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President s page because it was spreading dangerous misinformation about coronavirus. Joining us now, dr. Anthony fauci, director of the National Institute of allergy and infectious diseases. Dr. Fauci, thanks so much for getting up this morning and being with us. Its always a pleasure to speak with you. Great to have you back on new day. We reported this new warning from dr. Deborah birx, about nine cities and the Central Valley of california. What do you see there that is raising concern . Yes, what dr. Birx was talking about is that when you look at the number of percentage of the tests that you do are positive, its referred to as percent positive, its a clear indication that you are getting an uptick in cases, which inevitably, as weve seen in the other than states, leads to surges and then you get hospitalizations and then you get deaths. So its a pretty good predictor, usually before people become aware of it, its that indicator that maybe a fraction or two or a single percentage point creeps up in the percent positive of your test and weve seen that in the Southern States as predictors. So what dr. Birx is saying is now is the time to accelerate the fundamental preventative measures that we all talk about, masks, social distancing, avoiding crowds, outdoors greater than indoors, washing hands, et cetera. Those kind of simple things can actually prevent that uptick from becoming a surge. So she was warning the states and the cities to be careful, because this is a predictor of trouble ahead. A predictor of trouble ahead. You have said that if we dont all band together and work and collectively do the things we need to do, then the virus, you just told sanjay yesterday, will smolder and smolder and smolder. What do you mean by that . Well, for example, if you look at the cities and states that are doing things right, if you have a segment of society, and what weve seen of late, that particularly young people, who understand blably and innocently feel they are really vulnerable to this. They can get infected and they look at the statistics and the statistics say, the chances of your getting seriously ill compared to an elderly or someone who has an underlying condition is very low. So you would almost see a natural situation of thinking incorrectly, well, im in a vacuum, so if i get infected, the chances are im not going to have any problem. Thats not the case. Because by getting infected, you are propagating the outbreak. And even though it may not impact you in a negative way, the chances are youre going to infect someone who will infect someone who then has an underlying condition or is elderly and can really get into trouble. So you may be thinking that youre not having a negative impact. So by saying smoldering, i mean, unless everybody pulls together and gets the level way down of a base line, well continue to see these kind of increases that dr. Birx was talking about in several of those cities. Thats what i mean by smoldering. Youve got to get that base line down. And everybody on this group, everybody on the team of american citizens need to pull together. Because were all in this together. Lets talk about that baseline. I think thats really interesting. I know you cant see the chart that im about to put up on the screen, but you know it by heart and ill describe it to you. This is the daily deaths in the United States compared to europe, compared to south korea, compared to germany and what we will see when weapon put this up is that in these other countries and regions, the number of daily deaths went all the way down, approaching zero. Very, very minimal. The United States, we stalled and started creeping back up again. Youre talking about that base line. Why . Why did that happen . There are a number of reasons theres a number of reasons and its complicated. So we didnt do things in a uniform way. Where when we shut down, when you shut down, if you look at the visits to grocery stores, the visits to parks, the visits to wherever indicating that people are not as shut down as we think they are. Theres no doubt, the data shows, you see europe, italy, goes down. You see we do this. We had a situation where we never really put out those kinds of surges. We went way up, and when things got bad, people saw there were problems there, so they started to act better. But they went down to a 20,000 person per day and it lingered at 20,000. 20,000. And then when we started to open up the economy, which was the right thing to do, the way we did it was really not uniform. There was some states that did it prematurely. And there were some that tried to do it right, but the people in the state didnt Pay Attention. So what you saw as we began to open in the states that we know so well, florida, texas, arizona, california, it started to creep up. 40,000, 50,000, 60,000, even 70,000. So when you have a high baseline to start with and you open up in a way that isnt prudent in the sense of being carefully doing the guidelines, youll see them go up. Thats exactly what happened. So some people are celebrating. Look, whats happening in arizona and potentially in florida and texas is promising, but nationally speaking, were down from 70,000 cases a day to 50. You say even 20,000 isnt enough nationally. What is the number of cases a day where you can start to maybe think about doing more things . Well, you know, i think, john, you can start thinking about doing more things now, as long as, as you do them and thats the appoint thpoint that misunderstanding, john, where some people think, you either need to shut down completely or some people think, let it rip. Do anything you want. No, you can proceed to open up the country and get the economy back even when you have situations that we have now, as long as everybody does the five or six fundamental things they mentioned. So weve got to get away from that all or none phenomenon is not. We can carefully proceed. We saw in arizona, which was a good example, they went up and they started to really clamp down and do things right. And the cases came right down. We can do that throughout those areas that are surging. So we will be able to get that baseline down to a level of a thousand or two rather than 20,000. I want to ask and i dont want want you to weigh in on issues surrounding the election, but i want to talk about the timing of the election, which is the first week of november. Where do you see the pandemic and the level of cases in the country by then . John, its up to us. And i believe in the data we see in the United States and other states and counties that have done it correctly, that if we Pay Attention to the fundamental tenants of Infection Control and diminution of transmission, we could be way down in november. It is entirely conceivable. It isnt inevitable that we need to be way up there as we get towards election. And i feel that very strongly, if we do things correctly and we start right now to do that. Everyone, all states, cities, have to pull together for that. A couple of very quick questions, if i can. Number one, people always ask me, what is the science on being reinfected . What are you seeing now in terms of people who have had coronavirus, potentially being reinfected. What do we know for sure . Well, we dont know for sure at all that that occurs, john. Theres some anecdotal, individual outliers that say that individuals were infected. They cleared the virus and then they had a syndrome or maybe even had lingering virus. We dont know yet whether that occurs. And thats something that were looking at right now in multiple studies, including one were doing at the, in ih, to see if that occurs. In terms of science and studies, this does raise another question, and i dont want to relitigate hydroxychloroquine. But we had dr. Harvey rich from yale on monday and he suggested what you have been saying, saying that randomcontrolled trials, placebocontrolled trials, you say theyre the Gold Standards. He says, thats not so. We shouldnt be so reliant on them when determining the efficacy of hydroxychloroquine. Why do you feel so strongly about those trials . Well, because it is the Gold Standard. You have to compare your intervention with something. Because the medical literature and experience is full of situations of anecdotal red carpet specktive cohotter studies that have proven to be wrong. Agreeing with me is virtually every science that is competent in Clinical Trials that will say the randomized placebocontrolled trial is in fact the Gold Standard so i would respectfully totally disagree with him. You said something to sanjay yesterday, which was concerning to me, concerning to a lot of americans, which is that you and your family have been receiving threats. Death threats, even. Why do you think that is . You know, theres so much divisiveness right now in this country, john. I cant explain it, except to say the kinds of things that you see in society. We have a lot of outlier people that do things that are almost inexorable. They push back against science in a way that get translated into threats to me, my daughter, my wife, it makes you shake your head and wonder about some elements in society. Cant agree with that more. Alisyn camerota, my coanchor, has some important questions for you. Dr. Fauci, great to see you again. Alisyn here. Hi, al sn. Hi. I feel like john didnt get to the burning question that america has for you, and did you hear that brad was nominated for an emmy for playing you . Yes, i did. What a surreal world were living in, alisyn. I mean, i hope he wins hes great actor. Hes one of my favorite actors, so i really do hope he wins. Have you spoken to him since he played you . You know, i have not. I would love to meet him, because ive been such a great admirer of him and his talent, but i have not spoken to him. I feel like we can make that happen, dr. Fauci. I feel like we, you know, you and i have the power to have you meet brad, because i sort of feel like anything you and i suggest, he does. Well, well see. Well speep thanee. Thanks, alisyn. Im not done with you. Would you like to go up on stage when he wins. Would you like there to accept the emmy award . The only reason i have hesitancy about that is that were in the middle of an outbreak, a bad pandemic and i think that if that association with kind of showbiz thing might be interpreted that im not serious about what im doing. So i would rather focus on my job and really wish him well that he wins. I was afraid there was going to be a point that i pushed you too far, and i feel like that we have just gotten up to that point. But we really appreciate how playful you have been on the lighter note with all of that. And it was just great. It was just a great moment to watch, you know, that obviously brad pitt is a fan of yours and all of your information, as well. Yeah, thanks. Thanks, alisyn, appreciate it. Not handsome enough, brad pitt. Thats the one inaccurate point there. Brad pitt not quite goodlooking enough. Thanks for being with us, dr. Fauci. Thanks, john. You just heard from dr. Anthony fauci there, talk about the coronavirus, talk about the pandemic. So whats the situation Going Forward with this virus that dr. Fauci says may never go completely away . Dr. Sanjay gupta joins us next. Come on in, were open. All we do is hand you the bag. Simple. Done. We adapt and we change. You know, you just figure it out. Weve just been finding a way to keep on pushing. Sir. Youre talking about a first [runnigeneration americanren] from the streets of the Imperial Valley who rose to beat the odds. She worked nights and weekends till she earned herself a masters degree. She was running in a marathon when a man behind her collapsed from cardiac arrest. And using her experience saved this mans life. So why do i think there should be more people like carmen bravo in this world . Because that man. Was me. Did you know Liberty Mutual customizes your Car Insurance tada so you only pay for what you need . Given my unique lifestyle, thatd be perfect let me grab a pen and some paper. Know what . Im gonna switch now. Just need my desk. My chair. And my phone. Only pay for what you need. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. But what if you could startdo better than that . Like adapt. Discover. Deliver. In new ways. To new customers. What if you could come back stronger . Faster. Better. At comcast business, we want to help you not just bounce back. But bounce forward. And now, were committed to helping you do just that with a powerful and reliable internet and voice solution at a great price. Call or go online today. Dr. Anthony fauci telling us moments ago what he thinks is necessary to get the coronavirus pandemic under control. Unless everybody pulls together and gets the level way down of a base line, were going to continue to see these kind of increases that dr. Birx was talking about in several of those cities. Thats what i mean by smoldering. Youve got to get that base line down. And everybody on this group, everybody on the team of american citizens need to pull together. Lets talk more about that. Because were all in this together. Okay, lets bring in dr. Sanjay gupta, cnn chief medical correspondent. Sanjay, good to see you. We know you also had a long chat with dr. Fauci yesterday. So what is our takeaway this morning . I think the point that hes been making for some time is that weve never been able to get this really under control. Even when some of these measures were put in, in march, they were they ended up being sort of halfmeasures. States did not fully shut down. We people were not compliant ultimately, fully about masks, some places better than others. There have been some bright spots, obviously, where you live in new york has been a bright spot. But thats not what the rest of the country looks like. I was talking to some sources late last night. If you look at the country overall, still about half the country Wearing Masks. Thats an example. About half the country Wearing Masks, despite the fact that so in so many cities across america, the numbers continue to go up. Youre getting some significant travel again. People really becoming possibly without Wearing Masks. The concern is that the virus will continue to spread. I think the question that you asked him about, so, we came down to a roughly 20,000 you know, that was the lowest that we came down to. 17,000 was the lowest, but it plateaued around 20,000 new infections daily. So what is the right number . We are in mitigation phase. Were trying to slow things down in this country. What weve always been striving for is containment. And you feel like you truly get your arms around this virus in this country, what number does that mean. Its roughly 1 in a million to 1 in 100,000 new cases a day. That between 2350 to 3,000 new cases a day. Im sure so glad you put a number on it. 20,000, he said, was not enough. You need to be down below 3,500 cases a day nationally. And that doesnt seem anywhere close, i have to say, at this poi point. No, it doesnt, but it is totally achievable, too. Thats the thing, when we look at whats happening in other countries, they were able to get to that containment sort of mode and do it fairly quickly. Within weeks, not within several months. So the idea, you know, the five things that dr. Fauci has been talking about. The people have been talking about since the beginning, wearing a mask, physically distancing, avoiding crowded indoor spaces, avoiding large crowds and washing your hands often. Thats it. Thats not adding in a level of therapeutics or vaccines into that. It is adding into a level of testing. Being able to quickly identify new infections. But if you have all of that, within a few weeks, you can bring the numbers down to that containment level. Dr. Fauci was saying that he doesnt think that it will be impossible to eradicate coronavirus. It wont just magically disappear. But we talked to dr. Peter hotez earlier this morning and he said they are working on a universal coronavirus vaccine, which was just interesting to hear. Not just chasing a covid19, and then, you know, sars, mers. So that would eradicate it, wouldnt it . Yeah, you know, ive got to tell you, the Science Behind this stuff is fascinating and the problem with this particular virus is its so contagious. Thats what makes it hard to eradicate. You know, sars and mers going back to 2003, essentially did wirth away wither away in this world because it wasnt nearly as contagious, although sars was very, very deadly. Ultimately in the world, 8,000 people roughly were infected and 800 people died. Not that many infects, but a 10 fatality rate. Thats really high. The universal vaccines, theyve been talking about it for flu for some time and now with coronavirus, is this idea that these viruses do share enough in common that you could create a vaccine that would make neutralizing antibodies to the most stable component of these viruses. And were going to need this. As much as were in the middle of this right now, there will be other coronavirus or other type pandemics. So to be able to have a universal vaccine of some sort would be amazing. Youve got to invest in it. And we tend to, you know, as soon as this goes away, we say, weve got to spend the money on other things. Weve got to invest in this when were not in the middle of it. So i didnt get a chance to ask dr. Faucis about the president s claim that children are immune to coronavirus. And part of the reason i didnt ask this is we dont need dr. Fauci to answer this. Theres an answer we all know, kids are not immune. In fact, facebook and twitter suspended or took down those posts from the president yesterday, sanjay. So in terms well, just address that, if you would. There are two things i want to say. First of all, im living here in georgia and were covering the story every day with you guys and living it very personally, talking to friends, family, all over the place here in georgia. There were 260 kid at a summer camp that my kids would have typically gone to in any other year that were infected with this virus. One Camp Counselor felt sick two days after camp started, he went home, subsequently tested positive. They started testing kids and 260 out of 600 kids were infected with this virus, so kids are definitely not immune. I think the president is not using the word immune correctly or doesnt know what means. Kids wican definitely get infecd with this virus. So since the beginning, for kids, you have had close to 350,000 kids, people under the age of 18 that have been infected with this virus. It is true that theyre less likely to die, but this is not a binary story. We cant keep just talking about whether you lived or die, people who become infected and recover can often have longerterm ramifications and that includes kids. The bottom line is, you dont want this virus. You dont want to say, lets just get herd immunity, kids, fine, lets power through it. That is not the strategy. Maybe people thought that in the beginning and there was some merit to say, hey, kids are inoculated in some way from this. That is not the case and we know that definitively now. Sanjay, thank you, as always, for all of the information. And be sure to join sanjay and Anderson Cooper for a new coronavirus town hall that is tonight, 8 00 p. M. Eastern, right here on cnn. Progressive democrats score some key primary victory this week. What does that mean for the moderate at the top of the ticket, joe biden and his Vice President ial pick . We discuss that, next. How about no no uh uh, no way come on, no no nnnnono only discover has no annual fee on any card. The coronavirus is wrecking stif the senate doesnt act, it will mean painful cuts to essential Public Services across america. Fewer teachers and nurses, longer response times, dirtier streets. But some say our states should just go bankrupt. Text fund to 237263 to Tell Congress to fund our essential Public Services. Afscme is responsible for the content of this ad. Apps except work. Rywhere. Why is that . Is it because people love filling out forms . Maybe they like checking with their supervisor to see how much Vacation Time they have. Or sending corporate their expense reports. Ill let you in on a little secret. They dont. By empowering employees to manage their own tasks, paycom frees you to focus on the business of business. To learn more, visit paycom. Com just 89 days until election day. The progressive wing of the Democratic Party scored a couple of notable primary wins this week. Heres what missouri congressional candidate cori bush told john yesterday about supporting the more moderate joe biden at the top of the ticket. I mean, we have to have we cant continue with donald trump. We cannot live under a trump administration. So we can disagree on an issue, but that wont stop me from fighting for to have a democrat in that seat. Okay, joining us now is paul begala, cnn political commentator, democratic strategist, and author of the new book youre fired the guide to beating donald trump. Also joining us, abdul al sayyed, a cnn political commentator. Great to see both of you. So paul, well get to your book in a second. But first of all, lets talk about these wins for the progressive candidates in missouri with cori bush, michigan with rashida tlaib. So what do you take from that about the direction of the Democratic Party and does it inform who joe biden should pick to be his Vice President ial choice well, first, great to see you again. Thanks for having me back. I missed you. I had two projects during the break, a corona beard and a corona book. You know where the partys going . Its going up. A plane need a right wing and a left wing, thats how it gets lift and loft. And i watched mr. Bermans interview with miss bush. She was terrific. She comes from the she was a spokesperson for bernie. She campaigned for bernie. My guess is joe biden was her third, fourth, fifth pick. And shes saying, literally, i wrote it down, we cannot live under a trump administration. Througher words never spoken. Ill leave that to the doc, but a lot of people are dying before their time because donald trump is president. This is an existential threat for the party if not for democrats. The left is working their hearts out for a very moderate president ial nominee. And from the moderate wing, i appreciate that. Who do you think that does that mean that joe biden should pick a more progressive. Person among the array of choices . No, i dont think people think that way. God willing, if nothing bad happens to joe can be a good governing partner. Joes had that job as a Vice President. I dont think anybody should look at this at a strictly ideological basis. We dont live our lives that way. How about somebody who wont screw up a pandemic . How about somebody who wont meet by with a doctor who thinks that infections are caused by demon sex. I will note, you just wrote a whole book talking about the fact that demon sex may not be the road you want to go down when campaigning against the president. Well talk about that in a second. Doctor, to you, as the resident progressive on this panel, it was interesting to me that cori bush was so quick to say, im behind biden, no matter what her disagreements are. She was quicker to say that than someone in her position would have been in 2016 with hillary clinton. We didnt see that level of immediacy there. But my question to you is, what do you need from joe biden prior to election day in order to maintain your strong support . There are a couple of things there. First of all, youre right, cori bush is an incredible candidate and will make an incredible congresswoman. And all of us recognize the existential threat to our democracy that donald trump is and poses. What we need to see, though, is the recognition that getting joe biden elected isnt the ceiling, its the floor. And there is so much more that we need to do. I was privileged to take part in the Unity Task Force on health care with Vice President biden and senator sanders. And we knew our key issue was going to be hard to get. But we were able to poll them on improving and making that public option that joe biden ran on far more robust. But weve got to keep going. Weve got a pandemic raging. People are dying. 150,000 plus people have died of this pandemic. We dont know if our kids will be able to go back to school safely. Weve got to recognize that just beat can go donald trump and taking us back to where we were, thats not enough. Weve got to continue to focus on a vision about how we uplift, rebuild, and reignite our country and get past some of these divisions that donald trump has pushed. We know weve got to beat donald trump and go so much further, as well. You speak to that in your new book, paul. Ill read a portion about it about one of the things youre very worried about. You say, i am terribly worried that some democrats will swing from sense to nonsense, trying to answer trumps division with our division, his vulgarity with our vulgarity, his hate with our hate, his lies with our lies. Therein lies the path to defeat. If we try to outtrump trump, we will not only lose the election, we will deserve to. Are you seeing that happen . No. No. Theyre heeding my warning. Look at what abdul just said and miss bush said yesterday to berman. It is human nature to want to respond in kind. Thats why ive been worried about it. But if you look at what the progre progressives are saying, the moderates, the libertarians, the vegetarians, theyre all united. I never want to answer in kind. I really dont and i live by john mccains own mantra that a fight not joined is a fight not enjoyed. But in in case, we need to keep our eyes on the prize and democrats are doing a terrific job of doing that. And this book, by the waand way, subtle Product Placement behind you, you talk about democrats not falling into the trump trap, which you admitted you did in 2016, which was to attack then candidate Donald Trumps character. And sayyed, its interesting to me, you say for you, its hard to look beyond some of these traits, because its personal for you, doctor. So are you willing paul says it doesnt make any sense for us to sit here and call the president a racist, wbecause it doesnt necessarily win votes. What the president is is one thing and how we take on the president is another. Im muslim american, i pray a particular way. One of the first things that President Trump tried to do was bar people who pray the way i pray from coming into this country. Im raising a little girl thats america and i dont want her to know that the person who was president when she was born will have any way in shaping the way she thinks about whether or not sho she belongs in country. Do i think calling him a racist is going to win votes . I dont think so. I think that we need to be able to reach out into hearts of people who were duped by this man, who told them that he alone could fix it. And ask what is it that we really need to do now . Why are you hurting . And what do we do about it. Thats whats going to win us voice and the future of this country. Paul, i want to read one more portion of your book, because it seems like your creskin this one. My dad grew up i actually do know well, that explains this passage in that case. You say, i would not put it past trump to try to cancel elections themselves. I know that sounds alarmist, but you should be alarmed. Trump has clearly and repeatedly stated his entire to be president for life. Hes not joking, folks. He doesnt joke. So i dont know what date you wrote that, but now President Trump is talking about whether or not the election date can be moved. Its a burden, this gift of prophesy i have. I joke about it, but this is real. Abdul is exactly right, hes an existential threat to our democracy. We have never in all of american history, a quarter of a millennium, had an incumbent president , where reasonable people had right to worry whether he would turn over power if he lost. We should be worried about that. What does that mean as a strategist . That means that democrats have to win by so much that he cant steal it. Its not fair to joe biden. You know, usually in american president ial elections, you get to 270 electoral voice and its game over. It doesnt matter how far across the goal line you get. This time it does. This is why joe biden, and i know hes watching, youve got to compete, obviously in michigan in abduls home state. Thats the key swing state. And in wisconsin and pennsylvania and in florida, but in north carolina, in georgia, in arizona, in my beloved texas. I want biden to win places where they used to hunt us down with dogs, okay . Thats the kind of win democrats have to have. This guy is an autocrat wannabe. Weve got to fire him. I mean it. On that note, paul begala, dr. Abdul el sayyed, thank you both. Great to see both of you. Russia claims to be way ahead of the rest of the world in Virus Testing and developing a vaccine. Well take a look at those claims, next. [ ] every time you touch a surface, bacteria is left behind. Now, consider how many times your family touches the surfaces in your home in 24 hours. Try new microban 24. Spray on hard surfaces to kill 99. 9 of viruses and bacteria initially. Once dry, it forms a bacteria shield that keeps killing bacteria for 24 hours, even after multiple touches. Try new microban 24. Available in multipurpose, sanitizing, and bathroom sprays. This has been medifacts for microban 24. But what if you could startdo better than that . Like adapt. Discover. Deliver. In new ways. To new customers. What if you could come back stronger . Faster. Better. At comcast business, we want to help you not just bounce back. But bounce forward. And now, were committed to helping you do just that with a powerful and reliable internet and voice solution at a great price. Call or go online today. Russia claims to be at the forefront of fighting coronavirus with new Rapid Testing technology and what could be the worlds first vaccine. But there are skeptics. Matthew chance is live from moscow with us for the latest developments. What did you learn . Reporter yeah, alisyn, thanks very much. Youre right. Theres a lot of skepticism around this. But if you listen to russian officials, as many people in this country, of course, exclusively do, you get the impression that russia is, you know, on the leading edge. Its beating every other country by a mile in terms of beating this global pandemic. First, theres the vaccine which says, by the way, its going to be approving for the first time early next week. Now its got the super fast, super accurate tests in airports, something that other countries have struggled with. This is the new front line in russias war on covid19. We gained exclusive access to the Rapid Testing being introduced at russias airports. Soon, every passenger could be screened like this. In what russia says is another example of its scientific edge. This is the leading edge of everything in the diagnostics. Its called appoint of capoint m so it can be used everywhere. Here, it takes once hour. Chance mitchell. For those behind this new technology in moscow say that the tests can be used in global airports around the world, including in the United States, a way of resuming flights, they say, while protecting the safety of passengers. Open up. Of course, what that means in the future in the future, every journey ow could start or end like this. Russia has been casting itself at the forefront of efforts to tackle the global coronavirus pandemic, as well as mass testing. Its poised to approve what it says will be the worlds first covid19 vaccine, developed at breakneck speed at this Moscow Research lab. But claims of russias world beating medical advances ring hollow to critics like anastasia, a russian doctor turned prominent opposition campaigner who now broadcasts her concerns on a Popular Online show, which seems more like propaganda, she told me, than progress. They just want to say, but this vaccine is not safe, not effective, because they didnt do the necessary investigations with this vaccine. Why did they need to be the first . I think russia is a big and strong country and putin is a big, great president. He just want to be the best president , maybe, in the world. Right. Hi. The moment of reckoning. There are concerns about the accuracy of russian testing, too. Officials admit early cases could simply slip through. Negative. Youre sure . Relief from russia could prove premature. It could, indeed. As i say, were waiting for that vaccine to be getting approval in russia for the first time early next book. Will it be a game changer . Its hard to say, john, because the russians have not released any of the data that you have to release to verify a vaccine like this actually works. Its to so unusual, so counter to the scientific process, matthew chance. And you were going above and beyond to report this story. Thank you for doing that and undergoing the story. I was hoping i was going to look braver than i actually did. I think you held up relatively well under the pressure. Relatively bem. Germany and latin america both crossing grim new thresholds. Cnn has reporters all around the world bringing you the latest developments. Im matt rivers in mexico city. For the First Time Since this pandemic began, the 33 countries making up latin america and the caribbean are collectively reporting more 5 million cases of this virus. The worst affected among them is brazil which is getting closer to 3 million cases on its own, but weve seen accelerated case numbers in places like argentina, peru, colombia, and mexico. The region hit 3 million cases, and then 4 million cases, and 13 days after that it reached that 5 million number and the cases arent slowing down the way Health Experts had hoped. Im Paula Hancocks in taipei. U. S. Health secretary alex azar will be heldheading here to taiwan within the coming days and he will be the highest level u. S. Official to do so in four decades. Now, the premise of this visit is about coronavirus and taiwans remarkable dealing with the pandemic of a population of 23 million people, they have just 476 confirmed cases, but theres a second element to this visit. As Washington Well knows, this is going to end with china. Beijing has already responded, saying they have launched stern representations to the United States and that the u. S. And taiwan should not be having these official interactions. Im angus watson in australia, where all nonessential surgeries have been canceled in the state of victoria, now suffering a stubborn second wave of covid19. Over a thousand Health Care Workers have tested positive to the virus and hundreds of aged care residents have been moved into hospitals for their own safety. The streets of melbourne are quiet, as all nonessential businesses have been shuttered in a lockdown set to cost the economy billions. Im Fred Pleitgen in berlin, where the German Government says its extremely concerned about another spike in new coronavirus infections. Germany for the first time in more than three months saw more than a thousand infections in a single day. Now, the German Government is urging people to more strictly adhere to the measures of physical distancing and hygiene, such as Wearing Masks while indoors, but this whole situation is also happening as germany is slowly reopening its schools. In fact, today, the state of hamburg is reopening its schools and kids going to school there will have to wear masks when they enter the our thanks tour correspondents there. We want to remember now some of the more than 158,000 americans lost to coronavirus. These two were best friends in high school and married for 35 years. Their son said they did everything together and they died of coronavirus 11 days apart. He says his mom passed away while saying goodbye to him. And her grandchildren on facetime. She was just 60 years old. Keith robinson was 62. 36yearold is a faria johnson was a minimum security inmate at the complex in central florida. Shes the second coleman inmate to die of coronavirus among the 300 infected. Johnsons aunt tells Spectrum News she has two small boys who the aunt will raise. She met the criteria for compassionate release, but it is unclear why she was not let out. Well be right back. Come on in, were open. All we do is hand you the bag. Simple. Done. 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Apoquel may increase the chance of developing serious infections and may cause existing parasitic skin infestations or preexisting cancers to worsen. Do not use in breeding, pregnant, or lactating dogs. Most common side effects are vomiting and diarrhea. Feeling better . Im speechless. Thanks for the apoquel. Aw. Thats what friends are for. Ask your veterinarian for apoquel next to you, apoquel is a dogs best friend. All right. Developing this morning the president confronted at the Daily Briefing with a statement from his son that runs counter to administration policy. A gold mine in alaska was given a major push forward and donald trump jr. Tweeted his opposition to it. Cnns drew griffin has been following this controversy for nearly four years now. Whats going on here, drew . John, the latest is people in alaska are just scratching their heads because after what seems like endless environmental studies and decades of debate over this mine, could it really all come down to a tweet from the president s son . Its the most pristine water shed and the largest spawning ground for wild salmon in the world. This is the jewel in the crown of americas fisheries resources in salmon. If you dont think this is worth saving what is . Reporter its on the land that drains into these waters the Pebble Limited partnership is trying to dig a massive golden copper mine, a mine that the fishing industry have been fighting for some two decades. The ceo tom collier has worked nonstop, lobbying the Donald Trump Administration to overturn obama eras strict environmental rules by claiming his mine wont pollute anything. Are you telling me youre going able to be able to put a clean mine up there that has no effect on anybodys habitat . Absolutely. Reporter trumps epa reversed the environmental protections in the area after trump met with alaskas governor. Just last week, the u. S. Army corps of engineers said that the mine would not have long term impacts on salmon and then these two bombshell tweets. Like millions of conservationists im hope that real donald trump will direct the epa to block the pebble mine in bristol bay. Donald trump jr. Retweeted the comments adding as a sportsman who has spent much time in the area i agree 100 . The head waters of bristol bay are too unique and fragile to take any chances with pebble mine. A surprising tweet from the president s son whose social media posts usually mirror the administrations agenda. Mine opponents are thrilled. He weighed in at probably the most perfect time imaginable, so very welcome, great news. Very big deal for us. Reporter pebbles spokesperson said not so fast sending cnn this statement saying both donald trump jr. And nick ayers are wrong, reiterating that pebble mine will not harm the salmon fishery and goes on to say that we do not believe that the president will interfere with this statutory process. I would certainly listen to both sides. My son has very strong opinions. Reporter when asked about the tweet, the president was noncommittal. We have done a lot for alaska. Its a special place. And ill take a look at that. John, cnns kate bennett at the white house says that don jr. Has not talked to her father about this since before the inauguration. But according to her source, it certainly is familiar to the president what his son thinks about this. To think this could come down to where the president s son likes to fish, just mind boggling for the folks up in alaska. Yeah. I dont know. Maybe it shouldnt be if they have been watching the last 3 1 2 years or so. Drew griffin, you have been on this story from the beginning. Thanks so much for being with us. Im not sure if you thought it would end like this. Dr. Fauci said its up to us to get coronavirus cases to go down. New day continues right now. Absolutely. No question in my mind it will go away. Daily death counts still rising. The numbers dont lie. The United States has suffered as much or worse than anyone. Members of congress dont sound like theyre voting on a relief bill any time soon. The speaker and the leader continue to say that Unemployment Insurance can pay people more while they dont work. This is new day with Alisyn Camerota and john berman. Good morning, everyone. Welcome to our viewers in the United States and all around the world. This is new day. Breaking news, moments ago right here on new day, dr. Anthony fauci warned that several major American Cities need to take action now or risk a potential disaster. Those cities had first been singled out by dr. Faucis colleague, dr. Birx, for these dangerous spikes in coronavirus positivity rates. These cities include baltimore, atlanta, chicago, boston, washington, d. C. , kansas city. You can see others there in the midwest as well as california. Heres dr. Fauci. Unless everybody pulls together and gets the level way down of a baseline, were going to continue to see these kind of increases that dr

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