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6 00 here in new york. Welcome to a special edition of new day. Happy thanksgiving, everyone. John berman is off this morning. Eri erica hill joins me. Great to have you here. Nice to be here. Happy thanksgiving. Happy thanksgiving to you. This year, thanksgiving looks different, of course. Millions of americans will be giving thanks while grappling with the reality of a pandemic. Nearly 90,000 americans will spend this holiday in the hospital, sick with coronavirus. More than 262,000 americans have died, which means so many families will have the pain of an empty seat at their table today. A staggering 2,297 deaths were reported just yesterday. The cdc projects another 60,000 lives will be lost in the next three weeks. On this thanksgiving morning, it is also important to note, an estimated 50 million americans do not have enough food to eat. We also have some breaking news. The u. S. Supreme court issuing a ruling that could have major implications on restrictions as the pandemic worsens, so well bring you all of those details in a moment. President trump is urgie ini americans to gather today. Urging them to gather in homes and houses of worship. His message not only a direct contradiction of the cdcs holiday guidance, but it is also a sharp contrast to president elect joe biden, whos urging americans to come together to fight the pandemic. I know the country has grown weary of the fight. But we need to remember, were at war with a virus, not with one another. Not with each other. This is a moment where we need to steel our spines, redouble our efforts, and recommit ourselves to the fight. Lets remember, were all in this together. The president elect echoing that message in a new oped that just posted on cnn. Com. Meantime, President Trump continuing his call for the election to be overturned and is now signaling he may pardon himself after pardoning Michael Flynn. Lets begin our coverage this morning with cnns rosa flores, who is live at Jackson Memorial hospital in miami with our top story. Rosa, good morning. Erica, good morning. You know, medical experts warned us about this, and now, here we are. Covid19 cases in the United States on the rise with more than 181,000 cases reported yesterday and hospitalizations nearing 90,000. And the daily death toll continues to rise, with more than 2,200 cases reported just yesterday. Deaths, excuse me. And now, medical experts are saying that this thanksgiving surge could only be followed by a christmas surge. Thanksgiving is a holiday typically spent together, but as the coronavirus cases and hospitalizations reach record levels across the United States, Health Experts are urging americans to stay apart this year, to help prevent the spread of the disease. We all know how difficult that is, because this is such a beautiful traditional holiday, but by making that sacrifice, youre going to be prevent people from getting infected. Millions taking to the skies, anyway, ignoring warnings from the center for Disease Control and those decisions are expected to spark a massive spike in new infections. People have to stop swapping air. Its just that simple. And if we dont, were going to see many, many of our friends, colleagues and loved ones ending up in the hospital, and unfortunately some of some of them not making it. Nearly 90,000 people are now hospit hospitalized with the coronavirus. And on wednesday, over 2,100 people died from the disease for the second day in a row, the highest since may. One Health Expert fearing the death toll will keep increasing. I expect that the daily death rate will double in the next ten days. So well be seeing close to 4,000 deaths a day. Reporter with new coronavirus cases rising in at least 39 states this morning, a lastchance plea from some political leaders, asking residents to make smart decisions. There are family members who have been with you or are with you every single day, were asking people not to congregate in large numbers. Strict adherence to these protocols will be more critical than ever in the coming days. But after emphasizing avoiding travel to denver residents im asking, im urging, im pleading with everyone, please stay home. Reporter mayor Michael Hancock now asking for forgiveness for flying out of state to celebrate thanksgiving with family members. And for many, Food Insecurity is their reality this Holiday Season, with long lines at food banks stretched thin, helping those struggling from the kpl economic fallout of the pandemic. Were seeing thousands of people, many of whom have never had to go to a food pantry before. Reporter in a year with so much loss, president elect joe biden giving this message to the nation. Every decision we make can save lives. None of these steps were asking people to take are political statements. Every one of them is based on scienc science. Now, process this with me for just a moment. The total number of covid19 cases in the United States exceeds 262,000 right now. And now were learning that the latest model from the university of washington projects that that number could grow to 471,000. Now, that is just one of the reasons why medical experts are asking people this thanksgiving that they wear masks, that they social distance, and that they not gather in large groups. Erica, we know that a vaccine is coming. As a matter of fact, the hospital that you see behind me is one of the first hospitals around the country thats going to get that vaccine. But you and i know that a vaccine is not going to fix this overnight. And also so important to remember each one of those numbers is a person with loved ones mourning them. Rosa, thank you. Turning now to our breaking news, the u. S. Supreme court siding with religious groups in the dispute over coronavirus restrictions in new york, limiting attendance at religious services due to the pandemic. Cnns Polo Sandoval joining us now with the breaking details. That decision coming in late last night. The Supreme Court basically barring the state of new york from banning strict attendance limits at houses of worship due to covid. Governor cuomo first imposed these in october and since then, the Catholic Diocese of brooklyn and several synagogues have been launching a legal fight against the state of new york. Important to point out here that there wont be any Immediate Impact as the churches and the synagogues that took this all the way to the Supreme Court, theyre not actually current subject to restrictions, because they were recently lifted due to what the state describes as an improvement in covid stats in those parts of queens and in brooklyn. But as we very well know, things can change very quickly as the number of covid infections rise. And that is really what a lot of this case has been about. The houses of worship here have argued that the restrictions violated their religious freedoms under the First Amendment. They also felt that they were unfairly facing stricter limitations than essential businesses. Chief Justice Roberts was in the dissent and noted that the religious groups could have potentially returned to court if those restrictions would have been put back in place. And in his opinion, the chief justice writing, it may well be that such restrictions violate the free exercise clause, but it is not necessary, however, for us to rule on that serious and difficult question at this time. We should point out that this ruling also highlights the impact of newly sworn Justice Amy Coney barrett. He sided with her conservative colleagues in this dispute. So that really is what this means for at the local level here, alisyn. Its going to be interesting to see exactly what this decision will mean for potentially other religious groups across the country that are trying to fill their pews, that are potentially launching legal fight s against other cities and states right now. Joining us, is cnn legal analyst, eli honig, a former assistant u. S. Attorney for the Southern District of new york. Eli, how do you see the significance of this decision . This is really big deal, alisyn. Its the first time a court, certainly the Supreme Court, has come in and struck down regulations imposed, aiming to limit the spread of covid by local authorities. Essentially, what the Supreme Court says here is this is an unconstitutional infringement on the First Amendment right to free exercise. They say, you cannot tree chu h churches and synagogues different from other comparable organizations. But one of the big headlines here is the changing composition of the court has immediately yielded very different results. Just a few months ago, back in july, the Supreme Court had a very similar case that originated out of california and nevada and ruled 54 upholding the restrictions. Now, the big difference, of course, as Justice Ruth Bader ginsburg has passed and replaced by amy coney barrett, she has flipped and has gone the entire decision of the court. Now they come out 54 the other way and at least temporarily say governor cuomos executive order that limits the capacity of these religious organizations, that gets struck down, so thats a big difference. So what does this mean, as polo ended his piece on in terms of the ramifications across the country. Will we start seeing larger religious gatherings . Oh, you can bet that youll start seeing more and more lawsuits, more and more challenges to local regulations. One thing the Supreme Court does note is that every state, every municipality has its own restrictions and its own regulations. Each one needs to be taken on its own. But, yeah, look, plenty of lawmakers, of policy makers have voiced objections to restrictive measures that put limits on churches, synagogues, mosques, that kind of thing. And what the Supreme Court is doing here, theyre signaling, were very much open to this. We may even be sympathetic to you to this matter. I would look for more lawsuits along these lines. One of the interesting things here is what is a religious institution comparable to . Justice gorsuch says, why is it any different than a bike shop or a liquor shop . And i think the response to that is, very Different Things happen in those places, right . People tend to be packed in more closely, even with reinstructst on capacity in religious services than in a bike shop or a liquor shop. I dont know about you guys, i dont tend to sing in Liquor Stores or bike shops. So there are big differences and the assent points those out. Some people do see a bar as their religious communal experience. So do you think this has ramifications for restaurants and bars . Can the owners of those businesses use this argument . Thats going to be difficult, alisyn, because the key factor here is the religious nature of these organizations. The Supreme Court really bases its ruling on the First Amendment right to free exercise of religion. Its going to be harder for a bar or a restaurant or some business like that to go in and say, well, you ruled for the churches and synagogues, now you need to rule for us. I will say this. An important thing the Supreme Court is signaling here is we are willing to overrule local policy makers. Theres a little bit of a role vertical here, because typically, skrconservatives say leave it to the policy makers. They know their towns and cities. They have access to the scientific data. And liberals say, we as a court are more likely to jump in and overrule it. Both of those were flipped here. So putting aside the religious piece of this, the signal the court is sending is, we are willing, we are able to come in, secondguess and maybe even overrule state and local restrictions on covid measures. That is really interesting, eli. Thank you very much for explaining all of it to us and we are waiting to get a response from the new York Governors Office this morning. So the United States again reporting its deadliest day in the coronavirus pandemic in more than six months. Our next guest warns that in three weeks, the numbers will be apocalyptic, as if theyre not already. So what can we do today to stop that from happening . Renew active. Only from unitedhealthcare. Lift it. Press it. Downward dog it. With medicares biggest gym network, including these premium locations renew active gives you so many ways to be healthy. Get medicare with more. With priceline, you can get up to 60 off amazing hotels. And when you get a big deal. You feel like a big deal. Priceline. Every trip is a big deal. I can tell that they used your milk, matilda. Great job [moo] youre welcome. Breyers Natural Vanilla is made with 100 grade a milk and cream and only sustainably farmed vanilla. Better starts with breyers. So when you do, make it count with crest prohealth. Milk and cream and only sustainably farmed vanilla. It protects the 8 areas dentists check for a healthier mouth. The 1 toothpaste brand in america. Crest. Developing this morning, the coronavirus death toll continues to grow. A staggering 2,297 american deaths reported overnight. Nearly 90,000 americans will spend this holiday in the hospital. Terribly sick with coronavirus. And on this thanksgiving day, Health Officials warn that family gettogethers will make the situation worse. Joining us now is dr. Peter hotez, the dean of the National School of tropical medicine at Baylor College of medicine at houston. And codirector of the Texas Childrens Hospital Center for vaccine development. Happy thanksgiving, dr. Hotez. Thank you. Good to see you. You know, i always look for the silver lining. And i think, sometimes, do engage in some magical thinking, as a result of that. Is there any way that this next month doesnt turn into the apocalypse . Is it possible that like the virus burns itself out, that somehow so many people are sick and it just kind of starts to dissipate . Doesnt look like it, alisyn, unfortunately. Were just seeing this continued massive surge in the middle part of the country. You know, weve been talking the last couple of weeks about the upper midwest and the prairie states and then in the southwest, new mexico, texas. Now were seeing this confluence of this area. Everything in between, so kansas, oklahoma, is awful. And now indiana and illinois and even into pennsylvania. So what were seeing is the entire midsection of the country, screaming high levels. And unfortunately, now, 2,000 deaths per day is going to be the new normal. Well probably head to 3,000 deaths per day. Sometimes, some of the new projections now indicate 400,000 to 500,000 americans will lose their lives by the time we hit a week or so after the inauguration. Thats 150,000 to 200,000 more than people who have already perished. So heres what we need to do to know right now. We need to really look at whats contributing to this massive rise in deaths. And clearly, its surges on intensive care units and hospitals across the muidsectio of the country. Without any guidance or leadership from the white house right now and people still believing the disinformation from scott atlas and the White House Coronavirus task force, what i think we have to realize is that we have no real federal government in place to help right now. And so every mayor, every county judge, every governor now has to wake up each morning and ask themselves, what can i do to stop surges on icus and hospitals in my jurisdiction . And thats our only hope, that local leadership takes ownership of this and really tries to limit those surges. Otherwise, well be at another 200,000 americans will lose their lives a week or so after the inauguration. Im sorry to give such dire news. The frustrating part, of course, is that vaccines are on their way. No one has to lose their life right now, especially since we have vaccines on the other side. Look, we all need the dose of reality, right . Youve been saying for months now, the lack of a national plan, the impact of that lack of a national plan. We are seeing more traditionally red state leaders speak out. I mean, im really heartened every time i hear governor jim justice ask the folks in his state to wear masks. Heres his latest example. Reporter if youre inconvenienced, if you dont believe nin it, please wear it. Please wear it. Whats the downside . I dont want to be south dakota. And to say it doesnt work, are you kidding me . Of course it works. Look, were not wanting to take anybodys rights. My good lord, i get it wholeheartedly. We dont want to do that in any way. But youve got to help me. Youve got to help me right now, please, please help me. I mean, jim justice has honestly been pleading now for months, you know, holding up a mask at his press conference saying, this is the only bullet weve got in the gun at this point. But at this point, when we have so many people who have lost their lives, when you have these dire predictions, dr. Hotez, whats left to get through to people . Yeah . I mean, what we need to do is take that tape, have it memorized by every local leader in the middle part of the country, and keep saying it every day and hope that some people actually start to believe it. Thats our only hope at this point. Weve got to limit those surges. And we need those local leaders to really step up. So this is absolutely vital. And you know, theres no reason why anybody has to lose their life between over the next couple of months. Every single death that were hearing about is entirely preventable. And, again, its not in perpetuity. In the past when weve had this conversation, its i didnt have much to offer other than say, please do this. And then something good will come along. Now we have a bracket on that righthand side. We know that vaccines are coming. Its a matter of keeping your mother, your father, you know, your brother, your sister alive between now and then. And theyll live a normal life and if we could just get those messages out, if we just had some National Leadership to help us, that would make a difference, as well. Dr. Peter hotez, thank you very much. We wish you a very happy thanksgiving and were very thankful for you. Thank you, all the best to you and everything you guys have done. President elect biden and the future first lady reaching out to the American People about our shared sacrifice on this thanksgiving day. The highlights of their brandnew oped for cnn. Com. Well bring you those, next. Some hot cocoa . Mom, look are you okay . Head home this holiday with the one you love. 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I want to read to you a little bit of what they had to say. Like millions of americans, we are temporarily letting go of the traditions we cant do safely. It is not a small sacrifice. These moments with our loved ones, time thats lost, cant be returned. They say, yet, we know its the price of protecting each other and one we dont pay alone. Isolated in our own dining rooms and kitchens, scattered from coasttocoast, we are healing together. This really builds on the message that we heard from biden yesterday, when he delivered his thanksgiving address, talking about the loss that people are facing this Holiday Season and also making a call for unity. Saying that there needs to be collective action taken to fight this pandemic. Take a listen to a bit more of his thanksgiving address. I know we can and we will beat this virus. America is not going to lose this war. Well get our lives back. Life is going to return to normal, i promise you. This will happen this will not last forever. And that message presenting a stark contrast with President Trump, who has not acknowledged the rise in coronavirus cases across the country and continues to cast doubt about the election. On this thanksgiving holiday, biden is here with his family in rehoboth beach, delaware. He talked about how they are foregoing their traditionally large biden thanksgiving, they traditionally travel up to nantucket to celebrate, but this year it will be biden, his wife jill, his daughter, ashley, and soninlaw, howard, celebrating a much smaller thanksgiving for the biden family like so Many Americans across the country. Arlette, thank you very much for all of that reporting. So following Michael Flynns pardon, President Trump hinting more could be on the way, even for himself. The outgoing president retweeting this message from republican congressman matt gaetz, urging President Trump to pardon himself. Cnns Jeremy Diamond is live at the white house with more. Why would we be surprised if this were to happen, jeremy . Well, its certainly something that we have heard discussed. We know that this is a possibility, that the president may be considering pardoning himself. And now he seems to be signaling to the world that it is, indeed, a possibility in retweeting this tweet by congressman matt gaetz. But one thing for sure is that the Michael Flynn pardon will certainly not be the last pardon of President Trumps presidency. In fact, it seems to signal the beginning of these endofpresidency pardons that you see from some president s, but essential here, it seems to be to undo much of the work done by special counsel mueller. But even as the president is engaging in these endofpresidency pardons, he hasnt stopped attacking the integrity of the 2020 election, insisting that he wants to overturn the results of that election so he can stay in office, despite what millions of voters decided more than three weeks ago now. The president yesterday didnt end up going to that voter fraud event with Pennsylvania State republicans, but he did dial in on speakerphone and listen to some of the conspiracy theorys and lies that he had to say. This was an election that we won easily. We won it by a lot. This election was rigged and we cant let that happen. We cant let it happen for our country. And this election has to be turned around, because we won pennsylvania by a lot and we won all of these swing states by a lot. And you heard the president there repeatedly saying during that tenminute speakerphone rant that he wanted to overturn the results of the election. A striking message and a striking contrast to what we heard from former Vice President joe biden yesterday, the president elect joe biden, when he was trying to unify the country. And one thing that is another thing that is striking, alisyn, is the fact that the president is making these claims, hes doing this in this mock hearing with Pennsylvania State republicans, but when he tries to do it in court, when his legal team tries to do it in court, they have had their cases, one case after the next dismissed, but they simply do not meet the burden of proof that our legal system requires. Alisyn . Yeah, jeremy, unfortunately that camera angle didnt allow us to see the republican lawmakers expressions while he was saying that. That would have been helpful. Thank you very much for that report. So what should we expect from President Trumps last 55 days and how will President Biden tackle all of the challenges hes being left with . Thats next. But how do we make sure the direction were headed is forward . At fidelity, youll get the planning and advice to prepare you for the future, without sacrificing the things that are important to you today. 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Happy thanksgiving in this very strange 2020 thanksgiving that were all living. As we look at the contrast, its very clear, toluse, that part of bidens plan here is to continue to highlight those differences, those stark differences between himself and the current president. Yes, that has been bidens strategy throughout the course of his campaign. He wanted to show that this would be an opportunity to turn the page from what he called an aberration. The fouryear presidency of President Trump, which has been full of turbulence and in the view of biden, full of mistakes that have cost the American People and especially when it comes to the coronavirus pandemic, has cost thousands upon thousands of lives. Obviously, President Trump has not been spending time telling the American People to make sacrifices, to wear a mask, to socially distance, to avoid large crowds. Instead, hes been encouraging people to gather in large crowds, hes hosted multiple superspreader events. So biden has been trying to, in a way, sort of subtly come before the American People and say that things are going to be different under a biden administration. Aim going to not only follow the Public Health guidelines myself by not having a big thanksgiving dinner, but im going to encourage americans to also make that kind of sacrifice to get this pandemic under control, so that in the future, things will be back to normal. So its been a very different message that were hearing from the incoming president , you know, compared to what weve heard from President Trump, especially over the past three weeks, as hes spent almost the majority of his time trying to overturn the results of the election that biden won. Errol, its so striking. Its so different. The tone that president elect biden is taking. I dont have this full screen, but im just going to read to you a couple of the things that he said yesterday to the American People. He said, we need to redouble our efforts and recommit to the fight. I mean, rather than, its going to go away magically, its theyre in different stratospheres. And its like so you have to kind of reprogram your brain to get used to being kind of leveled with after, you know, engaging in all of this magical thinking over the past four years. And all of the deception. I mean, its almost like biden is sort of i guess trusting americans to hear the harsh news, that were not out of this. Its about to get worse. Well, its interesting, its almost as if hes doing a different job, which is, in fact, is what he is doing. With President Trump, you have to someone whos obsessed with himself, who talks about himself, his own interests. Tries to advance his own political interests and so forth. And legal interests, frankly. And then youve got an incoming president who talks not about himself and his needs, but about the American People and their needs. And this is a stark contrast as you can imagine and its a very clear reason why one person won and the other person was kicked out of office. This is not a situation in which people want to hear somebody talk about themselves. And look, at a very practical level, we are in the middle of a war against this virus. And we have someone who is issuing no orders, no commands, exercising to leadership when it comes to telling people what it is they need to do. And were at a real important turning point. And its going to happen again when we go into the christmas holidays. And weve heard really nothing as far as a unified structure of command and really important, motivating messages coming from the white house. Instead, you have someone whos sort of pardoning his coconspirators and taking advantage of the time that he has to try to overturn the election. Its really very stark, but theyre doing different jobs. Theyre different people with different objectives. The American People have chosen the one who wants to be president. Certainly different objectives. Its interesting, as you point out, errol, and i agree with you, we are not seeing real directive from the white house. And frankly, as weve talked about with our experts for so long, there has not been a national plan, but there is a little bit of a directive in the president s annual thanksgiving proclamation. He made it very clear what he wants americans to do. He said, and im getting, i encourage all americans to gather in homes and places of worship to offer a prayer of thanks to god for our many blessings. That coupled with continuing to rail against the will of the voters, continuing to call for the election to be overturned, toluse, i guess we know where his focus is, in addition to the pardons, for the last 55 days. This is what hell be doing. Yes. And this happens to coincide with a period of extreme hardship for the American People when it comes to this pandemic. Were seeing 2,000 americans dying on a daily basis over the past couple of days. Were seeing almost 200,000 cases on a daily basis. And this pandemic is not getting any better, even though we know that a vaccine appears to be on the horizon, the president is not using this time of extreme hardship, not only when it comes to the Public Health, but also the economy. A lot of people filing for new Unemployment Benefits and sort of struggling to even put food on the table this thanksgiving period, the president is not speaking to that at all. Hes just saying, everything will be fine, were rounding the u turn, everyone should gather and have things back to normal and pretend were not in the middle of a pandemic where 2,000 americans are dying every day. It is a pretty, you know, stark contrast between the biden administration, the Incoming Biden Administration thats trying to tell americans, listen, were going to have to get to the vaccine, but between now and then, everyone will have to hunker down and take these measures seriously. And fthe president whos essentially saying, everyone should just act like this is not happening and ignore this issue and not express any kind of empathy for the fact that more than a quarter million americans are not around the thanksgiving table this thanksgiving and many families are struggling with the fact that they have lost loved ones and are continuing to lose loved ones to this pandemic. Okay, errol. President trumps plan for pardons. He retweeted congressman matt gaetz, suggesting that he pardon himself. Should we stop any debate as if this might not happen . I mean, isnt this just the most likely thing in the world that is going to happen . By the way, whats he pardoning himself for . Yeah, well, this is somebody who often signals what hes going to do, the most outrageous acts, like trying to overturn the election, he tells you weeks in advance, and sort of tries to pull it out as a trump card at the end, so to speak. Saying, well, i warned you that this was coming. Or, ive been saying this all along. Hes been saying all along, asking all along, this good, solid reporting on this that he wants to figure out if he can break legal precedent and actually pardon himself. Im sure hes going to try to do it in the most expansive possible way that would cover crimes known and unknown, or something along those lines. That may or may not be something that scholars can kick around. I was reading through, if you go down a rabbit hole, its actually fascinating, alisyn. You can get into all kinds of questions about whether or not granting a pardon and whether its a transitive verb thats involved if you go through a close contextual reading of the constitution. Heres the bottom line, hes not going to be able to pardon himself from state crimes and state criminal prosecution that is looming as a real possibility, back here in new york and in other jurisdictions. Even if he were able to pardon himself, it wouldnt cover the things that happened before he became president that involve state offenses, including some of the Sexual Assault charges that have been filed against him or have the cases that are pending against him. Hes going to have a lot of legal problems. This will be, i guess, one last attempt to squeeze as much as he can out of the presidency before he leaves. Im not sure hes going to get away with it, but even if he does, thats not saying that he will evade justice in all cases. Errol louis goes down the rabbit hole so we dont have to. Which i appreciate. I do too. Thank you, both. Toluse, errol, have great thanksgivings. Same to you. The fourth largest city in north america shutting down for the second time as coronavirus cases surge. Just ahead, torontos mayor joins us live. But not every tomato ends in the same kind of heinz ketchup. Because you cant be everyones favorite ketchup without making a ketchup for everyone. But today theres a combination of two immunotherapies you can take first. One that could mean. A chance to live longer. Opdivo plus yervoy is for adults newly diagnosed with nonsmall cell lung cancer that has spread and that tests positive for pdl1 and does not have an abnormal egfr or alk gene. Its the first and only approved chemofree combination of two immunotherapies that works together in different ways to harness the power of the immune system. Opdivo plus yervoy equals a chance for more days. More nights. More beautiful weekends. More ugly sweaters. More big hugs. More small outings. 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Thank you to all involved in our clinical trials. The United States isnt the only country grappling with a sharp rise in coronavirus cases. Canada also seeing an alarming spike, as you see there. Toronto, the fourth largest city in north america began a 28day lockdown this week. And joining me now is torontos mayor, john tory. Mr. Mayor, glad to have you with us this morning. So this fourweek lockdown, were now four days in, hows it going so far . And happy thanksgiving to all of our american friends. We had thanksgiving a month ago in canada, and we know its a big day, but its different. We had the same thing where people only had thanksgiving with their immediate family they lived with and that certainly changed things for what is a big american holiday. Its going okay in that the objective is to reduce kakd that people have one another, and so in that sense, i think its probably achieving its objective. You dont really know until a couple of weeks later, when the numbers, you know, may change in terms of the rate of infection. But it does have a terrible effect on business, obviously. But the decision was taken, and canada, here in toronto, all tlooefls of government, the province, the state and local governments have not had any daylight between when we worked together and decided this was the best thing to do in order to arrest what you correctly described as an alarming increase numbers, so we didnt get to a state where our Health Care System was overwhelmed or weve had more deaths. Its been tragic, but weve been fortunate in terms of keeping the rate of death from covid19 to, you know, a number that is i guess better than it might have been. Its interesting how you mention how the local equivalent of the state, provincial, and the federal governments are all working together, which as you know, is not happening in this country. You are also, you know, youre not looking to the u. S. , i know, for guidance on this, just based on how its been handled south of your border. Where are you looking . What have you seen that worked that is telling you this fourweek lockdown the best way to move forward. These businesses need to stay closed, but lets keep schools open. I think one of the things that weve concluded here and the other thing weve done throughout is relied on expert advice. Ive asked a lot of questions of the experts, who is in charge of these matters for this big city and i rely on her advice very much. And we also rely on global best practices. And weve seen, fortunately, that while its a blunt instrument that does cause problems with the economy, that a lockdown of this kind is something that is going to reduce the number of contacts. Weve even seen it with regard to some of the limits weve placed on restaurants and bars. And i was really sorry about that. Its an agonizing thing to do. But we saw the number of contacts that people who tested positive have had when we did the Contact Tracing was dramatically reduced when the restaurants and bars were closed. These are the kinds of things where there are still a lot of unknowns with this virus, as we all know. And by the way, when we look to the United States, i think as the rest of the world does for leadership on things like this, because there is no more ingenious kind of determined country on earth. And so were very much looking forward to, you know, seeing, the full force of the United States put behind this, because we think that will lead, im sure, to some practices that we can all follow as we come out of this thing. As you look at whats going to happen over the next few weeks, youve said, and im quoegt y quoting you here, people who choose to deliberately flout the law should face every consequence that we can possibly muster. Youve already had some businesses, a barbecue restaurant in particular, try to go against these new lockdown measures. So what are those consequences coming their way . Well, hes going to face huge fines if hes convicted, which im sure he will be, because theres all kinds of evidence that he opened against what the law provided. And he wont be opening today, i can assure you of that. And i think that look, our society here very much like the United States is founded on respect for the law. It is founded on the fact that if you dont like a law, you can go to court or seek office and try change the law by getting yourself elected, but you dont just kind of thumb your nose at the system. We are i dont direct Law Enforcement, but the Law Enforcement people are, you know, certainly all over this particular gentlemen. And look, its a political statement, too. He had a lot of the antimask people there, you know, kind of was all sort of like it was almost a festival they were having to try to celebrate of the their unorthodox views. But i think the vast majority of people dont accept that. Theyre trying hard to make the sacrifices that are terrible in some cases to make sure we can all get healthy. Because we understand, they understand, a healthy economy requires healthy people. Period. And so thats why we took the measures that were taking. Really quickly, because we know you saw your spike, canadian october was october 12th. Fit looks like you need to extend this over the christmas and new years holidays, will you . Well, with i think weve proven that were prepared to do that, anything we have to do to keep Public Health, protect the Health Care System, keep the schools open, protect the elderly, thats what were focused on and thats what well do if thats whats required. I hope not. Mayor john tory, appreciate you joining us this morning. Thank you. Thank you. So when it comes to thanksgiving if youre planning on an outdoor celebration today, what does the forecast have in store . Thats next. Lping kids. dad helping families. women helping pets. vo these are the lives subaru retailers have impacted in our communities, through our support of over fourteen hundred Hometown Charities. In fact, subaru and our retailers will have proudly donated over two hundred Million Dollars to national and Hometown Charities through the subaru share the love event. vo get 0 for 63 months and subaru will donate 250 dollars to charity. Birds flyin high, you know how i feel. Breeze drifting on by you know how i feel. Its a new dawn. If youve been taking copd sitting down, its time to make a stand. Start a new day with trelegy. No oncedaily copd medicine has the power to treat copd in as many ways as trelegy. With three medicines in one inhaler, trelegy helps people breathe easier and improves lung function. 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But as far as the eastern seaboard, we are all wet this morning. It looks like anywhere from the southeast through atlanta, the showers are getting over, but charlotte, d. C. , new york, boston, all in the rain. I think the rain is going to push out, though. It should be out of the big apple by, say, noon today. We are going to get a little bit of a break, but more showers behind it. But for you in boston, tould take until about the 3 00 or 4 00 hour to get the rain out if if you wanted to have an outdoor thanksgiving, theres a little bit of something to work with. It is going to being soy for the macys parade. Temperatures are going to be mild, but the balloons will fly. The wind should only be about 5 to 10 miles per hour. Slight risk of more Severe Weather today for portions of texas and louisiana. Damaging winds, possibility of hail. Heres the big picture for thanksgiving day. Much of the country is going to be pretty fantastic, especially for much of the south, with temperatures comfortable. We will have some sunshine across many of these areas. Places like dallas will see temperatures around 72. We could see temperatures around 74 in new orleans, of course, we could have some storms roll through there early. Kansas city at 56. Oklahoma city at 66. So some pretty nice temperatures there. And then as we go through the end of the week into the weekend, temperatures really do stay very mild. D. C. Staying around 68 degrees today. 60 tomorrow. And then in the mid to upper 50s for the weekend. And if you look at chicago, thanksgiving with temperatures right around the upper 40s to 50 degrees is pretty nice, i would say. So we are going to have a pretty wonderful thanksgiving across much of the country, just a wet, soggy one to start it for the eastern seaboard. Alisyn . Okay, but as long as we can push those nice temperatures, as long as possible, and people can get outside, that is great news. Jennifer, thank you very much. Right. New day continues right no now. I dont even know how to express how frustrating it is to see people taking actions that are frankly dangerous. With all of those people traveling, the virus is going to attend some of those thanksgiving dinners. I expect well be seeing close to 4,000 deaths a day. Joe biden is preparing to take control and donald trump is fighting to hold on to what he thinks is an election he won. This was an election that we won easily. We won it by a lot. Lets not normalize that, because it is delusional. Our democracy was tested this year. We have full and fair and free elections. And then we honor the results. This is new day with Alisyn Camerota and john berman. We want to welcome our viewers in the United States and all around the world. This is a special edition of new day. John berman is off. Erica hill joins me. And i want to point out, you are the mashed potatoes to my candied yam

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