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Testing order and if the federal government would come in and help us out that would be a cherry on top. Announcer this is new day with Alisyn Camerota and john berman. This is new day, tuesday april 28th, 6 00 here in new york. Breaking overnight, new projections for the coronavirus death toll here in the United States. The model used by the white house was updated late last night and it now shows deaths in the United States increase as more states begin to reopen. On april 8th, the death toll projection was 60,000 people, last night it was updated to 74,000 people by the first week of august. As of this morning, more than 56,000 americans have died. Still, the nation is moving forward with a staggered and haphazard approach to rehappening. In texas, the governor announcing an expansive reopening plan that begins this friday. First to open, retail stores, restaurants, Movie Theaters and malls, all at a 25 capacity. Meanwhile, their neighbor, louisiana, is extending their stayathome orders through may 15th, john. So overnight the white house outlined new guidelines for testing that puts the onus on states and designates the federal government as a supplier of last resort. They say they want to test 2 of its residents. Thats well below the minimum level that most Health Officials and economists think is safe to reopen most of the economy. Also there are new developments out of oxford, university, where were getting word of scientists moving forward with a Coronavirus Vaccine trial. We begin just outside of atlanta. Martin, georgia began reopening days ago. I really think the question is how many people are going out even with stuff beginning to open . Reporter morning, john. Morning, alisyn. Well, you know whats interesting . This Shopping Center is divided between those businesses that have its time to reopen and those that say, no, its just simply not safe. It mirrors a divide were seeing across the nation. And as this new modeling suggests, the death toll is likely to rise. So, the message is simple, you can open business back up again, but theres a price. And that price is paid in lives. A growing disconnect nationwide, reopen or remain closed . The country most populous state starting to lift restrictions, texas is letting businesses open at 25 capacities. Barber shops, hair salons, gyms likely come back midmay. Just as we united adds one state to slow covid19, we must come together to rebuild the lives and the livelihoods of our fellow texans. Governor greg abbott could have a battle on his hands for those who disagree. I respect the city of texas operation. But for those things that are permitted, reduced or authorized, my order will remain in place through the end of may. Texas loosening restrictions as is neighboring louisiana while also extending its stayathome order until may 15th. What we cant do right now is create new hot spots when we dont have the ability to adequately test those that we already have. Until we can ramp up that capacity. Reporter similar mixed messages in the midwest where wisconsin says it will ease restrictions on some nonessential businesses this week, even as michigan extends its stayathome order through may 15th. Down south in georgia, some businesses are already opening their doors. The governor defended his decision to start the most aggressive rollbacks of restrictions so far. I simply gave people the opportunity that literally were on the verge, many of them, of losing everything that theyve got. You know, these are tough decisions. So it wasnt a mandate. Reporter widespread testing remains a major issue for states, battling with the Trump Administration for weeks to help with supplies. And, after weeks of pressure from governors, President Trump laid out a National Strategy for increase Testing Capacity last night. But it puts the burden on the states to develop their own plans. If we want to get our country open and the testing is not going to be a problem at all. In fact, its going to be one of the great assets. Our blueprint describes how states should unlock their full capacity, expand the number of testing platforms. Reporter the president also suggesting it could be time to get kids back in the classroom. I think youll see a lot of schools open up even if its for a very short period of time. I think it would be a good thing. Reporter but 43 states and the District Of Columbia want schools closed through the end of the academic year, citing student safety. Even the governor of new york has begun to talk about the possibility of reopening, however, he said that it would be upstate new york that would likely reopen first where there has been less of the coronavirus. John and alisyn. Martin, thank you very much for all of that. Joining us now is the director of the Harvard Global health institute. And Cnn National Security analyst julia, the former assistant secretary of the department of homeland security. Great to see you. Juliet, for weeks day after day all we hear about is testing, how much testing we need, how testing needs to be widespread, and then yesterday President Trump said that the federal government should be the test supplier of last resort. Well, its been four months that governors have said we need more testing. Arent we at the last resort at this point and whose responsibility is it, in your experience . Is it the states or is it the federal government in an International Pandemic to do this . So in this case, it would clearly be on the federal government supply what was necessary to satisfy what the states needs are. Its not that complicated, right . The locals execute, they are testing individuals. But in this case, because the tests need to be certified by the federal government, they need to be authorized tests, so its not like its just a free market here, you would expect in normal times for the federal government to essentially have owned this, right . To make sure that each of the states have their own tests. So the news yesterday was just odd coming from the president. It sort of suggested that there was no new news. The states are still waiting. They dont have they clearly do not have enough, and just make it clear to the viewers, we are opening up under conditions that not even the white house would agree with in terms of their standards. And then and then saying to the states, well, you have to do it on your own already. Thats what theyve been trying to do quite unsuccessfully. The strublicture was no new news. And then the goal was 2 testing which makes it 6 to 7 million people, in all the states, which is according to the Public Health experts like you and economists ive talked to woefully inadequate. Thats not surveillance testing, dr. Shaw. No, the plan they laid out is a bit puzzling because they set this new target which is what were doing now. The way you can think about this, it will take us four years to test all americans, according to the white house standards and goals, right . So thats completely inadequate. And the problem is when americans go back to work, they go back to their coffee shop, the diner, are they going to feel comfortable that the person sitting next to them isnt infected shedding virus . And if we cant test people, we cant know whos infected. If we cant know whos infected, i dont think most americans are going to feel comfortable going back to those Movie Theaters and restaurants. I want to pull up the video weve been seeing of beaches in california, because im confused about how you should behave and distance outside. So heres a wide shot of a beach. And obviously people are hungry to get back to the beach and you see people frolicking around and doing all of their beach activities. But i also see what looks like blankets six feet apart from the other families. I mean, its really hard to tell, obviously, without being there. But if people are just staying within their own family unit and their beach towel is six feet apart, is it generally safe to be outdoors like that . So i think being outdoors is generally safe. And the key is, you know, so i think parks should be open, i think things that a lowe people to go for walks or wiebike ride but when i looked at that picture, i cringed because it looked like there were people getting very close to each other in the is just an issue of risk. The question for people have look, i love going to the beach, but do you really want to put your life at risk by going out to places if youre going to be in any kind of a crowded situation . So if you can have a fairly sparsely populated beach, fine. But looking at those photos, it made me nervous. They have to park somewhere, they have to walk on the sidewalk, whos touching the umbrellas, where are they going to the bathrooms . That shot just looked a little bit off. If you want to know what the real world or at least the mathematical world implications of that are, just look at the new models. Lets put them back up on the screen. People are now projecting that the death toll will reach 74,000. That is with the states beginning to reopen. That is with people going to the beaches in california or going to restaurants at 25 capacity. It increases the probability that more people will die. April 8th is when we had 97 social distancing. People were staying home. Now, when things are being reopened, more people die. But, juliet, the question is, you know, do we have to accept that . Is it something that needs to be accepted . And we just have to come to terms with the fact that there is more risk here . There will be more risk, its a risk reward calculation. No one expects for this to get to zero. And the reason why is because we are going to be living with this virus for some period of time. Were going to manage around it, dance around it, but people will get sick and some percentage of those people will die. That will increase as we let some of these social distancing rules sort of loosen a little bit. And so whats important now is that we when we talk about opening up, we really examine what the specific policy is. Theres opening up thats careless, say for example tattoo parlors. But then open up boating capacity or lakes in michigan. So as the country gradually opens up, in quotes, not everything is the same. And one thing to this model, this model does not count for what were calling excess deaths. In other words, if you compare january, february, march this year to the last five years, these numbers are now terrifying because more people are clearly dying this year, were just not accounting for them in the coronavirus count. So while this number, 70,000, is shocking from the perspective of whats actually happening out there, i dont think we have a handle on and its greater than 74,000. Really good point. Juliette, thank you both for all the information. So the only deaf nafinite way t protect americans is the vaccine. We have new details about a trial thats very early but showing promise. Thats next. The 3 40 midshift migraine medicine. Introducing ubrelvy™. Its the migraine medicine for anytime, anywhere a migraine attacks without worrying if its too late or where you happen to be. One dose of ubrelvy™ can quickly stop a migraine in its tracks within two hours. 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And in an emergency, you need a network that puts you first. That connects you to technology to each other and to other agencies. Built with and for first responders. Firstnet. The only officially authorized Wireless Network for first responders. Because putting you first is our job. A new development this morning in the race to develop a Coronavirus Vaccine. A group of scientists at Oxford University says theyre preparing to conduct large clinical human trials by the end of next month after tests showed their vaccine was effective in monkeys. We have the doctor from the associate professor of medicine at epidemiology at yale school of medicine. First rauf first of all, oxford has great pr people about this study they are doing. They also seem to be ahead of other studies right now in the sense that they are going to a largescale human testing up to 6,000 people soon is their goal to test this. What is going on with their vaccine . Describe what theyre trying and what the promise might be. So good morning, john. So i think what the status of their vaccine is, that initially they had a prototype for mers. As you know, sars was in the early 2000s, then mers a few years ago. So they had this vaccine that was already in the works. So they were able to use that to be able to basically create a new vaccine that could be tested for this new covid19 strain. And they are on the way to roll it out to test in 6,000 people. And part of what theyre trying to do is while the virus is still circulating in england, they want to be able to try to test whether the vaccine is actually protective for some people who get the vaccine versus those who do not. Now, im very hopeful with this, we all are looking for a vaccine. But whether it will work, number one, is the first question. Secondly, even if that does happen, whether theyll be able to roll out vaccine to a broad scale of people still remains to be seen. Dr. Ja, the timeline that the New York Times used was september. Thats nothing like weve heard from other doctors and researchers who are working on vaccine. Is that actually realistic that we can see something by september . So its extremely optimistic, right . Like, my goodness, i think it sort of is on the theoretical edge of whats possible. I think, you know, ive always said that its a 12 to 18month timeline. Until people until we have a broadly available effective vaccine. So maybe by september well have really good data and maybe well be ramping up production, and we do need to do some things in parallel, make some bets even before we know its going to work, lets start ramping it up because at most were going to waste some money, but the upside is we might get a jump start. There are ways of speeding up the timeline. September is very optimistic. Doctorry want to ask you about Antibody Testing here in new york state. Governor cuomo released new figures as to how many people tested positive with antibodies. New york city its about 25 . New york state its about 15 . Its hard to tell if this is half glass empty than half glass full. If more people have what had it it indicates it may not be as fatal as we thought. On other hand, if youre counting on some kind of herd immunity, 75 of people havent had it, thats Fertile Ground for this to spread. I dont think were at the point of herd immunity where that could protect people. I think what this gives us a sense is that in new york city there probably were more cases than originally people thought and getting a sense of the amount of immunity that exists in the population is always very helpful. And i think then we see that outside of the city that degree of immunity is less. But, i think that we have some sense of what herd immunity is there, but its certainly not enough to be able to say that people in new york state are going to be safe, that other people will not get infected. So i think it just gives us a sense of the amount of the population that has been exposed so far. I think the other thing to remember here is the science hasnt quite caught up yet. Were not 100 sure yet that if you have this antibody that, in fact, they are neutralizing antibodies, meaning that you have true immunity and could not get this infection again. And i think wed like to hope that thats the case, and i certainly hope that that is. But i think we still need science to catch up to be able to tillerson for suell us that another number thats caught people by surprise are the deaths, not just deaths from coronavirus. Apparently, according to the cdc, in march and the beginning of april there was a spike in deaths in the country, particularly in the tristate area here, new york, new jersey, connecticut. And were all learning so much during this process, little did i know that you can expect a certain amount of deaths per month, but apparently you can and the cdc scientists and you all know that. And so when they saw a spike of 15,000 more people but that those hadnt been attributed to coronavirus, now theyre looking back and thinking, uhoh, maybe we missed diagnosing this accurately. What are we to make of this 15,000person spike . Yeah. So i think what we are learning is a lot more people have been infected and a lot more people have died of the coronavirus than we know of. And there are a couple of reasons. One, is weve talked about this many, many times, just lack of testing, right . So a lot of people got sick, they were told to stay home because it wasnt enough testing and then they died at home. A lot of people died for reasons that, you know, we dont fully understand how coronavirus might have affected them. But we never tested those people when they died so we dont know. So i think what is going to happen, were seeing this, by the way, around the world. So what is going to happen is when we look more carefully, well find out this was a lot deadlier than we were expecting. Death is a real interesting way to measure pandemics. The 1918 flu is one way they go back and youmeasur measure how was. Jetblue announced that theyre going to require that all passengers wear masks on flights from now on or at least for the foreseeable future. Not a lot of people are flying, but i imagine more people might try soon, and it is an interesting place to be where when you get on a plane, at least a jetblue flight and i imagine other airlines will follow, everyone will be wearing a mask. Will that make a difference are so this more of just a Public Health reality . I think its a good idea, personally. When you go into a plane, you have people sitting next to you, youre in sort of closed space circulating air for defined period of time. And, you know, we dont know for sure, but i think that it is a useful way to be able to try to mitigate the spread of disease. And i think that were doing that in many other public places, many states are requiring it. I think doing it for plane rides is equally a good idea. And i think that only time is going to tell how if we have, you know, outbreaks on people who are on planes together, masks will help prevent that. And i think its a step in the right direction to be able to let air travel happen again. And i think, you know, we dont have Something Like an app or something that tells you if somebody near you has had an infection as some other countries are doing. This is the type of step that can help get people moving as the country starts to reopen. Thanks so much for being with us this morning. So manufacturers, warning about major meat shortages as plants across the country shut down. What you should expect the next time you go to the grocery store. Thats next. In these unprecedented times, your vision is as important as ever. Most visionworks locations are open and were here to help. If you have an essential eyecare need, visit our website to get connected to one of our doctors. Visionworks. See the difference. Were returning 2 billion dollars to our auto policyholders through may 31st. Because now, more than ever, being a Good Neighbor means everything. 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Overnight, researchers behind the model used by the white house had increased their projected death toll in the United States from roughly 68,000 people to 74,000 people. Thats an increase of 10 from just last week because were seeing so many states begin to reopen. At least 18 states will reopen some business this week. Cnn has reporters positioned across the country to bring you the latest developments. Reporter im Dianne Gallagher in atlanta. After the tyson foods chairman took out an ad saying that the nations Food Supply Chain was breaking, concern has grown. The house agriculture chairman Collin Peterson said between 60 and 70,000 hogs a day may need to be killed because farmers have nowhere to send them after meat plants have shut down due to the coronavirus. He says that by next week americans could see a shortage of pork at the grocery store. But experts tell cnn right now it just looks like it will be a reduction in variety and not an overall meat supply shortage. Im ryan brown at the pentagon. The number of coronavirus cases aboard the u. S. S. Kidd, u. S. Navy destroyer has reached nearly 50 with some 50 of that ships crew having been tested. Navy officials tell cnn that the ship will soon be pulling into san diego so that it can be cleaned and so that the sailors aboard can receive additional medical treatment. This comes as the number of coronavirus cases on the Aircraft Carrier u. S. S. Thooet Theodore Roosevelt reached 955, nearly one out of every five sailors aboard that ship. Circumstances surrounding the spread of the pandemic are currently under investigation, the results of which have yet to be made public. Reporter im Stephanie Elam in los angeles. Governor newsom says we are weeks, not months away from seeing some of these stay at home restrictions eased a bit, but he said the eadsing wouldsi based on the data and thats based on californians behavior. This weekend people flocked to beaches in orange and ventura counties and everybody was not social distancing. He said people did get warnings, but if people continue to not listen so these guidelines, he said stricter enforcement could follow. Our thanks to our reporters around the country. Now to a really upsetting story. A new york city emergency room doctor who treated coronavirus patients has died by suicide. 49yearold dr. Lorna breen worked 18 hours a day for weeks before she, herself, came down with the virus. Her father says she took just a week and a half off before then returning to work, but then she was hospitalized with exhaustion. After being released to stay with her family, police say she died from selfinflicted injuries. Her father says she died a hero working in the trenches against coronavirus. If you or someone you know is struggling during this hard time, there is help. Call the National Suicide prevention hotline at 8002738255. Well be right back. 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This is not a bed. Its proven quality sleep, from 999. New concern this morning for thousands of Small Businesses separate f date is for relief after the website used to submit applications crashed minutes after opening. Joining me now, Christine Romans and julia chatterley. Romans, its not like they didnt have any warning. Its not like they didnt seep this coming. This is what happened the first time around. This is a real problem. Replay the tape, right . Permanent real people are really frustrated from the was a big queue of loans that were submitted before the money ran out and the sba trying to update its portal and be a traffic cop, essentially, for some of the big banks to everybody could get through there fairly. But no matter how you slice it, there is so much need, a crash in american Small Businesses that theres just no way they can keep up with the demand. What this tells you is there are all of these Business Owners who are absolutely desperate and need this lifeline. Some getting through, some not. Julia, we talked about this before. Many of these businesses cant wait. The delay could kill them. I mean, weve got weeks now of this shutdown. The average amount of cash that these Small Business hold wherever you look, whatever sector, whether its restaurants or hotels, is weeks. Weve long since passed that. Its a desperate situation. The only thing that i can say about what we saw in the last 24 hours that was different was that lenders were allowed to bulk submit. If you had 5,000 applications or more, you can send a spreadsheet to the Small Business administration. That could be the critical difference. We dont know about the processing speed of these, but this is a critical difference. The other thing i think that i would point out here, the Small Business administration said they got 2 billion back from people who took the money, said, okay, fine, we needed it, others need it more, theyve given it back and thats now available too. Its tiny of a proportion of the whole amount of money, but its something, john, to hang here. The Los Angeles Lakers from the nba got more than 4 million and i just dont think, Christine Romans, thats what people had in mind when this bill was being written. No. But congress wrote this to be broad and to get the money out there, quite frankly. The statute was written without a lot of a lot of rules about this to prevent this, they just wanted to get that money moving. And there are some 200 publicly traded companies that have taken the money, Financial Services firms, some hedge funds, bunch of big restaurant groups, luxury hotel chains, and some of them are unapologetic about it saying we have workers too. The whole point of this was to get money in the hachbds workers and make sure you werent laying off workers and thats what were going to do with it. Julia, theres an interesting phenomena as certain states begin to reopen. Talk about georgia and texas, they say theyre going to allow Movie Theaters to reopen in texas with 25 capacity. Theyre going to allow it, but amc which is the biggest chain says were not reopening yet. And even if they did, i dont know what movies they would show. There hasnt been any new content in months. This is what were going to find, business by business is going to have to make a decision for their own employees, for their own customers and make a decision whether theyre willing to take the risks. Its critical when we look at some of the Small Businesses that are desperate for money, workers too that are signing on for Unemployment Benefits to what extent are we going to see those that have claimed for benefits perhaps be brought back into the workforce. Those that have been furloughed, those have lost their jobs, those that are usjust afraid. John, what youre pointing out as the states open up is the challenge of reabsorbing the parent job losses back into the system. Its going to be slow. Christine romans, you grew up in the middle of the nations food supply and now we have tyson foods and other companies warning that there could be a slowdown in production and there will be as these plants shut down and there could be a shortage at the stores. What will we feel as consumers . I think youre going to feel less variety, less choice. I dont think youre going to have run out of meat in america. This is of course because theyve had to close some of these facilities because theyre full of people who are working closely together and that virus was spreading, right . So they had to close some of these facilities to test for video kid covid19 in their workforce. That means farmers who had pigs ready to go to slaughter dont have any place to go and that has caused this huge disruption here overall. I think ultimately in the next few weeks, maybe months its going to mean less variety for consumers, maybe maybe higher prices, but less variety for consumers. And i think that theyll get it worked out eventual. I this has to do with workplace conditions, the conditions inside the plants with people too close together. Lets talk about those conditions. What if youre a worker and say youre laid off and you decide you dont want to go back to the amc Movie Theater because youre afraid. You might not qualify four your unemployment ben bits if you go back. What about osha requirements and requirements for people when they go back to the plants if they dont feel comfortable, can they be laid off and get Unemployment Benefits instead . Theres a lot of tricky, tricky legal territory here for workers. Really tough decisions for so many people. Christine romans, julia chatterley, thank you very much for being with us this morning. So new zealand loosening its lockdown today after saying theyve eliminated coronavirus. How did they do it . We have a life report next. 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Backed by science. Matched by no one. So with more people going back to work today, we need to be even more vigilant at level three to prevent any inadvertent spreading of the virus. We must continue to stay home when possible, including for work and education. Please stay regional and limit nonessential travel. And even though you can expand your bubble, keep it as small as possible and exclusive. That is new zealands Prime Minister urging caution as the country eases out of its lockdown. Shes announcing that she have effectively eliminated coronavirus there. Cnns ivan watson joins us with more on new zealand hes successsucces success. What was the key to their success . I think it was moving very quickly when there had the had not been any deaths in new zealand yet due to the disease to shut down the entire country. A very strict fourweek lockdown that ended as of midnight new zealand time on monday going from what they described as alert level 4 to alert level 3. But its still pretty strict. You heard her talking about that bubble. Thats the term that the government came up with for your immediate family that you say in isolation with. So the way the Prime Minister put it was theyre starting to open up the economy right now, but theyre keeping social life very much shut. So, they are urging people to go back to work and estimating that some 400,000 people went back to work on tuesday, but if you could work from home, you were told to continue working from home. And shop keeper store owners were supposed to engage in what they describe as contactfree retail. You dumb, you come you come, youre not allowed to come into the store, you get what you want and you leave. Schools have not been entirely reopened. And you can have gatherings of up to ten people, but only for funerals and weddings. They are allowing some Domestic Travel basically if you were caught somewhere before the lockdown to then go where you wanted to be and theyre calling it oneway travel. So, new zealand is taking this still very, very carefully, as Prime Ministerard den p Prime Minister arden put it, the decide could be like smoldering ashes and if you dont stay vigilant it could explode into a wildfire again. Thats what theyre concerned about. They havent opened up their borders yet. You cannot fly in and out of new zealand at this time and thats going to be a key question for that country which relies very heavily on foreign tourism. Alisyn. Really interesting to watch their success and see if theres anything we can emulate from that. Ivan, thank you very much for your reporting. So the coronavirus pandemic has been stressful, i dont have to tell you that. Its stressful for parents, for kids, for all of us. Is going stir crazy a real condition . Well, up next a pediatrician tells us about that and shares her tips for coping with quarantine fatigue. In these unprecedented times, your vision is as important as ever. Most visionworks locations are open and were here to help. If you have an essential eyecare need, visit our website to get connected to one of our doctors. Visionworks. See the difference. Soon, people will be walking back through your door. Soon, life will move forward. Well welcome back old colleagues, get to know new ones some things may change, but well still be here, right here, so you can work on the business of getting your business back. At paycom, our focus will always be you and well see you soon. They are compelled to step to the front lines. And into the unknown. For all of us. [ siren ] doug give me your hand i can save you. Lots of money with Liberty Mutual we customize your Car Insurance so you only pay for what you need only pay for what you need. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Stayathome orders are taking a toll on all of us and our kids. 43 states and the District Of Columbia have closed schools through the end of this academic year. So is going stir crazy a Real Mental Health condition . Our next guest has tips for how to cope with the stress of this pandemic. Joining us now is a doctor who is a child psychologist at the Childrens Hospital of philadelphia. Doctor, its great to see you. Let me just start there. Is going stir crazy or cabin fever, is that just a feeling or is there a Real Mental Health condition connected to that . So its a couple of things. First offa r all, it is a feeli but if we call it a disorder, its called acute stress disorder. That can happen after having experienced a traumatic event. For many people, this has been very traumatizing. So there are several other things that go along with that disorder that most americans probably are not feeling, but there really is something that we should be looking at and thinking about as we continue to stay at home. Yeah. I mean, ive also just begun to wonder if human beings have some sort of Expiration Date or shelf life on the amount of time that we can stay indoors. I see it with my kids, particularly my son, who is starting to get this kind of low ebb energy from not being able to at 13 years old go outside with friends and run around, wrestle and all of the stuff that hes sort of used to doing. Yeah. So, i mean, i think thats interesting, but what i would say is that for all of us i think part of whats happening is that we just arent sure about whats next. So there is this uncertainty that really adds to these feelings of restlessness like youre seeing with your son. I think when you think about the first segment, at least the part that i heard about whats happening in new zealand, those messages as well continue to add to how were all feeling when you see that some countries are starting to open up or even some states, then it adds to this feeling of, you know, when can i go out . Or with when i can resume my normal life. For sure. Thats whats the hardest part. Certainly the uncertainty, the not knowing, thats stressful if any situation. But you have suggestions for people on thousand get through th it and manage it. You say practice selfcare. Can you give us some examples of what we should do here . Yeah. So i think this is really individual, back up the take home point is to do what makes you feel better. So for some people thats meditation or deep breathing. For others its exercise. For some its dancing around your house. It could be very simple things. But it also means talking to your support system. So that may look a little bit differently now. So you may not be able to go to your best friends house or even to your parents house, but what you want to do is still try to have those conversations, even though they arent the same as they usually are, because you find joy and peace and satisfaction in those kinds of things. So selfcare can be reading a book, it could be lighting a candle, it could be talking to friends, it could be any and all of these things. But the important thing is that each of us does that every single day. And i think adults in particular are really good for not taking care of themselves and taking care of everybody else. And we really need to understand that if we arent doing well emotionally, psychologically, physically, then we cant help anybody else. Next you say stay informed. Everybody has their own kind of information saturation level, obviously. And so my 15yearold daughter is hungry for more information. Every time i come home from work she says, okay, what happened today . What are the developments . What did you learn . And then my 13yearold son, again, i see him getting stressed when we have the news on. I see him getting kind of anxious with the headlines. So whats the right level of staying informed . Yeah, so i think so this is interesting particularly for children and adolescents. Because developmentally theyre quite different. You see this gap between your son and your daughter, between 13 and 15, and also just their personalities and their temperaments. So for parents looking at children and thinking about their children, it really is monitoring how much information they need to feel comfortable. And that is going to differ on their age. For adults, its really kind of the same thing. And i think that at the end of the day for some people its absorbing as much content as possible. For others, that adds severe stress because theyre getting these various messages. So i think the goal is, is to pick your your content of choice, whether its cnn or your favorite print or online magazine or up newspaper and ma just check in once or twice a day in the morning and at night to keep informed. And then going to websites like the cdc or w. H. O. To also get some of that content. But it really is recognizing when youve had more than enough. And if youre watching 13 hours of programming, thats just not going to be helpful for anyone. And i really like the idea of reading, that definitely slows down the information intake, you know. Just quickly i want to wrap through the final ones. You say recognize that youre not alone. Some people are actually physically alone, but i know that zoom conferences and phone calls and everything can make people feel less alone, just, you know, Touching Base with people. You say stay active. Obviously if exercise is your goto routine, you should continue to go for a run or bike ride or whatever you like to do physically. And then number five, just very quickly, we only have ten seconds left, plan for the future. How can you plan for the future when we dont know what the future looks like or when it is . Well, i think its not about having when this will happen plan, but what we will do plan. Thats the important thing. Its just giving people the ability to think past today tomorrow. Whenever that tomorrow comes. So, again, you dont have to say july 1st were going to do this, but you can say when were able to leave our homes, this is what were going to do. Doctor, we really appreciate your great tips and just your soothing presence has also been helpful. Thank you. So thank you very much for being here. Thank you again. Be well. You too. The death toll here in the United States forecast, it is forecast go up even more than it was yesterday. This just happened overnight. New day continues right now. Were not going to get to the light at the end of the tunnel if we keep turning around and walking backwards. And thats what were doing in this state. Its happening in texas. Let us open. Let us open now. Were ready to go. We dont want town do what weve successfully done. I think you have to ease into it very slowly. I havent heard any Health Professionals who are recommending in Southern California to on the beaches yet. A blueprint describes how states should unlock their full capacity, expand the number of testing platforms. It just doesnt make sense for there not to be a National Coordinated effort at this point. Announcer this is new day with Alisyn Camerota and john berman. Welcome to our viewers in the United States and all around the world, this is new day. And breaking overnight, new projections for the coronavirus death toll in the United States. The model used by the white house was updated late last night. It now shows deaths in the u. S. Increasing to 74,000 by early august. And the change is a choice in a way. By that, i mean the math is based on the choices that states are making by ope

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