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Why does the white house now say the former president wasnt talking about the current one . And laughing it off. How Speaker Paul Ryan roasts President Trump, making light of controversies he usually doesnt address, including the president s insults, his twitter habits, and more. Was ryan revealing his true feelings under the guise of humor . We want to welcome our viewers in the United States and around the world. Im wolf blitzer. Youre in the situation room. Announcer this is cnn breaking news. Breaking news tonight, white house efforts to quash the controversy over President Trumps condolence call to a gold star widow have thrown fuel on the fire instead. Newly surfaced video shows white house chief of staff john kellys allegations against the democratic congresswoman who criticized the president s call are false. Kelly claimed that in a 2015 speech, representative Frederica Wilson made selfserving and selfaggrandizing remarks that he called stunning, but video of the speech contradicts kellys claim. The white house responded by saying its, quote, highly inappropriate to question a fourstar general like kelly. Also breaking this hour, new information about the ambush in niger that killed four american soldiers, including one who was the subject of the president s condolence call, Sergeant La David Johnson. Four Administration Officials familiar with the investigation now tell cnn that johnsons remains were found nearly a mile away from the central scene of the ambush. The pentagon is trying to determine how and when johnson became separated from his fellow soldiers. And the white house says that a remarkable speech by former president george w. Bush rebuking the Trump Presidency wasnt about President Trump at all. Mr. Bush condemned bigotry, white supremacy, antiimmigrant nativism, and more in his remarks but never named President Trump, but were clearly a takedown of his policies and actions. White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders told reporters, quoting her now, our understanding is those comments were not directed toward President Trump. Were covering all of that. Much more this hour with our guests, including congressman Eric Swalwell of the House Intelligence Committee and our correspondents and specialists are also standing by. But first lets get straight to the breaking news. The white house defending false comments by the chief of staff john kelly. Our White House Correspondent sara murray is joining us. Sara, new twists in this now fourdayhold controversy. Thats right, wolf. Nearly everyone who has been involved in this controversy has expressed disgust that the death of the u. S. Soldier has turned into a political battle. But that certainly didnt stop the attacks from flying today. The president s response to a u. S. Soldier killed in niger devolving into a political brawl. Trump taking to twitter again overnight to blast the congresswoman who accused him of being insensitive in a condolence call when he told myesha johnson, the widow of Sergeant La David Johnson, that her husband knew what he got into when he signed up to serve. The fake news is going crazy with wacky congresswoman wilson, who was secretly on a very personal call and gave a total lie on content, trump tweeted. What began as a question over an ambush in niger that left four american soldiers dead now morphing into a political battle over how the commander in chief carries out his most solemn duty, comforting the families of soldiers who have made the ultimate sacrifice. Just a day earlier, white house chief of staff and retired marine general john kelly made a rare appearance in the briefing room. A gold star father himself, he lamented that a call between the commander in chief and the widow of a fallen soldier was being politicized. It stuns me that a member of congress would have listened in on that conversation. Absolutely stuns me. And i thought at least that was sacred. Reporter wilson says shes close with the family and was with them when the president called. But kelly went further in his criticism thursday, taking another swipe at the congresswoman. And the congresswoman stood up and in the long tradition of empty barrels making the most noise, stood up there in all of that and talked about how she was instrumental in getting the funding for that building and how she took care of sher constituents because she got the money, and she just called up president obama and on that phone call, he gave the money, the 20 million, to build a building. And she sat down. And we were stunned. Stunned that she had done it. Even for someone that is that empty a barrel, we were stunned. Reporter wilson quickly took issue with how the chief of staff portrayed her appearance at the fbi building dedication. I was not even in congress in 2009 when the money for the building was secured. So thats a lie. How dare he . However, i named the building at the behest director comey, with the help of speaker boehner, working across party lines. So he didnt tell the truth, and he needs to stop telling lies on me. Reporter a video of the 2015 dedication from the sunsentinel doesnt back up kellys version of events. While the congresswoman touts her efforts in getting the building named for the fallen fbi agents, theres no discussion of securing funding for the project. Everyone said, thats impossible. It takes at least eight months to a year to complete the process through the house, the senate, and to the president s office. I said im a school principal, and i said, excuse me my french, oh, hell no. Were going to get this done. Reporter and she takes pains to thank the Law Enforcement officials in attendance and praised the slain fbi agents being honored. Most men and women in Law Enforcement leave their homes for work knowing that there is a possibility they may not return. All men and women and First Responders who work in Law Enforcement, stand up. Stand up now so that we can applaud you and what you do. [ applause ] stand up we are proud of you were proud of your courage. Thank you. Reporter still, the white house is standing by kellys criticism of the congresswoman. As general kelly pointed out f youre able to make a sacred act like honoring american heroes all about yourself, youre an empty barrel. As we say in the south, all hat, no cattle. Reporter even going so far as to suggest general kelly a military background inoculates him from questioning. He come out here and talk to us at some point i think hes addressed that pretty thoroughly yesterday. He was wrong yoed in talking about getting the money. If you want to go after general kelly, thats up to you. If you want to get into a debate with a fourstar marine general, i think thats something highly inappropriate. Reporter amid all of the political sniping, still few answers from the administration on what exactly happened during the mission in niger that went so badly awry. [ inaudible question ] thank you. Reporter now, Sarah Sanders essentially refused to entertain questions about what happened on that mission in niger. She said the administration is going to wait until an investigation into the events that unfolded is completed. Sara, thank you. Were also learning tonight new information about that deadly ambush of u. S. Troops in niger. Our Global Affairs correspondent elise labott is working this part of the story. Additional questions emerging. Thats right, wolf. There are new details about the circumstances surrounding the isis attack, but there are still more questions than answers, particularly how a fallen american soldier was separated from his team and left behind and why it took two more days to recover his body. Tonight, cnn has learned Sergeant La David Johnson was found nearly a mile away from the central scene of the ambush. According to four Administration Officials familiar with the early assessment. The pentagon is still looking at the exact circumstances of how johnson became separated. Officials say the entire team led by green berets has been interviewed about the last time they saw johnson. Nigerian forces found his body 48 hours after he had become separated. Defense secretary james mattis was on capitol hill today to meet with senator john mccain, a day after he threatened to issue subpoenas for the information on the ambush. Felt that we were not getting a sufficient amount of information, and we are clearing a lot of that up now. We can do better at communication. We can always improve on communication, and thats exactly what well do. Reporter mattis is defending his troops in the face of criticism. Having seen some of the news reports, the u. S. Military does not leave its troops behind, and i wed just ask that you not question the actions of the troops who were caught in the fire fight and question whether or not they did everything they could in order to bring everyone out at once. Reporter u. S. Officials are starting to provide a clearer picture of the circumstances surrounding the attack. The u. S. Team stopped in a town on the niger mali border so the nigerians they were working with could pick up supplies including food and water and then meet with village elders. Investigators believe the ambush may have started when the u. S. Soldiers were back at their vehicles, perhaps even driving. With four americans dead, the fbi is assisting nigerian authorities with the investigation, providing Technical Assistance and helping to gather evidence. A routine step when u. S. Citizens are killed overseas. The first thing theyre going to do is speak with the military personnel who survived the attack. Theyll be analyzing every bit of electronic evidence, any kind of email traffic that might have come and gone from that region, talk to all of the Security Forces throughout west africa who may have information regarding the movement of the people who attacked them. Reporter about a thousand u. S. Troops are in niger supporting a frenchled campaign against skreemists. Senator Lindsey Graham now saying the war on terror is morphing, and we could see more u. S. Actions in africa. We dont want the next 9 11 to come from niger. Reporter at the pentagon today, frances defense minister received full military honors and a thanks from mattis. Following the ambush of the u. S. Troops in niger last week, thank you for your support. Reporter french fighter jets arrived on the scene to help the u. S. Troops, but cnn has learned they didnt fire on the militants because they couldnt i. D. Targets and risked hitting the u. S. And Nigerian Forces on the ground. And one of the main unresolved questions is why the american soldiers were caught by surprise. U. S. Intelligence deemed it unlikely at first that isis was in the area, which meant that these u. S. Troops were not traveling in Armored Vehicles and did not have any air cover, wolf. Its a major, major intelligence blunder that theyre going to have to investigate, make sure if doesnt happen again. Thank you. Democratic congressman Eric Swalwell is joining us. Congressman, why do you believe, first of all, that the condolence call that the president placed has so has become so politicized over these days . Good evening, wolf. First lets just remember who these individuals are. Were talking about bryan black and david wright and Jeremiah Johnson and la david johnson. I dont think their names have been said enough. The politics seems to dominate this. But for the families they deserve the peace of knowing that their loved ones are remembered for how they fought and who they were. I think the president if the family wasnt happy with the call that he made, call them again and express your sorrow in a better way, and this story would have been over. Its just so sad to see, you know, gold star families continue to be, you know, hurt by this president when they need, you know, him to be consoling them. Was it appropriate, congressman, for the white House Press Secretary, Sarah Sanders, today to argue that john kelly, the white house chief of staff, a retired fourstar marine corps general shouldnt be questioned about this because he is a retired fourstar general . Of course he should be questioned. Im being questioned by you right now, wolf. Americas leaders are supposed to be questioned. Thats what the soldiers who, you know, fight and sacrifice for our country thats what theyre fighting for is the ability of the press and our constituents to question us. I respect john kelly a lot. But hes not above questioning any more than i am. Lets discuss the ambush that led to the deaths of those four u. S. Soldiers. Was there an intelligence blunder that led to those soldiers being blindsided by 50 isis affiliated terrorist whos all of a sudden came up well armed and killed these four soldiers, injured two others . There is a blunder somewhere, wolf, and the families are owed an accurate explanation as to what happened to their loved ones. And i think the best way you honor the dead who have fought and served for our country is to take care of those who are still serving. That means looking at the conditions that, you know, our troops continue to serve under. We have a thousand now in niger, and that number has grown over the past few years. So i think, you know, Congress Needs to look at the conditions theyre serving under, the terrain theyre covering, and the length of time that theyre there and make sure that, you know, proper restraints are put in place. This is a larger issue were dealing with, wolf. We see it in syria and iraq is that were operating under authorities that were granted in 2001 and 2003, and we havent revisited them. I think we owe it to those who serve to put some restraints in place. I suspect, congressman, that most americans, they know there are thousands of u. S. Troops still in iraq and afghanistan, now in syria, but they dont know there are thousands of u. S. Troops potentially in danger not just in niger but a lot of other countries in africa right now. Are you fully briefed on what their mission is . We are briefed, but i dont believe that weve received, you know, consistent updates about, you know, the growing presence in places like niger or, you know, what the cooperation is with other services and what are our you know, what resources do they have if they come under attack. Clearly here the Response Time was not, you know, enough. It wasnt fast enough to save their lives. Now, the culprits here, wolf, are not, you know, the u. S. Or the french. Its isis. Theyre the ones that killed these soldiers. We shouldnt forget that. But we should also do everything we can to make sure that if soldiers are serving in harms way, that they have all of the resources and force protection around them so that Something Like this doesnt happen. The House Intelligence Committee is investigating the allegations of collusion. I want to talk a little bit about that. List ton a comment made by the cia director mike pompeo yesterday. Can you say with absolute certainty that the Election Results were not skewed as a result of russian interference, especially given what weve learned just in the last few weeks . And more importantly, are we vulnerable in 2018 im not sure there could be anything im not sure there could be anything more important than that. Okay. That we conducted an election that had integrity. And, yes, the Intelligence Communitys assessment is that the russian meddling that took place did not affect the outcome of the election. Not necessarily precise. The public report the report made public by the director of national intelligence, and that was released in january of this year, stated the Intelligence Community did not make an assessment of the impact that the russian activities had on the outcome of the 2016 election. Thats a direct quote. So whats your reaction to the cia director drawing a different conclusion than that report . By the way, the cia later clarified what the conclusion of the national Intelligence Community was. His statement doesnt reflect the facts or the findings, and it also it actually only reflects the belief that the president has, which is, you know, not fully accepting the russians role in interfering in our election. Wolf, speaking of troops, i led a group in Congress Called future form. Ive gone across the country with my colleagues. Almost everywhere we go we talk to millennials who served in iraq and afghanistan. What theyre so concerned about what russia did is that we are losing our freedom to choose. Thats what theyre fighting for is the freedom of democracy and free and fair elections. And if we dont have unity at the top from our cia director and our president that russia did this, russia will use that disunity that were seeing right now in the United States to sharpen their swords and come at us again. So we need unity and agreement, a basic consensus on what russia did if were going to protect future elections. The Intelligence Community did conclude that the russians interfered in the u. S. President ial election. They tried to sow dissent, undermine, hurt Hillary Clintons campaign and indirectly help Donald Trumps campaign. But there was no bottomline assessment on whether or not it had a direct impact on actual votes that were cast. Congressman, stand by. Were going to resume this conversation right after a quick break. Its a match made in tech heaven. Its like verizon is the oil and google is the balsamic. No, actually they separate into a suspension. Its more like the google pixel 2 is the unlimited storage. And verizon is the best unlimited plan. What if its like h2 and o . Yeah. Thats right. I had a feeling that would score with you guys. Good meeting. avo when you really, really want the best get the pixel 2 for up to 300 off on googles exclusive wireless partner, verizon. 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Were back with democratic congressman Eric Swalwell. North korea says its Nuclear Weapons are nonnegotiatable. The president S National Security adviser, general h. R. Mcmaster says acceptance and deterrence is unacceptable for President Trump. So what are the options, realistic options, on the table right now if north korea holds firmly to its position it will never give up its Nuclear Bombs . I agree with National Security adviser mcmaster. Its not acceptable for north korea to have a nuclear weapon. And, you know, prior president s, i think, in earnest tried to denuclear north korea, and we should continue to seek to do that. However, this president has applied an inconsistent approach. Youve seen success at the u. N. Where weve applied sanctions and then within 24 hours of a sanctions vote where youve gotten china and russia on board, which is not always easy, you see the president undermining that work by, you know, threatening Nuclear Action against north korea. I think you just have to do the hard work, continue to pursue sanctions, continue to engage china on this issue, and get other countries to have, you know, multilateral sanctions as well. And just as we did with iran, we will hopefully bring them to the table. But exhaust all of those options first before just immediately going back to the Nuclear Option and putting kim jongun in a corner where he could act out and conduct a strike. But the kim jongun regime clearly believes if it were to give up its Nuclear Capability, the reskbreem woujeep would be. The only thing that keeps it going is this notion that they have nuclear bomb. Is it realistic to believe they will ever give up that Nuclear Capability . I have hope, wolf. Im optimistic. We saw iran give up their capability. We are allies with japan and germany today when they were our enemies decades ago in world war ii. It takes time. There would have to be an economic package or a way for north korea to come back to the take of nations and be an economy that can sustain itself without just threatening the world or conducting, you know, these bank raids as was previously reported. But that takes time, and it takes American Leadership. And i still believe that this president , if he wants to and he can be focused, can stitch together our allies and engage china. But if hes going to just be the same old trump, hes going to get us dangerously close to a nuclear war. Heres what the north koreans say. They say look at Muammar Gaddafi in libya. He gave up his Nuclear Weapons program and what eventually happened to him . Hes long gone now. They believe that if they were to do the same thing, they would be long gone, and diplomacy over the past 25 years has not worked. North korea right now probably has at least 60, maybe 80 Nuclear Bombs. The u. S. Intelligence community, as you well know, believes they can miniaturize those bombs, put them on warheads, and theyre close to having an Intercontinental Ballistic Missile capability. Diplomacy has failed for 25 years. Agreed, wolf. Im not defending the prior administrations. It has failed, and President Trump, you know, should seek, you know, to have success in this area. And, again, i dont accept that, you know, just because what happened with gaddafi or in iraq that, you know, that has to be north koreas fate. But that takes, you know, dialogue and engaging first our allies, then china, then bringing north korea into the conversation. Its going to take time. Its not easy, but i believe that our fate does not have to be, you know, dieing in Donald Trumps nuclearprovoked war. I think we have Better Options than that, and American Leadership has always avoided great crises like that when we want to lead. So president , time to lead. Congressman Eric Swalwell, thanks so much for joining us. My pleasure. Theres breaking news coming into the situation room. The white house blasts the politicization of President Trumps condolence calls and false allegations against a florida congresswoman. Those false allegations making matters worse. beeping were on to you, diabetes. Times up, insufficient prenatal care. And administrative paperwork, your days of drowning people are numbered. Same goes for you, budget overruns. And rising costs, wipe that smile off your face. Were coming for you too. At optum, were partnering across the Health System to tackle its biggest challenges. From thecompanystore. Comwith the new lacrosse comfortertnering across the Health System made in america and handcrafted in wisconsin. Our exclusive hypoallergenic down and special breathing technology senses your body to never be too hot or too cold, so you are guaranteed the best sleep ever. 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And the congresswoman stood up and in the long tradition of empty barrels making the most noise, stood up there in all of that and talked about how she was instrumental in getting the funding for that building and how she took care of her constituents because she got the money, and she just called up president obama and on that phone call, he gave the money, the 20 million to build the building. Now video has surfaced of congresswoman wilsons actual remarks in which she describes her efforts to get the fbi building named after two fallen agents even though she only had a month to do it and she never mentioned any funding. Everyone said, thats impossible. It takes at least eight months to a year to complete the process through the house, the senate, and to the president s office. I said, im a school principal. And i said excuse me my french oh, hell no. Were going to get this done. Immediately i went into attack mode. I went to the speaker, speaker boehner, and i said, mr. Speaker, i need your help. The fbi needs your help, and our country needs your help. And guess what . The president signed the bill into law this past tuesday, april 7th, 2015, with a bang, bang lets get some more with our correspondents and analysts. General kelly was trying to speak out against the politicization of the condolence call. His mischaracterizations clearly did not help. Right. I think it politicized it even more and that probably wasnt his intention although when you start attacking a sitting member of congress, youre going to have to know thats where its going to lead. He is in a political position right now. He clearly went out there to try and clear things up. I think he wanted to help the president in any way that he could. And in a way, sort of take the fall for this, saying this is what i told the president to do. And in his own way, as he kept saying, thats what he did. But now the story keeps going and going and going, and you have a situation in which you have now the white house chief of staff and a democratic congresswoman going at each other, and i dont you know, i dont think that helps at all. Maybe they should get together and have a conversation. I think that would be a good idea. David axelrod, you served in the obama white house. Im anxious to get your perspective. First of all, a agree with Eric Swalwell that its tragic that all of this has eclipsed what should be a reflection on these four Service People who gave their lives, these four green berets, for the country and the investigation of exactly what happened there. But, look, i heard john kellys words yesterday about his son. I heard him talk about the call. I thought those were entirely appropriate and moving. But, you know, we all keep hoping that some of john kelly will rub off on donald trump, and then it looks like donald trump has rubbed off on john kelly because instead of ending it there, he engages in this gratuitous attack on the congresswoman that really undoes all the good he was trying to do. Right. And then the last point id make about this is its really deeply offensive for the white House Press Secretary to suggest that you should not question what the white house chief of staff said because he was a fourstar general. Hes not a fourstar general anymore. I honor his service. But he is the white house chief of staff. He was sent out there to speak for the president , to the country, and when he oversteps, he is fair game. Im going to play that outrageous exchange that Sarah Sanders had at the White House Briefing earlier today with chip reid. Lets watch. I think hes addressed that pretty thoroughly yesterday. He was wrong yesterday in talking about getting the money. The money was if you want to go after general kelly, thats up to you. But i think that that if you want to get into a debate with a fourstar marine general, i think that thats something highly inappropriate. Lets bring in retired rear admiral john kirby. Highly inappropriate to question a retired fourstar general . Its absolutely an ignorant thing to say, and im not trying to be critical of her, but that shows ignorance. No activeduty general or admiral would ever believe that they are above scrutiny or above being questioned or actually above being debated with. That includes john kelly, who i served with under secretary panetta. Very open to that. A guy who appreciates honesty and argue president. He wouldn hes no longer a fourstar gener general. Hes a political figure. Hes the white house chief of staff. And everything he says, whether its from the podium or not, should be open to scrutiny and questioning by a free press. Its caused a lot of buzz out there, rebecca. The white house has got to clean this up. Absolutely. And rightfully so because i mean lets think for a second about the values that someone in the military like john kelly and those he commanded would be fighting for. Among those is the freedom of the press in this country that allows us to question our government officials, among them now john kelly who is working as the president s chief of staff, his top staff member in the white house. So its completely appropriate for the white house in this case to come out and say, you know what we said just wasnt right because it wasnt. Well, you cant get into a tussle with a fourstar general who is serving as white house chief of staff when you are doing your job, asking questions about statements that he made that turned out not to be accurate . I mean thats thats the reporters job, and as you were saying, i think that kelly is used to getting asked questions and used to be challenged. Hes not afraid of that, not at all. Sarah sanders has to come out. She has to clarify what she said. I didnt mean it. Of course i believe in freedom of the press. Of course i believe that fourstar generals, retired or active duty, should be asked tough questions. We know what happened during the vietnam war when they werent asked tough questions. Theyve got to be asked. And as a former pentagon correspondent, i said this earlier. Theyre used to getting tough questions and they want to get tough questions to make sure they dont screw it up. Lets take a quick break. Well be right back. one is the only number that youll ever need because one is the only number staying ahead isnt about waiting for a chance. Its about the one bold choice you make that moves you forward. The one and only cadillac escalade. President Trump has just given another interview to fox, this time fox business, and he said this about this entire controversy that has resulted from that condolence call to a gold star widow. He was so offended because he was in the room when i made the call, and so were other people. And the call was a very nice call. He was so offended that a woman would be that somebody would be listening to that call. He was he actually couldnt believe it. Actually, he said to me, sir, this is not acceptable. This is really not. And he knew i was so nice. I was look, ive called many people, and i would think that every one of them appreciated it. I was very surprised to see this to be honest with you. So there you see the president speaking about his chief of staff general kelly. Gloria, whats your reaction when he offers this explanation . Well, look, i think the president thinks that what he said should have been taken differently, that he meant it in a different way from the way it was accepted. And as general kelly kept saying, you know, during his press conference, the president put it in his own words, did it in his own way. And i think that the president , reading between the lines of what kelly said, may have been quite inartful about the way he said it. And the widow took it took it very differently and thought it was very inappropriate and, of course, you know, said afterwards to the congresswoman, look, he didnt even know my you know, my husbands name. So i think the president is saying, i did the right thing, and i tried to do the right thing. And i dont understand what happened and something got lost in translation that he doesnt quite understand. You know, david axelrod, he tweeted overnight the fake news is going crazy with the wacky congresswoman wilson, d, who is secretly on a very personal call and gave a total lie on content. But, you know, the president was on that call. General kelly was listening in as well. So it wasnt just a good friend of the family, congresswoman wilson listening in on speaker phone. I assume besides general kelly, there were others listening in at the white house as well. The point is who cares . Okay . This woman lost her husband who died in service of this country. She interpreted what he said one way. He may have meant it another as gloria said. But shes the one who suffered the loss. You know, it would be such a novel thing, so refreshing, to great for the country if this president could just once rise above. Rise above. Be a big person and show some empathy and back off and say, im sorry she misunderstood me. But thats not his way, and its unfortunate that general kelly followed him down that rabbit hole. David, let me just follow up and play a clip. This is former president george w. Bush yesterday because what he said in that speech, without mentioning President Trump by name, might apply in this case as well. Listen. Weve seen our discourse degraded by casual cruelty. At times, it can seem like the forces pulling us apart are stronger than the forces binding us together. Argument turns too easily into animosity. Disagreement escalates into dehumanization. Too often we judge other groups by their worst examples while judging ourselves by our best intentions, forgetting the image of god we should see in each other. Powerful words from the former president. Will they have an impact, though . I well, they are powerful words. Im doubtful as to whether theyll have an impact because i think these are deeply ingrained qualities in the president. Lets note how meaningful it is that george w. Bush spoke them because he is very reticent about commenting on Public Affairs generally. When he goes on the road, he generally does it off the record. He was very unwilling to criticize president obama during his eight years. The fact that he felt moved to speak as he did yesterday is a very meaningful thing, and they should take it seriously, and the president should take it to heart. But i dont think he will. Stand by. Theres more coming in to the situation room. Just ahead, the house Speaker Paul Ryan roasting politicians from both sides of the aisle, including the president. Every morning i wake up in my office, and i scroll twitter to see which tweets that i will have to pretend that i did not see later on. Believe it or not you actually like what you do. Even love it. And today, you can do things you never could before. Youre working in millions of places at once with iot sensors. Analyzing social data on the cloud to create new designs. And using blockchain to help prevent fraud. So get back to it and do the best work of your life. So, verizon and google have teamed up on the pixel 2. Its a match made in tech heaven. Its like verizon is the oil and google is the balsamic. No, actually they separate into a suspension. Its more like the google pixel 2 is the unlimited storage. And verizon is the best unlimited plan. What if its like h2 and o . Yeah. Thats right. I had a feeling that would score with you guys. Good meeting. avo when you really, really want the best get the pixel 2 for up to 300 off on googles exclusive wireless partner, verizon. While paul ryan rarely criticized President Trump in public, but he roast ed him alog others at the Memorial Foundation dinner in new york. Where making fun of politicians is the norm. Watch. Enough with the applause, all right. You sound like the cabinet when donald trump walks in the room. I dont think ive seen this many new york liberals, this many wall street ceos in one room since my last visit to the white house. I want to put your minds at ease. He can relax at my remarks. I know last year, donald trump offended some people. I know his comments according to chris, went too far. Some said it was unbecoming of a public figure and said his comments were offensive. Well, thank god hes learned his lesson. A hollywood republican. That is an oxy moron. Which clearly was the word that Rex Tillerson was searching for. A lot of people, they ask me, you know, guy from wisconsin, whats it like to work on a daily basis with an abrasive new yorker with a loud mouth . But once you get to know him, Chuck Schumers not that bad. Im from wisconsin. Wisconsin is a fantastic place to visit in the fall. Looking back, someone probably should have told Hillary Clinton that fact. The fact that you learn when youre speaker, i am now second in line of succession since steve bannon has resigned. Every morning, i wake up in my office and i scroll twitter to see which tweets ill have to pretend that i did not see later on. Every afternoon, former Speaker John Boehner calls me up. Not to give advice. Just to laugh. You know, at one point, the president actually insulted me. I know that sounds kind of surprising. He described me as a boy scout who was born to talk to. It didnt hurt my feelings. What hurt my feelings was when my wife agreed with him. He was very, very funny, rebecca. But a lot of the points he have making in jest supposedly sort of ring true. Im not comedy expert, wolf, but i think a touch of reality is usually what makes for good opportunity. Certainly equal opportunity. Some ribs about the president. Ribbing democrats. Paul ryan also ribbing himself, so it was a fun night. A little lev thety in very serious times. You know, i remember when you had donald trump do this when Hillary Clinton did it as well. And he kind of fell flat in that room because it takes a lot of sort of selfdeppdepp katine ii. He ribbeded the president and himself, when he talked about being a boring midwesterner. I thought he was terrific. Those clips, david, they were really good. Yeah and i know that the president deeply enjoyed it. He, i remember the 2011 White House Correspondents dinner and how much he appreciated being the butt of jokes. That humor is the most effective humor in these settings and the fact ryan sprinkled that into his material made it work. Thats what was missing from the president s speech. Its a key, but not always easy for everybody. But you think when president of the United States either sees the clips or watched it last night, hes going to react and say, oh, that was so funny, that was adorable, that was so cute . Yeah, i think hes going to say, just going to pick up the phone and say, paul, i loved it. I laughed out loud. And i hope you enjoy your retirement. I dont think the president s going to laugh that much. You know, the president , i dont know, does he have a great sense of humor . People who have known him for years say that he is funny. But we dont really see that. We dont you know, we dont really see that publicly and we certainly didnt see it in his oust myth effort because he found a hard time making fun of himself. We know he likes to make fun of other people, but sometimes, thats not funny, as we know. We laugh at that White House Correspondents dinner when president obama made serious fun of him. He was not taking it that well. Ill have to see what he says to the speaker or maybe well wake up to a tweet about it. Thanks very, very much. Good conversation. Thats it for me. Thanks very much for watching. Im wolf blitzer in the situation room. I hope all of you have an accident wonderful weekend. Erin Burnett Outfront starts right now. Next, military dictatorshidi . Chief of staff says john kelly shouldnt be questioned and one of the bodies of the u. S. Soldiers killed in niger, how did he end up so far away . Plus, trumps quick to talk about fake news, but what about his fake art . Lets go outfront. Good evening. Im erin burnett. Outfront tonight, a military dictatorshi dictatorship. Today, when pressed about false statements made by chief of staff general john kelly about congresswoman wilson, white House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders said its inappropriate to question a four

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