0 that mayor toughs will be caught at any personal i'm propriety. >> how many girlfriends do you have? >> like one. >> what's her name? >> sofia. >> if you pick a name you could do worse than a 4-year-old fisherman with a preschool sweetheart. he'll always have the official endorsement of the ridiculist. >> that kid very nice. that's it for this edition of that's it for this edition of 360. -- captions by vitac -- "piers morgan live"s starts right now. this is "piers morgan live." welcome to the viewers around the united states and around the world. breaking news on the search of james dimaggio accused of abducting hanna anderson. the amber alerts includes california, washington, oregon and nevada and police fear dimaggio may have explosives and rigged his car with bombs. joining me now is a friend of dimaggio, they knew each other for years. thank you for joining me. what is your reaction to what happened here with your long-time friend james dimaggio? >> obviously, it's been a tragedy from the beginning for me. you know, i heard about it while i was up in washington state, and i heard that he had actually burned in his house, that's what berry called me, my good friend and berry, jim and i have known each other for at least seven years and regularly go camping and it was just truly a shock. >> now berry, you mentioned there is in fact berry robinson, we understand, who is the season of the motown super star -- i'm getting more information -- >> that's correct. berry robinson works for me at clean treatment center. >> just to clarify, he's the son of smoky robinson who obviously is the super star singer. you, berry and james dimaggio have gone on regular camping trips together, is that correct? >> that's correct, yeah. >> you say it's a huge shock to you. describe the kind of man that he is. we only know him from the dramatic turn of events. what kind of man is he? >> he's nothing like characterized. it's interesting to watch what amounts in someways like a salem witch hunt on tv and the scoops are overly inflated dimestore talking head sort of responses to piggen hole him into some role as like a psychopath or pedophile. the facts i know are very different from -- through the family, talking to laura, his sister, jim's sister, and talking to the family. what i've known for the switch years that i've spent time -- when i've been spending time with jim. it's dramatically different, and i've been shocked by the way they have been presenting certain aspects of the case. i mean, obviously, it's a tragedy but for me and the family, especially for laura and berry as well as myself, we're all very concerned about jim, as well. it seems so out of car act ter that would have happened. when i spoke to laura, his sister last night at length two times she expressed that, you know, the only result she could see from this is jim ending upcoming home in a body bag because either one, he was going to get profiled and somebody would shoot him or something terrible has happened to him and maybe he was taken from the home. you know, going camping with jim on a regular basis, he's not a survivalist. everybody is out there talking like he's a survivalist. it's a joke. berry, myself and jim are slightly over weight and we would go out with a guide and we would go to yosemite and go to the ten lakes region camping, but, you know, four days out we were desperate for a hotel room and a shower and a bathroom, so i find i want very hard. the picture you see with him lying on the ground 9,000 feet of elevation he crashed out after two days of hiking so -- >> tell me, andrew, there is a suggestion and only a suggestion, there is so many unanswered questions here but suggest that he may have had some kind of unhealthy obsession with hanna, the 16-year-old girl who he knew before she was even born he knew the family. >> yeah, that's -- >> do you think there is credence to that family? >> there is always the possibility of something. i work in mental health andave for 22 years. i own treatment centers. i own a substance abuse facility throughout washington, the west coast and california here in los angeles, specifically. you know, there is always a possibility that somebody could have a break. i heard some rumors on the media he had been smoking marijuana recently and i know that's a big top pick lately on cnn and the poet see and they could have drug related psychosis. it would have to be an extreme event. something like that would have had to be some mind altering event that would change his charter so dramatically from the man that i know who is actually someone who cares deeply about people. he had a lot of trama in his life growing up. i know both his parents were troubled. there was a suicide involved with his mother and his father has a history. some of which is personal. and whether that cameras out over time we'll see. he was the one in the family and decided to make his life something more about falling the example and give back. and the dog was shot in the house and that's not jim. you know, jim and the cat in front of his house he spent the last of his paycheck taking the cat to the vet and, you know, trying to get the cat to live. so he was of caring compassion of a person. the stuff with megan, once again, you listen to the media carefully and you don't just listen to the sensational and he made this comment to megan about, you know, that she was good looking and what not. but if you listen carefully, he talks very specifically about -- and i know there were other girls in the car and he talks about not that she's just good looking but good looking for her age and other boys -- >> just to clarify, you mean hanna, not megan? >> i'm sorry, yes, i'm sorry. >> right. >> so, it was never about him. it was about he had a fatherly role with these children. you know, the father was in tennessee and he basically drove these children around and took care of them, and, you know, something he was very proud of. >> it does seem utterly inexplicab inexplicable, out of char act ter, anything with him, anything? >> if anything, his life, i believe was getting simpler. you know, i heard on nancy grace they were trying to vil fie him by saying he's addicted to video games and put on his ex-wife who said he that he played video games. the ex-wife was reasonable about saying that, youp know, they were trying to blow it out of proportion. it seems like that's what is going on. everyone is looking for a lead and takes the lead and says he plays video games, that must mean he's looking to be some sort of crazy guy. everybody plays in video games and i've been in relationship where video games -- >> in terms of laura who is married to barry robinson, barry the son of smokey robinson as i revealed earlier, you spoke to her several times in the recent hours. >> yes. >> how would you describe her frame of mind. this is her only brother. they are very close, i understand. what is her state of mind? >> she really believes that she's not getting a fair shake and that jim especially isn't getting a share shake that everybody is very upset and is tragic what happened. obviously, people have died. you know, all of us are concerned that jim is dead, as well. you know, we think that's probably the most likely outcome that something terrible happened here and other people might have possibly been involved. she's basically hysterical and grieving like i think any normal sibling would be. they had a troubled upbringing. they made a pact as brother and sister when young and both parents were deceased they could take care of each other no matter what and the fact none of us, myself nor berry or laura have heard from jim is extremely unusual. you know, berry would be someone, he's one of the nicest guys in the world as well, somebody people can easily reach out to. i'm the business of therapy and working with people. you know, i know pedophiles. i've worked with pedophiles. jim does not fit the profile at all of a pedophile. they are saying over and over again on tv. they are taking small facts, blowing them out of proportion and i think at the end of the day we'll see this is a different story. >> was he seeing anybody currently that you know of? >> not that i know of. i know that, youp know, he had a girlfriend. i don't know the outcome of that. we were planning on going camping in the next four months and i was hoping to catch up with him soon. so, you know, it's sort of an annual thing we could do so. >> right and berry, of usually, again, smoky robinson's son, do you know if smoky is aware of this connection and what happened? >> smokey -- smokey probably onced twice at berry's wedding and probably one other time. there isn't a close relationship there. smokey wouldn't know anything about jim, have any great details, that's sort of a non-story. >> in terms of the revelation tonight he may have had explosives and may have set them in his car to explode if people find it. was he somebody that had any kind of military training or training with explosives or access to this kind of thing? >> there is a couple things that i find interesting. well, he does have a background in telecommunications and wiring and technology. i think that, you know, that's a long way from building a car bomb. so, you know, i've been with him. we've shot guns together. laura told me last night and this is a very odd story but that the father brent had actually called jim several days before returning and had said that he wanted jim to teach their youngest son how to shoot a gun because jim was one of the only people he trusted in terms of safety and handling a gun and his son was old enough finally to learn how to shoot a gun. so there is an odd sort of story there about how much this family and father trusted jim and now there's been such a rush to judgment that jim is the only suspect. i can understand the obvious emotional turmoil and struggle the family must be going through but, you know, i know for a fact that in the past the relationship is very close and very trusting. so -- >> and would you say from what you've just said the relationship between hanna's father and jim dimaggio as far as you're aware, very recently, was a good one? no problem there? >> i would say beyond that. in fact, this whole story that jim took this girl to hollywood on an inappropriate trip overnight is misrepresented. the truth of the matter is that the girl was going to see her grandparents and neither parent of the child was able to take the child to the grandparents' house so jim volunteered this is a typical 16-year-old girl fascinated with the idea of hollywood and fame and wanted to see it. never having seen it, jim agreed to stop through hollywood and show her around and they spent the evening at laura's house just east of hollywood. he was with laura, his sister, all night and they stayed upmost of the night talking and catching up. it's not like he didn't keep her in a hotel or something, and you know, just the inferences that are being implied don't fit -- >> finally, andrew, if -- >> yes. >> if he's watching the news coverage and watching the show now, what would you message be to your friend james dimaggio. we don't know what happened here but it looks like he cracked in someway and commented these terrible atrocities and may have this girl kidnapped. what would you say to him? >> if that were the case, i mean, i don't necessarily know if that's the case. i'm hoping that somehow, something else happened and maybe he's hostage with somebody or that there's some other explanation. like i said, the facts don't fit that. if he has somehow had some sort of mental crisis or if there was some sort of conflict with the mother and he overreacted and something, you know, just switched off in his mind or maybe he was smoking marijuana as suggested and he did have a drug induced psychosis that might have lead to the extreme behavior, if jim is listening, i'd say jim, you know who your friends are. you can reach me, he knows my number and he can call barry. there is ways for him and i to meet him. if he's paranoid and scared people will shoot him or that he can't come in safely and share what story is available, he should reach out to berry and myself. he has our personal cell phone numbers and i would be happy to go anywhere to reach out to him and be with him. >> it's an appalling tragedy and i'm sorry for you that your friend appears to be involved in something so heinous. thank you for joining me. >> great, thank you. joining me now is john watch -- walsh. host of america's most wanted. fascinating interview, painting a very different picture, sort of kind of persona that we seem to be dealing with with a mass killer and kidnapper. what do you make of it? >> well, he's certainly hoping it isn't his friend and we live in such a society that both you and i would say this man is accused of kidnapping this girl and murdering her mother and probably her brother. we should stay accused by the fbi and police say he is pedophile that kidnapped a 16-year-old girl and the main suspect in the murder e of her mother and the murder of her 8-year-old brother, although they haven't determined those are his remains yet. so it seems the law enforcement agencies and the state of california, which issued the amber alert think he's the number one suspect. let's not forget about jerry sandusky who was sod miezing an 11-year-old boy in the locker room and nobody could believe it was jerry sandusky. >> right. >> ariel castro who kept three girls in a house for ten years, his little 14-year-old daughter was gina dee jesus' best friend. nobody thought it was him. the catholic church, you and i are both catholics, we love the church but the vatican said there are thousands of pedophile priests that were trusted and looked up to authority figures. i don't know why people are appalled and think their friends and whatever aren't capable of obsession of a 16-year-old daughter -- of a girl. >> i think it's more human nature than it's a good friend of yours, you don't want to face the potential reality your friend had this terrible break down. >> nobody does, piers. nobody wants to think -- it is very often and i've done hundreds of those cases of where it is somebody that's a friend of the family or close to the family or a family member. >> john watch sh, always good to talk to you. thank you for joining me. >> let's hope this girl comes back alive, piers. i believe she's still alive. the public needs to find this guy and that girl. frank richards in the chair. a lot to say about the threat to boycott cnn over the hillary clinton project and back with rick santorum. former gop tonight and later lucky, maybe unluckiest man in the world. he survived being attacked by snakes, monkeys and a shark. will he survive being grilled by me? let's put him in the grill and find out. ♪ (woman) this place has got really good chocolate shakes. 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[ whispers ] get eight hours. ♪ [ shouts over music ] turn it down! and, of course, talk to farmers. hi. hi. ♪ we are farmers bum - pa - dum, bum - bum - bum - bum ♪ me? if you want to actually moderate and produce a debate that chooses a nominee for president on the republican side of the isle, that it would be reasonable to have the chairman of the party say hang on a second. you ought not be doing future films or documentaries and mini series about what we know to be a very likely candidate that's running on a democratic side of the isle. >> that's r and c chairman telling erin burnett why cnn and nbc shouldn't run the hillary clinton project. he says it's wrong. a lot to say about and it joins me in the chair. frank, you tweeted earlier if the gop has the net savvy to use google they would cheer on the cnn hilly dock. >> it's drew. it's not my job to defend cnn on cnn but in this case. >> we'll take it. >> the guy that was hired by cnn to do the hillary clinton documentary is a guy names charles ferguson who won the oscar for a movie called inside job that is a truly demolition job on the financial establishment that led to the bubble and the crash. >> right. >> many clinton administration people are implicated in that film indialectally at least and he's a tough guy and it's hard to imagine he's going to do a valentine to hillary clinton. at least know who won an oscar and look at goog. it's stupid. >> is there anything wrong in networks running documentaries or drama series on big political figures of the time? >> no, they do it all the time. you know, it's just silly this nbc mini series, anyone really think that people who have an opinion about hillary clinton, whatever it is, proor c or con, threatening to boycott cnn and nbc for debates, how does that hurt cnn and nbc? these are not rating -- >> [ laughter ] >> quite pleased about that. >> also the republican party presumably on fox where every -- all their candidates will pander with the debates and end up with ted cruise. is that what they want? >> when we look at 2016 and the battle coming up, you look at the gop and think what lessons are they learning? we'll talk to rick santor rum later. do you think the party is shaking itself into position at least to a consensus going forward? because it was so many fanction within it ripping apart. >> you have an establishment that was the mitt romney faction when he was running for president and everyone else, the much more right-wing base and so you see it in the ran paul, chris christie battle. you see parties very, very divided. they can't get it together, even on immigration reform which you would think would be a plus for them wooing hispanic voters -- >> do you think hilly will run? do you think she can win, or has her time come and gone? >> i have no idea whether she'll run or not. the signs just seem to indicate it but who knows. i think against a fraction lized and weak republican field, she can win. >> what if it was chris chris e christie. if we slimmed down chris christi, one of the most popular governors in america, ever, someone that relates to real people, talk as straight game. >> i don't think the base of the republican party wants to nominate him. they say he's soft on guns -- >> do you think he can actually win the general reelection? >> probably not>> he'not. i think while his views are sort of for the most part are in sink with a lot of the country, he's a northeastern loud mouth which does not necessarily play well throughout the country, particularly among the republica republicans. >> taking a short break, barack obama, his appearance on leno. what he said about russia. what he said about know desnowd nsa in general and anthony weaner who just doesn't want to go away. should he? my question for you. 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