Meeting is and the administrations next move. Attacking judges. President trump lashes out after a a blow to his immigration policy. Is he putting members of the bench in danger . And new Health Care Deal . Republicans are taking another shot at repealing and replacing obamacare. Is there any real hope for passage with the president s 100th day in office fast approaching . We want to welcome our viewers in the United States and around the world. Im wolf blitzer, youve in the situation room. This is cnn breaking news. Breaking news this hour, white house unveils an ambitious tax plan call for deep cuts for individuals and businesses. Just shy of the president s 100th day in office. Mr. Trump seeking to slash the Corporate Tax rate to 15 double the standard deduction and simplify the tax code among many other proposals. The plan is likely to face a very tough fight in congress with a lot of Unanswered Questions about its cost and how it might drive up the deficit. Also breaking, the entire house and senate. Summoned by the white house for urgent briefings on the north korea threat as the u. S. Mobilizes its Missile Defense system in the region. Were standing by for new details on the briefings hours after kim jongun ordered huge artillery fire drill to send a message to the Trump Administration. Also tonight, President Trump is on the attack against the federal judge who blocked his executive order to cut funds to sanctuary cities. President slamming the decision is ridiculous and the judge will be unelegislatived. Scathing tweets. Mirroring past battles with federal judges who ruled against him. Speaking with republican congressman will herd. Angus king. Both Committee Members who amended the north korea briefings. Analyst are also standing by. First to our chief National Correspondent jim sciutto up on capitol hill where house members have been inside a late briefing. Senators briefed earlier at the white house. What are you learning, jim . Wolf, one headline, senators, democrat and republican did not leave that White House Briefing room with a sense that the president was ready to act militarily against north korea imminently. Before the meeting there was a lot of skepticism among senators, what was the urgency, skepticism bearing out, we spoke with Christopher Murphy from the Foreign Relations committee who said he didnt learn much new inside that room. You were inside . What was the revelation . No revelations. I think the white house wanted to convey to congress that they are serious about north korea. They are putting a lot of their cards on the table with china to change their policy. One option we are told by Senior Administration official that Trump Administration is considering is putting north korea back on the state sponsors of terrorism list. They were on that list. Removed in 2008 by the Bush Administration at a time when negotiations were under way to freeze north Koreas Nuclear program. Those negotiations did not work. But wolf, it shows you how limited the options are in terms of new options. Options that havent been tried before. The question is, what kind of pressure, what kind of steps will work now that havent worked in the past . Was there any discussion of military options . Yes. Those being on the table, one of a range of options but again that has many costs, concerns about human cost in south korea and seoul both to civilians. U. S. Troops based there, that said, that option not off the table. But again, senator said did not leave the room with the sense there is imminent military action likely to be ordered by the Trump Administration. Thank you. Now to breaking news on the president s Just Announced tax package. White house calling for historic cuts without a plan on how to pay for them. Jason, these tax cuts would be sweeping if they were to get through congress. Youre right. It is a very, very big if. There is a question mark in terms of how all of this will be paid for. Treasury secretary says this will happen through Economic Growth and wolf he says so far everyone is on board. Under the trump plan, we will have a massive tax cut for businesses and massive tax reform in simplification. Let me go to of the details about the proposal. First of all slashing Corporate Tax rate down to 15 from 35 lowering the individual income tax rates retuesdaying the number of tax brackets from 7 down to 3. Also doubling this standard deduction. Also, again while treasury secretary says everyones on board, there is still grumblings from gop law makers who says this doesnt represent true tax reform. Theres not enough meet here, not enough details here. Wolf, there is also a question about the president himself. Would he or would he not benefit from the tax plan . The treasury secretary was pressed on this earlier this afternoon and the treasury secretary made it very clear that the president would not be releasing his tax returns. Wolf . Jason, the republicans are also apparently making another attempt at repealing and replacing obamacare. Could that happen . Could there actually be a vote in the house of representatives before the end of the president s first 100 days . That is 00 days, that marking is on saturday. What is very clear, wolf, is that they are definitely making headways. Gop lawmakers appearing to close the gap between moderates and conservative. Cannot servetive members of the conservative freedom caucus, an thats thanks in part very much so to tom mcarthur, representative from new jersey who put out an amendment, amendment that would allow states to apply for a waiver to opt out of certain parts, important parts of obamacare. That seems to have done the trick although one gop lawmaker saying it is not a Silver Bullet but clearly wolf, much closer today than they were last week. Even if it were to get through the house, it has to go through the senate which is a difficult ride as well. Lets a he get to more and all of this republican congressman will herd is joining us. Both a member of intelligence and Homeland Committee member, clandestine cia operative, just in the meeting on north korea. Thanks for joining us. Wolf, always good to be on. Did you learn any more about north koreas missile capabilities . What i learned is that this white house and President Trump has the resolve to deal with the north korean issue no matter how difficult it is. And that they will use all the levers of national power, diplomatic, military intelligence and economic to deal with this issue. And they are also interested in working more and testing assumptions about whether china will work with us against the plight of north korea. Im in south korea, and went to the Demilitarized Zone between south and north korea, and it is clear to me that kim jongun is going to stop at nothing to get an Intercontinental Ballistic Missile and we have to be prepared for that eventuality. What about the administrations position on military options . They say all options are on the table. Is a preemtive military strike realistic . I think the realistic scenario right now is to work with a number of partners across the world and make them realize that north korea is a global problem, not just a problem on the korean peninsula. And also to work with china, the majority of trade to north korea comes through china and china has a number of tools where they can help tighten up sanctions around north korea and make the north korean dictator rethink some of his strategies. But are they doing that, the chinese . Were getting mixed indications. The chinese have been a difficult partner when it comes to north korea. And i think they are coming to the realization that kim jongun is more of a threat to china than a u. S. South korean alliance. And we also have to remember that the South Koreans are currently in a special election for the president and that president is going to get named in a couple of weeks. And the day after the election happens, the president will take over and that means a south korean president thats likely to have a different perspective on north korea than the two previous pred spredecessors. When you say the chinese feel threatened, threatened by whom . They are starting to recognize that kim jongun, dictator of north korea, is creating problems. And that this, a flairup on any kind of activity there, would put pressures on their borders. I think the chinese are coming to that realization and guess what, we have to continue to push them to come to that. And we have to work with other allies around the world for this common thread. North korea is one of the places they could potentially kill tens of millions of people within 12 to 13 minutes and thats a real threat. Not only to our friends in south korea and japan and u. S. Homeland, thats a threat to the world. Yeah, most dangerous spot on earth right now i donty there is any doubt about that. Let me shift gears, congressman, talk about other breaking news we are following. Do you support President Trumps tax cut proposals . Mission proposal to cut tax rates from 35 to 15 . I asked the question because a lot of economists think that that will dramatically increase the National Debt and deficit. Well, the trump tax plan just came out today. I havent had a chance to review it in detail. One of the things that republicans have been saying for a long time is simplification of the tax code. And that should bring the Corporate Tax rate down and bring it down to, thats a subject of debate in conversation. But having the highest tax bracket in the world is not good for our economy and not good for jobs. And we also have to make sure that the average american is able to invest their money and in their family and spend it themselves rather than in washington, d. C. So i think this is go tock an issue over the next weeks and months. There will be a lot of debate here in washington, d. C. To figure out how we can simplify our tax code in order to get our economy humming. A health care and other issue out there today, could there realistically be a house vote to repeal and replace obamacare this week before saturdays 100 days in office . And if so, how will you vote . Well, wolf, your guess is as good as mine. There have been a lot of conversations in health care and how we go forward and how we do it. I dont know if there are if we are ready to move forward with a vote this week. And its hard for me to say ill stand because until i see the specifics of the plan, it is hard to make a decision but ultimately what i want it make sure that were doing is increasing access to and decreasing costs of health care. That should be our goal and both sides of the political aisle agree to that. As you know, the president backed off putting funding at least down payment, 1. 4 billion for proposed border wall with mexico in this temporary spending bill thats going to be approved before friday night. But he also vowed that the wall is going to get built. You said its impossible to build a physical wall. So should this wall be built . Should american taxpayer dollars be spent for it . Wolf, weve had this conversation many times. Building a wall from sea to shining sea is the most expensive and least effective way to do border security. With 2,000 miles of border, i have 820 of those miles. We should be investing in technology. We should be investing in more people. Along the border. We need to have a defense in debt. Border patrols Response Time is measured in hours to days. If your Response Time is measured in hours and a wall is an physical barrier. We need to be able to defect incursions on our border, follow it and pull away our most important resource, human resource, men and women in Border Patrol and we can increase the amount of intelligence that we are collecting on the criminal organization operating in mexico and central america. And the metrics we should be looking at, about whether our border is secure or not is are we seeing a decrease in folks coming across the border legally. Are we seeing less drugs coming into our country . Those are are the metrics we should be using to determine if our border is secure. Not whether we have a concrete structure on every mile. As usual, thank you very much for joining us. Always a pleasure, man. Just ahead, i will speak with angus king of maine. What did he take away from the extraordinary White House Briefing on north korea . And later, is President Trump considering drastic action as he wages another battle with a federal judge . Does he have the power to break up a Circuit Court . In my johnsonville commercial, they open on a game show set in the 70s, today we have a new smoked sausage from johnsonville. Made with 100 premium pork. Some brands mix meats and add fillers, but not johnsonville contestant 1 bids the closet, so he wins a boat. And he says i dont want that boat, i want the sausage. What if i told you that boat is filled with johnsonville smoked sausage . And thats a smoked sausage commercial made the johnsonville way. Sikh americans we believe in equality tolerance and respect for all. Because sikh values are american values. We are doctors pta moms patriots we are americans we like game of thrones im obsessed with star wars ive seen every episode of sponge bob because thats what my daughters like to watch we we are sikhs. The Trump Administration issuing that the North Koreans are a growing threat to the u. S. House Senate Members have briefings on north korea. Joining us is angus king, independent on both intelligence and Armed Services committees of the senate. Senator thanks for joining us. Thank one wolf. You attended a briefing on north korea at white house. What have you learned about the longterm strategy for dealing with this threat from north korea . Well, i cant talk about details because the briefing was classified so i will talk about whats generally been in the public and what weve heard in open session. I think its safe to say that what were talking about is an increase in diplomatic pressure particularly from china. The secretary of state is going to be chairing a Security Council meeting this friday, day after tomorrow, at the United Nations to talk about enlisting the rest of the world in ratcheting up sanctions and pressure on north korea. But the real key to this wolf has got to be china and they have to assess that the risk of a Nuclear Armed fully Nuclear Armed north korea is really worth some effort on their part to stop it. 90 of north koreas trade is with china. They are the ones to influence behavior in north korea. But i think the fact that what the administration is doing is marshally a worldwide diplomatic effort. There is in the background military force. Movement of the strike force into that region, i think is an important message. But a military response would be an absolute last resort. It would be pretty youawful. It would be awful indeed. But as you point out, the u. S. Has that carl vinson, Aircraft Carrier strike force in the region pt uss michigan. A submarine with a lot of tomahawk missiles in the area right now. Would you have a preemtive strike, under what condition some. A preemtive strike means a strike before they do anything. Right now they dont have the capability of reaching the United States. And they wont for some time. Preemtive strike means all of the options have to be on the table. But we have to understand the consequences. Seoul is closer to the north korea border than washington is to baltimore. I mean, it is very close. And it is a city of 25 million people. It could be attacked drastically and dramatically just by artillery. You dont need jets, jet airplanes, bombs or nuclear weapons. The deaths and destruction would be enormous and of course japan is a close neighbor. So while we want north korea to understand that there is overwhelming military force, i much prefer a tightening pressure diplomatically. That is really the preferred solution. The other question, wolf, is if you did some kind of preemtive strike, could you destroy their Nuclear Capability . From what i have learned from open source reporting, it would be difficult. If they could reconstitute their Nuclear Program within several years then what have we accomplished other than setting off a very dramatic war in a region in the world where we have a lot of allies . Lets get to other issues while i have you, senator. General michael flynn, president s fired National Security adviser, all of us saw that video of general flynn and putin in moscow together at t205 Rt Russian Television event widely seen during the campaign. How is it possible that no one responsible for the vetting process on the campaign or transition thought it was necessary to ask the general whether he was paid bit russians to attend that event . There is no answer to that question that i know, wolf. I assumed he was paid. He was commentator on russian television. He was at that dinner and i dont understand why that question wasnt asked. All i can tell is you im glad mcmaster is the National Security adviser right now. A lot of other people agree with you on that as well. Senate intelligence investigation back on track . We are getting conflicting information that you guys are having problems. I think we are on track. We add long meeting yesterday. We added two additional staff members. We are going strong in terms of review of documents developing witness lists. Its not going as fast as people might want. I think my friend at maine say, why cant you get this going . But it is going. And i would much rather get it right than get it fast, wolf. As far as any kind of partisan break down, thats absolutely not true. If you had sat in the meeting we had yesterday could you not you could not have determined who was republican and who was a democrat or who was independent for that matter because we all have the same goal of getting to the bottom of this. It is complex, its going to take time. We may have to beef up the staff with prosecutorial talent before its all over. I think thats likely. But right now, i think were moving forward and the important thing is, were not splitting among party lines. House intelligence committee, subcommittee of the Senate Judiciary committee, when are they the first Senate Intelligence Committee Hearings . Two weeks ago. We had an open hearing with a series of experts on russia and particularly focused on the question of russian activities in election and in the political process historically and in our election here. A very illuminating hearing and sort of laid the ground work because its important to understand that what the russians did here in 2016 was not a one off. This is a pattern. They are doing it right today in france while were talking and they are partially funding le pen, the nationalist candidate for president of france, so theyre into this. Theyve done it historically. And we have to know what they did and know how to stop them. What about witnesses who are directly above i know former officials and academics, very important bb b important, but what about someone actively involved like general flynn. That is a good example. I cant tell you if it is two weeks or three weeks or a month, but we are lining it up. We want the document first, we want it read and absorb all of that information so we know what right questions to ask are. These people probably arent going to be volunteering a lot of information. We want to ask exactly the right question to get the answers the American People deserve and need. Senator angus king of maine. Thank you so much. Thank you, wolf. After another legal setback, a legal blow to his immigration policies, is he putting the safety of some of the federal judges at risk . Will members of the president s party rally behind his big plans for major tax cuts or stand in his way. Truecar shows you what other people paid for the car you want. You already know that; youve probably heard me say it. But heres something you might not know after you see what others paid, just sign up for free and truecars certified dealers go to work. Not bad. They help you find your car. Very nice. And make you competitive offers. This is the one. This is truecar. Wont replace the full value of your totaled new car. The guy says you picked the wrong insurance plan. No, i picked the wrong insurance company. 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President trump said he is absolutely considering proposals to break the circuit, imposing courts in california and ten other states and territories out west. Split has been a topic of congress dating back to 1941 but no breakup as of happened. President trump is proving relentless to split his circuit after the president halted the executive order on sanctuary cities. Tonight, President Trump vowing to fight in ruling. Im never surprised. For. As i said, see him at the supreme court. White house calling it an egregious overreach by a single unelected district judge. City officials accused of having the blood of dead americans on their hand. But the latest decision isnt from the ninth district. It is from california. The decision determined in part by the president s own words. Judge william orac, obama appointee, if there is any doubt about the scope of the order the attorney general erased it with their public comments. They can have safrpg areanct, we may have to do that. City of santa clara brought a suit saying executive branches need to be kept in check. What we learn said this dramatic overreach by both the president and the attorney general. President trump repeatedly railed against federal judges. I have a judge who is a hater of donald trump. A hater. Hes a hater. His name is gonzola and the president tweeting this about the judge in seattle. Just cannot believe a wuj would put our country in such peril. People pouring in, bad. And the department of Homeland Security opened a new office to assi assi assist victims of crimes conducted by undocumented immigrants. The crimes should not have taken place because the people who victimized them should never have been in the country. Saying it is an office that doesnt really exist. Everything done on the last 100 years show immigrants are less likely to commit crime in native born. Now Homeland Security is similarly making it a priority. Wolf . Jessica snyder, thanks very much. Lets bring in our team of experts. Jeffrey toobin, legal expert, lets talk about the ninth circuit. Does the president have a point . He has an argument. Conservatives have been upset about the ninth circuit for decades. It just so happens jimmy carter made a whole bunch of appointments to that court and its been more liberal. It has been within congresss power to split the circuit. Only congress can do that, not the president on his own and congress has shown no great inclination to do that. That seems to be likely to continue. A lot of people are deeply worried about comment and statement made about the president , white house and other Administration Officials about these federal judges raising questions about them, blood might be on their hand. Theres a lot of concern for their own security theyve had to beef it up. Its gotten very personal, too personal if you ask me. Judiciary is a Different Branch of government that aught to be respected. I dont expect the president to agree with the judges ruling. And i might add this is a District Court judge. This judge does not sit on the ninth Circuit Court of appeals. But having said that, making it personal against a judge or calling saying reasoince priebu did, saying the ninth circuit has gone bananas. They will disagree and they will and they should. But to take it a step sfurj is not productive in this country. You can criticism judges because i know you will say that. Can i say one thing . Mmhm. Oh, please. These judges are very powerful people. They serve for life. They are unelected. It is silly to criticize them for not being elected because every federal judge is unelected. I dont see anything wrong with this but jeffrey, it is unthing for you to criticize and write an article in the new yorker and be critical. But if the president of the United States want to criticize a decision, deal with the decision, dont start namecalling a federal judge. That is inappropriate for a president of the United States to do that. I just think that is not true. This is a system where under article 3 of the constitution, these judges have immense power. They can overturn the will of the people over and over again. You know so it was okay to say that federal judge cural was a no. That was a totally racist and appalling statement by candidate trump. The pricriticism of the decisio on the outcome on sanctuary cities and immigration stuff, i think those are fair game weigh in on this. Should the president of the United States be namecalling these judges involved with the difference of opinion. I dont think the president should say anything at all. It is unpresident ial. It is beneath him and in the long run could hurt him. In the end i dont think he will relent on this. I think this is what he ran on. Remember, immigration is what he launched his campaign on, when he came down the escalator and talking about illegal immigration and this base has worked with him in the past and i think he will continue these tactics and use this rhetoric in months and weeks ahead and he thinks it works for him. It worked for him in politics when he called Hillary Clinton crooked hillary. Ted, little marco and all the rest. That may have worked for him m politics. I personally thought it was distasteful, but it worked. I dont think you turn your criticism of the judiciary into the same moments he had during the campaign. What is he going to call this judge, you know . Namecalling is whats offensive. Not the disagreement. Judge oraks father is a judge. You know what they will call him tomorrow . Judge orak. Are you not concerned about his security when he says these things . They need to beef up security. When the president of the the United States makes these kms, there is deep concern out there. Let others say it but not necessarily the president. I think lying ted didnt have it beef up his security, little marco. What do we want him to have a personality transplant once he was elected president . Would you like to have the judge engage in some kind of kind of a tit for tat when donald trump calls a judge a name or makes a racist comment . Judge curiel did not respond. It reinforces who he is. We on a daily basis are surprise what this president does. We think he will change from a candidate, this is donald trump. He will not change. At some point we should say one of the takeaways is he is not going to change. Everybody stand by. True enough. Theres a lot more coming up. Including the president s latest proposals for tax cuts, north korea, much more right after this. I love how usaa gives me the and the security just like the marines did. At one point, i did change to a Different Company with car insurance, and i was not happy with the customer service. 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But the chinese get nervous about that as well. Yeah but they are moving to make it operational. It does decrease the Ballistic Missile threat to the south. It is a defencive system and sends a strong message to pyongyang and our republic of korea allies. We are there, got their back and boosting capabilities on it to p protect them. We have made it clear we will offer to share details and certainly it does make them nervous. I think that may be part of the cal cue louse. I know it was for president obama when he ordered the fed system to order the negotiations to go forward to get them real Serious Problems north korean threat. Very tense, korean peninsula. All of a sudden today we get a big picture view of where this Administration Want to go in cutting taxes. Yeah, look. Huge plan. We dont have a specific proposal. We dont have any cost estimates attached to it and that a big problem. This is kind of a lot of candy that they have thrown out there. Cutting Corporate Tax rate to 15 . And you know, cutting personal taxes perhaps. Increasing standard deduction. Doubling it for families. Simplifying tax forms as a result. Theres a lot of good stuff in there. However, however, when you get to the details, theres questions. What kind of deductions to you eliminate . What will the cost of this be . You know, they are trying to get this passed under the budget act. Which means they only need majority but that also means that it cant add to the deficit significantly. If you ask me it is a tenyear bill, like george bushs was that would expire at the end of ten years and they would have to renew it because it blows such a hole in the budget. Does it realistically have a chance of getting through the house or senate . What is striking is this remains within one party. It is not as if you are trying to get democrats and republicans on board. Obviously a deficit is a huge issue primary for speaker ryan but many others as well. When you hear the treasury secretary say things like this will pay for itself with Economic Growth, i think economists would show us how to get to 3 Economic Growth. Obviously there is still a lot of people out looking for work as well and you want it raise wages. What is the key solution to getting the economy to all of a sudden grow at 3 to pay for this . And of course it brings us back it an issue that president doesnt want to talk about, and thats his own tax returns. When will we see those . It gives details we see, though it is very vague. He could have saved some 30 million had that been in place if the one piece of tax return we had seen from 2005. That is tension the president didnt want to get. A lot of people are wondering, why bring it up now. We are getting word that administration is considering getting out of nafta, Free Trade Agreement with mexico and canada. I think that could be a mistake. Free trade is important. Not only to shared economy but shared security and crossborder cooperation. I think thats a mistake. What do you think . I think this is what he ran on. He ran on moore protectionism. Economists believes that protectionism leads to less growth, not more. But it remains a powerful appear. Especially to this base. This president by is based on very quickly, the optics of the unveiling of the tax cuts, two unveiling. Smiling. Isnt that something . Thats what the president ran against and what he accused of Hillary Clinton to be collaborating with. Obviously youve got these two Goldman Sachs alums saying theyre going to here more about it. This president seems to be a walking contradiction. He ran on raising taxes for the top 1 . What weve seen today is hell in fact be cutting taxes for the wealthiest in this country. So yes, nafta may go but as far as cutting stacks for the 1 , hes going back on his own word. Everybody stand by. Coming up, more news. Well take a quick break. 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Ask about humira, the 1 prescribed biologic by dermatologists. Clearer skin is possible. Tyler hicks i see fear. I see desperation. But i also see hope. Thousands of people arriving every day, risking their lives to find a place to live, and find a place to be accepted. I feel its important to take photographs that are going to make a difference. im tyler hicks, photojournalist for the new york times. Tonight, lets look closer at the president s accomplishments in the first 100 days and how they square with promises hes made. Tom has been keeping score. How did he do . He promised from day one that he would be draining the swamp. But like many others before hes had to fight against being stuck in the political mud. Almost 100 days of promises colliding with political reality started with a staggering loss. On my first day im going to ask congress to send me a bill to immediately repeal and replace repeal and replace repeal and replace that horror show called obama care. Reporter that brought surefire applause on the campaign trail but claim in office. T some say the plan went too far and some not enough. It was yanked without a vote. I will not sugarcoat this. This is a disappointing day for us. The pledge to build a border wall the wall gets built. Hundred percent. Reporter there is no progress on that, either. True, this president has signed more legislation than any of the previous five president s in the same period, much of it erasin erasing heepz signed more than any other 79 in the first 100 days since harry truman wiping out the Transpacific Partnership trade deal. We just officially terminated tpp. Reporter and banned travel from several muslim nations has stalled in the courts over the administrations protests. Protecting the nation from foreign terrorist entry into the United States is a vital measure for strengthening our National Security. Reporter President Trump has scored in the legal. We have to replace judge scalia with gorsuch. And i got it done in the first 100 days. Thats even nielgs. Reporter even as the courts overall challenged other trump initiatives including his attempt to cut funneleding from socalled sanctuary cities for not helping enforce immigration laws. Meanwhile on the foreign front, the president reversed on his Campaign Promise not to intervene in syria, taking fast action following a syrian gas attack. Unleashing a barrage of missiles and the mother of all bombs in afghanistan, raising tensions not merely in the middle east but also with farflung allies and adversaries, including north korea. His meetings with foreign leaders came with the backdrop of a fiscal plan to substantially boost u. S. Spending while cutting budgets from many other agencies. I tweeted today real donald trump. Dont worry. Ill give it up after im president. Reporter there were tweets, unp proven claims of voter fraud,ant obama wiretapping trump tower and what President Trump calls fake news over the march of stories a about possible russian ties to his circle. When you consider all that, theres no question this president has tried to move forward at a breakneck pace. Perhaps in of these things he promised will yet come to pass. Faced with a string of protests and disapproval rates, the first 100 daze have proven more complicated than he expected. Thanks to you and thoovrngs our viewers. Erin burnett out front starts right now. Out front, breaking news. The entire senate summoned to the white house. Was it productive or for show . The Trump Administration proposing a massive tax cut for businesses. How much will the Trump Organization gain . And a crucial witness who almost died after a mysterious fourstory fall. Its a story youll see only here. Lets go out front front. Good evening. Im erin burnett. The most dangerous spot on the

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