0 about her per spective of what happened in that jury room. a lot of people, the national conversation growing. >> what mattered was those final seconds, minutes when there was an altercation and whether or not in your mind who the most important thing was whether or not george zimmerman felt his life was in danger sner. >> well that's how we read the law. that's how we got to the point of everybody being not guilty. >> that's at 10:0 0 p.m. eastern. eastern. thanks for watching. -- captions by vitac -- www.vitac.com this is piers morgan live. welcome to the viewers in the united states and around the world. the jurors say b 37 doesn't speak for them. b 37 says she's in anguish. a man that calls the trial a side show and blasts me. i'll go head-to-head with larry elder and in the wake, justice in america. who gets it and who doesn't? exhibit a marissia alexander. she says she was trying to stand her ground to fire a shot to scare off her husband. >> i believe when he said he would kill me, that's what he would do. >> she's behind bars for 20 years as george zimmerman walks free. i'll talk to her attorney. and the outrage of this, the man that took this picture of the boston marathon says it's a slap in the face. i want to begin with a conservative radio host that calls the zimmerman trial a side show. he's also the author of "dear father, dear son." he joins me now. welcome to you. >> thank you for having me. >> you've been talking about my interview with rachel jeantel. >> this is a young lady who didn't apply herself, a 19-year-old who is still in high school and still the same young lady, take this as an opportunity to take stock in your life. 7,000 murders last year, piers, of black people committed by black people. since trayvon martin had his unfortunate death 480 blacks killed in chicago alone, 75% have been unsolved. where are the cameras? where are the shows? >> hold on. >> black america should fear a non-black guy stocking a kid at night. the likelihood of a black person being killed by a non-black person is extremely remote which is why it's a big issue in the first place, piers. >> it's justice exercised by what is happening in chicago which is an absolute national disgrace to america -- >> but you're not -- but you're not, piers. >> i am, actually. >> there are 7,000 -- >> i don't think you've watched my show. >> wait a minute -- >> i don't think you've watched my show -- >> half of the murders in this country are commented by black people, 12% of black people are the p population. you throw out the old people and the young people, piers, you're talking about 3% of the population committing 50% of the murders -- >> the point i was going to ever. >> it's people -- >> calm down for a moment. >> i'm quite calm. i'm bothered. >> let me speak, larry. >> it's non-sense. >> you're a liberal bleeding heart person. you think you're doing something for black people. you're not. you're making black people feel under seeinged. it's outrage. >> thank you, rarely. if i could get a word in, it would be great. i completely agree with everything you're saying about chicago. all right. let's get that on the table. i've been seeing this repeatedly in this show. it's a disgrace what is happening in chicago, particu r particularparticula particularly with young black teenagers killing -- >> and the president. >> they have to deal with it. but let's get back to the zimmerman trial. >> let's do that. >> let's get back to my interview with rachel jeantel. you tweeted would i like rachel jeantel to fly my plane. why would you say that? >> because after you interviewed her you went on television the next morning and called her one smart cooky. bull. hire her as a nanny -- >> do you think she's stupid, larpry? >> i think you're stupid for saying that -- >> that wasn't my question. do you think rachel jeantel -- do you think she's stupid. >> race is not a major problem in america. the number one problem facing black people are the large number of black people born outside of wedlock. 75%. in 1960, 5% of all people were born outside in wedlock. fast forward, look at that for 45%. crime, dropouts, that's connected. the other big problem for black peel is the economy. one in two black men doesn't have a job and one of the heads of the commercial black caucus said if a white person were in the white house we would be marging because the high unemployment but talking about trayvon martin and george zimmerman the number one problem facing black america? it's not on the top -- >> this isn't a competition to see who can be the greatest filibuster in my show history -- >> i'm not trying to filibuster. >> let me get back to the question i asked you and see if you can actually answer the question. >> sure. >> do you think rachel jeantel is stupid? >> i think that i would rather have a george zimmerman living my neighborhood and maybe if he was living my neighborhood we would have a few fewer ariel castros. >> that wasn't the question, larry. >> i know, i'm answering something different. >> could you answer my question. >> he's not a criminal. >> george zimmerman shot dead an unarmed teenager. >> he's a neighborhood watch guy. don't you want people to proactive and there was crime in that neighborhood, piers. i live in south central -- >> there wasn't crime from trayvon martin in that neighborhood. >> the burglar bars are not on there because of george zimmerman but the thugs in the community. this is why people profile. instead of being angry at george zimmerman but the minority and the thugs committing the crime. >> to clarify, trayvon martin wasn't committing crimes in that neighborhood, was he. >> it was an unfortunate incident. it never should have happened. it doesn't ever george zimmerman a criminal. i used to work in the d.a.'s office. it was a dog case, nobody would have filed the case. >> i think it's completely wrong george zimmerman should get no punish mtd at all -- >> he's got serious punish mtd. he can't go anywhere. are you kidding me? he's a marked man. he'll be sued civilly. he'll never have a moment of peace. morally he has to deal with that, piers. he recognizes that. he's not -- >> larry, if i may respond -- >> he recognizes what he did. >> if i may respond. >> sure. >> some people may say he's got it easy compared to trayvon martin. as much people feel sorry not living the life he could, at least he can lead a life. >> wouldn't it be nice to have a george zimmerman in cleveland -- >> i don't want george zimmerman doing my neighborhood watch patrol, i don't. i have three teenage sons, larry. i don't want -- >> no, you live in a very wealthy area, gated community. >> potentially killing my kids as they come home from the store with a bag of skittles and a can of soda, no. >> you live in a wealthy neighborhood, plenty of security you don't have to worry. come down to south central sometime. see what is going on down there. they aren't worried about george simm e man or the thug down the street coming from a sink l parent household and that situation is created by the left-wing people like you that feel sorry for people and want government to take care of them. you think government is the way to prosperity. go to an indian reservation -- >> larry, i do feel sorry for people. let me get back to rachel jeantel -- >> you're thinking of the wrong things to do, i feel sorry for you. this person shouldn't have cross-examined you the way he d. all you're doing is creating a victim. you're telling rachel jeantel she shouldn't have to work hard or work on her dictionary or improve her grammar, wave the flag of victim hood and it will be okay. it's an outrage and you're part of this parade. >> thank you. how many languages do you speak? >> i don't speak ebonics as well as rachel, if that's what you mean. >> no, how many languages do you speak? >> the relevance is what? >> you don't think she's a smart cooky. she speaks three languages fluently, how many do you speak? >> oh, you want to bring it back to rachel -- >> that is why i booked you lar ray. >> rachel jeantel needs to get her act together. if my mother were alive she would say how dare she speak like that? >> do you know her educational background, larry? >> i know how she presented herself -- >> larry do you know her educational background? this young 19-year-old black woman that you are putting down for lack of intelligence, why don't you have any idea of her back ground? >> why don't you hire her as a co-host? >> why don't you -- >> i know -- >> why are e with talking about this -- let's talk about something -- >> i talked you to talk about rachel jeantel. >> let's talk about -- >> larry, larry. >> you are i'm flying that it is. it is not. as we speak there is a guy in prison, somebody in an suv with his fiancee killed a hispanic who cut in front of him. >> larry. >> he wasn't arrested right away. the family wasn't agitated. the guy may not have been arrested. you have some white guy do something to a black person and want to march on washington. you ought to be ashamed of yourself. >> thank you. if i could bring you up to speed on rachel jeantel, this woman you think is so stupid -- >> i didn't say stupid, you did. >> we checked this with her lawyer today, this is why i booked you of course even though you're trying to pretend this is the last thing you want to talk about, this is why i booked you. rachel jeantel young in school had a lot of time off of school fell behind because of illness. she's doing very well. she was a b grade high school until her great friend trayvon martin was shot dead by george zimmerman. >> did she sound to you -- >> wait a minute -- >> did she sound like somebody you would want to hire? >> her grades slipped to 2 something because of the stress that she suffered understandably from the death of her friend trayvon. she's now been offered a chance by tom joiner and people from his foundation to go to college. she wants to get those grades back up and ever something of herself. why would you -- >> i think that's wonderful, piers. >> why would you be so pat newsing to a young woman whose clearly been through an appalling ordeal and when i interviewed i found to be a smart cooky like i said. i found her to be fun, warm, engagin engaging, and nowhere near as stupid as you like to think. >> once again, i never used the word stupid. you did. she was the most important witness in a murder trial. she was standing between george zimmerman and 30 years in jail and for you to act as if she was abused by don west whose job was to ever sure his client didn't go to jail is outrage use. for education, i applaud mr. joiner. he's done a lot of work and i recommend we do something about the 50% dropout rate and president obama opposes allowing parents to use vouchers to get their kids out of bad government schools and get to a better school to get to a middle class. that's what we should talk about here instead of a situation like george zimmerman going to somebody he thinks is suspicious and they have an exchange that leads to an unfortunate death and black people should act over their shoulders and think a white guy will jump out of a bush and get them. outrageous. hard work wins. get an education. don't pay attention to negative people and stay focussed and you'll be okay in america. that's why most of the people want to come do america, that's why you want to come here, piers. >> thank you larry. when we come back stand your ground in the wake of the zimmerman trial. the woman serving 20 years behind bars for not shooting anybody. i'll talk to her attorney. i'm here at my house on thanksgiving day, and i have a massive heart attack right in my driveway. the doctor put me on a bayer aspirin regimen. 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