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Corner Stone Campaign promise . Joe biden speaks out about the president ial contest in a cnn interview, the Vice President talks candidly about the questions of trust plaguing Hillary Clintons campaign. What is his advice to the democratic nominee . And unabated. Kim jongun launching more ballistic missiles, sending them hundreds of miles into japans defense zone without warning. Tokyo sounding the alarm about a serious threat while the u. S. Is condemning launches as reckless. Is all this a new level of provocation by kim . Im wolf blitzer, youre in the situation room. With just nine weeks to go until election day, republican president ial nominee donald trump is sounding a very different note on undocumented immigrants. After months of vowing nasty deportations, trump says he is not ruling out anything and when asked about a possible pathway to legal status, trump said he will make that decision in the future. Hillary clinton has been criticized for keeping news media at arms length welcomed reporters on her Campaign Plane today. Both trump and clinton have spent this labor day campaigning in the critical state of ohio. In china, president obama met one on one with russian president Vladimir Putin for about 90 minutes at g20 summit. Mr. Obama said he would talk it putin about alleged russian Cyber Attacks aimed at influencing the upcoming u. S. Election. President described their talk as blunt. And washington is condemning latest missile launches by north korea and dictator kim jongun. Three missiles filed toward the sea of japan without warning in a move experts say is coinciding with the g20 in neighboring china. Were covering all of that and much more with our guest, sean duffy. And our correspondents, also standing by. Lets begin with the Trump Campaign. Our political reporter sarah murray is following the gop nominee for us. Sarah, trump now seems to be taking a fundamentally different stance on undocumented immigrant. If donald trump is campaigning in a pivotal Battle Ground state of ohio and overshadowing his jobs and a softer tone saying el deal later with how he will cope with millions of undocumented immigrant in the u. S. Donald trumps muddling his immigration stance even further today. Now saying a decision about granting legal status to undocumented immigrants will come sometime down the road. We will make that decision into the future. Okay. Good question. Im glad you asked it. That decision will be made. As trump and his team try to win over voters in the final stretch. Trying to water down part of last weeks hard line immigration speech. For those here illegally today seeking legal status, they will have one route and one route only. To return home and apply for reep try. And give the candidate some wiggle room in dealing with undocumented immigrants. Donald trump would find it is very, very difficult to throw out family that has been here for, you know, 15 years and they have three children, two of whom are citizens and that is not the kind of america he wants. Once you turn off the jobs and benefit magnet, then we will see where we are. And we dont know where we will be or who will be left. Reporter today in ohio, trump is taking advantage of the Labor Day Holiday to bring his economic argument to union leaders. Going to mexico and other countries reporter his day on the trail almost resembling a traditional poll things as he held a roundtable popped bay local diner and visiting one of the largest fairness the buckeye state. What an incredible group. Thank you, everybody. Reporter all of this as he is hammering his democratic oi opponent. She didnt have the energy to go to new mexico or louisiana. Seizing on the fbis release of documents related clintons use of a private email server. Just more evidence that Hillary Clinton is the most dishonest candidate for president of the United States since richard nixon. Reporter but trumps best chance to take on clinton is sure to come on the debate stage. Event the hard to pin down candidate now says he wouldnt miss. Hurricanes, natural disaster. I expect to do i think its an important element of what were doing. I think you have an obligation to do the debates. Trump had been playing it koi on whether he would anticipate debates. So far he will be there for all of them and in the meantime full on until they get to the debate stage tomorrow. Trump is in North Carolina and virginia. Wolf . Thank you very much. Sarah murray reporting. Now a group of journalists is flying with the candidate on her Campaign Plane. Joini joining us from western illinois and susan, criticized for not answering reporters questions. Whats the latest . More than 275 days since she held a formal press conference. But we did see her go to the back of the plane and she promised to be more indepth. We will see if she keeps her promise. This is a very important region. A as you know. Same media mark whoet same folks from across the river in the Battle Ground state of iowa and 24 days away from when they start their early voting. Hillary clinton is kicking off the final bush to election day. We believe we are stronger together. And that is in stark contrast to donald trump. Tim kaine in a labor day rally in ohio. We need to make sure we have an election that validates the kind of positive future that will make life better for the people of ohio. And empty promises and racist attacks wont do that. Even managing to swipe at donald trump in the midst of a lengthy coughing fit. Every time i think about trump, i get allergic. The democratic nominee also debuting her new Campaign Plane. Hey, guys. Welcome to our big plane. So exciting. A boeing 737 with her signature h logos and stronger together on the side. Clinton greeting the press corps which will now travel on the same plane as clinton. I am so happy to have all of you with me. Just waiting for this moment. Clintons plane even crossing pathes with trumps on the tarmac in cleveland today. Shows you how important ohio is. Team clinton spending labor day blanketing key states with surrogates. Her husband at a parade in detroit and picnic in cincinnati, slamming trumps recent trip to mexico. That damaged america and every serious country in the world. Pz my name is joe biden and i work for Hillary Clinton and whatever the hell this guys name is. Appearing along side tim kaine in pittsburgh. So many people like trump who look at us like were not there their equal. Im sick of it. Ive had it up to here. Even former rival, bernie sanders, speaking on clintons behalf. There should be no doubt on anybodys mind as to whether as to whether Hillary Clinton is the superior candidate because in every respect she is. But clinton is still taking fire from trump in Congressional Republicans over the newly released fbi report on her email server with tim kaine offering this defense. She did make a mistake and she made it by deciding she wanted to use one devise rather than multiple devices. She apologized for that. She said it is was a mistake and she learned from it. But these notes which hillary urged to be made public showed why the fbi decided on no additional criminal preceding. While the Clinton Campaign is focused on generating enthusiasm and getting the vote out effort and outreach and even attracting some republicans as well as ind pend end. As for that plane, they are calling it hill force 1. The configuration very much Like Air Force 1 in terms of personnel. With Hillary Clinton, top staff on the front of the plane followed behind by communications and secret service and wolf in the back of the plane the press. Thats the way it always is, as you and i well know. Thanks very much. Vice President Joe Biden is speaking candidly about the trust issue dogging Hillary Clintons campaign. And he is offering advice. Jeff zeleny joins us with details. Jeff, you spoke with Vice President running mate tim kaine, what did they say . Tim kaine was in pittsburgh at a labor day rally. He said he is all in on this campaign. One of his central tasks there is taking the message to White Working Class voters. Calling them out about what he says trup trump is misleading them but says both candidates have high disapproval ratings and he had advice for Hillary Clinton. Why do people have suspicion about her . She has been in public life. She hasnt opened up or is it because of her own doing . I have a bad habit of saying what i believe and sometimes saying all i mean here. The truth is, Hillary Clinton knows its a problem. And she is trying to figure out how to remedy it. My advice to her, the best way to remedy is, is to talk about what you care about. Talk about it with passion. People will see through it. This will be, and you know better than i do, jeff, this could be the most negative campaign in the history of modern politics, i think. So my question is, is anybody going to be able to break through what is pocks on both your houses. She needs it talk about skplis explicitly what she will do and how she will change things. Will anyone break through the negative advertising and negative rhetoric out there. Wolf, Vice President biden says he and the president are fully invested in campaigning here. He add lot more to say about the clinton emails, foundation, other things she can do. You will see the full interview tomorrow on cnns new day. Wolf . Jeff zeleny, thank you very much. New day starts tomorrow morning at 6 00 a. M. Eastern. Now joining us, supporting donald trump, congressman, thanks very much for joining us. Good to be here wolf. Happy labor day. Happy labor day to you as well. Trump said many times that undocumented immigrants in the United States have one route an one route only to obtain legal status. Thats leave the United States an apply for reentry. But today he said he wouldnt rule out a pathway to legal status. Down the road he will make that decision. How do voters know which policy would he implement as president . Well, i think we have to go with most recent statements. And i think thats the right on his part. This is the only country children have ever known. You cant deport them to a country theyve never been to. Have you kids who are citizens and parent who are not. It makes sense to soften his position on those who are lawabiding, working hard, participating in the american economy. If you look at voters though, those who support donald trump, i think what they want is they want a secure border. They want the American People to decide who comes in and who comes out of the country. They want to do aby with sanctuary cities. And they want to make sure to get rid of the criminal element of the immigrant who is in our country. Send those folks back. With regard to the softening, i will tell you, i think more of the democrats are more frustrated with trumps position than trump supporters. Because they see that softening as a better outreach to the hispanic community. I understand your position and i understand very well, but is that really Donald Trumps position . Because lately over the past several days its been hazy. Make no mistake, i agree. In the speech he made last week, he left that in for interpretation. Many of us listened to that speech wondering what he would do with the kids and families. He never really addressed it. What you are hearing now, especially from surrogates, he is softening that position and thats the right path it take. And my most conservative folks around our state would agree with that as long as you secure the border first and get rid of the criminal element, he will do fine with his face. Some wisconsin voters as you know go to polls for early voting. In 21 days, does he need to be precise and explain his policy to those voters right away . Because right now it is still confusing. I think in regard to the base he doesnt have to do that. They care again about the border and criminal element. Let me interrupt you, congressman. A lot of that base, theyre not happy if he will support some legal path to residents here in the United States without these people leaving the country first. They dont want that mp they want all these undocumented immigrants to first leave the country and go back to their home country and reapply for reentry. Folks ive talked to dont have a problem with pathway to legal status, which is not legal citizenship. Just that folks wont get arrested in the middle of the night and sent home. I dont see an uproar of anger and frustration on mr. Trump on the softening of that issue alone. They do care about the bored earn criminal element. They also care about the economy. Upward know boilt. They care about hillarys eye mails and dishonesty she has with the American People and congress about turning over all of her emailes. Now through the fbi, we realize she lied and didnt turn over eye mails. Thats why you see in wisconsin, three weeks ago, Hillary Clinton up by 15 point. Now a recent poll showing trump is down by 3 and margin of error. Wisconsin is tightening and that is one of the key states trump has it win if he wins in november. Stay with us. We have more to discuss. We have to take a quick break. Well be right back. Rockabye michael, your day is through. 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Vo in times of crisis america depends on steady leadership. Donald trump knock the crap out of them, would you . Seriously. Vo clear thinking. Donald trump i know more about isis than the generals do, believe me. Vo and calm judgment. Donald trump and you can tell them to go fu k themselves. Vo because all it takes is one wrong move. Donald trump audio only i would bomb the sh t out of them. Vo just one. Mornin. Hey, do you know when the game starts . 11 hours. Oh. Well, im heading back to my room. announcer want to wake up at super bowl 51 . Super bowl announcer enter courtyards super bowl sleepover contest at courtyard. Com for your chance to win. Republican president ial candidate donald trump is raising new questions about his controversial hard line stance on immigration. Campaigning in ohio today trump said he wouldnt rule anything out when it comes to undocumented workers possibly including eventually getting legal status. Right new were back with Donald Trumps supporter republican congressman sean duffy of wisconsin. Congressman, as you also know, president obamas trip to the g20 in china was overshadowed with dustups with chinese officials for example when he arrived the chinese didnt provide stairs to the main door of his plane. There were few issues with reporters not being given access to president obama. Trump noted other leaders were given the red carpet. He would have simply closed the doors to air force 1 if he had been president and left if they did that to him. Is that effective diplomacy . Well, i dont know if thats effective diplomacy. But you will see that mr. Are countries that dont have more respect for us, they have less respect for america. The idea that america can lead from behind and not be a force for good in the world are bad actors and china often times is one of them, not respecting us. Let me interrupt. What does that say if donald trump were serious that he would pack up and leave and not go to the g20 summit because simply the chinese didnt provide the appropriate stairs or steps to his plane . I dont know if thats appropriate diplomacy packing up the plane and going home but the chinese are trying to sick their finger in the president s eye and look bad and not show him as the most powerful world leader as they come to their country. Thats shocking that they would treat our president that way and frankly, i dont agree with president obama on a lot of thing and im offended our president is treated so poorly by the chai fees. Chinese. You cant just take it. There has to be some kind of push back when youre treated bad by leaders like this in china. Trump also tweeted this about republican senator jeff flake of arizona. He said he was a weak and ineffective senator after flake sent some less than complimentary words about donald trump as far as november is concerned. Saying he couldnt support donald trump. Is that appropriate for this republican president ial nominee to speak like that about a republican senator . No, its not. I love jeff flake. He is a good guy. I dont know what jeff flake is doing taking shots at donald trump but donald trump has to rise above and unify the party. Brings me back to donald trump taking shots at paul ryan or scott walker. If you win this race, you have to do it with all republicans on board. As we have seen arizona tighten, he needs guys like jeff flake on board if youre going to win. And by responding to the punch that flake gave him zpt bring people together, it divide the republican base, not just in arizona but around the country. So donald, dont be so sensitive. Take the hit, let it roll off your back. And you know, look forward. Take shots at Hillary Clinton. And barack obama if you want. But dont take shots at your own party. You have to be bigger than a guy who responds to every little flick that someone gives you. It doesnt work for party unity. And it divides our party. And again, we dont have enough republicans to win this race, wolf. We need all the republicans and independent and soft democrats if trump is going to win. Dont divide your party and engaging in these kind of fights doesnt serve the mig of party unify kalgs. Kags unification. Happy labor day. Thank you for joining us. You too, wolf. Have a good day. Thank you. Up next, speaking with democratic congressman and Hillary Clinton supporter hakeem jackson. First, fight for Battle Ground states. How important is it for donald trump and Hillary Clinton . Plus, russia suspected of trying to inflew enthe upcoming president ial elections here in the United States. Were learning new details right now. She spent summer bingewatc. Soon, shell be bingestudying. Get back to great. This week 50 off all backpacks. Office depot officemax. 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Joining us now with insights on the state of the race, cnn political analyst and real political reporter rebecca burr. Washington post reporter abbey phillip. Cnn political chief analyst gloria borger. Once again we are confused, where exactly donald trump stands on the undocumented immigrants living in the United States. Now he seem to be suggesting well make a decision about the socalled good ones down the road. Right. Lets just break this apart of what has happened here, wolf. Remember during the domination season he was for mass deportation force. Last weeks speech, a hardline tone, a tone that said we will decide on the disposition of the quote unquote good ones, not convicted criminals, we will decide on the disposition of them later. But while saying that, he, his Campaign Manager and everyone else, kept repeating this mantra. No amnesty. No citizenship and no legal status. Today he was asked very specifically about legal status. Can you become legal without going home first. He said we will decide that down the road. Now a different piece of it. Not just deportation but about becoming legal. Last week he said, rebecca, if you want legal status or citizenship you must first leave the United States and reapply for reentry. He did. When he and her surrogates say he is consistent, it just doesnt pass the smell test. He has not been consistent on this. I think it is a question he needs to answer. He doesnt have any track record on policy issues. There are are no votes or proposals he made in the past because he hasnt been in politics. We only have his words to go by. If he is constantly changing what he is saying there is no word on what donald trump will actually do. With undocumented immigrants, abbey, what he said today is clearly softening on his position. Right. This is a theme we have seen throughout the campaign. When he is on his own he is asked questions directly, he sometimes says things different from the strategy his Campaign Advisors seem it want to chart out. And the Clinton Campaign is saying that trump wants to confuse anybody about his position. They may be on to something. He is going back and forth saying Different Things and the public is left with their hands in the air wondering what exactly does he believe. For some people that could allow them to sort of glaze over this issue and focus on other things instead. Maybe thats what the Trump Campaign is going for. I think is risky. As far as the public, smart to have a little bit of a softening of the position on the sensitive issue. If its a softening. I think abbey is right. By confusing things, whether or not they are doing this because it is planned or not planned, can you read into it whatever you want. Well, maybe there is a path to some kind of citizenship, which by the way if you were running against him in the primaries you would be scratching your head about because during primaryets he called that amnesty and called for mass deportation as david points out. You can kind of look at it and see what you want. Maybe that does help with undecided voters. Maybe in the long run this could work for him in some way shape or form until i would argue he gets to a debate. Then he might have to be pinned down on what he truly believes and will do. Gloria, you have a major new documentary coming out later tonight on Donald Trumps life, airing a the 10 00 p. M. Eastern. Let me play a clip from your documentary. Take a closer look at his venture, trumps venture into building casinos. Listen to this. How big a risk did you think he was taking . Enormous risk. To make this project successful, to break even, you would have to generate a casino win of somewhere over 1 million a day. And no casino in the world had ever even come close to anything like that. Rothman told the wall street journal he saw trouble coming. I said when this property opens it will break every record in the book. But when the cold winds of october came it wouldnt make it. Trump wrote a letter to rothmans boss threatening to bring suit. Trump presented them with a simple choice. Fire rothman or make him publicly apologize and lie. Trump said, normal, youre to call norman pearl steen. He is managing editor and you are to tell him that that sob reported misquoted you. Then youre going to write me a paper stating that taj mahal will be the greatest success ever and im going to have it publi published. Roffman refused. Trump responded saying ill see new court or something. I was putting a tarnish on the trump brand. You dont do that. And then you were fired . On the spot. Pretty amazing, gloria. So much out thereabout donald trump that we will learn in this twohour documentary tonight. Talk a little bit more about the people we dont know about. Well what we tried to give you is a portrait, his life from childhood to today. Unlike political biographies, what i found interesting about this was that ways talking mostly to his family with whom he is really close. His children. And also to people with whom he has done business over the years. Because unlike a lot of politicians, he is a businessman. And so we found ourselves not only looking at atlantic city, but the rise and fall there. His rise in new york city. As a big developer. And also dont forget, donald trump is a former reality tv star. And in many ways, that set the platform for him to catapult to the run for the presidency, wolf. Interesting life. Looking forward to the documentary. Gloria, excellent work. Stay with cnn, by the way, for back to back documentaries on Hillary Clinton and donald trump starting tonight at 8 00 p. M. Eastern. Coming up, president obamas stern warning as Intelligence Experts look into what may be Vladimir Putins attempt to influence the u. S. President ial election. Hey, its been crazy with school being back so were constantly going over our data limit. Oh, well, now all of our new plans come with no data overages. Wow, no more overages . So that means. Go on. Say it. Well finally be in control. And were back. Introducing new at t plans with no data overage charges. Car company two years in a row . The most awarded oh wow. Im surprised chevys coming out with some nice stuff. The design is great. I love it. Number one in my book. And chevy is going to give you 0 financing for 72 months. Thats 6 years of no interest. Thats awesome. I know, right . If you only had 72 hours to get a great deal on this car, what would you do . Can we sign with you . The chevy 72 hour sale is here. This labor day, get 0 financing for 72 months on all your favorite 2016 chevy models. Hurry, the clock is ticking, get yours now. Find new roads at your local chevy dealer. Russian president Vladimir Putin say the United States and russia may Reach Agreement within days on a plan to ease tensions in syria. Thats how much more upbeat assessment than we heard from obama after he described a blunt meeting at the g20 meeting in china. Weve had productive conversationes abo conversations about what a real cessation would look like that would allow us both, the out and russia, to focus our attention on common enemies. Like isil. But given the gaps of trust that exist, that a tough negotiation. During his meeting with putin, the president brought up Cyber Attacks widely blamed on russian hackers. Some attacks targeted the Democratic Party and state voting data basis raising concerns the russians are trying to influence upcoming election. Our chief National Security correspondent jim sciutto has been looking into it. What are you learning, jim . They are concerned about possible russian intrusion in the november election. Multiple Law Enforcement and intelligence agencies are investigating and the president in that meeting with president putin delivering another stern warning as well. What we cannot do is have a situation in which suddenly this becomes the wild wild west. President obama warning russia today about moscows expanding Cyber Attacks on the u. S. This is u. S. Intelligence agencies are increasingly focused u. S. Officials tell cnn. On russian influence on the upcoming president ial election, director of intelligence James Clapper recently told cnn he is concerned the kremlin may be seeking to undermine confidence in the vote. Is it your view that russia has the intention of, if not influencing this election, undermining confidence in the u. S. Political process . They see a u. S. Conspiracy behind every bush. They believe that we are trying to influence Political Developments in russia, their natural response is to retaliate. Multiple agencies are now accession the scope of the russian intrusion. Which includes hacking into voting data and systems. Russ russias intention is not clear. Maybe helping one cant date over the other and sow doubt and final result. Is this just to stir up trouble or is this ultimately to try to influence, and in washington this is serious proposition. So serious that today president obama raised the issue as he and russian president Vladimir Putin met on the side lines of the g20 summit in china. Weve had problems with cyber intrusions from russia in the past. From other countries in the past. And look, were moving into a new area here. Where a number of countries have significant capacities. And frankly we got more capacity than anybody both offensively and defensively. Sources tell cnn the community believes russia was behind the hack ests Democratic National committee, New York Times and think tanks in washington. Investigators are also looking into what breached voter data bases in the states of illinois and arizona. For his part president putin denied any tampering. Translator i dont know anything about it. And on a state level russia has never done this. President putin also said it russia doesnt care wh wins the election. Just someone he can work with. I can tell you wolf that u. S. Officials doubt russias claims of of not being involved here. They havent publicly fingered russia, that the direction they are looking in this investigation. Certainly is. Everything im hearing as well. As world powers gather in china, north Koreas Kim Jongun unexpectedly flexed his military muscle. Today we have details about the very alarming launch after series of ballistic missiles. See me. See me. Dont stare at me. See me. See me. 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President obama was not far away meeting with World Leaders when this happened. President obama was virtually next door as kim jongun engaged in another provocation against america. Kims regime fired three medium range ballistics into the sea of japan. They flew about 620 miles and launched with no navigational warning. Tonight, a senior u. S. Official tells cnn they could have threatened commercial aircraft or ships in the area. I would say thats probably north koreas attention. The calculations a gamble of trying to be provocative of saying look at me. Getting the attention during the g20 summit. Reporter japans defense minister calls it a threat saying they have learned with the missiles. They landed at almost the same spot at about the same time. Three missiles in the same spot can have damage on an airfields. The conception of operations while doing a depressed launch of another. They may have a sophisticated concept of operations that the test might have been demonstrating. Reporter this is the second time in less than two weeks that kim jongun has fired missiles that landed inside japans zone of identifying threats. Japan is an inhviting target because they are rich and the former colonial masters. Reporter they flew from the western part of the country, mideast more than 400 miles before they were over the sea. Kim cares less about hitting innocent people on the ground than his power circle. His generals may be pushing him to be more aggressive. He has to constantly guard himself. Hes continuing to purge people, circulate people, create insecurity among the higher ranks of the military and Security Services so no one gets any ideas. Reporter just hours before the launch, chinas president told his south korean counter part that china doesnt want american fad antimissile batteries set up inside korea. It will be operational soon. Experts tell us with every missile that kim jongun fires, he undermines his ally. Thank you. Donald trump is making headlines about immigration. Is he softening his stance . Is he walking back his campaign . Hillary clinton took reporters questions aboard her Campaign Plane on substantive important issues. Stand by. The video feeding into the situation room as we speak. Well have it for you when we come back. Thats the kind of approach that i think we should be taking. The lexus rx, rx hybrid and rx f sport. This is the rx, elevated. This is the pursuit of perfection. Soon, shell type the best essays in the entire 8th grade. Get back to great. All computers on sale like this dell laptop. Office depot officemax. Gear up for school. Gear up for great. Nomy favorite parted adjustable base, is to be able to lift your legs up a little bit, and it feels like im just cradled. Change your sleep, change your life. Change to tempurpedic. Now thru september 11th, upgrade and save on select tempurpedic mattresses and adjustable bases. At experits a skill. Ve credit isnt just a score. And like anything else, you can get better. So we make it easy for you to spot trouble in your report. Or know if fraud is hurting your fico score. And if you need it, a dedicated fraud resolution agent can help you set things right. After all watching over your credit is one of the most important skills of all. Go to experian. Com to enroll in Experian Creditworks today. So we know how to cover almost alanything. Ything, even mermutts. 1940s aqua music burke and we covered it, february third, twentysixteen. Talk to farmers. We know a thing or two because weve seen a thing or two. We are farmers. Bumpadum, bumbumbumbum happening now, nothing ruled out. Donald trump refuses to close the door on granting legal status to undocumented immigrants contra didicting a h line he took days ago. Ready for take off. Hillary clinton and donald trump hop on their planes and rev up their campaigns using labor day to launch the final sprints to election day. Shes taking reporters questions on board her plane. Disrespected. A world leader calls president obama and im quoting now, a son of a whore has the commander in chief faces hostility. 000 theres a new response from president obama to that stunning insult. Hidden terrorists. Cnn obtains a trove of documents about isis planning against the west. New details houn the paris attackers traveled among syrian refugees. We want to welcome our viewers in the United States and around the world. Im wolf blitzer in the situation room. On this labor day when the general Election Campaign heats up, a new twist in donald trump still evolving immigration plan. Trump says hes keeping his options open on whether to grant legal status to undocumented immigrants. Just last week trump vowed there would be only one route to legal status, go back home and reapply for entry to the United States. Hillary clinton says theres nothing new about trumps immigration stance insisting hes taking as hard a line as ever. Tonight, the democratic nominee is answering questions from reporters flying with her on

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