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Shoulders. I know that if we entrust this nation to joe, he will do for your family what he did for ours. Bring us together and make us whole. Carry us forward in our time of need. Keep the promise of america for all of us. Former president bill clinton also speaking last night with a blistering take on President Trumps leadership. And there were many poignant moments. A video message narrated by cindy mccain, the widow of the late senator, warmly recalling their 30year friendship with the bidens. And there was this virtual crosscountry roll call, featuring voters representing all 50 states and their diversity. Tonight, we hear from senator Kamala Harris, the first woman of color on a major president ial ticket and former president barack obama. You can expect a passionate plea from biden supporters to navigate all the complications and obstacles in place and make sure to get out and vote. All right, joining us now, cnn political analyst, David Gregory and Astead Herndon. What we saw last night was very interesting. We saw jill biden talking about love and struggle and what were all going through with the pandemic. The quiet is heavy. You saw outreach to republicans. You heard from colin powell and cindy mccain. And astead, we also had calamari, we had this remarkable roll call from all 50 states and seven territories. What is it that you think was accomplished last night . I think the goal of last night, kind of an overarcing theme of what well see throughout this convention is projecting joe biden as not only a competent government leader who can pull the levers of government in the way that president obama has not, but also as a decent person and a good man. Theyre trying to show a contrast in humanity that they think can appeal to voters across the sprek trectrum. Its an interesting play from democrats to say, we may have ideological differences and may disagree on policy, but joe biden is someone we can agree on as a better person than donald trump. I think you saw that last night. Thats what the man tanlg front cindy mccain and thats what you get from progressives like aoc or addyi barken. These are people with Clear Solutions on what the country needs. But what theyre saying in unison is that what joe biden brings is a level of competence that the American People can agree on. David, youve covered a bunch o of dncs, as we all have, but what do you think was particularly effective or ineffective last night . Im struck over the last few nights how effective it is to package it up this way. I didnt think it would feel this compelling. But with that comes a little more organization and brevity like from former pl presidenres clinton, and i think that works. I think the overarching themes are joe biden is a nice guy, a warm guy, a competent guy, and you know that sense of normalcy the real contrast. You know, i think hes older, there are democratic and generational and ideological risks within the Democratic Party that were mostly papered over last night with a nod toward, you know, bidens generation. But i think those other themes are what are really important right now to project. Its aggressive, weaponized normalcy, in certain ways. Really, i think youre both on to something there. I want to play jacqueline brittney, who is a Security Guard at a paper youre familiar, astead, the new york times, who rode up in an elevator with joe biden when he was going to meet with your editorial board, not getting the endorsement, but he had this poignant moment with her in the elevator and theyve remained close. Just listen to what she says. In the short time i spent with joe biden, i could tell he really saw me. That he actually cared. That my life meant something to him. And i knew, even when he went into his important meeting, he would take my story in there with him. I played that, just because in many ways, that was the same message you heard from cindy mccain, the same message you heard from colin powell yo, you heard from jacqueline brittney, a Security Guard. So whats left to do . What do the democrats need to do tonight with Kamala Harris and former president obama . I think they have made the case in terms of that kind of aggressive normalcy, as you mentioned. I think what well see over the next few nights is excitement. They want voters to look forward and actually feel kind of, not just better about this ticket than donald trump, but actually excited about going to the polls and voting. I think that starts tonight. I think what senator harris can bring to the ticket is enthusiasm and a sense of the Democratic Party that is not barack obama or bill clinton or john kerrys Democratic Party, but one that looks and feels differently. And i think that shes going to make that case starting tonight. And i think its going to culminate with a joe biden speech on thursday that is going to be more that is going to be about more than decency. Its going to be about more than just for moving donald trump. He needs to kind of create an ethos that he is not just a transitional president , but one that will actually respond to the crisis that are currently facing america. I think the case has been made, frankly, about, do you want to not think about government anymore in the same dramatic ways in which weve thought about it in the last four years. Now it will be about, can this ticket move the country forward . Talk about aggressive normalcy and relatability. There was this picture that Kamala Harris husband took of her listening to the roll call. And the reason i remark on it, because people so carefully manage their social media images, they manicure them. Its supposed to show you behind the curtain, but youre perfectly coifed. You left twitter, you canceled twitter. Thats true. But on all of social media, people try to be very careful about what they look like. And heres this moment of her totally unvarnished, listening to the roll call in her college sweatshirt. So what case do you think she needs to make tonight . What should we expect . I really groagree. I think its about excitement and an interesting mix of what joe biden is trying to pull off here. What hes saying to the country is, look, im not really the future. Im much more the past. But we need to get back to a little bit of normal here. We need a break from all of the tumult in our politics and in kou our country. And at the same time, im also a guy who chooses Kamala Harris, who wants to continue this arc of history that barack obama started, so get excited about where the party is going and who the future leadership is. And i expect that president obama can capture the excitement, not just motivation, theyre one in the same, but hey, be excited about this ticket and again to address the ve very, the differences in the party, the progressive wing of the party that is going to play a bigger role than perhaps aoc got last night in front of the convention. So i think well see a future look tonight. We have a special guest star who just parachuted in to be part of this discussion. Ana navarro its called hispanic time, making an entrance. Youre welcome anytime. Early, on time, late, wherever you would like. Well, i was just listening to alisyn say that, you know, that social media is manicured. That might be her social media, but quarantine has brought out an entirely new level of social media. You obviously missed me with my gray roots and muumuus. I have been watching you and quarantine is making everyone more authentic. That was my appoinpoint, we got very authentic glimpse of her on her sofa. And i wonder if well see some of that tonight. You were a john mccain supporter. You were part of the John Mccain Campaign in 2008. And there are certain things now i suppose we can come to expect in this world of donald trump. But it is remarkable when the wife of the 2008 nominee is part of a Campaign Video at the opposing partys convention. So lets listen to this. It was a style of legislating and leadership that you dont find very much anymore. And when millions of americans were faced with leading their health insurance, it was joes friend that saved obamacare by crossing the aisle. Mccain cast his vote with a thumbs down. John and i have been given several awards about bipartisanship. We dont understand why you should get an award for bipartisan. Thank you for your example and how to remain the same good guy that you were when you first got here. Most of all, for your friendship. My life and the lives of many have been enriched by it. That last part, ana, to hear, thank you for your friendship. My live and the lives of so many have been enriched by it. To hear that from john mccain felt like an endorsement of sorts. How did it hit you . It made me very emotional. Hearing john mccains voice, which i think has been so missed in the political discourse. Its been missed in the Republican Party. Its been missed in america. His leadership, his ability to stand up to injustice and to confront donald trump and abuses of power. And so to hear him in his own words, hear his voice, and see him be part of this was for me a very emotional moment. Tomorrow is john mccains birthday. So i know these are difficult days for cindy and the family. His anniversary of death is also in a few days. And i am thankful to cindy mccain for setting the tone of putting country over party. And of keeping john mccains legacy alive. I suspect she thought that this is what he would have wanted. And look, you know, this is about values. This is about america. This is about patriotism. And john mccain and joe biden have worked together, worked together for so many decades. And it was about introducing joe biden, because we take for granted that there are people who dont know him, right . It almost feels like all of america has his cell phone and gets phone calls from joe biden, helping them through grief and obstacles and just calling to say, to check in. But there are people who dont know him. And it helped to remember what civility was once like in american politics. It doesnt have to be what it is today. What is promoted by donald trump. I astead, the dnc has done a really interesting job of having all of these republican voices, you know, john mccain from beyond, as well as colin powell. I mean, john kasich. We could go down the list and so do you think thats effective and do you think the progressives have a point as some have mentioned on social media, that their voices are not being as amplified . Look, conventions serve two purposes, right . To make people feel good and to make people feel slighted. Its about highlighting an agenda, its about pumping people up, driving up excitement. You know, introducing the candidate. But there will always be people who feel theres not enough of us on the screen. We need more time. Youre working with two hours of primetime a night and a lot of that is taken up by procedural things like the roll call that we saw yesterday and was very representative and marvelous. You know, as a disenfranchised republican, who refuses to vote for donald trump and is going to vote for joe biden, i have felt the water is warm. And i think they have really worked on trying to make it feel inclusive. And we all have to learn the lessons of 2016. There were people who sat out the election or who voted for jill stein or who voted for governor gary johnson because hillary didnt fill their love tank or because they had supported somebody else in the primary and wanted to cast a protest vote or a symbolic vote. Well, that symbolism and that protest helped us get donald trump. And weve had a fouryear buyers remorse. So i hope that the lesson for everyone who wants to get rid of donald trump as president and sees him as an existential threat to america is that its all hands on deck. And i think alexandria ocasiocortez was very significant to that last night. She had a wonderful tweet endorsing joe biden, saying, im ready to work you and planing what her role in the convention was. And i think it was very, very gracious by her last night. Its time for unity. Astead, that question was to you, we have about 30 seconds left. I dont know if you want to weigh in. Oh, im sorry. It was worth it. Early, on time, or late. I havent been out of my house in so long, im just excited thats awesome. Astead, its now ten seconds, go ahead. I think i agree with everything that was said. I think i would also say, this is a culmination of joe bidens political career. If youre going to expect a convention that does not reflect that, progressives should have nominated their chosen candidates. This is what the Democratic Party under joe biden will be. David, we also want to hear last words from you, but im sure ana will take it. Go ahead. No, i think white men are highly overrated i think the larger point is to say to the country that a lot of republicans that you may know and have known for decades are not part of this Republican Party. That theres something really wrong here. And that again, i keep going back to the same place. Lets take a pause, lets transition back to what feels like a more normal time. Whatever our differences and theres still a lot of differences in politics, can we get back to something that looks like regular order . Thats what this convention seems like to me. All right. David gregory, Astead Herndon and ana navarro, we really need to see you more often. Thank you all very much. Very happy to be out of my house today. We can see that. All right, this morning, we are getting more news about the coronavirus pandemic. More news about colleges that had opened reversing course. Well give you the new details on that, next. 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College campuses reporting nearly 1,000 cases of coronavirus across the country as students try to return to campus. Now some universities are reversing their reopening plans. Joining us now is cnns chief medical correspondent, dr. Sanjay gupta. So notre dame moving to online instruction. Ithaca, extending Remote Learning through the whole fall semester. Michigan states president telling students who had planned to live in Campus Housing to stay home. University of North Carolina going all online. I could go on. I mean, was this bound to happen or did they make immediate mistakes or what . Well, i think it was bound to happen. I mean, unfortunately. This is one of those things where we know that there is a virus spreading. The virus is behaving exactly the way that you think the virus would behave. Its very contagious. Its unforgiving. And, you know, what else is behaving exactly the way you think it would is college students. College students are behaving exactly the way you would expect them to behave. Theyre coming back to campus for the first time. They generally know the rules, but they want to get together. I mean, so i think its very hard in the middle of a pandemic to reopen colleges and schools. Its challenging and we havent done the things necessary in order to make that happen in the first place. So, you know, i use the body metaphor, as you know, alisyn. The virus has spread. The body has become more infected and now were sort of wondering why things cant just be back to normal. Weve got to treat this before we can go back to that. Heres the thing, sanjay. If you look at daily cases, they are going down in the United States. Hospitalization also going down. Thats all a very good thing. What i do wonder, though, is if what were going to see is what we saw in the spring when states and cities gab to open up to an extent, let people go to restaurants and bars and all of a sudden cases started to rise. So the schools that are opening and seeing these clusters, we heard from many of our experts saying, if you open schools, it is going to fuel an increase in cases. And fuel a spike. How much of a concern should that be . I mean, i think that is a huge concern. You know, we have this is one of these things now where were trying to look at this as a nation, but also people are looking at this within their own communities and own homes and we made the decision, as you well know, not to send our kids back to school for that very reason. Its going to fuel this. We know kids, especially older kids, can transmit this virus very easily. Even if theyre not getting as sick. The numbers will go up. There will become more people who are infected as a result of these decisions. There will become more people who are hospitalized result of these decisions, and more people who will die. We had weve seen this pattern over and over again. And we can look at whats happening overall with the number of newly infected people in this country, and you have seen sort of this significant peak in april, as you remember, and then a downward sort of flow for some time. June 11th, i believe, was the lowest day in this country and that was about 17,000 people. And now, you know, our sort of lowest number now is still higher than the peak in april. Its definitely going to go back up as we start to open things back up. Theres no question about that. We dont have to hypothesize about that anymore. The virus has been very consistent in all of this. And i will point out as well, we were just doing some calculations, but the amount of testing has also gone down in this country. We are doing 880,000 tests back on august 13th and now 640,000 tests were done yesterday. 200 fewer tests have been done, as well. Which could also be adding to the numbers going down. Sanjay, one of the things that would allow us to return to normal is airplane travel. Are people feeling comfortable with getting on an airplane . And theres this new reporting that talks about, maybe they know a little bit more about how its spread on airplanes and who is most likely to get infected and whether or not its safe. What do you know . This was a study that came out actually evaluated a situation back in march. Keep in mind, back in march, we were still in a situation where we were still learning more about this virus. There werent a lot of mitigation methods in place. This was a study that looked at basically a flight that was about four and a half hours long. And what they found is that there were seven infected passengers on this flight. They didnt know they were infected until afterwards, but as they modeled this together, they hypothesized that two people became infected on the flight, sat across from infected passengers. But one is, we dont know for sure, those two infected passengers could have been become infected right before or right after the flight. Its hard to. It exactly when that infection occurs. And also, this is a time when basic measures such as masks, such as some physical distancing, things like that, werent being done on flights. So, you know, i think if there were going to have been significant outbreaks on airline travel, we would have started to see that. I know the overall number of people traveling has been down and that its sort of popped back up a bit. We havent seen these significant outbreaks. So im not as worried about airline travel, as long as people adopt these basic Public Health measures, which, by the way, work. So we talk about this all the time, but this virus cant jump very far, its pretty easily contained by a mask. On planes, you have more filtration, so the air is circulated. So im less worried about airline travel. All right, sanjay. Thanks so much for being with us. Youll be back next hour with some news on one of the vaccines that is being watched most closely in the trials and whats going on in that trial. Thanks, sanjay. So the Biden Campaign is making the case for uniting a deeply divided country. Theyre featuring several highprofile republicans to make this case. Will that attract some swing voters to support biden. A former democratic president ial candidate will join us with his thoughts, next. When we started carvana, they told us that selling cars 100 online wouldnt work. But we went to work. Building an experience that lets you shop over 17,000 cars from home. Creating a coast to Coast Network to deliver your car as soon as tomorrow. 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You know, usually youre going around this Big Convention hall and everybody is, you know, each one of the 57 delegations trying to do or Say Something thats a little bit distinctive. Here, you got to see it with your own eyes. You got to see this country and an entire country of states and territories ready to nominate joe biden. We chose our spot as a place that really helps tell south bends story. Its a tech center that used to be an empty auto factory. And you saw all of these different people, democrats from around the country, sharing why their region would benefit from a biden harris administration, but no one could outdo the calamari. Good location, no snacks. Next time you may want to work on that. Yeah, no kidding. You talk about the diversity. One of the things that was striking to me was the normalization, in a way, of the diversity. And hfsnt as part of the roll call, but that was part of the keynote address, which was different in and of itself, as well. We heard from Pennsylvania State rep and his husband. So lets play that. When i wanted to marry the man i loved, joe biden was the First National figure to support skme me, and my family. Appreciate you, man. It was that second part that struck a lot of people. Again, the normalization of it, what was that like for you as the first openly gay candidate to ever receive delegates for a major party. Well, i think it brings out that for us, this is our normal. This is america. America is a diverse country. And to see representative k kinyada, whos a friend, so happy for him and matt, and each of the people in that keynote address, you can see a party that reflects this country. I remember feeling that way in philadelphia. I was at that convention four years ago looking around me and seeing people of every background, of every Sexual Orientation and gender identity and disability and just thinking, this looks so much more like america than the other convention. But this was a whole new chance to bring that forward. And its one of many things that really points to the fact that across the racial diversity of this country, even across the ideological diversity of this country, if you think about both progressives and some republicans, all coming together to say weve got to elect joe biden, you can see that the center of gravity of the American People right now is squarely within the democratic coalition. How do you explain, and this is one of the lingering ironies or phenomenon i think of the democratic race this time, that your party has chosen a man who lead them to the future, who is in his late 70s, and is in so many ways tied to the past, and unapologetically tied to the past. Weve heard from the mccains and heard from people who have known joe biden for decades and decades. So how do you explain to the American People, that this is the vessel for the future . I think that, you know, i say this as somebody who comes from a newer generation. Generational change is about a relationship between generations. And, again, you can see it in the convention itself. All of the different voices and so many newer, younger voices who have been evaluated and amplified. And i think thats something that joe biden is very intentional about. He often speaks in public about his entire to be a transformational president and build that bridge. What you see in the convention i think is going to reflect what you see in a biden harris administration. A presidency that really is about the future and if you think about the issues at stake, whether its climate, racial and economic justice, just having an economy for a newer generation to live in that will actually make it possible for them to succeed, you can tell the things that joe bidens intent on doing are the things that are going to matter to future generations. You used the phrase biden harris administration, it so begs the question, you said you would be honored to serve in a biden harris administration. You havent said what job you want. I understand that, its presumptuous in his own way. But your skill set, what do you think it lends itself to . Im not focused on my skill set right now, other than how i can use that and the network of supporters that we built up during my campaign to do everything in my power to make sure that there actually is a biden harris administration. Were winning right now and were winning big, but if the last few months have taught us anything, its how much can change in a few months. This is a time for being laser focused on making sure november goes well. Two questions and ill do whatever i can to support a biden harris administration. Whether that involves return to Public Service or whether thats from the outside. A couple of questions that gets to the news and the first has to do with the election and the idea that you say youre way ahead. The post office. A lot of people are concerned about the Postal Service and changes that were made that slowed down mail delivery. Yesterday, the postmaster general announced he is suspending those changes. Although frankly, we dont know if theyre being reversed, because they wont tell us, which is troubling or revealing in and of itself, but what do you make of that announcement . It sounds like a step in the right direction, but as so often happens in this administration, the closest thing we get to good news is when they undo some damage that they shouldnt have done in the first place. And we need more details. What about these machines that were removed and in some cases reportedly destroyed. And are they going to do everything it takes to make sure that the Postal Service can serve us well in a pandemic going into an election. This is so important. And by the way, this is so basic. When were sizing up how developing countries are doing around the world or as we look through history at how the United States advanced, things like your ability to dlir mail, your ability to handle disease, these are the basics. And we are falling down on the basics under President Trump. Its one of the reasons why you dont have to be a diehard democrat to know that we need a change. Notre dame has just suspended inperson classes for at least two weeks. What do you make of that decision . What does it tell you . It tells me the university is putting safety first. You know, father john, the universitys president , has been really committed to trying to make inperson instruction safely possible. But you cant do it if it isnt safe. Im really looking forward to engaging with students and colleagues at the university and of course, the exchange of ideas, thats always better when you can do it in an inperson setting. But if that cant be done safely. If the number of cases just makes it impossible, then that has to come first. Ive got to go, but i want to ask you one last question, quickly. Voter fraud, very limited around the country, almost infinitesimal, fraud and mail voting also very small, yet the president continues to say that if he loses, it will prove that the election is rigged. Why do you think hes saying that . Because hes losing. But usually when you lose an election in america, you acknowledge what happened and you move on. As a matter of fact, thats a very important part of the process. So for the president to suggest that by the way, the president whos trailing and who is remarkably unpopular in this country, to say if he loses, that must mean the election didnt count, thats deeply disturbing and very dangerous. Its not just dangerous for america, its dangerous for democracy itself. Remember, america is the most consequential democracy in the last 2,000 years on this planet. If americas leader is not committed to a democratic process, that undermines democracy around the world. Former south bend mayor pete buttigieg, thanks for coming on. A pleasure to see you again. Thanks so much. Great to be with you, thanks. A former Top Trump Administration official revealing shocking new details about his time in the white house and how he says the administration is going after him publicly now for endorsing joe biden. Hike Simon Pagenaud takes the lead at the indy 500 coming to the green flag, racing at daytona. Theyre off. In the kentucky derby. Rory mcllroy is a two time champion at east lake. He scores stanley cup champions touchdown only mahomes. The big events are back and xfinity is your home for the return of live sports. Authorities in new zealand increasing testing and extending virus restrictions as that country scrambles to contain a new outbreak. Although we should note, it is exponentially smaller than whats happening here in the United States. Cnn has reporters around the world covering all the latest developments. Im will ripley in hong kong. New zealand is deploying hundreds of army troops to guard Isolation Hotels where patients with covid19 are being kept in isolation, along with their family members and close contacts. This as the nation continues to test tens of thousands of people per day. On wednesday, they only identified six new cases. That is the lowest number this week, a sign that the social distancing measures, including a lockdown of new zealands largest city auckland seem to be working. Im matt rivers in new mexico city. At a World Health Organization meeting, officials once again highlighted how dire the situation is right now in the americas, this region that makes up north, central, and south america only accounts for about 13 of the worlds population, but 64 of all the officially recorded deaths due to this virus have come from this part of the world. Meanwhile, some good news here in mexico, as Officials Say that newly confirmed cases each day are going down. This, though, as newly confirmed deaths each day remain the highest among any country of the world. Im melissa bell in paris. Here in europe, governments announcing day after day, fresh measures to try to bring those alarming coronavirus figures under control. The most impacted countries by that recent surge in the number of new cases, france, spain, greece, croatia. All of those countries that europeans have been heading to for their summer break. The question now is, what happens when people come back to work. Cities like paris hit hard by new coronavirus rises, with the government announcing now that people are going to have to wear masks inside their open plan offices. That delicate balance between the infringement on Civil Liberties and the need to bring this outbreak under control, clearly not for the time being resolved here. Our thanks to all of our correspondents. And we want to remember now some of the nearly 172,000 americans lost to coronavirus. Christina reyna taught Elementary School in corpus christi, texas, for 24 years. Her sister tells cnn affiliate that she planned to retire at the end of this school year. She leaves behind a husband and two teenaged children. A new jersey couple were married for 62 years and died hours apart, just two days after losing their son to coronavirus. 85yearold larry freda served in the army, had a 24year career at a brewery, and then worked as a high school custodian. His wife, vicky, was executive secretary to the mayor of fairfield, new jersey. Their 51yearold son was an optician, who loved writing, drawing, and superhero movies. The new jersey governor says the three deaths so close together represented a kind of tragic poetry. Well be right back. Im a talking dog. The other issue. Oh. Im scratching like crazy. Youve got some allergic itch with skin inflammation. 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Did you know Liberty Mutual customizes your Car Insurance tada so you only pay for what you need . Given my unique lifestyle, thatd be perfect let me grab a pen and some paper. Know what . Im gonna switch now. Just need my desk. My chair. And my phone. Only pay for what you need. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. A former senior Trump Administration official says he saw first hand how dangerous President Trump is for america. Miles taylor was chief of staff for the department of Homeland Security. He said the white house is now coming after him. I just got word within the past hour that a white house liaison employee at the department has been directed to go around and dig up dirt on me. Now, look, im fine with that. I can handle it. But heres the point. The administration within hours of me speaking out about this is already using taxpayer dollars for political purposes at the department. That just goes to show you that they cant break out of this cycle. So taylor recalled one of what he says were many disturbing incidents that he witnessed inside the white house. I distinctly remember an incident at the southwest border. What happens is Border Patrol has to do crowd control measures to protect officers on the line, so limited tear gas was used to make sure that facility wasnt charged. When donald trump saw that on tv, he actually thought what we were doing was starting to gas migrants as a tactic. In fact, he immediately called the secretary of Homeland Security to say, this is great, i love what youre doing, keep it going. He thought gassing was a policy when really it was a safety measure and that one moment for officers. Can we just pause there for a second . He wanted to gas the migrants as a policy. He said this is great. He thought it was a policy. He thought it was a policy and he thought it was great. Okay, theres more. Miles taylor also tells the story of trying to brief President Trump on the disaster plan as Hurricane Florence threatened the u. S. In 2018. At first i thought the president was very focused, i thought he was paying attention to the briefing. He was studying the phone board that had the picture of the storm track and then he turned to me and he said, you know, i have a question. Yes, mr. President. He said, do the do the hurricanes always spin this direction . He spent counterclockwise. Thats called the coriolis effect. The same thing that causes the toilets to go in the other direction in australia. But americans were in the path of a deadly hurricane, he needed to get out there and tell them to evacuate and he was just marvelled at the way that hurricanes spin in a way that a third grader might learning about earth science. I mean, theres more. Joining us now is former White House Communications director anthony scaramucci. Anthony, great to see you. Did you know miles taylor . I didnt know miles, no. But i respect him. Hes obviously a patriot and hes speaking out and he knows the risks of speaking out, alisyn. He knows that theyll stop at nothing, they have this ruthless Opposition Research machine and they try to tear up your life, see if can they tabloid you and find bad things about you. I dont know. I mean, this is not the america that i think any of us want to live in and then they do the what aboutism, theyre trying to show the cities in distress. Theyre in distress because of the Trump Administration. Theyre in distress because were lying about the science. And we wreck the economy because we couldnt listen to epidemiology. I applaud him but there are great risks to him. Lets start at the end of what he said there, where he likened the president to a child saying he was mesmerized by the spinning of the hurricane and wanted to know if it was the same as toilets spinning and flushing. As they hoped that he was preparing for a disaster plan to save american lives. I mean, look, its remarkable. Its jaw dropping. Did you see qualities like that in your time . Well, on the campaign, when issues came up he always pushed people back like if you were going to talk to him about the treati treaties, his eyes would glaze over and he didnt want to look ignorant to the other people. So he had a penchant for not wanting to listen to people, you know . I was in the white house, im not going to mention who, but it was a senior cabinet person. I walked out of the oval office, i said dont lecture him because the minute you start lecturing him hell start to get upset because he has an intellectual insecurity about what he knows, what he doesnt know. Its not just from miles or from me or the book anonymous or others. If you just look at the stark contrast of the people who have worked for him, theyre not running around around getting on a soap box and talk about him. The crisis came, it ruined the economy, and it killed over 170,000 people. Well have 200,000 people dead before november. What do you want to do . Do you want to fix it . Do you want to denounce him, do you want to tell the truth to the American People . Or are you going to sit there as willing acolytes and willing sycophants that will have to answer to the American People when this is over. What do you guys want to do . Have the courage of somebody like miles taylor and speak up. I didnt mean to interrupt. All i was going to say, by november we could be well over 200,000 americans. At this point well be there in early september. More than 1,000 americans a day are dying. It was notable to me this came out during the Democratic National convention believe me, john, i didnt mean to understate it. No, no. Obviously its a big deal. Republicans are comes out and endorsing joe biden. Miles taylor is one. We have seen others actually speak at the convention. Anthony, you did this a long time at this point in political terms. Probably less than a year, but it feels like a hundred years ago. You also consistently say more are coming. Yeah. What are we going to see . What are we going to see . People who are inside the administration. I think that well, i think that the bigger names dont want to drop until after labor day. I think that theyre waiting because they want to have news impact. You are pointing out on this show, a year ago, i said, you know, somethings wrong here. I will point out he was at the highest approval in popularity numbers. Look at what happened over the last year. I came on the show, i looked at the two of you, look, something is wrong with this guy. Like trump noble, he is melting down like a nuclear reactor. The republicans will have a choice to cover it up or clean it up. I thought they were going to clean it up. I thought they were responsible, patriotic americans that took an oath to the constitutional. They were going to clean it up but they went for the coverup, john. You know, so this is where we are now. They all know quietly how much worse it would be in another Trump Administration, but you have to ask what are you guys doing . Is it personal power, it is fear . Are you afraid of the twitter account . You dont want the Opposition Research on you and your family . Why not tell the American People the truth of whats going on and the rank incompetence so we can heal the Republican Party and work on rebuilding america. Anthony, when you ask them that, if youre still in touch with the people in the white house, what do they say . Well, i have you know, im im not in touch with anybody at the white house at this point. I do have friends there, but its better for us to do is not talk about this. People are fearful, they dont want to be treating at, they dont want the Opposition Research. You know, they care about their families. You know, this is a brutal business. You know its a brutal business. I got an 11 day ph. D. In all of that nonsense that they do in washington. I know how tough it is on people. And listen, i take the heat. You know, the president tweets about me. Big deal. I mean, get over it. Hes a bully. Big deal. You have to learn particularly in america, the bully is not supposed to win. Hes destroyed the country. Hes destroyed the economy. Hes lying about the science, okay . Hes intellectual vacuous. You cant go to him for a decision or to handle a crisis. He has no managerial skills so now you have the entire executive branch like a billiard game, the balls are flying everywhere. Nobody knows how to be coordinated and everybody is afraid of him. Theyre afraid theyll be the next guy, man or woman on the chopping block getting tweeted at. Thats how were running the executive branch of one of the most successful countries that ever existed. Come on, this is ridiculous. As you have pointed out, as has john, you have been telling us this for a year now, as you said, closer to election day many more people will come out. I believe it will happen. You will have the anonymous anonymous will come out too now, alisyn. Really . Who is that, anthony . Well, you have to wait and see. I honestly dont know. But i do believe by mid september early october, you will be hearing from the person that wrote that book and its going into paperback shortly. Knows an awful lot for not knowing. A man who knows how to tease. Thank you very much, anthony. Thank you. New day continues right now. This is new day with Alisyn Camerota and john berman. Good morning. Welcome to our viewers in the United States and from around the world. This is new day. Joe biden officially received the Democratic Party nomination for president. And the process itself made history. You can see them celebrating there with the family. This is decidedly low tech, but this is hightech. The roll call from 50 states and seven territories, you saw each location. It was really

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