Tweeting out loud for 90 minutes. The moderator, Chris Wallace, did what a lot of parents do during a temper tantrum. He tried negotiating, but it did not work. Joe biden for the most part did not take the president s debate and he hit back at President Trump and instead, sometimes he just turned right to the camera and spoke to the American People directly. Biden also called out President Trumps response to the pandemic. Between 750 and a thousand people a day are dying. When he was presented with that number, he said, it is what it is. Well, it is what it is because you are who you are. You know, alisyn was talking about expletives. Overnight, our friend, dana bash did use an expletive. She called the debate an sshow, and thats surely true, but its important to assign responsibility here. This was not some chaos created by all in a vacuum. This was driven by the president. He did this. And if it was an sshow, it was the president who took the dump. It was the president and the president alone who would not tell his supporters to be peaceful after election day. It was the president and the president alone who provided a new rallying cry for a group that the Antidefamation League calls hardcore White Supremacists. Asked to condemn violence from White Supremacist Groups, ft. Wouldnt do it. He wouldnt do it. Instead, he told the proud boys to, quote, stand back and stand by. Stand by for what, exactly . All right, joining us now, cnn political analyst, maggie haberman, a White House Correspondent for the New York Times and cnn political commentator, errol louis. You decide. Maggie, i want to start with you on what happened last night. And an explanation for why it happened. On what planet did the president think that doing that would help him . Well, john, i think its the planet where he didnt think that doing this would be help him. I think he just did what he felt he wanted to do or needed to do. The president is losing and knows hes losing and is scared of losing. So what you saw him do last night was what we saw him do last night in any number of situations where he tried to control it and dominate it. What ended up happening was, his advisers told him he needed to be offense, he needed to not let joe biden get a hook or a solid foot. This was not that. This was just yelling and talking over joe biden and interrupting him and being much more wedded to the caricature that the President Trump has portrayed of joe biden than the actual man. He said the man himself standing there didnt matter. The trump folks know this did not go well and they know they need to figure out something for the next debate. Part of the fantasy that had been floated by some people around trump is that biden wont show up for the next debate. Thats not true. So a different trump will have to show for the next one. Errol, to that point, the president is not only losing, he appears to be losing it. His demeanor was so different than it was four years ago when he could let other candidates answer a question. He wasfaced, he was angry. He was even different than you see him in some of the White House Press briefings. What was that . Well, some of it is what happens when youre an incumbent president and you surround yourself with people who are telling you what you want to hear 24 hours a day. There are other incumbent president s whose first debate at least was pretty rocky. That even happened to president obama. The other part of it is, this is somebody who if he if it looks like in his chess game his opponent is moving toward checkmate, he will overturn the board. Ping that was one of the big takeaway messages last night. Hell interrupt a debate, hell discredit an election. Hell say or do whatever he has to do to avoid losing. And this is something that President Trump has said pretty much from the beginning. Hes proud of it. Hell do anything to win, even fit means violating norms, telling falsehoods, outraging everybody in the process. I think he managed to do a lot of that last night. That is his strategy. I dont know if its a very effective one, but of course were going to find out in just a few weeks. In fact, errol, you talk about upsetting the chess board, you dont think it was effective, errol, with groups that the president will need if he wants to win reelection. I was watching and just shaking my head last night. The bullying and the bombast and the personal affectation. Im thinking to myself, i know a lot of suburban women. I grew up in the suburbs. There are a lot of suburban women who really, really, really hate that kind of an approach. And he needs them very badly. And he didnt say one word last night that was intended to appeal to them. Hes going to need some modicum of turnout from people of color, from voters of color. And that whole nonsense with the proud boys and refusing to openly denounce white supremacy, everybody heard exactly what that meant. And so another vital source of voters gone from him. Young people dont like any of this stuff. They want to hear somebody whos going to speak to them. Theyve got Health Care Needs as well. He passed on that, as well. I was just mystified as to who he thought, among the groups that we know that he needs at least some help from, how is he going to reach out from them . Last night was not an indication that he cares or has a strategy to reach out to them at all. Maggie, he was so back on his heels when Chris Wallace asked him to denounce this hardcore White Supremacist Group. He really struggled with that. And ended up not doing it. And ended up, i think, hinting at or teasing upcoming violence. I mean, i dont know how else were supposed to interpret stand by. When he tells a Violent White Supremacist Group stand by, what other interpretation can there and . Right. What were getting, alisyn, is what we often get when the president says something, his advisers saying, no, no, you misheard, thats not what he meant. Thats exactly what he said, and if that isnt what he meant, he ought to clarify it, but that is very unlikely, because that is never what he does. He, as errol said, refused, when he was pushed to denounce white supremacy, just wouldnt do it. It was one of the more breathtaking moments in annular pretty stunning debate. And to errols appoint withpoin dont see how the president helped himself with anyone he needed to do well with. Was it a knockout debate for joe biden . Absolutely not. But it didnt have to be, and biden did not have any bad stumbles that will stand out most likely in voters minds. Well know a lot more in the coming days on how this played out, but other than just the takeaway of people yelling at each other, the president was the one who was the aggressor in these confrontations. If theres one thing, maggie, youve beaten out of me, its the assumption theres always a strategy behind things. Finally. Election day is in four and a half weeks. Im not saying there is a strategy behind what the president did, but if there is a possible effect of it, it is in some of what i think are the lazy headlines youre seeing today. A mud wrestling match or delved into chaos here. And the effect of that, and ill let you answer this, to be to turn off voters. If a goal was to turn off all voter to this can depress turnout, can i see that happening. And tom friedman of the New York Times wrote an oped overnight that i think sums it up pretty well. He says, when extremists go all the way, and moderates just go away and by that he means not vote the system can break and it will break. You know, tom friedman, who used to cover lebanon and israel and other places where he saw regimes topple, he said hes seen this happen and thats his concern now. But what about that idea, that there is a risk here that people will all just be turned off by this . Well, yeah, absolutely. Look, theres a dire warning that youre describing that we should all take very, very seriously. But in the course of a normal hardfought campaign, when you see candidates go negative, relentlessly negative, bitter, divisive, thats a lowkey way of doing Voter Suppression. Because what we know and theres a fair amount of Political Science literature about this, is that it makes people disgusted and it makes people decide, i dont want anything to do with any of these people and they stay home or they dont vote or day pass on that particular office when theyre in the voting booth. So, yeah, theres something to be said for that. And that, you know, that, in fact, might be a quote unquote strategy. A lot of this stuff is done instinct i haively from preside trump. If what he thinks is that disruption and lowkey Voter Suppression will work for him, i think thats what were going to see more of. Paul begala called it mustflee tv, which is the opposite of new day, obviously. So, guys maggie, errol, thank you both very much. All right, President Trump tried to steamroll, but joe biden did hold his ground, so what any of this means for the last five weeks of this race, next. For the past 25 years, masimo has been monitoring patients in hospitals around the world so that doctors and nurses can make sure you feel safe. As new challenges have arisen, weve grown to bring that same safety and support to the place that you want to be most. Together. Masimo. Together in hospital. Together at home. As amy first jober, is to care for derek. Everything i do is for him. When i moved to this apartment after six months, we need to connect with the world. I use the internet to keep him in the language, because thats the way to connect to my familys traditions. He has to know where he comes from. We need internet essentials. Theres no excuse to not get connected. One of the notable things about the reaction to the debate last night has been that people who normally defend the president arent, are pointing out the flaws in this performance last night. Rick santorum, who will defend the president for almost anything, said right here, he says, i think the president hurt himself. Scott jennings who was with us earlier said he thinks this hurt the president with women voters, suburban voters that the president desperately needs. And Chris Christie, former republican governor of new jersey, who is one of the guys who helped the president prepare for this debate to an extent, thinks the president blew it. Listen. I think on the trump side, it was too hot. You know, listen, you come in and decide you want to be aggressive and i think that was the right thing to be aggressive, but that was too hot. It was too hot. Joining us now, terry mcauliffe, the former governor of virginia and former chair of the dnc who has endorsed biden, and ana navarro who is a republican who now supports joe biden. Im going to spin the wheel, ana, and start with you. What did you see and what does it mean . I saw a completely display of dysfuncti dysfunction. I saw a stage where there was one adult and that was joe biden. I saw complete disrespect of the American People. The viewers who tuned in to try to watch a civil debate, to see who had plan to move this forward. Donald trump was insane last night. He was off his meds. He was unhinged. It was ridiculous it was pathetic. I was reading a tweet where somebody tweeted out, listen to this, undecided voters want in a focus group, words, a Frank Luntz Focus Group had for trump. Arrogant, crackhead, and unamerican. So i would say if undecided americans are referring to you as a crackhead, and i apologize to crackheads, you have a proble problem. David, i know before the debate, your advice was run on his record and skip the ad hominem attacks. Alisyn, clearly, he didnt adhere to my advice. Look, i think that i listened to johns recitation of everybody the postmortem on the republican side, the president , this was not his best night by a long shot, right . I think the president did accomplish one thing, in that he got joe biden to act like donald trump a little bit, in terms of shut up and name calling and kind of getting down in the mud as well, that didnt serve anybody well. I think the president should have people would have done much better off see state of the Union Donald Trump than rally mode donald trump. And that didnt happen last night. Terry . It was the most shocking unpresident ial behavior by a president , 90 minutes, it was just shocking. I just home people around the globe were not matwatching, bece they would not what to make of america. What i loved is when joe looked into the camera and specifically was talking about covid, and talking about voting and said, this election is about you. And trump went into the debate, hes down in the polls. Who does he have to pick up . A majority of americans dislike him going into the debate and he only increased that majority last night, but hes got to get suburban women. I think in virginia county, Loudoun County and prince william, hes got to get those william, independents. And last night he did nothing but turn them off. Several horrible, horrible moments. Clearly, the worst for me is when he would not condemn White Supremacists and he embraced the proud boys. And ive got to tell you, i talked to trump there in charlottesville. I had to bury several of my friends day who were killed because of the violence that was brought to charlottesville, incited by President Trump. So this is raw for me. And the idea that the president of the United States could not stand up last night and condemn White Supremacists and encouraged these proud boys at a time that our nation needs to heal, it was a horrible night, not only for america, it was a brutal night for donald trump and proved why joe biden needs to be our next president. And ana, what White Supremacist Group i have a number of girlfriends who were not political, who are not political. Who never write me or text me about politics, texting me last night in the middle of the night, talking about how embarrassing it was, how pathetic it was. How if their child behaved that way, they would put them in time out and find some way of disciplining them. And i also want to say, i dont do this often, congratulations to david urban for speaking some truth this morning, because donald trump needs to hear it from his supporters. Because this country deserves better. We have two more debates to go and we deserve a real debate, where the president of the United States, for at least 90 minutes, goes on there and behaves like a functioning adult. That is not too much to ask. David, why did President Trump struggle so much last night when asked if he could condemn this, you know, hardcore White Supremacist Group . I think he i mean, im just looking i was just looking at my notes here where Chris Wallace asked. He said, are you willing to condemn these folks, and he said, sure, im willing to do that. Wait, wait, wait, wait, hold on, david. Lets play it, because he really struggled. Im not going to read it, im going to play it. Watch this. Okay. Are you willing, tonight, to condemn white sprupremacists an militia groups sure. And to say that they need to stand down and not add to the violence in a number of these cities as we saw in kenosha and in portland. Im prepared go ahead. But i would say almost everything i see is from the left wing, not the right wing. So what are you saying im willing to do anything. I want to see peace. Do it then. Say it. You want to call them what do you want to call them . Who do you want me to condemn. Proud boys and White Supremacists . Proud boys, stand back and stand by, but ill tell you what, somebodys got to do something about antifa and the left. This is not a rightwing problem, this is a leftwing problem. His own fbi director said antifa is an idea, not an organization. Youve got to be kidding me. Thats what his fbi director said. David, i think your handwritten transcript left some stuff out. He kept saying, what do you want me to say . He said, i want peace. David, ohold on, hold on. Hold on. What does stand by mean . I dont know. He could and shouldve done it more forcefully. He could have said it more clearly and said, look, of course i denounce the kkk and violent extremist groups. So why didnt he say . Why did he have such a hard time with that . I dont have an answer for you as to why he didnt. I wirve he woush he would have more forcefully. Hes done it in the past. So lock, thats clearly a missed opportunity. There were lots of missed opportunities for the president last night. When asked about africanamericans, the president didnt talk about, you know, historic funding levels for hbcus, he didnt talk about the first stepback, he didnt talk about Economic Empowerment zones, all of these positive things his administration has done, he kind of left on the table. The president did something that he should have let joe biden the one that i think that joe biden is notoriously no lly kno is being long winded. The president should have let joe biden talk for ten minutes uninterrupted and we would have seen a different joe biden. Instea instead, he kept interrupting him, never letting him commit a gaffe. The president didnt give him time. You also had a joe biden who prepared for this. Who took this seriously and prepared for days and days. On the other hand, donald trump didnt. He hung out with his two buddies, Chris Christie and Rudy Giuliani. Have you ever seen Rudy Giuliani give his speech at the Republican National convention, you understand why hanging out with Rudy Giuliani for a couple of days would wind you up to the state he was in yesterday. We saw a president who didnt take it seriously. And it showed yesterday. And i go back to telling you, i think the reason it was so harmful for trump is because it showed a complete disregard and disrespect for the American Voter and the American People. What we saw was an hour and a half of spewing of misinformation. We saw a debate moderator who could not deal with the incoming and could not deal with the petulant, immature attention deficit child who was on that stage, behaving like a clucking hen, not behaving in any way president ial. Guys, stand by, if you already if a minute. Hang on, david. Weve got were going to step for a different report for a second which gets to something weve been talking about. The proud boys that the president discussed last night, the proud boys whom the president said should stand by, they have been promoting the president s words overnight, rejoicing in the president s words. So lets find out more about who they are and what they stand for. Our cnn correspondent, elly reeve has talked to some of its members. Elly, youve really done more work on the proud boys than i think almost any journalist in america. So tell us who they are . Its a National Group of local chapters. An exmember told me he thinks of it as a bike gang without bikes, but unlike a lot of groups that arose during the trump era like the altright, theyre not explicitly White Supremacists. They say they want to support western civilization, but theyre not out there posting swastikas. But that said, a group doesnt have to be neonazi to be dangerous. So you see them coming to rallies to battle with antifa wearing body armors, guns, and paintball guns and in recent months, youve seen them willing to use it you went to a proud boy rally in oregon,ing i think it was j last weekend. Timely. What did you learn . I poke to the chairman, and he said hes happy about the president s comments, but he doesnt see it as an endorsement. He says stand just keep doing what theyre doing. So we went to a rally, you can check out what that looks like. Were a Drinking Club with a patriot problem. As proud boys, our Main Objective is to defend the west. Do i look scary with this . I would never use this to hit someone out of a blatant attack. It would be only selfdefense. Were at the proud boys rally in delta park. The proud bays are a farright group with ambiguous beliefs, but a clear record of street fights. Were not punching each other in the face. But part of the culture is to be lyiightly punched while nami five breakfast cereals. They named this rally after farright activist was killed here a few weeks ago. Many worry their presence will result in clashes with antifascist protesters. The governor declared a state of emergency, theres at least 300 people, although theyve hyped up to 3,000. And the ratio of proud boys to journalists is very high. Are you here to get in fights with antifa . Plult nabsolutely not. But you are dred in the aesthetics of Political Violence . Aesthetics and who we are two different things. Who needs a shield . it just seems like every time there is a proud boys event, it ends with some people getting beat up. Were not afraid to defend ourselves. I know what you do, bro. Calling people White Supremacists and nazi. Who . The prow boys all tell us theyre just here to drink beer and barbecue, but there have already been a couple of incidents that have teetered on the edge of violence, including our own crew being threatened. Get out take your [ bleep ] camera [ bleep ] cnn get the [ bleep ] out, [ bleep ] want to get [ bleep ] up . its the wrong place to be . did you film that . You have something to say . we had one antifa come in here. The cameras capture, oh, look, theyre being so violent. They didnt touch him. He wasened bleeding, he didnt get marked up, punched or nothing. I told him later, youre lucky. Well, if youre not here for violence, it wouldnt be luck, it would be the plan, right . It wouldnt be a stroke of luck . Sure. If you werent expecting to be violent. But that well, thats me, but i cant speak for everyone else. Reporter the Sheriffs Department estimated that about a thousand people came throughout the day and about a thousand counterprotesters gathered about a mile away. What do you think the proud boys represent . Fear. Fear of losing power. They feel like theyre just losing everything they fought. That theyre the superior race. We crowd them the proud little penis boys. Fascists have no place in this city and why it is important to have a counterrally to the proud boys. Why not just ignore them . Were out here to show that were not afraid and were not going to back down in the face of tyranny, especially when our president is amping up this whole situation. People waited warily for the proud boys to show up, but they never came. Instead, the only clashes that occurred were the same ones between police and protesters that have happened nearly every night since may. In the end, it was just another night in portland. Elle reeve, i have to tell you how incredibly timely, what an important look at something that was thrust into the spotlight in front of tens of millions of people last night, so thank you. Thank you for the work youve don here and thank you for helping us all understand what clearly the president does, and clearly the president has chosen to in some ways embrace. Thank you very much. Appreciate it. Thanks. All right. What broke through in this event that we all looked at last night . What are the issues that might have broken through and what did voters take away from this . Next. One of the more emotional moments from last nights debate came when President Trump attacked joe bidens family. Here it is. Speaking of my son, the way you talk about the military. The way you talk about them being losers and being and just being suckers, my son was in iraq. He spent a year there. He got the bronze star. He got the Conspicuous Service medal. He was not a loser. He was a patriot, and the people left behind there were heroes. Really . Are you talking about hunter . Are you talking about hunter . Im talking about my son bo biden. I dont know bo. Im talking about hunter. Hunter was dishonorably discharged for cocaine use and he didnt have a job until you became vice president. None of that is true. My son and he didnt have a job. My son, like a lot of people, like a lot of people we know at home, had a drug problem. Hes overtaken it. Hes fixed it. Hes worked on it. And im proud of him. But why was he given back with us, terry mcauliffe, ana navarro. Governor, would it have been more effective, you think, for joe biden to turn the tables and say, you want to talk about children . How many of your kids have served in the military . Should he have gone like that or should he have just defended his own family as he did . I think joe did the right thing there. I think any parent i have a son whos a marine captain, served over the iraq and i think for anyone whos had a child serve, this is a very, very sensitive issue. And we were all highly offended when he referred to the 1,500 marines killed at bella woods. Stop, terry. David, why . Thats been quoted more than thats been quoted alisyn, hold on. Alisyn, stop. Stop, its not true. I was at belleau wood. I am a west point veteran and a combat veteran. Yeah . Okay. So just stop. Why, david . Its possible that he said it out of your earshot. Sometimes things are said out of your earshot and it was reported across the board from the New York Times to atlantic news. Can we stop deflecting this is about last nights debate. Ana, stop. Stop. Stop. We can talk listen when fox news i tell you, something, that tells you something, when fox news even says its true. Obviously people around you heard something you didnt hear. They confirmed what . They confirmed that he called that he speaks poorly of them. It is what it is. Confirm what story . What story, terry . That he denigrates the military. Guys, stop. Its undeniable that the president of the United States yesterday showed zero empathy to the death of bo biden. Stop. Stop. He lost the opportunity to tell joe biden so lets talk about the debate no, dont tell me to stop you stop with others, im not joe biden and youre not donald trump. And im not going to stop. Yesterday he showed his lack of empathy and his lack of humanity and his lack of respect for joe bidens dead son. I thought excuse me, excuse me excuse me excuse me. Thats i would like to actually what hes doing is deflecting because it was a horrible moment that showed his lack of humanity thats what youre doing. I want to focus on two moments, not the atlantic story anymore, thats chewed over. But there were two really telling moments in that exchange that we just played last night that are much more forwardlooking and telling. Number one, where after joe biden was talking about his son, beau, who has passed away, donald trump just dismissed joe bidens dead son, i dont know beau, but i do no hunter. Thats what youre talking about. And also what joe biden did, which was show a moment of vulnerability, frankly, and talk about hunters struggle with drugs. That, to me, that to me were the two major takeaways from that very emotional moment. Now that ive all got you paying attention, ana, you speak first. Look, i think what was undeniable was that last night donald trump showed total lack of empathy and humanity as joe biden spoke about his dead son. It would not have been a hard lift for him to say even chacha, my dog agrees. It would not have been a hard lift for him to say, i thank your son for service, im sorry you lost your son, and i recognize your service. He was humanly incapable of showing that level of emotion and empathy. Okay, david, your turn. I agree with ana. This is a rare moment. Ana and i agree, and i think the president should do that. We should salute everybodys service. Joe biden is a great guy and the president should acknowledge that. Terry . Yeah, i agree. But i think the biggest thing we havent talked about today, which i think is very important from the debate, was the issue thats on everyones mind today, covid. And i thought joe biden laid out, talked about a comprehensive plan about to reopen schools, about what to do about sanitation, how we get Small Businesses and restaurants open. I thought that was a very skies skie concise for many americans, they want to hear about covid and President Trump was all over the map on covid, was putting false statements out there, kept talking about closing well, we did enforce the ban well in china. As you know, many folks calm from europe and all over the globe in america. He consistently misses the bigger point that he failed in leadership early on in covid and i thought that was one of joe bidens strongest moments last night when he talked about the number unissue affecting covid and how we rebuild. I do think that the coronavirus, the pandemic absolutely the number one issue. And i was frankly a little bit surprised it didnt play a larger role in the debate from all three people on that stage last night, ana. What broke through in the discussions about coronavirus. Ana, what do you think broke through to the voters . I onls think very little broke through last night, because i think we were all so taken in by the general behavior and by just this shocking display that we were watching, that it was hard to fox on the issues. Look, they spoke of a climate change, they spoke about the coronavirus. They spoke about, you know, racial unrest. They spoke about whats going on in the cities. They spoke about so many different things, but its very hard to remember what they said. Because you were just you know, i think most americans were in a state of shock watching this president behave in that way. Guys, thank. We know that these are very intense topics and that david, do you have one last thing you want to say . I want to say real quickly, two data points to take we here. In fwotwou 2016, the first deba reported Hillary Clinton drubbing President Trump in the first debate. And yesterday, an nbc wall street journal poll out saying that 70 of americans say the debates will have zero impact on who they vote for. I wont look as much at the poll four years ago as i do at david urban saying, i dont think trump helped himself. I would not want to be a Republican Senate candidate. It did not help Republican Senate candidates last night. This was a bad, bad moment and theyre going to pay a price. Thal have to go out and rtry to defend trump terrys done. Someone pulled the switch on terry mcauliffe. You heard some of the talk about coronavirus last night. Joe biden slammed the president for holding an indoor Campaign Rally during the pandemic. What did doctors say about this, next. Microban 24. Watch as microban 24 kills 99. 9 of bacteria. And then, even after multiple touches, keeps killing bacteria for 24 hours. I trust microban 24 to keep killing bacteria for 24hours. Greetings mortal p ] your journey requires liberty mutual. They customize your Car Insurance so you only pay for what you need. Liberty power wow. That will save me lots of money. Youre insured this games boring. Lets get tacos. Only pay for what you need. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Hes not worried about you. Hes not worried about the people out there breathing, cheektojowl. No negative effect. No negative effect . Weve had 30,000, 40,000 people at these rallies. Hes been totally irresponsible in the way in which he has handled the social distancing and people wearing masks. Basically encouraging them not to. All right. Hes a fool on this. If you could get the crowds, you would have done the same thing, but you cant. Nobody can. Nobody cares. That was an Exchange Last night over the president s rallies. Alisyn, something jumped out at you. At some point, i think it was later in that exact moment, he said, and theyve all been outdoors. No, they havent. No, they havent. He has not only held outdoor rallies, the majority has been, but he has also held indoor rallies. So that was wrong. And for some reason i thought that Chris Wallace sort of agreed with him or confirmed what he was saying, but thats not true. The president absolutely held an indoor rally in june. You can see the rise in cases in oklahoma, you can see where the rally was and how the cases kept on going up after. Joining us now, dr. Sanjay gupta. Sanjay, i know you watched this with probably a different eye, a more critical eye than all of us. A medical eye. What did you hear there . I heard very different narrative about what has unfolded with this coronavirus pandemic. This idea that the travel restrictions from china were sort of the panacea. President trump pointed to that and said, weve done a good job. He suggested that had somebody else, including biden been president , that 2 Million People would have been dead we now here in the United States, despite the fact that a Million People have died around the entire world by this point. What really became clear to me and maybe its been clear for some time that the only strategy really that the president has been talking about has been the vane. That is it. Hes talked about other things here and there, but its really been about this vaccine. Theyre hinging everything on the vaccine. They want to announce it as quickly as possible. Even if it doesnt go through certain safety safeguards. And its not going to be the panacea that he believes and hes tossed out Public Health guidance that would save another hundred thousand lives by the end of the year. Just mask wearing alone. There were so many different takeaways directly contradicting people like anthony fauci, like robert redfield, like moncef sl slouie who he brought in to run operation warp speed. But that was the thing that was clear, its always been about the vaccine and we did the china restriction, that was all that was necessary. Lets just listen to a moment where President Trump is talking about masks. Dr. Fauci he did not say we have a minute left in the segment. Im okay with masks. Yeah, what did your notes say about that, sanjay . I mean, you know, months now we have been talking about this and it is true that there was, you know, evidence that sort of emerged on the usefulness of masks. I dont think dr. Fauci ever said masks werent good, but how effective they would be. Hes talked about this many times, i asked him about it at the citizens event last week. Heres how he put it. Dr. Fauci. Back then, we were not aware that 40 to 45 of people were asymptomatic. Nor where are we aware that a substantial proportion of people who get infected get infected from people without symptoms. That makes it overwhelmingly important for everyone to wear a mask. So we need to put that nonsense behind us about, well, they keep changing their minds. Masks work. Physical distancing works. Avoiding crowds work. The thing about masks and i think i think most people understand this now, something became clear, sort of march time frame and that is that this virus can spread without having any symptoms. With a respiratory virus you stay home, you have coughing and sneezing. But because we werent really testing adequately in this country, you may have no idea youre harboring the virus inside your body and that became the real impetus for recommending widespread masking thats how you curb the spread of the virus. Wear a mask. That was the point that science did change and we should do it. But were still sort of tossing out this basic thing. Even though it can save 100,000 lives. President trumps clock got stuck somewhere mid to early march and he hasnt moved on from there and it got stuck at the beginning of february with the travel restriction on china, and that was the leakiest ever. He thinks i did my job. You know, i did that travel restriction from china. Then i guess thats as good as it gets and then he doesnt realize that things have moved on from march. We have more information now than we did as dr. Fauci and you have been you know what else we have . 206,000 americans dead. We just crossed 206,000 americans dead during the course of the show. Thank you, sanjay. Its five weeks from election day and President Trump is injectioning the issue of Election Fraud in the race. Why . Say nana. Stop your cough from interrupting, with dq cough and congestion. Its max strength formula coats your throat and provides powerful relief. New dayquil cough and congestion. The maxcoat daytime power through your cough medicine. Fixodent ultra dual power provides you with an unbeatable hold and strong seal against food infiltrations. Fixodent. And forget it. President trump appears to think the only way he can win is to cast doubt on the legitimacy of the u. S. Election and stoke division among the voters. John avlon has more in your reality check. You know, his debate performance almost seemed designed to undermine confidence in the democratic process. This going to be a fraud like you have never seen. All right. That was trump on mailin voting which has a 0. 0025 fraud rate over the last two elections according to a study of three vote by mail states. Take a look at west virginia, mailin. Theyre being sold. Theyre being dumped in rivers. All right. West virginia mailman did caught changing five democratic primary ballots to republican. Look, trump is trying to gin up anxiety about a free and fair election. And when Chris Wallace asked him to clearly condemn white supremacist militia violence he couldnt. Proud boys stand back and stand by, but ill tell you what, ill tell you what, somebodys got to do something about antifa and the left. That ignores his own fbi director saying White Nationalist violence is a pervasive threat and antifa is more of an ideology than an organization. Just what is trump asking his supporters to be ready for . Will you urge your supporters to stay calm during im urging my supporters to go into the polls and watch very carefully because thats what has to happen. Got that . That certainly sounds like a potential call for voter intimidation. Look, folks, votes are already being cast in this election and this president seems to decide without evidence that its already fraudulent. But dont let trumps disrespect for the democratic process deter you from your vote. And thats your reality check. Thank you for that reminder, john. It is great to have you here on this morning, help us get through all of this. All right. New day continues right now. Im going to say it like it is. He took the office of the presidency to a new low. Are you willing to condemn White Supremacists . Everything i see is from the left wing, not from the right wing. This is a president whos used everything as a dog whistle to try to generate racist hatred. Its the wrong answer. Its always the wrong answer. The fact he cant say it is a problem. You have to open the states up. Its not fair. Like being in prison. He has no i think tensintentg it better with your health and safety. This is new day with Alisyn Camerota and john berman. Good morning to our viewers in the United States and all around the world. This is new day and the president of the United States refused to condemn violence by White Supremacist Groups. The president of the United States refused to tell supporters to remain peaceful after the election. He refused to obey the simple debate rules his own campaign agreed to. He did this. A new low in president ial debates. The lazy headline and analysis will say this was chaos, a both sides thing, but dig deeper. He did this. And whats remarkable this morning is how many republicans including some of the president s staunchest supporters now think the president hurt himself last night. It appeared that joe biden was trying to have a normal debate. He started speaking directly to the camera over President Trumps constant interruptions, but biden took his own shots

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