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Southern indian ocean ranging in size from 3 feet to 75 feet. It turned up on satellite images from a French Defense firm on sunday. Theyre digging into that and every other new detail of the information with my experts. Our big story remains flight 370. Were covering every ainngle. Its 9 00 a. M. In perth. Tell me what the expectation is today. Weve seen again 122 new images potentially of plane wreckage. Do they think they can get anywhere near where they think they were . Reporter well, they certainly are hoping to. Theyve got 11 aircraft up in the air today. Just about an hour ago the chinese jet took off. Were expecting another five civilian aircraft to take off in the next few hours. Then the u. S. Military planes will go out. Its critical that they try and get to this area. Theyre going to cover two sectors with about 78,000 square kilometers in all. Its critical they get low enough to see this debris and actually identify, to eyeball it and see what it is. Whether it could be a piece of the plane. Because if they cant see it then really theyll have to start all over again with a new search area. And thats why its so important for them to get off to an early start today. And in terms of the weather, what are they saying . How long really before they think its going to get rough again . Reporter theyre saying later today they expect the weather to deteriorate. And unfortunately this is the way its going to be for the next few weeks even. Were getting into winter here, of course. And basically theyve got this month or so where they have these windows going to try to fit as much searching as they can. But as soon as winter hits here according to an oceanographer i spoke to yesterday it will be absolutely impossible to go out. Too stormy, waves too high to see anything. Thank you very much indeed. Turn now to new developments in the investigation of the pilot and copilot of flight 370. Pamela brown has this. Pamela, a new usa today report out today quoting a senior malaysian investigator as saying that Malaysian Police believe that captain zaharie shah quote deliberately redirected the aircraft. Your sources i believe are hearing something different. Tell me what the latest is. Reporter well, piers, the officials ive spoken with with knowledge of the investigation are not ready to jump to any conclusions or make any leaps. Simply they dont have the concrete evidence to back up that theory. The sources say that investigators havent found a smoking gun in either of the pilots or copilots backgrounds that would suggest a premeditated act. A source in malaysia tells cnn a search of the pilots home didnt turn up any evidence such as a suicide note that would suggest financial, psychological or marital problems. Also, piers, a u. S. Official close to this investigation tells me forensics experts have not found anything yet that jumps out at them after a preliminary look at the captains simulator hard drive and both of the pilots lap topts. Important to keep in mind this is an ongoing investigation. Investigators continue to dig into the backgrounds of both of those men. But so far again sources telling cnn there is no concrete evidence at this point implicating the pilots in the planes disappearance. However, they are still a top priority in this investigation. And investigators are still focusing on them. But going back, pamela, to this usa today report, obviously a prestigious newspaper. Theyve obviously got what they believe to be a good source on this. Can we rule out the possibility that the captain zaharie shah deliberately redirected this plane, or is it something that is even for those who doubt this particular report say is a potential option here . Everything is on the table, piers. So basically speaking to sources they say theyre not ruling out anything. But that both of these pilots, both of them are still being looked at. Theyre still trying to put a profile of these men together, piers. But essentially theres just no concrete evidence. We still dont have the plane. As i said, there is no smoking gun found on their hard drive yet and found in their homes according to sources. So without that concrete evidence, sources are saying how can you sort of jump to that conclusion that it was a deliberate act. However, piers, you look at the process of elimination. These were the two men in charge of that plane. They were in the cockpit. So of course theyre going to be a focus of this investigation. Just not the sole focus according to my sources. Pamela brown, thank you very much indeed. Im going to bring in sara sidner in kuala lumpur. Sara, what are you hearing about the malaysian end of all this, in particular the investigation into the pilot and copilot . Reporter you know, piers, what you just heard from pamela was spot on as you brits would say. What we are hearing is that of course they are looking into the pilots background. That is a natural thing you would do in an investigation to see if there were any, for example, emotional problems happening at this point. But until we have an official who will go on the record at this point, we dont believe anything were hearing. Until someone will come forward, show their face and say, here is whats happening. This investigation continues. They are still looking into this. And the reason, by the way, piers, that officials are saying that this was a deliberate act is because of how the plane acted. Because of that turn that was made. That turn cannot just happen on its own. And so they believe thought was a deliberate act. Now, was it because of fire or was it because of Something Else in the cockpit . We just dont know. And it is not right to demonize the pilot or copilot or anyone on that flight until we have the evidence. The families of the copilot and pilot and of the passengers are terribly distraught. This obviously going to make the pilot and copilots lives, their familys lives, much much more difficult. They are being scrutinized now. They are looking at the pilots simulator. They are still going through and pouring through and trying to go through all that is in that computer and all that is in that simulator to see if there was anything that it tells them anything about what happened with missing flight mh 370. But it is not fair to speculate about who was at fault if they did it deliberately with a sinister for a sinister reason or if they did it deliberately because they were trying to save the plane and save themselves and the passengers, piers. Thank you very much indeed. Your own reporting the last three weeks has also been spot on. Should this investigation now focus on the pilot and copilot . I want to put that question to my experts, mary schiavo, former Inspector General of the dot, also miles obrien, cnn aviation analyst and david soucie former faa safety inspector and author of why planes crash. David soucie, weve spoken a lot this week. Each day a little tiny nugget of information comes out. Today weve got 122 apparent fragments of what could potentially be wreckage. We also have again a renewed focus now on the pilot and copilot. What do you make of these developments . I think theyre all important developments. What i always caution all the accident investigations ive ever done you dont start with a conclusion in mind and fill the facts in to support that conclusion. I think thats what were seeing here. It happens a lot in the investigation. And every day you have a meeting with your team and make sure and you have cross checks and double checks against each other to say is this truly a fact . Is it not a fact . Do we know this . Do we not know that . Then youve got to start weighing the confidence of the things you do know. You have to question yourself. I think thats whats happening here. Miles obrien, i suppose the problem is the malaysian government are trying to i guess quell speculation by saying we believe it plane went down in the ocean. We believe everyones lost. But of course, all its done really is increase speculation. Because if that is the case, where are the fragments, where is this plane . Where are the bodies of the people who died . And what happened . We still dont know really almost anything that explains anything about this plane. Its like the cops saying nothing to see here, people. Move along. These are conclusions without any evidence to support them. The cart before the horse. And the cart is empty. You cant just come out with these statements, especially for families. Especially for the families. And the flight crew has families, too. Lets not forget that. And they are groieving as well. What a horrible thing to impugn them without any evidence whatsoever. So i think theres a sense in the inside this investigation if we just say a few things it will all go away. Thats not happening. I completely agree. Lets take a short break, come back and get mary schiavos reaction to this after the break and get further into these new developments and the investigation into missing flight 370. From the beginning they just hide everything. I dont think that this kind of government liar and even a murderer can solve anything. Hey there, i just got my bill, and i see that it includes my fico® credit score. Yup, you get it free each month to help you avoid surprises with your credit. Good. I hate surprises. Surprise at discover, we treat you like youd treat you. Get the it card and see your fico® credit score. They lived. They lived. They lived. dad we lived. Thanks to our subaru. announcer love. Its what makes a subaru, a subaru. I have a big meeting when we land, but i am so stuffed up, i cant rest. [ male announcer ] nyquil cold and flu liquid gels dont unstuff your nose. They dont . Alka seltzer plus night fights your worst cold symptoms, plus has a decongestant. [ inhales deeply ] oh. What a relief it is. Flight 370 has been missing for three weeks. We still have more questions than answers. My panel is digging into this and families are demanding answers. Cnns david mckenzie, tell me what is going on there. The anger isnt going away. The questions are not being answered. What is the mood like in beijing . Reporter the mood is frustrating. And of course angering for these family members. Theyve wanted answers for all these days, all these weeks now. And they dont believe that the Malaysian Airlines and malaysian authorities are giving those answers to them. I was at a meeting for several hours between those authorities and hundreds of family members. They were asking very pointed questions to the malaysians, where is the evidence . Wheres the debris . How can we believe you . The authorities kept on citing the information from inmarsat but not really giving their own opinion during that meeting. And that sort of riled the nerves a little bit here in beijing. As we saw though protests earlier this week, the family members here, they are expecting potentially the worst but they dont want to give up hope at this taint. Because for them, they want to see something. Seeing is believing. And all these new leads and speculation is not always helpful for those family members who are just raw with emotion at this time. David mckenzie, thank you very much. I have got one of those family members now. Steve wangs mother was on board flight 370. Hes one of the family members demanding answers. He says everything hes heard so far is just theory. He joins me live in beijing. Thanks for joining me. First of all let me extend my very deepest sympathies to you and your family and all the families for what is going on here. Let me ask you straight away, you were supposed to pick up your mother from the airport. You brought her a coat because it had grown cold in beijing. Looking forward to seeing your mom, youre an only child. You havent seen your mother. She never came back yes. Do you feel in your heart that your mother could possibly still be alive . Well, i hope so. I know that the possibility is little. But i still have hope. Do you believe what youre be being told by the malaysian authorities . I think what we are told is just a theory. And they even do not know how it came out as Something Like that. They just read the reports. And theres no evidence, no piece from the plane, other things that could make us trust the results. So we dont believe it. There was a lot of concern, steven, about the fact that many families heard of the news from the malaysian Prime Minister that he believed the plane had gone into the ocean and that there were no survivors via text message. How did you hear the news . And what did you think of the methods of communication . Well r, i think its irresponsible action. Because theyve just received the report in the morning, and they they want to give it out in such a hurry. So i think it is irresponsible and once more they sent a message to all of the relatives in english. Some of the relatives do not know english. So i think it is not good. Theres a lot of anger from the families. We see these harrowing images every day. The anger i guess is because theres no resolution to this. Tell me how you feel about the investigation itself. Do you believe enough is being done to try and get to the bottom of what happened . Well, i think that there must be something that was hidden by the malaysian government. I think that it will come out someday. Steven, tell me about your mother. What kind of woman was your mothe mother . Well, shes an optimistic lady. She liked to travel. She is a nice person. Youre only child. Hows your father bearing up with all this . Well, he is now also waiting for the truth. He is now coming back home. He feels it is not very comfortable to be at the hotel. So im waiting at the hotel and my father is waiting at home. Malaysia airlines we believe have offered family members Financial Support of about 5,000 for each of the passengers. Does that make any difference to you . Is there any kind of comfort . Do you need that money as a family . Do you know about other families needs . Well, to most of the family, okay, some of the family may need some money for emergency use. But most of the family they dont care about how much money you give us. We just want the truth and we just want our relatives back. That is the most we want to see. Its obviously, steven, an agonizing time for you and your family and all these families. Its almost a nightmare scenario where people keep trying to say what they believe happened but nobody really knows. What is the constant speculation doing to you . What kind of effect does it have on you and your family . Im sorry . I was just asking can you hear me steven now . Yeah yeah. I was just asking, obviously because nobody knows enough answers here. Nobody knows really what has happened. The constant speculation i would imagine is very difficult for you. Yes. But at the same time, do you believe that people should keep asking questions . Hopeful that we may get to some trut truth . Yes, we hope that we will get the truth. And i think we may ask for more people to help us. Because we are just normal people. And we dont know too much about laws. We dont know too much about the aircraft or Something Like that. But we need more people to help us. Your tshirt, steven, has a slogan in chinese. Can you tell me what it says . Well, it is for pray for mh 370. Back safely. Well listen, as i say my heart goes out to you and your family, to all the families. I hope and pray that you get some good news. Obviously it looks unlikely, but we can only pray. And i thank you very much indeed for joining me tonight. Yes, thanks. When we come back, more new details on the investigation into the mystery of flight 370. Get my experts to weigh in on key questions, what have we learned about the cockpit and what have investigators learned about the plot . Frequent heartburn . The choice is yours. Chalky. Not chalky. Temporary. 24 hour. Lots of tablets. One pill. You decide. Prevacid. 24 hour [ male announcer ] even more impressive than the research this man has at his disposal is how he puts it to work for his clients. Morning. Morning. Thanks for meeting so early. Come on in. [ male announcer ] its how edward jones makes sense of investing. All questions about flight 370 really come down to this, what happened in the cockpit . Joining me now a man who has lots of experience in that area, les abend is a 777 captain with 29 years of plflying experience. Miles obrien and mary schiavo. Talking to david there on the break about quite an interesting new thought process i think about an established thing, which is if the plane flew at 12,000 feet, the presumption is being that they would have burned off too much fuel too quickly to have got to where the site is. You now believe it would have been possible. Exactly right, piers. I looked at the numbers. And just my experience in flying jet airplanes i said theres just no way. But i looked at the numbers and confirmed it with a really good boeing source. And this gentleman came back and said, i see what you see. And its very possible. David, youve had the same conversations with people which also suggest this could have been possible, this plane could have been flying at 12,000 feet and ended up i also independently confirmed his numbers were correct and thought is possible. Okay. Mary schiavo, taking that into account, and taking into account the renewed focus now on the pilot and copilot, obviously we have to make it absolutely clear that they may be completely innocent of any malicious wrongdoing at all. They might be heroes trying to save that plane. We have to make that loud and clear regularly. But at the same time, the investigation obviously is going to be focused on them until we know more about this. What do you think about this in relation to the pilot and copilot potentially . I think the investigators are making a big mistake, and making a big mistake in Police Information work. I was a federal prosecutor before i was an Inspector General. Among the many things i learned doing that is that you dont announce your conclusion. You dont announce that somebodys guilty particularly with no evidence as we have here for two reasons among others. One is that the persons depending on your investigations, the victims of the crime, wont trust the investigation. Youve announced your conclusion without any evidence. And so they say, well, what else are you announcing . The other problem with that is a phenomenon called belief persistence. Once you announce your conclusion in an investigation you will try to make all the pieces fit them. It accounts for a lot of wrongful convictions. I think theyre making a mistake. Because now people will not assume that theyre going to be objective and that theyre not going to follow all leads such as the one that les just mentioned which sounds pretty plausible. Miles obrien, that seems to me a clear potential pitfall of all this, making a narrative fit a potentially small piece of information that could be construed in many different ways. I mean, talking about the pilot himself, interesting to me is the copilot, fariq abdul hamid. He was on his first flight as a fully approved pilot for the boeing 777. We know talking to passengers on a few of his earlier flights a few years ago he had a habit of letting random passengers come into the cockpit. Are either of these things significant at all . Should we give them any credence in casting any aaspersions . You dont want to allow passengers in the cockpit. A 27yearold pilot allowing women in the cockpit i can tell you that was not unprecedented. I can tell you also that has nothing to do with what happened on march 8th at all. Just as the phone call which supposedly the captain made and now we say maybe he didnt or the simulator that he flew, all these things are completely irrelevant to the investigation. And these dribs and drabs come out and said in a fashion that makes it sound like theyre incriminating but they arent. Lets not forget that. And really, frankly, nothing can be ruled out now. Most every scenario you come up with you can run it through. Some of the more plausible than others. Frankly, the crew being responsible for this is a very plausible scenario but one of many that are still possible. Les abend, you are the pilot here. You flew 777s. Paint for me a picture where if the pilot, as some people suspect, took this plane off for whatever reason, what happened . In other words, is it possible that he could have shut down all communication, turned off the transrespond transponders, acars system . Could he have done that and taken this plane off in the way that we now know potentially ended up in this area . Is that feasible . Of course he could have disabled various systems. But to completely shut off the acars he would have had to go back into the e and e, the electronics and engineering compartment thats eight feet behind the cockpit and down below the galley. And basically vacate the cockpit. The evidence is such that the acars system was being pinged by the satellite. So he would have had to disable that, too. It just seems so implausible to me. You must be talking to pilots all the time about this. Im talking to random people in the street about this. Everyones obsessed with it for one reason, the mystery remains a mystery. When you talk to pilots, experienced, long service pilots, what is the general feeling youre now getting about what they think is the most likely scenario here . Most of them kind of align with my malfunction theory and with the fuel issue we just brought up where it is plausible it could have gone a certain distance toward the search area. What malfunction, les, would have happened that could have caused all the things we believe happened . The one and its a great question. The one malfunction that ive been kind of touting. And granted its all speculation. And anythings open for grabs. I could be totally wrong. I could fall on my sword here. But the one ive been going with is the potential for a smoldering fire that became insidious with smoke. They smelled something. At first when you fly airplanes long enough you know the gals have burned something in the ovens. You dont make much of it for awhile. Then when it gets worse and worse, then you realize its time to put on our oxygen mask and then its time to divert the airplane. Because now we have a serious problem. So things started to shut down in that avionics bay. And as it started to shut down they were dealing with a confusing situation with putting on oxygen masks, goggles, breathing through a pressurized system, under stress, trying to communicate the best they could with themselves, with air Traffic Control that may not have been able to answer in that particular area. And they became overcome. Thats my basic premise. David, youve talked before about the lithium battery potential involvement of this. That would also tally with this. I have read a lot of pieces by pilots, theorizing in a similar way that the most likely if its not some form of hijack, the most likely mechanical failure that explains all this would be a fire. Absolutely. And when you go back to the lithium, you also have fumes. You have hydrogen sulphate. You have sulphuric acid in the air, being inhaled. That damages lungs quickly. Thanks for joining us. When we come back i want to talk about whats been called the best lead yet in the mystery of this flight 370. 122 objects floating in the indian ocean. The search is going on right now to try and locate them. Oh the name your price tool you tell them how much you want to pay, and they help you find a policy that fits your budget. I told you to wear something comfortable this is a polyester blend whoa uh. Little help . I got you unh its so beautiful man should we Call Security . No, this is just getting good. The name your price tool, still only from progressive. This is the first power plant in the country to combine solar and natural gas at the same location. During the day, we generate as much electricity as we can using solar. At night and when its cloudy, we use more natural gas. This ensures we can produce Clean Electricity whenever our customers need it. Cozy or cool . Meow or woof . Exactly the way you want it. 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This the break everyones been waiting for . Joining me now captain tim taylor, accomplished ocean explorer. Back with me mary schiavo, miles obrien and david soucie. Captain taylor, weve had a lot of images in the last week or so. These do seem to be the most significant given the volume, 120 of them, a fact that many were quite shiny and so on. What did you read into the details that youve seen . What i read into thesis if again this is all if they can find an item that these are the plane. So assuming they are wreckage from flight 370, these satellite images just became our biggest clues. Because we have multiple images from multiple days from multiple countries. If the resolution that they have can be shared, even if its not Public Knowledge and we can identify them as the exact same pieces, we now have data to plug into a drift model to follow it back. What people say to me is, if theres all these satellite images everywhere, from the chinese, the australians, the french now, why cant we just go and get them . What is the explanation for that . Its a big ocean and theyre moving parts, 30, 40foot seas and wind. They get out there and find them with a plane and send a boat out and it takes two day to get there. Then they move and its rough and they have to run and hide from a hurricane. Its an extremely daunting task to find them. I also in london lived by the river thames for a few years. The amount of stuff that used to just wash past every day. Thats not a big busy ocean. It was quite a calm river. That also must be a possibility. This could be anything drifting around. It could be anything. And there are trash piles out there in every ocean since plastic was really introduced theres these giant 900fold increase in trash out there. So this could be a trash pile. In the circulating currents of the ocean. But its the only lead we have. And its a lead that has to be chased. F if it can be i. D. S as parts of the plane all these objects are extremely valuable. Mary schiavo, youve been involved investigating stuff like this. Do you see this as potentially the key lead . I see it as one of two key leads. I was most intrigued today about the final additional partial ping. I know that doesnt sound like much. But that is also a source of information where when the sonar cr scanners and submersibles and equipment to find the pingers finally arrive that is where you would want to send them. The black box and heavier parts of the plane would not have floated away. It sightings and this partial ping, thats where i would send the black box equipment to find it. David soucie, where is it going with this . Are we waiting for these planes, the rescue boats and so on, to find these pieces without those could we have a situation where we never discover what has happened here . Everybody talks about this deadline on the batteries, youve got seven more days to find it. Is that true . To me its not. I spoke with some mechanics today. And this one gentleman had been in an audit situation. Had he had gone up and audited malaysia airlines. What he found was the pinger batteries, which are replaced during a sea check every 1,000 hours, were stored in a hot closet. Its 120 degrees in there. Its humid. Remember, these are watersensing devices. They need to be stored in dry, Room Temperature or refrigerated. So when theyre replaced they know that theyre functional. They know the batteries have been working all this time. We dont know that now because he said they found them that way. They took the batteries and retired them a couple of years ago. Put new batteries into the refrigerator. Since then hes been back. He says its a very lax practice. What does that mean . What it means these could behalf life batteries. Which they would have already expired. Absolutely. And if that is the case, what does that mean for the investigation . Now were down to just a visual inspection like we did with flight 447. If you remember with flight 447 in the first few days, they had the tow machine coming around, whats it called . The hydrophone. Yeah. So its listening for the ping. They went over this area and excluded it. They said this area is no longer valid. So then the rest of the year they had to wait a whole another year to start it again. Then they finally realized if theyre not on we need to go back and look at what we did before. Wasted a lot of time. Miles, what do you think . Youve covered many of these things over the years. From all that has happened in the last three weeks, do you think weve got much time left to actually find this black box and get to the bottom of this . Its going to take a little bit of luck to say the least. The weather is worsening there. Its difficult as everybody has said to find these pieces. You see a satellite image, looks intriguing. A couple of days pass. You might get an over flight then a few more days pass before you get a ship there. And take a look at the seas there. Thats a pretty calm day on the southern ocean. Maybe not too calm. The point is its going to take a lot of things lining up. That last half handshake from the aircraft is an important thing. That will get you not to the haystack but maybe the farm. Some drift models and debris might be able to reverse engineer and get to the site. But its still an awfully big ocean. Without that pinging noise, its all going to rely on visual inspections which is a very laborious process. All of this is coming up and were coming up on winter. So this might be a mystery that will endure for quite some time. Captain taylor, just in practical terms, weve got these satellite images from sunday. So were now wednesday nightthursday morning, is that right, in perth. So four days later, given the rugged conditions of the ocean in that time, so difficult couldnt even go up on two of the days, how far could this stuff have physically moved . Thats the big question. A mile, ten miles, 100 miles . Easily three miles a day. Three knots an hour. That could be 70 miles a day, 100 miles a day. In any direction really. Or could they tell the direction it would likely have moved . My understanding theyre already onsite and dropping bee co beacons or buoys to measure the drift. With that knowledge they should be able to tell that. Theyre not sharing that with anybody that i know of or i can find. So their knowledge of how fast the currents go should be in their database right now. If they arent collecting that, i would find it impossible theyre not trying to collect as much in location data that they can while theyre out there so they can plug it into something. Captain taylor, thank you very much. The rest of my panel will stay with me. When we come back the families are outraged after almost three weeks of no definitive word on the loved ones. I speak with a young man who whose mother was on the flight. Doesnt know what happened. Well talk to him after the break. When folks in the lower 48 think about what they get from alaska, they think salmon and energy. But the energy bp produces up here creates Something Else as well jobs all over america. Thousands of people here in alaska are working to safely produce more energy. But thats just the start. To produce more from existing wells, we need advanced technology. That means hitech jobs in california and colorado. The oil moves through one of the Worlds Largest pipelines. Maintaining it means manufacturing jobs in the midwest. Then we transport it with 4 stateoftheart, doublehull tankers. Some of the safest, most advanced ships in the world built in san diego with a 1 billion investment. Across the United States, bp supports more than a quarter million jobs. And no Energy Company invests more in the u. S. Than bp. When we set up operation in one part of the country, people in other parts go to work. Thats not a coincidence. Its one more part of our commitment to america. Hey kevin. Still eating chalk for hearburn . Yea. Try alka seltzer fruit chews. They work fast on heart burn and taste awesome. These are good. Told ya im feeling better already. Alkaseltzer fruit chews. Enjoy the relief the families of flight 370 enduring a horrible ordeal. Will legal action help them get answers . Joining me steven marks, an aviation attorney represents families of air France Flight 447. Back with me now mary schiavo, miles obrien and david soucie. Steven marks, youve been through a very similar disaster, france 447. Took them two years to find the black box in that case. You won lots of money for the families there. Before i get your reaction to this development today, i want to play you a clip from my earlier interview with steven wang whose mother was on board when i put to him whether it would be helpful this 5,000 offer thats been made to families so far. This is what he said. Most of the families, okay, some of the families may need some money for emergency use. But most of the families, they dont care about how much money you give us. We just want the truth and we just want our relatives back. Steve wang there clearly, he cares more about getting his mother back. Im sure every family would say that right now. But how important in your experience is the financial and legal aspect when this kind of tragedy happens . Well, the financial aspects of the case come over time. What the families really need at this point are some honest answers and some truth. Because they want to find out what happened to their loved ones. Unfortunately, thus far they have a lot of reasons to have doubts with the information. Sometimes it takes years. Ive heard earlier that there are still people who are insisting that some of these other crashes such as silkair was an intentional act, a suicide, when in fact we proved years later thought was a 737 tail rudder. And it takes years to really find the truth. But eventually we are able to find the truth. It does come out. And well be able to prove that. Compensation will come in due course. Let me ask just quickly, if for example we take the theory of a pilot or copilot taking this plane off nefariously, who is culpable for that legally . Is it the airline . Is it boeing . Is it all of them . Who takes responsibility . Well, clearly its the airline because under the montreal treaty, the airline has there could be independent crew companies that provided the crew that didnt do proper background checks. There may have been some other person involved with assisting the crew to do this. So it doesnt end the question of who else might be involved. Whether or not that manufacturer is involved is a more difficult question and hopefully we will get some answers from the black boxes as to what transpired. I think its very, very premature, and somewhat reckless to say to these families that in fact their loved ones were the result of murder as opposed to an accident. Its a very different type of feeling. It hurts the families tremendously to hear that without any proof. Having said that, can we rule out a bomb, an explosion on board . Someone tweeted me an interesting point about the fire on board. If there had been a fire, how could a plane that has a fire ripping through it carry on flying for hours on end . It doesnt seem feasible. These airplanes are made to withstand a lot. Look at the aloha accident. That time flew for plenty of time. So it could have a fire on board for six hours . In that case, it could. Thats why smoke is more likely than fire. Is a bomb ruled out at this stage, and if so, why . A bomb of any size that would take that aircraft down is out of the question in my mind. Mary, you want to jump in here . Well, you could have a fire and it would be put out, because in these planes, theyre wide bodied aircraft and they have fire detection and suppression systems in the cargo holds. This was the result of value jet flight 592 the families pushed to get Fire Suppression in cargo holds. Miles obrian, from all this youve seen here, can we eliminate a bomb . No, i dont think so. What about a im talking about maybe a small bomb that was aimed at the front of the airplane, sort of a decapitation effort, something that was aimed where the electronics and avi avionics are. What if it exploded and it was a small hole and caused massive failures of the Electronics System . If a terrorist wanted to save on the size of the bomb, you could take a plane down and do a lot of harm with a lot smaller harm than if youre trying to blow up the fuel tanks. Miles, have you ever encountered a story quite like this . Im sorry, somebody was talking in my ear, piers. Can you repeat the question . Just in all your experience, have you ever encountered a story quite like this . No, this would be hard to make up. People would say its implausible. You cannot make this stuff up. David, clearly huge pressure remains on all the people involved in this investigation, a lot of countries now are putting lots of effort and resources into this. But we know from the air france 447 it can take years to resolve. This story has a kind of momentum of its own at the moment. Is there going to be a moment when people get on with their lives and leave the investigators to it . Theres still people looking for planes that went down a hundred years ago. So i dont think it will ever go away unless we have something tangible for these families to look at and start to accept whats going on. But no, i dont think its going to go away for a long time, even after its solved there will still be theories and speculation about other kinds of things that might have happened. I asked you earlier about if it was a pilot who had taken it off deliberately. If it was a mechanical failure, does the onus move back to boeing, people involved in the engineering of the airplane rather than the airline . Well, the airlines liability would still be governed by treaty. If boeing had some responsibility, that would be a case of manufacturing defect, whether it was design or manufacturing. That case could proceed most probably in the United States where the discovery process would allow us to get all of the documentation, and we would be able to reconstruct everything that happened. That would require some of the wreckage to be uncovered as well as the black boxes. We have reconstructed accidents with very little information. It just takes a lot of hard work. Were going to take a short final summary where we are with this after the break. I dbefore i dosearch any projects on my home. I love my contractor, and i am so thankful to angies list for bringing us together. Find out why more than two million members count on angies list. Angies list reviews you can trust. Once wrote something on a sheet of paper and placed it in his factory for all to see. Four simple words where the meaning has never been lost. The challenge always accepted. And the calling forever answered. Introducing the allnew 2014 sclass. Mercedesbenz. The best or nothing. Man yeah, scott. I was just about to use the uh. 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Speculations frame the discussion, ultimately frame the investigation. I hope the investigators are not ruling out any speculation, frankly. Thank you both very much indeed. I think the speculation is helpful to solving some of the issues and questions behind all this. It remains a mystery. Thats all for us tonight. Cnns special report with don lemon starts right now. This is cnn breaking news. This is a cnn special report. The mystery of flight 370. Good evening. Im don lemon. Welcome to our viewers here in the United States. We have breaking news. The search is on, nearly three week since the plane vanished. Tonight, satellite images of 122 floating objects in the southern indian ocean. So is this the big break . Planes are in the air as we speak trying to locate these mysterious objects. Some of them reported to be up to 75 feet long. Im going to talk to the brother of a flight 370 passenger about what this news means to him. And is what happened to the plane premeditated . And if so, who was involved . The investigation turns its fo t

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