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0 gone for good, ariel castro's house of horrors reduced to rubble. michelle knight, how are she and the other women doing. and the deadly details on the python attack. disturbing photos showing the brothers in a snake cage. and gone to pot, america's marijuana obsession, takes a surprising turn on the nation's capital and here at cnn. dr. sanjay gupta fills us in and has a surprising revelation of his own. we begin with breaking news on the massive manhunt for james dimaggo. there was a car spotted in northern california. law enforcement officers from multiple agencies on the lookout for the vehicle. disturbing vehicle, the champed remains found inside the home of dimaggio are consistent of an 8-year-old boy, the same age of ethan. welcome to you jane. >> thank you. >> awful story, this. >> horrible. >> it would seem the logical assumption from what we're now learning is that possibly the mother, christine anderson and this 8-year-old boy ethan may have died in the fire at the house that belonged to dimaggio and he's on the loose somewhere with the daughter, hanna anderson, who is 16. >> yeah and there is breaking news. there were two possible sightings, one is discounted but piers, another possible sighting in oregon. a business owner saw a car that looked like the suspect vehicle. wrote down the license plate. they are following that up. it's tenuous at this point but reason for hope. the bottom line, piers, this guy, this 40-year-old man apparently had a crush on the 16-year-old daughter, the stunning beautiful 5'7", 115 pound, blue eyed, blonde hair daughter of his good friends and according to police, killed the mother, killed, it's believed, they haven't identified the body but consistent with the 8-year-old son, set the house on fire and took off with this beautiful young woman who expressed to her friends, this is the secret coming out, piers, she told her friends that she was creeped out by uncle jim. that's what they called him, uncle jim, because he had revealed that he had a crush on her. he was infatuated with her. >> just to put it in context, he had known the family, i think, since these children were born. >> yeah. >> so very, very close to them and a huge betrayal, if that's indeed what happened here. great concern for the safety of hanna. i think we have a clip here of her father making an emotional appeal earlier today for his daughter and indeed talking directly to her. >> i can't fathom what you were thinking. the damage is done. i'm begging you to let my daughter go. you've taken everything else. hanna, we all love you very much. if you have a chance, you take it. you run. you'll be found. >> the father of missing hanna anderson and obviously, we have unconfirmed reports about what happened to his son, ethan, but he's believed to have lost his life in that house fire. to remind any viewers because it's a national manhunt, probably the biggest in america now a blue four-door nissan versa 6 wc 6986 license plate and sightings in california. another one in oregon they are taking very seriously at the moment. please, if you have information, contact the authorities. this amber alert, jane, it's a pretty successful operation because there is a very high success rate in tracking people who are put out there as an amber alert. >> yes, and everybody pretty much hears about it because it's on the freeways and you see the big signs and have alerts where people can get the alerts on their cell phones. the thing is about this man is you look at photos of him, he is clearly emotional stunted. he's a 40-year-old man, wants to hang out with a 16-year-old. right there that shows something is wrong, and he's a trojan horse that came in because the dad, the anderson family's, the father of the family had to leave and go across the country for work. he felt secure the family friend would be there to care for the wife and kids. he insinuates himself into the family, and what is interesting is his ex-wife says he had developed an obsession with video games very, very childish video games he would play obsess sievely, one of the reasons she left him. a guy that's emotional stunted that can't relate to people his own age and becomes obsessed with a 16-year-old girl, a family friend and the big question was he spotted doing something with the girl and something exploded spontaneously or did he plan this out? >> what we do know is he believed that he may be about to lose his home and that may have been the catalyst for the kind of mental state that he was in. i repeat to viewers, he is believed to be very dangerous. call 911 or anyone with specific information about the case is asked to call the san diego county sheriff's department, 85 8-974, the longer this goes on do you get a better sense of forboding what may have happened to hanna. >> i do especially if she's terrified having seen what happened to possibly her mother and kid brother and she's in the clutches of this man. her dad said run. and i would repeat that. if you're watching, if you're in some motel room somewhere, hanna, find the moment and run. get the heck out of there and jim dimaggio if you are watching, i'll tell you leave her. leave her anymore, at a rest stop, 711 and just keep going but let her go. >> thank you very much indeed. >> thank you. ariel castro's home, what is left of it. very little, in fact. the three women he held captive for a decade won't forget the horror but they won't have to see that house anymore. crew took apart 2207 seymore avenue. they reduced to the rubble. among those watching was michelle knight who spent a decade. the healing will take years but joining me outside castro's house a reporter for woio and lydia knows the family of gina dejesus. a symbolic day today, the removal of any sign of this house of horrors. >> reporter: it was indeed some -- symbolic, the first person that took a swipe out of the house, one of the survivors, it was her aunt who was in that bulldozer of sorts and took a whack out of that house and she said it was so -- it was so freeing and she wanted to release the evil out of this neighborhood. for her, it was so great and as soon as she got out of the machine, she was hugging gina's mom. it was an emotional time for the families and everybody in this neighborhood watching the home come down. >> michelle knight, the only one of the three victims of this appalling atrocity there today. she released balloons outside the house and spoke movingly at the scene. let's watch what she said. >> i want the people out there to know, including the mothers, that they can have strength and hope and their child will come back. >> what was extraordinary lydia is that ariel castro forfeited this house as part of the plea deal and was reported to burst into tears as he signed off the deed because he said and i'm quoting here from what he's believed to tell the authorities, there were so many good memories in that house, a quite extraordinary delusion on his part. >> reporter: clearly you see how delusional he was because the first chance they got to break out, amanda berry took that chance when her daughter said daddy is gone. evidently his opinion of what was going on in that house was far different from the three women in there because amanda wasted in time getting out of the house and tells police there was still two more people inside the home. listen, the neighbors here were part of that rescue when she came out and one of the neighbors tell me when michelle came and thanked her, she couldn't believe michelle remembered her. she almost fell to her knees and cried because michelle is just 4'7" and such a big personality, has such a big heart and she is such a good example of how you can fight evil and just go the opposite way and pretty much throw it in his face that you're not going to put me down. >> finally, what will happen to the sites of this former house? is it going to be kept empty? will they build new property there? >> they are talking about possibly a garden, the girls would like to see a garden. the neighbors would like to see maybe a play ground for some of the kids, anyway to remember good positive things, is what they want, maybe an angel there with the yard. but right now it's going to be blocked off. they will seed it. they won't let anybody on there to get dirt and get sorted memory from that place, but hopefully, something goodwill come out of it and knowing how this neighborhood feels, i think the city will move pretty quickly. my sources tell me, they will move very quickly to make that a positive site for everyone. >> lydia esparra, thank you very much indeed. elizabeth smart was kidnapped from her home and rescued nine months later. ed smart, it's obviously very different kind of story but at the same time you-all have gone through all the emotions, both as the father of a young woman who was kidnapped and the cleveland there and this awful story of these two missing children, one believed to be a 16-year-old girl. what is your reaction, first of all, to the scenes in cleveland? >> you know, i think it's a wonderful way of putting this all behind and starting to move forward. i think for the women, it would probably always be a reminder of a very bad nightmare that they lived in, so to demolish it, i think that's wonderful and to hear -- i mean, for the whole neighborhood, i think to say, you know, this was a bad thing. it wasn't our fault and put it behind and move forward. i think that's a great way of dealing with it. >> and given -- >> having it turned into a park or something else is a wonderful idea. >> given the awful experience that you had to endure as a father, and it ended obviously happily for you but ends disastrously for so many, given that it ended well and has done for these three victims in cleveland, what is the best advice you would give them and their families around them for how they can make a proper recovery? >> well, you know, i think everyone's journey through that recovery is different. you might find some that become very outspoken, want to help others. others just want to put it behind and start moving forward and basically evaporate from the public's eye. it's very important to respect perspectives on how they do it and let them take that moment to, you know, find their own way. i mean, when you talk with everyone, there is never a one fits all type of thing, and i think one of the most important things that we can do as the public is to respect their privacy. i think that's one of the most important things. if they decide to go public and to be out in the public, that the one thing. but i think to give them their space is very, very important. you know, many people don't ever want to be known for, you know, this horrible thing that has happened, and i respect that. i mean, everyone just handles things so completely different. but the important thing is that we as members of a society respect that, respect them and give them their space and i feel that the way everything has been handled so far is really great. you know, i know when elizabeth came home, i was so grateful that she wasn't hounded, that, you know, she had her space. she was able to reconnect with her friends, and move forward, and that's how each one of them will be able to, if we give them the space and the opportunity. you know, certainly, we were always so thankful for prayers and thoughtfulness of so many people wanting to help, and, you know, in the end, i feel like, you know, absolutely those prayers were answered and that help has been incredible in elizabeth moving forward. >> obviously -- >> that's something. >> obviously the cleveland story with your own horrific, as it was, ended happily with their recovery. we have this on going situation of this california amber alert and it is believed now that the mother may have also died with the 8-year-old boy, the young brother and that this man is now on the loose, dimaggio with hanna anderson, 16. what can you say to the family, the father, he's obviously in your position of not knowing where his daughter is, what happened to her. you've been in that position. what can you say to him? >> you know, my -- my advice is to stay positive and to, you know, just keep the pressure on. i think the amber alert is a fantastic tool, and the importance of it is keeping his daughter's picture out there, and being out there, keeping that picture out there. you know, i don't think there is a better tool for law enforcement and those associated in trying to find children than the public's eye. i mean, it the bottom line. in our case, certainly, it was. it was the two people that spotted mitchell at the same time that finally brought elizabeth home to us. i think there is someone out there that will see something, and the importance of understanding, you know, this vehicle, this versa nissan, four-door blue with license plate is something everyone needs to keep their eyes open to. i can't tell you as a parent, i think the amber alert is the first line of defense for a child that's missing that information has been collected. so i think it is something outstanding and i would recommend that father supporting and making sure that he's out there as he has been to keep her face out there. >> ed smart, thank you for joining me. appreciate it. new photographs of the two children killed by a snake while at a sleep over. what did they reveal about the deadly attack. i'll ask jeff corwin coming up next. sir i'm gonna have to ask you to power down your little word game. i think your friends will understand., it's actually my geico app...see? 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i only ask that because there is some local speculation that it may be too hasty to reach that conclusion despite the autopsy saying it was affixation. is it the kind of thing that that kind of african rock python would do if it got out of the cage and found itself near two young boys like that? >> well, in the wild scenario, the ecosystem where this species live, they are aggressive because there are predators out there that eat pythons. they is a snake, this particular snake was probably big enough to eat a small antelope. but human beings aren't usually on the food chain or diet of these animals. in fact, in the last 10 or 15 years there is only one account of a human being killed by on african rock python. it is illegal to keep large snakes like this and in massachusetts where i live you need a specialized license to keep the animals to protect the animals and people. they are powerful, powerful creatures. >> in terms of this particular type of python, you have a python with you that's not the african rock python but when i did the show with you we had a big python that day. i was struck by the close proximity and sheer power. i wouldn't want to be near one without somebody like you, an expert, in control of it. somebody anybody have these kind of things in a home environment? >> i think it's only in specialized situations should private citizens have large snakes like this. and particularly like educational institutions that specialize in teaching about snakes, i think there is a valid reason in that regard. right here in my hand what i'm showing you is this very, very large snake. and you can see it right here. this is a python, a snake pushing upwards to 12 feet long, weighs about 100 pounds. it would be similar in size and girth and strength to the species of snake, and appearance that attacked and killed the boys this is known for being more docile so i can handle it with less concern but i never forget what this is, it's a powerful predator. i brought along with me, as well, this skull. this is a skull of a snake similar to the size to the one in canada and you can see it's armed with those incredibly sharp teeth, and that's what this snake uses to latch on to it's pray and then begin the constriction process. it can happen incredibly quickly. when this snake grabs onto the pray and wraps around it, unless it's an expert, that pray doesn't really stand a chance to escape this perfect design for taking out your pray. >> right. awful story. let turn quickly, jeff, i mean, another story that made the headlines today, got a lot of activity on twitter and facebook, i noticed. it's the cover of the "guardian" nope showing a polar bear in the arctic we should starve to death. the significant being believed he died from a lack of sea ice to hunt seals and 2012 is one of the warmest years recorded and the 2012 was the lowest level of sea ice in the record and this bear was examined by scientists in april, appeared to be healthy and is now dead and they are linking it directly to the low levels of sea ice. are we now seeing some of the more deadly effects of global warming on the wildlife in the arctic? >> it is -- piers, it's very quite possible. i have spent a lot of time up in the arctic studying and working with these bears. these are creatures that are designed to survive on ice. but ice is not only a place where they are able to live, they need ice for their survival. even though they are bears, we actually classified them as marine mammals because they have the ability to swim tremendous distances, but even these bears are now drowning because the ice that lasts from one decade to the next melted back so much, they now enter a new world unexplored, a waterily deadly world and they need the ice. they will sit there, piers, above a blowhole and wait for the sale to come up and take a breathe and with an arm so powerful, they will reach through the blowhole in ice this thick and pull out a seal this wide through that hole. the problem is that they don't have the ice, they can't survive. it's very likely we may be looking at the first of our species to face extinction. the ice continues to melt and these creature wills disappear and they are the canary in the coal mine for this habitat. >> thank you for joining me, as always. the battle of pot. should it be legal? surprising things to say about weed, including a person and dramatic you turn. he is with me next. wyuu1 0 &xfr

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New York , United States , Canada , Massachusetts , Colorado , California , San Diego County , Oregon , Washington , District Of Columbia , Americans , America , Amanda Berry , Chaz Moore , Hanna Anderson , Christine Anderson , Jim Dimaggio , Jeff Corwin , Ariel Castro , Howard Samuels , Anthony Weiner , Michael Bloomberg , Sanjay Gupta , Christine Quinn , Michelle Knight , Gina Dejesus ,

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