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Now President Trump and the House Democrats in a war of words. And School Deputy responds. The armed Resource Office here failed on confront the gunman during the massacre speaks out for the first time through his lawyer, call the criticism of his actions unfounded. Im wolf blitzer and youre in the situation room. Breaking news, President Trump is sticking with his idea of keeping school safe by putting guns in the hands of some teachers. And he criticizes deputies who fail on confront the Florida High School shooter. The president says he would have run in to do so without a gun in his hand. And the president is in a war of words with House Intelligence Committee democrats over their memo, defending the fbi against republican attacks. The committee is meeting tonight. Ill speak with congressman Joaquin Castro of the intelligence committee. Our team is standing by. Lets go live to our chief White House Correspondent jim acosta. The president is still pushing the idea, i take it, of more guns in schools. Reporter he certainly is. And President Trump made the strange claim today that he would have tried to rescue the students at the Parkland School shooting. The white house attempted to clean up the comments but there was not much clarity on what kind of gun control measures the president would support beyond banning bump stocks which werent even used in parkland. President trump says he would have saved the day if he had been on the scene at the Parkland School shooting. I believe i would have run in even if i didnt have a weapon and i think most of the people in this room would have done that, too. Reporter unlike the deputies, he says, who choked. They werent exactly medal of honor winners. The way they performed was frankly disgusting. When the president said that he would have run into the school, was he suggest go that he could have saved the day . I think he was just stating that as a leader, he would have stepped in and hopefully been able to help. Is he train in the use go a handgun or a firearm . I dont think that was the point. He claimed he met with leaders with the National Rifle association over the weekend. It was no surprise when he defended the gun lobbys intentions. Dont worry about the nra. Theyre on our side. Half of are you so afraid of the nra. Theres nothing to be afraid of. And we have to fight them every once in a while. Thats okay. President continued to push his goal to put more firearms in the hands of shooters of the. I want highly trained people that have a natural talent. Like hitting a baseball or hitting a golf ball or putting. How come some people always make the four footer and some people under pressure cant even take their club back . One of the democratic governors in the room from Washington State took issue with that plan. Then offered the president some advice. Ive listened to the first grade teach heres dont want to be pistol packing first grade teachers. I would suggest we need a little less tweeting, a little more listening of the. President trump did talk about banning bump stocks involved last october. Though not the Parkland School shooting. Bump stocks, im writing that out myself. I dont care if congress does it or not. Im writing it out the president need only look, a huge jump from the mass shooting in las vegas. The students have been demanding action on gun control now have the played thes seal of approval. Ive been heartened to see children across this country using their voices to speak out and try to create change. Theyre our future. And they deserve a voice. Reporter still white house appears to be staying on message. Even daughter ivanka trump sounded supportive of the idea of arming teachers. That i think having a teach here is armed, who cares deepbly her students, or his students, and who is capable and qualified to bear arms, is not a bad idea. But it is an idea that needs to be discussed. Reporter the white house was asked whether the president is backing away from his support of raising the age from 18 to 21 to buy guns nationwide. Today, Sarah Sanders was asked about this and she would only say the president supports that concept. It is not exactly the same thing. I looked at the tweet. Raise the age to 21. Thats what he said. Since then there seems to be backing away in the face of nra opposition. Well have more on that. Thanks very much. The House Intelligence Committee is meeting for the First Time Since the weekend release of the memo by its democratic members, responding to republican claims of fbi abuses. Lets bring in our chief National Security correspondent jim sciutto. The president has sharply attacked that memo which attempts to smack down republican claims of wrongdoing one by one. Right. And though this was buried seemingly intentionally by the white house on saturday afternoon, it does take aim at the two claims known as the nunes memo or the gop republican memo. The first being the aspersion the fbi opened its Counter Intelligence investigation into trump russia ties based principally on the steele dossier, the dossier on trump and russia that was funded by democratic groups, including the Democratic National committee. The memo, in countering that allegation, notes that it started in july 2016. Thats seven weeks before the fbi Team Investigating russia first received that dossier. The memo states and im quoting, the fbis concern about and knowledge of pages activities, carter page, a Campaign Adviser to the trump campaign, long predates the fbis receipt of steeles information. The gop claim that the fbi hid that political origin of the dossier. But the democratic memo says in fact in its first fisa warrant request, a warrant to observe, to surveil an american, the d. O. J. In fact mentioned steeles political ties and motivations. So going after those two central claims, each side has its political motivations here. But on the facts, it is a fairly credible rebuttal of the gop claims. Beyond that, there is new information about this overall investigation contained in this tenpage memo and this caught the attention of myself and my colleagues as we were going through this. And this entry caught our eyes. By september 2016, the fbi had opened what are called sub inquiries into a number of trump associates. This is beyond carter page. Indicating that page was not the only person the fbi was looking at. Because this was a redacted document, a great amount of this information is classified. Both the number of those associate thats were under these inquiries and the names of those people, they were redacted from the documents. We dont know how many or who they are but we know there are a number of them by carter page. Thanks very much for that. Joining us now, democratic congressman Joaquin Castro. Thanks for joining us. Thank you for having me. So youre committee chairman, devin nunes, says in this memo, the democrats are advocating that it is okay for the fbi and the department of justice to use political dirt. How do you respond to that . Well, the first thing is that the democratic memo was written to really correct the record. Remember, devin nunes and the republicans put out a memo brought with inaccuracies and really a bunch of falsehoods. So we came one a version that corrected the record and it demonstrated the fisa process was followed. In fact, the fisa court was made aware that this was part of Opposition Research against donald trump. And ill confirm the way this firm, fusion gps, got involved in the first place, they were looking into President Trump. Then candidate trump in the first place. So wasnt a bunch of democrats. There were also conservatives involved as well. Should that fisa application, with hindsight, knowing what you know now, have specifically named Clinton Campaign and the dnc as the financier of the dossier . Well, as i understand it, all the processes were followed with the fisa court. All the information they are required to know was made available to them. And so as long as those processes were followed, i dont see a problem. And they knew that part of this had to do with political Opposition Research. Yes. Political opposition. But it is one thing to say political opposition. It is another thing on stay dnc and the hillary Clinton Campaign were funding it. But fusion gps was first involved. Not because of democrats but the conservative free beacon publication. Yes. But when they hired christopher steele, that was only after Hillary Clinton and the dnc took over. Right . Youre right. So they could have been more specific. Would releasing this memo, and ive gone through it several times, all ten pains. Releasing it, if compromised sources and methods . Yeah. We said all along that we would work with the fbi and the intelligence agencies to make sure that we didnt divulge any classified information. Any sources and methods. And thats exactly what we did. We did our very best to make sure there was no classified information that was, that came out in this memo. Are you okay with the rezpakss the intelligence community, you dont want to compromise how the u. S. Gathers intelligence . Ideally of course you wish every word would get out. But this was an agreed upon compromise. So well take it. The democratic memo also says that by mid september, 2016, and im quoting now, the fbi had already opened sub inquiries into, and then they redact individuals. The names. Individuals linked to the trump campaign. More redaction. And the former Campaign Adviser carter page. It is very long. How Many Campaign associates were under investigation and are the redacted names all publicly known . That as you can imagine, i cant discuss. But i said months back, to you, in fact, that i believe based on everything that ive seen, that there would be several people that i think would be subject to legal liability. I still believe thats the case and i think there are more people that havent been named, who may be in legal jeopardy. Would you give us an approximate number is this. I cant. Were going to wait to see when it all comes out. And in the memo, can you tell us is it two or three or four . I saw how long the redaction is. It is hard to tell how many names were mentioned. Sure. I dont have the memo in front of me but that i believe there is more people to come. What are these memo feuds doing to protect american elections, looking ahead to the midterm elections in november, the 2020 president ial elections. What does this do . The release of the republican sxhoim now democratic memo is this. I think it was important for us to correct the record but this has been a real side show to the main thing, the committees work. Figuring out who messed with the 2016 elections. Why they did it, how they did it, and as important, whether any part of it was an inside job. Which americans if any were involved. Thats the main purpose of the work were doing and we have to make sure that we get back to focus go on that. Lets get to the issue of the Florida School massacre. President trump said today, he have once in a while, you have to fight National Rifle association. What do you think hell fight them on when it comes the specific gun control legislation . Well, i hope that hell do what he has talked about. Ban bump stocks, raise the age of purchase to 21, and do other things that the congress should do. That i think we should either ban assault weapons or at least high capacity magazines so that somebody cant fire off 20 rounds, and put ten bullets in somebody before they had a chance to react. A lot of work to be done. Any chance the house and the senate will pass that . Well, sure. I think theres more momentum right now. You see even among the public that you have 70 in support of more gun reform. And really, the president and Mitch Mcconnell and paul ryan were committed to do something more than talk. They could get something done. They could pass a bill on the house floor and the senate floor tomorrow, or this week, if they wanted to. And i hope the president puts as much effort into pushing for sensible gun reform as he did for getting. At a braegs to the wealthiest in the country. This president can get it done if theres will of the president and the will of Mitch Mcconnell and paul ryan to get it done. Thank you for joining us. Up next, the russias probe, steering clear of the Family Finances. Democrats say, follow the money. And in response to the florida mass shooting, the deputy is speaking out. Imagine if the things you bought every day. Earned you miles to get to the places you really want to go. With the united mileageplus explorer card, youll get a free checked bag. Two united club passes. Priority boarding. And earn fifty thousand bonus miles after you spend three thousand dollars on purchases in the first three months from account opening plus, zerodollar intro annual fee for the first year, then ninetyfive dollars. Learn more at theexplorercard. Com vof hundreds of families, hese hmost proud of the one the heads hes kept over his own. Brand vo get paid twice as fast with quickbooks smart invoicing. Quickbooks. Backing you. Liberty mutual saved us almost 800 when we switched our auto and home insurance. Liberty did what . Yeah, they saved us a ton, which gave us a little wiggle room in our budget. I wish our insurance did that. Then we could get a real babysitter instead of your brother. Hey, welcome back. This guy, right . laughs yes. Ellen. Thats my robe. You could save 782 when liberty stands with you. Liberty mutual insurance. I thought i was managing my moderate to severe Crohns Disease. Then i realized something was missing. Me. My symptoms were keeping me from being there. So, i talked to my doctor and learned humira is for people who still have symptoms of Crohns Disease after trying other medications. And the majority of people on humira saw significant symptom relief and many achieved remission in as little as 4 weeks. Humira can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. 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Reporter six Republican Leaders on capitol hill have made it clear they do not believe it is necessary on probe Family Finances as part of the investigations happening on capitol hill, despite calls from democrats to look into financial links between the family and russia. It is a very significant comment, the republican leader of the investigation, mike conway, told me several days ago that quote, i dont see a link in this stage to going after deutsche bank, subpoenaing deutsche bank. Despite subpoenaing. A number of key committees, including the House Financial Services committee, where the top democrat Maxine Waters has called on the chairman to go after the records, other records as well. They have said thats not their purview. They made very clear that they dont believe the role as cheryl of the committee. Isnt that what bob mueller its doing instead . In the one committee, they have received some documents from the treasury department. When i asked whether or not they had any documents related to the trump family, he said i Wont Disclose which financial records were seeking but the democrats, those on the committee will not that you are sight. I understand you just spoke to adam schiff about hope hicks testifying before the committee. He expects her to come very soon. He also made it clear that he expects her to answer all questions. Questions that happened during the campaign season. Questions during the transition period. And that means questions during her time at the white house. I cant answer when she will come in. We cant testify whether she will testify completely and fully or whether she will do what was done, stonewall. We hope that shell be fully cooperative. At this point, i dont know what we can expect, except that we expect her to come in soon and we hope she will fully cooperate. Now, steve bannon did come in for the second time and he did not answer the questions about the transition period or his time at the white house saying he wanted to preserve the right for the white house to invoke executive privilege. The question is whether or not hope hicks will face the same thing. Raising the possibility that he may be held in contempt of congress. Not to answer the key questions. Shes a very important witness given how close shes been to the press since her time before the campaign, during the campaign, and at the white house. Well see if that happens. Thank you. Coming up, as florida authorities begin investigating the response to the massacre, the deputy is speaking out for the first time even as President Trump says he would have rushed in and lashes out at the first responders. At some point, you need volume. I dont know that a school will be able to hire 100 security guards that are armed. Plus, i got to watch some deputy sheriffs performing this weekend. 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Of Sarah Sanders explanation and you wonder if she ever gets tired of having to walk back the tweets or some of the things the president said. It is just so typical of donald trump to turn this National Tragedy into something about him. Okay. I watched those guys. And i would have run into the building. I would have done that. So it is always about donald trump. I think it was, you know, just ridiculous. And Sarah Sanders, i guess, just had to dance as fast as she could of will. Theres a, to add to glorias point, donald trump has spent almost his entire life writing a story about a brave, fearsome tough guy named donald cool donald trump. So in a way it is not really cool. He says in that line, none of us can know until that moment but i think i would. This is about the spokes nan in the 1980s, who talked about how cool is that desirable donald trump was. It was donald trump. It is in line with many of the things he said in the campaign were not borne out. He tells the story he wants to believe about his own past, present and future. There was also an exchange he had. Speaking as a grandfather, i have listened to the people affected. I have listened to the biology teachers and they dont want to do it in any percent an. I have listened to first grade teach heres dont want to be pistol packing teachers. And it takes about six months. I think this is a circumstance where we need listen. That educators should educate and not be foisted upon them to pack heat. I understand you have suggested this. We listen to people with it and maybe they dont look is he good a little later. I suggest we need a little less tweeting here, a little more listening, and lets just take that off the table and move forward. He was responding to the president s proposal that at least some teachers be armed with concealed weapons. And as he democrat. You started to hear this from republicans as well, most notably, rick scott, the republican governor of florida who said he wasnt on board. Governor sandoval of nevada, he is not on board. His daughter is training to be a even thor and he said i dont want that for my daughter. But you have others in south dakota who said, maybe this should be on the table. Certainly, it doesnt seem like one of those proposals where a lot of republicans or lawmakers saying, let try anything. It seems like lot of reservations on both sides of the aisle of this particular proposal. He also said, in his exchange with the governors, occasionally you have to fight with the nra. He met with them over the weekend. Do members of congress, at least right now, have a good sense of how far the president will go in gun control . It doesnt seem that way. It seems the like hes back and forth. He said the nra, you can negotiate with they will. If we dont agree, we dont agree. It is not as easy as that and i think he knows it. He spent the majority of last week talking about how he supported raising the age to buy guns from 18 to 21. You didnt hear much about that today. You heard him emphasize bump stocks. So maybe that was a compromise he could get out of them over the weekend. The nra said they would support a conversation about more Law Enforcement or regulations, when it comes to bump stocks. It seems that were hearing, lets listen, lets talk and debates from both sides. What i think youre going to hear more and more from constituents, specifically on the democratic side, is to get something done legislatively. In that tweet, he said raise to it 21. Today the white house hasnt spoken about it. Theyre saying, well, you have to study it. Right now if youre 18, 19 or 20, you can buy an ar 15 style weapon. Right now, this is called hedging. I think what you have with donald trump is someone who doesnt have, with the exception of trade, does not have the builtin belief system. So he just kind of, he sees how people react. I think the focus is he wants something done. He would like to sign something. He would like the say, own obama didnt get any Gun Legislation done after sandy hook and i could. But what it is, the priority of congress, he said, well, well see what comes. I think congress is waiting for they will. He had lunch with the nra. So many would like to do that but the nra got to have lunch with the president and now the president is not pushing to trays age. I think there may be a cause and effect. It is something they dont want, it is something he mentioned and now he is no longer mentioning it. Well see if the president walks away from the tweet the other day. Stand by. Theres a lot more. Well be right back. That fits. Your budget . Tripadvisor now searches over. 200 sites to find you the. Hotel you want at the lowest price. Grazi, gino find a price that fits. Tripadvisor. Want us to do about what woulthis president . Fathers im tom steyer, and when those patriots wrote the constitution here in philadelphia, they had just repelled an invading foreign power. So they created the commander in chief to protect us from enemy attack. The Justice Department just indicted 13 russians for sabotaging our elections. An electronic attack on america that the chief investigator called warfare. So what did this president do . Nothing. And is he doing anything to prevent a future attack . The head of the fbi says no. This president has failed his most important responsibility protecting our country. The first question is why . What is in his and his familys business dealings with russia that he is so determined to hide, that hed betray our country . And the second question is why is he still president . Join us today. We have to do something. I want to play a clip. Peter alexander had this exchange with ivanka trump and i want to play it for and you then well discuss. Do you believe your fathers accusers . I think it is a pretty inappropriate question to ask a daughter. If she believes the accusers of her father when he is affirmatively stated that theres no truth to it. I dont think thats a question you would ask many other daughters. I believe my father. I know my father. So i think i have that right as a daughter to believe my father. She is a daughter but always Senior Adviser. What did you think of her answer . Well, look, that i think would have been a more acceptable answer had it come from Tiffany Trump who is not a Senior Adviser to her father. But wearing one hat when it comes to one issue and a different hat when it comes to another, just isnt going to fly. I mean, the president even tweeted about her trip to south korea. Specifically to represent the united states. She wasnt going as a spectator. She was going as a representative. In fact, that seemed to be a snub at the Vice President because of course, he was there for the opening ceremonies, when it came to any sort of potential developments with the north koreans. And this is something we repeatedly see. Every time there is an uncomfortable situation outer becomes too personal, we hear, im only a daughter. Or thats not an appropriate question. Yet when it comes the other smoos are of high importance, she feels more comfortable addressing, she does. You cant have it both ways. It bears the point of not allowing family members being top advisers in the white house. Im going to give her the benefit of the doubt and say it is a disconnect. After oprahs criticism, she got a lot of after the oprah interview, the speech was seen as a challenge to the president. To her father. Can wrong if it is a disconnect or being coy. You should have that level of selfawareness. She works in the white house. This is an issue that ivanka has had to deal with again and again. As she grew up, she had the question of marla maples, and the divorce, and tiffany were born, and the children with on the mothers side and went skiing in aspen rather than go to the wedding. So this isnt the first time shes had to deal with her father and women. Shes trying to have it both ways and you really cant. You cant be a Senior Adviser to the president and the first daughter, and believe they are separate. If youve blown the whole nepotism thing, then youve blown it. She was there as the face of the American Government as bestowed by her father, President Trump. This is why we have the laws. The law passed by congress the deal with things like bobby kennedy, it was agency. That was the word and that doesnt apply to the white house. This is why you dont do this. No one chngs hat you have on at which time. And it is not fair to anyone for her to say, this is in my capacity as a daughter, not a white house senior official. Well who knows when youre which one . She led the delegation to the close go ceremonies. Vice president pence led to the opening ceremonies and no one disputes, she is the inner most of the inner most circles to the president. She has a right. If she doesnt want to answer a question, fine. To say it is inappropriate. Chelsea clinton got asked the same question because she was a surrogate. Not like she was an engineer in des moines. She was a surrogate for the campaign. You can say, i dont want to answer that question but dont say it is inappropriate when you are working as a Senior Adviser. Or when she spoke out against roy moore. And you would anticipate them knowing a question like the may come their way. All right. Stick around. More news coming up. The former school Resource Officer breaks the silence about what did he and dont do during the deadly attack. I got to watch some deputy sheriffs performing this weekend. They werent exactly medal of honor winners. The way they performed was, frankly, disgusting. Oh thanks. 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This comes as sheriff israel himself is facing enormous pressure from the highest levels of government in the state. Tonight floridas top Law Enforcement agency is investigating how officers have been to the horrific shooting at Stoneman Douglas high school. Including the actions of Resource Officer Scot Peterson. Peterson resigned on thursday after scott israel suspend him pending an investigation into why peterson was seen on video waiting outside the school as shots were being fired. I was disgusted, demoralized with the performance of deputy peterson. Reporter tonight through his lawyer peterson says sheriff israels criticism is unfounded and uncalled for. Jeff bell, the head of the Sheriffs Union says he disagrees with petersons decision not to go into the school. Bell talked to a peterson about what happened that day. Deputy peterson believed he did a good job i according to petersons lawyer, when he arrived at building 1200, peterson heard gunshots but believed that those gunshots were originating from outside any of the buildings on the school campus. But some experts question that version saying witness accounts of petersons action suggests he must have heard shots from inside the school. That flies in the face of what weve heard from not only High School Students but the Coral Springs p. D. When they arrived at the scene, the school Resource Officer peterson had his handgun out in a ready position facing the building. Standing right next to the bidding. Reporter 74 republican Florida State lawmakers are calling for governor rick scott to suspend sheriff israel for incompetence and dereliction of duty. Were saying enough is enough. I applaud governor scott. Reporter sheriff israel is under enormous pressure after what critics say is his failure to intervene after they received several calls washing of the violent behavior of nikolas cruz. Sheriff israels says his department is investigating toes calls but he defiantly told cnns jake tapper he will not resign. I exercised my due diligence, ive given amazing leader this toip th leadership to this agency. Reporter at voice, david willford, the father of Madeleine Wilford who received multiple gunshot wounds, this father thanked the Broward County Sheriffs Department and the Coral Springs police for going into the school, pulling his daughter out and saving her life. Wolf . Brian, thanks very much. Brian todd reporting. Coming up, breaking news, President Trump criticizes deputies who failed to confront the Florida High School massacre, suggesting he might have done better. 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The House Intelligence Committee is meeting for the First Time Since the release of a democratic memo containing new revelations about the russia probe. How many trump Campaign Associates were under fbi scrutiny back in 2016 . And who were they . Sinking feeling the. President s Approval Rating is back down. What ice dri whats driving the discontent . And the officers story. The deputy accused of doing nothing in the Florida Shooting defends his actions and denies being a coward. Local Law Enforcement facing a backlash and tough questions about their performance. We want to

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