the president. Its really stunning, though. Because members of the president s legal team, the other members of the legal team, have been reluctant to even entertain any of this. The word impeachment, for instance. Any time you even think of bringing it up, they dont want to talk about it. But rudy just went there. He went there, indeed, as he does so often, it seems. He also talked about just the legitimacy of the entire special counsels investigation, having to do with the firing of james comey, i mean, that was pretty stunning. Right, it is. But, look, its a theory, that legal theory thats been tested already. The defense team thats representing paul manafort, the former chairman of the Trump Campaign has already tested this with a civil lawsuit as well as motions in the criminal case, the charges that hes facing here in washington and in virginia. And so far, judges have found that Robert Mueller was legitimately appointed, that this was a legal appointment. So its not something thats going to really hold water in the longterm. Theyre going to end up, as giuliani has pointed out, theyre going end to up fighting this in the court of Public Opinion. Because they know in the real courts, thats not going to fly. Evan perez, thank you so much. Great report. Joining me now is congressman ted lieu, a democrat who serves on the judiciary and the Foreign Affairs committees. Congressman, thank you so much for being with us today. And as you know, the policy right now that the department of justice has, it says that a sitting president cannot be indicted. Does Rudy Giuliani, is he just sort of speaking the truth here when he says, ultimately this does come down to congress and the American Public . Because this really may not be an issue of a sitting president being indicted. Its impeachment, right . Well, thank you, brianna, for that question. Im a former prosecutor. And i know that when the defense team doesnt have a good argument, what they do is put the police on trial. They attack law enforcement. Thats what were seeing right now, because the defense team for President Trump really does not have a good argument. And theyre scared of what the report from Robert Mueller is going to show. By the way, former white house council, two of them, wrote an oped recently, saying that the president , in fact, can be indicted. I think thats an open question, still. But as a former prosecutor, you know that it sometimes works when the defense takes on the police. You know that that can be effective. It can be. Thats why the Defense Council will do that sometimes, when they dont have the evidence. But in this case, i do trust the American People to see what the actual evidence is and to see what the crimes are, if any, that were committed. We already know that there were five guilty pleas, so people have committed crimes already. Now were going to see how high up the Trump Campaign did these crimes go. Robert mueller could actually ask the Deputy Attorney general Rod Rosenstein for an exemption from that policy if he believes that the circumstances are extraordinary here. Do you see any situation where that could happen . We would have to see what the evidence is that Robert Mueller uncovered, but we know from public reporting that the special counsel has access to a lot of information. They have tapes from spanish the country of spain, when they were recording interviews that had to do with donald trump jr. Theres just a lot of information that the special counsel has and well see what thats going to produce when the counsel produces that report. I do want to be clear. Cnn has not confirmed that report, just to put that out there. Weve been looking into that and have not confirmed it. Do you think that the special counsel should be looking for a way to challenge that policy that a sitting president cannot be indicted . I think the special counsel should look at the u. S. Constitution. Theres nothing in our constitution that says that a president cannot be indicted. But lets just take a step back. Why are we even talking about this . This is Pretty Amazing stuff, right . Were talking about impeachment, about indictment. So why dont we wait to see what the report is the that special counsel mueller puts out and what he actually does and i think its best that we wait to see what the actual evidence is. I want to turn now to north korea. Its looking like the summit between the president and kim jongun may be back on track. Do you expect it to happen . Are you optimistic that anything can be achieved here . I hope it happens. I formerly served on active duty under u. S. Pacific command. Its very clear the United States has zero good military options against a north korean regime. Thats why diplomacy must always be our first option. Im glad its taking center stage. And i hope it happens. I dont think june 12th is any sort of magical date. It will be great if it happens on that date. But if its pushed back a little bit later, that will be fine as well. Is there any reason to believe that things are different this time around when it comes to north korea . There have been so many false starts in recent years. There have been. And if you look at north korea, they have had periods where they will open up and interact with democracies and then they will pull back. They will say one thing, they will do another. They will lie, they will take actions that are inconsistent. But at least if we can start the diplomacy and we can start on a path to denuclearization that we should at least give that a try. And maybe well have something different, because we do have a new north Korean Leader thats different, perhaps, than its predecessors. When you see summits like this or slightly even akin to this, the process is different, right . You normally see a lot of work on the front end, lower level, hashing out details. And then when you see leaders meet, they tend to be blessing an agreement that has happened, right . Thats not whats happening here. This is, this is leaders who are meeting. They may not achieve a lot. It sounds like the expectations are awfully low and that this may just be a moment for them to, in a way, show some sort of commitment to doing something. Is that problematic . That is a good point. And it does feel somewhat rushed, whats happening right now. Trying to make this joune 12th date. To me, thats not a magical date. If they need more time, i think they should push it off if they need more time. But i do think having the president and north Korean Leader sit down together is a good thing. You have to start somewhere and if you want to have a denuclearization deal, thats going to take a along time. Theres a lot of steps. And its a whole process. But you have to begin it at some point. I think a summit would be a good place to start beginning those discussions. So youre okay with there being no preconditions laid out for the summit . Absolutely. I just want this summit to happen, because i want negotiations and dialogue and diplomacy. We need to at least try that first before we contemplate any sort of military conflict against a regime for which we have no good military options. And you mentioned, you were active duty, you were an air force officer. Youre actually a colonel in the air force reserves, as i understand it right now. And this is an important day today, on memorial day, and we thank you for being with us on this day, sir. I know you spoke this morning. We were talking offcamera and you said that you spoke the los angeles memorial cemetery, you actually spoke about world war i and some of the contributions that women made in world war i, which a lot of people might not be aware of. As youre experiencing this day, you know, whats on your mind as a veteran . Thank you, brianna, for raising that issue. Today, we honor those brave men and women who served our military and gave their lives in service of america. And glad you mentioned world war i. It is the centennial. The armistice was signed on the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month in 1918. And we honor the sacrifices that americans made, over 100,000 died, over 200,000 were wounded. And it was also the first conflict in which actually, the first ever where u. S. Women joined the u. S. Military and they were 13,000 who enlisted in the u. S. Navy at the time. Theres, um a lot of people spend this day, you know, certainly enjoying a long weekend, but really, its about so much more. I know that thats something that you understand well, having served in the military. As you reflect on this day, you know, whats been on your mind . So one thing on my mind is that we need to understand that all members of the military have to do one thing before they can enter service, to take an oath to the United States constitution. And at the end of the day, thats what were honoring. The people that made their sacrifices made their sacrifices to defend our constitution and today is not just important for those who are fallen, but also for the principles that americans stand for. Congressman ted lieu, we appreciate you joining us from southern california. Thank you. Thank you, brianna. And just ahead, will the president s political strategy against Robert Mueller protect him from impeachment . Were going to unpack all the new claims and revelations by Rudy Giuliani. Also this, we are tracking the danger from historic flooding and from the first storm of the hurricane season, as well, which just hit land a short time ago. Keep your most valuable insights hidden from your competitors. The ibm cloud. The cloud for smarter business. The ibm cloud. Almost 800 when we switched our auto and home insurance. With liberty, we could afford a real babysitter instead of your brother. Hey oh, thats my robe. Is it . 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Rudy giuliani says the attacks on the special counsels probe are designed to discredit the russia probe with a political end game in mind, swaying Public Opinion against impeachment. Were joined now by our political, legal, and National Security analysts to talk about this. Susan hennessey, these attacks on mueller, are they in and of themselves data points towards a case that can be built when it comes to obstruction or no . I dont think they go to theyre not acts of legal obstruction in and of themselves. What they do go to is the broader motive here, and that is that President Trump clearly doesnt want the facts to come out. And that does speak to a general motivation, a general corrupt intent here. You know, it is somebody acting like they have something to hide. How is it different than when you think back to the clinton era, and there was special counsel and there was a big pr campaign against the special counsel, how is this different . I think this is part of the clintons star playbook. And that was that you discredit the investigator, you discredit the investigation, such that it doesnt matter what the ultimate report says. Youve already discredited it, no matter what comes out. And so clearly there are a lot of differences between that investigation and this one here. But i do think thats the playbook that were seeing fall out. Can i just jump in on that question . I think thats a really important question. Is there a difference . Remember, the clinton investigation was under the independent council law, not the special counsel regulations. And there was a bipartisan consensus after that investigation that this law gave too much power to the prosecutor. You know, i think there were some important differences between the two investigations. The white water investigation started as an investigation into vince fosters murder and the white water and a land deal a land deal, thats what we forget. It ended up. And the expansion was authorized by the threejudge panel. And it ended up, of course, investigating the relationship between Monica Lewinsky and bill clinton. But its absolutely true that the Clinton White house generated a lot of negative stories about ken star and argued it was a sort of partisan witch hunt. But that doesnt mean that both are the same. I think it depends a lot on how much you view this as a more legitimate investigation than the white water investigation. David, it was really interesting to hear Rudy Giuliani talk. He said, hes fine with the president speaking more about russia, because there was no collusion. He said hes not worried about that part. He says he isnt comfortable with the topic of obstruction, because he says the president s comments about firing comey could be misconstrued. The president is just to remind people the president when he spoke to nbc news shortly after firing comey, he said it was when i decided to just do it, i said to myself, i said, you know, this russia thing with trump and russia is a madeup story, its an excuse by the democrats for having lost an election that they should have won. So bri, what seems pretty clear in recent weeks is that the White House Legal Team is trying to set up this idea that you cant sort of prosecute someone for obstruction of justice if theres no underlying crime to obstruct. Most legal experts, i would say, dont agree with that. But i think this is one avenue that the legal team is going down. I will also just point out, though, that it is not hard to construe the president s meaning on why he fired james comey, in addition to the lester holt interview, in addition to common sense, you have the letter, the may 9th letter sent from President Trump to james comey, when he fired him that day, saying, while i appreciate the fact that you told me three times i wasnt under investigation, nevertheless, im still firing you, et cetera, et cetera. So that it would be a stretch to say that that you not at least part of the reason. And he told the russians in the oval office, it took the pressure off of him. Theres so many data points, right . Sam vinograd, the president is promoting what is an unfounded Conspiracy Theory that the fbi planted a spy in his campaign. Thats causing a lot of concern among lawmakers. You have some republicans who are indulging him on this. Some are not. Lets listen to senator jeff flake. I can tell you behind the scenes, there is a lot of alarm. There is concern that the president is laying the groundwork to move on bob mueller or rosenstein and if that were to happen, obviously, that woulder cause a constitutional crisis. There is concern behind the scenes. I have been concerned that we havent spoken up loudly enough and told the president , you simply cant go there. And hes obviously probing the edges, as much as he can, to see how far congress will go. And weve got to push back harder than we have. Now, jeff flake is not running for reelection, so hes not imperiling a reelection by saying what hes saying. Other republicans might be. And hes describing that, sam, its behind the scenes. A lot of it is not public, the pushback. Exactly, bri. But i think the issue here is, what im struck by when i listen to these stories, putins not having a whole lot of buyers remorse today. When he listens to the president and the president s lawyer, Rudy Giuliani, spread propaganda. And thats what this whole supposed spygate Conspiracy Theory is. Its propaganda, its derogatory information to serve a political purpose. I think what putins hearing is that giuliani and the president are spreading the kind of conspiracy theories that we would typically expect the russians to. And of course, members of both sides of the aisle should speak out and say, we got a briefing, theres no there there. But so, too, should members of the National Security team, who are trying to work to protect our country from an ongoing russian attack. And we have the president and the president s lawyer really propagating the very messages that make us more vulnerable to russias mission to undercut our institutions and diminish the credibility of our democracy. What do you say some of those folks, sam, must feel like they are working behind the scenes on this. But, you know, in your belief, is that enough . I dont know that its enough anymore, because we have this Propaganda Campaign thats being pushed by the president and his lawyer and thats what russian trolls and russian bots and the millions of people that follow the president and watch cable news are hearing. And so i think its something, if theyre working behind the scenes. But if youre an Intelligence Officer trying to work to counter russian information warfare, and the biggest person pushing that out right now is the president of the United States or Rudy Giuliani, that really complicates your job. Indeed. All right, ill have you guys stick around. We have so much more to talk about. North korea, the summit, is it on, is it off . The president ramping up pressure to make his summit with kim jongun happen after all. Were going to tell you about the urgent negotiations and preparations underway. Also this. Were following devastating flooding in maryland and also a Tropical Storm threat along the gulf coast. 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Now more businesses, in more places, can afford to dream gig. Comcast, building americas largest gigspeed network. Tonight, there is a lot of new movement aimed at reviving the summit between President Trump and kim jongun, including a u. S. Delegation that is now on the ground in north korea. Lets bring in our cnn senior diplomatic correspondent, Michelle Kosinski to talk about this. How likely is it, michelle, that this summit is actually going to happen on june 12th as planned . Hi, brianna. Well, there are several things going for it at this point. Not the least of which is, what seems to be President Trumps determination to have this happen. So that puts pressure on these two American Teams that are now in the region and ready to talk, already having discussions. One in the Demilitarized Zone in north korea. The other in singapore. And remember, it was just two weeks ago that a u. S. Team that went to singapore was fullon stood up by the North Koreans, who wouldnt even answer their calls. President trump seemed to make a right move by stepping away, then. That brought the North Koreans back to the table in saying that theyre willing to sit down with the americans anytime and in any way. That shows you how much the north korean side wants this meeting to happen. So with both sides seemingly all in in making it happen, that leaves us to a big question of who has the upper hand in negotiations here . Who has more leverage . And is this going to be a meeting just to have a meeting, which is still something, or is this going to actively move the ball toward the stated u. S. Goal of complete, irreversible, verifiable denuclearization . Is the u. S. Now willing to accept even slightly less than it initially was, just to get the North Koreans to the table . And remember, we still dont know what the North Koreans are willing to give up right away. This is all what were going to be looking at over the next several days, brianna. Do we know how north korea is viewing the possibility of denuclearization . Well, we know its been going on over the last several of weeks. Even two weeks ago, our sources who regularly talk to north korea were saying, they couldnt imagine how this summit could happen, because the gap was so wide on how each side saw denuclearization happening. And what exactly the breadth of it would be. North korea wants it to be slow and phased and each time they take a step, they get something in return. The americans insisting that this be rapid and not take forever. So it remains to be seen how in this short amount of time that gap gets bridged, if at all. So this could very well just be a sitdown and lets have a meeting. Again, that would still be historic. It would still be something. But everybody is still watching that long game and what this means, because the south koreans say that the North Koreans are committed to denuclearization, but we dont really have the parameters at this point, what does that mean, brianna. All right, Michelle Kosinski at the state department, thank you so much. I want to get back now to our panel. Ryan lizza and david swerdlick, do you think this is going to happen . This summit . I think it is. If you look at all the statements from south korea, the chinese, the North Koreans and now the white house, they all seem to want this to happen. One interesting wrinkle today was that the japanese, which are the most hardline and the most skeptical about the North Koreans and have really pushed trump to take some other issues into account, the japanese hostages that are in north korea, and most important, the shortrange Ballistic Missiles that north korea has, they want trump to put that stuff on the table. They want trump to realize japanese interests, trump and shinzo abe talked today. Theyre actually going to meet before the summit. And i think shinzo abe is trying to be that last person in the ram to talk to trump before he sits down with the north Korean Leader and makes sure that the japanese dont get sold out. Brian . I agree with ryan, bri, but what i was just going to say is that i think that the meeting can happen, probably will happen. But what were seeing is two elaborate ropeadope maneuvers going on simultaneously. President trump with his letter last week was making it look like it was harder to wrangle the North Koreans to the table and the North Koreans want to make it look like they wrangled trump to the table. Everybodys fuel is being used up on making it look like they got the other side to the table. And sam vinograd, can you speak to having been so involved in the summit between president obama and the chinese president a few years back, its just so stunning how or its just a different order here. Normally, theres all of this work thats done on the front end and then the leaders get together. This is sort of front loaded with these two leaders meeting, assuming it happens. Exactly, it is. And we just have the reality that we now know that discussions between the North Koreans and the United States took a hiatus for a week or two. The North Koreans were not receiving our calls. So when we ask ourselves how were still meeting on june 12th, we know that we lost at least two weeks of planning. And when i was involved in preparations for the sunnyland summit between president obama and president xi, it took months of work, because the feeling was, you dont want to rush a highstakes negotiation because theres just too much at stake. And thats when we werent even talking about nuclear weapons. You look at the Iran Nuclear Deal that was negotiated for a long time in private, largely so that we could ascertain whether the other party was actually about what they were saying. And to ryan and davids point, brianna, there are a lot of cooks in the kitchen right now. We have shinzo abe, we have the chinese, we have the russians. And let us not forget that the foreign minister of russia is traveling to pyongyang tomorrow, ostensibly to weigh in on how these negotiations are going. If it were me, i would delay the summit until the experts had a little bit more time to prepare logistically and substantively. I want to see what you guys think changing subjects here on this somber day of remembrance that memorial day is. The president tweeted out this morning, before doing what is somewhat perfunctory for president s, going to arlington cemetery, laying a wreath at the tomb of the unknown soldier. He said, happy memorial day those who died for our great country would be very happy and proud about how well our country is doing today. Best economy in decades, lowest unemployment numbers for blacks and hispanics ever and women in 18 years, rebuilding our military and so much more. Nice what did you think when you saw that . I thought that if the onion had tried to write a donald trump tweet that mocked the president for kind of messing up what is a pretty easy thing to get right, a memorial day message for the American People, it would have looked like this. I mean, just go look at any of the previous president s or even previous president s who are tweeting today on memorial day or melania trump. Who had an incredibly appropriate tweet today. Its a somber day. The happy memorial day, the tweet starts off on this bizarre note of happy memorial day and of course it pivots to himself, to the president , and to his accomplishments. And i found it weird, but now that were this far into the trump administration, i guess Something Like this is no longer weird. Exactly. Its hard for this president to not make things about himself, including this trump this tweet this morning. His true colors on veterans were shown last fall with sergeant la david johnson, who was killed in niger. He wound up in that sort of spat with sergeant johnsons widow, as well as a florida congresswoman. Even if the president thought he was right, the commander in chief has to put himself second to supporting the troops. He couldnt do it in that situation, fueled the feud. This tweet, to me, is of a piece with that. Theres nothing higher than being commander in chief. Sam, what did you think . I think that this is one day that i had hoped the president would put his narcissism in check. I served overseas in a war zone alongside men and women who died in the line of duty. I think all of us have been touched by that. And this is a day, as so many others have said, when we remember their sacrifice. This is not a day for the president to put his narcissism on full display. I mean, think about what he was doing here. Hes posturing hes turning veterans into political pawns and saying that posthumongously a personal report card. And saying, if they were alive, they would love what im doing. I cant think of anything more bizarre than to take dead soldiers and say, they would support my presidency and inject them into the polarized debate that we have right now. Its impossible to speak for them. They are not here to speak. And its impossible to know how they would feel. And one thing that you can bank on is that there would probably be a lot of opinions. There are a lot of people who have given their lives for this country. And we certainly remember them today. Thank you so much to you guys. Really appreciate you being with us today. Just ahead, as horrific flooding devastates one town, tens of millions of other americans are facing a flooding threat tonight. Were going to have an uptotheminute forecast for you. Lets see why people everywhere are upgrading their water filter to zerowater. Start with water that has a lot of dissolved solids. Pour it through britas twostage filter. Dissolved solids remain . What if we filter it over and over . sighing oh dear. Thank goodness zerowaters fivestage filter gets to all zeroes the first time. So, maybe its time to upgrade. Get more out of your water. Get zerowater. Get more out of your water. A lot of paints say they ordinarcan do the job,hiever. But just one can behr through it all. Behr premium plus, a top rated interior paint at a great price. Family friendly, disaster proof. Right now, get incredible savings on behr paints and stains. Exclusively at the home depot. You always get the lowest price on our rooms, guaranteed . 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Flood stage is at 15. That was a concern on the Patapsco River. But Ellicott City, just outside of baltimore, just to the west, was established in 1766. Theyve had 15 catastrophic floods, but all of them, except for last nights and the one two years ago, were different. Theyre surrounded by rivers. So the others were the rivers rising. This one and the one two years ago was just a freak of nature with the amount of rain that fell from the skies. Some indications, some say a one in a one in 1,000year event. But you can see just how much rain fell in Ellicott City in about a threehour time procedure. Downtown didnt have that much in over three. Youre getting ten inches, that is a freak of nature. And the Patapsco River rising 18 feet in about two hours. That was a big, bug concern. And it continues now as the next batch of rain moves up from alberto. And on alberto, writhere is storm right now . It made landfall just to the west of panama city, near laguna beach. It has been dying out. The winds were at 50 miles per hour, then down to 45. Its going to continue to lose strength. Its more of a nuisance storm. But for the most part, there are threats with the flooding. We had flooding today earlier in north and south carolina. And now there are going to be fears of flooding because the Southeast Region has had three weeks worth of rain each and every day. Along the panhandle, parts of alabama, look out nashville, heavy rain. This thing, brianna is going to go all the way to the great lakes. And the next five days, the forecast shows that rain pattern. It will drop off in intensity, obviously. But still with all the rain thats fallen in the eastern u. S. , this is a concern and one to watch for the next couple of days. Mainly, its a Flash Flood Watch event for this, as you mentioned, 30 million americans under that watch right now. All right. Tom sater, thank you so much for that update. And just ahead, why did flight instructors allegedly kidnap one of their students . Well tell you what were learning about this really strange case and threats that were all caught on tape. N the f. Or is it . This farmers morning starts in outer space. Where satellites feed infrared images of his land into a system built with ai. He uses watson to analyze his data with millions of weather forecasts from the cloud, and iot sensors down here, for precise monitoring of irrigation. Its a smart way to help increase yields, all before the rest of us get out of bed. If you have moderate to thsevere rheumatoid arthritis, month after month, the clock is ticking on irreversible joint damage. Ongoing pain and stiffness are signs of joint erosion. Humira can help stop the clock. Prescribed for 15 years, humira targets and blocks a source of inflammation that contributes to joint pain and irreversible damage. Humira can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. 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Ithe race for governort. Has turned into a scam. Gavin newsoms trying to elect a republican who was endorsed by trump. And villaraigosas being bankrolled by a handful of billionaires. Its everything thats wrong with politics. And none of it is helping struggling families. Heres my pledge to you. Ill keep our budget balanced. Invest in affordable housing. Fight for universal healthcare. And stand up to donald trump. As governor, you can trust me to do whats right because i always have. New tonight, a bizarre plot uncovered. A pilot and his assistant arrested for allegedly kidnapping and trying to deport a Chinese Student at their Flight School. We have new information about the case, including dramatic auaud audio recordings. Kyung lah has been following this and joins us from los angeles. Whats the latest on this very weird story . Very odd. Police are still trying to sort all this out. What they know, they have a chinese flight student who was injured when he tried to resist. Injured by his Flight School manager, who threatened to send him back to china. Youre in my [ bleep ] custody right now. Do you know what that means . I will forcibly remove yourself from here. Reporter the threat is unmistakable on the audio. Hes a manager at iasco training Flight School, recorded threatening a Chinese Student at the Flight School with deportation inside the students own apartment. Your ass is getting to the plane right now, or ill break your [ bleep ] arm. You Better Believe im threatening you. And the United States government needs you out of this country right now. You understand . Youre here illegal. If you dont go with us, you go to jail. Reporter that woman is an english and mandarin speaker and the Flight Schools director of administration. Police say they dont know what motivated them. The Chinese Student reportedly had a yearlong visa that was still valid. Iasco Flight Training school caters to Chinese Students and is owned by a chinese company. On its promotional video on facebook, it projects a warm atmosphere, a home away from home for the Chinese Students. Quite a contrast to this. Hey, listen to me, ive got your [ bleep ] passport, youre leaving now amid all this drama, the student somehow managed to call his brother in shanghai. The shanghai brother called the Reading Police department who stopped all of this going down at the airport. The pair were arrested, charged with conspiracy and kidnapping. They are now out on bond. We did manage to reach hoser, she didnt have any comment. Quickthinking brother. Thanks so much for that. Now tonight as the nation marks memorial day, cnn is remembering one of the most tumultuous years in modern american history, dominated by a war that divided the country. Two all new episodes of 1968 explore the icons and the milestones of that pivotal year. Heres a preview. The engines are on. Three, two, one, we have liftoff. As 1967 faded into 1968, the visions in the country were widen divisions in the country were widening. Then race riots opposition to the war was building to a crescendo. We are demonstrating against the war in vietnam. I dont think anyone could have imagined that 1968 would turn out to be one of the most dramatic and consequential years in our own history. Theyre stampeding people. They just ran someone down back there in 68, young people had a sense that they had no power. They were being drafted and ordered to fight in a war they did not believe in. And they sensed that the people who sent them there did not believe in. Do you think its worth it . Yeah. I dont know. They say were fighting for something. I dont know. And that couldnt stand forever. Political pigs, your days are numbered. Thats what the cops did. We have some difficult days ahead, but it really doesnt matter with me now, because ive been to the mountain top. Nobody can really say why its happened. Its just a pentup anger. I think in 68, everything felt a lot more on the edge. It felt like the country could turn into a sea of turmoil. I dont mind speaking here, but when you start throwing rocks that size who threw it . Nicks on nixon, thats what its gotta be take off the gloves and sock it to him. People are watching this on the evening news and saying, oh, my gosh, things are out of control, we have to do something. Is this what you want to do, destroy the country . Ill destroy a whole bunch of yall. Ive been shot. Senator kennedy has been shot. Is that possible . Two allnew ep seisodes of 1968 tonight, and an encore presentation will start in just a few minutes here. We want to honor the men and women of the u. S. Military who gafe their lives for this country. The Fallen Heroes and their families who are the focus of this holiday. Take a look at some of todays ceremony at Arlington National cemetery. Each of the names engraved in stone teach us what it means to be loyal and faithful and proud and brave and righteous and true. That is why we come to this most sacred place. To every parent who weeps for a child, to every child who mourns for a parent, and to every husband or wife whose heart has been torn in two, today we ask god to comfort your pain, to ease your sorrow, and to wipe away your tears. This is a very special day, and today our whole country thanks you, embraces you, and pledges to you, we will never forget our heroes. To all of our Service Members and their families, we say thank you and we honor your service and your sacrifices. Im brianna keilar, thank you so much for watching. 1968 starts right now. Hello darkness my old friend ive come to talk with you again the enemy is not beaten but he has met his master in the field. Id like to say hi to mom back home. I know shes worried about me, so, hello, mom. Diana ross. Everybody knows diana ross. Youre how old

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