Transcripts For CNNW New Day With Alisyn Camerota And John Berman 20200708

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viewers in the united states and all around the world. this is "new day." it is wednesday, july 8th, 6:00 here in new york. this morning, the coronavirus crisis is getting worse in the united states. cases have spiked again. more than 60,000 americans were diagnosed with coronavirus just yesterday. that's the highest number in a single dap siny since the pande began. and nearly double the amount of cases reported three months ago. the total number of cases nationwide is now very close to 3 million. in florida, at least 56 intensive care units in that state are now at full capacity. in arizona, there are less than 200 icu beds left in the entire state. despite these alarming numbers, prmp thinks the country is, quote, in a good place. the president is pressuring schools to reopen soon, but he's offered no national plan or strategy for how to do that safely. >> so "a good place." at least seven states have record numbers of hospitalizations for coronavirus. to state the obvious, that means people so sick, they have to be hospitalized. more of them in these states in red than ever before. and this doesn't include florida, by the way, which essentially hides the numbers of hospitalizations. across the country, we've seen long lines at testing sites and major delays in getting results back. a sacramento is closing five testing sites because of supply shortages. look at those lines in florida. a good place. health care workers tell us they're overwhelmed. one texas hospital is setting up a tent to handle the overflow of patients. that is the situation. let's begin our coverage with cnn's rosa flores, live in miami beach with all of this. rosa? >> reporter: john, good morning. a new reality. the united states breaking its daily case record of 60,000 cases as the country inches closer to the 3 million case mark. and this morning, 35 states are showing upward trends, as local leaders sound off the alarm of the dire situations of hospitals across the country. a record-breaking day in the united states. seeing over 60,000 new coronavirus cases tuesday. according to johns hopkins university. the highest since the start of the pandemic. >> there's nothing to stop this train. there's nothing to stop this steep acceleration in the number of cases. this is a public health crisis. this is a public health disaster. >> reporter: florida is one of the top five states reporting the most new infections on tuesday. >> we have no doubt seen a major increase in cases. the median age of our new cases was in the 50s, about a month and a half ago. now that's dropped into the 30s. people who are healthy and under 40, you know, the death rate on this thing is very close to zero. >> reporter: earlier, the nation's top infectious disease expert warned this. >> it's a false narrative to take comfort in a lower rate of death. there's so many other things that are very dangerous and bad about this virus. don't get yourself into false complacency. >> reporter: arizona is another hot spot. hospitals there becoming increasingly overwhelmed and people also facing long lines for testing, with delays in getting back results. >> we need medical professionals, we need testing kits. we need supplies immediately. our hospitals are already in dire straits and they tell us in the next two weeks, it is going to get to an unbearable level of crisis. >> reporter: it's a similar story in california, with coronavirus hospitalizations at an all-time high, and a slow turnaround time from diagnostic labs. throughout florida hospitals, 56 intensive care units have already hit capacity. and an additional 35 show a bed availability of 10% or less. still, governor ron desantis will not reveal official state numbers on how many covid-19 patients are within florida hospitals. >> so all the data that goes into this is all available. >> -- spreadsheet from that data, governor. it is not available. >> reporter: and in texas, hospitals in houston could also reach their limits. >> the next two weeks will be important, will be critical. it's not just about providing beds, but the staffing that goes right along with it. >> reporter: texas has reported over 10,000 new cases tuesday. its highest single-day count so far. governor greg abbott asking residents to follow the statewide mandatory mask requirement. >> the last thing that we want to do is to shut texas back down. we will not have to shut it down if everyone will follow this very simple rule. and that is, just get a mask like this. wear it. >> reporter: and here in the state of florida, there is no statewide mask mandate. and there's still no answer from governor ron desantis as to why the state does not release the number of covid-19 patients that are hospitalized on any given day. i pressed the governor on the issue yesterday during a press conference, and he dodged that question. he also dodged a question on contact tracing. here's the thing. miami-dade county is the epicenter of this crisis here in the state of florida. the positivity rate yesterday was 27%. and yet, only the state is allowed to contact trace. it doesn't allow the county of miami-dade to contact trace. so john, yesterday during this press conference, the governor was sitting right next to the mayor of this county, and i asked the governor point-blank why during a pandemic does the state not allow the county to help contact trace, to stop the spread? and john, he did not answer the question. >> no, indeed. i have the mayor of miami-dade county joining us later in the broadcast, rosa. we're going to talk about that. also, we're going to talk much more about why florida won't just fess up. how many people in the state are hospitalized with coronavirus? people need to know in order to make the right decisions. thank you for pressing on these subjects. so in the middle of all of this, the president decided it was the perfect time to withdraw from the world health organization. he made the move to do that. he's also pushing for schools to open. and frankly, he's also taking issue with one of the most trusted sources for information on coronavirus, dr. anthony fauci. cnn's joe johns live at the white house with all of this. good morning, joe. >> good morning, john. if you're looking for a way to frame this, it's another example of the trump administration's tendency to deny science. the president once again at odds with the nation's top infectious disease expert, dr. anthony fauci. on one side, you have fauci issuing dire warnings. on the other side, the president playing it down. listen. >> we are still knee deep in the first wave of this. we went up, never came down to base line, and now we're surging back up. so it's a serious situation that we have to address immediately. >> i think we are in a good place. i disagree with him. you know, dr. fauci said don't wear a mask, now he says, wear them. and he said numerous things, don't close off china, don't ban china, and i did it anyway. i sort of didn't listen to my experts and i banned china. we would have been in much worse shape. we've done a good job. i think we're actually -- we are going to be in two, three, four weeks, by the time we next speak, i think we're going to be in very good shape. >> now, the trajectory of these cases does not indicate it's going to end in the next few weeks, it's more like the next few months. despite this resurgence, the trump administration is now promoting a plan to try to get schools open around the country. the administration held several events on tuesday, featuring everybody from administrators, students, teachers, all pushing the plan. the president has said, he is putting pressure on governors around the country to get the schools open. he says the united states is not closing and quote, will never close. john, back to you. >> joe, you said pushing the plan. the problem is, there is no national plan. and really very little national guidance for how to open schools safely. people want schools open. who doesn't? we just want it all done safely. >> more like an aspiration. >> you bet. >> great to have you there, joe. thanks so much. >> so a record-breaking day in america. more new cases than ever before. record hospitalizations in seven states. a nation in crisis. one of the country's leading infectious disease doctors joins us next. t-mobile and sprint have merged. now that sprint is a part of t-mobile we have more towers, more engineers, and more coverage than ever before. this is not just a bigger network it's a better one. and now you can get an awesome network at an amazing price. welcome to t-mobile. america's largest 5g network. hold on one second... sure. okay... okay! safe drivers save 40%!!! guys! guys! check it out. safe drivers save 40%!!! safe drivers save 40%! safe drivers save 40%!!! that's safe drivers save 40%. it is, that's safe drivers save 40%. - he's right there. - it's him! he's here. he's right here. - hi! - hi. hey! - that's totally him. - it's him! that's totally the guy. safe drivers do save 40%. click or call for a quote today. little things can become your big moment. that's why there's otezla. otezla is not a cream. it's a pill that treats plaque psoriasis differently. with otezla, 75% clearer skin is achievable. don't use if you're allergic to otezla. it may cause severe diarrhea, nausea or vomiting. otezla is associated with an increased risk of depression. tell your doctor if you have a history of depression or suicidal thoughts or if these feelings develop. some people taking otezla reported weight loss. your doctor should monitor your weight and may stop treatment. upper respiratory tract infection and headache may occur. tell your doctor about your medicines, and if you're pregnant or planning to be. otezla. show more of you. you think it smells fine, s in your car. and if you're pregnant or planning to be. but your passengers smell this. eliminate odors you've gone noseblind to for up to 30 days with the febreze car vent clip. wow, it smells good in here. so you and your passengers can breathe happy. this morning, a record-breaking rise in coronavirus cases. more than 60,000 americans diagnosed with coronavirus just yesterday. california and texas both smashing single-day records. both had more than 10,000 new cases each. six other states also experiencing their highest amount of hospitalizations. joining us now, we have dr. peter hotez, the dean of the national school of tropical medicine at baylor college of medicine in houston. he's also the co-director of the texas children's hospital center for vaccine development. dr. hotez, just maybe we can put up the map of exactly what the country looks like right now. 35 states are seeing spikes in their cases. and as we said, we're now at the record of 60,000 new cases a day. i know that that is -- we got here faster than even you imagined this week. >> well, alisyn, if you remember, just a few days ago, we were aghast that we'd hit 50,000. now it's 60,000. and there's no end, right? this is going to go up to 70,000 very soon. this is what an exponential curve looks like, if you're not intervening. we just had this steep acceleration. and the cases don't really tell the true tragedy of this. that the patients are piling now into hospitals, into icus, and even though we do have bed capacity in places like texas, still in many cases, the hospital staff is getting exhausted. and you know, to don and doff ppe multiple times a day is exhausting. and seeing colleagues getting sick, and so staff starting to get demoralized. and as it becomes harder to take care of patients, it hasn't happened yet, that's when the mortality rate starts to increase. we saw this in new york. we saw this in italy. so we haven't seen those deaths spiral up yet, but it's just a matter of time. because patients are on the icu for periods of time. so this is an extraordinary humanitarian tragedy unfolded. and we're doing it more or less without the government of the united states, without the federal government just the states pretty much on their own at this point. >> i'm glad you're pointing out the hospitalizations. to me, that's the most concerning statistic we're seeing this morning. eight states now showing record hospitalizations. and while most of these states still report some icu bed capacity, there are places that are running out. in florida, 56 icu units are now reporting they have zero beds available. we've seen in texas, there are hospitals where the staffs are being pushed to the outer-most limits. and i think one of the things you point out that's so important is, we've been here before. new york experienced this back in march and april. but it was new york. now we're getting three, four new yorks around the country, all at once without the measures being put in place to stop it. >> and now that's moving into north central united states, the northern part of the midwest. we're seeing western pennsylvania, if you look at the hot spot maps and tennessee and so, what's it going to look like over the next few months? without a national strategy and a road map, we'll quickly accelerate to 100,000 cases. that was sort of the apocalyptic figure that dr. fauci highlighted. and that's -- and that sounded extraordinary when he said it. now it's just a matter of a few weeks and it's going to exceed that. and now we're starting to see an increase in the number of deaths. we are getting better at icu care. we now can do things that we didn't do in new york. we have, you know, we're putting patients on anticoagulant therapy and they started to do that towards the end and dexamethasone and convalescent serum and remdesivir, so we are getting patients out of the icu, but who wants to endure an icu hospitalization and being on a ventilator? it means more often than not that many of these patients will have permanent disabilities, damage to their lungs, their heart, their vascular system, permanent neurologic injury, cognitive deficits. as dr. fauci said yesterday, deaths are just a tiny piece of the disease burden resulting from this. and we don't have a leadership in washington that is directing this or saying, this is what the state now needs to do so we can bring this back down to containment mode. and this is going to affect how we deal with schools in the fall and so many other issues. >> let's talk about that, dr. hotez. so president trump thinks the country is, quote, in a good place. i'm not sure if the people around him are not giving minimum thim the real information or what the problem is. but given with where we actually are this morning, do you see a way that schools can open next month or early september? >> you know, i think there are still places in the country, in the country where school can open and the american academy of pediatrics has come out with a document strongly recommending, when possible, to open schools. because, you know, as everybody knows, i'm the parent of now four adult kids. but when my kids were little, we -- the benefits are so obvious, not even beyond education, because schools and many especially low-income neighborhoods are important for food security. they provide critical mental health counseling for dle adolescents. all of these things are critical. but how do you do that in communities where we have this incredible acceleration in the number of cases? the problem is, many kids have parents who are debilitating at home of koco-morbid conditions. we can't let them get sick. we have teachers that might get ill. this will be very tough for principals and school superintendents to figure out, especially in areas where there's a lot of transmission. and what happens when there are two or three kids that become positive in the classroom? this is going to be an extraordinary challenge, just not only dealing with the volume of cases, but also the emotional stress on the schools, as well. this will be a very tough fall for many school systems. >> look, if there is one area where there should be a politics-free sober discussion based on the facts, it's with schools. and i worry we're going in the opposite direction there. >> dr. hotez, when alisyn brought up the quote from the president, we're in a good place, you shook your head. and i also noticed this morning, you seem worn out. a little bit of cassandra syndrome, where you've been shouting from the rooftops for weeks and weeks and weeks that this is happening and it seems to be wearing you out. how do you respond to the president saying saying "we're in a good place"? >> well, what we're seeing is a misinformation campaign. and i don't know who he -- who the white house thinks they're kidding? he's also sending out people, emphasizing that this is a chinese communist party conspiracy or blaming the w.h.o. they're starting to finger point at scientists. they're just grasping at straws. one thing you can't side are hospitalizations and icu admissions. you can't hide those. and there they are, mounting every day. so the problem is this. we still have lots of weeks left before the election, and those numbers can easily double, as terrible as they are today, they can easily double or triple or quadruple by then. so we need to do something now. what we need is the following. we need somebody either in washington or doing this at the cdc to look at how we can bring this country back down to what we call containment mode. that is around one new case per million residents a day, so we can actually do the contact tracing. you can't do contact tracing when you're in free fall. so how do we bring down every state to that level? and again, you can't just do it in one part of the country, not the other. we've seen that already. it just spreads all over the nation again. so this requires somebody to provide adult supervision over the states and to say, we need to look at each state, plaexpla to the governor, this is what you need to know to bring your state back down to containment mode. that helps the governors a lot. they're buffeted by their own political forces. if they can say, hey, to those in the far right or far left, the cdc is telling me, if we don't do this, this many people will die. that provides cover for the governors and makes it feasible. the governors, one, don't have the epidemiological horsepower to know how to do this. and second, politically, it's impossible -- they're in an impossible situation. and the fact that the federal government can't realize it, the fact that we don't have the cdc out in front on this in order to really bring to bear the full power of the federal government, is really adding precipitously to this tragedy. >> dr. peter hotez, we appreciate your guidance every day, even if our leaders are not listening at the moment. thank you very much for all the expertise. >> thanks so much. there's some scathing new allegations from president trump's niece's new tell-all book. she says cheating is a way of life for the president. that's next. a lot of folks ask me why their dishwasher doesn't get everything clean. i tell them, it may be your detergent... that's why more dishwasher brands recommend cascade platinum... ...with the soaking, scrubbing and rinsing built right in. for sparkling-clean dishes, the first time. cascade platinum. did you know liberty mutual customizes your car insurance ta-da! so you only pay for what you need? 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the president describes the relationship he had with his father as warm and said his father was very good to him. he said his father was loving and not at all hard on him as a child. well, in her book, mary trump explains that she could not be silent any longer. she says that donald trump destroyed her father's life, that would be donald trump's sibling, fred trump jr., and she said she cannot stand by while donald trump destroys the country. >> back to his aptitude as a student, mary trump names the kid who took the test for him, right? does she use a name in this book about who she says did this? >> she does. she names a guy named joe shapiro, who she says was one of donald trump's classmates at the time. you know, the white house did respond to this s.a.t. thing in particular and they said it was absurd, which i think gives you an indication of how that little detail may be getting under the president's skin. but it is -- you know, a detailed anecdote for something that obviously happened a very long time ago. >> it gets under the president's skin because the president has made such a colossal deal about how smart he thinks he is. he has all the best words, of course, maybe someone else is actually figuring out the ovals and figuring out what those words mean. but he also went after president obama. he demanded president obama's transcripts. so, i'm not a psychologist, but i'm sure that a psychologist could find some deflection in statements like this. i think we have the president talking about this when he was then just businessman trump. >> i heard at columbia, wasn't a very good student. he then gets to harvard. how do you get into harvard if you're not a good student? now, maybe that's right or maybe it's wrong, but i don't know why he doesn't release his records. everyone says he was this great student. if he was that great, and if he wasn't, that's great. i was a very good student. >> oh, my. oh, my. >> yeah, yeah, donald trump loves to brag about what a great student he was. and i think this is such an interesting portrait, because mary trump is giving this view from inside the family. granted, there's a lot of bad blood within the trump family, but she's also giving her view as a clinical psychologist. so for anyone who's ever kind of wanted to play armchair psychologist to the president or has been curious about playing this role, i think this book kind of gives you an avenue into to do that. and she does pick at the things that the president likes to brag about, that he was a really good student, that he had really good grades. she also, of course, digs into the family's wealth and the notion that donald trump was not actually this big self-made billionaire. you know, he didn't match the aura that he was giving off. and actually, it was all of this family money and all of this money from his father that was helping to prop him up. i think there are a lot of moments in this book that are the kinds of things that really bother the president. >> maybe this will make him release the transcripts of his college career. that would be interesting to see. you know, back to the fact that she's a clinical psychologist. she labels him a sociopath, which means no conscience, no empathy, does she -- we don't have much time, but does she say what caused that? >> you know, she basically says that he has no disregard for other people and ties a lot of this to the way that he was raised and to the way that fred trump raised him. the notion that your value is all of your monetary value and what you bring to the table. your value is not your life as a human being. >> sarah, thank you very much. we will talk more about the book and its revelations in the program. thank you. canada's prime minister justin trudeau backing out of a big meeting with president trump today. details, next. whether it's bribes to roll over. ...or an overdue makeover. get all your pet essentials right when you need them, with curbside pickup at petsmart. just order online, drive up, check-in, and pick up. no matter where you live, where you live has never mattered more. for over 100 years, realtors® have brought local knowledge and deep expertise to helping people find new places to dream and thrive. the next great place you'll call home. so, whether you're upsizing downsizing or just ready to make a change. look for the r. this afternoon, president trump will meet with mexico's president to celebrate the new north american trade agreement, but canada's prime minister, justin trudeau, turned down the invitation. cnn's paula newton joins us to explain. paula? >> reporter: alisyn, good morning. mexican president andres manuel lopez obrador is already in washington. this was supposed to be a reprise of those three amigos summit, mexico, the united states, and canada really marking the beginning of a new trade deal, but given the viruses and the differences in the way these men are handling the pandemic, it's not hard to figure out why justin trudeau took a pass. take a listen. he would have likely been forgiven for skipping the handshake, but in declining an invitation to the white house, justin trudeau is sidestepping a minefield of covid etiquette and politics. for starters, president donald trump and mexican president andres lopez obrador have refused to leave a mask in public. trudeau doesn't seem to leave home without one. zp and it's no trivial thing, but insight into how each country is fighting the virus. for trudeau, it would have been like risking lunch with a neighbor who you know aren't taking the virus serious. >> given their different value system and their different approach to the pandemic. >> reporter: the covid curves are moving in opposite directions in the u.s. and canada. the surging cases in the u.s. means canadians are on edge and even more cautious. one poll shows the vast majority of canadians want the u.s./canada border to remain closed to nonessential traffic. anyone who does enter canada has to quarantine for 14 days, and it's enforced by both health officials and police. trudeau might have been exempt after attending the trade meeting at the white house, but not his staff. health and safety were a concern, and he said as much last week. >> we're also concerned about the health situation and the coronavirus reality that is still hitting all three of our countries. we're going to continue to work with the u.s. on seeing whether that summit makes sense for us and we will let you know as soon as we've made a decision. >> reporter: the decision was "no." in a statement to cnn, trudeau's office said he would be in ottawa this week for scheduled cabinet meetings and the long-planned sitting of parliament. for weeks, canada has been logging just a few hundred new positive cases of covid-19 per day. just like the u.s., though, some younger canadians are skirting rules. 20 people have, so far, been infected after this night out near montreal. but here's the difference. contact tracing at such low numbers is viable, and in most cases, thorough. add to that a growing list of cities and towns now making masks mandatory. skipping a trip to the white house was arguably an easy call for trudeau. and like most canadians, he won't be crossing the border unless absolutely necessary. and i really want to point out the issue with the contact tracing. canada is about to launch an app. it is going to contact trace and actually ping you when you've come into contact with someone who has tested positive. obviously, they're trying to work out some privacy concerns. but john, it's worth bringing up the graph again about the moving average of positive new cases between the u.s. and canada. look, the fact remains, when you've got so many new cases, contact tracing via app or any other manner, experts have told us is literally impossible. canada, having less than 300 cases yesterday, john, back of the envelope numbers here. that would mean about 3,000 cases throughout the entire united states. it means contact tracing can actually happen and a better chance you contain the virus. john? >> that graph is stunning, paula. these countries border each other, and it is as if they are on different planets. really stunning to see that difference there between the united states and canada. thanks so much for that report. appreciate it. a low pressure system expected to dump heavy rain in the southeast today. cnn meteorologist chad myers with the forecast. chad? >> john, in places that don't need more rain. we've just been having so much rain down here across the southeast. and another low that moved over florida, georgia, into the carolinas may move on up toward the northeast for the end of the week. this weather is brought to you by tractor supply company. we're finding pet food, animal feed, and gardening supplies. here's the next storm we're talking about that may run up towards the east coast. a 50/50 chance of actually becoming something tropical. that is north carolina. tha that is the delmarva and maybe on up into new england. we'll have to watch that storm system as we work our way into friday and into saturday. here's what the rain will look like across the southeast. very heavy rain. at times, it could be 1 to 2 inches per hour and some spots higher than that could cause flash flooding. the ground around here, trust me, is saturated. here's the weather here across parts of the midwest. duluth, minneapolis, all the way down towards salina, kansas. there will be some severe weather popping up. this is a future radar, what the radar will look like. notice, though, the east coast, too. there will be some storms that pop up in new england and also upstate new york, maybe even as far south as new york city, we'll keep watching that. certainly, what's going to be happening over the next couple of days is that things will be hot again. had a couple of nice days out there, but all of a sudden, here we go, back into the 90s across the northeast. now think about this. the forecast for phoenix for saturday is 117. so i guess we'll deal with 90. john? >> i'm thinking about that. i'll process that. chad myers on the case for us this morning. chad, great to have you. so is coronavirus here to stay? and what are the implications of that for how we live our lives? we'll talk about the future, next. you can't predict the future. but a resilient business can be ready for it. a digital foundation from vmware helps you redefine what's possible... now. from the hospital shifting to remote patient care in just 48 hours... to the university moving hundreds of apps quickly to the cloud... or the city government going digital to keep critical services running. you are creating the future-- on the fly. and we are helping you do it. vmware. realize what's possible. apps except work.rywhere... why is that? is it because people love filling out forms? maybe they like checking with their supervisor to see how much vacation time they have. or sending corporate their expense reports. i'll let you in on a little secret. they don't. by empowering employees to manage their own tasks, paycom frees you to focus on the business of business. to learn more, visit ♪ ♪all strength ♪we ain't stoppin' believe me♪ ♪go straight till the morning look like we♪ ♪won't wait♪ ♪we're taking everything we wanted♪ ♪we can do it ♪all strength, no sweat so this morning, the coronavirus pandemic is growing at an alarming rate. the u.s. smashed its all-time record for new cases with more than 60,000 new cases on tuesday. eight states setting records for hospitalizations. so is this virus here to stay? what are the implications if it doesn't go away? joining us now is william hassletine with the harvard school of public health and author of "a family guide to covid: questions and answers for parents, grandparents, and children." and professor, you've been talking about just this thing. how we need to come to grips with the fact that this pandemic is here and really not going away as fast as we'd like. i want to start on the more grim end of this discussion and work our way to the positive, because you do see positives. there's a study out of spain, which says that 14% of people who got sick, who got coronavirus and developed antibodies actually lost those antibodies within a fairly short period of time and presumably that means also losing immunity. so correct me if i'm wrong here, but what are the implications of that? >> well, the implications are something we've known about coronaviruses, this family of viruses, for a long time. there's some viruses that you get and you remember forever. and you're protected forever. there's some that you get, like hiv, that get into your body, and you never get rid of them. this is a little bit different. coronaviruses -- and this is one of them, go into your body, you get it, you generally clear it, and then you forget your had it. and it comes back again. we know that from the cold viruses. we have followed them for 60 years. and every year, exactly the same virus comes back. now, people know about influenza. that influenza will come back, but it has to disguise itself. think of it coming back with a hat, glasses, and a raincoat, so your body doesn't see it anymore. this virus doesn't even bother to disguise itself, because when it goes in, it's clever enough to make you forget you ever had it. that's coronaviruses. and we didn't know that was going to be true for the virus that causes covid, but we are now pretty sure that's happening. there's a study out of china that shows that not only antibodies, but neutralizing antibodies, the kind that fight the virus, decrease. and now out of spain, the fact that many people, all antibodies. and if that weren't bad enough, there's another thing that happens in a fair proportion of people, is that they never make antibodies that you can find, even though they've recovered. this is a very different kind of virus. and it's one that's here to stay. so we have to find medical means to prevent it and we have to have behavior change to make sure we don't get it. >> now, the positive side of this, though, is you think that there's promise on both of those fronts. let's talk about therapeutics. >> well, with therapeutics, when sars and mers came along, the biomedical community was fully activated. they found good drugs and antibodies to stop the virus that looked like they were very promising in animal studies. and then the plug got pulled, because people thought it wasn't going to be a threat. well, all of that has been reactivated. and there are a number of very exciting new therapeutics coming down the pike, that if you are identified early, they can stop you from being sick. they may even slow the course of the disease. but even better than that, they can provide protection, i think, for those people who are regularly exposed or if you know you've been exposed, somebody has contact traced you and said, you were with somebody who was covid positive, you would very likely be able to take these drugs and not get infected. these would be a bridge to a safe and an effective vaccine. it's going to take a while. we may have vaccines, but we're not going to know how safe and effective they are for some time. this is going to be a good bridge. this isn't going to happen tomorrow, but could well happen before the end of the year. not, unfortunately, in time to stop this massive new wave of infections. but eventually, we will have these. i'm virtually certain we're going to have these. vaccines, i'm a little less certain, but these, i'm pretty sure we're going to have. >> obviously, this is something that you have learned over the years in your experience in the battle against aids. you also note that our behavior, much like in the battle against hiv and aids, it needs to change. and people will come to grips with that. in some ways, you note, though, that changing the behavior or at least how we act may be harder with covid than it has been with aids. explain why. >> well, we know that aids is a sexually transmitted disease. and we know that covid is transmitted by much more casual contact. now, people getting together is a fundamental need. and how do we handle that? i think the way we learn to do that for hiv/aids is know your partner, know your sexual partner. today, we have to know our partner even before it becomes intimate. i would say a canoodling partner. you have to know the people you're with. how they behave and the other thing that's happening that i think will make it possible to be more careful is they're coming down the pike very rapid tests for the virus. is somebody infected or not? and by a simple saliva test in about five or ten minutes, maybe 20 minutes, you will know if the person you're thinking of becoming friendly with is infected or not. that will be a big change. and they should be cheap, they should be widely available. it's technologies that are being worked out for sensitivity. but i think that is going to change our baehavior. i think the question is, know your partner. you know, i saw a program the other day, where a guy was saying, i've been extremely careful, i stayed at home. the only people i went to see -- he was in the hospital, by the way -- are my neighbors across the street. well, that was too much. if he had had tests available, he would have known whether his neighbors were infected or not. and so that is a change that is coming and it's very positive. >> until you know for sure, you have to assume that anyone and everyone you come in contact with has it. and you have to behave accordingly. william haseltine, great to have you on this morning. there are only 167 icu beds left in an entire state and one icu doctor is already making tough choices about who will receive treatment and who will not. we have a live report, next. given my unique lifestyle, that'd be perfect! let me grab a pen and some paper. know what? 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