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Senators. Later what keeps 60 minutes ticking . The news magazines executive producer is here weighing in on trump, Investigative Journalism and the future of the franchise. First, americas Conspiracy Theory president is at it again. President trump today trying to discredit the ongoing investigations into russian interference in the election. Moments ago he tweeted this, all of this russia talk right when the republicans are making their big push for historic tax cuts and reform. Is this coincidental . Not. But this is not a laughing matter. These probes have been going on all year long. The goal is to find out what went wrong last year, how the russians interfered in the election last year and to ensure it doesnt happen again. Lets take stock about why the president is on a tweet storm this morning, why he is trying to change the subject. Its become the white house, the Political Press and the nation is on edge. By this time tomorrow, by this time monday, someone could be charged and taken into custody in the ongoing special Counsel Robert Mueller investigation. Its an explosive Development First reported here on cnn on friday night, that a federal grand jury has approved charges in the ongoing probe. Of course, mueller was appointed back in may to lead this investigation into russian interference in the 2016 election. Now, five months later, were on the verge of indictments. We have an all star panel standing by to talk through it all including Carl Bernstein and politicos jake sherman. First lets go to our justice reporter, one of three who broke this story on friday night. Do we know anything more than we knew on friday about what might be coming . Quite honestly, we really dont. Weve made our round of calls this morning, both my colleague, evan perez and pamela brown have been on the phone with attorneys who are representing some of the folks that are being investigated by the special counsel, and so far we are not any closer to knowing, to verifying who is going to be charged, who may surrender, whos going to be arrested. Theres all this talk of surrenders but usually when someone surrenders attorneys are notified ahead of time. Basically prosecutors and investigators say bring your clients to us lets say monday morning, hes going to or shes going to be placed under arrest. That, as far as we know, based on the people that we have so far talked to, has not occurred. It could be that it is someone that is completely off the radar and that is why we dont know. So yeah, brian, its still all quite a mystery to most of us. Your story was citing people briefed on the matter but i wonder how important it was that cnn happened to have a reporter at the courthouse on friday. There was a lot of activity at the courthouse on friday. Is that the kind of thing that tips reporters off something might be coming . Absolutely, brian. As is the case on every friday, what weve been doing is weve had a producer, weve had our photo journalists at the courthouse staking out essentially, standing by, waiting to see what kind of activity is going on there, whos coming in, whos leaving. And our producer did see the prosecutor, andrew wiesman, whos been leading some of the grand jury activity, some of the financial aspects of bob muellers investigation, he was there. She saw him go in. There was some concern about the activity. She raised it. So then it began various events that we then started making phone calls, talking to various people to try and figure out what exactly was going on. So yeah, that played a big part in us breaking this story. Lets add to the conversation Carl Bernstein and jake sherman. Carl, first to you. We saw governor Chris Christie on jack tappers if tstate of t union saying hes concerned about the leaking here, that the leaking could be illegal. Are you also concerned . The fact that we know these charges are happening, is it in fact an illegal leak . No. First of all, i would doubt very seriously that it comes from muellers office, that we have some 20 lawyers involved in these matters who are talking to muellers office. There are many possible sources of information. Im not going to go to where they might be or what i might know, but thats another red herring. We seem to be looking at lots of red herrings, including the president of the United States this morning again trying to make the question here not about what the russians did in our campaign and whether he or people in his campaign had any kind of foreknowledge of what they were doing but to make the conduct of Hillary Clinton the issue just as hes tried to make the issue of the press rise above the question of what did the president know and those around him and when did they know whatever it was. Were going to get more into the Hillary Clinton piece of this and that campaign of confusion a little later on in the program. Carl, i noticed you said on friday night on i think don lemons show that this is a deadly serious matter. Do you think journalists are meeting the moment and taking this as seriously as it should be . Yes. I think we have seen some of the greatest reporting of the presidency that weve seen in the last 50, 60 years by the Washington Post, the New York Times, some by cnn, by mother jones. Weve seen that there is an attempt by the white house and the people around the campaign and the president to try and keep investigators from learning whatever there is to learn here. Incidentally, i have talked to many lawyers involved in this who believe that at unlikely that mueller will come up with evidence of, quote, collusion or necessarily foreknowledge by the white house. They dont know but they think its possible, and knowing mueller, they believe that if he doesnt find anything, hell be imminently fair to the president of the United States and those around him and make a report that would exonerate the president of the United States and those around him. I think we need to have cooperation, respect for muellers investigation, and i do go back to watergate here. Donald trump keeps talking about this is like watergate. If it were really like watergate, the Republican Party, the president s party would be as in watergate encouraging this investigation, cooperating with this investigation and saying we now have the mechanism to find out what has happened here. Republicans, lets sit back, not accuse Hillary Clinton of various crimes. If there are things that involve russia and Hillary Clinton here, you can be assured, i believe, that mueller would take a look at it and it would come up. But the issue here is not Hillary Clinton. The issue is the trump campaign, what the russians did in our election, and so far the president of the United States who seems utterly disinterested in whatever the truth of that matter is. What does it feel like, jake sherman in washington, as this news is impending . Youre the coauthor of politicos playbook news letter and youre about to send it out right now. Is it a feeling of tension as folks wonder whats going to happen tomorrow or in the coming days . You have to keep in mind this is a president that doesnt really have any legislative achievements, a party that is tied to the president with 38 Approval Ratings in a new poll that came out this morning. The midterm elections are around the corner. Donald trump doesnt have to worry about election until 2020. Republicans on capitol hill are going to be trying to keep their majority in the house, their majority in the senate. Put aside the fact that the president says things that on twitter all the time that are potentially politically perilous for his party. You have this investigation and we now see that somebody is going to be indicted. Theres going to be information that comes out in the next couple days that republicans are going to come back to washington monday, tuesday and get swarmed by reporters to answer about the charges on capitol hill. So thats a tough political dynamic to deal with for members of congress who want to keep their heads down and try to do tax reform or an infrastructure bill. Theres the news about this and then theres the hopes and the fears everyone has. Trump supporters hope that trump will fire mueller. Trump supporters fear some bad news for trump and his white house. On the other hand, trump opponents hope this is the beginning of a trump takedown. They fear the firing of mueller. It feels to me like everyone is bringing their own emotions, viewers bringing their own emotions to this moment. The interesting thing to keep an eye on, if trump does fire mueller or pardon somebody thats charged in this investigation, what do republicans do on capitol hill . Thats a very, very difficult political dynamic for people who are facing election next year if the president dismantles this investigation or pardons somebody thats charged. Thats very, very difficult for republicans from the republicans that ive spoken to, this is kind of a nightmare scenario. How do they viscerally react, how does the leadership react on capitol hill. I dont know about you guys but i feel like this is the calm before the storm. Brian, can i add something here . Yeah, carl, please. That is that its not the job of the press here to, quote, take down a president or take a position on any of this. What were trying to do, what the press needs to be doing and is doing is to find the best obtainable version of the truth. So far its been doing a pretty good job of it. Also its the job of the people in the congress of the United States to say, hey, thats what we want too, the best obtainable version of the truth. Lets set apart partisanship, ideology here. We do know that there has been a terrible intrusion into our free elective democratic system in a way that no foreign power has ever interfered in our election. Lets get to the bottom of it. Lets not prejudge the president or anyone else. Lets find out the facts. Its very difficult to do in an atmosphere in which the president of the United States routinely lies and brings misinformation and disinformation to the table and tries to make the conduct of others, particularly Hillary Clinton, the issue. Hes the president of the United States, not Hillary Clinton, as ive said. If theres some reason to think that Hillary Clinton has, quote, colluded with somebody, mueller will pick that up, i think we would all hope. But thats not the issue here. Carl, jake, youre both sticking around so please stand by. Shamon, what do we expect tomorrow . What will you be doing tomorrow. Ill certainly be up early and probably working through the night as will the other members of our team here. We expect something will happen because thats what weve been told, but it could always get moved. These things sometimes change, so that could happen. But if someone does surrender, normally in cases like this, they do it pretty early in the morning, maybe 6 00 in the morning, maybe 5 00. A time is set up. Perhaps the fbi will meet the person thats surrendering at a location and bring them to fbi offices here in washington d. C. And then we will get word on when the indictment will be unsealed and when there will be a court proceeding, arraignment, presentment, whatever it may be and well go from there and well be at the courthouse waiting to see what happens. Thanks so much for being here. Carl, jake, please stick around. More on that Hillary Clinton part of the story, the conspiracy theories and alleged scandals were hearing about from right wing media. Well be right back. When heartburn hits fight back fast with tums chewy bites. Fast relief in every bite. Crunchy outside. Chewy inside. Tum tum tum tum tums chewy bites. How much money do you think youll need in retirement . 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Fox became fixated on this story and the messaging was clear, the russian investigations were recast as a scandal for clinton and the democrats. If they want real russia collusion, weve got it for them. The uranium one deal is treasonous. It put our security at risk. Its not like 20 of our National Supply of string cheese. Its uranium. We should be focusing on the continued lies of the Clinton Administration. The Clinton Administration he said. Finally, fox has found the real russia scandal. Thats how its portrayed. Uranium, uranium, uranium. Fox got help from republicans on capitol hill who announced fresh investigations into the uranium issue. Then President Trump picked up on it. But clinton is overall a convenient boogie man. Look, there may be something newsworthy here. Ill leave that to the experts. But in right wing media, this uranium story blotted out the sun. It fit in a pattern weve seen before. Trumps media allies downplay, deflect and deny stories that are trouble for the white house. Instead they tell viewers and readers to hate Hillary Clinton. Its time, folks. Its time to shut it down, turn the tables and lock her up. Thats what i said. I actually said it, lock her up. No subtlety there. She combined the uranium story with the trump dossier story full of lies. Heres the question for you. Are you confused yet . Thats the campaign. Its a campaign of confusion. Just constantly staying the other side is worse, the other side is doing it. President trump is leaning into this in a big way. This morning, heres a tweet storm he shared in the past little while. He said ive never seen such republican anger and unity as i have concerning the lack of investigation on heres the list clinton fake dossier, now 12 million. Then it continues, the uranium to russia deal, the 32,000 plus deleted emails, the comey fix and so much more. Instead they look at the phony trump russia collusion which doesnt exist. The dems are using this terrible and bad for our country witch hunt for evil politics. But the republicans are fighting back like never before. Theres so much guilty by democrats and clinton and now the facts are pouring out. Do something, says the president of the United States. Back with me political analyst Carl Bernstein and joining us is bruce bartlett, the author of the brand new book the truth matters, a citizens guide to sorting facts from lies. How do we avoid splintering into two separate americas in two alternate realities . I think thats already the case. What i found interesting in your introduction here is how a completely madeup story, something thats totally out of whole cloth forces its way onto a place like cnn simply because the right wing propaganda channel which is fox made it a story and they talked about it so much, you felt you couldnt ignore it even though its complete nonsense, completely baseless, you had to report that its something that is being discussed among the Trump Supporters and thereby lend inadvertently credibility to this nonsensical story. You can be critical here. Do you think its a mistake for me to explain whats being heard in right wing media . No. But there has to be a better way of doing it to discount the fact that fox is really just an arm of the Republican Party and should not be given the respect that a genuine News Organization like cnn or the New York Times or the Washington Post are deserving, and it should be treated the way you treat statements by Sarah Huckabee sanders as just pr and nothing more. The president s hearing this stuff and then hes repeating all of it on twitter. This is the problem that journalists run into. If its made up as you said and yet the president s promoting it, then we have to address it, i think. Its a feedback loop of the blind leading the blind. I dont know what to do about it. Carl, do you have any solutions for us . I think that when the president of the United States or fox or those who support him, republicans who support the president , put something out there that becomes a big part of the debate, we are obligated to report on it as part of the debate and then try to do our own reporting and fact check it. I think thats what we ought to do here. We ought to go on the air with a really serious fact check on what this is about, put it on the air and move on. Really, we keep coming back to the fact that theres a cold civil war going on in this country. Donald trump of course has brought that cold civil war almost to the point of ignition, but really we always come back to one central question here, and that is about a foreign power interfering in your election and the president of the United States who seems utterly uninterested in getting to the bottom of what happened and the fact that his family and people in his campaign and people in his Business Organization have had dealings with the russians that need to be examined. If theres nothing there, he should welcome it. He should say theres nothing there, im going to go talk to the special prosecutor. Im going to have my family talk to them. Lets all get this cleaned up now as quickly as we can and as expeditiously and in terms of the best attainable version of the truth, and mr. Mueller, well help you do that. Thats not what were seeing. The remarkable thing is the republicans on capitol hill who have continued to encourage this smoke screen about Hillary Clinton. They know of course that Hillary Clinton is a lightning rod for the, quote, socalled base of the president and the Republican Party, and in a certain time though t it may wear out and it reckless and irresponsible not to be looking for the truth and rather to be looking for clintons scapegoats. But if President Trump is hearing clinton, clinton, clinton on fox, hes parroting it. Lets look at some examples we put together of how fox says it first and then the president says it second. You could make an argument for Thomas Jefferson and George Washington. Are you going to change the name of the Washington Monument . Slave owners. Absolutely. Thats my point. I wonder, is it George Washington next week and Thomas Jefferson the week after. You really do have to ask yourself where does it stop. I have on idea, lets build a wall and let the d. R. E. A. M. Ers say. We are looking at allowing people to stay here, but very importantly, what we want, we have to have a wall. If you thought the coverup of nixon by watergate, a coverup of a third rate burglary was a big deal, this is covering up russians taking over control illegally of u. S. Uranium assets. I think the uranium sale to russia and the way it was done so underhanded with tremendous amounts of money being passed, i actually think thats watergate modern age. Carl, real quick, your reaction to trump using that watergate word . First of all, the most significant thing, parallel between watergate and what were seeing now has to do with the behavior of the Republican Party and republicans in congress. In watergate republicans were the heros. They said we are going to put principle above party, above ideology. We want to get to the truth. They voted for articles of impeachment in the Judiciary Committee against richard nixon. Senator barry goldwater, the gold conservative marched to the white house and said to the president of the United States, you must resign. Low and behold, a day later the president of the United States resigned because of his conduct. We need to see a Republican Party that is open to the truth wherever it leads and lets see what happens. Let this investigation proceed without trying to smear it. One more example of this fox effective if i can call it that. Let me show a brand new nbc washington journal poll out this morning showing President Trump with a 38 approval rating, his lowest standing yet. Im more interested in this other poll showing trump at 38 , a fox news poll, but if you blinked, you missed it. They only showed this graphic once on air all week long. They spent a lot of money conducting this poll and cnn covered foxs poll four times as much as as fox did. Bruce, your reaction . Your earlier video was extraordinarily interesting. I think sometimes we get the cause and effect relationship backwards. We think, oh, we see this hillary nonstory about uranium. We think the white house leaked it and encourage fox to run with it. I think its the other way around. The people at fox are thinking what can we do to help trump today. Well, lets gin up the hillary story again. You yourself have reported on many occasions that those three idiots on fox friends seem to be hey. Why name call . Why the name calling . Well, because i think we have to call a spade a spade. I think one of the problems in the media is that theyre afraid to say trump is lying. Theyre afraid to say that the people at fox are just propagan propaganda. Im trying to use plain language to say what i think is the truth. Carl, bruce, thank you. I think this may be more complicated than that. How so . I think things may be a little more complicated than that and perhaps sometimes we pay too much attention to fox. Fox is a hugely powerful element of politics in america today. It has a commitment idealogically to a point of view and it does very little to hide it. Perhaps were overplaying the fox effect here and what we ought to be doing is keeping our heads down and doing our reporting which really is what most reporters i know are doing here to provide the best obtainable version of the truth which indeed is demonstrably different than the fox narrative and the trump narrative, and we can put them up factually on the air and say here are the facts, heres what the president is saying, heres what fox has been saying, but lets do it in a calm way when its relevant and lets not also inflate fox here. Apples, not bananas, right carl . Thank you both for being here. After a quick break, real reporting on Sexual Harassment, an ever widening scandal involving prominent men in many industries. Well talk with two top reporters right after this. Its easy to think that all Money Managers are pretty much the same. But while some push High Commission investment products, Fisher Investments avoids them. Some advisers have hidden and layered fees. 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The subject actually came up at the White House Briefing the other day. Sarah, obviously Sexual Harassment has been in the news. At least 16 women accused the president of sexually ra hassing them throughout the course the campaign. Last week in the rose garden the president called these accusations fake news. Is the official White House Position that all these women are lying . We think clear about it from the beginning and the president s spoken on it. Im surprised sanders has not tried to clarify that answer. It is truly shocking to hear trumps spokes womwoman say tho women are all liars. Journalists all across the country are looking into allegations against various men in various Industries Including the media. This is really a watershed moment for this issue, for this topic of women including some men but mostly women being harassed in the workplace. Were seeing journalists shine a light on these stories. Lets talk about it with two journalists who are doing that. Cnns oliver darcy who broke the news about Sexual Harassment allegations against Mark Halperin earlier this week and jessica valenti, the author of the book sex object, a memoir. Thanks for being here. Thank you. Im trying to capture the idea that jurnists now, dozens of them in dozens of news rooms are pursuing allegations against various individuals. Oliver, how did it come about for you looking into mark hal pechlt erin . I got a tip and after some digging it became clear there was something there. We started to talk to people and interview women and we were able to put together a story with enough reporting to take it to mark and ask him about the allegations. Of course he denied some of the more serious allegations but he did concede and has conceded in a further lengthy statement on friday that he was guilty of harassment in the workplace. Game change, his next book, has been cancelled at hbo. The series has been cancelled. Do we know his status at nbc . We dont know. Theyre the only company that hasnt completely severed ties. Hbo, his book, theyre all done and the companies have backed off. Were waiting to hear from nbc. Well see if they do something this week. Weve seen other men lose jobs at other companies, jessica, at amazon, at a number of other places in recent days. Theres a very long list at this point. But are journalists playing catchup here . Is this a very belated reaction to a systemic problem . Extraordinarily. This had been going on for a long time and its wonderful to see that journalists are taking this seriously, that these stories are coming out and olivers reporting has been so great. I do worry with how fast the news cycle goes that were going to lose sight of it, lose focus on these stories. It does seem like more and more stories are coming out every day so maybe that will be the case. The hall perren allegations are from the 1990s so conceivably this could have come out ten years ago. Thats true. I think part of it is that women are afraid. Theyre afraid of consequences in the workplace and i think in your reporting it came out that he actually did threaten someone. He told someone that they would never work in media or politics, according to the women i spoke to. To jessicas point, a number of people are afraid, even today coming out and saying this is what happened to me. Youve spoken to accusers who dont want to speak on the record even now. Yeah, because theyre negotiating deals or dont want to be seen as the person in the workplace whos the rabble rouser and seen as that person may cause trouble. So they dont want to come forward, they feel there might be repercussions in their career and thats something thats still occurring today which may sound shocking to us but a lot of people, for them, its a real feeling. I think theyre afraid for a good reason. Weve seen over and over again that women are retaliated against in the workplace, not just in media but across industries when they come forward about Sexual Harassment. Take us behind the scenes of how the story comes about, oliver. How did you try to corroborate the accounts from the accusers . It depends per case. In one case we obtained a journal. The person recorded, logged actually in the journal from years ago. In other cases i talk to friends or people they had told years ago. So it wasnt something that they invented the story recently. They had told friends a decade or two decades ago so were able to corroborate like that. Also again, his statement. He says im guilty of harassment and i should have done better. I dont mean to tiptoe here but there has to be some tiptoeing. There are other investigations going on, right, in this newsroom and others . Of course. And jessica, you know about some of these as well . I think a lot of us know about them. I think this is a situation where it shows how careful journalists trying to be. Theres a sense of reporters publishing whatever they want whenever they want when in fact were seeing High Standards applied at the New York Times and elsewhere to corroborate stories before theyre published. Absolutely. Its important for the victims. We know that women are blamed when they come forward. If we have that High Standard we can at least shield them a little bit from the worst of them. Thanks for being here. Thank you. Well have continuing ongoing coverage in your nightly newsletter. Up next, two republican senators announcing that theyre leaving office but they certainly are not going quietly. . Where, in all of this, is the stuff that matters . The stakes are so high, your finances, your future. How do you solve this . You dont. You partner with a firm that advises governments and the fortune 500, and, can deliver insight person to person, on what matters to you. 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Im bringing forward a treatment for alzheimers disease, yes, in my lifetime, i will make sure. Welcome back. What is the most prestigious beat for journalists in washington . Historically its been the white house. White house correspondent jobs are coveted. In the past its been a launching pad to top anchor jobs. But theres another story at the other end of pennsylvania avenue thats just as exciting right now. Some days i think its actually capitol hill as the most interesting beat in america. I mean, witness republican senator jeff flake announcing his retirement on the floor of the senate calling President Trumps behavior dangerous to a democracy. Flames colleague, bob corker, also heading for retirement also questioning the president s fitness. You probably saw this extraordinary walk and talk with cnns manu raju. He joins me now. How do you get those interviews in the halls of capitol hill . You really go up to anybody and ask them a question which is the beauty of covering congress. You cannot do that of course in the white house. You just cant go up to President Trump and ask him a question, but in the halls of the capitol, its fair game. Members are walking out of their meetings, walking in between, going to their offices, to committee hearings, on their way to vote. When theyre in the halls, you can approach them and ask them direct questions about the key issues of the day. Brian, they dont always have to answer your questions. Oftentimes they dont. Oftentimes they duck into senatorsonly elevators. But you have the opportunity to at least put the question to them and have them respond to the major issues, and as a result, get them to make some key news because of course all big issues come to capitol hill. I feel like whats different nowadays is all the live broadcasts of these interviews. Viewers feel like theyre there in real time because they are. Absolutely. Thats exactly what happened with bob corker. Now, really key in this era of journalism is how the president is tweeting, live tweeting his thoughts and oftentimes hes tweeting things that are not accurate or they put republicans in a difficult spot. You can get instantaneous reaction. Thats what happened in that bob corker situation. He had tweeted attacking all morning long and had said erroneously that bob corker asked him for his endorsement and the president said no and thats why corker was retiring. I wanted to make sure that get corkers reaction to that and see if there was any accuracy to what the president was saying. Corker said it was flatout wrong and went on a sixminute rant against the president for all the things he thinks the president is doing wrong. Its only because of the unique rules on capitol hill where you can talk to anyone just about anywhere. Ill brag for you a little bit. You won the jonas prone ya award for congressional reporting and made me wonder, whats the secret . Is it wearing nice shoes, comfortable shoes for all these walks . That does help. Dont get me wrong. The other thing too, brian, is that members of congress may not want to talk to you so theyll go off in different routes, go through the basement of the capitol, go outside. The key is to know where members are going when they want to avoid you and find them at key moments and ask them questions. That is the trick and it takes some time to learn about peoples paths and where they go and how they try to avoid you and try to prevent them from avoiding you by intercepting them in key spots where they cannot escape your questions. So thats one key aspect that seems to work. Manu, great to see you. Before we go, lets put up that quote from the Washington Post from senator flake from his oped. He wrote, we can no longer remain silent, merely observing this train wreck as if waiting for someone else to do something. Flake encouraging his colleagues to speak out. I wonder if those words apply to journalists in some way as well. Up next, imagine President Trump getting the legendary 60 minutes treatment. Is it show in line for an interview . Ill talk with executive producer jeff fager right after this. Us. Its what this country is made of. But right now, our bond is fraying. How do we get back to us . The y fills the gaps. And bridges our divides. Donate to your local y today. Because where theres a y, theres an us. When heartburn hits fight back fast with tums chewy bites. Fast relief in every bite. Crunchy outside. Chewy inside. Tum tum tum tum tums chewy bites. How much money do you think youll need in retirement . Then we found out how many years that money would last them. How long do you think well keep oooooohhh you stopped youre gonna leave me back here at year 9 . 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This years 50th anniversary of 60 minutes is being marked by a new book penned by jeff faber. President obama was a regular on 60, granting many interviews. But so far, trump has not had an interview since inauguration day. I asked whether one was on the books. We asked on a couple of occasions. I thought wed get one in september. We never set a date or anything. But actually, president obama did so many interviews with us that it raises the expectation. You know, we didnt do a third as many with george w. Bush or president clinton. So im not expecting that hes avoiding us. I think were going to be doing an interview with him and i think at some point theyre going to want to do a mainstream interview. With pro trump posts . I guess. I dont want to judge that either. I think it i think the 60 minute interview is going to be tough and fair. But you think he will say yes . I think. A pessimist would say hes decided to stay within a safe space. Yes. And not give interviews anymore to journalists. I dont think so. I think well be doing an interview with him. Brian steinberg described what you told the staff last spring. Yes. Tell us about that. You were encouraging they for more timely . Yes. We always have a gathering at the end of the television season. Thats an opportunity for me to talk about the next year, the coming season. We started working months in advance, three, four, five, months in advance. It was my chance to be say we need to be on the news more and more relevant. It is a drumbeat from me. They hear it a lot and have for the last 14 years since i took over. I feel like it belongs in todays world. There was a time on 60 minutes when we did too many evergreens, which are stories that can sit on the shelf for a long time and i always say the longer its there, it actually loses interest. And a perfect example of that timely story from 60 minutes was the recent investigation with the Washington Post into the opioid crisis. You can hear my full interview at reliablesources. Com and through our itunes podcast. Well be right back. But i worry my information was hacked, which kinda freaks me out. Well, unfreak yourself out and download the free creditwise app from capital one. Creditwise gives you a credit score, and alerts you to changes. Even if im not a capital one customer . Nooooo yeah, and its free for everyone. Thank you. Gravity, is a fickle mistress. Whats in your wallet . Now that we have your attention. Capri sun has four updated drinks. Now with only the good stuff. Do you know how to use those . Nope. Get those kids some new capri sun this is a story about mail and packages. And its also a story about people. 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One of the top stories is going to be google and facebook and twitters lawyers heading up to capitol hill to find out how their social media was used to spread russian propaganda during the 2016 election. Go to reliablesources. Com. There are other stories as well as whether bill oreilly can make a comeback in the tv business now that has 32 million settlement has been revealed. Sign up for our nightly newsletter. Its our sixnightaweek newsletter delivered to your inbox. We have a lot to share with you, including another look at the week ahead and what were going to learn and when were going to learn it about Robert Muellers investigation. Check out our podcast there and let me know what you thought of the program. Tweet me or look me up on facebook. I always think it helps shape reliable sources. Well see you right back here next time next week. Charges filed. The first charges have been approved in muellers russia investigation, the same day President Trump said its agreed that there was no collusion. The president thinks that he has an ability and a right to interfere and meddle. Former u. S. Attorney Preet Bharara reacts, next. And under fire. New republican calls for special counsel mueller to resign. Someone with bob muellers integrity will step aside and should. Why take aim at Robert Mueller now . Governor Chris Christie is here to explain. Plus, pointing fingers. Amid new revelations in the russia investigation, the Trump Administration blames a familiar foe

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