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Potentially serious slipup during a congressional hearing. Has bannon already disclosed compromising information . We want to welcome our viewers in the United States and around the world. Im wolf blitzer. Youre in the situation room. Were following breaking news. Without at least a short term spending bill, the federal government will shut down on friday and things at logger heads on capitol hill right now. Update our viewers with the very latest. Reporter theres some tepid optimism coming from republican leaders. They have put a plan on the table. The question is do they have the votes to get it passed . This is just a stopgap measure, a short term american that you are would keep the government funded for only another 28 days. It does not address daca. A big concern for Many Democrats on capitol hill. It does include a sixyear extension of the Childrens Health care program. That is to entice democrats to get behind this deal. The first big hurdle is the house. The House Republicans cannot rely on democratic support over there so they really have to make sure that theyre going to pass this with only republican support. That is somewhat problematic tonight. A lot of conservatives balking at this proposal of the one of them saying it is a crap sandwich but one they have to eat because they are facing the midnight deadline to get it passed. Behind the scenes, republican members are potentially pushing toward a vote tomorrow. If and only if it gets through the house, the big question mark is, will democrats over here in the senate really hold the line on their demands on daca, potentially withhold their vote. And thats a big question mark as they tick toward potentially a shutdown. One of the other major sticking points as far as we know right now . Well, we heard from many house conservative members today really balking that first and foremost, this is another short term measure. That there is not a budget right now. The fact theyre continuing having to push these continuing resolutions, short term stopgap measures to keep the government funded. And that they will have this fight another day. Just another 28 days. A lot of pushback from conservatives concerned over the fund go for the military. That we heard from many senators over here. Lindsey graham saying he is concerned about that and of course the thorniest issue is that this has been really entangled with the fight over immigration. The demands p. M. Democrats had over immigration. The big question that Many Democrats are facing, will they get blamed if they will hold that line on immigration saying i wont vote for any Government Spending bill, short term or otherwise, if it does not address the demands over daca. Thanks very much. President trump says time is running out for an immigration bill. Lets to go jim acosta. He is at the white house for us. What are they saying . Is a shutdown now likely on the way . Reporter theyre not saying shutdown is likely. What theyre saying is that theyre trying to work toward a short term spending deal. That theyll keep the government running at this point. We should point out on a separate track, theyre trying to solve this immigration issue. That the chief of staff john kelly was up on capitol hill making a rare appearance. We dont typically see the chief of staff running around with lawmakers. But he met behind closed doors with members of the hispanic congressional caucus. We talked with a source familiar with it saying during a meeting earlier today, the chief of staff john kelly explained to the plaums the president is, quote, uninformed some of these issues on immigration and specifically that the president is uninformed when it comes to the issue of the wall, specifically, how long it should be, where it should be built. So it was essentially a plea from the chief of staff to those lawmakers for some patients when it comes to dealing with the president on this issue. A pretty eye opening admission on the part of chief of staff, john kelly, that the president is uninformed these immigration issues. Keep in mind, and we know this full well. This was a key center piece of the president s campaign for the white house in 2016. That he wanted a wall built on the mexican border. He wanted mexico to pay for it. Now some of the sources in the room are saying that john kelly told them that the president is uninformed on that issue. Getting back to this issue of a government shutdown, the question at the Witching Hour here if were getting close to the Witching Hour, two days from the funding deadline, is whether or not congress will pass what they call a continuing resolution. A short term spending bill that will keep the government running and not shutting down friday night. Very interesting to note that Lindsey Graham keergs republican senator said today, that he is not inclined to vote for a cr. He is echoing what others are saying that theyre sxk tired of passing these crs, putting a token in the toll booth to keep things running. In the house, the house is saying that the republicans are crafting a bill to keep the government open. A funding bill would keep it running until the 16th of february. Have some funding for the Childrens Health program. A program that is near and dear to democrats. Very key in all that, that compromise that is being crafted in the house does not include a daca fix. It does not include a fix for those d. R. E. A. M. Ers, the young immigrants who have been in this country through no fault of their own and theyre waiting for a solution to come from capitol hill. Nonetheless, Sarah Sanders today was saying that they are basically going to blame the democrats if the government shuts down at the end of the week. But it is not going to be an easy sell for this white house to make the point. As you know, january 20th. The day after the government could potentially shut down is the oneyear anniversary of President Trump being sworn into office. At this point in the house and the senate, gop leaders are saying, they dont blank the president wants to keep the government running and to fix daca situation for those d. R. E. A. M. Ers. So theyre looking for clarity from the white house. And the white house appears to be not giving it at this point. Fascinating material. Explosive material as well. Stand by. I want to bring in democratic congressman from the Armed Services committee. He is an iraq war veteran. He is also a member of the hispanic caucus. You met with chief of staff kelly to discuss daca and the d. R. E. A. M. Ers. You just mattered kelly told lawmakers that the president of the United States, his Campaign Promises about the wall, were uninformed. You were inside that room. Can you confirm that . Yes. We heard the chief of staff kelly say that. In addition to not really telling us what the president is looking for, in terms of what is a compromise, what is a deal. We actually spent our time explaining to chief of staff kelly that there are bipartisan deals on the floor. Both senate and house, that we can bring this to an end, and that we are willing to give are in some regards, to make sure that we have protection for these d. R. E. A. M. Ers. There was no direction given by the white house. There doesnt seem to be anything from the white house and that is what is causing the chaos here among not Just Congress but among all the gop right now. So congressman, i want to be precise. This is pretty explosive. When the white house chief of staff kelly are tells the hispanic caucus and others while on capitol hill, what the president used to say about the wall, that there would be a beautiful big huge wall all along the border, that the mexicans would pay for that wall, the white house chief of staff from what youre telling us, and others are telling us, he said he the president of the United States was uninformed. Is that right . Yes. From what i remember, he was saying the president was uninformed about where the length should go. And paraphrase go, as you know, sometimes you make Campaign Promises that when you, when it comes to reality are very difficult to keep. So that was part of the conversation. And secretary kelly did say. That sorry, chief of staff kelly did say that. What else stood out to you about a deal involving the 700,000 or 800,000 d. R. E. A. M. Ers . What jumped out to me he is that they have no plan. No idea what a bipartisan deal looks like. We tried to talk to kelly about specifically some of the compromises were willing to give and some on the senate side. But there was no direction no, indication that they are looking for a compromise. All that we really got to say was we needed to fix it. The problem is you have the leadership of the Republican Party as well as the Trump Administration not giving any direction what a compromise looks like. What is willing to be acceptable for them to sign. And now everyone is running around here. At the end of the day, the Trump Administration and the leadership of the republican caucus, as well as the senate side, really need to sit down and talk to each other. So that way there is someone we can negotiate. With right now theyre steering this country into a shounl because of irresponsible leadership among the republicans as well as the Trump Administration. Are you willing to shut down federal government midnight friday if there is no deal on daca . No deal including the d. R. E. A. M. Ers . Absolutely of the as well as the fact short term crs are a problem. A shutdown will hit and affect the military. We know there is a compromise on the floor that would basically end this all. Bring more Border Security, more money to the border, hire more border patrol. All we need is for the president and the Republican Leadership to start really compromising. Right now, no one wants to take leadership on the republican side. Instead theyre trying to blame the democrats when they have control of the house, the senate and the presidency. What more do they need to get things done . Were willing to play our part and compromise. We dont have anybody dealing with it on the other side. The republicans have decided to include what you want and the democrats want. Millions, billions of dollars to make sure that 9 million young kids who rely on the Childrens Health insurance program, chip, as it is called, is in a temporary spending measure. It is included for six years. Thats very important to you and a lot of other folks. Absolutely. The republicans have used chip as a bargaining chip. Tonight make a pun. They could have done had months ago. The cbo scored chip and realized that it doesnt actually cost money over time because of the savings accrued from people having Better Health so this is a noncontroversial issue that theyre throwing in now to use as a bargaining chip. And i wont allow it considering we have 700,000 families essentially that are up for deportation, when we know there is a bipartisan bill ready to go on the floor that i dont think is perfect but a lot of us would be willing to vote for it to make sure these families stay together. And that the government stays open. Youre talking about the grahamdurbin compromise. Yep. We have the aguilarheard compromise. Were willing to compromise, specifically bring in more Border Security to the border. As well as other measures. Specifically within the d. R. E. A. M. Act. It is a bipartisan bill. If we got it to the floor, would it pass. We just dont have the leadership with speaker ryan or mcconnell to do that. Confirming that the chief of staff john kelly told members of the congressional hispanic caucus, when it comes to the wall with the border with mexico, kelly said the president is simply uninformed. Thank you. Up next, former white house strategist steve bannon has agreed to speak with the special counsel team. But a new report says bannon made a serious slipup. Has he already given away very damaging details . Touch is how we communicate with those we love, but when your psoriasis is bad, does it ever get in the way . Embrace the chance of 100 clear skin with taltz. Taltz is proven to help people with moderate to severe psoriasis achieve completely clear skin. With taltz, up to 90 of patients had a significant improvement of their psoriasis plaques. In fact, 4 out of 10 even achieved completely clear skin. Dont use if youre allergic to taltz. 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The former white house chief strategist steve bannon has struck a deal and will speak openly with the special counsels team. Lets go live to our senior correspondent. What else are you learning . A pretty significant development. He was issued the subpoena last week to appear before the grand jury that is part of the russia investigation. The deal that bannon means he no longer will have to appear before the grand jury. Instead, appearing before the special counsel as part of the interview. It appears the subpoena is still pending but he will not have to go before the grand jury. Were told that bannon was given the subpoena but he told the investigators instead to talk to his attorneys. And one reason according to one source that he presumably got the subpoena was the comments that he made this Michael Wolffs book where he discussed the discussion between donald trump jr. And other members of the Trump Campaign and russians and then later publicly walked that back. There is a thought that the subpoena was issued to say you have to tell the truth when you come before the federal grand jury. Or in this case, come before muellers team and expect that to happen with one of the senior people at the time. What are you hearing about what happened behind closed doors yesterday when steve bannon was up on capitol hill . And what about Cory Lewandowski today in. Both similar in this regard. They would not answer some key questions that angered, in bannons case, republicans and democrats. He came out and criticized lewandowski for not answering questions about what happened after he left the Trump Campaign back in 2016. According to adam schiff, lewandowski said he was unprepared to answer questions and he would be willing to go back and answer questions later. Schiff said it was completely unacceptable. I asked if he would claim any sort of privilege and apparently he did not claimfully sort of privilege. He just said he was not prepared. On the other hand, bannon said executive privilege was going to be exerted by the white house and would not address questions about the transition. Would not address questions with the campaign. That got a lot of pushback from republicans and democrats who issued a subpoena to compel him to provide this information. Earlier, i had a chance to ask speaker ryan about the dispute and whether or not he has sided with his colleagues on the committee who want bannon to answer questions. He punted. Take a listen. Yesterday, steve bannon angered both republicans and democrats alike on the House Intelligence Committee after the white house invoked privilege saying he could not answer questions about the transition and his time in the white house. Is it appropriate for the white house to invoke executive privilege and deny im not familiar with exactly what happened yesterday. Ive been a little busy with other tasks. There hassal been attention between the executive branch and the legislative branch. This goes back to every administration. Obama exercised executive privilege. Bush did, clinton did. Thats attention youll have. Should bannon i dont know the specifics. I really just dont. So interesting that he did not side with his republican colleagues who are very upset at the decision by bannon not to answer questions and one reason were now learning according to an axios report that bannon discussed the trump tower meeting with, he acknowledged having discussions with Reince Priebus during the testimony yesterday. He sort of slipped up, it appeared, and he was asked followup questions about the discussions that we had Reince Priebus, the former chief of staff and others. It really angered some people. They said it is still pending and that mike conway who is running the investigation said he was surprised at this decision by the white house is to say that he did not have to answer the questions because it happened in the transition. Answer more questions before the committee. I want to you stay with us and i want to bring in the cnn contributor. The white house and bannon, they just went through a very public breakup. How dangerous is steve bannon to the president right now . Well, this isnt the first time that steve bannon has spoken out, at least when it comes to russia, most specifically the firing of comey. Early that was the biggest mistake of modern times. So hes spoken out in particular his angst over all of last year. Emfollow jared kushner, he brought up issues like money launderingest didnt necessary y connect with it President Trump. And noemd breakup is permanent in his view. It does seem like there is an opportunity to reconcile with the president. At this time it does seem like bannon is trying to curry favor once again. He hasnt spoken out before today and of course, well see what he says to prosecutors. The White House Press secretary Sarah Sanders was asked about the russia probe today. Listen carefully to what she said. Weve been dealing with this hoax for the better part of a year. We have to endure the ridiculousness for another month. We can certainly handle it. She calls it a hoax. They may have to endure it for another year. This investigation could drag on and on and on. No question about it. We have to learn that the trial of the Campaign Chairman paul manafort, and rick gates, another Senior Campaign aide, wont occur until weeks before the election. That means this issue will continue until weeks before the election. You know the house intelligence investigation could conclude in a matter of weeks in the early part of year. It is not clear whether the investigation or the Senate Judiciary investigation will end any time soon. Members should continue to look into this. There expect the investigation also to be renewed next year. Everybody stand by. Theres more breaking news are. Sarah sanders calling it a hoax once again with congress dead locked and looking at a possible government shutdown. The white house chief of staff john kelly tells lawmakers that some of trumps calls for the wall were simply uninformed. And the white house doctor says the president is in Excellent Health. Vo gopi has built her business with her own two hands. Each unique piece comes to life in the same way. A messy, sloppy, splattery way. But now shes found a way to keep her receipts tidy, even when nothing else is. Brand vo snap and sort your expenses with quickbooks and find, on average, 4,340 in tax savings. Smarter Business Tools for the worlds hardest workers. Quickbooks. Backing you. We know life can be hectic. 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But also stunning because this is the central promise that donald trump ran on. It was a rally go cry at his campaign rallies, where people chanted build the wall. He said who will pay for it . And they would channel back mexico. Clearly that was never a realistic promise to turn into policy. Now chief of staff kelly is left with taking those vague Campaign Promises from the campaign speeches, from his campaign, and trying turn those into real policy. And it is no easy challenge for him. You can see, he is trying to carve out some sort of middle road where he is not insulting the president and what he said. Also, not insulting the lawmakers that he who is the complain this to. It is not every day, you covered the white house for a long time. Not every day you hear the chief of staff Say Something along these lines by the president. Uninformed is a very strong word. This president , we knew, he didnt have this political acumen. He was learning on the job, as you will. This president , when he was campaigning, i wont say campaigner in chief. When he was campaigning, he was trying to rally this base. The forgotten man. And that build the wall in mexico would pay for it. Take onus off government really resonated in that community, in that trump land area. The problem is now as this president is trying to secure this base, he is not necessarily trying to grow the base but trying to secure the base in saying that mexico will pay for it even if it is through nafta. You have his chief of staff saying he did not know what he was talking about. I wonder how the president will react. Im sure hes already heard about these reports about what his own chief of staff said about him. That he was uninformed about border issues including the wall. I wonder how he will react to that. And remember, this is a president with a very, very large ego who has reminded us time and time again of the Great Schools that he has gone to and what a great student and he was that apparently he is a very stable genius. So thats what john kelly will have to face when he goes back to the white house. The other part of this could be that this is a moment this president needs. This is a moment this president needs with his base particularly. At some point his base, as well as the president , will have to reckon with this idea that the wall was always a fantastic. A wall from sea to shining sea. He had dozens of feet tall. Built of concrete. That was never going to happen. We saw what happened in 2006 when they tried extend the fencing. There were Eminent Domain laws so maybe this is the reckoning that needs happen in terms of settling with the base, that the wall really wont happen and it shouldnt be part of any daca deal. We see whats coming out of the house, on the far right of the house. Yes, she get 17 billion. Hes asked for 20 billion. Maybe it will cost 25 billion. So maybe this is a turning point for what could be a realistic conversation about securing the border without a physical barrier that is as big and grand and large as the president told his base that it would be. The president still insists, in some form mexico are come up with the 18 billion or the 20 or 25 billion, whatever it takes to build that big shiny wall. Who needs details, right . This does sort of back up the narrative that something happened within a few hours that when the president first spoke with dick durbin and the meeting with durbin and graham was supposed to be a oneonone meeting and they were ambushed. They found bout this potential deal the president was seemingly willing to make. If in fact the president seems uninformed, this does fit into that time line. You have Lindsey Graham saying, i dont know what happened within those few hours. The people that served the president are doing him and the country no favors. That could be the missing piece of the puzzle. Pretty starting news. Theres more news were following including new questions emerge about the president s checkup. Is he really in Excellent Health . Of america, and we may not know much about medicine, but we know a lot about drama. From scandalous romance, to ridiculous plot twists. gasping son . Dad we also know you can avoid drama by getting an annual checkup. So were partnering with cigna to remind you to go see a real doctor. Go, know, and take control of your health. It could save your life. Doctor poses dad cigna. Together, all the way. Dad youre still here . Were voya we stay with you to and through retirement. I get that voya is with me through retirement, im just surprised it means in my kitchen. So that means no breakfast . Voya. Helping you to and through retirement. Kayak compares hundreds of travel and Airline Sites so you can be confident youre getting the right flight at the best price. Cheers kayak. Search one and done. He he he he he. The white house is pushing back that the president has Heart Disease. Dr. Gupta questioned dr. Jackson about that yesterday. Watch this. He does have Heart Disease . He does not have Heart Disease. He had a ct scan. He did. He had a so i think, so technically, he has nonclinical athero sclerosis. It is very reassuring and it goes with the rest of it. He has cardiac fitness. To be clear, he is taking cholesterol lowering medication, he is bored he line obese. Can you characterize that as Excellent Health . I think based on his current cardiac study, his heart is very healthy. Help sort this through for us. Well, he has these various risk factors. Part of reason do you these risks on the heart is to figure out if they have Heart Disease and what the likelihood is down the road. These are tests. Objective data. I think the point that dr. Jackson is make go, who sit very diligent and did a thorough workup. He had these functional tests. An echocardiogram of the heart. He had a stress test. And he said those tests were normal. The heart performed normally. He also has all these other problems. He has very high cholesterol and a bad type of cholesterol known as ldl elevated despite being on these medications and he has this calcium score that leads to plaque and problems down road. His score is 1 tleefl anything over 100 is considered moderate Heart Disease. So thats the issue. His heart now is functioning well. These tests are done to be predictive and to figure out if the Heart Disease will cause a problem. And the doctor wants to elevate his statins that he takes because of the high ldl, the high cholesterol that he has. But crest or was widely criticized a year or so ago, that it could cause memory loss. Thats right. Sometimes they can sort of, if you think about a wire and how a wire conducts a signal. Kit strip away the lining of the wire so the signal did you tell get conducted as well. What dr. Jackson has said, that President Trump did have this cognitive he is the. This montreal cognitive he is the about, a tenminute exam tests things like memory, attention, your ability to recall things and he said he passed it very well. He got a perfect score. A 30 out of 30. So dr. Jackson didnt believe that President Trump really needed this test. So thats put to rest as far as hes concerned . So would you say hes bored he line obese, moderate level Heart Disease from the calcium thats there. Whats the best vice for someone who is 71 years old, approaching 72. Whats the best advice to deal with this . What i think dr. Jackson is recommending to the president is pretty good advice. One since crease go the dose of medication based on the president s numbers and the tests. It should help bring the numbers down. As the president has talked about, his diet is pretty atrocious. And you now see the impact of that sort of lifestyle on ones heart health. It increased over one year. His ldl went up despite being on medication. Thats the bad cholesterol. You can correct that. Many men who are about that age do have the problem and can correct it. What about the stress of being the president of the United States . Well, thats a significant issue. It was interesting. Dr. Jackson said that he has velcroed himself to President Trump. He is there all the time. And he said he is monitoring for things like stress and making recommendations. Dr. Jackson said he didnt think the president had very much stress. At least in his medical assessment and being around him. He is highly respected. He was president obamas physician as well. So he is well, well very dill dent. Thank you very much. Coming up, a fresh denial about allegations that President Trump had an affair with a porn star many years ago and paid for her silence a month before the election. Whoooo. When it comes to travel, i sweat the details. Late checkout. Downalternative pillows. And of course, price. Tripadvisor helps you book a. Hotel without breaking a sweat. Because we now instantly. Search over 200 booking sites. To find you the lowest price. On the hotel you want. Dont sweat your booking. Tripadvisor. The latest reviews. The lowest prices. Wont replace the full value of your totaled new car. The guy says you picked the wrong insurance plan. No, i picked the wrong insurance company. With Liberty Mutual new car replacementâ„¢, you wont have to worry about replacing your car because youll get the full value back including depreciation. Switch and you could save 782 on home and auto insurance. Call for a free quote today. Liberty stands with youâ„¢. Liberty mutual insurance. He korea. President trump made some noteworthy comments to the in an interview saying russia is not being helpful as far as north korea and its Nuclear Program are concerned. Lets go to our pentagon correspondent, barbara starr. Tell our viewers what the president said and the reaction. Reporter what the president is talking about he believes theres intelligence that russia is supplying oil and things to north korea and that helps them with their Nuclear Program. He believes theyre back filling what north korea is losing out on on sanctions, including sanctions by china. So he is strong on russia right now. But perhaps the deeper question is why were seeing this tough language from the president. What happens right now, we see the coming together of north korea and south korea, at least for the olympics and mr. Trump and the u. S. Are somewhat on the sidelines right now watching this take place. So we see this pingpong back and forth every day. Theres conciliatory language by the white house and tough language. What President Trump is, some officials tell us, struggling with is trying to demonstrate there is a tough line, there is the possibility of military action backing up diplomatic action. But theres no indication that kim is giving up his weapons and no indication the u. S. Is planning any military action. Still a delicate sensitive situation right now. Coming up with Congress Deadlocked on immigration and a shut down looming. John kelly says some of the campaign pledges about the border and border wall were ininformed. Does the president have a more realistic view . Uininformed. Does the president have a more realistic view . Ninformed. Does the president have a more realistic view . A little to the left. 1, 2, 3, push easy easy easy horn honking alright alright weve all got places to go weve all got places to go Washington Crossing the delaware turnpike . Surprising. Whats not surprising . 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Hes warning of the danger of a Nuclear Attack on the United States. And offering a surprising attack at russia. What steve bannon knew. Theres a new report on tonight that he admits talking to key trump aides about the Infamous Trump tower meeting. Im wolf blitzer, youre in the situation room. Welcome to our viewers in the United States and around the world. Breaking tonight as the u. S. Government careens toward a possible government shutdown,

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