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good evening. our big story tonight. america and guns. michael moore. in the ten years since he made the oscar-winning "bowling for columbine" he's never once given an interview in the wake of a mass shooting. that changes tonight. michael moore is ready to talk after the aurora tragedy. he says guns don't kill people, americans kill people. tonight, he answers your questions. is gun control the answer? how do we protect america's rights? does his country have a culture of violence? the important conversation for america. joining me now exclusively for the hour is michael moore. michael, thank you for joining me. i've noticed that you have barely said a word since what happened in colorado on friday. what do you want to say? >> the first thing i want to say is i'm loathe to be here, freshi frankly. as you pointed out, i've never gone on tv after any of these shootings since i made "bowling for columbine." i'm not a pundit. i'm not an analyst. i don't want to participate in the existing debate that's going on about whether or not you should be able to have as many guns as you want to have or that guns are even the problem. i think both conservatives and liberals are half right, each of them, on this issue. the conservatives, when say sthy guns don't kill people, as you said, i would alter that to guns don't kill people, americans kill people. we do this more than anybody else. of the 23 richest countries, over 80% of all gun murders happen in one country, ours. the left, liberals, believe if we just have more gun control laws, all the problems are going to go away. well, i don't think so. i think reduced. there's no question about that. if that individual in aurora had not had so many magazines, not so many people would have been shot. less guns will mean less murders. but it won't really get rid of the larger problem because we, as a culture, live in a very different way. this is really the discussion i wish, piers, people would have. what is it about us as americans? we're not any better or worse than you brits. or the japanese. or the canadians or whatever. yet in japan, less than seven gun murders every year. in canada, about 200. in the uk, around 40 a year. in a nation of i don't know what do you have 70 million people. this is -- why here? why us? you can't say it's because of the violent movies and the violent video games. i got to tell you, those canadian kids right across the river from detroit, they're watching the same violent movies and playing the same violent video games. yet in that city across from detroit, most years they have one, maybe zero, murders a year, in windsor, ontario. >> it's interesting, michael. you mentioned japan there. japan is a fascinating piece. which appeared today in "the atlantic." i was going to talk to you about it later. by a guy called max fisher. he explains why japan has almost no gun related homicides at all. i mean at all. in 2008, when america had 12,000 firearm-related homicides, japan had 11. that was a big year. in 2006, it had 2. then he gets into the really interesting bit. which is why there's a cultural difference i think between somewhere like japan and america. he says america's gun law begins with the second amendment's affirmation of the right of the people to keep and bear arms and narrows it down from there. japanese law starts with the 1958 act which states that no person shall possess a firearm or firearms or a sword or swords. in other words, it begins from a completely opposite genesis. in japan, no guns, no gun crime. >> those laws, that constitution, first of all, in japan, we wrote it. we wrote it after world war ii. there's the irony of it. this country with the second amendment, we didn't write that into the japanese constitution. we didn't want to make sure all the japanese were armed. we have this violent past. the wild west. we just have all these guns around forever. well, hmm, japan, violent past. yeah. germany. violent past maybe? maybe a history of maybe 1,000, 2,000 years from the huns to the nazis. very violent people. and yet they don't kill each other now. they don't shoot each other with guns. why is that? that's the discussion i want to have. what is it about us that wants to do this? i know you think if we just got rid of all the guns, we would just get rid of all the gun murders. i don't think anybody really thinks that can happen in this country. certainly strong gun control laws will reduce the number. there's no question about that. i'll give you another example. australia. 1996. had a mass murder. as most countries do have their own mass murder. norway, last summer. scotland. the schoolyard. a number of years ago. most countries do get this because there are insane people everywhere in the world and they've existed since cain killed abel. okay. so this not a new thing. the individual on friday, early friday morning in aurora, probably just as lunatic as everybody else who's done this. the difference is, as you point out, is that he was able to get guns and ammo as if he were getting a car wash. as if he were getting bubble gum. as if he were -- it was nothing. and that is a huge, huge problem. but i think that there's something very unique about us. because it's not that, again, these countries are any better than us. the british empire i think you guys ruled the world at the barrel -- with the barrel of a gun for a couple hundred years. there's nothing new about people who have a violent culture doing bad things. so why is it your countries with these pasts, that have these violent cultures, and you're watching the same violent movies, and actually you have more broken homes. because you have a higher divorce rate in great britain than you have here. you have more people that go to church here and believe in god than any other western country. so, really, what's the real reason? >> here's the flaw, michael. >> what has the real reason that we want to have a quarter billion guns in our homes? what are we afraid of? >> here's what i see just a fundamental flaw in the american gun culture. apparently since friday there's been a 41% rise in people in colorado seeking registration to own a gun. a firearm. and they're doing so quite obviously because they have been persuaded by the pro-gun lobby debate in the last few days. been very dominant, as it always is, that they would be safer if they had had a firearm if they were in that movie theater at the time. if they'd all been armed this character wouldn't be able to carry out what he did. it really -- it angers me that people are reacting like this. because the answer is simply not to flood the whole of america with more guns. this character was not only armed to the teeth, he was protected to the teeth. he had very carefully planned out full body armor, helmets, everything. he wasn't going to get taken down. >> and that same spike, by the way, occurred when president obama became president. a huge run on -- after the election, people buying guns. what are they afraid of? while the people in colorado i guess they're afraid -- afraid to go to the movies. now everybody's going to bring a gun to the movies? i mean, i just really want to say to people, you're not living in a movie. this tragedy may have happened in a movie theater but you're not in a movie when you're in a movie theater. let's say you have a gun on you and a guy is there. he lets off a tear gas canister. there's gas everywhere. people are crawling over, running over everybody, there's total chaos. you will somehow very quickly because remember, he's got a semiautomatic gun so he's popping people very quickly every second. you're going to somehow get your gun out and you're back in row 15 and you're somehow going to find that guy in the gas and shoot him and take him down. i mean, really. we have to get real here. come back to reality. that is not the problem. that is not how we're going to solve the issue. the issue of last week is that we have serious mental health problems with people in this country. we're in the 21st century. we're not in the fifth century b.c. we should be able by now to provide the necessary free help to people who are troubled. >> right. i want to come back and talk to you about the right to bear arms. about the crucial passages in the constitution, in the second amendment, which so many americans use as their absolute justification for owning guns. ♪ why not make lunch more than just lunch? 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did you expect the impact of both the massacre in columbine and your movie to have more of effect that it's had? >> well, this is the continuing problem i have with all my movies. because i am an optimist at heart. i'm not a cynic. and so when i made "roger and me" my first film 22 years ago, i thought that would wake people up about general motors and corporate america. and sound a big warning bell. didn't happen. "bowling for columbine." i just had a feeling this was, you know -- we were having these occasional mass killings then. now we have them pretty much on average, every month, somebody goes into the office or a school or a neighborhood or whatever and a bunch of people are killed. so this is my -- i made a film that -- the beginning of the iraq war. that we weren't going to find any weapons of mass destruction. so i'm used to my films having little effect on making the world a better place. i hope -- i think they educate a lot of people and that. but i don't hold the kind of political power i would need to actually make things better. i want to say this about the thing about littleton. you said 17 miles away. i spent a lot of time out there in littleton, aurora, denver, while i was making the movie and since i made the movie. you know, there's another whole thing to discuss about this is probably going to take another show. people forget that -- there was another gun massacre in aurora. where i think four or so people were shot and killed at a chuck e. cheese. guy went in there and just senselessly killed these people. of course, every killing is senseless. that hasn't really been brought up. this isn't just columbine. it's not just last friday. even in aurora itself, it happened. so sadly i think it's something that's going to continue because -- >> what came through, michael? >> our policies -- >> what came through strongly from the movie and what has come through strongly from all the reaction i've seen in the last few days is this adherence so many millions of americans put on the exact wording of the contusion, the second amendment. this famous piece of literature. well-regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state, comma, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, comma, shall not be infringed. depending what side you decide to place yourself, this is either referring specifically to a militia or is referring to an individual. and you can argue it either way. i mean, i interviewed justice scalia last week. he'll tell you it's all about the actually interpretation intended by the founding fathers. as mayor bloomberg told me last night, a, we don't really know what they meant. b, what we do know is they didn't anticipate the kind of weaponry we have today. let's watch a clip from him last night and you'll see what i mean. right. >> everybody wants to preserve the right of people that want to use guns for sport, hunting or target practice, to have the right to do so. but that doesn't mean you have an assault weapon. that doesn't mean you have a rifle that's advertised as able to bring down a commercial airliner at a mile and a half or bullets that are designed to go through bullet-resistant vests. those are very different things. >> now, that would be my view entirely. let's watch what iced -- ice-t, the rapper, said yesterday about his interpretation of the second amendment. >> the right to bear arms is because that's the last form of defense against tyranny. not to hunt. it's to protect yourself from the police. >> and do you see any link between that and these sorts of incidents? >> no. nah, not really. you know what i'm saying? if somebody wants to kill people, they don't need a gun to do it. >> makes it easier, doesn't it? >> not really. you can strap explosives on your body. they do that all the time. >> there you have two very different views. i would say there are millions and millions of americans who would part themselves into mayor bloomberg's side of the argument and millions more, probably millions more in total who would agree with what ice-t said. how do you deal with this going forward? the constitutional divide that america has over how that is interpreted? >> okay. well, i'm going to argue it both ways. because i think you can make a valid argument sort of. on both, on both sides. not the last part. the part that ice-t said that reducing them wouldn't -- that's been proven. you reduce the guns and the ammo, you'll reduce the murders. somebody strapping a bomb on themselves, that's a whole different animal we have to deal with in these times. but i think, first of all, this must seem odd to people in other countries that we view our constitution as if it was written by god himself. that it was somehow through some sort of divine intervention or whatever, it was etched in stone likemos like moses and the tablets, and because what they thought was right in 1776 to 1789, that was -- that is the way we have to live today in the 21st century. we wouldn't go to a doctor and have him put leaches on us to suck the blood out of it because that would cure us. that's what they did 150 years ago. we've kind of evolved. so i think what -- it's a safe bet -- i think the people who are -- the nra and the so-called gun supporters, i think th they -- if they were intellectually honest, and i think it's okay to use that word, the other word. i think they would admit that the founding fathers, when they said militia, they meant we got to be able to round up all the farmers and the merchants and everybody, get your gun because the british are coming back. they were afraid of that. they still were dealing with the world's largest power at the time when we got our independence. or when they said "the right to bear arms" i think, you know, the arm back then was you could -- you could only fire one shot at a time. you had a little -- a little ball bearing-like bullet. you had to stuff it in the thing. then do this. gun powder. took 15 minutes before you could fire one shot. now, if the founding fathers could have looked into a crystal ball and seen ak-47s and a glock semiautomatic pistol. i got a feeling they would want to leave a little note behind and probably tell us, you know, that's not really what we mean when we say "bear arms." so i think that -- i think most intelligent people would see that it's -- it kind of makes sense, what they were thinking. i don't think we have to go back into their minds at all. i think they would just want us to live in this century. i think they'd want us to do that. we've evolved in other ways. we allow women to vote. we decided that slavery was a bad idea. we've gotten rid of a lot of those bad ideas from the founding fathers. this is probably one that is not necessarily a bad idea but one that can easily be clarified with 21 rst century language. >> one thing i there's no political leadership. i've been staggered, i have to say, having started this show when gabby giffords was shot which is about a week before i went on air. to see nothing happen after that. and then to see the worst single shooting in the history of the united states and still have no senior politics, neither the president, nor the man who wants to replace him as president, mitt romney, have said anything about guns or gun control. as if it is not an issue that even needs to be discussed. let's come back after the break. i want to ask you why. why is there this extraordinary wall of silence from america's political leaders? 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in germany, 381. in france, 255. in canada, 165. in the united kingdom, 68. in australia, 65. in japan, 39. in the united states, 11,127. >> another clip from "bowling for columbine." the ground breaking documentar michael made 10 years ago. michael, the whole issue of how politicians -- >> if you add in the accidental shootings and the suicides by gun, that 11,000 number pretty much doubles. >> before the break, talking about the political void here. because i've just been stunned that no senior politician has even dared to mention guns. i haven't heard it from mitt romney. i haven't heard it from barack obama. why is that? >> i guess they're afraid to. i guess they're part of the same problem of the fear in this country. we get afraid of so many things. and in this particular case, this is just the fear of not getting elected. there's no, like, personal harm that's going to come to them if they take a position on this. >> we're going to play some footage from both the president and mitt romney from 2007. the same year in which they said, given their silence now, some pretty surprising things about guns. first, i want to play you a clip from governor chris christie, who said this after aurora. >> i am a little bit disturbed by politicians who in the immediate aftermath of this type of tragedy tried to grandstand on it. i'm not going to be one of those people. i feel awfully for those families. there's two with new jersey roots. one who was injured. one who was killed. this is not the appropriate time to be grandstanding about gun laws. can we at least get through the initial grief and tragedy for these families before we start making them political pawns? >> i had somebody put this exact same point to me on friday when we did a whole show on this 12 hours after the incident happened. to me, it's a totally factuous argument. when are you supposed to talk about this? are you supposed to leave it a year? we know after columbine. after all these things. nothing happens. i have a lot respect for chris christie. i like him personally very much. i think it's a crass thing to say. the time to talk, as i said on friday, was probably the day before this happened. to have this debate loud and clear. to let the american public make their own minds up. at the moment, they're not hearing why there should be gun control. they're not hearing anything. what they're doing is voting with their wallets and their feet and they're going to gun stores to try to buy more guns because they believe that's the only way to stop themselves getting shot in movie theaters. that is why america is seeing such an escalation in its gun ownership, isn't it? >> no, i think actually it's more because we're more easily scared then other people in other countries. and we response differently to tragedy in such a dramatic way that goes way beyond reason and sanity. you know, 9/11 happens. we're attacked. okay. let's send 100,000 troops to afghanistan. to get the, you know, 200 people that were behind this. you know. or i think saddam had something to do with 9/11. he's got weapons of mass destruction. yes, i heard. the weapons that could be here in 45 minutes. i mean, this sort of thing that just gets whipped up in us. that's really the thing i'd like to talk about. because i want to know why we're a bunch of scaredy cats in this way. why we have to -- we think if i just have a gun, if i just have a gun i'm going to be okay. it's just -- it's madness. it's absolute madness. as i said, it's disappointing the political leaders don't do something. if governor christie's worried. about the politicses talking about it 12 hours after the shootings, trust me, in 12 days nobody's going to be talking about it. >> i totally agree. let me just play for you the two clips we found. president obama and mitt romney in 2007 talking about assault weapons. >> i signed an assault weapon ban in massachusetts as governor because it provided a relaxation of licensing requirements for gun owners in massachusetts which was a big plus. is both the pro gun and anti-gun lobby came together with a bill and i signed that. >> we need to close the gun show loophole. we need to tighten the background checks by improving the national criminal background check system. we need to make the expired assault weapon ban permanent. >> there you have it. governor romney in massachusetts, wanting to bring in a ban on assault weapons. barack obama before he became president making it very clear what he can do. neither has said a word in the light of the biggest single shooting in the history of that country. i'm afraid it looks from the outside as if it's a form of moral and political cowardice. >> it's really disgraceful as far as i'm concerned. i'm most disappointed by the individual that you showed there that i think does know what needs to be done. and i think privately must be very shaken by this and wondering what he should be doing. i would hope that's the case. then again, i live in a country where the same president i voted for and i will again, but, you know, he pushed through a health care bill that left 26 million americans still uncovered. what other nation is there in the world that does this to their people? that allows thousands to die every year because they can't afford to see a doctor? i will keep coming back to it, pierce? what is it about us that we're so cruel to each other? >> i think it's a fascinating question and i think it's one many americans are wrestling with. let's take another break. come back. i got some twitter questions for you. very lively, as you'd imagine. somebodyalled at louie louie tweeted laws don't prevent people from committing crime. just like salads don't prevent people from getting fat. so let's discuss the public's view of this debate after the break. creamy color on one end, shimmery color on the other. so you can flip your look from demure, to daring. blast flipstick from covergirl. his morning starts with arthritis pain. and two pills. afternoon's overhaul starts with more pain. more pills. triple checking hydraulics. the evening brings more pain. so, back to more pills. almost done, when... hang on. stan's doctor recommended aleve. it can keep pain away all day with fewer pills than tylenol. this is rudy. who switched to aleve. and two pills for a day free of pain. ♪ [ female announcer ] and try aleve for relief from tough headaches. i have to know the weather patterns. i upgraded to the new sprint direct connect. so i can get three times the coverage. 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[ chirp ] people are entitled to things but how much weapons do you need? how many weapons? these are destructive. they're not just handguns, shotguns and assault weapons, like you said. they're so fast at killing people, you raels how many people can kill so fast. i mean, this only took three minutes. and 70 shot, 10, 12 dead. it's just -- these are weapons of destruction. >> jamie rohrs, one of the victims of the shooting last week. i'm back with michael moore. it's a familiar theme. a lot of people who tweeted in. said, shouldn't uzi machine gun be included in the second amendment? to carry or own arms? is this type gun necessary for self-defense? then you have the other argument. laws don't prevent people from committing crime. like salads don't prevent people from getting fat. can you explain why washington, d.c. outlaws handguns? yet in 2012, saw a 40% increase in gun-related crime. you have the same argument about chicago and the fact they have strict gun control laws there and yet have the worst gun crime in america. put all these into some sort of perspective for me, michael. >> 98% of the guns taken off washington d.c. come from other states, not just washington d.c. if we had uniform laws, there would be loss of a problem. if you are trying to get a gun in washington, d.c., it's virtually impossible, number one. number two, new york is a good example of where the gun laws did bring down the gun murders. so i think the mayor of chicago should probably talk to the mayor of new york and figure out what they did in new york. the first part of your question. as americans, we want our freedom. we want to be able to -- if we want a gun, why can't we have a gun? i want 200 channels on my tv, why can't i have 300? this is kind of our american mentality. part of it comes from a good place of freedom. and i should be able to get this or whatever. i don't know. but, really, i would like to ask actually the gun supporters out there, if you believe that the second amendment is some absolute right to bear arms. it doesn't say guns, by the way, it says arms. weapons. let's call it weapons. does that mean i have the right to own weapons grade plutonium? and why not? why not? it's a weapon. why don't i have the right to own that? where -- i know -- where are you going to draw the line with this? >> this is the point, isn't it? there is no line drawn. when i asked this pro-gun guy last night. i asked him who would need an assault rifle that could fire a hundred bullets in a minute? he doesn't have any answer. that's the point. nobody needs one of those as a civilian. the military need them. and they have them. but why are there not laws to stop disturbed young people who have no mental health record or no criminal record so they avoid all the normal checks, the basic checks there are in many states, that they can go in and buy the stuff? even more terrifyingly, what he did on the internet. being able to buy 6,000 rounds of ammunition at very cheap costs. being able to buy full military standard body armor. to keep himself from being shot, so on. there's got to be a mechanism that picks up these people. when they get online in america and they try and buy this stuff, red flags go up. but there isn't. someone could be doing it now, tomorrow, the next day. and nothing legally can stop them or even pick them up. >> that's right. there's nothing to stop the insane from arming themselves to the hilt. and that is going to have to change. as mayor bloomberg said on your show last night, if the assassination of president kennedy and martin luther king and robert kennedy and then the greatest rock star of all time, john lennon. and on and on and on. all the school shootings. everything else. americans just don't seem to want to get behind doing something about this. i think it's because, again, you said there's 300 million guns in people's homes. let me point out a statistic. most of those guns are in white people's homes. most of those guns are in suburbs, not in the cities. this never gets brought out in facts brought out. now, why do people in suburbs -- why do people who don't live in cities, why do you have a handgun in the house? what is the point of that? because you're afraid that little freckle-faced jimmy down the street is going to hurt you some day? i don't think so. what's the real reason? who do you think's going to hurt you? who do you think will come into your house? >> a clear example is the trayvon martin case, where george zimmerman, if he hasn't been carrying a gun, indisputably trayvon martin would still be alive. it was the fact he had a gun. whichever side of the argument you believe. it may or may not come out in the court case. the bottom line is if a gun hadn't physically been on zimmerman. george zimmerman was legally entitled to carry this firearm around. that firearm led to trayvon martin being shot. >> can i say something about that? about the trayvon martin thing? let me put it this way. let's say george zimmerman's right when he says trayvon martin tried to kill him. all right? but it was george zimmerman who was told by the police to quit stalking this boy. and he was the one who was committing the infraction against the law by disobeying the police and going after trayvon martin. doesn't trayvon martin actually have the right to kill george zimmerman if george zimmerman is stalking him and the police have told him 234not to stalk him? >> it is an irony george zimmerman using stand your ground defense. when you could equally argue trayvon martin may well have been doing the same thing. he might have been defending himself against somebody who he saw was armed in this darkness and didn't know what this guy was up to. >> which he has the right to do. >> it is ironic. >> it doesn't matter because george zimmerman can claim that as a defense. he might have been trying to kill you because you were stalking him and you were breaking the law. >> i've got a question for you. we have a video question from dr. amador. he came on last night. he's a schizophrenia expert. >> i'd really like to see you go after state commissioners of mental health and the private health care industry. what's happening is in this case i think we're going to find -- i can't tell for certain this young man probably has serious mental illness. certainly jared laufner. other people who have committed crimes like this, have serious illness that went untreated because we're not funding mental health care. when mental health care cuts occur, violent crimes like this and mass shootings like this occur. >> it's very hard to imagine somebody at 24 years old with the kind of background this kid had is not mentally ill. why else would he be doing something like this? either he's just the epitome of pure evil or he's psychologically disturbed in some way, as was jared laufner and other killers involved in these massacres. is it time that america just woke up and dealt properly with mental health generally? >> absolutely. i mean, we never discuss this when we're talking about universal health care. we rarely -- at least those who are the politicians never discuss it. it certainly isn't covered very much by private insurance. this is a huge problem. it is covered in other places where it's much less expensive in other countries to get this sort of help. so yes, on an individual level, we need to do this. on a mass level, as a culture, as an american society, we have to also correct our sort of collective mental problem where we think violence is going to solve our problems or violence is going to make us safe. if we just build more weapons, we're going to be okay. you know, it doesn't -- it's just not going to work that way. >> let's take a final break. i want to come back and try to get to some solutions. what you think could actually practically be done to deal with the gun issue in america right now. this man is about to be the millionth customer. would you mind if i go ahead of you? 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you may find yourself asking why not, a lot. chase sapphire preferred. there's more to enjoy. woman: what do you mean, homeowners insurance doesn't cover floods? 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[ heart rate increases ] woman #2: but i don't even live near the water. what you don't know about flood insurance may shock you -- including the fact that a preferred risk policy starts as low as $129 a year. for an agent, call the number that appears on your screen. we don't need no gun control. you know what we need? bullet control. we need to control the bullets. that's right. i think all bullets should cost $5,000. $5,000 for a bullet. you know why? because if a bullet costs $5,000, there will be though more innocent bystanders. >> chris rock in michael moore's "bowling for columbine." when you study what james holmes bought on the internet, 3,000 rounds of handgun ammunition, 350 shells for a 12-gauge shotgun ko shotgun costing about $3,000. there is a sensible point. >> that wasn't only a funny line, it's also a great idea. the quick fix, piers, is that we need laws passed right away. that would be a great law. but the president has to be the leader on this. when he was standing there in front of the microphone in aurora the other night, he's such a great guy. the heart he has, the things he said were so powerful, and yet, when he brought his own children into it, when he said, you know, my two daughters go to the movies, and what it were them? well, i guess if president obama's watching right now, and i say this with all do respect, what if it were them? what if it were them last thursday night? would you stand at the microphone the next day and say, i feel your pain, and, you know, the existing gun laws -- this is what he said. the existing laws are enough. is that really what you'd say, mr. president? i don't think so. and you and i and everybody, we have to see these children, these young people were killed on thursday night, friday morning. we have to see them as our children. we, as americans -- and this is where the larger collective problem has to be fixed. we have to see we're part of each other. we have to take care of each other. our mentality is, i got mine, you got yours, and the hell with everybody else. at least i wasn't in that theater, you know. that is -- we have to stop this. we have to stop this attitude toward each other, and we have to realize that those were our children who were killed there this past weekend. and if you treat it like that, man, i think if everybody honestly really felt that way, we would have some change in this country and these politicians would respond quickly if people would just rise up and say, damn it, this is too great of a country to let this happen again. i'm not going to let this happen again. i'm not going to come on after another damn tv show either after these shootings, piers. i haven't done it for ten years. to be nice to you, and you're a good guy, and you made a case for me to come on. i'm sick of this. i refuse to live in a country like this, as i said before. i'm not leaving. so therefore, what am i going to do? it's got to change, and i invite americans who feel the same way as i do. i believe it's the majority. help me change this. help everyone change this. >> michael, powerful words. this is the tenth anniversary of the award-winning "bowling for columbine." powerful as the rhetoric you just came out with. michael moore's eighth annual traverse city film festival is held on july 31st, august 5th. michael, thank you very much. >> that's right. rise up now. thank you. >> we'll be right back. cies comd with accident forgiveness, if you qualify. learn more at homicide of young people in america has an impact on all of us. how can we save these young people's lives? as a police chief, i have an opportunity to affect what happens in a major city. if you want to make a difference, you have to have the right education. university of phoenix opened the door. my name is james craig, i am committed to making a difference, and i am a phoenix. visit to find the program that's right for you. enroll now. four course seafood feast choose your soup salad entrée plus dessert! all just $14.99. come into red lobster and sea food differently. visit now for an exclusive $10 coupon. good through august 5th for an exclusive $10 coupon. according to ford, the works fuel saver package could terally pay for itself. jim twitchel is this true? 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>> not too good. >> what is that feeling like? >> like the worst in the world. like the lowest of the low. >> i heard you say the worst thing was having to tell your mother. i can relate to that. i can imagine there's no harder conversation. how did you get through that? how did you brace yourself for that? >> you know, i think my mom has always been obviously how all moms are, you though. they're very supportive in their children. my mom, growing up, you know, always would let us kind of see how -- or i guess choose the decisions we wanted to, but if we made those decisions, we had to live with the consequences that came their way. so, you know, obviously she was very disappointed in the decision that i made, but, you know, obviously i've learned

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