Transcripts For CNNW Situation Room With Wolf Blitzer 20151228

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Accuses the former president of sexism . No charges. A grand jury decides not to indict two Police Officers who shot and killed a 12yearold boy carrying a toy gun. Will outrage boil over on to the streets . Wolf blitzer is off today. Im brianna keilar. Youre in the situation room. This is cnn breaking news. We are following breaking news. U. S. Trained iraqi soldiers liberating the city of ramadi from a brutal sevenmonth occupation by isis forces. The iraqi flag is now flying over the city center while street fighting continues in an effort to clear the city of remaining pockets of terrorist fighters. Were also following breaking news out of cleveland where a grand jury has just decided against charging two Police Officers who shot and killed 12yearold tamir rice who was carrying a toy gun. Tonight, those officers are speaking out publicly about the case for the very first time. Were covering all of that and more this hour with our guests including a key member of the House Homeland Security and intelligence committees, congressman peter king of new york. Our correspondents and expert analysts are also standing by. And we begin in iraq. Cnns Senior International correspondent in baghdad with more on the battle for ramadi. Whats the latest on the ground . Do you know if the iraqis are Still Holding the city . Reporter they are, brianna. Although we understand they are claiming that it is entirely liberated. There are still pockets of fighting and iraqi officials are telling us thats coming as no surprise to them. They expect its going to be at least another two, three weeks before the citys entirely purged of any isis presence. But thats not stopping them from celebrating taking that central district. This really has been months in the making, brianna. Take a look at this. Declaring victory in ramadi. Video broadcast by iraqi state tv shows soldiers raising their National Flag over the citys government compound. Celebrating the Iraqi Militarys first major victory over the socalled Islamic State. Translator ramadi has been freed. And the armed forces and the antiterrorist group on all the governments building in al anbar. Reporter in may isis fighters seized ramadi, capital of mainly sunni Anbar Province west of baghdad Government Troops fled in defeat. But u. S. Trained iraqi forces returned launching an assault on the city last week and making their final push to seize the centrally located government complex on sunday. Footage showed iraqi troops advancing through ramadi street by street amid piles of rubble and collapsed houses. Even amid the celebrations iraqi Officials Say Government Troops still need to clear some remaining pockets of insurgents in the city. Once secured, ramadi will be handed over to local police at a sunni tribal force, a measure aimed at winning support from the local community. After that iraqs government has said their next target will be the Northern City of mosul with an estimated population of 2 million mosul is by far the largest Population Center controlled by isis in either iraq or syria. And a crucial source of tax revenue. If its retaken, it will take down much of the infrastructure underpinning isis claim to state hood. So far weve been hearing cautious congratulations from u. S. Officials who dont seem quite ready yet to call ramadi liberated. But they have been keen to play up the key role that the u. S. Advise and assist, u. S. Training and crucially some pretty intense some 600 u. S. Led Coalition Air strikes have had in getting this far. This is as much a relief this almostvictory is as much of a relief for the u. S. , brianna, as it is for the iraqis. Thank you so much for that report. I want to get more now on this breaking news with cnn Global Affairs correspondent elise labott. What does this mean overall . Or is it really too soon to tell the ramifications for the overall war against isis . Well, clearly its a very symbolic and strategic victory. I mean, you remember when ramadi fell to isis in may. Defense secretary carter was questioning the resolve and the will of iraqi forces. So clearly this shows that theyve been trained up. A lot of these iraqi forces are the ones that called in some of these isis targets. So its a success. But whether theyre going to be able to hold the city, clearly they need to have a more inclusive process with the sunnis in iraq. Theyre going to need to have inclusive in the government. Theyre going to make sure that shia militias are not going to reignite sectarian tensions. And as you heard the spokesman of the coalition steve warren say today theres still a lot of work to do in ramadi in Anbar Province before they even think about moving north towards mosul where they really need to go after isis. That seeing mosul as the big prize theyre a far ways away from that. He made it clear in a sort of understated way. You have european cities right now warned of possible terror attacks. Is there an incentive for there to be some isis inspired attacks in the face of what is at least a momentary defeat for isis . Well, and this is not the first defeat. Theyve had a string of defeats. You remember there was that iraqi forces retook baji, that Strategic Oil town and sinjar mountain where the fighting began. So youre going to talk more about this audio recording from baghdadi trying to rally the troops, theres definitely this impression now that isis is on the back foot. So if he can get his followers to rally them, youve seen that some of these attacks in paris or San Bernardino not necessarily carried out by isis but certainly inspired by and maybe with knowledge of isis are even more threatening to the International Community than this attack. And it also fuels the narrative that isis is a growing Global Terror Organization thats on the offensive, not some group thats losing on the battlefield. Yeah. Elise labott, great report. Thank you so much. There are some mounting defeats that may be the reason for a new message from the leader of isis. Cnn chief National Security correspondent jim sciutto has been analyzing this for us. Jim, its a rather lengthy recording by abu backer al baghdadi. It is. 24 minutes. We dont know when it was recorded. There are no obvious time stamps or time references, but the time of the release this weekend particularly with the losses in ramadi, interesting at least. And he seems to be throwing it forward kind of a warning but also a public call of support to the troops in the field to say this is going to be a difficult year ahead and trying to rally their support as that storm of opposition from the coalition and other nations comes through against isis. From the isis chief abu bakr al baghdadi, a new video recording seemingly attempting to boost fighters morale with, quote, the world united against them. In the 24minute tape al baghdadi says the u. S. Coalition against isis does not dare send Ground Troops to fight isis. He threatens israel and praises isis fighters engaged in combat. This message is intended to reassure them that he is still there, he is still the leader, that isis is still in business. Reporter baghdadi makes no mention of recent terror attacks claimed by isis including armed assaults in paris and San Bernardino and the downing of a russian passenger jet over the sinai. He doesnt really make any references to the current condition of the socalled Islamic State either in syria or in iraq. He is simply responding to those things he regards as threats. Reporter the message comes amid a rough week for isis on the battlefield as Iraqi Ground Forces backed by Coalition Air strikes reclaim much of the western iraqi city of ramadi from isis fighters who have held it since may. Iraqi Security Forces claiming victory on sunday after taking full control of a key Central Government compound. U. S. Military officials however are more cautious. Inside the city center there remain some neighborhoods that have not yet been cleared. There is a real threat for unexploded ordinance, mind fields, boobytrapped houses, theres still a lot of danger inside of ramadi. Following the victory in ramadi we heard today from the iraqi Prime Minister saying mosul is next, that they will rest mosul back from isis control as well. But ill tell you, brianna, mosul is much farther north, theres a lot of isis controlled terror held between baghdad and mos mosul. Theres no timeline for liberating mosul. Very interesting. Jim sciutto, thanks so much for that report. I want to dig deeper into all of this now with republican congressman peter king of new york. Hes a member of the Homeland Security and the intelligence committees. Congressman, thanks so much for being with us. When you see this message from al baghdadi, do you think that this is authentic . You know, we cant tell. Im assuming, you know, that it is. And i think its baghdadi. If it is legit, its baghdadi trying to rally the troops. Its the first time isis has had any real setbacks. I think he wants to, you know, try find a way to keep morale up. Thats assuming that it is real. I have no reason to think its not, but again, i have not been told officially yet whether it is or not. Theres something i think that is sort of noticeable about the message and thats there isnt reference to recent events. Right. And that sort of makes one wonder if this is something that could have been prerecorded. Do you have any sense of whether this is something that could just be sort of evergreen and sort of put away until maybe a time when isis fighters need to be rallied . Yeah. You know, this could have been put on the shelf several months ago in the event things did start to turn bad for them. And it can be used then. Theres no reference at all to any recent events including attacks on the United States, europe, whatever. So theres nothing in there that really, you know, notes any time at all. This could have been a standard tape to be put on the shelves and used whenever appropriate. They may feel this is an appropriate time. I have many more questions for you, congressman, especially as we have new terror threats coming in ahead of new years. I want to get in a quick break and well talk in just a moment. Why are you checking your credit score . You dont want to live with mom and dad forever, do you . Boo laughs im making smoothies well. Im not changing. So, how can i check my credit score . Credit karma. Dont worry, its free. Hmmmm. Credit karma. Give yourself some credit. European cities on alert tonight after an intelligence warning of possible attacks involving guns or explosives between christmas and new years eve. Police in vienna, austria say the warning included names of possible attackers but so far an investigation hasnt turned up any concrete results. Were back now with republican congressman peter king of new york. He is a member of the Homeland Security as well as the intelligence committee. So, congressman, can you give us a sense as we head into another holiday, are there any known threats to the homeland right now . I can assure you everything thats coming in is being looked at. So far nothing has been found. But any hint or any trace at all is being, you know, run down fully. Certainly in new york were always in a high state of alert. Commissioner bratton said last week that extra police are being deployed. But as of now theres no evidence of any of these plots being real or credible. But they are all being looked at. I want to talk to you about something youve been calling for and thats the increased surveillance of muslim communities. Within muslim communities. The nypd had a program that really did this in muslim communities, but they ended up getting rid of it in april of 2014. When you talk about having increased surveillance, are you talking about Something Like this program . Is there any evidence that this actually stopped any potential terror attacks . Well, the fact is that there were no real terror attacks in new york during the time that that was in effect. And as commissioner kellys pointed out there were 15 or 16 attacks that were stopped. Actually, the program youre talking about, thats the demographics unit. That was really not there to find terror plots. It was to find out which muslim groups were living in which community. Like if you wanted to find out where the moroccans were living or egyptians so if were told a threat coming from a particular country, we would know what part of new york those people were living in. So it wasnt really initially it was mainly just to locate where different groups were. There were still surveillance that does go on that was very extensive surveillance. New york has over 1,000 Police Working on counterterrorism. So while the demographics unit is no longer operational, there are other units that are out there. Again, im not speaking for commissioner bratton. He can speak for himself. Nypd is still doing an awful lot of good work. I wish that they were able to do more. They are doing a lot of good work. Ill just leave it at that. But i would say that it is important to have surveillance in the muslim communities at the local level and at the federal level. If wed had it in boston we may well not have had the Boston Marathon bombing. How do you see this work sng and how do you do this in a way that wouldnt have people in the Muslim Community or supporters saying, look, this is just profiling . I really think people in the Muslim Community should want this type of surveillance. Listen, when they were going after the mafia, brianna, the fbi and police went into the italianamerican neighborhoods, social clubs, when they were going after an irishamerican gang on the west side of manhattan, they went in every irish bar and gin mill. This is all the fbi, nypd, thats how it was done. If youre looking for the clan, you dont go to harlem, you go where the threat is coming from. In this case if youre talking about islamist terrorism, its going to come from the Muslim Community. 98 , 99 of muslims im sure are great patriotic americans, but i would think they would want to have the assistance of the police and fbi. Unfortunately in many cases the mosques for instance have not told the police when theres been radical activities in those mosques. On long island where im from weve had a number of isis and certainly al qaeda people arrested in this country. Actually one arrested in afghanistan fighting for al qaeda. It turns out they were from mosques on long island. And the mosque would say they came here, said they wanted to engage in this activity, we told them we dont do that and never went and told the police cht even though they meet with the police on a regular basis never told the police any of these activities. Can i ask you though you talk about the mafia as an example. And even with that program, i mean, i dont believe that there were any independent mafia inspired terrorist attacks. I wonder if you would be concerned that there could be some terror attacks outside of the community that would be looked at that could be inspired by Something Like this. Well, again, i think thats sort of backing away. I think we should use the surveillance to the extent its important. And also we should be monitoring other locations. I guess when you say, you know, does this inspire attacks, i think then youre playing defense. If youre in that situation where youre afraid to go after the enemy because, you know, that may inspire them to carry out attacks then wed be basically doing nothing. No, im not concerned about that any more to me theres more of a concern if we do nothing or dont do the surveillance. I would rather be on offense, do the surveillance and that could lead you to other attacks. Congressman pete king, we certainly appreciate you being with us especially with this news of new terror threats. Thank you so much. And coming up, donald trump he is happy new year to you as well. Lets talk about donald trump next. He is heading back to the campaign trail. Now hes taking on both hillary and bill clinton. And we have breaking news in the Fatal Police Shooting of a 12yearold. Were going to get reaction to a grand jurys decision not to indict two Police Officers who were involved. Back now to our breaking news. Its a rare victory by iraqs u. S. Backed military. For the first time its taken back a major iraq city captured by isis. Joining me now in the situation room to talk about this we have cnn contributor michael weiss, hes a Senior Editor at the daily beast. Hes also the coauthor of isis inside the army of terror. We have retired Lieutenant General Mark Hertling and cnn analyst bob baer, former cia operative. To you first, general hertling. You have iraqi force who is no doubt have a success on their hands certainly for today. The question is, can this hold . Will they be able to hold ramadi . It has been a tactical success, i would suggest, brianna. Its part of an overall campaign. Theres a bunch of things im going to be looking for. You know, is the police going to take over in ramadi . Is the government activity going to get started again . Are they going to get infrastructure back up to rebuild houses . I will tell you three things i personally will be looking for. Number one, will the government in baghdad continue to support the Iraqi Military . Number two, will the people continue to support the iraqi Security Forces . And number three, will both the government and the army not get too cocky and say theyre immediately going to go to mosul . Theres a whole lot of things left to do in Anbar Province. A bunch of other cities that have to be cleared of isis. That was the question i was going to ask you especially with your experience having been in iraq, people are looking at mosul and theyre saying mosul would be huge if iraqi forces were able to take mosul back. But how far off do you think that is when youre talking about a number of other cities in anbar that obviously require focus at this time. Yeah. Thats the part about getting too cocky. And ive experienced this with the iraqi army and the Iraqi Government before. Theyve got to clear a bunch of other cities in mosul of isis im sorry, in anbar, before they even think about going to mosul. And then when they do think about going to mosul, youre talking about more generation of forces. Over the last nine months the iraqi Security Forces have generated about 15,000 under the guidance of army u. S. Military trainers. They need a lot more of that when they start heading toward mosul. They also have to establish some bases on the way. Bob, how important do you think this victory is . Well, brianna, i think its very important. I agree with general hertling. You know, this is a big breakthrough for the iraqi army. Theyve taken back a town apparently without militias. And we have to look what ramadi stands for. Its the tribal capital of iraq or the sunni tribal capital. But really whats important is the followup. If they take ramadi and turn it over to the tribal chiefs and tribal militias and move on up the euphrates and take the other towns and do the same, sort of clear and then put a Good Governance in there of sunni muslims, this will be a great victory. On the other hand they invite shia militias in from the south, it will just prolong the conflict indefinitely. Yeah, it really is just sort of one step in all of this. Thats what weve been hearing today as well as from you, bob. Michael, i want to talk to you about this message that came out over the weekend. Its reportedly from abu bakr al baghda baghdadi, the leader of isis. In this message he warns not to fight on his turf, crusaders and jews dont come what do you think hes trying to accomplish with it . Well, i think hes trying to bait the United States into deploying a massive ground army in both syria and iraq. Now, the irony of this to be frank is actually if you go back to the original ideology of al qaeda in iraq, the predecessor of isis, thats what they wanted. Zakarwi, hes referred to a town in aleppo province, syria, as sort of the platform or staging ground for the end times. Armageddon will be ushered in here when the armies of rome, which is to say the west of course backed by the jews and everyone else face off with the armies of islam which really is only represented only by isis. So i think he is saying, look, put your soldiers in here with the hopes of course that isis would then kill or capture or maim american troops and turn the u. S. Electorate against this Coalition Strategy or this coalition campaign. What do you see the likelihood of that happening, michael . I dont think its going to happen in the near future. Ill be very honest with you, i dont know. It depends on the amount of territory that can be retaken. Just to put the battle of ramadi in perspective, i agree with everything general hertling and bob have said. But this is still, you know, we might be seeing the Tipping Point in this war, but its still too soon to say weve had a strategic success. According to ihs in the last 18 months weve only retaken about 14 of all isis territory spanning both syria and iraq. And i dont think that even encompasses the sort of provinces theyve now set up in libya, yemen, afghanistan, the Sinai Peninsula and in the north caucasus in Russian Federation territory. General hertling, when you look at this message and you hear what michaels saying, hes trying to goad western forces into a fight. What do you thinked chances of that are . Well, im hoping theyre not big chances. Im hoping that percentages remain small. This is not something that we, the western forces, should get involved in on the ground. This is a an arab fight to regain the heart and soul of islam. Its going to be a generational fight. And if we send forces in there as many have suggested we do, its going to contribute to the narrative and continue to cause more challenges with isis. So i think this is as bob said thrks is a good tactical victory. Lets keep moving. Lets take care of it in iraq and then turn our attention primarily to syria. General hertling, michael, bob, thank you so much. Happy new year to you as well. And coming up, donald trump declares that bill clinton is fair game since Hillary Clinton is talking about sexism. Were setting the scene for trumps rally this evening in New Hampshire. And were also keeping our eyes on the dangerous storms that are forming even as millions of texans are coping with damage caused by tornadoes, floods and blizzards. I am about to embark on a long and dangerous journey. Im in search for the elusive. Affordable 2 bedroom apartment. You know what you should do before you start . Whats that . Check your credit score. Why would i need to do that . Somebody else is going to check it, dont you want to know what they might find . Sign up on credit karma. Credit karma . Yeah. Huh, that was easy kinda regret buying all this stuff now. Looks good though, right . Looks great. Ladies love a man in a uniform. Laughs. First step, credit karma. The president ial candidates are back on the campaign trail and in Donald Trumps case slinging mud. In latest tweets are any indications, his talks tonight will include sexism taunts aimed at hillary and now bill clinton. I want to bring in chief Political Correspondent dana bash with this story. They are getting into it. They sure are. We learned today, brianna, that one week from today will be bill clintons 2016 debut on the campaign trail for his wife. That is of course the state that made him the comeback kid back in 1992. But donald trump isnt waiting until next week to pull the former president and all of his baggage into Hillary Clintons campaign. Card and its like give me a break. The way donald trump sees it, to be a winner you have to act like one. So hes ending 2015 as if hes already won the 2016 gop nomination, attacking Hillary Clinton. Ive had so many women come up to me say youve got to keep her out, she is just terrible. Trumps antihillary rants have been nonstop since before christmas when she returned fire. Its not the first time hes demonstrated, you know, penchant for sexism. Now trump is bringing bill clinton into it, the latest on iowa radio this morning. With all of her past and her past dealings and frankly shes been involved in it with her husband as much as anybody, for her to be discussing that i think is out of bounds. And ive let them know that. Trump is doing well with republican women. In the last cnn orc poll, a whopping 69 of female gop voters said they have a favorable view of trump. But its almost the opposite when all female voters are included. 61 view trump unfavorably. The only republican woman running for president is trying to capitalize on the trumpclinton war of words. Look, how about an honest woman . How about a competent woman . How about a qualified woman . But im never going to ask for peoples support because im a woman. Im going to ask for their support because im the most qualified candidate to beat Hillary Clinton. As for trump, his campaign insists hell win by bringing new voters into the gop fold, which is why hes lashing out at Virginia Republicans for a new requirement, to participate in its gop primary voters must sign a Party Loyalty pledge, one of trumps many tweets said, straighten out the Republican Party of virginia before its too late. Stupid. Rnc. Meanwhile, in New Hampshire the conservative union leader, which endorsed Chris Christie, unloaded on trump today for, quote, bathroom humor and verbal bullying. You got my homework finished comparing trump to the bully bif in the movie back to the future. Hello, anybody home . The editorial saying we trust New Hampshire republicans will send bif trump back to somewhere, anywhere, but on the road to the most important elected office in the United States. Despite having his harsh critics, donald trump has admirers too. In fact, gallop came out today with most admired men of the year list, trump tied with the pope as the second most admired man in america. Both were behind president obama. And what about the most admired woman by the way . That is Hillary Clinton. In fact, this is the 14th Straight Year shes topped gallups list. 20th overall. And, brianna, gallup says that is more than any other man or woman since gallup has been doing this since 1948. Wow. Thats pretty amazing. And pope francis and Bernie Sanders and donald trump, thats fascinating. Dana, stay with us as i bring in cnn senior political reporter manu raju and david. You hear donald trump saying, david, that bill clinton is fair game. Hes different than the average candidate spouse for sure. What do you think of that . Yeah, i think bill clinton is fair game. I think when secretary clinton went and made her comments, she kind of made a messaging mistake by making this broad statement that donald trump has a penchant for sexism. Donald trump is a sexist, but if she had instead attacked him specifically for what he said that shed gotten schlonged in 2008 or Carly Fiorina saying things about her face, she would have gotten more attraction. Instead it kind of opened her up to trumps rebuttal and now theyre in this back and forth. So you see it as a mistake. Im hearing from a lot of people, you know, maybe shes not going to, maybe thats not smart, but if you know, were going to see bill clinton, manu, here on the campaign trail, weve seen him beasset. Weve always seen bad bill come with good bill. Thats one thing the clintons are concerned about. Remember in 2008 he certainly said things that took the Clinton Campaign off message, criticized the Obama Campaign for this fairy tale campaign. People thought that interjected race into the debate. Absolutely. Thats the concern whenever bill clinton is speaking. But at the same time, look, theres nobody that can galvanize democratic voters the waybill clinton can. He can really rally the base in a way Hillary Clinton cannot. So he does fill that gap. Despite all the baggage that comes with bill clinton, he did leave office very high Approval Ratings at a similar time in his presidency he had 57 approval rating, barack obama right now with 47 . It shows that he can still do a lot of good for the Hillary Clinton campaign. But for all of the decades now that we have been kind of witnessed to some clinton drama, were talking about bill clinton now, its mostly been with traditional politicians as his political foes. Donald trump has no filter. We know that. Its like guerilla politics. Exactly. He will say things about bill clinton if pushed that nobody else has been able to say, which will take this into a very, very different dimension that we dealt with in the 90s or even in 2008. And that clearly is, i think, what donald trump has been warning about on twitter and then these radio ads. The clinton people want to have to respond to him what does that look like, though . If he sort of says look, you look at jeb bush, look at what donald trump did with jeb bush, he hammers over and over on a certain narrative. Its not a bad thing for him with the folks hes trying to appeal with. Then you see it sort of playing out like that. It could. It just depends if he wants to go there. Look, they do have a history. A good history. I mean, donald trump and bill clinton remember like way back in the day like, i dont know, six months ago when they were really good friends. He wants to be a democrat. Remember that . That was so maybe seven months ago. It depends. But trump has the capacity to be incredibly unfiltered, politically incorrect as his supporters like to say. And who knows where thats going to take us when it comes to bill clinton and his past. Lets talk money now. Because there are reports that Donald Trumps campaign is going to put some money out there that theyre preparing to launch an ad blitz. And we havent seen him do this yet. Why would he do this now, do you think . Well, at a minimum i think he would do that because now were not just talking at polls. In a few weeks were talking about actual voters so its not just enough for trump to get out on the Campaign Trump and say im leading in the polls so that means im great. He has to actually come out and get voters out, get caucus goers out in iowa and primary voters out in New Hampshire. So someone like him who now is sort of in this thing, its not a fluke anymore. Hes got to sort of backstop himself because he wants to backup the talk that hes going to run the table. And it does seem that hes i mean, obviously hes getting a lot of enthusiasm at these rallies. He is getting names, information about people so that they can be contacted. But it also seems like maybe the folks that hes attracting dont tend to be the people who are really fluent in the caucus program, which takes a lot of investment of time and, you know, being well versed on issues and on your candidate, right . Again, i think trump has to sort of demonstrate now that hes serious and not just appealing to the cameras. Whether or not he wins iowa i dont think is a make or break for his campaign. But he certainly cant come in second or third in iowa, second or third in New Hampshire, second or third in South Carolina and expect people to take him as seriously as were taking him now. I think thats a hitch. One thing just to add on the money front, i was talking to a trump source today who said that they had 25 million set aside for ads that they never had to run. They didnt spend one penny of it because hes gotten all of this free media, what they call earned media in the biz. And hes been able to get his message out in how much is twitter 140 characters . Yeah. Its kind of amazing. Without spending a dime when you have all of these other, you know, candidates who have had to spend. Interesting to see how much money he spends on the air attacking his foes in addition to his own positive messaging. Will he go after his best friend ted cruz . Or ted cruz wants him to be his best friend. Will the bromance be over, well see. Thank you so much for being with us. We are following some breaking news. Coming up, officials will explain why a grand jury decided not to indict the Police Officer who shot and killed a 12yearold boy outside of a cleveland Recreation Center. Were also keeping an eye on some dangerous storms that are forming after a deadly weekend of tornadoes, flooding and blizzard conditions. Come on in pop pop. Happy birthday. I just had a heart attack. And now i have a choice. For her. For them. And him. A choice to take brilinta. A prescription for people whove been hospitalized for a heart attack. I take brilinta with a baby aspirin. No more than 100 mg. As it affects how well it works. Its such an important thing to do to help protect against another heart attack. Brilinta worked better than plavix. And even reduced the chances of dying from another one. Dont stop taking brilinta without talking to doctor. Since stopping it too soon increases your risk of clots in your stent, heart attack, stroke, and even death. Brilinta may cause bruising or bleeding more easily or serious, sometimes fatal bleeding. Dont take brilinta if you have bleeding, like stomach ulcers. A history of bleeding in the brain, or severe liver problems. Tell your doctor about bleeding, new or unexpected shortness of breath, any planned surgery and all medicines you take. I will take brilinta today. Tomorrow. And every day for as long as my doctor tells me. Dont miss a day of brilinta. We are following some breaking news in a Police Deadly force case that made nationwide headlines. This afternoon in cleveland officials announced a grand jury returned no indictments after investigating last years Police Shooting of a 12yearold boy. Tamir rice had a pellet gun outside of a Recreation Center, but a dispatcher sent police to the scene without telling them that rice was a juvenile or that his gun may not be real. He was shot and killed seconds after officers arrived. By close examination, especially of what is perhaps the most critical piece of evidence, a very recent enhancement of the Surveillance Video by an Expert Laboratory often relied upon by the fbi, it is now indisputable that tamir was drawing his gun from his waist as the police slid toward him and officer loman exited the car. I want to bring in cnn correspondent jean casarez now. This obviously was key this newly enhanced video when it comes to this decision. Tell us a little more about it. Well, its interesting. They start out by showing a lot of children in the area of the Recreation Center when the cruiser begins to pull up there. And they also then focus in on that tamir rice, the call was he was at a gazebo, but he wasnt. He was at a table and umbrella type of thing. So what happens was that they show this enhanced video of 12yearold tamir rice standing up, putting his hand into his waistband, as if to put a gun in there. Turning around seemingly walking away but then coming in the direction of the cruiser. And then his hand goes back up to the waistband. His jacket goes up. And thats when the officers saw what they said was a gun. So the state of mind of the Police Officers is what is so important in all of this. And it was ten seconds by the time that the cruiser pulled up, the officer got out and shot it was two seconds after the officer got out and shot. And Something Else that we had heard but confirmed today by authorities that the original call from someone at that Recreational Center said, hes probably a juvenile and its probably a fake gun, but the 911 dispatcher in talking to the officers saying we have an active shooter situation did not tell them that. So that was not part of their state of mind as they then got out of the car. And officer loman fired the two shots, one of which entered tamir rices body killing him the next day. And his family at this point, jean, is pushing back against the prosecutor. They say that he made an indictment impossible. How controversial is this decision . Its a very, very harsh statement from the family. We want to show everybody. It says tamirs family is saddened and disappointed by this outcome but not surprised. It has been clear for months now that Cuyahoga County prosecutor Timothy Mcginty was abusing and manipulating the grand jury process to orchestrate a vote against indictment. And we have reached out to the prosecutor for a response to this. And so far he has not returned our calls. All right, jean casarez on this, thanks so much. I do want to get now some insights from one of our cnn legal analysts. Sunny hostin is a former federal prosecutor. Shes joining me now. Sunny, you know this family well. Youve interviewed tamir reeice family many times. Youve heard that statement theyre surprised by this outcome. Youre a former prosecutor so give us your perspective here on how the prosecutor may or may not have impacted this outcome. I will say when the prosecutor had his press conference, brianna, he indicated that while the grand jury did not come down with an indictment, that nonindictment was in line with what his recommendation was. He told the world he did not want to prosecute this case and he did not want to indict this case and thats what happened. People need to understand prosecutors are in control when it coals to the grand jury. Prosecutors decide who goes in front of the grand jury, which evidence is presented in front of the grand jury and which charges are brought in front of the grand jury. In my experience, ive never presented in front of the grand jury and not resulted in an indictment. Its quite shocking, quite frankly, he would say that he didnt think that it was an appropriate case to indict because if you look at the facts of this case and by the way, this happened november 22nd, 2014. I can tell you it doesnt take over a year, over a year to indict a case like this or to present this kind of case to the grand jury. So i think that you must understand that while this family isnt surprised by the outcome, i am surprised by the outcome. And youre saying that he sort of inappropriately put his finger on the scale of justice here. Would you go as far to say you think its a miscarriage of his, i guess, authority and responsibility . Well, i am prepared to say i think this case screamed out for a special prosecutor. I think people will be uncomfortable with the process here. I think it doesnt take a year to investigate and present a case in front of the grand jury and interestingly enough, when you think about the pacts of this case, neither officer testified in front of the grand jury yet many of their statements were presented to the grand jury and in one statement, one of the officers indicated he asked asked tamir rice three times to show his hands. When he exited the vehicle he shot tamir rice in two seconds. How is it possible that it is reasonable for an officer to demand that someone compile with his or her officer orders rather but not give that person time to compile. There is no way that two seconds is enough time to assess what was happening here. Thats part of the reason why this is certainly so controversial and sunny, we do really appreciate your insight on this case that i know youve been paying so much attention to. Thanks so much. Thanks, brianna. Were following Severe Weather that killed at least two dozen people in three states. Flooding, tornados, blizzard conditions impacted millions of americans and its not over yet. Nick valencia is in garland, texas, a town devastated by a strong tornado. Tell us what the area is facing now as they look unfortunately towards snow and frigid temperatures. Reporter that is, of course, the concern brianna after what they have gone through in the course of the last 48 hours. Weve been here all day long at this site and within the last couple hours, weve begun to see more residents trickle back in to sift through belongings. Some residents said they had little if not time at all to prepare for shelter. I thought it was dead, you know. I was waiting for the tornado to suck me out. But it didnt. Life gave me a second chance. Reporter for josh white, the chance to walk away from a deadly e4 tornado here in garland, texas almost didnt come. I was running towards my closet and the doors and everything started caving in and stuff started flying through the windows. I could hear it hitting us, bricks. Reporter he hid with his wife and 5yearold son with just a mattress to protect them from winds up to 200 miles per hour. This made me realize how fragile life is, you know, but try to do better. Reporter 11 people were killed in texas alone this weekend when tornados ripped through the state tearing apart buildings, leaving skeleton structures and shattered wood behind. The destructive winds are part of a massive storm system reeking havoc with a deadly mix of tornados, ice, blizzards and flooding. Stretching from new mexico to maine. At least two dozen people have died and more than 100 million more could be affected by severe storms, flooding and snow from the same system. White gathers his belongings in just a sweatshirt while others are digging out of the blizzard conditions. Texas a among the hardest hit with illinois and missouri, each reporting multiple deaths. At least four International Soldiers stationed at Fort Leonard Wood perished in missouri when their car was over taken by rising water. They did find two individuals in the car. We found two other men that were actually outside of the vehicle that were in the creek. Reporter now as hundreds of americans are beginning to see the destruction left in the storms path, millions more are bracing for whats next. Josh white says hell be there to help anyone who needs him. Everybody never expects this. I mean, once you go through it, it changes your life forever. You want to help people now, you know. Reporter of course, we must remember the victims of the 11 people that died in the dallas area, eight of them perished here in garland. The youngest victim had just turned a year old two weeks ago. Brianna . Thats a horrible loss. Nick valencia in garland, texas. Thank you so much. We do have breaking news next. Iraqi forces retaking a city, a key city from isis vowing to oust terrorist forces from the country completely. Jusdoes that mean they have toer grow apart from their friends, or from the things they love to do . With right at home, it doesnt. Right at homes professional team thoughtfully selects caregivers to help with personal care, housekeeping, meals, and most of all, staying engaged in life. Oh, thank you, thank you. Youre welcome. Are you ready to go . Oh, i sure am. We can provide the right care, right at home. Happening now, breaking news, ousting isis, iraqi forces celebrating they freed the city of ramadi. Is this a turning point in the war or is isis going to regroup and retaliatretaliate . New terror warning, several cities warned of possible attacks. What they are learning about the threat and whether its credible. In indictment. A grand jury decides not to charge Police Officers in the shooting death of a 12yearold boy carrying a toy gun. Well talk about the fallout from the tamir rice case and the outrage against Police Shootings nationwide. And trumps new target, hes not only lashing out at Hillary Clinton, hes dragging her husband into the war of words. Were standing by to hear from trump on the clintons, sexism and whether the former president is fair game. We want to welcome our viewers in the United States and around the world. Wolf blitzer is off. Im brianna keilar. Youre the situation room. This is cnn breaking news. We have breaking news tonight, a bombshell decision in the deadly Police Shooting of a 12yearold boy. A grand jury in ohio has decided not to indict officers involved in the killing of tamir rice. The Prosecutor Says its reasonable to believe the pellet gun rice was carrying could be mistaken by officers to be a real weapon and what added fuel about Police Violence against african americans. Also breaking, iraq is claims its first major victory against isis and raising the flag over ramadi. Iraqi forces say they liberated the city six months or so after their humiliating defeat there. The United States is more cautious warning the battle for ramadi is not over yet. Might isis retaliate with a stunning new about of terror. Tonight several european cities have been warned of possible attacks between christmas and new years eve. Ill be asking congressman andre carson what hes learning about that as a member of the House Intelligence Committee and core sprespondents and analysts are standing by. First lets go to elyce, she has more on the situation in ramadi. The iraqis acknowledge there are still pockets of isis there in the city. A lot of praise for iraqi forces calling the retaking of the center of ramadi a significant accomplishment but the u. S. Is cautioning the next steps are equally important to hold ramadi and build upon the gains. Claiming a quote epic victory, the iraqi army announced the liberation of ramadi just 60 miles west of baghdad. Drone Surveillance Footage shows the moment iraqi troops raised the National Flag over the government complex. Translator the city of ramadi has been liberated. Reporter u. S. Led Coalition Air strikes aided newly trained iraqi forces who called in isis targets. Today the coalition, though not ready to declare the city liberated called the success a quote proud moment for iraq. The iraqi forces have made great progress over the last week or so. Reporter celebrations could be short lived, pockets of resistance remain with hundreds of explosives planted by the terror group. Also still unclear, whether iraqi forces can hold the city and stop shiite militias from reigniting sectarian tensions. This needs to be an inclusive governmental approach. Iraqi armed forces need to show they are committed to the process. Reporter retaking the capital and largest Population Center of the predominantly sunny province, a symbolic very to victory, an embarrassing defeat that had secretary carter questioning resolve. They failed to fight. They with drew from the site. Reporter just weeks ago carter urged iraqs Prime Minister to move north toward mo mosul where Abu Bakr Albaghdadi declared. We want to help you build success in ramadi and move towards mosul. Reporter north of baghdad and sinjar mountain where the fight against isis began, b bagdadi says isis remains strong promising an epic final battle. Today iraqi Prime Minister tweeted what he called complete confidence iraqis are going to Liberate Mosul but Spokesman Says first the iraqis have a lot of work to retake and secure the province but mosul is considered the big prize in freeing iraq, brianna and from isis and the Coalition Says its determineed to help the iraqis do that. It will obviously take some time. Well see what pans out. Thank you so much. The white house says that president obama is briefed on the Iraqi Militarys progress against isis in ramadi. Lets go to our senior White House Correspondent with the president in hawaii and the president is on vacation, jim, but certainly terror concerns are very front and center for him. Hes being brief and very much being kept in the loop of what is going on. Reporter absolutely, brianna. The president may be on vacation here in hawaii but white house Officials Say he is receiving updates on the war on isis, especially on what is happening in the key iraqi city of ramadi where the terrorists are on the run. Its the news the president will welcome as americans appear to be losing faith in his isis plan. With the u. S. Led coalition at war with isis half a world away, president obama just got a fresh reminder during his vacation in hawaii americans are worried that terrorists are winning the fight. A new cnn orc poll Shows Americans lost confidence in the obama administrations ability to defeat isis and prevent another terrorist attack. 64 disapproval of the handling of isis and 65 believe the government can prevent against an attack. That frustrated the president. Im confident well prevail. Mr. Obama wants people to feel the confidence and asked top officials across the government to do a better job of selling another isis plan. I think there is a legitimate criticism of what ive been doing and our administration has been doing in the sense that we havent, you know, on a regular basis, i think, described all the work that weve been doing for more than a year now to defeat isil. Now the president may be able to point to progress after iraqi Security Forces combined with the support of Coalition Air strikes apparently succeeded in driving isis out of the crucial city of ramadi. Even republicans in congress are optimist optimistic. Seemed like a victory. We should proceed with caution. If we hold ramadi, this is a good thing for our strategy in that region and against isis and these are the types of things that we should be doing more. Reporter it could be a vindication of the approach to rely on iraqi and Syrian Forces instead of u. S. Troops on the ground. The latest poll finds americans are split right down the middle whether to send Ground Troops to fight isis which explains why the president is resistant to a move as he said last month defending his isis strategy. Why cant we take out these bastards . I spent the last three questions answering that question. We can retake territory and as long as we leave our troops there, we can hold it, but that does not solve the underlying problem of eliminating the dynamics that are producing these kind of violent extremists groups. Reporter Senior Administration official says the retaking of ramadi would be a significant step forward but the battle is not over yet adding more work needs to be done to clear the crucial city. Brianna . Jim accoosta traveling with e president. Andre carson of indiana, congressman, thanks so much for being with us and i want to hear what you think about certainly you see those poll numbers and i wonder if you think that the president has had the right messaging, the right tone, the right strategy when it comes to the threat from isis. I think so. I think the president has been very introspective and looking at tightening internal controls within administration and the intelligence apparatus. I will say that the work that weve done in the region has been proven to be successful as weve seen. There is still much more work to do as weve heard from iraqi officials in terms of clearing the certain areas within the city as it were, looking for land mines and bombs placed in houses and even apartments and our next stop, of course, is mosul, which seems to be isils strongest stronghold and once we clear out mosul which has a high population, i think we can get to the real work of desimilar nating and eliminating isil across the board. Whats the issue . We look at the poll numbers and they are startling because you have 51 of americans say they dont think the government or they believe the government can prevent a terrorist attack and obviously, you know, thats a significant change. They think the government can. You see how thats different and further more, there are a number of americans or there is a bigger percentage of people who were trusting george w. Bush when it came to terrorism over president obama. I know thats not a number that the white house would welcome. What do you think is behind that . I think its difficult on one end you have leaders of many nations who demonize america and public and behind closed doors they are asking for our help. I think in many ways our motives have been impugned or questioned as it relates to our presence there and motivation behind their Natural Resources but it is clear our military and intelligence efforts helped. They helped with training purposes and helped to neutralize many extremists threats. Er the larger question becomes as the u. S. , russia and europe, as we debate what must happen to bring forth a democratic syria, its clear our combined efforts have helped to decimate the isil threat. Stay with us. Were getting more information about threats in european cities and obviously wondering if they are credible. Well ask you about that after the break. Our most popular sma. Like the Samsung Galaxy s6. Buy one get one free. So spread some cheer. And capture every minute of it. 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We are back now with House Intelligence Committee member andre carson. We have breaking news, iraq is claiming it freed the key city of ramadi from the grip of isis. This is happening as cities have been warned of possible terror attacks this week. Congressman, carson, youve heard about the threat, possible terror attacks between christmas and new years day. Do you know if there is any known threats to the homeland as we head into this holiday . Clearly im not at liberty to talk about the matters. American citizens should be ever cautious during the Holiday Season and especially at large gatherings being aware of surroundings and listening to alerts from the department of Homeland Security and local Law Enforcement. Would you say that people should avoid large gatherings or i mean, is this sort of the specific venue that something could happen . No, i mean, i think this is this would be playing into the hands of those who wish to do us harm. I think we should go on about our lives and leave and leave the work up to the Intelligence Community and Law Enforcement community, however, if we see something, we should say something. Is there anything specific they should be looking for or any sort of advice you might give . I think you should look for suspicious activity and you should look, go to the dhs, department of Homeland Securitys website and look for the indicators of suspicious activity and look for indicators, as well. Lets talk about this message. Purportly from the leader of isis Abu Bakr Albaghdadi, its a very long message obviously meant to kind of pump up isis fighters, maybe go to the u. S. Into further conflict. Do you have reason to believe this is the real deal and authentic . Well, one thing that albaghdadi said that is true, he said the world is against d. A. S. H. Or isil. Thats right. Were seeing the Global Community unite. Were seeing our friends in the arab league and nations unite against this growing threat. I think its clear that well lean more and more on our friends in the arab league and organization of islamic conferences to really ultimately eliminate this threat. Were fighting not only an extremists battle but fighting an ideal logical batting that has to be dismantled and disrupted. Were seeing successes as weve seen and the next stop is mosul. Next hour i did ask congressman pete king about his call to increase surveillance of muslims, mosques really to look in muslim communities in this fight against terror. He staunchly defended this idea. He says it would not hurt relationships between muslims and Law Enforcement. What do you think . Pete king is my friend but i disagree with it. Weve seen the disaster that hoovers internal intelligence was and this is not correct. I support administration counter violent extremism strategy where there is an attempt to work with faith leaders across the spectrum to work with Mental Health professionals and educators and to work with congress in terms of gaining a greater understanding, not only of their surroundings but of pushing back on extremists influences and to eliminate those who are becoming selfradicalized. Congressman, carson, thanks for taking the time to be with us and happy new year to you if we dont see you before 2016. Thank you. Just ahead, Donald Trumps onetwo punch against the clintons. He says hillary is playing the woman card and hes accusing bill of sexism. Ill ask rand paul for his reaction and what is next in the rice case . Now that the grand jury decided not to charge the officers involved in the 12yearolds death. We are standing by to hear from donald trump. He has a Campaign Event in New Hampshire tonight as hes deep into a new war of words with Hillary Clinton and now, hes dragged bill clinton into the fray saying the former president s past is fair game. Sarah murray is awaiting the event. Sarah, tell us, there is new response to the attacks. Reporter youre absolutely right as we see trump escalate the attacks not just against Hillary Clinton but also against bill clinton. The Clinton Campaign put out a statement saying Hillary Clinton is not going to be intimidated or bullied or disappoint straktstrak distracted by the attacks. Weeks before the iowa caucuses, it seems nothing is off limits. She was favored to win and she got schlonged. Reporter now trading sexism. Shes playing the womens card. Give me a break. Reporter and trump is taking aim at bill clinton for past infidelities and allegations of sexual harassment. He is fair game because his presidency is considered to be very troubled to put it mildly because of all of the things shes talking to me about. Shes mentioning sexism. Reporter he tweeted if hill ri thinks she can unleash her husband with a terrible record of women abuse, while playing the womans card on me, shes wrong. I dont know that he has boundaries and his bigotry, bluster, bullying have become his campaign. Reporter trumps hash words towards the clintons, a sharp turn around from his view. In a 2008 interview with wolf blitzer he dismissed bills indesecrations as inimportant. Look at the trouble bill clinton got into with something that was totally unimportant and they tried to impeach him, which was none sesense. Reporter it could fuel her own supporters. Meanwhile, trump is waging war on other fronts. Today facing sharp criticism from jeb bush. Donald trump is not serious about being a candidate. Hes a great politician. He fills the space. Hes the chaos candidate and he would be the chaos president of the United States. Reporter and launching a flurry of tweets slamming the virginia gop for requiring voters to declare their republicans. Saying straighten out the Republican Party of virginia before it is too late. Trump is getting a frosty welcome in New Hampshire, too, as the Union Leaders publisher releases an editorial slamming trump as a crude blow hard. Today, trump firing back calling publisher joe mcquaid a low life. Hes a real low life, no question about it. Reporter and taking a shot at Chris Christie over bridge gate. Right as his fortunes are improving in the granite state. Chris cant win because of his past and i dont believe youre heard the last of the George Washington bridge because there is no way he didnt know about the closure. Reporter these are the sharpest words against trump so far. It gives you a sense that trump is not willing to pull any punches as we get closer to the first voting states in iowa and New Hampshire. Well see if he brings any attacks to the stump here tonight. Sarah murray with donald trump in New Hampshire. Thank you. I want to get reaction to trumps latest attacks and counter attacks from one of his republican rivals. Senator and president ial candidate rand paul is joining us live from his home state of kentucky. Senator, thanks so much for being with us during this holiday break and, you know, listening to donald trump go after bill clinton, of course, it reminds us that you went after him, as well. What is your reaction to Donald Trumps criticism of bill clinton saying that hes fair game and i just have to say this, do you think trump is just jumping on the land wagon so to speak . [ laughter ] you know, i dont think its hillarys fault her husband had serial infidelities. I think there is question that has to do with the law. The law is specific on how you treat women in the workplace and i think if you have an er man who is their superior and a liaison, most would be fired. When bill clinton did with Monica Lewinsky would cause him to be fired. I dont think its hilarys fault shes married to a man that does this but a question what kind of laws we should have and how you should treat women in the workplace. Do you see politically any downside to criticizing or slamming bill clinton in this way . No, like i say, i dont think its hillarys fault but bill clinton is who he is and there are laws we have and social norms and men are not allowed to pray on women at the workplace and i do think that though bill clinton treated Monica Lewinsky, that wouldnt be tolerated anywhere in america and got a free pass the first time. This isnt Hillary Clintons fault but the thing is is that if shes for Workplace Equality and if shes for changing the laws to make it better for women, then she needs to there is going to be this distinction brought up or this problem or irony brought up thaterthat er her husband seemed to be a great abuser. Shes taken donations from countries that have some of the worst rights, records, saudi arabia, brunei, they stone women and wihip women that have been raped from being raped. She does have a womens problem and i think its not apparent yet because she gets a pass from some of the media but boy, shes going to have explaining to do if shes the nominee and if we have a nominee that will challenge her on the issues. I want to get your opinion of this Virginia Republican Party Loyalty pledge that they have instituted, donald trump attacked this. Do you think this pledge is a good idea . I havent seen the pledge but i do think that in someways, we all run as republicans, we do have loyalty to the party but i havent seen the pledge. I do think, though, that we benefit. When i ran in a primary, i took a pledge to support the eventual nominee, i needed the support. Whether or not it needs to be a written oath or pledge, you know, i dont have a strong opinion because i havent looked at the oath. Okay. I want to turn now and talk about some really interesting polling that weve gotten. I do want to note this polling happened before this news on ramadi but this sababout the wan terror and where americans think the country is. Our new poll released today shows only 51 of americans believe the government can prevent a terrorist attack. Do you think americans should be that concerned . Well, you know, i think terrorist attacks are very difficult to prevent and there are some that may be nearly impossible to prevent. That doesnt mean we shouldnt do more. We should do more. I think we should have more scrutiny of those who travel to our country. All of the hijackers on 9 11 came here legally. They came here with visas but i dont think we adequately police our visa system. I dont think we have adequate background checks on people before they come here. I also think we should do more but makes a difference whether you do the right thing or not. Toppling assad in syria will make isis stronger, however, i think russia already has a big presence and then i think we should have a conversation with russia and see where our interest coincide if there was a peace or seize fire in syria, i think that would go a long way towards stabilizing the region so isis can be wiped out. It will take a coalition of all the surrounding countries and i believe ultimately, muslim boots on the ground so while im for doing more, not with american troops on the ground, it more with arab boots on the ground. I want to talk to you finally about your campaign and where you see it going at this point in time. Youve been struggling to get some of that enthusiasm that i know you would like to see as you look toward another debate, the possibility of being on an under card debate if that cants. Where are you on that . Well, you know, the good news is the last two National Polls, one by cnn and one by another organization today, cnns poll showed me in sixth place the National Poll today showed me in fourth place or fifth place, so by the critera we have now, i would make it and i think thats only fair. I do think, though, it would be a mistake to exclude jeb bush or exclude people who have nationwide campaigns, have raised significant amount of money and have a ground game in the early primary states. So i will continue to argue that people who have legitimate nationwide campaigns shouldnt be excluded and that it is a big deal. Its a huge deal for, you know, to exclude christie or bush from the stage. I think really in the end makes it almost impossible to rebound from that so i will make the argument that the debates need to include everybody that has a legitimate national campaign. Look, the polling has been notoriously wrong. In kentucky they were off 13 points one week before. I think we ought to base it on the elections, letting voters have a chance and not predeciding the outcome but covering only those who have higher numbers in polls that still include a lot of undecid d undecides. I dont think there is rhyme or reason to the polls. We have to be careful about predeciding any elections. Senator land paul, thank you and happy new year to you if we dont see you before 2016 begins. Thank you, happy new year to you guys, too. I want to bring in dana bash and republican strategists an c madden. Dana, that was pretty interesting i think what larand paul said. He has Hillary Clinton has an issue. Donald trump attacking bill clinton, do you think other republicans are going to follow his lead . Well, first of all, lets take a step back and we know because weve been watching it for the past, what, six or eight months, republicans have been going after Hillary Clinton like gang busters because it is kind of easy red meat for the conservative base. The difference now is that donald trump is doing it in a much more personal way. Much more personal way. Much more aggressive way. But i think that what rand paul just said was fascinating when it comes to kind of trying to redirect the argument and making it about her and not him. She does have things to answer for about the foundation taking money from countries that dont have really good records when it comes to women and hes also not wrong about the fact that 20, 25 years ago, when bill clinton had these problems with Monica Lewinsky and other women, there was there were people in the political world, whether it was at his behest or not that went after these women and they became victims and thats something maybe not other republican candidates but maybe donald trump will be very eager to bring up of this war of words continues. If a candidate, donald trump or another candidate brings up some of bill clintons past indiscretions, makes an issue. Isnt there a risk of personalizing Hillary Clinton and making her similympathetic . I think it depends on the candidate. I think donald trump is uniquely situated to do this, to prosecute this line of attack in a much better way because people know who donald trump is and they sort of equate this line of attack with something that they like about him in the sense that hes not timid the way some other candidates may have been and he is willing to bring it up and he is willing to call Hillary Clinton out in the democrats out and main stream media, lets not forget them, on this particular issue and support of bill clinton. Other candidates have so much more they need to do in telling the story about themselves and why they should be president that it would actually it could potentially hurt them. No doubt this is something that really does scratch an itch among some of the most vocal base republican supporters because they believe mitt romney or john mccain in prosecuting the cases were too timid. So they like that quality. Peter, what do you think about this . This sort of back and forth that donald trump is doing and what hes saying about bill clinton is really eyebrow raising. Its good for donald trump because republicans base voters hate Hillary Clinton and good for Hillary Clinton because they hate donald trump but i think its worth remembering how this started. This started because donald trump made a reference to the fact that Hillary Clinton going to the bathroom during the democratic debate was quote unquote disgusting. That was absurd and appalling comment. What bill clinton did with Monica Lewinsky and worse with other women was deeply problematic but there was differences. It happened almost 20 years ago and bill clinton is not running for president. Hillary clinton is not responsible for what bill clinton did. I dont see the logic whatsoever in trying to suggest that she is in an equal position as donald trump here. And i want to get a final thought from you, kevin, my republican friend on Bernie Sanders going after donald trump supporters. You see do you see that happening . [ laughter ] i just dont see how the average donald trump supporter right now will get a phone call or some sort of knock on the door from donald trump and actually that working. I just it seems like they are from two different political universals. What do you think, dana . I think at first blush thats probably right but this could be a moment that the far right and far left kind of meet in the middle in terms of who they are looking for. I think they will be very few voters that really can turn to one and turn to the other and say maybe im choosing between the two of them but it is possible. Peter, quick, quick final thought to you. What do you think about that . Well, bernie, donald trump and Bernie Sanders supporters have some of the same problems but they have totally different people they blame for it, right . Bernie sanders people are focussing on wall street and trump people focussing on mexicans and muslims and you cant convince them those are the wrong scapegoats to have. Where is the over lap . We shall see. Peter, kevin, dana, you guys are great. We have breaking news next, the first protest after a grand jury decides against indicting two Police Officers who shot and killed a 12yearold boy carrying a toy gun. Youre watching this unfolding reaction. Checking out the listing on zillyeah, i like it. This place has a great backyard. I cant believe were finally doing this. All of this. Stacey, benjamin. This is daniel. Youre not just looking for a house. Youre looking for a place for your life to happen. Zillow. More breaking news tonight, the Justice Department says it will continue its civil rights investigation into the Fatal Police Shooting of a 12yearold ohio boy. This just hours after a grand jury decided not to indict officers involved in the death of tamir rice. Rice was playing with a toy pellet gun outside of a Recreation Center outside of his home when he was shot last year. The prosecutor said it was reasonable for the police to believe the fake gun was a real weapon. The mistakes and communications by all involve that day, the evidence did not indicate criminal conduct by police. I want to talk about this now with cnn anchor don lemon and cnn legal analyst and criminal defense attorney joey jackson and analyst and former fbi assistant director tom fuentes. Don, first you to you, react to the news, the family says they are disappointed but not surprised. What do you think . I cant feel the way the family feels. Ive been saddened by this since it happened, not just for the decision not to indict. Its awful all the way around. No one wins when you have a boy, a young boy who was killed accidently by police. I think probably there will be some protests when it comes to this, but i also think that in trying to show people how they came to their decision, i think that the prosecutor and the officials did a fairly good job of explaining why they came to the conclusion they came to and also, you know, calling on gun manufacturers not to make toy guns look so real. So again, its sad, you know, there is nothing you can say to the family or to anyone, really, you know, to make any difference in this situation. Joey, do you think the prosecutor did what he should have done here . Brianna, i think the problem, good evening, by the way, the process is certainly being called into question. Why do i say that . When you deal with something as significant as this, you want the community to be rest assured that everything that needed to be explored would have been explored and the problem with any local prosecutor, prosecuting a case is that they are so close to it and if you can just imagine this, the fact is is that in any grand jury proceeding, the prosecutor is the judge, jury and executioner. I can tell you that generally grand juries do what you ask them to do and so the manner in which you present the case and the manner in which you present the information, flow of the information, what they see and dont is largely controlled by you. I think if you want transparency, if you want a process that involves Community Trust and respect, it has to go to someone whose independent and if thats the case, then if there is a conclusion, everyone can say they heard everything. I buy into it. I respect it. As its constituted that is a process, its hard to know and give the Community Trust that the right thing happened here and thats the issue, i think. The federal investigation, joey, the Cleveland Police Department Still facing that. Where does that go from here . Well, i think there are two things, brianna. We have to be mindful of the fact there was a recommendation by the Justice Department with respect to a pattern and practice of evaluation that came out in december of last year that demonstrated that there were gross deficiencies with the way that policing was done in the community and so the pattern and practice established there are things that are a miss with that particular department and thats another reason why you dont want the local prosecutor p presiding over the case and issuing a recommendation not to indict. In terms of specifically how the grand jury, you know, how things went in this case, now it goes to the Justice Department. Now we know that the Justice Department is evaluating this but its such a High Standard when youre looking at a federal investigation, they are looking at was there an intentional and willingful deprivation of the civil rights of tamir rice. The tools the locals have in terms of the state in charging reckless murder, negligent, criminally negligent homicide, there are tools that can be used that the federal government doesnt have to ensure Community Trust and respect for the final outcome. Tom, you were a Police Officer for many years. Maybe you can provide that perspective in this. You have a lot of people looking at this and say this was a kid. These Police Officers rolled up very close to this child. How did they not give him a little more latitude as they approached him . Do you say . Some of the things are not really fair to the officer. Im not saying did cu gsaying, shooting yet. The officers dont know he was. We have gang members on the street shooting each other that are 14, 15 years old. They have no trouble pulling the trigger, either getting a gun and using it to kill other young people. Thats number one. Number two, i was a fire instructor for most of my 36 years in Law Enforcement and i can tell you from me to you right here if i was holding this gun, you could not tell me you said the other officer shouldnt have rolled up so close. Thats a separate issue. Starting if the gun, there is no way for that officer to know if thats a real gun or not. They look identical. You cant see one is plastic. People reported there were a lot of children in the park. It might have been the officer thats driving judgment to use that car as a shield to prevent if tamir rice is really a bad guy, to get between him and the kids playing and use that police car as a shield. There are things that have automatically been used against the officers when there is a good reason. All right. Tom fuentes and don is going to be back here at 10 00 p. M. Eastern for his program cnn tonight. Were going to have much more news ahead. As we near the end of 2015, cnn is exploring the epidemic of heroin addiction. Its getting more National Attention as this crisis grows deadlier. Tonight, dr. Sanjay gupta talks to an athleteturned addict who got hooked. Reporter when he was just 8 years old, he became obsessed with gymnastics. He was so good, that his dreams of going to the olympics were within reach. He couldnt imagine that a dental procedure when he was 19 would derail those dreams and start a whole new obsession with prescription pain pills. It just worked. You know, it clicked. Its like the stars were aligned and ive never felt anything like it. Reporter this time, it was percocet but the high joe felt from all sorts of opiates eventually led him to heroin, one of the most dangerously addicted substances on the planet, nearly impossible to escape. As hard as he tried, joe was among 78 of heroin addicts who relapse over and over again. A relapse he would encounter when he worked at the New York Times. I was 27 years old and the New York Times had sent me to rehab. I was so grateful, still am. And it was there that a therapist suggested i go back to something i was passionate about, which was gymnastics. In my eyes, i was a failure in j gymnastics. To go to that sport was to walk into humiliation. I went back to it in rehab i started doing handstands and pushups to gain a sense of what that would look like and this fire inside of me i should say a spark kind of ignited. Reporter no surprise, it felt pretty good. And after rehab, joe caught a break and started performing on broadway. But the thing about heroin is that the possibility of a relapse was always waiting there for him in the wings. I managed to stay clean for a year and a half and i was amazing my life had changed. I was performing on broadway. I couldnt believe it. You know, i was a heroin addict and here i am performing on broadway. Reporter but it was another visit to the dentist, another prescription, this time for vicodin and then i took it as prescribed and within four hours i was shooting heroin. Reporter four hours . Yep. On broadway. Reporter you were clean for a year and a half, performing on broadway, you get an fda approved medication from a doctor and within four hours yeah. It woke up something ancient in me. Reporter you took that vicodin. Again, a year and a half clean . Yeah. Reporter describe, again, what did you feel . Like i came home, you know. Like oh, ive missed you. Reporter stories about recovery are almost always messy. People move forward a little and then may slip back even more. But for joe, each time it did become easier. These were all my emergency room overdoses and everything like that. I need to see a reminder, you know, of who i was. Reporter the same obsessions that fueled his addiction also fueled his dazzling performances, like this one as the crystal man. Soldiers pushed back, stunning to watch but also putting so much pressure on his upper body. For two years, his injuries mounted. Joe would eventually need surgery. Painful surgery. He knew one thing, though, pain pills could not be allowed. Because the risk of relapse was too great. I know your goal. Yeah. Your goal is to avoid anything that you had a problem with in the past. Of course. You decided to let us follow you along for your shoulder operation. Why did you do that . At first i didnt want to because it felt like a very private thing and then i remembered what i had gone through and i was like, this could actually help people. Reporter joe came through those operations with flying colors. Instead instead of opiodes, he was given be a tie inflammatories and acupuncture. He got back to school, was exercising again and then he needed another operation. This time, his ankle. I was getting my ankle operated on. It was not as nearly severe as my shoulders. I had done everything we had in place for my shoulders. I told them what medications i can have, what i cant have. And the day of surgery, theres like a fivepage document that you sign and on every single one where it says allergy, it said no opiates in big letters. They know weve talked about it. Real estate i im waking up out of surgery and it feels like someone sawed my ankle in half because its kind of what happened and the nurse said, are you in pain . I said yes. I wasnt even awake and all of a sudden i felt something, that thing, that ancient feeling, like, oh, my god. And i said, what did you just give me . And she says, ventinil. And i was like, oh, my god. So i freaked out because it just felt good, you know. Its like, i was eight years clean and i was like i was drugged. Reporter whether or not the nurse simply forgot or theres still a fundamental misunderstanding about the severity of addiction, joe was in trouble again. But this time, the brutal years he had endured through recovery paid off. This time, there were no more pills. No more heroin. No more relapse. So, this is the old apartment i used to live in. Reporter literally across the hall . Yep. 18 years ago when i was a heroin addict. It was actually during 9 11 and my apartment was full of syringes and its interesting now, living the life i do, because you make that one decision that changes your life. When i walk down the hall, i take a right and not a left. Reporter that was the old you. This is the new you. Yep. Reporter and his first obsession, his first love, really, is still very much a part of his life. Is this a sanctuary for you now, the gym . Yes. This is pretty much where ive done my recovery, not just from surgery but also where i come to when i was a lot of emotion in sobriety. Reporter the gym is now a refuge. A sort of place of safety. Far, far away from his addiction to heroin. Addiction is the only cell where the key is on the inside and i dont live i dont live in that cell anymore. Reporter dr. Sanjay gupta, cnn, new york. Thank you so much for watching. Im brianna keilar. Erin Burnett Outfront starts right now. Next, donald trump speaking live in this hour before a big New Hampshire crowd hours after he accuses Hillary Clinton of playing the woman card. In plus, the leader of isis threatening attacks on america. And prosecutors finding an officer was justified when he shot a 12yearold black boy. Tonight they are offering video that proves the officer did nothing wrong. Lets go outfront. Good evening. Im erin burnett. Outfront tonight, trump taking on clinton. Both of them. Donald trump today saying Hillary Clinton is playing the quote unquote womans card. And donald trump is putting bill clintons past on the table

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