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Reporter this was the scene when his parents finally arrived to bobbys bedside. You realize that he could be going any time. Reporter there had been so much bleeding within the brain, his skull could not contain the swelling. Every part of his brain was affected. But the family shrugged off the horror of the situation to fight. I talked to him while he was in coma to fight your way, come back to us. Reporter little did they know that that fight would link them to the sole survivor of a mining disaster. Tonight, 13 coal miners trapped nearly two miles inside a West Virginia mine. Reporter a few years before bobbys car barrelled off that road, 13 miners huddled together in the mine, as the deadly air space was around them. Dr. Julian bales was the surgeon. He had had a massive heart attack from the poisoning, in liver and kidney failure, with a collapsed lung. Reporter his body somehow recovered. The question was, would his brain do the same . Can you quantify that somebody like he would recover, that he would have a meaningful recovery . We felt, and the evidence supports it was truly a long shot. Reporter but bales was putting together a plan to save his brain. High doses of omega 3 fatty acids, fish oil. So the concept was then to try to rebuild his brain from what he was when he was an embryo in his mothers womb. But we gave him a very high dose, to make sure it was sat rate ed, with very high doses. Had that been done before . No. Reporter in higher studies, omega 3 seemed to help the brain, could an injured brain be similarly restored . And if so how . If you have a brick wall and it gets damaged, would you want to use bricks to repair the wall . And omega 3 fatty acids are literally the acids in the brain. Reporter during the traumatic incident, the nerve cells reduce inflammation, and keep the brain cells from dying. The problem . Few human studies had proven this theory. Ten days after his accident, bobby was still in a coma. If he ever comes out of the coma, we dont know what kind of shape he is going to be in. And it was really hard to hear that, okay, he lived. He survived. And then now what . So they saved his life, but we dont have anything that h p helps from that point forward. And i would love to have you on the show. Reporter dr. Michael louis, a former army colonel and former researcher, believes that fish oil could be the missing link. Ultimately we need to get it in the scientific literature, to prove it. Reporter after bobbys accident, he got a desperate call from peter, and after some explaining asked him. What do you think about the idea of using high Dose Fish Oil like they used with randy mcclay . The Carbon Monoxide level was really high, i had no explanation of how i escaped it. Reporter but mccloys case was just one, and it remains to be seen if omega oil was really the key. The next step . Convincing bobbys doctors. It was a fight, they didnt see, they said there was just one case. I need a thousand cases to be proven, before maybe i can give this to your son. He literally had to lay down in the middle of the floor and throw a tantrum until they started to put it down his childs feeding tube. Reporter the tantrum worked. And two weeks after starting his fish oil regimen, and case study two, bobby woke from his coma. About two months after that he attended his high school graduation. They all stood up and were screaming and cheering my name. I took my graduation cap off, and waved it around. Reporter the common numbers for him and mccloy, devastating brain injuries, and then omega 3 fish oil. But did the omega 3 hasten their recovery . For now, we do not know. I absolutely believe that it made a huge difference in bobbys recovery. And this is pure speculation. He never would have come out of a coma if it had not been for the use of the omega 3s to allow that Natural Healing process to occur. Reporter they became paid consultants after treating the two boys. Since then, they have seen omega 3 work in similar cases. And they believe working daily, it could form a lubricant, they call it, against future brain injury. Is this a big deal to you . It is a big deal, there is no known solution, or drug, that we really have to offer these sorts of patients. It is really fascinating stuff. But it is still very early, as well. Dr. Louis says the next step is a large clinical scale trial to see if they can use these for benefit, there are virtually no side effects from taking fish oil. More to come, youre at risk for cancer, so what do you do . Next up, the story of a Healthy Woman who didnt like her odds of developing Breast Cancer. [ woman ] ring. Ring. Progresso. I just served my motherinlaw your chicken noodle soup but she loved it so much. I told her it was homemade. Everyone tells a little white lie now and then. But now she wants my recipe [ clears his throat ] [ softly ] shes right behind me isnt she . [ male announcer ] progresso. You gotta taste this soup. Cmon, michael get in the game [ male announcer ] dont have the hops for hoops with your buddies . Lost your appetite for romance . And your mood is on its way down. You might not just be getting older. You might have a treatable condition called low testosterone or low t. Millions of men, fortyfive or older, may have low t. So talk to your doctor about low t. Hey, michael [ male announcer ] and step out of the shadows. Hi how are you . [ male announcer ] learn more at isitlowt. Com. [ laughs ] hey you know the National Cancer institute protects nearly 227,000 women will be diagnosed with Breast Cancer this year, and nearly 40,000 will die. These are tough numbers to think about. And Allison Gilbert knows them well, she lost her aunt, mother and grandmother to cancer. This is the article about how it impacts the way we raise our children. And allison joins me from new york with her doctor, who performed a mastectomy this summer. Thank you for joining us. Thank you. Allison, i read the column that you wrote recently. It was quite striking, and i just wanted to share the opening of it. Saying im not a helicopter parent, and i dont bake cup cakes, but readily would cut off my breasts for them and recently did. It really captures the attention, can you give us the story on what you meant by that . Well, my kids are young, ten and 12, and i want to be around as long as possible for them. And i grew up as an older person. But certainly, i feel like i have grown up as an adult without my mom and dad. And i didnt want my kids to go through that. I want to be around for the day they get married, when they graduate High School Even before that. And i thought the writing was on the wall with my Family History. Also, i tested positive for the brca gene, so i wanted to do something about it. I think about that what you just mentioned all the time. I have three Young Children myself, and it is a very powerful motivator to take care of yourself, and let me say this, allison you already mentioned that, the mutation in the gene, for a woman developing Breast Cancer is much higher. And it can lead to Ovarian Cancer, which is the same sort of disease in different parts of your body. And take a look. With the brca gene, they have a 50 , 60 with Ovarian Cancer, compared as you can see there, with 13 and 1. 7 in the general population. Dr. Smith, we have been reporting on this for a long time. This is your area of expertise, who do you say should be tested and how reliable are the numbers that you just heard . Well, sanjay, im actually a reconstructionist doctor who often takes care of the patients, and work to counsel the patients that are at high risk. Basically, the patients who have a very very long risk or certainly if a member of their family tests positive for the gene, they would be considered for geneticic testing. Additionally, having cancer at a young age or the history of Ovarian Cancer at a young age, those are sort of a red flag that a person may have a higher genetic predisposition for cancer. But who should consider a mastectomy, then, based on the numbers that people will hear . Well, the nccn, the National Comprehensive Cancer Network has guidelines on this type of thing, in terms of recommendations. Primarily, they recommend if you have brcamutations to consider it, even if your Family History it not very strong, you may consider it. Because we dont know all the genes that are responsible for Breast Cancer. The overwhelming majority of women who develop Breast Cancer dont have a Family History of the disease. They are the Family History. They become that. But for me, i feel like my stop watch is set to zero. I feel like my life is ahead of me now, and now there is a 1 risk, lower than the general population. Now i can work with my diet and exercise program and really give myself the fighting chance that what happened to my mom and my aunt and my father, who died of cancer, too, and my grandmother, wont happen to me. I could be around for my kids. It is a remarkable story, and i love that hitting the reset button. We should all do that. I think people are really going to enjoy this conversation. Allison gilbert, mark smith, thank you so much for joining us. Thank you. And coming up, the athlete that did the first triathlon in space, raced against me, wearing my number no less. She is next. Thats right, the one you apply to the underarm. Axiron is not for use in women or anyone younger than 18. Axiron can transfer to others through direct contact. Women, especially those who are or who may become pregnant, and children should avoid contact where axiron is applied as unexpected signs of puberty in children or changes in body hair or increased acne in women may occur. Report these signs and symptoms to your doctor if they occur. Tell your doctor about all medical conditions and medications. Do not use if you have prostate or Breast Cancer. Serious side effects could include increased risk of prostate cancer; worsening prostate symptoms; decreased sperm count; ankle, feet, or body swelling; enlarged or painful breasts; problems breathing while sleeping; and blood clots in the legs. Common side effects include skin redness or irritation where applied, increased red blood cell count, headache, diarrhea, vomiting, and increase in psa. See your doctor, and for a 30day free trial, go to axiron. Com. Have led to an increase intands clinical depression. Drug and alcohol abuse is up. And those dealing with grief dont have access to the professional help they need. When you see these issues, do you want to walk away or step up . With a degree in the field of counseling or psychology from capella university, youll have the knowledge to make a difference in the lives of others. Lets get started at capella. Edu. You know, this fruit can actually help to protect your brain. It is true. Tomatoes get their rich red color from the antioxidant called lycopene, and there are studies who say that you could reduce your risk of stroke if you add it to your diet. Soaking up free radicals. Here is something else, cooking tomatoes can actually boost the brain power, so get it into your salad and pasta, that is food for life. Now one of the neatest parts of competing in the nautica triathlon last month was also racing my friend, sunny williams as she orbitting the earth, federaling at a speed of nearly 18,000 miles. I got a chance to talk to sunny about the race. It is absolutely amazing, i think about you every time i look into the sky. But i want to start off, commander by just congratulating you for doing what we believe is the worlds first triathlon in space. Congratulations. Thank you, when we met a little while ago i was feeling good because i was on the ground practicing running, biking, swimming and feeling real good about it. And then after coming up here, your body starts to change. And i was thinking i may have second thoughts about this triathlon thing. But i worked out for a while leading up to it and felt pretty good doing it up here, too. So thank you for the congratulations. How about the food overall, we spent a lot of time talking about the food. Are you getting the types of food i want up there . Actually, yeah, there is a lot of food up here. You know, maybe it is because we are a little bit smaller than the crews beforehand. I find there is a lot of food, a great selection. We also have bonus containers, which are provided, maybe about six to nine of them per increment, per of the specific things that you like. And knowing that were coming up here, there are outstanding issues, high sodium, bone density muscle loss, we understand what foods are good for you. So in the bonus containers and the other food containers, you can sort of pick out, because we have a 16day cycle. You can pick out the foods you want, foods good for you. So i have been eating a lot of fish and nuts, as well as controlled diets, so we can do the comparison and get the data for food explorations. Thank you, so much, i have to say again, sunny, since we met, every time i look in the sky i think about you and think about you doing all of this important work. I must say, i think we should do a triathlon now together at some point. And while it would be easier for you to do it on earth, and it would be easier, i think it would be easier if you arrange for me to do it up there with you at the International Space station, that would be even better. Well talk about it when i get back, at the triathlon, on earth, and well see when people come up to the International Space station. People ask me all the time, when will normal people or the general people be able to come up to space. And all the research were doing up here is one step closer and closer and closer. So i really do hope that in our lifetime well see a lot of people coming into space. I said it before, Everyone Needs to take a lap around the planet. It would change your perspective perspective. And it is a beautiful place where we live. Good luck, be safe up there, hope to see you back soon. Absolutely, thanks again for calling and thanks for your interest in the space program. Ill tell you, im still hoping for the rematch, maybe in space. And this is a good time to announce that the challenge is coming back for 2013. You remember nine months ago we picked a group of everyday viewers, just like you who wanted to make a change in their lives. And i probably hit the reset button. I am younger than three years ago. We hooked these guys up with wet suits, trainers, and allpaid training trips. And just three weeks ago you saw all of them cross the finish line at the nautica challenge, so if youre interested, and make and submit the video ill watch it with the producers and hopefully you can be a part of next years challenge. And dont go anywhere next. This tip is for the guys this week. So stick around, it could very well save your life. [ male announcer ] youve been years in the making. And there are many years ahead. Join the millions of members whove chosen an aarp Medicare Supplement Insurance Plan insured by unitedhealthcare insurance company. Go long. K k. Have a question for the men, when was the last time you saw your doctor as part of a checkup . According to a studys men are 25 less likely to see a doctor, and as a result theyre more likely to face health problems. Makes sense. And ill tell you, black men are facing a risk, more likely to die from heart disease. Tom joiner is shouting a message loud and clear, take a loved one to the doctor. He set up a clinic, and thousands of men can stop by for free screenings, lectures and cooking demonstrations. He is going to join me next week to tell me how it went. But if youre a guy, and havent seen a doctor, make an appointment, do it this we cek. Lets keep the conversation going on twitter, at sanjaygupta cnn. Hello, thank you for joining us, everyone. Here is what is happening right now on the First Anniversary of the brutal killing of moammar gadhafi. There is news that the youngest son of the libyan leader has also been killed. The death has been reported to television. There are reports that thousands have rushed to the streets to celebrate. The youngest sons death has been reported several

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