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Finish behind Pete Buttigieg in iowa, sanders is the frontrunner whether democrats like it or not and many, it turns out, really do not. New hampshire senator shaheen was quick to point out bernie didnt win big in her state. Moderate democrats in particular are sounding alarms on a sanders nomination and congressman scott peters from a purple california district told the hill sanders is about the worst candidate we can put up. He not only wont likely win the presidency, he puts the House Majority at risk. Congressman dean philips who flipped a republican district said while i respect Bernie Sanders as a senator, as a candidate, his candidacy is very will cha efrjing for people who come from districts like mine. Max rose, a congressman from Staten Island said im not a socialist. Im thinking about printing tshirts saying as much. I think socialist economic policies fail, inevitably and just listen to the emotional pleas over on msnbc for democratic voters to beware of sanders. I have my own views are of my own socialist. I have an attitude about them. I remember the cold war. I have an attitude toward castro and the reds had won the cold war and there were executions in central park and i might have been one of the ones getting executed and certain other people would be there cheering. The only thing between the United States and the abyss is the Democratic Party. Thats it. And if we go the way of the British Labor party, if we nominate jeremy coburn, it will be the end of days. The end of days. You guys, this all feels very familiar to me. In fact, this was me four years ago melting down at the thought of trump becoming the republican nominee. Most republicans find what donald trump said to be repulsive. Its repulsive morally. Its repulsive if you cherish the constitution. Its repulsive if youre a good conservative. Its repulsive if you find freedom of religion and repulsive on so many levels. You could almost hear me lighting my hair on fire. Of course, it turns out i was worried for nothing. Everything is great. This is all fine. Trump is the least. Lar president to run for reelection history in the history of polls. Hes added more than 3 trillion to the debt, started a trade war and failed on Major Campaign promises and got himself in trouble for goating in the election and gave back the house to gop. There are parallels between the nevertrump concerns and the growing ka growing concerns of never sanders democrats. Hes too extreme and hell hurt the down ballot and he wont be able to get his agenda passed. We said those same things of trump and we were mostly right. These are good warnings to heed. Sanders is an extreme candidate. He will transform the Democratic Party in ways that likely very few will support. He will not be able to get a lot of his agenda passed, but when it comes to sanders lkt electability, well, a word of caution there, too. Frankly, i dont know how trump surrogates like luke can sleep at night peddling this unconstitutional, unconservative and unamerican garbage for a guy who, lets face it, will never be president. I mean, we were obviously we were wrong about trumps electability. True, he didnt win the popular vote. True, he didnt even win the majority Republican Voters in the primary and true, Hillary Clinton was a very flawed candidate, but trump won. Heres the deal. Bernie is electable, in ways that trump electable in 2018. He was counting on the support of the democrats, but on just enough of his very loyal base to carry him over the line. Just like trump, hes relying on a big field and a divided field to give him the most votes, but hes also electable because trump is a very flawed candidate in virtually every National Poll trump ties or loses to every leading democratic candidate and if you zoom in on six battleground state, trump was trailing biden, sanders and warren were barely ahead, a trend thats continued in a couple of swing states poll that also included Pete Buttigieg. Thats good news for all of the democratic contenders and particularly bernie. So to democrat, i say learn from us nevertrumpers. We were wrong about the kind of candidate trump was, but we were right about the kind of president he would become. Here to discuss is former obama Senior Adviser cnn political commentator david axelrod. Axe, bernie and trump are obviously very different. I stipulate that. Burde bernie doesnt bring the ethical scandals that trump did, but bernie seems equally disinterested in earning the affection of the Democratic Party as trump did, right, of the gop. You remember, Reince Priebus flying up to new york to beg trump to sign this loyalty pledge. Is that going to pose a problem for the dnc . Yeah, look, let me first of all, i was sitting right next to you when you said many of those things and i was probably nodding my head. I know. We were all there together and youre right in much of what you say here, and the fact is that Bernie Sanders is an antiestablishment candidate in much the way donald trump was when he talks about the economy being rigged against everyday people. Thats a very familiar theme. They have different causes and hes not pointing at immigrants and hes not pointing at some of the the targets that trump pointed to. Hes pointing more at wall street and our economic system, but he does speak to a sense of alienation and he speaks and nobody said gee, i wish hed speak his mind and hes authentic and Bernie Sanders is authentic and hes a much better candidate on tv than people give him credit for. Hes very, very good. I mean, all those things are true. You know, the one place where i disagree with you is that its a little bit different because i dont think i think these people who said he underperformed in the first two states are right. I mean, he won New Hampshire by 60 . He barely squeaked a win out in an 18 higher turnout which you think hed favor him and he barely squeaked out, and even though Amy Klobuchar. Without Amy Klobuchar he would have gotten beaten badly in New Hampshire and the fact is that there are three or four candidates left competing into the super tuesday states and he will start mounting up a delegate lead and the Democratic Party is not like the Republican Party and our mutual friend mike murphy likes to say the Republican Party is social darwinism and its winner take all and we give out participation ribbons. If you get 15 you get delegates and for that reason it would be hard for sanders to get in for the majority of delegates and the left is splintered. There are more center left votes than left vote, but if the center left continues to be splintered and if biden and buttigieg and klobuchar all go into the super tuesday states along with michael bloomberg, that could be a big day for Bernie Sanders. The process is working against him in terms of getting the kind of momentum that trump got, but he still could become the delegate leader and that poses a problem for the Democratic Party because youre going to say to the delegate leader, even if hes not close to getting what he needs, youre not going to be the nominee, and if you do that, where do all of the sanders voters go . Trump keeps saying, theyre trying to rig it against bernie. He has all this slis tolisityud youll bet hell plant the seeds with sanders voters that theyll cheat bernie and theyll take it away for bernie. There are a lot of problems ahead for the Democratic Party if that is the scenario. One of them will be donald trump whoever the eventual nominee is, and in another way, i want to ask you to compare 2016 versus 2020 is this. Was hillary 2016 a stronger or weaker candidate than trump 2020 . Was hillary 2020 a stronger or weaker candidate . I think she was a weaker candidate only because trump is an authentic character. He does have an incredibly strong hold on his base. Hillary had a fractured base and trump had Something Else. He had Something Else which is he is willing to do anything. There are no boundaries. There are no limits and that creates an asymmetric warfare if youre running against a candidate thats willing to do anything and youre not and most democrats wont and be that gives him a perverse advantage in an election campaign. As you know, never trumpers like me ended up either being marginalized within the party or pushed out completely. Should never sanders people prepare for a similar fate . No. Certainly the sanders supporters can be brutal if you if they feel like you are straying from bernie. The leaders of the Culinary Union in nevada just learned that when they when thai took off after bernie and, you know, they were publishing the names of the or threatening to pass around the home addresses of the labor leaders so the bernie people knew where they lived in. Bernie disavowed that. Democrats should make an assessment no matter who the nominee is it to see the four more years of President Trump. It is hard to believe that those large numbers of democrats that say given that choice i will just not participate. Trump may organize the democrats better than the democrats appear to be organizing themselves right now. David axelrod, my friend, always good to see you. Thanks for coming on. Great to see you, s. E. Thank you. Up next, a powerful nevada union said it found itself on the wrong side of the bernie brose, and does that compromise before the first caucus. We are in the thick of it and make sure to tune into the original series race for the white house which returns tomorrow night at 9 00 on cnn impeach. I wish i had gone into aspen dental much sooner. It wouldve saved me a lot of money that i spent. My family has bad teeth. When youre not able to smile you become closed off. The meaning of a smile to me is the beginning of a conversation. The best advice i can give anyone. Is dont wait. At aspen dental, were all about yes. Like yes to free exam and xrays for new patients without insurance. Yes to flexible hours and payment options. And yes, youll start smiling more too. Dont wait, book at aspendental. Com or call today. A general dentistry office. Endorsement from nevadas Culinary Union to one of the largest, most politically active unions in the nation, but it never came. The Union Announced it isnt endorsing a specific candidate ahead of next weeks caucus after it criticized Bernie Sanders medicare for all plan, this drew the ire of sanders supporters who flooded the unions twitter feed and phone lines to the point where the union released a statement saying it was being viciously attacked by sanders fans. Sanders himself condemned the behavior on thursday. Harassment of all forms is unacceptable to me and we urge supporters of all campaigns to not engage in bullying or ugly personal attacks. Our campaign is building a multigenerational, Multiracial Movement of love, compassion and justice. We certainly disagree on issue, but we must do it in a respectful manner. He questioned the nature of reality. Obviously, that is not acceptable to me. I dont know who these socalled supporters are. You know, were living in a strange world on the internet and sometimes people attack people in somebody elses name, but let me be very clear. Anybody making personal attacks against anybody else in my name is not part of our movement. We dont want them, and im not so sure to be honest with you that theyre necessarily part of our movement. You understand, the nature of the internet. Its a strange world out there. Doesnt even know if they really exist. Let me get this out of the way. A candidate cant always be held responsible for everything their supporters do or say, but sanders supporters have been notorious with this kind of thing for five years now and there is a legitimate question about whether sanders has done or said enough to curb this behavior. Joining us to discuss our assistant editor david swerlick, and sanders has condemned this stuff repeatedly, but it keeps happening. Is there anything else he should be doing to call off the attack dogs or is itity on of his hands at this point . He did disavow his supporters and its been widely reported since 2016 that there are sanders supporters who have an edge to them so for him to have portrayed it as i dont know who these people are. Putting them in quotes like this. He, like you said, he doesnt control everyone. Of course. There are people who will support him and or not going to do what he wants and thats not his fault, but yes. The stuff is happening primarily online and primarily on twitter and facebook. Does bernie raise a valid point that this could be russian bots . This could be or even Trump Supporters. I will say that it happens to journalists. It has happened to me, and in a less threatening and lighthearted way. I was once called a Hillary Clinton boot licker for saying something critical on air about senator sanders and i was, like, they care about the boot licker, but the reality is i think senator sanders can lean in a little more to making clear that he wants his movement to be a competition, not an attack on newcomers and he didnt do it in that interview. Thats true. We cant talk about whether candidates are responsible about the worst of their supporters without bringing in the elephant in the room, donald trump. He encourages bad behavior at his rallies. Hes praised a congressman who beat up a journalist. He promised to pay the legal fees of people who pay opponents of his. He personally attacks people on twitter. Theres no comparison. Is bernie, therefore, getting a bit of a pass because trump is worse . Think so, but to me, he sort of had a Kellyanne Conway moment of alternative truths. Oh, i dont know if some of those people were really my supporters. This isnt a new thing, s. E. We saw this in 2015 and 2016. Yes. With some of Bernie Sanders supporters. It was a better story. The argument from bernie is were better than trump. Were going to do things differently then dont you think you should encourage some of your followers including those online to behave in a way that your arguing is representative of your value, beliefs and your candidacy . He really isnt, by condemning it from my perspective hes softly saying if you do it im not going to say much about it and thats a problem. David, to that point, the daily beast recently tweeted, lots of people at warren and pete townhalls were waving a sanders vote and said they were turned off by the culture and the crowds. This could be the perception of the crowds and could that perception be a problem . The culture and the crowds of the sanders supporters. No, there is an edge to them, and his supporters were more enthusiastic about their candidate than the supporters are about their candidates upon. Thats one of the reasons hes leading this race right now and the enthusiasm and the number of small dollar donors. The flip side of a coin, hey, but i like it, buttigieg warned. You do get a flurry of criticism saying hes trump on the left. In many ways hes moved by populist movement on the left. Listen, i think as the woman at the table i also want to just point out theres a particular brand of bernie of criticism that women are getting and its gross. I want your take on nevada, as well, and a little later theres a debate next week. Voters may get their real look at surging billionaire Mike Bloomberg then. Will they like what they see . Beds get sick too protection. Lysol laundry sanitizer kills 99. 9 of illness causing bacteria detergent leaves behind. Lysol. What it takes to protect. Shes had a tiny cough. See you at 5 seriously . Protection. Lysol kills over 100 illness causing germs and viruses even those that may cause coughs. Lysol, what it takes to protect. 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Your doctor should monitor your weight and may stop treatment. Upper respiratory tract infection and headache may occur. Tell your doctor about your medicines and if youre pregnant or planning to be. Otezla. Show more of you. Early voting for next weeks caucus in nevada starts today in the first in the west contest is also the first opportunity a majority maynority state will cast ballots. For Pete Buttigieg, he needs to show he can appeal to more diverse and representative pool of democratic voters than those who handed him strong finishes in iowa and New Hampshire. Joe biden also needs a strong performance, period. Heres what he told cnns Arlette Saenz at an event in las vegas just this morning. How well do you need to do in nevada. I just need to do well. Do you think you need to win . I dont think i have to, but i think we have a shot at doing that. He also toll donors at a new york city fundraiser that hes confident hell win two weeks from now. Back with me is assistant editor, and Shermichael Singleton and also joining me is nevada former state director for Hillary Clintons campaign and also served as Senior Adviser to kamala harris. Let me start with you, emmy. First, there are, im sure you know, no minority frontrunner candidates left in this primary. The top tier of candidates is now all white. Thou does th how does that affect the nevada primary . Thank you so much for having me. I am painfully aware of that reality. Yeah. Nevada is an incredible state and it is the first contest that is truly reflective of the country, it has 10 latino and 20 africanamerican and has the Fastest Growing api in the nation. It is incredibly important that every single candidate work hard, show their record that they have a proven record of working and fighting for these communities and these families that also has a Significant Union household population in nevada. Yeah. So i think its a it will be the first real test for any of these candidates to truly gauge how they can perform in the rest of the country. And talk to me about the controversy with nevada Culinary Union. Latinos make up more than half of the 60,000 members there. So who does the decision not to endorse any candidate, who does that hurt the most . Well, you know, i think let me start by saying the Culinary Union local 226 is incredibly powerful and strong and part of the reason that that is the case is one, they have more than 60,000 members, as you mentioned, but two, they have worked really hard to provide direct services, benefit, have fought tirelessly on behalf of their members, and i am sure theyll do everything they can to also turn out their members and to create opportunities for those members but for whom, emmy . By not endorsing anyone they turning their members out to . You know, i think that theyre going to be you know, making the case over the next few weeks. I saw that Vice President biden had an event with culinary members in the back of the house earlier today and there was a lot of energy and excitement. He also got a big endorsement from congressman stephen horseford and is the only africanamerican congressman in nevada. Theyre going to the caucus sites and going to the Training Center and theyre knocking on those doors across clark county and throughout nevada where culinary members are found and taking the case directly to them. David, Pete Buttigieg has upped his ground game and has begun airing spanish ads. Do you think that being pay off for him . Maybe a little bit. His position lines up with culinary workers 226 that he wants to give people. Choice. A public option and not medicare for all and take away the unionnegotiated benefits. That was what this controversy with wednesdays flyer was all about and now you wonder if the union has taken a little away from their juice as not endorsing and maybe they see the writing on the wall and think senator sanders, its too risky to go against him because he has the mow right now. Shermakal, you heard what joe biden said about nevada. Does that inspire confidence for his finish . Not really. As long as he gets at least second place and gets first in south carolina, i think he could make hes alive, and he can make an argument to donors that hey, now this race is open and now its competitive and now i have a shot going into super tuesday for you guys to pump cash into my campaign and thats been his argument all along. David, what about Elizabeth Warren . Could she make a comeback in nevada . There are so many things going on in her campaign. Im not going to write her off until super tuesday and i think her campaign is struggling. In nevada in particular. Shes not far a dozen of her staffers of color left the Nevada Office because of the way they thought they were being treated. I think the bigger problem for her, that is absolutely an issue in nevada is that shes not far enough to sanders as right on health care for the Culinary Union and shes not far enough to the left or to the right of Pete Buttigieg and shes caught in this nomans land, and i think her campaign has not quite found the right way to any back from their down side starting in october. I think this is the end of the road for a lot of these candidates. Absolutely. Amy klobuchar. Theyve not resonated with minorities and they performed better than the two of them, and i think come south carolina, im not exactly sure that those candidates will have enough mono i to compete. I think it can go on to super tuesday. And finally, back to you, there are jitters in the democrat dermic party after the last caucus and you know what im talking about. What are you talking about the nevada caucus and how this one will go . Let me start by telling you, the nevada Democratic Party and the dnc have a Strong Partnership and the nevada Democratic Party is known for being the strongest in the nation. They have put in new reforms that are actually making the caucus process more accessible and more transparent. Today, as you mentioned will it just work . Will it just work . I have faith that it will work. They have trained thousands of volunteers and they have an incredibly strong team and everyone is working together to ensure that it is a success and honestly, it is on all of us to make sure thats the case, i hope that if people havent voted, go out and vote in nevada. If you havent volunteered go out and volunteer because it will be on all of us. Thank you all for joining me. It will be an important next contest well all be watching. Thanks, s. E. Bloomberg well, he had a big week. The good, the bad and the ugly when we return. 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He is again on defense after the comments he made in 2015 resurfaced. Yes, thats true. Thats where all of the crime is, and the way you get the guns out of the kids hands is to throw them up against the wall and frefk them. Also coming back to haunt him are the comments he made about the housing crisis in 2008 saying it all probably started when there was a lot of pressure on banks to make loans to everyone. Bloomberg bemoaned ending the practice of red lining when they discriminated against poor and minority neighborhoods and the less than flattering headlines appearing in gq and washington post, outlining the Sexual Harassment lawsuits bloomberg and or his companies have faced and allegations hes denied and during a january appearance on the view he did admit to making an occasional body joke in the past which he regrets. Now that may be baggage, but there are also bloombergs bags, bags of money. Can he buy his way into democrats hearts and minds . With me now is veteran political anchor with Spectrum News and senior political commentator errol lewis. Errol, my friend, we know bloomberg very well, but the rest of the country is kind of just getting to know him better now. How was this week for him . This was not a great week for him, and i guess you can summarize it s. E. As welcome to the top ranks. Welcome to the frontrunners club. The way you know youre a frontrunner or considered to be a frontrunner in the democratic primary is you start feeling darts in your back and kicks in your butt and he got plenty of both meaning hes getting serious scrutiny now and getting an evaluation of his ridiculous as mayor of the kind hes never received before and its coming from people who have the resources and the credibility to make some of these charges stick. So do you think he can move some of these move past some of these problems with democratic voters who you know, care about things like race and criminal justice and class warfare and equality in the workplace . Can me move past all that with a voting base for whom that really matters . Well, look, that is the question and i think its going to be a matter of the exmayor not only answering questions and thats really what campaigns are about. You encounter a setback. You encounter a test and you encounter a challenge and how you meet it really, really matters. I think what he will likely do is broaden peoples perception of what his 12 years as mayor really meant. Hes got a record to run on. Hes got a record that is not simply stop and frisk, you know . So, for example, hell talk about education and about School Choice and the initiatives that he championed as mayor, and they account for the reason that hes got respected educators like jeffrey canada and dennis wal cot. Right. Who are very much in his corner, because as you remember, he first got mayoral control of the schools for the first time in a couple of generations, that in itself is an important change, and you know, he led School Choice. He was procharter. Charter students to this day haff to be africanamerican and youric thatting of tens of thousands of families who like what he did in supporting charters and supporting school chis. If he has them look at his entire record, . Its to simply defending stop and frisk hell have a very hard time. I think he tried to move past one of the issues today. He tweeted earlier, i would not be where i am today without the talented women around me. Ive depended on their leadership, their advice and their contributions as ive demonstrated throughout my career i will always be a champion for women in the workplace. I know what hes referring to. You know what he was referring to there. Will that be enough . Well, listen, most of what was talked about, about his sexist comments and his inexcusably sexist comments in the workplace predate his time as mayor and they were pry tor to 2001, if you want to go back 20 years ask say this defines you and this is what well choose what the next president is based on, i dont think thats what voters are based on. He got 300 or 400 women in a ballroom including feminists with impeccable political credentials who are saying we like the guy. We like what hes done and we think he can move forward and this is not indicative of how he would lead if hes elected president. Well see. Well see about that. He and trump have traded jabs everything from how tall they both are to how much money they have. Democrats seem to rejoice in bloombergs barbs, but is that going to be real currency . I dont think so, to be honest with you. Yeah. You as you said at the top of the show, you and other sort of nevertrumpers from the republican side warned everybody years ago you dont want to get into a fight with this guy at that level. He excels in it, and it cheapens in the entire dialogue and the case is to be made by the president is the frivolity, the be on 16ity and the childish nubble names is something that is unworth of the presidency and i dont think now yu make a point issue Mike Boomberg hits back and he hits them where it hurts. He makes the comments like i know all of the rich people in new york and theyre all laughing behind your back. Its very cutting and unfortunate, if he doesnt like it hes got nobody to blame except the guy in the mirror. Hes brought us to this point and its a shame thats what politics has turned into. Errol lewis, thank you. Thank you. One of the places bloomberg is spending some of his billions is on facebook where the president has designed an alternate reality to mislead you. Ill tell you after the break. Yes yes. Yeah, yeah no problem. Yes. Yes, yes a thousand times yes discover. Accepted at over 95 of places in the u. S. As you know, President Trump loves disinformation. He and his campaign frequently use misleading, heavily edited, or completely doctored videos and pictures to agitate his base, especially on social media. In the past few weeks alone, there were 200 misleading facebook ads about how the quote Fake News Media would try to block the president s super bowl ad. Hes run ads full of joe biden conspiracy theories and the president himself shared a clip of Speaker Nancy Pelosi ripping up the state of the union speech edited in a way that was, yes, misleading. Twitter and facebook refused to take it down. Its getting harder and harder to tell whats real from fake, and when it comes from the president or even his campaign, people are inclined to believe it. Here to discuss is staff writer at the atlantic kay ctlaenatlan. You got a first look at the Disinformation Campaign deployed to reelect trump. What were you most alarmed by . While i was reporting this story, i engaged in a little exercise. Last fall i created a facebook account that was separate from the one that i normally use, and subscribed to various conservative pages, protrump pages. The president s campaign, his own page, various fan pages like that. And then throughout the impeachment proceedings, i kind of watched and followed along as the campaign and the president s other partisan allies were pumping out content at a pretty alarming rate, frankly, that was kind of designed to take out of context what was happening daytoday in the impeachment proceedings and recast it, almost to make it look like the exact opposite had happened. So there were days at the impeachment hearings live on tv, come to my own conclusions about the evidence that had been presented and look at these facebook ads, and i would find a video, for example, that took clips out of context, sewed them together in a creative way, i would and think that i actually misunderstood what happened in the hearing. And i came to doubt my own two eyes, which i think was probably the most alarming. We as journalists have to be super aware of these techniques and even we can be susceptible to them, as you say. And i know just how susceptible people are to them, because after, you know, a day of impeachment, i would talk to someone and they would hear or have heard or seen a completely different thing. I mean, how can we expect voters to find out whats real and whats fake, when some of this is really, really convincing. Its not only convincing, its running in tandem with a strategy no undermine the press. By now, your viewers know about this. But there are all kinds of efforts, some very deliberate, some more underhanded to weaken the institution of the press. And when you have this volume of content thats being put out to mislead and distort whats happening, combined with the fact that there was a cbs poll last year that said that only 9 . Actually, i think it was 11 of strong Trump Supporters believe the mainstream media, while 91 turn to the president himself for credible information, when you have a dynamic like that, its almost impossible for the president to actually be held accountable, by reporters or accountability journalism, because his base just wont believe it. And i dont want websites like twitter and facebook to become political thought police. I think thats really dangerous, too. So at the same time, it cant be a good thing that theres so much content out there thats pureed pure adjit prop. So how do we find the line . Theres a lot of scholar around it, theres a lot of debate. There are regulatory options that are on the table that would basically you know, the Communications Decency act, for example, shields these platforms from liability for whats post on their platforms. And i think that for the most part, thats a good thing. I think they shouldnt be held liable, but i think that they should be expected to at least do some basic monitoring to keep disinformation and, you know, extremely toxic or abusive content off their platforms. And theyve done a little bit, but probably not enough. Yeah, and then it gets to the question of, who decides whats toxic, who decides whats misleading. Thats tough too. Quickly, before we go, do you think this encourages other candidates, including democrats running in this election cycle to do the same things . This is an open debate among democratic strategists i talked to. A lot of them believe that to win in 2020, theyre going to have to coop some of the president s tactics. I wont weigh in on that, but i do think that that happens, the entire information ecosystem that we have now is going to be basically unusable, and i worry about the longterm consequences of that. Mckay coppins, thanks very much for that piece and thanks for coming on to talk about it. Thank you. The Election Year has just begun and its going to a bitter campaign, so prepare yourself by looking back at some of the most hardfought president ial races on history on race for the white house. The series continues tomorrow at 9 00. Ana cabrera is back with cnn newsroom. Thats next. My grandfather had an amazing life, but ancestry showed me so much more than i could have imagined. My grandfather was born in a shack in pennsylvania, his father was a miner, they were immigrants from italy and somewhere along the way that man changed his name and transformed himself into a successful midcentury american man. He had a whole life that i didnt know anything about. He was just my beloved grandpa. 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