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Tonight, the interview that everyones still talking about. 1776 will commence again if you try to take our firearms you heard alex jones dodging my questions. How many gun murders were there in britain . How many great white sharks no, how many kill people every year but theyre scared to swim . You heard him try to change the subject and threaten me. You think youre a tough guy . Have me back with a boxing ring in here and ill wear red, white, and blue and you can wear your jolly roger. Tonight ill talk to a legal watchdog who says this kind of behavior is more dangerous than you might think. Plus, what will it take to stop the killing . Ill talk to people who lost their loved ones in aurora. I am glad youre speaking out. And to a former marine who says hell never give up his guns. Plus, does this picture tell the whole story . Two Smalltown High School football stars accused of raping a seeming unconscious girl. Ill talk to attorneys of the girl and one for the accused. This is piers morgan tonight. Good evening. And i hope alex jones is not just watching but finally listening. Ive been talking a lot about gun violence on the show in recent months. I want to make my position very clear once again. Im in favor of a nationwide ban on militarystyle semiautomatic assault weapons and highcapacity magazines. I want to close the gun show loopholes and require private dealers to run background checks on buyers at gun shows. And id like president obama to increase federal funding for Mental Health treatment for all americans who need it. I think thats the right direction for america. And my guest last night, rightwing radio show host alex jones, couldnt have disagreed more. Listen to this. When they get our guns, they can have their world tyranny while the government buys 1. 6 billion bullets, armored vehicles, tanks, helicopters, predator drones, armed, now in u. S. Skies, being used to arrest people in north dakota. The Second Amendment isnt there for duck hunting. Its there to protect us from tyrannical government and street thugs. That interview, which was really more of a rant by alex jones, got a lot more heated. In fact, it was hard to get a straight answer out of him at all. But tonight i want to dig deeper into some of the important issues that were drowned out in all his yelling. Joining me now is New York Times columnist Nick Christoph and mark potok of the southern poverty law center. Nick, let me start with you. What was your overall reaction to that extraordinary exchange with alex jones last night . I mean, as somebody who favors more gun control, i really hope that alex jones does more tv because, you know, look, youve been quite articulate in making the case for gun control. Alex jones was so much more persuasive, i think, for your average middle american in making the case because people saw somebody who was foaming at the mouth and they think this kind of person shouldnt be having i think he said he had 50 guns around. There you know, may he do a lot more of these shows. Its been trending on twitter now worldwide, alex jones, for 24 hours. Im sure in many ways he thinks job successfully done. Hes probably gone back to texas and his fan base, and there are a lot of people that listen to him every day, would would have thought good on him, he came in and took me down. But beneath all that, though, were there any serious points that he raised about the actual argument . Let me he made one substantial or he made two substantial arguments. One about the Second Amendment. Let me just say that, look, everybody accepts that there are going to be limits on guns. Nobody thinks that we should be able to have antiaircraft guns, fully automatic weapons. So the question is not whether to have gun control but where to draw the line. Now, second, he argues that even if you outlaw guns people will still have access to deadly weapons, to knives, to things like this. And of course hes right. But the point about guns is they are so much more lethal than anything else you have around. I mean, that is why the American Military arms its troops not with knives but with automatic weapons. And if you look at americans and what distinguishes our mortality rates from those abroad, its guns. American kids are slightly more likely to be murdered with nongun weapons, with knives and things, than kids in other industrialized countries. Theyre 13 times more likely to be murdered with guns. What makes the difference is guns in this country and their accessibility. Mark potok, you obviously track a lot of these activists in many different guyses. What did you make of what alex joness performance was like and what does it tell you about that kind of gun rights on the rather extreme side of the gun rights lobby . Well, to me it was really a fairly typical performance for alex jones. In a way it looked like a setup on his part. You know, i think he kind of snuck in there, planning to launch into a yelling match. You know, i think really the important thing about what alex jones is about, what he represents, is that he has pushed out completely baseless conspiracy theories to literally tens of millions of americans out there, many of whom actually believe what he says. Well come well come to those in a moment. Lets play again this exchange, when he got at his most heated about the 1776 being reenacted. Then ill come to you after that, mark, if i may. And im here to tell you, 1776 will commence again if you try to take our firearms it doesnt matter how many lemmings you get out there on the street begging for them to have their guns taken. We will not relinquish them. Do you understand . And thats why youre going to fail and the establishment knows no matter how much propaganda, the republic will rise again when you attempt to take our guns. I mean, there are many alarming aspects to that outburst, but probably most alarming to me is the way that people like alex jones and the more extreme members of the gun lobby because not all gun owners share these views by a long way. And i have a lot of respect for the more measured gun owners who actually think it may be time to do something and just want to know what it should be. But the alarming thing to me is the way they frame this debate, that anybody who asks for more gun control and as nick said, theres already lots of gun control in america. Its about where you draw the line. Anyone that tries is attacking the constitution, attacking the Second Amendment, attacking america, and trying to get everybodys guns. Thats not what i want. As ive made very clear to him or tried to, this is about getting these Assault Rifles, assault weapons, these militarygrade stuff off the street and the ridiculous 100bullet magazines. Thats the point, mark. And its that that i think is the argument that gets lost in this crossfire of abuse that comes with these guys. No, i think hes very, very typical of people in the militia world, the socalled patriot movement. He sees an absolutely massive conspiracy to not only take his guns or our guns but to throw anyone who resists into concentration camps that have been secretly built by fema, the federal Emergency Management agency, and it goes on and on and on from there. So he has such a Rube Goldberg machine in his head in terms of this massive conspiracy to depopulate the united states, to literally kill americans that, you know, when you come to talk to him about guns or anything remotely within the political mainstream, he simply goes off his rocker. And i agree. I mean, this is very much the scary part of the militia world. Its not that people think the constitution is a great thing and ought to be defended, its that they take these views to the very far out reaches to the point where they think anyone who does anything in terms of Law Enforcement or anything along those lines is part of some kind of fascist plot. Let me bring in nick again. Nick, there is a concerted effort going on now by some american politicians to actually get real action. You can sense it, that there is a movement here from president obama, joe biden, Dianne Feinstein and others, they really are determined to try to make a difference now. Is it going to be successful . I fear that it is not going to be very successful. And if i can push back at one thing you said, i mean, the one thing that alex jones said that has an element of truth to it is that assault weapons are relatively minor as a source of death in america. Yes, but let me pick you up on that. Because i know he said that. But what infuriated me about that is they are, but they are the preferred weapon of choice now for mass shooters. So if you look at aurora, if you look at the oregon Shopping Mall, if you look at the firemen who were killed just before christmas, just on christmas, if you look at sandy hook, all of them involve these ar15 style, militarystyle Assault Rifles. Its all the same thing. And the reason they like them is that they can put these magazines on them and they can unload 100 bullets in a minute. Theyre machine guns. Absolutely. But the big problem in america is not these massacres. Its the dayin, dayout shootings that kill more than 11,000 americans a year. And of those, a few hundred are committed with rifles. So if the only thing that legislators do is reinstitute the assault weapons ban and the high magazine, that will be great. That will be a step forward. But it wont be enough. It wont be nearly enough. We have to make a move on handguns as well. But doesnt it send the right signal that actually its time to do something . The reaction to every outrage since ive been in america has been nothing. Gabby giffords, a congresswoman, can be shot in the head, nothing happens. A temple can be shot up, a Movie Theater, now a school. Weve seen almost every aspect of American Life destroyed in this way and nothing gets done. Except, i mean, it would be a step forward, but i fear that it would be not a spur to more action but a substitute. Wed settle down. And it seems to me that if we have car control, if we have there are five pages of osha regulations on ladders in america. Which kill 300 people. So why cant we get serious regulations i cant buy six packets of sudafed at my local walmart, but i can buy an ar15. In much of america to adopt a pet you have to have a home visit, yet you can buy a weapon on the secondary market without any kind of background check. We have all kinds of regulations on cars to make cars safe. And people dont see that as a threat. So why cant we begin to have the same kind of Public Health approach, not to ban guns, but to make them a little bit safer in American Homes . And harder to get, the more extreme variety of weapon, for those who may be disturbed. Absolutely. Nick kristof and mark potok, thank you both very much. My pleasure. Some 588 americans have been killed by guns since the newtown massacre. Its hard to be more precise, mostly because sometimes they insist the nra has squelched this evidence. Weve invited the nra to come on the show and so far theyve declined. But the invitation still stands and i would like them to come on and have this discussion. Meanwhile, disturbing testimony in a courtroom in colorado today. Investigators say they found 76 shell casings at the Movie Theater where james holmes is accused of killing 12 people and wounding 58 more this summer. One of the victims of that terrible attack was a. J. Boik and his uncle, dave hoover, joins me again now. Dave, thanks very much for coming back on. You were on the show last night, listening to alex jones as he ranted at me. What was your reaction to that as somebody who lost a loved one in the aurora massacre . Initially, i was infuriated and disturbed by his reaction. What i would hope and pray for this man is that he never gets a phone call from his loved one at 3 00 in the morning, screaming that his daughter has been killed in a theater. I hope and pray. Because this man is so far off the target on this issue that he would not be able to deal with that kind of tragedy in his life. Its not only his children were trying to put some reasonable legislation in place to protect, its all of our families. Weve lost family members, here in tucson, and today is the anniversary of that. So you know what, its trying to stop and set a framework which we can live within in america. We need to have some kind of rules in place that make sense. Right now we only have two sentences that were written in 1776, but yet we have legislated things, other things beyond that. This is one thing that americans just refuse to even look at or talk about, because theyre so afraid that people are going to come take their guns. Nobody wants to do that. Nobody wants to come take their guns, but what we want to do is keep the guns out of the hands of those criminals and those who are dangerous individuals to our society. They dont need these weapons. They dont need any weapons. But you know what . Im willing to go through a background cherck, as any responsible gun owner is. I think you make such obvious points to me. And i find it such a fascinating debate in the sense that its so politicized here in america. When we had the dunblane massacre in scotland, in britain, it was never political at all, the debate afterwards. It was never a question of the left and right being at loggerheads over what to do. There was a consensus. We can never let this happen again, or we must make it incredibly difficult. And all handguns were banned and all assault weapons were banned. And theres been no shooting at all at a school since. Now, there may well be in the future. You can never legislate completely against all these things. If you banned all assault weapons in america, theres bound to be another mass shooting. Of course there will be. Because there are so many weapons already out there. But my view is, you have to make a stand as a country, and you have to make a stand based on morality and ethics. And when i see what happened to your relative and to those poor people in that Movie Theater, they went to see a movie in america, and 70 people got shot. Let me ask you this, though, dave, do you believe that there is now momentum to get real action or not . Im cautiously optimistic. I hope that there is reason out there now to listen to what we have to say. People need to stop and stop fearing that a kneejerk reaction, that people will come take their guns and were going to stand here on the Street Corner and yell, do not take our guns, because our families will be put at risk. Nobodys saying that. We need to have some reasonable rules that we can all live within, so that we can protect our families. Nobody needs to get the phone call in the middle of the night, go to a high school. And i hate throwing emotion into this because we need to have an open and honest discussion about it. But when i got to the high school with my sister, his girlfriend still had his blood on her. When he was born, shortly after my daughter was born, my sister and i talked in the hallway of the hospital about how these two were going to grow up together and be close friends. And they were very close. I never want somebody else to have to go through what our family is going through. My dads best friend, a. J. Was over there every day, was a huge part of our family. And this kid was decent with everybody. From every group. And i dont want alex jones to get the phone call at 3 00 in the morning that one of his children have been shot and killed by somebody who shouldnt have a handgun or a rifle or an automatic weapon. I dont want him to get that phone call. No. Well, that is the whole point. And you articulated that so powerfully. Dave hoover, thank you so much for coming back again tonight. I know youve been down there for this trial, some terrible details today again from this james holmes evidence. Apparently, 30 gunshots were heard in one 27second clip. 41 calls to 911 in ten minutes. Just utter carnage in there. And then these terrible booby traps he set at his home to try and distract all the people who may race to the theater so he could kill even more people. Just a devastating thing. But, dave, thank you very much indeed for now. When we come back, he says the government has no right to know what weapons he owns. A former marine who told a leading gun control senator that shes crossed the line. What are you doing . Nothing. Are you stealing our Daughters School supplies and taking them to work . No, i was just looking for my stapler and my. This thing. I save money by using fedex ground and buy my own supplies. Thats a great idea. Im going to go. We got clients in today. 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[ male announcer ] ask your doctor if chantix is right for you. Lives cut down by gun violence. These are the faces of some of the nearly 600 People Killed by guns since the newtown massacre in america. On Christmas Eve two upstate new york firefighters, thomas koczalka and Michael Chiapperini were shot to death while responding to an Early Morning blaze. The killer armed with an Assault Rifle left a suicide note saying he wanted to kill as many people as possible. On new years eve in maryland, this little girl was struck by a bullet while celebrating at a relatives home. People say Aaliyah Boyer was killed by what they call celebratory gunfire. Somebody firing off rounds to welcome in 2013. She was just 10 years old. Hours later in new orleans, a College Student became the citys first homicide victim of the year. Antonio lovett was found lying face up on his coach shot in the head. The 28yearold worked as a waiter and put himself through school. He was studying to be an engineer when he was murdered. And in chicago Michael Kozel became the citys fifth homicide victim in the first two days of the new year. The store owner murdered during a robbery at his business. The 57yearold grandfathers last words were they shot me in the back. At the newtown memorial, president obama said america cant tolerate this anymore. That these tragedies must end, but it takes action, not words to stop the senseless killing. As we reported, senator Dianne Feinstein is introducing an assault weapons ban in congress. Heres what she told me about that. Theres no Second Amendment right to bear every type of weapon that you know of. These are a certain class of weapons. They are designed to kill large numbers of people in close combat. I dont believe the Second Amendment covers them. Many americans agree, but many others do not. Including my next guest, former marine, joshua boston, who wrote a scathing letter to senator feinstein that went viral on the internet. Welcome to you, joshua boston. Thank you, piers. Just to clarify your credentials, you served in afghanistan twice and iraq twice between 2004 and 2011 with the marines. Youre no longer in the military. Thank you for your service, first of all. Some of the members of my family would have been out there fighting with you in both iraq and afghanistan and i know what you guys went through. Its very tough. Talk to me about guns and why you felt the need to write to the senator in the way that you did. Senator feinsteins legislation is essentially stopping us from owning ar15s. If it passes, once we register these weapons, they wont be transferrable to anybody. Which means once i get old if i want to pass these my rifles down to my children i wont be able to because it will be registered in my name and the law says it cannot be transferred. Now, to me that sounds exactly like im being my family is going to be disarmed down the road. And these weapons, i understand that bad things happen with them. Bad things happen with cars. But the Second Amendment was put there for a reason. And it was put there to prevent things that we dont want happening with our government. So thats why i wrote the letter. Right, but you use the analogy of the car as many gun rights people do. You cant pass the car to your child without registration for the child involving all the various forms you fill in for that and the various permissions you have to get. Whats the difference . The car is not specifically mentioned in the bill of rights. Firearms are. But nor is an ar15 Assault Rifle. Neither are muskets. Nor is hunting or sporting. But everybody seems to bring that up. But there are, as you know, numerous gun control laws in america. Its purely a question of degree. There is. And my question for you is this. You know what these weapons can do better than most. Let me throw to a clip here. This is general stanley mcchrystal, who was one of the Commanding Officers for the American Military in afghanistan. He was on msnbcs morning joe this morning. He said this. I spent a career carrying typically an m16 or later an m4 carbine. And an m4 carbine fires a. 223caliber round which is 5. 56 millimeter at about 3,000 feet per second. When it hits a human body, the effects are devastating. Its designed to do that. And thats what our soldiers ought to carry. I personally dont think theres any need for that kind of weaponry on the streets and around the schools in america. Powerful words there from a very highranking recently departed general. I suppose my obvious question for you, joshua, is this. Why would you want to give one of these killing machines to one of your children, anyway . First off, we dont own m4s or m16s. We own ar15s and different variants off. Theyre not the same rifle. But you know as well as i do that the ar15 when its modified can perform almost exactly like an m16. We know that. And we saw with james holmes. His trials going on now. That in aurora he was able to unload at least 70, possibly more bullets into a crowded Movie Theater in a matter of minutes. We know that. So the difference is almost indistinguishable in terms of firepower at such close range . No, thats not even true. The weapon m4, m16 was designed to engage targets with precision at medium ranges, not for close quarters combat. Right. But if you have an ar15, whether youre at close quarters or youre 100 meters away, youre going to cause extensive and significant damage. Its possible, true, but that damage is guaranteed to happen when people arent allowed to carry a concealed weapon in a Movie Theater or teachers arent allowed to carry one in their schools to protect the children that we love. So your answer is that everybody in a Movie Theater would be armed with an ar15 . No, thats not what i said. I said they should be able to carry such weapons. They should have that choice. They shouldnt be denied that right to selfdefense because of the action of lunatics. Right. And again, i say this with respect, though. That choice is fine. But if everybody exercises that choice and is legally allowed to do so, you could end up with every Movie Theater and every school and every church and every Shopping Mall in america with everybody armed with an ar15 Assault Rifle and magazines that can kill 100 people in a minute. Where does that lead america to, other than utter wild west hell . All right, they said that would happen when texas instituted its concealed handgun laws, and it hasnt happened. In the Clackamas Mall shooting there was a 22yearold carrying a concealed weapon and presented his weapon at the threat and he held his fire. Just like happened at congresswoman giffords shooting. There was a chl holder there, and he held his fire. The American People arent as gunhappy and trigger happy as theyre being painted out to be by the media. They are smarter than that. They know when to hold their fire. They know when to fire. And we can increase the chances of success for these people that get caught in these situations for their survival by education. Weve got to stop making this a taboo subject to everyone because its scary. We cant give up our rights because were afraid. I suppose the only thing i would say to that is i believe the rights of a 6 or 7yearold child to go to School Without the fear of being murdered to me exceed and come higher than any rights to own an ar15 Assault Rifle. Thats my point. Well, piers, i dont disagree with you. I dont think children should have to be going to school worrying about being murdered. But we have to accept reality. No matter what laws we pass, lord knows we have laws, and during the last assault weapons ban it didnt stop columbine from happening, it didnt stop the West Hollywood shootout from happening. These things happen. There are criminals in our world that we have to contend with. And disarming people and taking the ar15s out of their homes isnt going to help. There was a lady in georgia who shot a man six times. He laid down, cried, got up and left. Now, imagine if there were multiple attackers. She only had six bullets in her pistol. If there were more than one attacker, she could not be alive today. Well, again, i would say that i can totally understand and respect an americans wish to defend themselves in their home and against intruders. I get that. I dont see why you cant do it with a handgun or a pistol. And the idea that you need ar15s, you and i will have to disagree on that. Because i cannot think of anything i would rather less give one of my children. Ive got to say. Its education. You have to teach them. You have to educate people. Ignorance is a bad thing. You have to educate yourself on the weapons. Okay. I mean, yes, they are dangerous, but they do have benefits. Regardless of the evil one man can commence with it. Joshua boston, listen, i have Great Respect for the service youve given your country, and youve raised some interesting points. I dont see any benefit to a civilian owning an ar15. I see lots of benefit to someone in the military defending the freedom of their country and im sure you did that extremely capably and i thank you for joining me. Thank you. Coming up next, the interview that was heard around the world, what my allstar panel has to say about my very Heated Exchange with alex jones. Joplin, missouri, come back from a devastating tornado. Man and now were helping the east coast recover from hurricane sandy. Were a leading Global Insurance company, based right here in america. Weve repaid every dollar america lent us. Everything, plus a profit of more than 22 billion. For the American People. Thank you, america. Helping people recover and rebuild thats what we do. Now lets bring on tomorrow. Isurprise. Its eating less. To losing weight. Im hungry just thinking about it. Thank goodness for new slimful. One delicious, 90calorie slimful and a glass of water, like before dinner, helps keep me satisfied for hours. So instead of this much, i only need this much. And slimful tastso good. I dont even miss dessert. Slimful and a glass of water. Eating less is a beautiful thing. I have a gun. Gabby and i are both gun owners. We are strong supporters of the Second Amendment. But weve got to do something to keep the guns from getting into the wrong hands. Mark kelly and Gabby Giffords on Good Morning America today, the second anniversary of the shooting that nearly killed her. They announced an effort to get politicians to stand up against gun violence. Joining me now three people with strong opinions on the subject of guns in america. Gloria allred, the daily beasts buzz bissinger, and abby hunt. Welcome to you all. Buzz, let me start with you. This debate has been raging for a long time in america. Do you believe that sandy hook represents any kind of Tipping Point in favor of new gun control legislation . No. I mean, i think america is a country that revels in violence, that was born in violence, that loves the image of the frontiersmen and the cowboy and having guns. There was a lot of protest. I think the only politician thats trying to do anything is michael bloomberg. I dont see president obama doing very much. We had another incident at aurora, colorado where he did nothing. Mitt romney did nothing. Its a ridiculous argument. How can we possibly have assault weapons and frankly why do we need guns . We dont need guns. We have 10,000 murders a year. As you tried to tell that big fat idiot last night, how many murders by gun were there in england . What, 33 . Yeah. Its pathetic, but i dont see any change. Gloria, its a debate that is very hard to have without people getting very angry and very exercised. How do we try and move forward to a point of some consensus, where the gun lobby are persuaded that these ar15 type militarytype machine guns is what they really are are actually not part of this debate in any safe way . Well, i think, piers, that it begins with a discussion in the court of public opinion. And i want to commend you for standing up to what i think was bullying, bigtime, last night by alex jones. If politicians had a spine the way you had last night and stood up to the gun lobby and to those who are very, very extreme in their views, as mr. Jones was, instead of just cowering and afraid of losing the next election, we would have changes in gun laws that we would need. We would have what you suggest, for example, about closing the loopholes for gun shows. We would have more regulation. So i think we need more discussion, not less. And we need probably to see more of the extremists because thats whats frightening. And the idea that he might have a gun in his hand is terrifying. Well, he owns 50 guns, which i found the most scary part of the whole thing. Abby, your father ran for president and you know the system in washington better than many. Do you hold out any hope the reason i ask you because i read your tweets today, which were pretty doomladen about this. Do you have any hope if it does go to congress, theyll pass anything involving gun control legislation . I do want to point out based on the conversation last night that its not even worth mentioning this guys name. I mean, he does not represent america. This is the same guy that said that the u. S. Government is involved in oklahoma bombings and 9 11. So its just, he really lives in the land of wacky. But, all were asking for is a rational conversation about gun control. I think thats what you were asking for last night. You didnt get that. And thats really what needs to begin right now. But the problem is, it has to go through congress, and as we see today, nothing can get through congress. But politics all starts locally. So it really has to do with these legislators going back to their local towns, their local town hall meetings, and hearing from people that they represent, they want this done. Its really going to come from the American People saying were outraged and make sure the conversation continues. Like youre having this conversation, make sure we continue to talk about it and make sure the people that represent them, that they want it to be done. Because they just want to be reelected at the end of the day, right . But buzz bissinger, this is all well and good, but part of the bit problem is that the wording of the Second Amendment is so woolly and so open to conjecture and interpretation, and really it relied on the Supreme Courts ruling in 2008, which basically has been taken by the nra and others to be an absolute vindication of their belief the Second Amendment gives everybody a license to have as many arms as they like. Look, im not a lawyer, im not a scholar. It seems as if a 10yearold would read the Second Amendment and say you have the right to bear arms for the formation of a militia. I think the 2008, and im saying this as a layman, the 2008 Supreme Court ruling was a travesty, at the very least it should be a states right, when they ruled the way they did it opened it up to every night. And one of the things that mr. Jones said that bothered me the most was the complete dismissal of what he called gangbanger violence. The worst thing about guns, as bad as sandy hook was, the worst thing is we are encouraging as a nation black on black genocide in our inner cities, and no one apparently cares about it. Its a good point. I mean, chicago is a totally different issue i think to anything else that weve seen and remains as bad as its ever been. Lets take a break. When we come back, reading, writing, and rifles. Would you feel safer if your childs teacher had a gun . I know i wouldnt. I want to know what the panel think. Officemax can help you drive supply costs. Down. And down. Just use your maxperks card and get a case of x9 paper for only 1cent after maxperks rewards. Find thousands of big deals now. At officemax. Is a fantastic experience. 30 shrimp for 11. 99. I cant imagine anything better. 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I was a teacher for many years before becoming an attorney, and security in schools is something we all have to be concerned about. We all want our children to be safe and our teachers and other staff in schools to be safe. But Arming Teachers i think is the wrong step to take. We know often that there are more accidents in homes with guns where children can get access to guns. Sometimes theyre left not locked up or children can get into the area where they are locked up, and im concerned that could happen in schools. I think we do have to have more security, but not guns for teachers. Right. I mean, buzz bissinger, my problem with all of this is its all dealing with the egg and not the chicken. Theyre not dealing with the problem of the gun supply. Theyre dealing with all the aftermath of that. And the most horrifying aspect is what happens after these outrages is that the nra and the others get on television, spread all the fear, wayne la pierre and alex jones and others, and then the americans rush out and buy ever more of these weapons and ever more of this ammunition. And so it goes on. The only solution apparently is to arm everybody else. I mean, i agree with you. I think the purchase of guns went up after sandy hook. Look, it is pathetic. It is ridiculous that you are allowed i dont care what the justification is, that you are allowed in this country to own a semiautomatic weapon, much less a handgun. But what do you need a semiautomatic weapon for . The only reason i think you need it is piers, challenge alex jones to a boxing match, show up with a semiautomatic that you got legally, and pop him. Id love to see that. In uniform. Ill borrow my brothers uniform. I dont think guns are the answer here. They keep saying, dont they, more guns, less crime. More guns, less crime. In fact, thats just not backed up by any real evidence. Its not. And weve talked about the Founding Fathers earlier, but they did not intend to live in a society, the modern society that we live in today, where we have a lot more People Living in big cities, higher crime, no money, or less money rather, and more guns with no gun laws. I think its only rational to say we need to take a step back and really do something about this. But theres another big component to this, and that is Mental Health. I mean, we cant afford for Mental Health you think when local governments get money to pay for things, that goes to the back burner. They say we need to pay for highways, we need to pay for education. So its really about the American People bringing it to peoples attention that we need to focus on Mental Health and put money toward it. The focus has got to be on what causes this, not the aftermath. Thats the problem. Right. It is the chicken and the egg. Youve got to deal with the chicken, not the egg. I think its great that general mcchrystal spoke out today about the fact that no one needs assault weapons, only the military. I think we can do away with clips. Why do people make multiple rounds . It makes no sense. No one needs that. Its nonsense. Thank you to my great panel. Buzz bissinger, abby huntsman, and gloria allred. Im sure well have you all back very soon. When we come back, the rape case thats stunning the nation. Ill talk exclusively to the attorney for the alleged victim and to an attorney for one of the accused. Its called ocuvite. Er ] a vitamin totally dedicated to your eyes, from the eye care experts at bausch lomb. As you age, eyes can lose vital nutrients. Ocuvite helps replenish key eye nutrients. Ocuvite has a unique formula not found in your multivitamin to help protect your eye health. Now thats a pill worth taking. [ male announcer ] ocuvite. Help protect your eye health. For their annual football trip. 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We will not sit idly by and watch a group of young men who turn to rape as a game or sport get the pass because of athletic ability and small town luck. You now have the world looking directly at you. From the Group Anonymous seeking information about a rape case thats shocking america. Two ohio High School Football stars are accused of raping a teenage girl with friends of the defendants using social video to mock her. With me for his first oncamera exclusive interview is bob simmons, attorney for the 16yearold alleged rape victim. Welcome to you, mr. Fitzsimmons. First of all, how is your client . Thank you for asking, piers. Shes doing very well. Shes actually a remarkable young lady and a very strong family. Shes gone back to school. Shes been engaging in the fall activities of team sport, and just today we just learned that she was actually given an award for some honors for her academics. Its been tough. Its difficult. You can imagine going through this and all the publicity, also, has had a drastic effect upon the family, but its actually brought them probably closer together. Theyre finding strength in each other right now, and theyre trying to move on and hoping to conclude this thing sooner than later, also. Does she really know what happened to her . Well, thats the case. She was unconscious that particular evening, and its not the young victim thats pointing the finger. What happened was, through the actions of various individuals, including the defendants and other individuals that were there, through social media, this evidence evolved over a period of a couple days, and so her learning process and her familys process took time and it evolved to the point that the authorities then, based on that information, made the allegations and the charges against the individual defendants right now. But she was totally unconscious. Its its our children today. Anybody that has a daughter, that would go out and talk to their parents with a daughter, or even these young men today. We need to as parents i think take a closer look at the children that cha theyre doing out there because theres a lot of activities and a lot of this social media seems to be bringing about some things that just arent acceptable in our society. I mean, the behavior of the people we see on the video is completely outrageous and unacceptable and some of them have already apologized for this. Obviously, the argument coming back is going to be and has been that potentially the Sexual Activity between your client and these accused boys may have been consensual. Is she in any position to determine that either way, do you think . If not, are there witnesses you think who will be able to . Well, there were already other witnesses that testified at the preliminary, but let me just say this. The allegations are that a young lady was unconscious. There is a picture that most anybody that has read or heard about this particular case has seen. If you look at the picture, there is little doubt that this young lady was unconscious. And i dont care who you are or i dont care where you are. A person has a right not to have their body invaded by another individual without consent. Thats just wrong. And in this particular case she wau was unconscious. And there can be no consent. There cant be assumed consent with this particular girl, with the state that she was in. And thats what this was about. And like i said, it was through their own actions and through their friends actions that this was revealed. But there is a terrible problem i believe with the actions of men and women taking advantage, especially in the social context where they know somebody in this country and theres been a lot of strong women that have came forth and told their stories about whats going on, and probably about 20 years ago when i was first practicing, 25 years ago, we came about with some new legislation called rape shield statutes which really protected the victim. Because in those days, in the old days they used to bring up the character and reputation of a girl with other individuals and people would be fearful. Perhaps today we may look at more stringent sentencing and more stringent laws, but there needs to be some movement, and if nothing else, this particular family and this young girl want to take this and turn it into a positive. Theres been a lot of people that have offered support and help, financial. Theyve offered to pay attorney fees. And we arent charging for those. So theyve actually asked that those money be donated to the madden house at the ymca in wheeling, West Virginia that takes care of abused women and also rape victims. Thats excellent. They would like to turn it into a positive. I think thats an excellent thing and i would like to send our best wishes from our show to your client. Whatever happens with the legal process, an awful ordeal you wouldnt wish on any young girl. Please wish her well with her continued recovery. We will. And thank you so much, piers. Now i want to bring in walter madison, whos the afoettorney Malik Richmond, one of the teens accused of rape. Obviously its a very emotive case, dividing america in many ways. Your client, along with his friend, is, you know, public enemy number one where they come from right now. How do you defend him . Quite simply. Piers, first thing i want to make clear for everyone that they should understand really well, Malik Richmond has nothing to do with that video. Mr. Fitzsimmons premised his statement when he says defendants, and he lumps them together. Malik richmond had nothing to do with the video. Hes not depicted. He didnt produce the video. He was never charged nor is he charged with disseminating any material or is there any evidence whatsoever that he sent any photographs or promoted what weve seen on the internet. Okay . Now, the other problem that we have in terms of defending him, we have to right the ship. One of the problems is mr. Fitzsimmons has aligned himself with, you know, rape crisis centers, et cetera and movements, if you will. That issue cant be put on the back of my client. He deserves a fair trial. There is an atmosphere in that community, just today the schools were on lockdown. There was a death threat. I dont know what attendance will be like for the rest of the week there at school. But there were witnesses in that community that were willing to come in on behalf of my client. Does your client accept that he behaved badly on the night just generally . Well, hes 16 years old. Certainly he wouldnt want to be judged for the rest of his life for what he did at 16, nor would you or i. So hes a juvenile and hes in Juvenile Court for that reason, because juveniles lack the maturity to really contemplate the decision thats they make and the effect that it will have on them for the rest of their lives. Do you believe that there is sufficient doubt about your clients involvement in the sexual aspect of this case that he will be acquitted . Well, look, im not here to do what social media is doing, okay . Im here to at least offer a voice. I have a message. And the message is really simple. This case, as serious as it may be, we have rights in this country to a fair trial. Now, as repugnant as this video is, okay . It is his form of expression. The gentleman we now know as michael. Thats his form of expression. And the irony is that social media also argues that they have a right to expression. And, therefore, they may say and do what they like without impugnity, without even identifying themselves. So because we dont like what he says and it charges us emotionally, my client becomes vilified for it, and its protected speech. Well, i think theres certainly very strong points to be made on both sides. The role of social media. It is a dangerous, dangerous way of dealing with any of these stories. The trial is scheduled to begin on february the 13th. Im sure well talk again. Thank you very much for coming in. Thank you very much, piers. Appreciate it. Well be right back. [ woman ] if you have the nerve to believe that cookie cutters should be for cookies, not your investment strategy. If you believe in the sheer brilliance of a simple explanation. [ male announcer ] join the nearly 7 million investors who think like you do face time and think time make a difference. Join us. 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