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Talks religion, reason and what America Needs now. The good news lnt good much. What you need is the better life. From the election and economy to same sex marriage and more. The issues that really matter. Why we have to change the constitution . Its a flawed document. It was made my men. What does god mean to you . This is piers morgan tonight. Good evening and happy holidays. Welcome to this special piers morgan tonight. Joining me, one of the most influential leaders in the world. Its rick warren. Tonight were going to talk about faith, family, politics, sins, the questions of church and state and much, much more. Pastor warren is the author of a purpose driven life. Welcome. Good to be with you. What is the purpose of christmas. Well, you know, the angels in the story of the first christmas said three things. And those three statements say the three purposes of christmas. They are celebration, salvation and reconciliation. The first thing the angels said was i bring you good news of great joy which shall be for all people. Christmas isnt for christians. It says its for all people. Good news and great joy. Its a time to party. I love it that in the Northern Hemisphere that christmas comes in the darkest part of the year. You know, theres so much bad news in the world, we need good news. So the first purpose is celebration. I bring you good news of great joy. Its legitimate to have parties. Then it says for unto you is born this day a savior who is christ the lord. We all need saving, saving from our sins, saving from ourselves, saving from our weaknesses. But theres a lot of other salvations, too. A lot of people need to be saved out of their sins. They need a financial salvation or a relational salvation or a physical salvation from an illness, Something Like that. Its a time to really look to god for salvation. And then in the third, it says, you will have peace on earth, good will towards men. Thats the reconciliation. You know as well as i do, a lot of times people go home for holiday, its something but reconciliation. A lot of bad relationships. Its time for forgiveness, a time for reconciliation, time to restore harmony. So i tell people, i say have fun, look to god, and get right with your friends and neighbors. Thats the purpose of christmas. Its interesting you said its hope to everybody. Its a misconception, i think, that its only for christians. It says for all people. In fact, this christmas, my message is actually called for all people. When i started saddleback church, we were a lily white angelo suburban church in 1980. Today our Church Speaks 67 languages. Really . Yeah. We are literally united nations. Do you get people from all religions . Oh, of course. Every background, every religion, every race. It literally is heinz 57 variety. A muslim or a jew or whoever it may be. Were an overtly christian church. I believe jesus is who he said he was, the sun of god. But we welcome all people of all persuasions and we say check us out. When jesus went out to start his ministry, the very first phrase he said, hes walking along and john the baptist has a couple of people following him and they say there goes the lamb of god. Go follow him. And they said where are you going lord . Here are jesus first words. Come and see. Thats about as little commitment as you can ask, check us out. We say to people, you dont have to say anything, sign anything, sacrifice anything, just check us out. America is going through a slight down drop, if you like, in attendance, in churches. One in five in the u. S. Public are now religiously unaffiliated. One of three adults under 30 are unaffiliated. To put it in perspective, still way ahead of most other countries, certainly in the western world. America remains a very religious country, why do you think its on decline. I think there are three different factors. One factor, the actual number of atheists in the country has pretty much remained the same since 1950, but theyre simply more vocal. And that is true. Second, surveys out thereto are asking the wrong questions. I think there was a pew survey that said asked a question about protestantism. There was an article that said the decline and fall of christian america. And it said protestants in america have dropped precipitously. Well, of course they have. I dont know a Single Person who calls themselves protestant. So sometimes the question may be wrong. But i think also, i think during the last decade, the term evangelical became not a theological term but a political term. And a lot of people were turned off by the politics. They say everyone knew that george bush was an evangelical. Oh, then you must be in favor of the gulf war. So it got coopted as a political term. Anytime you do that, youre going to have divisions. Thats why the separation of church and state is so important. George bush when he was president certainly used his faith and evangelical adherence to almost turn the conflict in iraq and afghanistan almost into a holy war. I thought that was a very dangerous thing for an american president to do and reinforce why i believe youve got to separate church and state. Youre right in that. But let me give a counter point. He also used his faith to authorize the greatest Single Health bill in history for people with aids. It was a 15 billion bill. In the last 10 years ive been in 165 countries. Itch people who say my husband is alive because of president bush. Im a catholic. My big issue with catholicism, for example. Im not the most devout catholic youre ever meet. I dont equate what the pope says, for example, about contraception, particularly condoms in africa. I cant see how it doesnt cost millions of lives to not be able to say, as the pope, the holy father, where there are so many catholics in africa, look. There are two uses for condoms. One is for the prevention of conception. And the other is prevention of disease. If youre using it if for prevention of disease, then i endorse it. I would side with you on that. Im not a catholic. What i found in our working with people around the world to produce aids. You campaign a lot on aids. My wife and i have a foundation called acts of mercy, which has given millions of dollars to people with hiv aids. And what we do is we work with people as far as they can go. I dont have a problem with contraceptives, uh be ill work with catholics to stop aids as far as they can go. Ill work with gays as far as they can go. Ill work with anybody as far as they can go. So i dont insist that they change their fundamental view in order to say where do we have Common Ground . Can so i may not agree on that issue. A jewish person says we dont eat pork, fine. I support you in your conviction, dont eat pork. Youre one of those evangelicals where you use pretty moderate language and you appear to be more tolerant. Although im kol to things you said to me and challenge you a bit. But certainly when you talk to someone like joe, he will Start Talking about sin and sinners and all the rest of it. Were in a modern age, if you brand sections of the community sinners because you believe thats what the bible has told you to say, you are demonizing these people. And i find that hard to deal with. By all means, dont agree. Everyone is entitled to their view. I dont like the demonizing. I believe everyone has sin in their lives. I believe the scripture tells me to focus on my own sin and to focus on loving you. A lot of times we have that reversed. Im focused on my your sin and loving myself. If you were focusing on my sin, you would look older than you do. The london times had a contest that said whats wrong with the world. G. K. Chesterton had those two words on it that said i am. The first sentence of my book is its not about you. I was trying to think of the first counterstatement i could think of. Every advertisement says we do it all about you, its all about you. Its almost like a little slap in the face that says its not about you. What was interesting is when i wrote that, i had no idea how many times i personally was going to be tested on that sentence for the rest of many i life. Sometimes i have to say that five, ten times a day. If if i get criticized i have to say its not about you. If i get praised, its not about you. I just have to say it over and over and over. Do you like the extraordinary position of responsibility that you now have for yourself . I dont say that i like it, but i try to use it. When i wrote this book purpose driven life and it became the best selling book in history and the most translated book in the world, 137 languages off the bible, that brought in an enormous amount of money and an enormous amount of attention. Honestly, piers, it scared me. I never put our services on television. I didnt want to be a celebrity. With so i had to start praying about the stewardship of affluence and influence. When you write the bestselling book in american history, its tens of millions of dollars, i could have gone and bought an island and retired and have people serve me iced tea with little umbrellas for the rest of my life. But when you write a book and the first sentence is its not about you. You have to believe the money is not about you. What do you do about not the affluence, but the influence. One time i found a passage in the bible that changed my life. Its written by solomon, the son of david. He was the wealthiest man, the king of israel at his apex of power. In that passage, he says god, i want you to make me famous. It sounds like the most selfcentered prayer you can imagine. I want you to spread my name to every country. Then he says so that the king may support the widow and orphan, defend the defenseless, release the prisoner. He says, care for the immigrant. And out of that passage, it came to me, the purpose of influence is to speak up for those who have no influence. The reason ive been silent in the media most of the last four years, i was overseas in little villages, nobody ever heard of. I was literally trying to help people that nobody ever heard of. The purpose of influence is to speak up for those who have no influence. Lets take a break. I want to talk about sex even marriage, sin and how many lustful thoughts you have on an hourly basis. Why do toys for tots and hasbro trust duracell to power their donated toys . Duralock power preserve. It locks in power for up to 10 years in storage. Guaranteed. Duracell with duralock. Trusted everywhere. Progresso. In what world do potatoes, bacon and cheese add up to 100 calories . Your world. [ whispers ] real bacon. Creamy cheese. 100 calories. [ chef ] maam [ male announcer ] progresso. You gotta taste this soup. 100 calories. [ chef ] maam for those nights when its more than a bad dream, be ready. For the days when you get a sudden call from the school, be ready. For the times you need to doublecheck the temperature on the thermometer, be ready. When you have childrens motrin on hand, youre ready. For high fever, nothing works faster or lasts longer than childrens motrin. Be ready with childrens motrin. All marriage problems come down to one of five areas money, sex, inlaw, communication and children. When kay and i got married, we went 5 for 5 in the first month. And our marriage was down dooby doo down down. Lets try to work out the permutations which enabled money, sex, inlaws, communication and children all to go down in the same month. That seems pretty dramatic. A gallup poll shows the number one cause of divorce is money. Of course, during this last four or five years in economic recession as a pastor, ive had to deal with a lot of marriages under enormous stress when either one or both are out of the work. It puts additional stress on everybody. It really does, doesnt it . More than anything. People lose their sense of purpose. If they havent got a job, for example. Their sense of identity. Their sense of selfworth. Their pride. Theres nothing worse than being unemployed in terms of your pride. One of the things i try to teach people is that your value has nothing to do with your valuables. That your selfworth has nothing to do with your net worth. And that the greatest things in life arent things. Theyre not things. If anything we put in our lives it becomes a great deal of sense of security. Theres a symbol, its worry. Worry says, im assuming responsibility god never intended for me to have. When you see americans rushing out by millions to play the lottery, the power ball, whatever it may be, desperate to try to win an amount of money that would change their lives, is it healthy . Well, no, its not healthy. The book of proverbs says it is foolish to try to do get rich quick schemes. Thats really what vegas is all about. Get rich quick, or powerball or Something Like that. Say someone wins a lot of money. And they then devote a large chunk of that to helping needy people, people less fortunate than themselves, does that balance it out . Well, the studies show no, it doesnt. The studies show that people who actually win the lottery, it doesnt really use change their life for the better. Because you still have the same problems that you had all along. And money cant solve those. What money does, money gives us opportunity. So if i have more money, ive got more opportunity. Thats a good thing. Im not against people. I want people to prosper. But its not the end all what we think we want is the good life. And the good life is looking good, feeling good, and having the goods. The problem is ive talked to a lot of people. My church is filled with people who have those three things. White collar workers and they look good, they feel good, they have the goods. And a lot of books have come out and said if im so successful, why do i feel like a fake . And the reason is because the good life isnt good enough. What you need is a better life. I think thats what jesus offers. When i was a little kid, my parents served me strained spinach. I thought that was really tasty. Today, i think parents should be in prison for child abuse for serving that because its pretty nasty stuff. But i thought strained spinach was really good. Until i got a little bit older they served me chef boyardee spaghettios. I thought that was good until i discovered in and out burger. If there was a better life, wouldnt you want to know about it . Im not one of those pastors or preachers who say im trying to scare you out of hell and into heaven. I say, you need the lord in your life, not because youre going to die tonight, but because youve got to live tomorrow. And you need not the better life the good life, you need the better life. You and your wife cant be married 37 years, very long and successful marriage. Have you had big problems in that marriage . If youre honest . Oh, absolutely. Our problems started on the honeymoon. We had a very unusual courtship. I took my wife out on our first date and eight days later, we were engaged. Before we even had a second date. And then at the end of that, we were going to college together. At the end of that year, she moved to birmingham, alabama, to work at an inner city africanamerican church. I moved to nagasaki, japan, to teach english. Our entire courtship, we were apart. It was by letters. So when we actually got married, it was like we knew we were in love with each other and we felt god put us together. But it was like, and who are you . And my wife and i are the exact opposite in every detail of our dna except our commitment to each other and the lord. The thing that made us last, we said divorce is not an option for us. Were going to make this thing work if it kills us. And there were times it nearly did. At one point, i ended up in the hospital from depression over our marriage problems. Kay thought she was having a nervous breakdown. And we went to a counselor. At that time, i was working at a college and i was making 800 a month and my counseling bill was 100 a week. We wracked up a 1,500 counseling bill. Was it worth it . Are you kidding me . Shes my best friend. I often thought i should do a commercial called mastercard priceless. Saved my marriage. Priceless. When people say, you know, i cant afford marriage counseling. I say you cant afford not. How much is your marriage worth . Do people give up on marriage too early these days . I think so. They dont fight enough for it . The problem is, youre an imperfect person. Two imperfect people cant create a perfect relationship. We expect our mate to fulfill in us in our lives something that only god can fulfill. And youre going to be disappointed. No person could possibly meet all your needs. What happens if you marry quite young. Say youre in your early 20s. And everyone knows you change a lot in the next decade. You get to your mid 30s, you think i dont want to spend the rest of my life with someone im completely incompatible with. Before people get married, opposite attracts. Its what makes you interesting is youre different from that person. If you know in your heart its dead. Before you get married, opposites attract. After you get married, opposites attack. And the very thing that interested you now becomes an irritation. And about six months in the marriage, all the things you thought were really cool youre now going, cant you be a little bit more like me . Now, here are the things that ive learned. Love is a choice. You love who you choose to love. And so when people say i fell in love, they make it sound like its falling in a ditch. You had no control over it. You have no control over attraction. You have control over choice. Once youve chosen. People say i fell out of the love. Thats your choice. You can choose to work on it. And heres what i notice, piers. The greater the differences in a marriage, the more powerful the marriage comes if they will work at it. The very thing that drives you apart, if youll work on it, you will learn the most from that person. They will learn they will learn from you. Hold that thought. I want to ask you my trademark question. How many times have you been properly in love . Okay. He gulped there. [ roasting firewood ] many hot dogs are within you. Try peptobismol togo, its the power of pepto, but it fits in your pocket. Now tell the world daniel. Of peptobismol togo. Now tell the world daniel. Try running four. Ning a restaurant is hard, fortunately weve got ink. It gives us 5x the rewards on our internet, phone charges and cable, plus at Office Supply stores. Rewards we put right back into our business. This is the only thing weve ever wanted to do and ink helps us do it. Make your mark with ink from chase. You make me happy when skies are gray [ female announcer ] you know exactly what it takes to make them feel better. You make me happy [ female announcer ] thats why you choose childrens tylenol. The same brand your mom trusted for you when you were young. How much i love you [ humming ] [ female announcer ] childrens tylenol, the 1 brand of pain and fever relief recommended by pediatricians and used by moms decade after decade. [ humming ] make a wish i wish we could lie here forever. I wish this test drive was over, so we could head back to the dealership. [ male announcer ] its practically yours. Test drive but we still need your signature. Volkswagen sign then drive is back. And its never been easier to get a jetta. Thats the power of german engineering. Get 0 down, 0 due at signing, 0 deposit, and 0 first months payment on any new volkswagen. Visit vwdealer. Com today. With odor free aspercreme. Powerful medicine relieves pain fast, with no odor. So all you notice is relief. Aspercreme. We left our viewers on a cliffhanger there. How many times have you been properly in love in your life . Welsh probably in my teenage years i fell in love every week. That doesnt really count. You know, i bet i fell in love two to three times. And each girl i fell in love with, the next one was better suited for me than the one before until i found kay and she was the best suited of all. Given the right situation, you can fall in love with anybody. You can put two people on the right island, put them in the right circumstances, you could fall in love with anybody. It takes more than love to make a marriage work. And just because you fell in love with somebody doesnt mean you should marry them. Theres a lot of other factors involved. But when you accept when you fall in love with a woman, it feels completely natural. Its not only natural, its euphoric. It doesnt sta so why do you have such a problem with a man who quite naturally falls in love with another man. Or a woman with another woman. Why can you not allow them to have that euphoria that you have with all the rights that go with that kind of relationship . Great question. The bible says you can love anybody. There is nothing in the bible that says a man cant love a man. In fact, there are many examples of men loving men in scripture. The bible says you just cant have sex with everybody. I cant very i fall in love with lots of different women. It doesnt mean i should have sex with them. Whats often framed as a love issue is not the issue. Im commanded to love everybody. As a believer in jesus christ, im not allowed to hate anybody. Im not allowed to disrespect anybody. Im commanded in fact, jesus said if you dont love everybody, you dont love me. Its not a love issue. You say youre a tolerant man. I dont dispute that. Yet last time i interviewed you, you got in a lot of hot water with the Gay Community because you said the reason you were opposed to gay marriage, for example, is not everything is natural, like gay attraction is good for you. And you compared it to arsenic. Can i pull that back . Yes. I would like to pull both of that. I stand by the statement that not everything natural is good for me. But the illustration was stupid. I pull it back. I disavow it. It was a dumb thing to say. Did you realize afterwards it sounded offensive. Theres nothing wrong with disagreeing with somebody. There is something wrong with being offensive. Thats my point about this. I have complete respect, having been brought up a catholic. Many catholics in anticontraception, antiabortion, antigay marriage. I have no problem with respecting their views. But the moment i start hearing the kind of rhetoric that kurt cameron, the growing pains star came out with on our show. The gay lifestyle being the abomination of the world, i get angry. Im not gay. But if im gay and listening to this, im thinking who are you to tell me im the abomination to the world. Youre one of the most influential men in the world for your teachings and the books and so on. And theyre looking to you for guidance at a time when america in particular is going through an incredibly fast sea change in attitude to many things. Now, what are you going to do in your guilded ivory tower of responsibility and influence as you see more and more american states supporting and voting and making legal gay marriage. Are you going to continue saying to people that come to your congregation, it is just wrong . Well, or does there come a time when you say america has changed. I need to change. I have a world view based on scripture that remains unchanged. Opinion changes. Popular opinion changes all the time. What was popular in the 18th century is not popular in the 19th, 20th, 24th. If you build your life on popular opinion youre on shifting sands. In fact, science changes. Nothing is more worthless than a science textbook from the 50s. But what shouldnt change from the original constitution of america, surely. My faith isnt based on the constitution, its based on i get that. But america in terms of its populism, its about fairness and equality. I went to see lincoln the movie a few weeks ago. It was a riveting movie, Daniel Day Lewis is brilliant as lincoln. But all about how he fought in his last few months as president to get slavery apolished. There were millions of americans who thought slavery was perfectly acceptable. Who was outraged at what he was doing. He was not trying to make something popular at the moment. He knew instinctively it was just wrong, unfair, unequal. And why did he know that . Because its in the bible. Right, but we had this discussion. Its in the bible. He was building it on biblical truth. The bible says every man should be free. But you dont believe every man should be free and equal . Of course were free and of course were equal. You can love anybody you want to. But you dont think a gay man or woman should be free to be married like a straight man or woman. So what is freedom . What i oppose is redefining a term. Now, let me explain this. You know, jews, theres a group called jews for jesus. And jewish feel dont like jews for jesus because they say, wait a minute, you dont get to redefine a term. If you believe in jesus, youre not really a jew. Let me make my point here. If a word means a certain thing and its not my word and all of a sudden i say well, im that, is that fair . Is that right . So you wouldnt have amended the constitution. Im not sure what youre saying. Why would you ever have an amendment to the constitution if you cant change the original wording or meaning. Certainly the point of the all the amendments is that they are moving with the times. Recognizing that certain words, phrases, meanings were just plain not right for the modern era. Youre you can thatting about the two different understandings of the constitution right now. There are strict constructionists who say it means what it means what it means. There are others who say to, i want it to mean what i mean today. But the amendments are moving with the times. Thats what all the amendments were basically about. You know why we have to change the constitution . Its a flawed document. It was made by men. My world view is the bible was made by god, not by men. And it doesnt change. But you and i know the bible is a flawed document. I dont agree with that. You think the bible is completely accurate . I think the bible is true. Not everything that is explained in the bible does the bible commend. For instance, theres rape in the bible. The bible is clearly against rape. In fact, if you open the bible, youll find more rape, murder, incest, all kinds of problems, why . The bible always tells the truth. Any other book, if it was writing about these great people in the past, it tended to gloss over their sins. But the bible says if you commit adultery youre going to be stoned to death. As we said before, thats a civil law for the nation of israel. But its still an element of the bible that is flawed. Well, evidently for that generation, thats their commandment. Exactly my point. Exactly like the constitution. But its not one of the moral laws. But its still in the bible and its flawed. I do not believe the bible is flawed. Well intentioned and inherently flawed. My point to you about gay rights, for example, its time to an amendment to the bible. No. You should compile a new bible. Not a chance. What i believe is flawed is human opinion because it constantly changes. In fact, we do it every eight years in america. We have a change in opinion. What was hot is now not. And i willingly admit that i base my world view on the bible, which i believe is true. And truth, my definition of truth is, if its new, its not true. If it was true 1,000 years ago, it will be true 1,000 years from today. Opinion changes but truth doesnt. When we come back, were going to talk about children. Piers, we need more of this kind of talk. I agree. The debate should always be respectful. It applies to politics, too. The moment it becomes disrespectful and discourteous and rude and poisonous, you never achieve anything. Lets go to the gay issue. I dont see many people willing to debate it. Its either my way or nothing. I dont see anyone actually willing to talk about it. Lets talk about children and charity when we come back. [ nyquil bottle ] hey tylenol, you know were kinda like twins. [ tylenol bottle ] we are . Yeah we both relieve coughs, sneezing, aches, fevers. And i relieve nasal congestion. Overachiever. [ female announcer ] tylenol® cold multisymptom nighttime relieves nasal congestion. Nyquil® cold and flu doesnt. Gives you 1 cash back on all purchases, plus a 50 annual bonus. And everyone. But her likes 50 more cash. But im upping my game. Do you want a candy cane . Yes do you want the puppy . Yes do you want a tricycle . Yes do you want 50 percent more cash . No festive. [ male announcer ] the capital one cash rewards card gives you 1 cash back on every purchase plus a 50 annual bonus on the cash you earn. Its the card for people who like more cash. Whats in your wallet . Britta olsen is my patient. I spend long hours with her checking her heart rate, administering her medication, and just making her comfortable. One night britta told me about a tradition in denmark, when a person dies, she said, someone must open the window so the soul can depart. I smiled and squeezed her hand. Not tonight, britta. Not tonight. [ female announcer ] to nurses everywhere, thank you, from johnson johnson. Is the same frequent heartburn treatment as prilosec otc. Now with a fancy coating that gives you a burst of wildberry flavor. Now why make a flavored heartburn pill . Because this is america. And we dont just make things you want, we make things you didnt even know you wanted. Like a spoon fork. Spray cheese. And jeans made out of sweatpants. So grab yourself some new prilosec otc wildberry. [ male announcer ] one pill each morning. 24 hours. Zero heartburn. Satisfaction guaranteed or your money back. For many people, its incredibly depressing, sad, lonely time. How do you try to change the fact that christmas becomes a crystallization for many people of all thats terrible in their lives. If you attach a holiday to a memory, thats either good or bad. If you attach it to current memories you tend to repeat those. If christmas for you brings up a time of strife, conflict, im not with my family, were divorced or were separated or whatever, of course thats a very depressing time. My suggestion is that people develop a new habit. Create a new habit and attach it to the holiday instead of continuing to look backwards. When i was 3 years old, i asked my mother, why do we have christmas . And my mom said well, its jesus birthday my mind was, then why dont we have a Birthday Party. We could have cake and kool aid and angels could come down and be us. We had a Birthday Party for jesus. We will do it for the 55th time in my life. We do it on christmas eve. And what we do, the family all gathers, whoever is in that particular year, and we go around the room. It is our family tradition. Everybody shares one thing theyre thankful for the last year. But they can go on as long as they want to. And its a time of very meaningful sharing. And then we say one thing i want to give god or give jesus for his birthday this year, and we share that. Then we sing, we literally sing happy birthday to jesus. The youngest kid blows out a candle, perspective an angel food cake, not devils food. And we have a Birthday Party for jesus. That has become something our family looks forward to every year. Now, its funny when the kids were little, when we were little, the sharing was short and quick and laugh ten err a lot of giggles. Now that i have grand kids, its short and fun like that. I think you can create a habit or a tradition, create a new tradition to overcome the negativity that is in the past. You give away 90 of the income. Its called a tithe. At the end of the first year marriage, we gave away 11, the end of the second, 12. Every year we would raise it. When i would get a bonus or we have a raise, we would raise it 3 or 4 . On the years that the cup board was bare and we were barely making it, we would raise it a quarter of a percent. Every time i give, it breaks the grip of materialism in my life. Materialism is all about getting. Get, get, get. Get all you get, can all you get, sit on the can and spoil the rest. Giving is the antidote to materialism. Theres a famous verse that says god so loved the world that he gave. You can give without loving but you cant love without giving. So now, weve raised it every year. Actually last year, we raised it again. We now give away 91 and live on 9. I played this game with god for 37 years. You give to me and ill give to you and well see who wins. I lost for 37 years. Do you know how much youre worth . No, i dont. Were constantly giving it away. We have three different charities. One is for people affected by hiv aids. Also helps orphans and Vulnerable Women and children from around the wrld. We have another charity called training leaders where we train leaders in vailages around the world. And the third is called a peace plan, which is promote reconciliation, equip leaders, assist the poor, care for the sick, educate the next generation. I want to say to everybody whos watching, its not a sin to the wealthy, its a sin to die wealthy. Okay . In other words, money is a tool. It can be used for good or for bad. Money is neither good nor bad, but it can be used for good or used for bad. Bill gates told me one time, rick, use money to save time. Thats a brilliant time. Because you see, i only have 168 hours a week. We all have the exact same amount of time. We dont have the same amount of money. We all have the same amount of time. Once i spend that time, im never getting it back. We can always get more money. If you use money to save time, thats a valuable investment of money. Lets talk about your diminishing status. I mean physically. Youre wasting away. And apparently so are 50,000 other people. I want to talk to you about this. [ woman ] ring. Ring. Progresso. I just finished a bowl of your new light Chicken Pot Pie soup and its so rich and creamy. Is it really 100 calories . Let me put you on webcan. Lean roasted chicken. And a creamy broth mmm i can still see you. [ male announcer ] progresso. You gotta taste this soup. Mmm i can still see you. for those nights when its more than a bad dream, be ready. For the days when you get a sudden call from the school, be ready. For the times you need to doublecheck the temperature on the thermometer, be ready. When you have childrens motrin on hand, youre ready. For high fever, nothing works faster or lasts longer than childrens motrin. Be ready with childrens motrin. [ buzzing ] bye dad. Drive safe. K. Love you. [ chirping, buzzing continues ] [ horn honks ] [ buzzing continues ] [ male announcer ] the sprint drive first app. Blocks and replies to texts while you drive. We can live without the. Visit sprint. Com drive. You are making it part of your mission to take care of a temple of the soul. And thats not a place where as physicians we have commonly gone. We go to church. We dont speak about our bodies in church. This gives us an opportunity to change the equation. Dr. Oz talking at rick warrens saddleback church. Hes an impressive guy. He is. Youve lost 60 pounds with this diet program i have 40 more to go, though. Its interesting. Its called the daniel plan. Yeah. You and the church have been doing this together. 15,000 people have signed up. Participants have shed a combined total of 250,000 pounds. How do you combine diet with prayer . Its funny how this thing started. About a year ago first place, ive never cared about how i looked. I didnt care how i looked. I was blessed with enormous energy. So i never really paid attention. We baptize in our church after every service. Once a month, i baptize. And about a year ago, i was doing a baptism and we do it the oldfashion way. We put people under the water. On this day i had 857 people to baptize. Took me a few hours. On about number 500, i had a thought, and it wasnt a very spiritual thought. It wasnt a pastor thought. It was, man, were all overweight. Were all fat. I thought, but im fat. And i cant expect other people to get in shape if im out of shape. So the next morning at church i got up and i said, you guys, i need to repent. I said, ive only gained two or three pounds a year, but ive been your pastor for 32 years. So i need to lose 90 pounds. Give me the bullet points of how it works. Well, i went out and i got three doctors. Dr. Mehmet oz, dr. Daniel ayman and dr. Mark highman. Oz said, you have to know your height, your weight, your waist and your cholesterol and your Blood Pressure. We set up a booth in our church and let people take those numbers. We opened a website called danielplan. Com where they could follow it. I thought maybe 200 people would show up. 12,000 of my members signed up. As you pointed out, we lost over 250,000 pounds. Im looking for the day our church says we lost the equivalent of a jumbo jet liner. Diets are diets and theres a lot of similarities. But the number one thing is this, we do it in community. Most people dont understand that saddleback is not the sunday service. Anytime a journalist comes to saddleback, they come to the service, they come on a weekend and see 20,000 people. They think thats in. Thats the tip of the iceberg. The real church happens during the week in 6,000 small groups. Were the only church in america that has more people in bible study than on sunday. 20,000 come on sunday. 32,000 in small groups. These 6,000 small groups go from santa monica to carlsbad. Everyone one has a health champion. Theyre the encourager of the daniel plan what have you stopped eating or what have you done new . It was real simple. I get out all white carbohydrates. No bread, no rice, no pasta. They dont call me pasta rick for nothing. That was my favor. Baboom so i cut out all white stuff. I personally cut out dairy. I eat a lean protein, vegetables and a little bit of fruit. You drink alcohol . No. I never have. No . No. Never had a crafty nip, never at christmas . Never smoked either. I thought we had so much in common. I want to have your final thoughts on this holiday when we come back. Copd makes it hard to breathe, but with advair, im breathing better. So now i can be in the scene. Advair is clinically proven to help significantly improve lung function. Unlike most copd medications, advair contains both an antiinflammatory and a longacting bronchodilator working together to help improve your lung function all day. 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