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0 . that is it for this edition of "ac360," join me for the nelson mandela coverage, starting at 3:30 eastern time, here is piers morgan, thank you for joining us. this is cnn breaking news. >> this is "piers morgan live." welcome to our show, from viewers around the world and in the united states. and later, a family from nevada, and a desperate mission to save them. and who better to talk to about the day's headlines than the great dan rather? and questions about the rise of asperger's, and susan boils, and revelations she suffers from the condition. and all coming up, plus the crash that took the life of paul walker, what will it do to the "fast & furious" franchise. also an amazing story of love, hope and inspiration. how she is turning her grief into a message of hope. >> it doesn't hit you until it happens to you, in your town and state. and that can be anywhere. we begin tonight with breaking news, the race against the clock to find the young couple and four little children missing in the remote snowy mountains of nevada. chad myers has more. what can you tell me about this missing family? >> reporter: last night, piers, that was 17 degrees below zero. and that is not the wind chill, but it is so far below your skin temperature, more than 50 degrees really, below freezing. and they're close to reno nevada, in a beautiful wilderness area, they went out sunday to go play in the snow but never came home. the silver jeep with a blacktop is what authorities are looking for. tonight, we're going down to minus six degrees right there. here is what they have to have. and here, if you're going to learn anything from this family you can't go out in the wilderness or even outside when it is this cold without a tank of gas. a full tank of gas, because when you start the car you can use that engine's heat to keep your family or you warm. let's hope that they had 22 gallons of gas in that tank and all they are is just sitting out there waiting to be found. and that would be the only thing at this point is fuel in their car, or maybe start a forest fire, get a fire going that they can stay warm. but right now, there is no indication of any of that. they are still lost out this in the snow. >> i want to bring in amanda fitzpatrick, the mother of of the missing girl. shelby fitzpatrick is searching for her daughter. amanda, it is obviously a terrible situation for you. whereabouts are you right now? and what are the conditions like? >> it is just very icy and cold, we're actually back up to the area we were told they were headed bh they went out to play in the snow. and it is just very icy and getting very cold. >> it is obviously every parent's nightmare. what have the authorities told you about the likelihood that this will end with the recovery of everybody safe and well? >> everybody has been very positive. it has been very hard, probably the hardest 24/36 hours of my life. it is my baby girl. but they have all been very positive. we have got the entire town of love lock, the entire towns and outside counties with search and rescue teams and everything like that. and everybody has been very positive and very willing to support and helpful and everything like that. >> and just for anybody watching who is in the area, it is james glanton, with his girlfriend, two four-year-olds and a 3-year-old, what are the conditions like there, amanda? for people who don't know nevada, is it particularly extreme? chad said it is 17 below normal. what are you experiencing? >> it is just extremely cold. it is a lot colder than it has been in the past. these are extremely cold temperatures that we haven't seen in a long time. so we're just trying to beat the weather, really, and get them home safe. >> well, amanda, thank you for joining us, we hope and pray that your little girl turns up and the others do, too, and very good luck with your search. thank you. >> and you want to turn to just about every other major news story in headlines, going back decades, dan rather, the managing editor of access tv. good to see you. >> good to see you. >> i was thinking about you last week. because whenever there is a huge event like the death of nelson mandela, one of the great figures in my life, certainly, as well. what was your reaction when you heard he finally died? >> i was somewhat surprised. because he had such resilience and determination. of course, we all knew he was very, very ill. but just somehow, i thought he will live to be 100 or more, because look what he survived. look what he went through. how he was in prison for over a quarter of a century. and for a great deal of that time he was under great duress, to say the least. >> and anybody who has not been there, this cell he was in was sort of 6 x 6. literally a box. >> and that, of course that and everything else they did to him, was designed to break his will. he had many hallmarks, resilient, to say the least. he was elegant, many people who heard of him but didn't know, he was quite a well educated attorney and a very good attorney. >> he was tough, he was as hard as nails. he was tough and determined. but the great, great thing about man d mandela was that when he came out of prison he could have sought awful revenge on his captors and all who stood by them, but he went the complete opposite way. >> two things, i was raised in what we thought was a pretty tough neighborhood in texas. and we always said there is tough, street tough, and prison tough. i would say there is tough, street tough, prison tough, and then there is mandela tough. number two, i'm not so sure that deep within himself that mandela didn't have some twinges of revenge, but here is the point. he recognized he had to be bigger than that. so he was about reconciliation, as well as forgiveness. i'm not so sure that forgiveness is an over worked word with mandela, because given what he had been through, had ehe recognized mostly for his own mental standing and his people, that he needed to get beyond that. no doubt in my mind in my mind, it will be written, there will be a line that goes through gandhi, martin luther king jr., and nelson mandela. >> and in the early morning hours there will be a remarkable memorial. of the world leaders, the greatest collection of any of this since winston churchhill's funeral back in 1966. >> well, and that should tell us how history will look upon nelson mandela. >> quite an amazing man. >> let's turn to the nsa, pretty controversial letter today from the bosses of apple, google, yahoo! facebook, linked in and twitter. to president obama, saying the key line, the balance of many countries has ticked too far away from the state and the individual, undermines the freedoms we all cherish, time for a change. now, one of the founders of twitter, jack dorsey, and what do you make about the standoff between the nsa who wants to have the right to poke in everybody's business because they believe it will stop trim. and obviously, the portals, saying whoa, steady. >> first of all, there are two parts of this. one, what the national security agency does in the united states with u.s. citizens. now, on the -- at least circumstantial evidence, at least whether or not they're behaving legally in regard to our constitution. the other part, what they do overseas in china and iran and other places. the point is, two different parts of it. because there is no international law that deals with this, now, what some of the big companies, ibm, hewlitt packard, what they're finding is that their business has fallen off. the chinese can say you know what? your systemings are not secure, so the business is off 21/25%. >> there is a certain hypocrisy with these companies because they themselves are raiding our private information very aggressively for commercial reasons. >> well, i'm smiling but it is not funny, exactly, there is a certain amount of hypocrisy. on the one hand, they say look, i can register the brand of underwear and the size, and that is okay because that is in our best business. but on the other hand it hurts our business in china and other places, they can't have it both ways. but again, this will take a long time to sort out. one question is, are their businesses being hurt overseas by this, and in a lot of countries beyond china, how long will it last and what can they do to turn it around? my own opinion is it will last for quite a while and require a good deal of all three branch, particularly our president, and going to the next presidency. >> i don't envy president obama, because you look at edward snowden's allegations, and some are perfectly legitimate, but others are things i think a government should do to help with security, and combat terrorism. >> i'm so glad you said that, piers, because there is a temptation to go too far in one way. listen, there are people around the world who do not wish us well. there are people who want to kill us. and it would be unconscionable for our government not to do what it could to prevent them from doing that. so on the other hand, you have to be proactive and know what they're talking about when they talk. on the other hand, there are not just these real issues but the people's business, of where is privacy, where is the line? where can we get into it to commit terrorism? it is a tough one -- >> the fbi apparently now has the power to get into anybody's web camera on their laptop or computer, and the light doesn't even go off. so they can actually just be looking at you without you having any -- >> they had the ability to do that. but under our constitution and our set of laws do they have the right to do that? >> that is the big debate, i'm sure it will go on. let's move on to aspergers, you have been doing interviews on this. susan boyle, the great singer, she helped find on britain's great talent in scotland now reveals that she, too, has been diagnosed with aspergers, we know that adam lanza, he was also believed to have suffered. what do we know about it? how prevalent do you think it may be? >> first of all, i don't want to say i'm an expert, but darryl hannah, the great movie star, she described it as it is like autism. there is another way of putting this is, symptoms akin to autism, rather than calling it asperger's disorder. but this is not a precise science with medicine. but for people who have it, it causes shyness, sometimes extreme shyness, and what a great story this is about this woman. she said you know, great relief now that she knows what is wrong with her. >> because i know her very well, actually, and i have stayed in contact with her. she is very bright, actually, very bright and very normal most of the time. but she suffers from a clear behavioral disorder which she was aware of without really knowing what caused it. and i think she feels great relief. >> she feels better and let's hope that she will be a little more forthcoming, not quite as shy. this has been the experience of other people. and particularly people -- >> well, this is a bit of a trip with darryl hannah, it was fascinating. >> is that what led to -- let me say suspicions, at least half diagnosis that you had asperger's syndrome when you were younger? >> it always has been an awkward fit, but definitely as i grow older i definitely learn how to -- how to deal with it better. >> fascinating stuff. let's turn quickly to what has been on cbs, your old network, former colleague on leave of absence over this report from benghazi. many people believe it was a double standard at cbs in the way you were treated in terms of the way you were departed from cbs, and the way that laura logan has been treated and the way they handled this crisis. what do you think? >> well, first of all, cbs has a lot to answer for this. there were a lot of questions, they have added to some of them. i don't want to add to their burden, i know what it feels like to be the correspondent who is at the center of controversy, when there are people above and below you. we'll make this point, with our story, the one that led to our difficulty, no question the story was true. although most of us lost our jobs, it was okay, your story was true, but the way you got to the story, was flawed. the process was flawed. that was not the case in the benghazi case, unfortunately, they were taken in by a man who was a fraud. >> laura logan is an incredibly brave reporter, she was being assaulted and attacked in tahrir square, a really brave woman. should it end her career? >> in my opinion, no. i am so glad you mentioned that. okay, whatever one thinks of what laura logan did with this story, in one respect it should be put with her whole record. she is still a very young correspondent. it should be put in that perspective. >> coming up, the subject your kids should be studying in school and probably are. i'll talk to twitter founder, jack dorsey j. >> and coming up, what this means for the "fast & furious" movie. twins. i didn't see them coming. i have obligations. cute obligations, but obligations. i need to rethink the core of my portfolio. what i really need is sleep. introducing the ishares core, building blocks for the heart of your portfolio. find out why 9 out of 10 large professional investors choose ishares for their etfs. ishares by blackrock. call 1-800-ishares for a prospectus which includes investment objectives, risks, charges and expenses. read and consider it carefully before investing. risk includes possible loss of principal. where their electricity comes from. they flip the switch-- and the light comes on. it's our job to make sure that it does. using natural gas this power plant can produce enough energy for about 600,000 homes. generating electricity that's cleaner and reliable, with fewer emissions-- it matters. ♪

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