Transcripts For CNNW Piers Morgan Tonight 20120707

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from celebrities about marriage. >> the end of the series "the closer." was it emotional? >> oh, very. very boo hooey. >> and how she stays so impossibly youthful. >> you have the high cheekbones everything hangs on. >> i can getty a g you a guy to that. >> i'm sure you can. >> this is "piers morgan tonight." good evening. we'll get to my interview with ll cool j in a moment, but first, listen to what kyra sedgwick, the gorgeous star of "the closer" told me about the biggest villain in her life, bernie madoff. >> i see him as a sick man. i see us as adults who made a choice, and i see a lot of people that are so much worse off than we are. and i think that, you know, [ bleep ] happens. can you say that? >> well, you just did, kyra. a lively conversation. hear more coming up. we begin with ll cool j, the hip-hop legend. more than 15 million americans watched ll cool j in the third season finale of "ncis l.a." he joins me, primetime exclusive. welcome back. >> thank you, piers. >> i feel like we now know each other so well, i can call you todd. >> yes you can. >> which is the name your friends call you. >> yes, it is. >> your real friends do not call you ll cool j. can i call you todd? >> absolutely. >> the last time we met, it was a strange experience for me. we had a great time, great interview, you were excited, the grammys were a couple of days away and then whitney houston died. you had to host an event which was completely overtaken by the drama of losing one of the greatest entertainers in the world. after you heard what happened, what was your reaction? >> my first reaction was horrified. you know, you hear rumors about things that people are going through, and that's always tough, you know, to listen to, but i didn't expect to get that news. and the timing of it was just, you know it was horrible. >> did you know whitney well? >> yes, i knew whitney. she was a very sweet girl. very sweet girl. so funny, i used to walk around, for many years i wore my pants leg rolled up, something i was known for, having one pants leg rolled up. >> i did the same thing. >> yeah. and, you know, whitney used to tease me, i remember one time she told me backstage, oh, ll, you got that from my husband. i said, no, whitney, your husband got that from me. that was a fun moment. she was really cool, like, when i worked in miami, a couple of times, they came by the studio and, you know, she was a really nice girl. >> you came up with this really special idea, which was to say a prayer. >> yeah. >> which everyone remembers. the audience went for the roof for this event because suddenly the grammy was going to be this tribute to whitney. let's look at the prayer you said on stage. >> okay. >> heavenly father, we thank you for sharing our sister whitney with us. today our thoughts are with her mother, her daughter, and all of her loved ones. and although she's gone too soon, we remain truly blessed to have been touched by her beautiful spirit and to have her lasting legacy of music to cherish and share forever. amen. >> that was a really powerful thing to do. what gave you the idea to do that? >> you know, i was thinking about it and it was the only way that i felt -- i would feel comfortable proceeding with the show and celebrating all of these other musicians because it was about trying to find that fine balance between celebrating her legacy, giving love to this wonderful, amazing entertainer and at the same time, respecting all of these young artists and all of these established artists who were either nominated for grammys or performing on the show, and not putting them in a position where they have to perform at a memorial. it is a delicate balance. and, you know, as human beings, it is very difficult, you know, you never want to -- we never want to feel like we're, like, partying through the roof, you know in the midst of a tragedy. it is tough. it is tough. because you have to remember that there are so many artists, so many fantastic musicians, we have paul mccartney in the audience, we have bruce springsteen, we have bruno mars, we have all of these great artists, lady gaga, you have adele making a comeback, and you -- they deserve an opportunity to be celebrated as musicians, but at the same time, we can't be, i guess the word is crass or insensitive to what is going on. it was just finding that balance. >> ultimately the show goes on, doesn't it? in show business. whitney would have understood that. >> of course she would have. and she would have wanted it to go on. i think any true artist or entertainer would want other artists to have their moment. no one wants to deny someone their moment. but at the same time, we recognize and i recognize that there are a lot of people in the country and a lot of people around the world who were going to have this weight on their shoulders and this -- this 100 pound elephant in the room that had to be addressed. and i could not see going out on stage and having a party without first at least, you know, having some sort of -- find something sort of peace with what took place. >> i thought you got the term completely right and set the mood correctly for the evening. i thought it was a very moving night. the interesting thing to me, with you, in particular, talking about this, is you, last time you came on, talked about a very tough upbringing. you could have gone down the way a lot of people you hung out with. you could have ended up with gan gangs or dead or in prison or whatever but you made something of yourself. mark wahlberg, similar kind of story. i'm really impressed by the way he's done what he's done as i am with you. when you look at whitney and michael jackson, both died around the same age, both died from pretty severe drug abuse, different types of drugs, but still drug abuse, in the end, and yet their upbringings weren't that tormented. they were relatively okay. but they got sucked in to that kind of world. you've got four kids now who are coming out of teens and into their 20s. what do you say to them? you have been through this experience, and have come out well, you've seen others, big, big stars die through substance abuse and so on. what do you say to your children? >> you know, i think it starts with trying to set an example. if your kids see you reading, they're more likely to read. if your kids see you downstairs on the treadmill, trying to exercise, if they see their mom downstairs, you know, down there fighting the good fight and working out to be the best that she can be, they want to do that. i think that that's all we can do, you know. i think it is a fantasy to think that we're going to be able to go out and single-handedly stop all of the -- or prevent all of the influences in society from affecting our kids. but what we do is set an example and try to instill the right values. >> do you understand why someone like whitney, who had lost her magical powers as a singer, unquestionably, she wasn't the singer she had been, she couldn't hit the big notes anymore, that made her so hugely famous, do you understand the particular pressure as a former that led her into that spiral of self-abuse, towards the end? >> of course i do. i think, you know, it is -- it is not easy for everyone to handle the pressures of fame, the pressures of fortune, the pressures of having a huge business, a huge company. running a huge paper, whatever it is. it is not easy. and we, you know, there is an old saying, pressure can either bust pipes or can create diamonds. and, you know, you know, sometimes we land on one side or the other. why? i can't tell you specifically because i don't know what was going on in her mind and what was going on in her heart, but i do understand how tough it can get. you have a lot of people through the in the world who are dealing with a lot of tough situations. and we as human beings always try our best to escape pain and seek some sort of pleasure. hopefully your pleasure can be something that is go to be productive in your life, you put your -- you seek pleasure by maybe diving into your work, some people dive into their exercise, some people, you know, make it about their kids. people have different ways they do it. but for others, it can turn into gambling, it can turn into drugs, it can turn into alcoholism. that's, you know, that's the price tag, you know? it all comes with a price tag. and it is about what price are you willing to pay. if you want a lot, you got to sacrifice a lot. >> the reason i no he thknow th are successful is because you are blinding me with diamonds. >> can i just say something, this watch is so old. this is a really old watch. >> that watch could probably sustain the national debt of lithuania for ten years. >> you're very, very funny. but this watch is really -- i did work hard for it, but i'm not going to make excuses, but this watch is super old. one thing about me, i'm not, you know, money, money, money, i'm not one of those guys. i'm actually, you know, my friends used to tease me because there was a point when i had -- you're going to laugh, really successful albums out and i had a honda accord and my friends were killing me about that. they were killing me. >> that is brand damaging. let's take a break. you are back, rapping. >> yeah. >> i want to know about this. >> let's do it. >> i'll rap with you. >> all right. >> ll morgan. >> love it. 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"ncis l.a." i think i asked you the last time to try and decide if i could let you do one thing the rest of your life, the more you do of tv, the more you maybe do movies or that kind of thing, do you drift away from music? was music always your first love? >> well, yeah, you drift away. but, you know, at the same time, you know, you always return to your roots. i'm currently, you know, working on an album and i'm popping, you know, my laptop out and i'm working on music and i've been in the studio every day and just really working, trying to create something great. there are different audiences. there is an audience out there that grew up with ll cool j as a musician, as a rapper, as an artist. i'm going to give them an album. that audience who grew up on me as a musician may not necessarily be -- some of them do, but everybody who watches my show isn't aware of my music. >> i interviewed billy kogen from the smashing pumpkins, very smart, but he's adamant, he's not just going to do a tour where he plays all the hits. he's going to play his new album from start to finish. >> yeah. >> he says, actually, he wants the audience to come with him. >> but you have to do that. you have to -- you can't, like, you don't want your music or your products to become a commodity. it has to be some sort of -- >> a greatest hits thing. >> some sort of thing that makes this thing special. when i come out with a new album it will be authentic hip-hop, it will be special. i did a thing with sony. i put my connect on the laptop. it is special. but it is also -- it has a convenient thing, it is convenient if you're mugssician but it is special. you have to make things special. when i go to a u2 concert, it is special. nobody wants to hear you just do your shtick, you know, at least not the really -- not the audience that really cares about you. >> what is different about you, special in many ways, is my producer prepared this interview for me with you, said that his hairdresser said to him yesterday, the thing i love about ll cool j is his twitter feed. he's so inspiring. every day he says -- we went and checked it. i follow you anyway. you have 100,000 more followers than me, but i'm going to get you. but it was interesting what they meant. >> follow me on twitter. @llcoolj. >> he conquers who endures, perseus. either you're winning or you're not. the constant theme of your tweets, you've got to keep going. even when people write you off. >> absolutely. >> you can't just be a cliche. you got to reinvent, be creative and in the end, you've got to win. >> absolutely. and, you know, winning -- you have to define what winning is. you know. >> what is it to you? >> whatever goal i'm going after, i want to achieve it. >> if i could write your tombstone heading now. >> oh, no. >> here lies todd. >> here lies todd. >> here lies todd, he -- what would you like it to say? what would you want to be remembered for? >> you know, god, i don't even want to think about that, right. >> i'm not saying it is going to happen imminently. >> you know, he maximized his potential. because that ultimately is the -- all that we can do as human beings, right? you know, the last thing you want to do is be sitting on your death bed, look, with all your dreams standing around you saying why are you taking us with you. so many people do that. so many people believe that dreams have deadlines, but they don't. it is just a matter of you taking your life to the next level. it is like you were, you know, across the pond, doing something different, you took your show on the road, stepped into another arena, you do your thing. that's what it is about. it is about maximizing your potential. >> i always say to my sons, just give it your best. >> that's it. >> never regret the fact you didn't quite try hard enough for something. that's the biggest regret you'll ever have, if you didn't give it everything you had. >> it is what you didn't try to do that you regret. >> right. >> you don't want to go out and purposefully make mistakes, but, you know, all being relative and everything being even, it is what you don't do that you'll ultimately regret. >> you're doing a lot. the ncis los angeles returns for season four this fall. >> yeah. and i want people to know that the my connect studio is available in a sony vios laptop. it is preloaded. if you go to, you can actually get a laptop and it is preloaded. it is cool. >> i'll get it as a matter of urgency to continue my hip-hop career. when is the new album out? >> i'm working on it. i'm almost finished with it. it is authentic hip-hop. and it is coming. and, you know -- >> whether it is out, come back and talk about it. you're basically hanging on to get me on the album in some capacity. mc morgan is available. >> i like it. cool piers morgan. i love it. i love it. >> rap fans all over america dying a horrible death right now at the thought of this. good to see you. thank you. ll cool j. come up, the star of the hit show "the closer," kyra sedgwick on her long running marriage to kevin bacon, how much they lost to bernie madoff and what she really thinks about president obama. 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>> well you said to keep him busy. he's busy holding his nuts. >> kyra sedgwick in "something to talk about," one of the films in her 30-year acting career that includes "born on the fourth of july" and the smash tv hit "the closer" and one of hollywood's best marriages, one degree of separation from kevin bacon. she joins me now. do you get sick of the degrees of separation? >> yes. i do. i can't believe it is still -- i think that he's -- he's turned it into something great. he's turned it into but i think he thought it as a put-down, a joke at his expense somehow. i don't know how he spun that, but he did. but, yeah, it is, you know, people always say, i'm just one degree away when they see me on the subway. >> i can see you visibly tensing as i say that. you have my sympathies. i interviewed your husband. he's a great chap. and, b, i loved what he said about you. i'll make you squirm with embarrassment by playing what your husband said about you when he came on the show. >> found her, you know, really very beautiful and sexy and aloof, and i was, you know, immediately in love with her and she was immediately put off by me. >> did you know she was the one? >> yeah. yeah. i did. >> you were right. you've been inseparable ever since. >> i was right. >> oh, god. >> you get a little emotional. >> yeah. yeah. yep. we're lucky. >> you said about him recently, when he walks into a room, my heart gets a little flutter and i think, he's so cute. he's so hot. but it is really touching that you can watch him talk about you like that and actually get tearful about that. >> yeah. >> that is the ultimate testament to the strength of your marriage. >> yep. yep. >> do you remember the first time you met him? >> oh, yeah, absolutely. yep. he came into -- we were doing a film, it was a pbs american playhouse film of the lanford wilson play "lemon sky" and he -- we were all getting picked up in the van and we were in cambridge, massachusetts. and he got picked up and his dog came in first and he had on this hudson bay kind of, you know, wool coat. and his black lab mix came in first and he came in first and he was aloof, so it is funny to hear him say that i was aloof. and my first thought was, he's really cocky and he thinks he's so cool. and little did i know he was not that way at all. >> 25 years of marriage, so happy -- >> not quite. it will be 24 in september. >> 24, okay, nearly a quarter of a century. >> yeah, yeah. >> what is the trick? is it luck and just finding the right person? >> absolutely. it is absolutely luck and finding the right person. initially i think -- i don't know, i always get uncomfortable with that question because i always feel like never take the secret to a happy marriage is to not take advice from celebrities about marriage. >> what did you find worked for you? do you have a certain way that you are with each other that just works? >> you know, i think we did just get lucky, but i also think that we have the same priorities and i think that helps a lot because we know that our relationship has to be sort of the primary relationship and the primary purpose of our lives in a way, even though we have so many other parts of our lives that are important. so that makes it easier when you have the same priorities. >> have you actually acted with him? he's directed you, but have you -- >> yeah, the woodsman. >> what was it like? >> it was -- it was scary. i think -- i know i initially, you know, said i didn't think it was a good idea. it was a very dark film, actually, about a -- a pedophile who was out of jail and sort of recovering. and i was afraid that it would be -- we met on lemon sky. but i was afraid that it would take people out of the movie and i felt it was an important movie to be made. but it is extraordinary to work with someone that you know is going to always throw the ball back at you. but it was scary. i thought how is the audience not going to be able to tell that we -- that we know each other so well and we're supposed to just be meeting. >> it is hard when you get home, i would imagine, having a glass of wine at the end of a long day's filming and there is like this dark, horrible pedophile plot line. you look at this guy and think, i want to pretend he's my husband now. >> no, no, no. i didn't have any problems with that, no. no. >> you've got two adult children now. >> yeah. >> how does that feel? you don't look old enough, by the way? you look ludicrously youthful. i need the secret of that, but tell me about your kids. how you old are they now? >> my son is about to turn 23 and my daughter is 20. and it is crazy. i turn around and look at them and say, who is that? i can't believe those kids are mine. they're big and they're -- they are so much further along than i was at their age, even though at their -- at my son's age, i was married and had a kid, but i didn't really know who i was or -- and he really does. i'm -- they inspire me. >> do they find it hard being the products of two famous acting stars? >> i don't think they know any better. i think that they don't know any differently, so it is what they -- it is what they have always known. i can't imagine that it hasn't been -- it has its challenges, for sure. we always sort of encourage them to think about that. but i think that they'll think about it when it is their time. i mean, it is annoying when you're with your kid and they're telling you something very important and then someone comes in and, you know, asks for an autograph or wants to talk, and it is lovely that people want to talk to you, it is part of the gig, but it is hard when your kid feels a little -- >> it blurs the line, doesn't it? >> yes. >> let's take a break. we'll talk about bernie madoff and "the closer." not necessarily in that order and not necessarily together. >> okay. hey america, even though slisa rinna is wearing the new depend silhouette briefs for charity to prove how great the fit is even under a fantastic dress. the best protection now looks, fits and feels just like underwear. we invite you to get a free sample and try one on too. in that time there've been some good days. and some difficult ones. but, through it all, we've persevered, supporting some of the biggest ideas in modern history. so why should our anniversary matter to you? because for 200 years, we've been helping ideas move from ambition to achievement. and the next great idea could be yours. ♪ ♪ will you dance with me? >> yes. >> kyra sedgwick with tom cruise in "born on the fourth of july" in 1989. 1989, you can't be as old as i know you are. it is impossible. it is a physical impossibility. >> thank you. >> how do you stay so ridiculously youthful? >> i drink a lot of water. i honestly, i don't know. i take care of myself, i guess. >> is it just a work out, ten hours a day? how do you get to look like this? >> not ten hours a day, but i do like to exercise. i do it more for my head than anything else. >> what was tom cruise like to work with? i saw you laughing the moment you saw that. >> well, first of all, i mean -- >> an affectionate remembrance. >> i loved him. he was wonderful. he was so inviting and so generous as an actor and such a hard worker. he was -- he is such a hard worker. and -- >> he doesn't age either. >> yeah. >> he looks exactly the same as he did in "top gun." it is quite weird, actually, isn't it? >> no, i don't think it is weird. i think he takes care of himself. probably gets good facials. >> like benjamin button in reverse. >> he has good bone structure. >> is that the secret? >> no, i think i could have better bone structure. you need the high cheekbones that everything hangs on. >> i can get you a guy that can do that. >> i'm sure you can. i'm sure you know him. >> what about bernie madoff? when i spoke to kevin, you've been through this horrible experience where you lost a lot of money to mr. madoff. what are your feelings about him? >> are we still on that? is that still a topic of interest? >> yes, quick and brutal. take him down and we can move on. >> i know you so want that. but i see him as a sick man and i see us as adults who made a choice, and i see a lot of people that are so much worse off than we are. and i think that, you know, [ bleep ] happens. can you say that? >> sort of gun with one bullet, walking streets, you wouldn't -- >> no, he has a horrible life at this point. i feel like you hate him more than we do. >> yes, a despicable human being. he ruined so many lives. >> i agree. >> you should be divorced from -- i would be absolutely enraged. this guy fleeced me. >> right. >> you're a nicer person than me. >> well, no, i wouldn't say that i'm that nice, but -- >> more forgiving. let's turn to president obama. you've been quite vocal about the president. you tweeted about the big row about the pipeline. america lost jobs when he blocked the epa from cutting smog and ozone pollution. a great day for exxonmobil and a bad day for kids. >> i know the economy is in trouble. but i think we have to protect our natural resources for our children. and we have to somehow curb our addiction to fossil fuel. and the pipeline was a very obviously -- it was a very tricky subject for a lot of people because it was supposed to create a lot of jobs, but i was -- from my research, i was absolutely not entirely convinced they were jobs that would actually stick around, that there were a lot of jobs to be had and for the most part, it was going through pristine land and ruining it for the future. and i don't think we have that much land to squander anymore. and that much clean water to squander anymore. >> you're an obama fan generally? >> i love obama. i think that he's done some extraordinary things. i think he's had a really, really hard time of it. i think he's been blamed for things that were not on his watch. and i think that given a second term i think that he will be bolder. i think that sometimes his statesmanship gets in his way and his diplomacy gets in his way a little bit. but hopefully in the second term he'll care a little bit less about that. >> will you vote? are you one of these people that i'm going to go and vote? >> absolutely. >> you feel strongly? >> 100%. i'm -- i get flummoxed by the idea that we're all not voting, that it is such a small percentage of the country voting. it is one of the few things we can do to make difference. >> hollywood has been turning on obama, a few stars saying they're disappointed in him. >> i think he had impossible expectations to live up to, absolutely. everyone hung all their hopes on him and that was unrealistic. there is only so much we can do with our government of checks and balances within a four-year term. >> are you worried that the republicans will get in? >> always. i am. >> what did you think of mitt romney? >> i need to learn more about him, i think. >> what is your gut feeling? >> you know, i will be voting for obama. >> you're very diplomatic, aren't you? >> i try to be. i would rather not be quoted all over the country. >> you're entitled to have a say. >> yeah. >> you're an active tweeter. you like twitter? >> i'm not as good at it -- i'm not as diligent about it as i should be. kevin is much better and much more creative. >> do you like the instant feedback or is it for any artist, is it vaguely terrifying as well? >> it is vaguely terrifying, absolutely. it is so personal sometimes and it feels like something you don't really want to do. but then i honestly find the twitter universe -- or twitter-verse, is that the word, to be pretty polite group of people. >> you haven't read any might have followers. >> no. you know what they say, anything negative, i just block them. >> i like the haters. it gets me up in the morning. a reason to live. let's take a short break, come back and talk about "the closer," this brilliant tv series which has been dominating the last five years. ♪ why not try someplace different every morning? get two times the points on dining in restaurants with chase sapphire preferred. i don't have to use gas. i am probably going to the gas station about once a month. drive around town all the time doing errands and never ever have to fill up gas in the city. i very rarely put gas in my chevy volt. last time i was at a gas station was about...i would say... two months ago. the last time i went to the gas station must have been about three months ago. i go to the gas station such a small amount that i forget how to put gas in my car. ♪ delivering mail, medicine and packages. yet the house is considering a bill to close thousands of offices, slash service and layoff over 100,000 workers. the postal service is recording financial losses, but not for reasons you might think. the problem ? a burden no other agency or company bears. a 2006 law that drains $5 billion a year from post office revenue while the postal service is forced to overpay billions more into federal accounts. house bill 2309 is not the answer. or good afternoon. chase sapphire. (push button tone) this is stacy from springfield. oh woah. hello? yes. i didn't realize i'd be talking to an actual person. you don't need to press "0," i'm here. reach a person, not a prompt whenever you call chase sapphire. start with the rape suspects, as usual. >> your suspects are my clients and sex isn't always rape. >> murder ups the stakes a little. dna can be very helpful in court. >> if you have a sample, yes. >> here. let me help you with that. >> kyra sedgwick is the feisty and brilliant deputy chief on the closer, a smash hit, has taken home the golden globe and emmy for her portrayal of brenda leigh johnson. the closer is the only series in cable history to be number one for five consecutive years. isn't that amazing? >> yes. >> still over 8 million viewers on monday nights on tnt. the final series about to start. how do you feel about this being the end? >> it has been the end since december. and while i miss the people so much, and i do love the consistent work, i -- it has been okay to take a break. it has been good. it's been good. it was an extraordinary experience. it was so creatively fulfilling, more creatively fulfilling than almost anything i've ever done. and -- >> for any actress, doesn't there come a point when you just worry about this is going to be it now. you have to get out at the right moment. >> right. >> there are so many other things you want to do. these shows can be brutal to make. >> oh, yeah. >> the filming schedule. >> oh, it is completely overwhelming and all consuming. but, yeah, that's why -- that's why we're done now. it was time. it was time. >> did you cry? was it emotional? >> oh, very. oh, my god, very. very boo hooey as i said, as i was saying. >> do you die or -- >> no, i don't die. >> i don't want to ruin everything. >> no, i don't die. i won't ruin anything to say i don't die. >> i couldn't bear it. i couldn't bear to see your rotting carcass at the end of the series. >> i love that. i love that. >> what are you doing now? with all your free time? >> yeah, well, i'm seeing a lot of plays. i'm sleeping a lot. but i want to do, you know, other things. that's why it was time. i think it is a perfect time to go when people still want you around and you don't start smelling like the fish. >> speaking of best moments of your -- >> a rotting fish. >> a rotting fish. >> what has been the best moment of your career moment if i could replay it for you right now, you would choose? >> i think the best -- one of the best moments of my career was working with paul newman in "mr. and mrs. bridge." yeah. working with him as a person, as a mentor, and as an actor. >> just a great guy. >> extraordinary. >> literally extraordinary. i think he was on a different level. >> yep. >> both on screen and off it to almost anybody else. >> yep. and he always talked about how as he got older, everything got -- his acting got so much smaller and smaller. he would look at his work and go, too big, too big, too big. i always try to remember that. he also gave me lots of -- gave well-earned, wise education about how to deal with kids and how to drive safely and he was very wise. >> what was his advice about kids? >> his advice about kids was i remember he looked at me, travis was two months old when i did "mr. and mrs. bridge" and he said to me, he looked at me with his baby blue eyes, all krinkly kind of getting full with tears, he said you never stop worrying or being a parent. there's something about that that i take solace in as my kids get older. >> he's right. >> you think when they flee the nest that's it, but that's when the real trouble starts. do you have a big ambition, a particular project or something that you would really love to do? >> my big ambition is to work in film with great directors. >> who is the number one? >> alexander pain. >> why him? >> i think every movie he makes is so other, so brilliant and so spontaneous and so real and the characters. and there's never any forcing of anything and it's just, so immensely watchable. >> have you had any conversations. >> i've met him several times and auditioned for him several times. >> he rejected you? >> yes several times. >> what was he thinking? >> i don't know. hopefully he'll see this and change his mind. >> i think you would be great in movies like that. >> i would love to be. >> you and kevin together. >> yeah. >> is that the dream ticket? >> kind of. >> when a double oscar. >> what if you both won oscars on the same year. >> i always say to him where is my "dead man walking." he's a director too he needs to get cracking on that. >> it's been a pleasure. just to repeat, "the closer" the final series is airing monday night on tnt. everybody will be watching. >> thank you so much. >> coming up next, only in america. just you know walking, sfx: sounds of marching band and crowd cheering and i found myself in the middle of this parade honoring america's troops. sfx: sounds of marching band and crowd cheering which is actually inquite fitting becausearade geico has been serving e military for over 75 years. aawh no, look, i know this is about the troops and not about me. right, but i don't look like that. who can i write a letter to about this? geico. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance. britta olsen is my patient. i spend long hours with her checking her heart rate, administering her medication, and just making her comfortable. one night britta told me about a tradition in denmark, "when a person dies," she said, "someone must open the window so the soul can depart." i smiled and squeezed her hand. "not tonight, britta. not tonight." 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, Thousands , Medicine , Packages , Offices , Mail , Service , Workers , Problem , Reasons , Bears , Revenue , Layoff , Burden , Agency , Losses , Post Office , 2006 , 5 Billion , 6 Billion , Answer , Accounts , 2309 , Push Button Tone , Chase Sapphire , Springfield , Oh Woah , Prompt , Suspects , Rape , Sex , Clients , Smash Hit , Court , Dna , Murder , Deputy Chief , Series , Emmy , Portrayal , Viewers , Brenda Leigh Johnson , Number One , Tnt , Golden Globe , 8 Million , End , Shows , Actress , Consuming , Hooey , Filming Schedule , I Couldn T , Don T Die , Rotting Carcass , Plays , Rotting Fish , Fish , Smelling , Career , Paul Newman , Bridge , Mentor , Screen , Go , Lots , Got , Education , Wise , Travis , Baby Blue Eyes , Krinkly , Nest , Solace , Parent , Great Directors , Project , Characters , Alexander Pain , Conversations , Dream Ticket , Oscar , Oscars , Dead Man Walking , Director , Monday Night On Tnt , Sfx , Cheering , Troops , Marching Band , Crowd , Only In America , 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