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Welcome to our viewers in the United States and all around the world. This is new day. Its thursday, april 2nd, 6 00 in new york. Step back this morning. Think about how much america has changed in one month. One month ago, there are fewer than 100 confirmed cases of coronavirus. Now 90 of the country is under a stayathome order, 5,000 people have died. Well get a report that could show up to 6 million americans filed for unemployment last week. The president has still not issued a national stayathome order. Five more states did add or expand theirs, including now finally florida. 12 states still have not imposed statewide orders. The message from californias governor, what are you waiting for . The nationwide death toll has doubled in the last three days. New this morning, the stockpile of much needed protective equipment is nearly depleted. President trump says the supplies are being sent directly to hospitals x but governors across the country are reporting critical shortages. New york citys mayor says they have enough masks to last until this coming sunday, then theyll face a dangerous shortage. There are new questions about the ventilator stockpile. The New York Times reports that more than 2,000 breathing machines are unavailable because theyre broken or not functioning or have not been maintained. Los angeles, became the first to urge residents to wear homemade masks in public. Theres promising news on the medical front in terms of Clinical Trials of possible treatment for coronavirus. We have doctors standing by to talk about that. Well get to them in a moment. Lets begin our coverage with Brynn Gingras live at one of the hardest hit hospitals in new york. Whats the situation there, brynn . Reporter alisyn, good morning. We know the hope is that people actually stay at home and follow those orders to ease the burden on hospitals like the one behind me or one in your community. There are some areas around the country taking stronger restrictions. For example, there are four cities in new jersey that are on full lockdown this morning for the next week, meaning people cant leave their homes except for an emergency. The city also shutting down, new york city shutting down playgrounds by order of the governor. This all the goal of course to have hands on deck. We know the issue in new york city, alisyn, is the supply chain, right . They say at this point, there are hospitals, we have all the beds, we have the overflow area, like the javits center, mentioned Madison Square garden at some point. Its the equipment, they need the masks and the gowns and the ventilators. Working ventilators as you mentioned, the National Stockpile dwindling. We also have learned that the former nypd commissioner, james oneill, hes coming back into service as a volunteerment hes going to work as a czar in new york city making sure the hospitals around this area have the equipment they need, moving around equipment if they need to do that and essentially thats whats going to happen for the next week to make sure everyone has what they need. That was a real blow, brynn, to know that 2,000 of the ventilators are not sort of in functioning condition. Thats something that obviously new york hospitals, like the one youre in front of could have used right now. Again, some hospitals say they have enough right now. Thats good news. Brynn, thank you very much for all of this. Well check back with you. Floridas governor says he has a solution for the two cruise ships hoping to dock in florida. Theyre carrying dozens of passengers, potentially infected with coronavirus. So far eight people tested positive and four died. Rosa flores is live at Port Everglades near ft. Lauderdale with the latest. What could happen today, rosa . Reporter well, alisyn, the ship is off the coast of florida. We are waiting to figure out what the fate of these people will be. Here is the latest. Governor ron desantis changing his tune, telling fox news that once he realized there are floridians on board, he wants to make sure the floridians are able to come on shore. Heres the problem. Its not just his decision to make. It would be by Broward County commissioners and unified command. They met five hours on tuesday, tabled the issue for today. We checked. Theres no meeting set up. Meanwhile, conditions on the ship deteriorated. Heres the latest numbers from the cruise line. Four people died, eight tested positive for covid19. 233 exhibited flulike symptoms. 45 have mild illness and are unfit to travel. Just under 10 people are in Critical Condition and need critical medical care as soon as they come on shore. All in while governor ron desasantis makes an about faced issues a stayathome order. He was taking his cues from the white house. He watched the press conference. Noticed the change in demeanor in President Trump and it was when the president announced that he was extending for 30 days the social distancing guidelines, the governor realized that life was not going to be normal again and decided to issue this statewide order. But not without controversy. This applies to 21 million floridians, but it has an exception for religious services. Which means that people would be able to congregate at churches, synagogues and places of worship, which john and alisyn, thats the controversy. Thats how this virus spreads. Look, also the controversy it took him this long in a state with such an older population to issue the stayathome order. Interesting he says it was only when he noticed a change in perceived demeanor in the president. A lot of other governors realized it was serious beforehand. Joining us now, cnn analyst and Infectious Disease specialist dl celine gounder and dr. Obviously, miamidade, there has been a stayathome order for some time. Your situation hasnt changed, per se. It is new. Florida issued this statewide stayathome order. Till us what youve seen in your hospital youve seen in the last week and the changes youve seen. So, our overall patient volume has decreased. But our overall covid volume has increased. We have seen a lot more sick Covid Patients coming in. Patients who require immediate medical attention. What i will say, however, is that most patients with covid will still do well, can still be discharged and managed at home safely and do not require hongs. Dr. Is upino, tell us the types of patients youre seeing . Does it stretch the age spectrum as weve heard from other hospitals, in their 30s, 40s, 50s. Are you mostly treating an older population . How sick are they . Give us a sense of what youre tackling. I think thats a good question. Everybody wants to know whats going on. Its a spectrum. Its across all ages, absolutely. Without a doubt. It is skewed towards the older patient population. Also, patients with comorbidit comorbiditi comorbidities, other medical conditions will be affected. Thats the spectrum of patients were seeing. Not all of them will be sick enough to require intensive care unit level of management. But it varies. Dr. Gounder, i want to jump around a little bit and focus on something we havent talked about a lot. Because there hasnt been a lot of data. Thats possible treatment for covid19. There have been some early, early trials of high drox colyd chloroquine tested people moderately sick with not preexisting conditions and they found that some of them were Getting Better faster. Explain if i described that correctly and what you take away from this study and what it really means. Right, john. This was a study of about 60 people. All with very mild symptoms of covid19. One thing i would point out is that some of them did receive steroids. Thats important because the proposed the thought as to how hydroxy chloroquine might work is a mediator of your immune system. Steroids do that as well. They dont break down who got steroids and who didnt. Its not clear that whatever effects we see out of that study are from steroids or hydroxy chloroquine. Theyre not significant effects. If you have more moderate or severe disease as opposed to mild disease, would it make a difference for you . Thats the group i worry about. Theyre the ones that dont get better on their own. The hydroxy chloroquine is on the horizon. Lets talk about something, dr. Gounder thats happening now. Blood Donation Centers across the country, the u. S. , are already working to collect plasma from patients who have already had coronavirus and then is that already happening where that plasma can be injected into current patients . So that has also been studied in china. There was a very small study published in the journal of the American Medical Association earlier this week looking at that. Again, this is a very small study, i believe, five patients. There was no control. We dont know if they got better because of the plasma or not. The idea here is that youre taking antibodies from patients who recovered. This is something weve done over and over again with other Infectious Diseases going back as far as the 1918 flu pandemic. The question, though, is by this time to give patients the antibodies, is it going to reverse the course of the disease. It remains unclear what the impact is going to be, again, for patients with moderate or severe disease, the patient on the ventilator, for example. Just one more question, dr. Gounder. Dr. Birx focused on this yesterday. A desire to test people if they have the antibodies. To be able to tell if theyve had coronavirus already. Why is that important and how can that help, bigger picture, with the spread . Well, to know if somebody has antibodies basically tells you have they been exposed and are they potentially immune. One key factor is are they immune . We wont know 100 until this is appropriately studied. Theres been a lot of discussion of could we put Young Healthy people back to work for example and shield the older people with chronic medical conditions . This is a much better way of dividing who might be able to go back to work if you have antibodies potentially that would be a population that could go back to work. The key there is not only are they probably immune, but that they wouldnt be contributing to transmission in the community. You really want both, not just people at lower risk for severe disease to be to have social distancing restrictions lifted. Dr. Is upino, how do you think that Governor Desantis order will change the trajectory of what youre seeing in florida . The hope is really everyone talks about that curve and that curve is so important. Its going to be impossible to completely stop everything in its tracks immediately. But were hoping to be able to lower all the cases, keep people as healthy as possible for as long as possible and as people are immune from prior exposure, create a herd immunity that protects society. I think its extremely important to socially distance ourselves and to keep ourselves there as much as possible. As important as it is, dr. Gounder, how does it affect it as a matter of Public Policy when you have exceptions or exemptions for things like religious gatherings . That is concerning. If you remember in south korea, there was a super spreading event involving a south korean church. So that to me, it doesnt matter what the purpose of the mass gathering is, the large gathering is. A large gathering is a large gathering that puts people at risk for transmitting the disease and becoming infected. Dr. Supino, on a personal note, i know that your hospital has lost a colleague already. A nurse who had worked at your hospital for 30 years. Was stricken by this. Its a heartbreaking situation. It hits home so hard when it starts happening within us and really our condolences go out to her family and everybody that worked with her in the surgical icu. And when you have to weve heard this from other doctors. Weve heard from doctors who in new jersey have to intubate other e. R. Doctors. And the emotional toll that that takes on them. What is the feeling inside your hospital when youre seeing your colleagues get sick . Would you say is she an anomaly or do you have other colleagues getting sick . I mean, fortunately, right now most people are staying healthy and if they are getting sick, theyre getting the mild form of disease. So were very thankful for that. Yeah, these are difficult situations for all of us. Its even more difficult when its happening within us. A lot of it relies on our sense of community and our sense of being able to just have that conversation with each other to get us through t these are tough times were all facing. The times are going to get tougher. We went into this field with this sort of idealism of what we can do. That idealism is actually reality and were able to move forward delivering the care weve always wanted to deliver and caring for our patients. Thats what were here for. Dr. Supino, dr. Gounder, stick around, we have many more developments we want to touch on. How close are scientists to developing an actual vaccine. The latest from dr. Fauci next. At t has connected us every day for over 100 years. And were here for you especially now, doing Everything Possible to keep you connected. Through the resilience of our network and people. We can keep learning, keep sharing, keep watching, and most of all, keep together. Its the job weve always done. It is the job we will always do. I often see them have teeth sensitivity as well as gum issues. Does it worry me . Absolutely. They are both very much hand in hand. So you should really be focusing on both and definitely at the same time. The new sensodyne sensitivity gum gives us the dual action effect that really takes care of both our teeth sensitivity as well as our gum issues. By brushing with sensodyne sensitivity gum at home its giving you the relief that you need and the control that you need to take care of your oral health. And it creates a healthier environment. Theres no question its something that i would recommend. How close are scientists to developing a Coronavirus Vaccine . Well, dr. Anthony fauci told reporters that public distribution is still 12 to 18 months out. Thats the same numbers that weve been hearing, john, for weeks now or months. However, the first human trial is happening, it is on track. Thats good news. Dr. Gounder and dr. Mark supino are with us. Talk to us about that, dr. Gounder. We know the vaccine was probably 12 to 18 months away. But the first trials started i think march 16th. A couple of weeks ago. Thats promising. How much stock do you put into that . The trial of moderna started to roll out in seattle. Its been a couple weeks into that 18month period. This is just a phase one trial where were looking to see, is this vaccine safe. You dont want something that will harm people. Thats the first step. Then phase 2 trial will be the next step where you look at, is it also looking at safety out comes but is this something that is stimulating the immune system in the way that wed like. Phase 3, which is the step that takes the longest and has the most number of patients will look to see is the vaccine protecting those who receive it versus those who dont. That all takes time. Part of the time thats involved is for people in the phase 3 to actually be exposed to the virus and to see if the vaccine works. Dr. Supion, infuriating news about ventilators. The idea that 2,000 arent working the way theyre supposed to because the contract wasnt provide north dakota time to provide maintenance. Like i said, thats infuriating. Im not sure people fully understand the role that ventilators play in Emergency Rooms and icus and how many lives they can save. In some cases, people might overemphasize their ability to bring people back. Yes, ventilators can prevent a death. But what percentage of people, roughly, what happens with most people who end up on ventilators . I mean, ventilator is essentially a machine that breathes for the patient. Whats key to managing these cases is that they have severe respiratory problems and cant breathe on their own. We have to take over their breathing. The machine is just a surrogate to breathe for the patient. So we need machines to be able to do that for our patients. The issue with managing patients on ventilators is getting patients on ventilators may be difficult to get them off the ventilator. With thisd we dont have much of a choice when they get that sick. We need to intubate them and manage them until theyre healthy in that fashion. It forces a decision more quickly than it might otherwise . Absolutely. These are patients who when they arrive by ambulance need to be intubated in the next few minutes. It just barely gives us enough time to put on our personal protective wear, gown up, get protected, get in the room. And intubate the patient. Why is it hard to get them off a ventilator . They become sort of dependent on the ventilator in a sense. Their respiratory muscles weaken, so the weaning process can be extended and not every patient is able to make it. With that being said, there are plenty of patients who do get intubated and extubated successfully and walk out of the hospital healthy. Dr. Gounder, theres another bit of reporting overnight that i want your take on. Im not going to explain it right with the correct terminology. Has to do with the immune systems with mostly Healthy People and might explain why some, a small number of seemingly Healthy People are getting sick or dying from covid19. It has to do with overactivating somehow the immune system or turning it on in a way it cant be turned off. Can you explain this . Right. Some people asked me, how can i make my immune system stronger, are there vitamins i can take and so on. Its not a question of a stronger immune system. The immune system is a balancing act where you want it to protect you against outside germs, but you dont want it to turn on yourself. What were seeing with covid19 is that the immune system is so exuberant that the inflammation it generates is actually turning on the body itself. The inflammation in the lungs is part of why covid19 is causing such severe pneumonia and the need to be on a ventilator. You know, its really a balancing act. Its not about revving up your immune system too strongly either. Thats really interesting. When we hear about healthy 30yearolds, in their 30s, with no underlying conditions dying, we all look for an explanation. This isnt we were told this wasnt supposed to happen. The idea that their immune system is in overdrive makes intuitive sense, medically, i dont know if i dont know if thats whats happening, doctor. Is that the explanation for otherwise inexplicable young people . I think thats part of it. I think the other part is the dose of virus theyre exposed to. This is why were seeing Health Care Workers get very sick and pass away from covid19 even if they are young and healthy. If you think about it, if you get many more virus particles in your body all at once, your immune system has less time to recognize what that foreign invader is and to fount a response. If you only have a tiny amount youre infected with up front, your immune system has a bit more of a headstart, more time to respond and protect you. That is really helpful information. Thank you both. Dr. Gounder, dr. Supino, we really appreciate you giving us a status report and whats on the horizon. Thank you for your expertise. Speaking of young people, more than 40 spring breakers from texas who ignored Public Health advice are now positive for coronavirus. We have their story next. music remind me to call petsmart for ralphies appointment. Whos his groomer . Carrie. Full groom for sure what . I just booked ralphies appointment online. That work . Wait you what . Its that easy download the app or book online at petsmart. Com there are times when our need to connect really matters. To keep customers and employees in the know. To keep business moving. Comcast business is prepared for times like these. Powered by the nations largest gigspeed network. To help give you the speed, reliability, and security you need. Tools to manage your business from any device, anywhere. And a team of experts here for you 24 7. Weve always believed in the power of working together. Thats why, when every connection counts. You can count on us. A book that youre ready to share with the world . Get published now, call for your free publisher kit today now some numbers for you. There are now more than 216,000 known coronavirus cases in the u. S. But that number could actually be much higher. Given the testing shortfalls. New york remains the epicenter in the u. S. The cities like detroit and new orleans are reporting large spikes in cases as well. So we have reporters following the latest developments across the country. Im ed lavender i cant in new orleans. Health officials are reporting another large spike in corona cases. Weve seen 3,000 cases added since sunday alone. 273 people have now died. The governor here in the state says that they have finally received 150 more ventilators from the National Stockpile. But that is still not enough. Theyre warning that they will run out of ventilators in the coming days. The governor is painting a grim picture for the residents of the state, saying that its likely that louisiana will be on a trajectory similar to whats unfolding in italy. Im dan simon in San Francisco where leaders here and across the state are increasingly concerned about the virus impacting the homeless population. There are 150,000 homeless throughout the state of california. The most out of any state in the country. The city will be using a Big Convention space as a shelter to try to take strain off of the smaller shelters so you have the appropriate social distancing. Also requiring hundreds of hotel rooms to house the homeless. Theres a huge challenge getting the homeless off the streets because of Substance Abuse issues and mental illness. Similar underway in los angeles and san diego as well. Im walker in atlanta. 28 young adults who recently went on a spring break trip to next coe have all tested positive for coronavirus. Theyre all selfisolating. Dozens more are being monitored and tested right now. So a total of 70 people in their 20s went on this trip to cabo san lucas. Many are university of texas at austin students. Public Health Officials and University Officials say theyre in contact with all the people who went on this trip. Im ryan young in detroit. Right now this city is feeling the pressure from the coronavirus. In fact, there are a shortage of hospital beds around the city. Its getting pretty tight. Down at the pcs center, there are 1,000bed overflow hospital that should open next week. According to Johns Hopkins university, the number of positive cases is over 9,000. There have been over 300 deaths. Sobering thoughts for the entire state. Our thanks to all of our correspondents. Meanwhile, a heartbreaking story for you. Conrad buchanan was 39 years old when he died from coronavirus. Well speak with his wife and daughter who he left behind, next. [woof] can match the power of energizer. 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Tell your doctor your medical history, muscle or nerve conditions, and medications including botulinum toxins, as these may increase the risk of serious side effects. Go on with your bad self. You may pay as little as zero dollars for botox®. Ask your doctor about botox® for chronic migraine. You got this. This morning the coronavirus death toll in the United States has grown to more than 5,000. Thats more than 5,000 people with families and loved ones in mourning. 39yearold Conrad Buchanan passed away last week. He was a father of two and dj in florida who performed in front of hundreds of people the week before he got sick. Joining me now is his wife nicole who tested positive for coronavirus and skye is waiting for her results. Im so sorry for your loss. I want to talk about your husband and your dad. But let me start with you, nicole and ask you how youre feeling today . Im okay. I just have no taste and no smell. It can be one of the symptoms of covid19, that people have been living with. Im happy to hear youre not having any of the harsher symptoms. Nicole, walk us through what happened with conrad. He was feeling sick. Then what . We couldnt get him tested. I fought and fought and fought. They didnt want to test him due to his anyone and he had no Underlying Health issues. So he woke up saturday morning the 14th not feeling well. I wasnt able to get him tested until that thursday. The 19th. And then the 22nd im sorry, the 21st is when he got the results back. That day he was starting to decline because he did not have a horrible cough this whole time. And the 22nd is when i brought him to the hospital and i never saw him again. Skye, give your mom a hug for us right here. You dropped him off at the hospital, he went inside and they intubated him immediately. Did you have a chance to say goodbye . No. They wouldnt let me in the hospital as he was begging, i need my wife. She makes my decisions. They told me to park the car. We thought that i was going to get to go in with him. When i walked up to the doors, the hospital was on lockdown. They wouldnt let anybody in. After that, no, that was it. I never got to say i love you. But he knows. He knew for sure that you did. Skye, everyone says that they could see your father in you. In your eyes. In your passions. Tell us about what you shared with him. Um well we always liked to watch things together. Not the green arrow. He would do dances with me and like, it was funny because he could perform in front of, like, millions of people when he djd. But he danced and he wasnt the best. He would do ballet with me because we had daddy daughter things ahtyba lay sometimes. And i remember i was trying to take it really seriously and my dad dropped me and i got so upset. But then i started having fun. Then we did this really funny lift. And it was really funny. We shared everything. He brought me to school, he brought me to ballet. Like, he was my everything. First of all, i know how cool you are if you like the flash. My boys are huge into the dc arrow verse. They prefer the flash to green arrow. Were in complete agreement on all of those things. You took your father to daddy daughter dances. But it took some convincing to get him to go with you . Yeah. You a better dancer than he is . I think so. And you share, above all, you share a love of music. You used to like to go hang out with your dad when he was putting his Music Together and you talk about his love of reggae. It struck me that at the virtual memorial, they played bob marley, three little bird. Why was that song significant to the both of you . Well, when i was, like, really little, whenever i was having trouble sleeping, he would always come into my room and sing it to me. And it helps me go to bed. And then one time when he was at a work thing when i was younger, i missed my dad a lot. So my mom recorded a video of him singing three little birds. Ever since then, that was our song. Does it make you feel better to sing it . Yeah. Makes me feel closer with him. The words, just so people know what were talking about. Dont worry about a thing because every little thing is going to be all right. Nicole, i know this is a tough time. I want to put up on the screen, theres a go fund me page to help you and your family get through this. As we were saying, conrad was a dj. By all accounts, terrific. Wellloved in your part of the state. And he performed. He had a show not long ago in the middle or at the beginning of this outbreak. What do you want people to know about coronavirus . What do you need people to know in terms of this . I need everybody to know that this is serious. People think that its going to affect people with Underlying Health issues, old people, but it doesnt. It affects normal, regular, young. Theres no discrimination when it comes to this virus. And seeing what my husband had to go through was horrible. And now our life has turned into this horrible nightmare. You guys have to take this seriously. I would hate for anybody, anyone elses family or children to have to go through what weve gone through. Our Hospital Systems arent rea ready. Just stay home. Again, were so sorry that youre going through this. And youre going to need each other in the coming days. I can see you holding each other right now. I wont let go for days to come. Skye, just want to give us one last thought on how you want us all to think of your father. Well, i thought he was pretty cool. So i think even if people dont know him, he brightened up everyones day and just think of him dearly, you know. Find your rhythm in life. Listen to the beat. Dance and express yourself in order to connect with people from all walks of life. Find your rhythm in life and listen to the beat. Skye, i can see your father in your eyes and i can hear him in your voice. Thank you both for being with us this morning. We will listen to your message. I want to put up on the screen one more time the go fund me page so people know how they can help. Nicole and skye buchanan, we wish you all the best. Let us know how we can help Going Forward. Thank you. Thank you. Well be right back. groans hmph. food grunting menacingly when the food you love doesnt love you back, stay smooth and fight heartburn fast with tums smoothies. Tum tumtum tum tums to switch to jackson hewitt. 100 reasons for you say goodbye to your old tax service and get 100 when you file with jackson hewitt. Plus, youll get our lifetime accuracy guarantee. So maybe its more like 101 reasons. Get your coupon code at jacksonhewitt. Com and get 100 today. Aand were here for you ry day fespecially now,rs. Doing Everything Possible to keep you connected. Through the resilience of our network and people. We can keep learning, keep sharing, keep watching, and most of all, keep together. Its the job weve always done. It is the job we will always do. We have a Troubling Development to report this morning about dr. Anthony fauci. Cnn confirmed the governments top Infectious Disease expert, dr. Fauci, has been facing growing threats to his own personal safety. Law enforcement is now providing him round the clock security. Cnns senior justice correspondent joins us now. What is this, evan . You know, alisyn, i think this is a by product of the increased profile of dr. Anthony fauci. Obviously, hes been one of the nations most wellknown medical experts, especially on Infectious Diseases for years. But just because of the coronavirus pandemic and the fact that hes taken such a highprofile at the president s daily briefing, it appears that is the cause of these increased number of threats. So the health and Human Services department, the Inspector General there has called in the u. S. Marshalls for assistance to help provide additional personal security to dr. Fauci. The marshals, what they did is swore in some hhs officers, Inspector General officers who are now providing personal security for dr. Fauci. We talked to a source who also said that the metropolitan police here in washington, d. C. Has now also provided more protection for dr. Fauci at his own home. Its now become a result of the higher profile for dr. Fauci. We dont know the nature exactly of the threats, alisyn, but it is one of those things that we see when someone takes on a higher profile. You see people who come out of the woodwork and make these types of threats. Alisyn . We need dr. Fauci. I think the white house would agree they need dr. Fauci. So this is just a Troubling Development. We trust that the police will protect him. Thank you very much for that update. So the numbers are about to be released this morning. Experts say we should brace ourselves for some huge numbers. Who has time for wrinkles . Neutrogena® rapid wrinkle repair®. 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Youve got hundreds of thousands of people who have been furloughed or laid off basically day by day. What these numbers are specifically is the first time claim for an unemployment benefit. It just measures the people for the very first time who found themselves out of work and are walk sbog the Unemployment Office or connecting with their Unemployment Office to get Unemployment Benefits. We have seen furloughs from hyatt, marriott, hilton, macys, kohls, gap, j. C. Penney. So many are putting them on furlough. They will apply for Unemployment Benefits and keep their health care through their jobs in many cases but get Unemployment Benefits. Theyre sort of kept on the books of company so that on the other side of this, the furloughed workers can go back to work. Laidoff workers dont have that luxury of the health care and thats a real problem Going Forward here. Julia, what are you looking at here . The same thing that christine was mentioning there. The key is Health Insurance for all the people. Its not just an ordinary session. Its being created here by the Underlying Health crisis. A lot of these people who are now paying benefits come from small and mediumsized enterprises. Over half of these companies tended to have Health Insurance but the problem is now, what do they do now . Do they have to pay for it themselves . It goes back to the conversation we had yesterday about prioritizing money. Were in this vacuum at the moment where people have to make decisions on what they spend and no money is coming in. The biggest thing for me on the statistics is the gig economy workers that weve never quantified before that can sign up for benefits. The numbers here, i mean, we could be talking about 10 Million People in the space of two weeks, simply being made unemployed. These numbers are frightening. Weve talked about this, christine, about how head spinning it is, the velocity with which it happened. What do people need to know about their Health Insurance if theyre just filing for unemployment now . Well, so the stimulus package has this bandaid in it so the companies furloughing workers are going to keep their health care through their company and the government is going to pay their paycheck for four months. So thats meant to sort of keep people afloat and thats what its designed to do. You know, one of the things about all of this that is unsettling, when youre worried about your health and youre worried about your money, the money to pay the bills, its sort of like a twohit crisis here. Theres not really a playbook for it. I would encourage people to continue to try to contact ostae Unemployment Offices. It could be rough or hard. But money is going to start coming. Theres 350 billion for Small Businesses and 250 billion for enhanced Unemployment Benefits. The money is not there yet. Its coming. Washington is promising it. In washington, d. C. And other states to allow you to get access to the Affordable Care act. That may end up being cheaper than trying to pay the premiums on the plan that you have or did have with your employer. Again, its about looking at what youve got in terms of options available in this. Those exchanges are now open and trying to protect yourself in the shortterm. Thats really helpful information. People need to look into that. Julia, christine, thank you both very much. New day continues right now. We need to have a national stayathome order. Theres cruise ships bearing on to southern florida. Clearly, were going to be were not against the ships docking in our community. But we cant do it so willynilly. We have to take precautions. No state has the ventilators that they need. Were hearing that the federal stockpile doesnt have more personal protective equipment left. We dont want this is coming to you wherever you are. Its a question of when. This is going to be a reality everywhere. We want to welcome our viewers in the United States and around the world. This is new day. Lets take stock of where we are today, john. America has changed so much in the last month. So 30 days ago, there were fewer than 100 confirmed cases of coronavirus. This morning, 90 of the country is under a stayathome order because of the virus and 5,000 people have died. The president has not issued a nation national

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