Transcripts For CNNW Piers Morgan Tonight 20120731

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to him but i don't want him ever to change. >> also, my one on one very candid interview with michael phelps. >> if you want to be the best, you have to do things that other people aren't willing to do. >> this is "piers morgan tonight." good evening from london and day three of the spectacular olympic games. behind me is the akwaquatic cen. a new world record. an extraordinary achievement. a devastating loss for u.s. gymnast jordan weeker. leaving her team and country shocked. finishing out of the medal race. and gymnast twisting and turning in their seats as they watch her perform. for sheer drama, nothing can quite match the u.s. men's team and the ongoing battle for glory between michael phelps and ryan lochte. are we witnessing a changing of the guard? with me now on our big story is olympic legend mark spitz. also with me is christine brennan, sports columnist for "usa today." welcome to you both. mark, let me go to you first. because you were watching a little earlier the astonishing race where everyone assumed it would be a easy comfortable win for ryan lochte. this french swimm emer has take the scruff of the neck of the swimming competition and changed the whole game, hasn't he? >> i think all of us have been captivated. the french have a lot of talent in the sprint men's freestyle events. the 100, the 200 and the 250. that's a perfect example of what we just watched. the frenchman coming through for his country. i think we're going to see a lot of other great performances in breaststroke and events that ryan and michael aren't swimming. >> should fells have basically quilt after beijing on the ultimate high? >> there's so much money on this. phelps will run a couple god ed me gold medals here i believe. >> if he wins three, he becomes the all-time high est gold meda winner. mark spitz, extraordinary performance by this 16-year-old chinese swimmer. to have a split time that was faster than ryan lochte. what do you make of this? lots of people casting suspicious eyebrows in the direction of this particular performance. >> i wouldn't want to speculate on anything that would be negative to her performance. it stands on its own unless she doesn't pass the drug test. i think it's incredible to think a woman can swim faster than a man. especially when they were both on world record pace. yet she swam fast they're last 100 meters. normally people that break world records are sort of like fading at the end and yet she actually galloped ahead and caught up to the world record pace and then passed it. so she had such an exhibition the last 25 meters of accelerating way past all the people that were in the pool with her. it was an incredible finish. i've never seen anything like it in my life. >> mark spitz, the other big argument at the moment is raging over nbc's refusal to air some of these big events, especially swimming, in real time. they're airing them in prime time hours later. that's the way it's always been done. given social media the way it is, do you think it's time nbc bit the bullet and began to broadcast the big stuff live? >> i think that they're in sort of a quandary about this because they actually build for the olympic games a number of years ago and paid the international olympic committee billions dollars. there are people that sit back in a room, the bean counters basically. they need to do that in prime time. i found myself in the same situation with my son just recently at 11:00 on the west koofd he coast here in california, i can actually watch the results. but it's like being a voyeur. i want to watch it with the announcers and see what they say. they'll have to have a serious consideration for what they'll do in the future for broadcasting. >> i'm not sure america should be able to dictate to the rest of the world when they have the events. nbc's got into a bit of a hole here. clearly social media is massively more prevalent. >> it's teasing people. they're getting good ratingings. this is the 21st century. i frankly think this is embarrassing for nbc. this is news, it's sports, it's entertainment. they're acting as if it's the 1950s and it's "ozzie and harriet" and dad comes home and puts his feet up and you're watching from 8:00 to 11:00. that's not the way people watch their television. i completely agree with you. if you had it on in the afternoon and packaged it beautifully again at night, i think you'd have the same kind of ratings. >> christine brennan, mark spitz. despite ryan lochte's loss today, he had a stunning gold medal win on saturday. i spoke to his mother a little earlier before the 200 meter defeat. i'm joined now by ryan lochte's mother. when we spoke last week, you were a trembling mass of nerves. now you can relax. your boy, what a crushing gold medal win. >> that was fantastic. i really couldn't believe it. i expected it to be a closer race. and that last two laps, three laps, it was wonderful. >> what's it like for you? all the preparation? all the sacrifice he's made, all the support you've given him, and he wasn't the favorite. michael phelps was deemed to be the top dog. it was an incredible race. your boy just killed him on the night. >> he really felt confident that he's done everything that he really needed to do with all his exercise and all his nutrition and swimming. to see it actually in action, it was wonderful. >> what was the first thing he said to you afterwards? >> he brought me his flowers. then he blew me kisses because i haven't seen him since. >> you haven't -- >> no, i've only seen him from far away. >> he has said. we're going to play this clip. listen to this. >> no matter what, i could break a world record. and my mom would have been, like, you could have done better. but you lookedpretty. that's what she says all the time. >> could have done better but you looked pretty. >> the pretty comes from the strokes. so his coach will tell you that i always say, oh, his strokes look pretty. because when he's all broken up, he is -- and tired of swimming, then his strokes shorten up. >> good parenting about -- a boy or girl who has great talent. it's about driving them. it's about being honest, tough love. >> i've always been honest with all my kids. so i -- if they do well, they did well. if they didn't, actually, i asked, did you try your best? if they tried their best, i backed out. because i expect them to be honest with me or with themselves. and i can't make you go out there and work out hard. and i know he has. and so if even -- if he broke a world record, this always -- you know -- a challenge to do better because i don't want him to be complacent. you need to make yourself do better. >> i can see you're so excited. >> i'm so nervous. >> my mother wouldn't speak if she got a gold medal so at least you can talk to. when you talked about his pretty strokes, most women in america and indeed around the world view your son as pretty in a rather different way. an extremely good looking young man. he's single. they all fancy their chances. who would be the right kind of woman for your boy? >> they have to be a family loving person that could stand having a large family and crazy family at that. and just be real to themselves. not somebody fake. >> a bit of an old softy. apparently he cries at movies and stuff like that, is that right? >> yes. >> so that makes him instantly more lovable to women. >> yes, he's very caring and he loves kids. >> i love your t-shirt. the lochte ness monster. swimmings creature of speed. >> my middle child daughter, she was the one who developed this and she made it up for him. >> it's fantastic. i'm not saying he's flash. but these grills he has in his mouth was spectacular. silver and flag and everything. what did you make of it? >> it's ryan. i can't change that. you pick and choose your battles. that wasn't one of them. >> you prefer him not to, would you? >> no. >> and one last thing. about this controversy over nbc's coverage, delaying, screening these big races till prime time, has that affected you or your family back home? are they anxious to see it in real time on television? >> yes, but we call all our family and we tell them how he did immediately. it's not a matter of they have to wait for it. >> i think sports has to be live, doesn't it, it on tv? otherwise, twice. show it live, then prime time. you'd watch your son winning gold twice, wouldn't you? >> you're right. you're right. it should be for everybody because they want to see it. if they want to stay up till 3:00 in the morning and do it, let them see it. >> with twitter and facebook, everybody's talking about this. the game has changed. i think everyone has to move with the new game in town. thank you very much for joining me. next, my extraordinary and revealing interview with somebody i suspect this lady knows quite well, michael phelps. these fellas used capital one venture miles for a golf getaway. double miles you can actually use... but mr. single miles can't join his friends because he's getting hit with blackouts. shame on you. now he's stuck in a miniature nightmare. oh, thank you. but, with the capital one venture card... you can fly any airline, any flight, any time. double miles you can actually use. what's in your wallet? alec jr? it was a gift. here's one story. i'm sean. i switched to advil® 10 months ago. biking can be really tough on the lower back and your upper thighs. you have some nasty aches and pains. i really like advil® because it takes care of it all. neck ache, shoulder pain and definitely lower back pain. i use advil® because my wife, she's a nurse, she recommended it. 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>> i feel all right. >> grouchy tishgsed? >> no, not yet. maybe a couple questions and -- >> you've been answering questions all day. if i just repeat the same old nonsense you've been asked all day, then you're going to give me less time. >> i'll just be like a tape recorder though. >> london is my hometown. what's extraordinary is every american athlete i've interviewed when i asked them to cite a role model i'd say 90% say you. weird god-like figure to them. with that comes responsibility. are you aware of the status you have in your peer group? what do you feel about that? >> sometime, i feel it but like to just think of myself as a normal person who just has a passion, has a goal and a dream and goes out and does it. that's really how i've always lived my life. >> you say that before. come on, michael, you're not a normal person. >> i consider myself normal. i spent 20 years in the pool. i consider that something that's normal. >> that's not normal. >> what do you consider normal? >> not spending 20 years in the pool. i spend about 20 minutes in the pool a day. >> well, that's not -- >> what i was struck by with you is there are great gymnasts. i've never seen anybody who did what you did and confirmed the statistics on this that you trained for five years literally -- >> that's right. >> -- every single day, 365 days, each of those five years, consecutively. that is incredible dedication to your sport. do you know anybody else that has done that? >> no. i've never heard of anybody else who does that. >> what is the motivation at the end of the day for that kind of extreme dedication? >> if you want to be the best, you have to do things that other people aren't willing to do. at that point, you know, we had thought that for every year we get 52 other days of more training than anybody else gets. every single year. and also in swimming if you miss one day of swimming it kes you twice as long to get back. so, you know, for example for me after 2008 i took six months off. it took me probably really about a year and a half to get back to where i was, like, really needed to be and should be. >> when you were little michael phel phelps, was the dream to be an olympic champion? be an astronaut or -- what were young michael phelps dreams? >> olympic gold medalist. >> from what age did you know that? >> i grewup. my sister was first in the nation, third in the world, when she was 14, so i was 9. and then i got to so fl 10. i saw all the cool things she got to do. >> also, you're the younger brother. >> the baby. >> thinking, why is my older sister doing better? >> we were all very competitive. >> when you're at home playing -- do you play board games together? >> i would always try to. they wouldn't always let me. like play games with them. >> sky and describe what it means to be a great mesamerican. >> wow. you know, i think to be -- for me to be an american is one of the -- you know, for me -- able to grow up with everything. the freedom. this is the greatest country in the world. throughout my career, i've been able to travel overseas and to represent my country the best way i could. and, you know, being able to wear the stars andstripes. when you step off of an airplane or when you hear the national anthem play, it's one of the greatest feelings in the world because you know there are people at home who are supporting you and watching you. the stories i've heard from people telling me what they were doing or where they were watching races from 2008 i think really shows how close we are as a country. it's pretty special to just feel the support from all the fans. >> who are your sporting idols? >> michael jordan. >> why hem? >> he changed the sport of basketball in my eyes. on and off the court. made basketball what it is. >> have you met him? >> i haven't. never met him. >> what would you ask him if you were able to meet michael jordan? >> i've had that thought a lot. >> what's the thing you're most curious about with him? >> i think part of me would ask him about what made him come back to the sport. what made him go to basketball and come back. or excuse me, baseball. and then decide to come back to basketball. one of the coolest things that i love about him was it didn't matter what he had, you know, going on off the court or if he was sick or this or that. he never used it as an excuse. he came out every single night on the court. he did what he had to do to get the job done. that's what champions do. it doesn't matter what else is going on. when you walk into your arena. you're there to take care of the job you have to do. >> one of the downsides of his kind of success and indeed what you've enjoyed is you become celebrities. not through choice. you just become exponentially more famous than you were before. how have you dealt with that side of things? >> i'm sure i'll be the first one to admit i've made a lot of mistakes in my life. i think being able to have the opportunity of being a celebrity. you know, it helps me achieve some of the things i want to do with the goal to raise the bar on the sport of swimming. i think, one, people should learn how to swim more just for safety. but two, also try to get them involved in our sport. and, you know, we have seen a significant change over the last, you know, ten years. but in my eyes it can change so much more. >> when we come back, michael tells how he hit rock bottom after winning all that gold in beijing. constipated? yeah. mm. some laxatives like dulcolax can cause cramps. but phillips' caplets don't. they have magnesium. for effective relief of occasional constipation. thanks. 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[ doctor ] enbrel, the number one biolog medicine prescribed by rheumatologists. back now with michael phe s phelps. in 2009 when a british tabloid ran a full page picture of him smoking pot. usa swimming suspended him from swimming for three months. i mean, i remember when i was young mark spitz winning his seven golds and feeling incredibly inspired by him. even though i wasn't a good swimmer then. i'm not a great swimmer now. i remember feeling inspireded to want to be mark spitz. he made swimming sexy for that generation. you've done exactly the same thing now. you've made swimming the sexy sport. and taken it outside of the pool. with that, as they say, comes this kind of celebrity thing. you touched on making mistakes. to me the mistakes you've made, they're not massive mistakes. they were made to be apparent massive mistakes simply because of who they were. i remember the bong picture coming out. i remember just laughing. really? this is a scandal of epic proportions? and i saw the reaction. i saw people getting -- i saw sponsors getting twitchy and so on. i really thought it lost all sense of caution. to me i saw was a guy -- yeah, all right, you probably shouldn't have been doing it. but i saw a guy who had spent five consecutive years in a pool. probably just wanted to let his hair down. >> i mean -- literally made a boatload of mistakes and, you know, that's a part of growing and learning and i guess becoming an adult. with every mistake that you make, you obviously have to pay for the consequences that come your way. >> when you knew that picture was coming out, how did you feel? >> not too good. >> did you lose your cool? i mean, did you feel -- what is that feeling like? >> like the worst in the world, you know, like the -- i mean, i think it sort of -- yeah. >> i heard you say the worst thing was having to tell your mother. i can relate to that. i can imagine there's no harder conversation. how did you get through that? how did you brace yourself for that? >> i think -- my mom has always been obviously how all moms are. they're very supportive in their children. you know, my mom growing up, you know, always would let us kind of see how -- i guess choose the decisions that we wanted to but if we made those decision, we had to live with the consequences that came our way. obviously, was very disappointed in the decision i made. obviously, i learned from it. and, you know, i mean i'll make a million mistakes in my life but as long as i never make the same mistake again, i'll be able to learn and grow. >> do you feel people overreacted a little bit? >> do you feel people -- >> yeah, i did, yeah. only because you're michael phel phelps. you set yourself on -- of just unbelievable achievement. >> people build you up and knock you down. >> must be the sheer volume of attractive women that would like to be associated with you. >> i mean, i don't know. i try not to get myself into too much trouble. >> have you found you've got more attractive the more gold medals you won? >> i think the biggest thing is you got to find who's real and who's not. >> how many times have you been properly in love? >> with what? >> i was assuming a woman. >> a woman would probably be twice. >> twice in your life. have you been capable of proper love given the extraordinary -- >> in my eyes, yeah. >> have you had your heart broken? >> sure definitely. probably, high school. >> what was worst, having your heart broken or losing a race? a race you really wanted to win? >> i mean, i think they're both learning experiences. >> i'm trying to get to the age old question about great champions. does it come before anything? does winning that gold medal repeatedly come above everything else. >> for me it's more about personal goals and things i want to achieve myself. i know that if i prepare myself the best way i can, everything else will fall into place. >> you think you're going to retire after this or is it a crazy question to ask any athlete really? >> i -- >> i remember steve redgrave constantly retiring. he kept being lured back for the love of the gold. >> i'm retiring. >> that will be it? >> yes. >> will you literally give up all competitive swimming do you think? that will be it? will you still swim a lot for fun? >> probably going to need to do something for exercise. >> is swimming still fun for you? >> it is. >> you could imagine just doing laps for no reason? >> i think one of the biggest things after i do retire is, you know, now when i go to the ocean, go to the beach, i don't want ton get in the water. i spend so much time in the water, i'm like, no, i'll -- you guys go do what you want to do. no matter how many medals, no matter how many records, no matter how many this, that, whatever. if i can look back on my career and say that, doesn't matter anything else. i consider my career a success. >> next, a rare look at the michael phelps very few people have seen. it's hard to see opportunity in today's challenging environment. unless you have the right perspective. bny mellon wealth management has the vision and experience to look beyond the obvious. we'll uncover opportunities, find hidden risk, and make success a reality. bny mellon wealth management to find you a great deal, even if it's not with us. 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what have you found makes or can make a difference? >> i mean, the biggest thing is -- i talk about how i got to where i am. a dream. a plan. and i reach for it. that's literally all -- how i got to where i am. sure, i mean, i'm human. and that's literally just what i try to -- get across to the kids. my life hasn't been perfect. no one's is. i was raised by a single mother. i'm able to kind of relate with them a little bit here and there. and, you know, they see that and, you know, the cool thing is, being able to, one, hear the stories about things they've overcome. two, the changes they've been able to make. whether it's goal setting. whether it's eating healthier. you know, whether they become water safe. it's all these things. and when you see the excitement of them telling you the story, that's the coolest thing in the world. it's like the best thing ever. so just sort of being able to get those points across. being able to show anything is possible if you want it bad enough. >> there's a whole side to you which i unravelled in the research which i found really interesting. and it was a lot of stuff that you do very quietly. certainly for young swimmers who for whatever reason haven't been dealt a lot of luck in life. there's one really poignant story i wanted to talk to you about. this young boy. a young swimmer. he became seriously ill. really devoted a lot of time. getting on planes to going to see him. encourage him and so on. tell me about this young man. >> first time i met him, i went to a summer league. i went to one of his summer league meets to watch him swim. i was able just to hang out. i was with his mom. i watched him swim. we were playing basketball. and he would be fine. then he would get sick. i moved to michigan. i came back and, you know, he was just happy when he was able to sit and spend time with me. >> he had a form of cancer is that -- >> yeah. and he would just relax and it would kind of help him relax and take his, you know, his mind off the pain. >> his parents have told the story of -- he suddenly took a dramatic turn for the worse and they contacted you. you got on the first plane you could. the plane was slightly delayed. and by the time you got there -- >>cy sh ci showed up at like mi. i had to go home the next day you spent hours -- >> he was -- he was asleep. didn't wake up at all. my mom and i sat there. just talked to him. held his hand. very shortly after, he passed away. >> do you feel there's a side to you that very few people know? do you protect -- >> there are things protected, yeah. >> hearing you talk about steve there and what you did for him and hearing what his parents have said, you see a very different side to the steely champion athlete. >> yeah. there are a lot of things that -- i mean, i would say people know about 90% of everything that happens in my life. the other 10% just no one needs to know. >> there was a period your coach, your great coach, said when he thought he lost you. you stopped coming to training. sometimes you went six weeks without coming to training. and no one could blame you. you just won eight golds at the beijing olympics. you smashed all records. there was ostensibly nothing left to swim for. and he thought really that that was possibly it. what was going through your mind through that period? >> nothing. i literally just -- unmotivated. didn't want to do anything. didn't want to get out of bed. didn't want to work out. had no drive. had no goals. i had goals but i just didn't want to do anything about them. >> do you feel now as motivated as you've ever been? >> i mean, i wouldn't say it was as motivated as i've ever been. i am very motivated. going through some of the races i've had happen over the last few years. >> how many medals, do you know how many you've won? >> 16 -- >> have you kept them at all? a bit of doubt about this. you actually know where they are? >> yes. i think my mom has the other one. she has it somewhere. apartment. we're all good. >> how would you like to be remembered whatever happens in london? >> being the first michael phelps that's really the only thing. doing something nobody else has ever done before. changing the sport of swimming. that's what i hope to walk out of this sport with. >> michael, all the very best in london. >> thank you very much. >> it's been a pleasure sitting down with you. i really appreciated it. one thing for sure, michael phelps now has the race of his life on. homicide of young people in america has an impact on all of us. how can we save these young people's lives? as a police chief, i have an opportunity to affect what happens in a major city. if you want to make a difference, you have to have the right education. university of phoenix opened the door. my name is james craig, i am committed to making a difference, and i am a phoenix. visit to find the program that's right for you. enroll now. last season was the gulf's best tourism season in years. in florida we had more suntans... in alabama we had more beautiful blooms... in mississippi we had more good times... in louisiana we had more fun on the water. last season we broke all kinds of records on the gulf. this year we are out to do even better... and now is a great time to start. our beatches are even more relaxing... the fishing's great. so pick your favorite spot on the gulf... and come on down. brought to you by bp and all of us who call the gulf home. ♪ i want to go ♪ i want to win [ breathes deeply ] ♪ this is where the dream begins ♪ ♪ i want to grow ♪ i want to try ♪ i can almost touch the sky [ male announcer ] even the planet has an olympic dream. dow is proud to support that dream by helping provide greener, more sustainable solutions from the olympic village to the stadium. solutionism. the new optimism.™ ♪ this dream they're whole grain good... and yummy good. real fruit pieces. 12 grams of whole grains and a creamy yogurt flavored coating. quaker yogurt granola bars. treat yourself good. with the idea of hybrid technology... it's already ingrained in our dna. during the golden opportunity sales event, get great values on some of our newest models. this is the pursuit of perfection. get great values on some of our newest models. this is new york state. we built the first railway, the first trade route to the west, the greatest empires. then, some said, we lost our edge. well today, there's a new new york state. one that's working to attract businesses and create jobs. a place where innovation meets determination... and businesses lead the world. the new new york works for business. find out how it can work for yours at mitt romney. what he said in israel yesterday about the jewish state, iran, and much more. daniel taub is israeli ambassador to uk and joins me now. enjoying the games? >> enormously. they've been organized fantastically. israelis are great lovers of sport. not great medal winners just yet but we're getting there. >> britain and israel are in the same boat. we can catch up. let's turn to mitt romney's visit to israel. want to play you what he said about iran first. and then i'll come and ask you for a comment. >> we must not delude ourselves into thinking the containment is an option. we much lead the effort to prevent iran from building and possessing nuclear weapon's capability. we should employ any and all measures to dissuade the iranian regime from its nuclear course. it is our fervent course that diplomatic and economic measures will do so. >> what do you make of that? >> what i heard from mitt romney -- it was great to see it said so clearly. what we've been hearing from the obama administration as well. policy has to be prevention and not containment. we're obviously very concerned. we had just last week another round of talks between the west and the iranians. we haven't seen any progress yet. continuing to speed up their enrichment. they have enough enriched uranium to make five nuclear bombs. our hope, by ratcheting up the diplomatic sanctions, which is our intention at the moment, we will bring about a change in iranian policy. >> ehud barak, the defense minister, spoke to wolf blitzer, cnn, today. glowing of his praise of president obama. been the most support of israel of any u.s. president in at least the last 30 years. quite a statement to make. >> i think the thing about israel/u.s. relations is the deeper you go, the better they get. often we have some slight differences that are apparent in the public sphere. when you get to issues that relate to israel's security, when you get to common strategic threats. it's a concern for the rest of the world. what will happen if nuclear capabilities were to get into the hands of all the terrorist organizations that iran is supporting. there you find a quality of cooperation that's really very, very hard to find anywhere else. >> the other big contentious issue to some was when wolf blitzer asked mitt romney about whether he considered jerusalem to be the capital of israel. listen to this. >> if you become president of the united states, united state move the u.s. embassy from tel aviv to jerusalem? >> it's long been the policy to have the embassy in the nation's capital. if i were president i would want to take in consultation with the leadership of the government that exists at that time. >> most israelis, when i've been to jerusalem, most israelis told me they consider jerusalem to be the capital, not tel aviv. is that your view. >> the capital state of israel thousands of years ago, it is sad to say that the international community is holding back on moving most of their embassies there, because they don't want to prejudice what might be the future of the city as a result of negotiations, certainly we consider it to be our capital, and it would be great to see the united states reflecting that by moving their embassy. >> there's been a lot of controversy over how best to pay troib unite to those who lost their lives in the munich catastrophe. so many israelis being slaughtered there. there wasn't any moment of silence. were you disappointed with that? >> we were disappointed. i don't want to say we were overly disappointed. the families of the 11 israelis that were rdered in a terroristic massacre in munich have been asking the committee to do this for over 40 years. these were israelis, of course, but they were olympians. the families have been saying quite rightly that we would like to see the olympic family recognize the tragedy of these people who were killed as israelis, but also olympians. >> thank you very much indeed. coming up, i'll talk to kim rhode making history in london. people with a machine. what ? 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>> i'm 33. you're not supposed to ask a lady how old they are. i was 16 when i went to the first olympics. now, five olympics later, how time has flown. >> does it get any less exciting? >> no. it's really about the journey, and every journey is so unique, and the bumps you have to overcome to make it to that podium is incredible. that's what keeps each olympian coming back again and again. you. >> hit 99 accurate shots out of 100. my question is, what went wrong with the other way. >> i can come up with, there was something in my eye or -- there's a million excuses out there, but sometimes you just miss. >> this is the medal. >> this is the real mccoy. >> this is the first of the london medals i've felt. >> it's a lot bigger at that point previous medals i've won. and it's really heavy. the face of the olympic medal never changes. it's the back that's unique. if you ever get the chance to see them, look at them. that's what's unique to each of them. i think london has a beautiful back to the medal. >> that's the last one i'm going to see. how do you feel representing america. and doing so for such a long period of time. >> it's such an honor. in my event they only take one person. it's all or nothing. to be able to go out there and hear the national anthem play and see the american flag go to the top of the pole, it's amazing. if gives y a chill on the back of your neck. hopefully i get to go again in 2016. >> what do you think about the whole debate that's raging about gun control and so on? >> obviously, my heart goes out for the victims and their families. and it's really sad this even occurred. the guy was obviously very disturbed and had some serious issues. but i think it's really sad too, that the news gets those lines blurred between the news and the sport. and really the sport of shooting is about responsibility, discipline, focus, and that's really what we represent here at the olympics, and for me, it was a tradition, something that was passed down generationally in my family. we really embraced that and just run with it. it's really for us, that's what our sport is about. and hopefully we can push more of that positive message. >> kim, i think you have an amazing story. 99 out of 100 successful shots competed. >> not too bad. >> congratulations, seriously. before we leave you tonight. a word on olympic pressure. it's not just the athletes, take a look at the parent the of aly raisman. this tells you all about the agony and ecstasy of having your child competing in the olympic games. >> come on. >> stick

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